'Year-'Old TrentonMa f j i-n ead-on Colli1sion Iakob Feenstra, 45, of Henry Street, Trenton# was killed instantly late yesterday morning on High- way 401, east af!the Courtice interchange. His east- baund Volkswagen apparently went out af contrai, crassed the median ta the westbound lane and colld- ed head-on with a heavy westbound Buick that knock- dthe lighter car back about 50 ta 75 f eet. It came ta *upside down as shawn in the picture at lef t. The three occupants of -the w e st b ound car suffered seriaus injuries. They were the d ri ve r, Irene Campbell, 68, her husband Robert J. Campbell, 70, and George Hooving, 68, al af Weston. They were .braught ta Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, by Bow- Iznanville Area Ambulance personnel, -shawn in the photo at right, placing one of the, victims on a stretcher. Later, they were transferred ta Oshawa General HIospital.- <TURN TO -PAGE TWO) .ReIative's Recognize Description 0f Dead Youth Who Had Been Shot Jud ~mrdsat Fiiday Evening A body found last week in Manvers Township with a bullet hole in the back of the b.e&ad. e-been identified, »g william i B. Hall, 17'. -bf In- dian Rd., Port Credit. Relatives recognized a de- :scription giVen out by police yesterday and'came to examn- ine lthing. 'Later, while re- and recognized t as belong- ing to the dead youth. Hall, who had been living Indian Rd. in lTe Lorne Park area, workcd for a Port Cre-' dit restaurant before he dils- I appeared about two weeks ago. At that time relatives thought he inay have gone to The -chapples who have 'turning 'ti the Meltro area1worlc in the tobacco hýarvest- Barrl,1,Cey u been golng around this area with Ontarici Provinca Pol- and did fot report him mis- caTle, 15,rantoëhe rL witli varylng samnples of lce Inspector J. S. Kay, they s ing. ate15rntoheR beards will have their big passed a car with a fiat tire, (TURN TC) PAGE TWO> rs Neads to caîl polie uught on Frlday when they will be Judged at the an- hneA dtr NEW LIGHTS ON iiUal Kinsmen Carnival at i.~neA dtr MUAC Memoria Park. This willI AAoMBLArE mu n1é b h.trt anvlia~aI L g ~ ~ j.r lances have now been equip- tha w illbeh eld ht underth oLu IIIdII A ppJDoJV s ped with new flashing ights »ew o lihs, tuh a sho ld on top of their 'Vehicles. In- 1,rtw ou th colre g 5j,.stead of the red flashers, they moreofholu D islt are now red -and white. If -Varios hotthe' w :ji bc.Disc-uyou see the flashers gong Oeavlug, boothe wh e p just get Out of the way and' eratngawith taebulons r et them past, they are on a tlng aThTway faibcuFr r làçm;LJaid T xescalilthat could mean saving Le. rth ougte Items of business deait with tha cold cuseserius rob .ndI~iny tht fatuesat Town Council meeting lem and possibly accidents. tisa gto makté for an ex- Tuesday evening included the Council as prvda BGGM NFIA At hetcrnui. er approval of a $25 reward for, change for next year in the The postponed game be. At he onluson threinformation leading tO convic- amount of discount allowed tween the AUl Stars of the Wlil be a draw for governa tion of anyone disfiguring or for prepayment of taxes. In Junior Men's softball league muent bonde that will al- tampering w t h municipal 1968, a 3% discount will be and Slaght & Cook'sofB.A. 'waye couie In bandy for the signs. Mayor Hobbs pointed allowed for those paying taxes Belles of the Ladies' Sotall wlnners. So, be on hand out that several STOP signs in January, and a 2% discount league has now been schc- for ibis the last bit service had been blocked out or paint- for February. Previously, the duled for Frîday evening, ,eOub carnival of the season. d over by vandals, a situation (TURN TO PAGE TWO> 6:30, at Memorial Park. Bowmanville Man Wins -Newcastle 50-50 Draw MtLIUçjal Je. A*~lmWâ 8. epected Imno, 00.He i s gowin at tri4W recelving a cheque çpr over 9M 0 fom tli*rnia advalous hfrm the fund S& ear lx .dy AmtIi i luui welem«'to 'enable th= M~*IsUlJape.Ifather Roland B&taior, JWo a ýhli lMme fànllialyj Mtt Sement floor ln their arena. Winner of thie Inown, who sold lus son -the winnipgtickret and. isj tt~w as fP'i ~ 7Owlr4'i~' BI4Y reoiv4ng achequw' _j« $4*- from Tr"p~p Hwr OUVU44Who àià& j ~ ck --ý V AZ"-I LUIYP£I 1Jrer Copy NUMBER'32 16-Yr.OId Son Drowns Tony Seto, 16, son of John Seto, well.known and Don Anderson were at the scene in minutes co-proprietor of the Coronation Restaurant, King and Constable Parker stripped to his shorts and St., drowned yesterday afternoon while. swim- miade several unsuccessful dives, trying to locate ming west of the Honey Bridge on the West the victim. Beach road. Bis body was recovered in eight- In the meantime the Emergency Citizens Band to-lU feet of water by William Mitchell of the radio network was brought intoPlay as a cal Oshawa Diving Club. wn u o eb ies ilMthl fEs The young man and bis cousin Wally Seto weac ndt outfo SuaHdiv ell ingo t.,ell oEas had ridden to the area on their bicycles. Several ea cl and oe ooa Welingof Sthe, respd others were swimming in the area, when the bed quîcrk Mitcand undtk a sboy th eerk victim stepped into what he imay have thought -boto. M"r. tchell foundthe ysurbady 'betn -'Was shaIlow water'n# > àan4 t is undoes#i Wo1gd"dbouh bt h srae bu was not -a good swimmer. Ais cousin alsô ità nof 4:5 pm.,me tha aî or te h a strong swimmer made -several attempts to bring eteeB twmatle reaAblnebala.i hum to the surface and was nearîy pulled underBo anieAea mblce ada'id himself. at the scene shortly after the search bgn n Afterothes tred f i.%;Iti i, i,...i'L... imL34V~. Me began, and neuinevi'vm io nospitai where fie was'pro- illey, 13 and Susan Bard- nounced dead at 4:45.z oy Neads home and asked The funeral wiIl be held Friday at 2:30 pi. ce. Constables Bon Parker from. Morris Funeral Chapel. jCASTJALTY ---?Erie Johnson, Liberty St. South, is walking around with casts on both arns because he was planning to enter Newcastle's big Civie Hloliday parade on Monday. We understand he Was practising on the high old-fashioned two wheel bicycle that he has ridden in several area parades when the wrapping around the big front tire came loose and jammed the wheel, tossing him to the ground. He was a spectator at the parade, instead of a participant. t t- t t t REWARD - There have been so many traffic and other town sîgns defaced by pensons who seem to, delight in such vandalism that couîîcil on Mon- day night decided to post a $25 rewand for any- one providing information that leads to a con- viction. So, leave those sîgns alone or you may find yourself in court, flot only paying a fine, but also your neighbor who sees you doing the damage may collect an extra $25 spending money. We are flot certain if such money is tax free or flot. t i t t t PLAYOFFS - Slaght & Cook's BA Belles will continue their playoffs on Thursday in Port Hope, back here onTuesday. If necessary, they will play back in Port Hope on Wednesday and again Thunsday, to complete the Ladies Durham County softball semi-finals. t t i .t t 1t UNUSUAL - Two Items of unusual growth were brought to The Statesman office this week. Jim Coombes, R.R. 5, lef t a beet that had grown through one of those large metal staples. Ray Crawford, Jackman Road, brought in three of the queerest looking potatoes that had grown on on e hül. They were joined together, had peculiar pro- jections and certainly didn't resemble normal potatoes. t t it t i WEATHER - Prince Rupert, British Columnbia, is noted for its rainfail, but this year we shouldn't be nunning too far behind theni. They have a saying out there that they have only two kinds of weather. When you can see the Mounta", it'a oigto ramn; when you can't see it, it's.-raining. Who ever heard of rain almost every day so far' in' August. Great for the grass and the weedg,, i. t -. . t t CURE - Wonder if it might cure soene of Our' crazy cowboy drivers who delight ini racing oný the matn street, squealing tireu ohewa acting lilce.hall wit. fth wer~ve d o Ilong wlth the ablaoo.~lo ouqu~ think twice aboe*caiun th*r4n~pg Annual Parade For Penny Fair The several summer play. nîgnt rear wlieels in a Valley Coach Lines. bus %yi grounds In îown are as the inside tire, of the, double whee],s blew out, Ïhe buy as bees preparing for force of the explosion tearing a hale in the bus.lloor the big Penny Fair Parade directly beneath her. She was brought ta Memnorial that wlU take place next Hospital by Bowmanville Area ambulance. Titis photo Tu sd tarting ai 6.30.sow t-ehale in the bus floor. Each Playgronnd lu prepar. Ing a. Mlat for this spec- tacla een tatisthe 16 5Don ors Attend culmination of the summer acheulaRed Cross' Clinic Following the parade, there wll be loads of fun ' A total of 165 pints of blood to nblete Bod B net at the Lions Centre grounds were collected during the Red 11î aI the needs. The bloud where boothe will be set Cross Blood Donor linic held colcted hee will help a up, featuring garnes of kili here last W ednesday. Red' grea d al t en u e u pi. and chance of an unusual Cross officiais were very o he holiday weekcnd.« nature ta please both young plcased wîth the results. ug The mobile team from Ton- and old, floss candy and ail ust is the most difficult onto under the capable lead. the rest of the carnival month during the year for ob-1 ership of Miss Kilby, RN, Items. taining sufficient quantities (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Freak Accident Hurts Woman1 i Miss Lucy Ruttie ef Carleton' Plac-è uuffered lacerations to the back -of both legs yeqterday aiter. So ap Box Derby- Restaurant Big Wheels Pay Off in VULUME 113 1 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. WEDNESDAY- AUGUST 4- IQR7 irzl "-- 111----- il- oits and 9)ieces i;an 1 A Owner'vs