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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1967, p. 13

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..C L A S S IF IE D A D S Graduate *v The Canda ttamnuomav&ewug ,97 1 I~iMe oritmCarda of Thcinks Comlznq Eente C ortmate sn Js Ir (fSt Cthrie ll........ . lvln-g men ory W . wish te snc e ly tank Decoration Srvice at st. Cheryl Sela s g d 1. w y o e k 0f ~5O zrn Hwley who relatives and friends for lovely Mary's Cenio"tery, Lifford, Sun- H SId in B ow m anville Goe Sre, pe U d ~ t n a eh m aud y l y PaaoeG away Auguat 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4, 1964. cards, flowers and giftz receiv. day, Aug"at13, 2:30 p.m. ___________ i uizgudraeJII.Setfu aaIiMuWl e deau e eories of a ed on our @Oth W edd ng Anni. 32-1 Con ,I ? a 5 od, Q e e, h d r be . sta le e w s avNe a p o de r at and versary. nnual15ecNration ervice In Aa on 5 e . ceed te w. a d h n d d l t s s m1 i Vil ofherAnLa eviewMagitrat R.e.vicer'u David William Whalley, accideri nt AuguatàJe dt o ut nw.ctyadtre y aix> laRuss and Tommy. Joe and Florence Highfield. o Aevw Cemetery, New- absence, Magistrate Donald charged with theft af a motar aulted in a charge, af careless dence where tegr a ii.Te etaon h -~~~~~~ ~~32-1 tanville, Augs 13 at 2830od, Oshawa, presided with vehicle froin Donald G.,Jamie- driving and anceai dangeraus found i In toiaei .GsePeanl m ndw WLEY-In loving memory p.m. Seakr and. apecial Crow Attorney G. F. Banny- son, July 30, was remanded ta driving. Hie apoke flot a word dition. tateSttsaconu Of My dear husbanci Mel- C îht hakM.Jm . ux. veryone welcome. bourde Hawley who passe I i sBurke and Mr. Geor es musi1-2 cafftle. Duty counuel for Legal October 3. of English. Crown Aiany EIIY oe »ay Au"ua 14, 1964. forkarng and Mr. e rgwNwauleHtcutral3S- Aid was Tom Jermyn. Neul Joseph McLean, 8 Wes rs Francouer a specta. caste producedlt trfo MradMr.Bb ou- Ilhey stm, el i of the St. John Ambulance cety Flower Show, Commun- until later dates - Haroldc cusing bdl hari and be- Demersdps Corps for taktng me through ity Hall, Tuesday, August lStn. Doran, October 3, Owen Sid- ing intoxIcated Inh a public late the chargesa mta Frenich, rIaequc sclarnho. onahldylatwe.T And rrows st -rg ,bt the l1 ' l termin i "1 hav ]B tAnielpa fus to f orget the o fd rtin C rvn n S ld su pr nm -0rey Atwel, October 3, Wil. la e, was remandeci ta Octo- rU C eo ad h o o w e trgyge proved a wheel chair. I enjoyed and p.m. Adults $1.00, children na alternativepteber19,but stayed at Sauble Beach onry. d Mgisra l!ow much we miss you yet. appreciated it very much. soc. 32-1___________ Herbert Abramson, Septean. A. A. H. Strike, Townuhip i waulr.c a ist.D ocd." o the hldrn G d gv ussrn t ta ig i Helen Van Dusen. 32-1 ber 19, Keith Heywood, Aug- ai Darligton solicitor, haci Mrs. A mi Krckenberg, aio sf initî sitag t h oiaem n w s kni Gaci gave us strength ta fight ______ M O N S T E R BIN G Oust 15, Real Senec l, Se ern- three cases remande ci ta later the Bowmanvile High School do. The rpo e a o r y n Co r u ai a brh t M N T RBIG ,ber 19, Roger JosepM.good-rdktesAuguist staff, was called andi read the is ta help the fniyi tcn a at odyeeiga A n c i c o u a g e t a b a r I i . T h e f a r n l y i t e l t e N t a R U U » A Y N 1 G H , S o ' c o o kw i n , S e p t e m b e r 2 . 2 9 ( e v i d e n c e h a v i n g b e e n c h a r g e a f u e n t l y . B a i l w a s s e t l i n ge d o e sn t o ey ua blow, Patterson Blrch wish ta ex- IpomOflhby the JUnioer Br rvscnice e a 6, geo % t$0 ys n h ae o rprnsuyadmk ithbrha.Hrltl ly E]ut what it meant ta lose you pres their sincere thanks ta Chamber et Comim e e Bar te T ais c nte far *a 161Ger 'e M-, t $5 a sh and te dte29.i livi rng.tus ho l o w a r h m a clbae e No ane wiil ever kYIow. relatives, friends and neigh- JUILE PAVILlON byMgsrt Baeri via- August 29, andi .James a- - -hng f .-Lov ngly ememb reci nd bas for their acts i kin - O S H A W A 8-t lati n ai robaton wa re- trobepteoer 19 RobetaWhaen, R R. 2, was1a.throbnert thelegam s aft rwa2d Bady misseci by wife Lyla. ness, messages af sympathy EcrecdpatM ora mndinutdyutlAg William Alldreaci, Newcastle, fineci $20 andci csts, or five unit heap."_ YEcr adpatMroilwas fined $25 and costs, or' days, following conviction for Miss Seller» a lcdon KIHPTR 32-1 beautiful floral tributes, inI the Park Club House, Liberty St. Mr. Ken Coverly ment ta the Zonlng By-Law five days, for failing ta pro- speeding 70 miles an hour on probation for aiert eatRA Y LD RAWLYIn ovig meoryrecent loss ai aur dear mother S. Tuesday, August 15, 8 p.m. son of Mr. andi Mrs. Stan presently b e ing prepared duce a driver's license. Highway 2 May 24. Corporal twice a manth t h rbto HALE -I lvig emryand gradmother. Also thanks Admission 50c. Door prize. Coverly ai R.R. 2, Bowman- would permit his client ta add Constable M. Joynt, O)pp, J. Wood, OPP,. stateci he is- ofBicer for six mi tsanioc ai mny dear father and grand- ta Heather Rebekah Locige, Dr. Proceecis for Crippleci Chulci-vil harentygdaec ta his dwelliîng andi that It is saici that when the accused sued the traffic ticket alter the a month thereatrobevaanocsth apotet f a t e r , M e l o u r e H w l e , M K e z i e t h B a l o w F u n r a l r el c o l a n d T r e a t m e n t r a n G n r a o o r n t i u e s u g g e s t e d t h a t t h e p r o p o s a i w a s s t o p p e c i b e t w e e n N e w - a c c u s e c i p a s s e c h i s u n m a r k e d 1) o ' c l c k c u r f e ,Mna:aa WhomnembrdancwsayA g 4 old d en fr is amoring o ente.32-1 in FinMichigan, wt hould be postponed until the castie and Newtonvilîe he ad- cruiser and two other vehicles. Friday, and ilocck n 32.1* STJNNYls a goAdendegree in Industrial Engineer- Amenciment is in force. mitted that he had no license Ronald Cupit, R.R. 2, Carry- weekend, keepthpacaniMsDO TH VIIA Chain 32-________________ E P ARK TTP iN ng. Hie will be employed by Moveti by Deputy Reeve and haci neyer had one. ing Place, pleaded guilty ta be oi good behairac o Death tries ta break but ail MOMQTER BINGO" I. enrl oor Sadad Down and Cauncillor Dow that Peter Bown, 112 Kent Street, theit ai a transistor radio June associate with ntesn in vain,.1&Dtepartent in oOshadard a Court ai Revision lu hereby Wib, charged August 7 18. that the probto fie -TOhav, t loe ad tenta ersncdThusda Niht Deprtmnt n Ohaw. canstituted for the year 1967, with impaireti driving, pleati- Constable H. Cook, opp, deemeti unsuitabe paertes orw a AMAZINGLY quick relief for 7:45 ta deal with appeals under ed guilty. A charge ai illegal testifieci that whuîe lhe was in- "«Th1s girl hnaaon 1ltegeaets rwo discomfort ai mouth sores, RED BARN BETHANY Section 131 ai the Assesunient possession ai h quor was with- vestigating an accident on Sam%' restauraneneretc ane's heart. white canker spots, dental Act, andi that the fallowing drawn by the. rown. Highway 401 east of the. Gov- the officer, "ancteyaeal The years may wipe out many plate sores, tender gums, wilh O S HA WA Continuing in the North persans are hereby appointed Constable Knapp's evidence ernment Scale hie observedtheIi lecting quite aclete. things Fletcher's Sore-Mouth Medi- 6-tf Durham League series, Beth- members: H. C. Muir, Carl was that while southbound on radia on the ground beside a The words "an uhpae Butths teywie ot in, $.0 a Juy Loel Rsere atrda, ugst any took the win ver the Dwn. Richard Gibbs, R. Ben Highway 115 hie ollowed a vehicle which hati rolleti over. as the probatio fic erde Bun hie hviero u c . $32-a1Jry28Lvei fer ve a tu r! a - Pontypool visitors in SundaY Brown, Russell Dow. vehicle which swayed back W hen the radio disappeareci unsuitable" were a d d t h e e r, rugou.ose ha p- 1 6 for i ckst ck S Fair,! Pa- night's softbal game, with Moved by Councillors Brown and forth crossing the centre t e ofier lok d up the i hîh ter mis ai prob ato.îs W r day TI. m m r i t o e Hap Y G S p le -- R b e tad L vstock Show .s exib- the score 4-1. George Scott and Gibbs thai this Coun il lne several times andi then, off t anoffic look t lk ng s ip r en e When wewr l oehr goatis) maileti pastpaid In events. Gala diance with twov for Bethany with Terry Mal- 16, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. andi that miles an hour. When being his hanti.cudreutnajaler.H -Lovngl re embret by plai selet en elo e wthu orchestras at night. For prize colm receiving. The Ponty- this meeting atijourn. transferreci ta 'Constable Hld-, D t alonrtIvisoultier w ith i ithat a e acaro ato daughters Judy and Bannie, price lust. Six saxupies 25c, liats or further information, 01oii-a e nigad 4snpe $.0 alOdrcnatMs eat e poo attery was Stnson and away's cruiser he staggeretiD uet sreiu oni-rcaetrihatsh se lly M whenen anh.ranal2edmplh $1.e.eMaltionr cotact yearGrfor epossessionl. hai lpswachiatrictin helpyeanfoanpssutson o chiltiren Mîke anti Donna. Dept. T-28. Nav.-Rubber CaO. Blackstock, 986-4257, Sec. wr ei niboaao n stolen gootis Cupit hati been patient basis trht hepo _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The residence -oai e at O B IT U A R Yw r e n b odVt a dba i n o fc r 32.1 Box 91. Ham ilton. Ont. 1-52 .32-1 Ja e M K nn n h s b ehi br th me ec sr ng y i placed on probation. A pre- b ti n afcr .YcLEAN-In îoving memory MOTHERS use Balinex Oint- Woodvlew Communlty Centre solti ta Mr. anti Mrs. Davidi HENRY THOMAS DOWNING alcohol. He hati beer in his sentence report hati been pre- F~ ULT oi Russell A. McLean, a loy- ment ta soathe away andi help 'e Ferguson ai Orangeville, who The death ai Henry Thomi- car. pared.FM Q 1ng father anti grantifather prevent diaper rash quickly, MOv1NS'4TER BINGO will be moving here in the as Downing occurreci sudcienîy The fine was $100 andi costs, "I don't know what yaur MONUMENTN who passeti away August l2th: gently. Special emollients help NetM . near future. at his residence, 161 Liberty or 20 days, anti there was an problenis are to prompt thîs MARIER 13.ease dîscamfort ai heat rash N x ofluCy At the Sunday morning St. North, Bawmanville, an automnatic suspension ai lic- kind ai conduct" observeti -Sal~mise bydagheranti ather minor skin irrita- 7:45 P.M. service in St. Paul's Anglican Saturday, August 5, 1967. He ense for three manths. He was Magistrate Doddts. "I can't ~, . Betea ni n-y. 32-ad if ovei lmerugeu. 3ury RED BARN Church, Rev. Arthur Allerton was in his 65th year., granted two weeks ta pay Isgv a nte upne K L~ A uU ..W . Beta sn-i-la Do aniftionelus. 3e28ca -uy1 iiiaeifr h hiseig Son ai the lat. Mr. anti Mrs. fine. snec o a lc o * I SAFR ____________________ O S HA WA ai usan Renate Hellen lac- Etiward Downing ai Maple, Alexander Braugh, New. on prbation. I will leave tche5 L» RIMAR Reception 6-tf enberg, infant tiaughter ai Ont., he was born in Englanti, castle, pleaded guilty aif b- aoh iinl a on __________________Mr._and Mrs. Fred H e-anti receivet i s euaina i noiainAugust5.j n RS L C U T MEMORILS Mr.anti Ms. RoyLittie EXPO TOURS berg. Miss Renate Hubrig Maple, Ont. In September, stable L. F. Drytien's evidence R S L SC U T n u tf iKlhPtr M M RILMran r.RyLîi AG TadOTBR anti Mrs. Seulie Hubrig, sister 1922, he marrieti the former was that the. accuseci was Consult a Member of thei cat afil fal Dlgnifled andi Distinctive Kendal, Ont., will be at home AUUST and OTBR at mother ai Mrs. Hacken- Ruby Peever who survives. observeti at il p.m. Ianging coe ira saeete Mifonnments - Flat Markers ta their rients on the occasion 3 Day tours berg, ai Duseltor, West Ger- The teceaseti hati resicec in onto a, telephone ple at the ifodDohr uin rsilgrsdnll 152 imc. S. S.of -atAni ersay Augut12,froincidsTanpraioPs-many, attendedthetIcservice Bawmanville for about two main intersection ai the vil- Staford la deug,. for any need ai their Twety-siptrtWeidng I ag. heo iei jteded L L tcmecaao a»prpr 723-1002 - 728-6627 7:30 p.m. on 32-1 otsnati Exelenccommo-aza an exeddsti.ji 8heefin~g had lived at Little Britain take him home but the. accus Q.N n misKIHPTR Office__ ___ ____ ____ ___ Hotel. Rev. W illiam Piercey, M rs. for apprximately 20 years. eti woulti give hm no identi- M ULTIPLE LISTIN G SER VICE M TER aly L r ie Offce Ev nl gaP ercey and their daughter The ieceased retreci two years fication. Box 13 Open House will. b. helti at For Reservations Telephone Jeanette have returneti froni aga. He was a member ai the He was fineti $25 anti costs, O.shawa & District Nursing Home Sunset Locige Nursing Home 623-3265 Evenings or four weeks' vacation, motor- Fellowship. Baptist Church, or five tiays, anti granteti 14Reû Et .Bo d 318 Dunds . Whty Byosdwl cneo.b an Sunday, August 13, 1967,63-03Dy ing ta Vancouver, B.C. Little Britain. days ta pay.,'aeB cr Phono Wltby0835 a 6-18 L yntonhurst Manior bas ac- tram 2 ta 4 in the aiternoon Mii. anti Mrs. George Mar- Surviving, besîdes his wife, Jean L uc RoY, ageti 22, H a mi_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ goammodatian for senior citi- for trientis anti relatives ai COLIVER chant anti daughter Karen, are tive chiîdren, Mrs. M. ___ .zens, graunti floor, reasonable Mr. anti Mrs. Manford Howe "~7~ E VC Mimico, visiteti witl Mr. anti Archer (Bessie), Little Britain; rates. Plane Orono 983-5639. on the occasion ai their 65th .L&RiVL. SER ICE Mis. Bob Gilmour during the Mrs. M. Antierson (Jean), 29-10* Weding Anniversary. 32-1, 31-2 holiday weekencl. Oakwood, Mrs. M. Mollon Miss Maureen Woodi, Bat- (Myrtle), Oshawa; Gardon ai wooti, Newfoun dl1 a n d, is Little Britain anti Henry ai t 1spentiing holitiays with her Bawmanville. Also surviving uncle anti aunt, Mr. anti Mrs. are 19 grantichiltiren anti two Gardon Woodi, anti with lier great-grandchjltire. grantiparents, Mr. anti Mrs. The. funeral service was helti James Fraser. ram the Mackey Funeral Mr. anti Mrs. Byron Clii- Home, Lindisay, on Manday, fard anti son Michael, Tor- August 7th, anti was conduct- nospent the holiday week- eti by Pastor Norton ai Little enti with her mother, Mrs. Britain.I Mervin Smith. Interment was in the Christ- Dr. G. M. Longielt, Mrs. ian Cemetery, Little Britain. A Brampton spent the holiday were Messrs. Ronald ant Don-I BONEESSweekend at their summer aid Mollon, Melvin anti PhilipM cottage here.. Archer, Robert anti Allen An- N 'S E KMr. anti Mrs. Howardi Scott, derson. N-- If yaur food Mt lh I-o-n-g andi 7our budget short, cio' with Mr. anti Mrs. Walter W SE IL OR cry the blues - try DYKSTRA'S! Her, you ean get Neals. aniMs oh air Tefist eu'kiLAgsLILEWBSEFSOI __L the fine qulilty footis your family likes beat aud r.Jh Plmr TefstwkofAgtSIV WE - O'AST 0corne ont SAVINGS aheadil Tou don't boellev It'a pas- andti tîir chiltiren Sharon over, means holidays for stu- - s~~~~~~~ible? Then came on over! Take a lok at aur STORE- anti Billy spent several tisys dents are mare than hait -C ILNlfLEA U I U O R *UW~UW IIDE LOW PRICES and dozens ai SUPER SAVERS! last week at Montreal, at- gCe.ErvsLIasnNtGli IIEA U Ail th. name brandi at the top of your lisI are priced tending Expo. boe.Hinti sltime. ato e s , aYdw O tahelp turn those budget biues Inte Mi. anti Mis. Linel gMonk re' s be ginning ta ripen 30 Cases Reg. $10.88 a Case $ U4 sunny SAVINGS! PeJerbogsourgthweekgend.inrgoout i nnsupply. 3 Cse 9 9 bwith Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas inIo upy ny1 J5 c $ . ( a Case RED ROSE HEINZ Mr. anti Mrs. Mansel Wright Mhrarhi.NihaI ernetli asti a sq. f t. have solti their home here , Turse day ro erhldyit________________________ WHT LCDVEGETABLE Mr. anti Mrs. James Kloepher Quied e ' ant brougof1era' WHIE -SLCD C F E SOUP znaving here next week. Mr. Valerie Austin goes ta Tar-NAuuwOet Pan gai.$3 5 t anti Mrs. Wright are môving onto an Tuestiay, Aug. 8th, A f C ta Oshawa. for a two week stay. àbf a _ M r s . R h o d a J h n s to n , P e t- T h r w s n e t e r d r c b a L 4 ÀM dft uCash- 1d n.mrigfor their visit a 1PTO LB Speed Duct Tp 1 7 L E 1 1IQ a t s If oat as n . o al ei anaci's intention ta include in its Expo. 0 IPTypOe L M 1968 estimates a sum, suificient Mr. Gardon F'erguson, Lake,*2Sed De SWE IEta Provide for this Tawnship's shore, returneti home Mor,-12SedDt SWEET RIPEshare of phase twa ai the. day, August 8, aiter surgery ReBd and Green 7e.24 J21 sa E S Ae W s Disposa Study. i rnolas rd a lng sesinMr..24 Convertera m keDutisa$i5 A LO ~~~~~~Down anti Cauncillor Dow that in Peterborough hospital re-HTAleReeatCekae uh ntybtsfeigwei50 /S',48 x9"-ubcttPioSls FI ~at MartinRoi, Mele Roati an Bennett Rad, as submit- S5 M CI.IFIR LY SHA IHl è* t 0ted by the. C.N.R., as PlansaevIDV SD. 7365, S.D. 7368 anti S.D. H lsCus 49 Moveti by Cauneillor Dow Petution recelved reierring ta Course was helti aI Bowman-I Pudliepuho aty e e e- ha rvigh lmfprement v ha a W o celved anti fiheci,anti that the. the. Transportation Safety As-PulcScolmltrb.n-vll ih cahreety yulc cicWBodoedk scain fOtaiwtFDn Puegcard ol t a d be mscaltr.ion ontarsowt Dn eci ta express its position in nia Hill anti W. Mtirray as COURICi MTDSOPWCNE Moveci by Councillors Gibbs Participaîing in the. course d 12811M181 Y KTRad Brown that the Cierk la were Buriey Bus Unes Ltd,-U (HOME 0F QUALITY) Mn tia orlfor applica- Albert oranAMsChuroel, lions for thc position af Harper, Ralph DeBoo. VernonM M FO D M RK T WOWMANVILLEMoved by Counellors Broan CllMrs. RseVnsseALLNTu.TIli NAM TO Sww siolicitar for Mr. and Mrs at, All were presented wlth be Wnormed,.that au aenicertiiicatea by lIonald Burley..

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