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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1967, p. 11

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I Ob________ i ~ok.~ tarBobb Or Leas Bg Ne casle Prad ý kù .................................................... ........................................................ xe ...ur Pq, .............................s . q~ ~ ,. Y o u g o s o n B r i n h c k y t a B o b y O r e h i a n e d b y h i w f e n d t h e e c h l d e n K m , ChCs b eca m é é ven n w e of ~ ~ ~~Al r n t e e e f m n o h r a d G e f r y t r g t n t e r a e t chili'~ &n ÉditsAt ewcatleon ôndy ater Joh Rikar, amemer f th ArifiialTeeAsscoa j1la 1girls, the latest Gtogrt6à. Thiswâa a projeet e and Diannè Wléurg. A Il day Mortday, one balil nddel cars wlth fafriliès in eharbe of thé membeim of jIl Years, Ron Lowry, 1~ipp gamne followed another, beý dressed in old-fashlaned dres- hâé *caigtiè Hockey Moth. Potad hànýJitinlywal.gih1hhiig eârly rin the Aternoon ses, girls and boYs on harge- Association and writh lace; 12 te 15, Tîm raton, r i2h t gupber time. At back, chuckwagons, bot rads, support of the New. Allin Miihench. and Greg sIx P.m. the parade enroute fancy decorated bies and Lloiêttéà *nd éther re-. Gray. Three-Iegged race in front the schoël ïrbund, wén+ wagons, and the childrAn of ts a th vitAgé ~ he te ag eVr) pW#sw n north »long Mill Street, wes thePiaygitOund dressed in »r ântennial calté hked by Ailiti àhd L éullè IIué, 8 h deéI- ~sauth an North cîrcus attire. edzt6 dOfàted by Mrs. Reta with the winners of the 9 to Street and' finaiiy eat 0f1 The hardéxt Port of the en. ll1nfdff was happlly won by 12 lite IÇenny Nesbitt King Street ta the Park. Iti tire Parade was to lud#é the yn Miss luth Pâtétio n ~d ln Lô' Tii and là th& *AA éÈibndétd this Yedr with best diessed and the fahajiest tm7.jws'ri âo,6wà edé i t t téd 'éI é, UGi lnnresidentà Of Newcastle bike. Al were winners in 4oudoa. tely $150.00. Gray and Tim Walten. getting into thé swing of it their own right. When the 't i â.v---, Igfà I te a ie nd rItcj'* h fIats, taney ttuill, judges fIhaiy rmade their 1h 4t. venn5,ciulés Inthelades nde 4p and horse-ba*ci ridera, hel - choire, they awarded the best h*IAÂI towards the Couh-the ,Wiinéër WÎS à làuhli Éto ake thé arade t~edesd mn ad wîa' qll "te attend lt with the winniâ#il4 taàé unaidadèethnl d"è lhnlusic l"d"beirgèAleclMat lt *aâ. In the ~ prize to Teri-y Màstér$, Bow- éùe o bùg Alc Matin.Thelead convertible, driven by rnanville, and Mrs. Fiorencé br GuIsa Caim i . Id ladies racing in the over 40 Teri-y Mas h hotiye o ters, Who was ac- Fergusan, village, for theit làh ft wng 4é*rlo *t Ila éi b dij*îe itrett3? wife Centennial csure. W- du 4 401 an- llit Geo 4 y étk, i rt ew- t1 ra 4nd three ioveiY ning thé best dècol-tted bike! to py a M u h o n n i Q b U é d ln i h l A Cc h jlid ren , alil in d f s opd c n es' t a gfr as 9hpAw" ad b# A0. émongte aven 40 men. e8tua m o$ n ëti CObV l fr hth fe A<J. ýý £MM*U oftbSothe ?b oldedt man and lady ini Bobby Oýrr Who was misoa c I wltaiing for the by.Te ~uhMetdaacs "m Ni-m W', è.puawgm by Jhà WEckmrdl beut estwmd bY'.d The w.. kswcsdJ. 2n4..d.4 Mm l e 1IIa,, Edte 1 -2;x r%&%% Ph hm FISH CRISPS mo 3ý9 R#Ica 9tg 48e- AVE Ob «A SEALD BRAf IIADDOCI N BATTER 14-O ,49 pk~ 841t-SAVE 'E DMTRGEN KETCHUP (2ýc bFF DÈ,AL) SOCITY SBEEF OR LIVER FLAVOURED CHUNKS REG. MCE 2 timÀ-lOs 4* DOG FOOD 3 59g (1 P*ik of CIit i o h c .) k9 rice OkI :O - AÉt BIG "G"1 CEREALS 2k6 , Cmieu eIos :oca wleotIe. 12-op.:Tilx *%.oe0i Lucky Chams 8-oz-..coco Pu% sSV;.oc. !EAKS' FROZIN GPS p i .49< 59 .57i~ 5110> Wl/ÊIE VA 1 WS A R...A &P AESH I- ANbARtIN ÈkAtURE Ogitii REG PfttCt bdt. 4&t - UIVE 6c 2t-FL.oZ it3 9e ËM. M- E2 btIs. Q3c - SAVE k4 2 j:1 vu3 9f M IM were 13ab Legette andi Cathy ThéCanduan talesman, BewmanvMfe, Aug. 9, lIMI j1 Aerth.e1mIkobal glame, the ctmval was under way.itew as/ Sev#r&l lucky winnens walk-bvasi KINDAL ed around wilh stuufeti mni- mals or blankts won et the . I, tIMr. &ad iMno. Jack Neai andj Mr. and Mrd. dm (UdG, boathi, or a variety of! prizes Ii (> knily spent the weekend aI ftob andti tomire we *vâ. .~q. I h ~~i a't. Ir'tr ;a a a J- e so a a cottage near A ley. 1'part of 1aI W&*. 1%6Y cai1d wre rides T te very Iîtiî-IGryLagtl!Aet 6 t ume t iqa.Te people and rides for the olde IweAkend with bis munt anA went north té ê éaé ago group as weli. No carri.; Newcstle- The Newoostildreed, Mn,. 1da PlanfardVnc1e, Mr. andi Mrs. Carl ind on ta seea 16e beauies cf val is corplete without ceairlIEdîtor lhm now returne t 10Mrs. L. Cole, Mrs. Ma&rjonie iLangstaft while bis parents ;Manitoulin lsîanu dyaplso cnyflsrop te vilage, and invites youl Cunnlnham, John D aviswee wy o a trp. Ms. Rg,.Jhott9 Mr. L. cor-n or hot dogs, and bae!e to ffuin phone ini yaur news.I Mrs. M-argaret Enns, Master! Mrs. George MacDonald andýGreenwoo6. Mn,. !fr&wg there was aIl Ibis and unore. Mr. andi Mrs. CArl Gould,ý Andrew Gardiner, Wesley Gil-iTre*asa came home SaturdayiLowery andi Mxs. traU*m As the time neared ta ,ios.ej Robert and Alex visiteti withj bank, Master Sammy Glan- 5after siending the wéek wth, Mr. Eddie wmrt lte booths, the lucky_ diaWs' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tillson ville, William Harrison, (ta ber mnother, Mrs. Selleek, at'north with the ?4«g«eEAtô at. were mnadýe. oi saIl dralv, and famiiy whiîe they were Karklis. Mrs. Margaret Mil-1Omniee. Roy stili stayed,,tend the lunerài of a tîM oflermng twenty-eight pnizt-s, on holiday et Buckhorn. Mr. ler, Normian Rudman, Mrs. with his arançbmot.her. Mnr. Johin D614n, a ntU D Was arrangeti by Reeve Ëàirl endi lMrs. Archie ruade'a visît Margaret Smith, lHenry Teb- Mr. andi Mrs. Joe Stukeij rs. Mary LXon £oos,1> Wallon, andi mucit thank lnànteTedy ihyugbcatiGog aln pent the wcekend with herIlied Mn. any mlis. Rhy tia credit were extendeti- to lim Tara. Dr. James P. Lavekin an redLrnts, Mr. and Mrs. Martinlback ta their cottaéô M~ for the way he worked to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nes- fariiii are spériding a holiday Poster. Their aunt, Mrs. Kera-IKushog for part of lest wéelc. have it go ouver as big as itj hitt aud temiy heve also re- in Europe. While inSctai lake, St. Catharines chame with M.adMs a og did. The winners were aslturneti home following their they wull be guests 0f Dr,,,thern anti is going ta tymyr Iionmi n é.i follows: Gordon Lloyd; ,iohnliweek et Six Foot Bey, Buck- Lovekin's cusins, M ' r1e~ for the tobacco harvest. son and lins. %hôft of ]§Êri1. Livig o!~owtenvlie Patho, and anoîher couple o! Shaw of Tordarroch and the I n us YZsyada itirwt n niMd Corneil, BoWmgnville; Ray 1 days et another camp site. jCountess of Newhall.Maiy, sh a s nt S n Ale Potr hd vsd th oode; Ted McCullough. Tlor- Mr dMm Jc Cro Miss Kathy Lovekini hasi day with Mr. and Mrs. Georgelother Poster fahmiliés. gnto; Bobu Lewis, Orofno; ackjh Mave dretrnéi ackthe gi returned from a holiday Mercer. Kendal Bantains are in thé ElliotI, NËwtcinviîîe; Ed Sil-i oî1 îgtei 0~yî~ France andi Switzerland. WhUel Mr., andi Mrs. Davidi Mercer;playoffs now andi won tram mer, Toronto; Judy Swain hn hyvsie e in Switzerland, she Was tiielanti Charles, end Mr. and Mrs 'Welcorne by a large se6m. Buieton; Bill Skelding, e fd an guest of lhen aunt, Mrs. JohniGordon Langstaff and famil.yj The U.C.W. aiegihg wat tonvilie; Onie Etcher, B o uudand1- Ardag.relurneti Saturdây after holi--héld Thursdry evening AM thé manville; Max Lycett, Orono;1 Mn. anti Mns. Xdniuid Majer ah daying for a week in the North 1home a! Miss C. W., 9- wd. t L~. Highfield, Bowmamvile.;~ returnedti t the village onl Bay - Callendar ares. ;with Miss Stewart ordIie Cindy Ganrodi J. 'Vamdriel'l Thursday evening followîng 17"1 The stock car races over on 'She gave a reatintn M Bowmanville; Stu Hooey'r y- their trip ta the States. Caro-! YVLLJI ii S thed boundary were well at-IDuty". Mrs. Wôdb réAt th# rone; Andria Ewerl; 'W'. S. ne andi Marysia accompani-j tended on Sunday again. S9cnipturé. Rol cafl i mUworé James; Aifreti Webster,.Ma- ed them aiso. AMENT - ROBERTS F The tobacco hanveet has by eln"ht I hav nilla; Dorothy Whitney; 'Phyl-! Our friends an~d neighbors On Seturdey, July 22 ,esarei again itm o tgrw- Dou e wa'th y Taet %1n ils Cenke;Berne Hooyin Memorial Hospital this 1.967, et St. George's Lutheri~hvn rmact heeMs twr hnrA rn Kendal; J1ny rwn Jew-, _____ar ___________ anChuch Toronto Dianc using the mechanical pnimnersiChurch In Canada."Télr tonvil1e; QDeaine sirgto ; ek r us ayAl nhnl r~ii n oIo 6m aearbo the e ot4jIs n IRbrIs andi Rainer' Amentfthl5 year. It is much casier on ta, corne weré 6JAttnlbg AtRyali, Little Britain,; 27 behaîf' of the entîre Artif iciel' exchenged wedding vows in;ilthe mnen's backs. ;followed by the Huudiitd end 28 were both won by Ray Ice Association, recognized, a double-ring eeremony. a- Mr. and Mrs. CronmjIler, ýwho were of the 15rotesat Brown, but flot the seine Ray; the many who pitched in anei The bride is the eldest da-Toronto. spent the' long week-'!aith. Thea camÉ thée A1ii Brown won the two peizes.' way or another ta meke the' ghter of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. endi with Mrà. Aive Swer- eswowrefl'wdb Check wilh the number Oni Centennial Week'end one toF Roberts, formcrly of R.R. 2, brick. Mr. and Mu-s. Wiifred'îhe Preshytenians. in thé buls- the beck of your ticket stubi rememben. Thanks were alsa Newcastle, Ont. A graduiaeftoughley anti Mrs. Doris PriWeness section a guiftwas bô 1 for the prize you won, F extentied the met-chants who of Bowmanvilîe High School'of Guelph were dinuer guestS'given ta Mrs. Wbîté. Thé te- Drewing the name of theýsa generausly donatedi the:qhe now teeches ut Leslie St.iwih lheu- Sunday evening. jport from the Pars&ae Éeü. lucky 50-50 prise was Reeve; many prizes, andi the men and Publie School, Toronto. j1 Mr. andi Mrs. Sarchuk antI mittee intimated that while Eari Welton. The winner wasf1 womýen who gave sa freely af The bridegroont is the son;,femily were to their ,qummer!ým uch hati been diýne thért WMS Murray Bates, Bowmanville,l their time the entire weekerd. of Mr. andi Mus. Waldemnriome for the weekend. içtili a lot ta dô. The née with the seller bein Jo1el Witb se many projects tek- Ament of Braunschweig,Wtesî Mr. and Mu-s. Stewart, Jef-Iministér lied brôugh± soi fléc Bates, Bow m anville. Vhe to-j ing place all w eekend, there e m n . H s a wocry u i ni R b r, a r hi e a g n e h. R v n telpnie as 29782withl wasn't tinte ta leern the fu]] i craftsman designer wýho emi-ýgante wRrd.'n moveti from'lSnelIgrove wnil ýe e 0hir#d t1W $100 for the seller. 'total of the funtis raiseti for' grateti to Canada six yearsiheu-e la Brentford lest week. irt Sunday in S~eétr Apprecietion anti thanksj the floor of the arena. This ago. The couple met et theýIt appeers thèy are rnot want- There will e, no churth de- were extended by the chair-F annauncement will be madie German Harmonie Club andi 'cd to gel too fnientiiy in avice non undày suhoo1là man, Alfredi Gray, who, on public et a later date. 'Plan to live in Toronto. cmmunity. Augut. NEYER "run out" ON A SALE!6 W. ey movevt-btis apectal Sale Item un les. w. have à* ample supply. On» M. whfh, Uespecial le mère popuiar thaw we Imagine.,ci ab oc«aMi.lly, w. do ron out .f tIse item. But we nèeam'ru* eute om a *aie. If the ?tem is soid ou, *t ictisakth manager for a O"RAIN CHECK". An A&P Rain Chftk ih à certificat. thet enttileyu te boy the ttm et the ithie 9eécial pt-ibe, thé fclowiA0 week. Wa thihk thât'. khè fair ffirS te do. W. thmnik that eho*m ",WK CARE". Mot ée'ery stop- eo.Ooetiat n>uth. A&P cal, ... - huddo*& th*WL$m'tA&P b. yeau t....? .4 r -à -.4. r ~ 4. iii 't .4.4. r t. 4. -4.' IF - t, t: & i * i 4. 4 01 JA NIE MA RKER PIACH PIE .MI a" 24-oZ isi*39f Rio. Prkcé ..h 49o - SAVE 10e Johé -Pi-kèr C,-ack.d ' Reg. Prios balf 25o - $AVÉ 1% IREAD o24-z .6 CANAPA GRADE "A ROAINE VAC PAC m m m ue CHIC ENS tWIStERA 1* VM PAC 3 s.4b AIUL lb A rè 1 p RED BRAND Folk bRAISINa NBLADE Si X IMI'OàtÉb NÈ* EALANb yLAMB LEE fdÉA+Y àBt PPOR-K (HI MAPL..!LEAF SWIE-NERS j LENýS GS VAC PAC

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