The caaitasm.& a Mn, o % ni1~Au4g. , 1m 2~ arsParticipate Annual- Soap Box Attracts 200 SpE :04 Thunuday &= I 3d DOpmnIment held lits a.ul 04-P BOX Derjby on Slmpuo PM IMtly 200 people- en- 2mqaglgthle 21 cama along Mour»e. X OOPer and WMke Obdid au xcc2U.nt Job at uhi car wau No, rvn biDandy rom and »Q-he LlydDevrica, and the. WM«ýUPwau Mark Milordj 2M çcIy Conahan. Thre beal i constructed car was awarded ta Billy DMiIng and Tommy Wright, the. most unusual car was given ta Joe and Jan Bhnnett. Tii. consolation race wlnners were Ed Robinson 1and Gord MeCullach. OfficiaIs present were Mrs. M. Lucas, Recreation Coin- MIte Councillor K. Nicks, Counilor James Bourke, H. M. Hooper, Superinteudent of Uic Pin. Ridge School, T. Fafrey, Recreation Commiit-1 tee, and R. Byron, Clerk-1 Controller.j i for instafling artificia I c, the largest projeet in financial terms, that any local service club had undertaken. Recnt. wIY, theY assumcd responsibulity for pa^nanother $25,00o for renovations ta the Ice surface P' and the buildings. Councillai r e b Ken Nicks also voiced coun. xcta tors Pine Ridge S c h a o 1 a granted permission ta hald a parade lii town during their Presentations to, the wln- three.dae Centennial Festival ners were made by Cauncil- late in 'eptember. lors J. Bourke and K. Nicks, AI McMaster af Centenial 'Cîcaners was turned down on~ R. Byron and H. Hoaper. his request for loading space The wlnners ai the. different prîvileges in front af their categorles were preuented store, King St. East, as council wlth model cars. felt it would be settlng a pre- J. C. Coyle, Vice Chairman cedent. af the Recreation Cammlttee, A new iirm af auditors for was Master of Ceremonies. the town was officially ap. T. A. Fanning, Dlrector of polnted by by-law. They are Recreation, thanked D. Mc- Thorne, Gunn, Helliwell & Fecters, Chief Supervisor ai Christenson, Chartered Ac- Playgrounds and staff for a countants, ai Toronto, who Job wefl donc. have been doing the Oshawa Cityaccuntforfin Ofrs $,208,000 16 wic l n t edcigadi ista îlrera .te.'iConservation cera taxablie assesameut figue ai The mii rate rase sharplY The annual payment aof equently faced withuuu tuvabyears &go. ?gr in 1966, but the lncreased rate principal and interest on de- situations. Receutlyti r eeenabled the muuicipaluty ta benture debt was $25,00upvncial Police repore tr an pct an ci-ertaiefiuenfl21,00i theysothe loeai cial and Industrial assessmeut anciai footing. It is net ex- 1962. This la no cause fortrsai awodvlge u -Eta the total assessment ispetd n = not de- alarm as the Department aith Rieer to orrî n io ~ t re sm onprr32%.~ An arnount equivaient sired that a mia sharp rise Municipal Affairs and the Lake. Ater checkn th o m i io n S to e s ep o t (ROMPAG ON) t 40 ofthetotl asesmen intheMill rate would occur Ontaria Municipal Board keep thical was legitîat i '0MPAE is1 considered a stable ratio Of again. In five years, taxation a close eye an capital expen- Conservation Officer rce Mr*. Feeuatra's body was commercial and industrial as- rose freim $692,000 ta $999,000 ditures and they a eo d ta the sceue. Ti.the lvsman romaits of Dominion There were 2,827 individual' 975 at March 18 was $3,430,000 taken ta Morris Funeral Chapel sessment ta residential. and while contributions fromn given any indicatio n etcn monkeys were faund abcn Ltd. for yeam ended prIce advances by supplier.on below last year due mainly ta where his mangled body was dcto ofon e C t18 190 , rte highlY 21190 a the grocery items car- aia x ietfe ae y a fin i The. per capita debt ln 1966 g vernments showed nly a cern. The gain in revenue escaped pet spider ca ia mankey beetfe atr b re d o r s e $ 2 he i e a -sih ice s v r fv y as h ud b eltd t n rae lo gn a a 1-e ai c fmily. . îs srvivudniraseta $22.whichis natpar- sight4icreas ther ive yers, shuld b.relate ta inreased nging a a 12year-adigir tions prevailing, Thomas cent of Uic items carried $14,716,000. Ratio ai current bis wf u w hlrn iua] lrig i any the amaount ai other revenues debt charges. Whereas an- G,'ý IdCormack, president, (4,564) advanced icost once assets ta curreut liabillties was The bady is being removed ta lway. Afeat sr ites elhasr192 en $2ro00mi$13966. l laidb hreshv n SUHDR Mtes t profitsat ,424,802 or mare durlng Uic year. two ta eue. Reiuvested camu Tenonfor burial. lmta eti t eain.16 a$3,o u16. creased $45,000 ini five years, 4-H DEEF CALF'CU inga tatlle $54944399 aud r~t n t e wa st cci entship ta the taxable assess- One ai the m st sig uficant total revenues excluding tax- h hr e tn i t .= 0 ashare>, due ta severe A fufly competitive prîciugg s oarchods 4,944,309 ai Thhi ay heweek aentatment, Iu the case ai Baw- fMatures ai the Repart is the ation, have increased u19 ; TethrDunhm4-eef Ca trnfcation of price camp e. policy, which will mitigate teareooa e au- am,62,ooutent da wekndtai esrvs1o tf4on,~ ~ ~ ~~a wcc1. e te icCmpany's benefit in the 858. was packed with multiple cal- mnil i.t ldb oaln nthe samne period. Cu a edi * $10,655,576 ($1.32) last years ahead, was maintained, Flfty-seven new stores were lisions mast ai them ou the Cu a edi ojnta y*r. Sales increased 5.8 per Mr. McCormack reports. As a under developmeut at March Macdonald-Cartier Freeway. AIw> ti the North Duha Cl cebt ta a record $543,47 1,797. result, sales were net ouly 18 oi which 23 should be ready On Saturday aiternoan, AI I Club on WednesdayJly2 IPstIo of net carnings ta sales maitalnd but iucreased more this year. Iu the past year, Richard George Victor Marin, E ~ V' I U 7 I J t I Vi i , (~at the farm ai RoyStog ei .73 per cent compares with than $500,000 per week ever 23 uew stores were opened, 2ýi 22, ai Brockville, was killed NwCmu i yCl eeFirst we stood lueueni 2.0? par cent. Uic year. major store moderuization when hie stepped eut af i bsa A ute's silence lun ery o Ti. ca wsan c te Total expeuses were up prajects completed and 20 car near the weigh scales ealst " sI I Walter Rickard.NetM unqot difficult In histomy, with $10,910,000 of which $7,550,000 smaller units closed. Number ai Bowmanville ou the Free- lII II IIJ ahjg~ Strong told us aboutbsec meIn abnormal Influences ai- cm 69 per cent was- in increas- ai stores was 380 at March 18. way ta sec if h.e couîd dis-N o w "U' ew V mP ,f5'I5 55a5 peration and thenweide etig profitable aperatian. cd employees' wages aud A ucw distribution centre lu caver why it was nlot operat- a clae oe ha h njytebe onsts, itGllwa XShr Chief among those were the. benefits.. Toronto will require an initial ing praperly. It is understood ntain e ndthttefna ti et instruction that 1lnnd enralment will b. ouserwihM.Srn i r! rre-sale t a th c public. -dircty b hind is, that ad ege as been cianged and masters wiîî commence their e giv» t at l- e îio e a pacin s an been pus ed bea by anohershortened ta Durhiam College. d ùties on August îst, ta assist îkoegta m batehh t i presentativ ai Tii Eater e e u h d edbic i e . r e q e t f oluica g w skor a i i n1h0W . t o g t e p e s n epor t t e o f T W h t a ld ba e be n A maequt f r . ha g a n or a ii g th o k a d buildings may nat present a a lroede r Associain g v mdtathe Minister, by this secing that everytiiing is ready truc colege appearance frein taken. Ar tiiils emi D ead O I- C f0o C onstruct trag coccd aent bap en aF1-Board ai 1overnars and word for, tue classes wbich ill be-. tue autside, there is no c lus tragi accient append Fr- hasnow een rceive tha gin'on Sptembtion.h RA-iter othist weefaplitis in lA I*,evening on King St. East te m flO oeu receîventhat in an eptembr l8th wben a westbound car went the niame aiDurmCallege osfistratonfwillte laer 1 t. side, the equipment and the Ca If Club, aitii Bc Y o t 1 o si g U ii1 out ai contrai and flipped over ofiîlyDnimCleea eka etmefih aculty, ail bear the mark of on its top lu the. south ditcb. Applicd Arts & Technolagy.' Applications bave not been excellence. The students ai epened the meetingadth g$ FftM PGI MS>When police arrived, no driv- On the first ai July, two new received ini as large numbers Durham Cllge can expct a secretary read the ralc] À8s autopsy perfemed by r r I 1 , aI C er or occupants were in sight. members were added ta the as bas been anticipateti. When top grade education and wn and minutes ai the ls et T reilerlck Jaffe at theio en o itz n A neighbor said b.e saw sev- staffai tue Coleège. Mr. Reg- the Grade 13 marks are an- hope al aur irientis wiîî assist îng. Gerry Cornjsh, Ni i WpnicSciences labaratory eral young men take off across inald Smith bas been appoint- nounceti it is expecteti that lu promating the. growth andi lin and Andy Kmummnahe liToronto Indicated lie had The Ontario Housing Cor- copies oi the. extensive repart the fieldis. Later, the car was cd Secretary-Treasurer and mare applications will be quality of this ne educatioa were appointed te doadm b.qu ina l the back of the paration has been granted wcee made available for reported stolen. Constable Les Administrator for the. coleège. iorthcoming andi that the acility, oa onstration at OronoFamTh e4p4 frmà » lose range -but neo emiso by Town Cauncil ceunciilors. Ricard is investigating. He cornes ta Oshawa fmom- worksbeets wer, tundi alitwasfoun&d.H. lo be- ta proced with the caustruc- Befome approviug the resa- A hors. was killed on Sun- St. Marie, wherelh. and the meeting wsai liidtbave been dead,,for tien cf 14 housing units lu lution granting permission day aiternoan about 2 o'clock was Business AdmînistraterC m e s oord jaurned. -sb*Ut two Weeks. Bowmanville ta meet the ac- for .OHC ta proceeti, several at Sauina Roati Northi at the for the. Board ai Education. ~III 'i~ lI f o a u_______ Ibo bdy wus found by a camftaodation neetis ai Uic councillars questioned. Mm. 4tii concession andtheii rider Mr. Herbert Kirkeonnell ha toads iuperintendent near a cam*runty's senior citizens. LeMasurier. His aun s w cr s Marianne Leinsuer, 118 Hazel- joîneti the college as Registrar. NIDINIV tnear m PonitypooL a r wl, eegh;bahlr showed that the town wouid woad Dr., Oshiawa, suffereti a He -was iormerly Purchasing Trci o M e Far s A N V SO À olcesékmani àad ixoe edoo.unts av n innca rspniractureti leg. A car driven. by Agent for Atlas Steels iun6 01c liingon estnRd. R. LeMasurier, representa- bllity for either tue construc- Allan John Irwin, 323 Gibb Welland. Bath tiies. gentl.- Saife r. Places for W ork QJndians ll i n g l jýuM lat lhe body tive ai OHIC appeared at thi tien Or maintenance ai the St., Oshawa, collided with the men have hati outstanding QenEiaehB tiraI a o ber brother council meeilng on Tuesday new premises. Renta weuld he*rse and rider. The lnured careers anti should -b. mast tahgOtrafmn aercmimns(et e efits Asiprtiaiao pecil exibi we.lngbisdesripioneveingant prvidti etails b ased on. i.ncome anti would girl was removedte tahospital valuable ta the. college. plaes ta o fr s cniun al urivorns andettl a rtial n theA Qupart EizaethBii - z'ead" bis description. oi lie survey they hati made average $43 per montii for by Bowmanville Area Ambu- Construction at tue tempor- project ai tue Workmenes disability paymcnts) incurred inîg showiug the hseia Youth lecar was lfnand oi the town ln recent weeks. couples aud $32 for single lance. amy site has beein delayeti b.. Compensation or nwtat drn 96 evolution ai Canadianhm «ua Eou I Hghway 401, Qkuestionnaires had been sent persans. The, units would b. cause .of thé unusuàlly wet full caverage ai the. estimateti Almost 30,000 farm cmn- furnisîîings, tue WonsD- jaiIn .*fl outatheulie uImdthose nesponding had eeuîpped with stoves anti e- weather anti a bricklayers' twa million iarm workers spoesi nal r iwvso ilpeetacleto gratiiïngjviwpàvesng liseddand uctian- rcglstered witb the Wr- ai autheutie Iradian arifcs PhelDc Valley 1 1 beEsca pes-- sre. he w wahe asmen's Compensation >Board. Cordinator' af the Ida la cninigacqulred by the Housiug Cor- the building ai "a sewage la- Tii. behné'iits of aim arm y Under tueregulations ameud- exhibit is Dr. E. S.Roes so Jtcontiw.s aveg poration in a suitable loca- ruai goon. The bricklayers', strike receivedi atdeti stress duriug edon uly1, 1966, alfamcumator ofthe Dai a l oc te, loe t ethrdon'Ifly n halteti the 'construction ai t he the periati frein July 23 t a peratorsemployiug labor are Ethnology at the Royal nai tôwu shopping areas or a. washroom- building. Tue prep- July 29, which' was marked as requiredte t register with the Museum. The Museum ilb D o o S nd nigbrh 'Fare t a C sh aration ai the. site, buildings Farin Saî.ty Week across Compensation Boardi anti ta leaning ta the Exhbto ra nd serviceseforia'ining ai Canada. The Workmen's Corn- participate in the program. specially selectcd . peesc oYeMuAr N! ready lor eccupancy within An Osha'Wa man, formerý- classes in September is, how- pensation Board works close- Tii. Workmcn's Compensa-. Canadian Indian eifre in (PàCotà.PAGtEd ON) toyears ah - tst - dofBas ijumy ea ed ver, undercentral, except that I'with the Farm Saiety Coun- tien Board has always cm- the period betweeu 185at QuoromntiiW l si s dan b I. foowsiug negotiations or tueMon-Cil ai Ontario ln its farin phosizedtheii support antispan- 1930. Tii, items willbme lte o volunte fMrs.w. -da afternnooh wren bis supply ai water by tue Osha- safety promotions. sorship ai saiety pragramns in presentativeaio differeuttie Lawrie, Mrs. G. Farscy, Mrs. ~ n u vehicle was involved Ina a wPle.U.CTh ae ot ben e- Tii. importance ai cempen-th industries it covers. It is frein four main geogrpia NOW EBARN . aliMr.J.Lvig fatal collision* nortia cf peei u atri e sation protection is evicient i naw pîacing simîlar stress an areas ai Canadian Indancl W. alls, rs.J. ivigMinden, Ontario. expediteti se tbat a water main th Board's expenditures on famin saicty, as indicated inl ture. - the Sub-Arctie ego Mrs. C. Evans, Mms. H. Hib- Dri E. SteekieySim- may be installed, anti connect- injureti farm workers during close ca-aperation with the. the West Coast, the Plan u !1 3~ ben, Mrs. R. Spry, Misses D. e t ue oleg Ste sroth ea-ad--hNorathh, ar Sfeyannel f n-te iolad res A p ir te4 ouSr 7Nrhia s- tastii. c aspeg be Aterario. 1 0 0 eslsanti B. Henulug, Mr. éP ts n pulsory coverage oi the iu- tra Wm. Wallis, Mr. J. Living, j (RMPG N)anda ehal i lesra or wa ofi temporary water supplyfri dustry has been in eiiect. Dur- M. IL Hibiien, Mr. M. Witie- (RO PAEO!ad lafmes orhc a tank -anti a temporary feting 96 h br liv man.diseonts hd bee* 4% nd Miilene snepticthing 1966,nk ts b. BoardgedpaiBoarYOUNGYOU GG LFERE f ý .yas a.dsewushthen % sd Mnenbsca on ' HfgbwItana enaragt acomeensation cdaims for wsgsDOSWL byv Ueutict, Guat- Nurses assisting. at the. est 3% respectively. In wa îfet seree hi.coclrgeoorltded witdueta **DESin DlittpP bed intheaftrnon wrethe town was îosiug consîier- a vehiele driven bi' Rleky mouth ai August. The class- mclestea îury as weillas Brian Peters, son ai Mr. tu WilbmgMri. A. Squair, Mrà. D. AIl- ,able justifîcti revenue by per- John Joncs, 21, of West rmoins, staff anti administra- medcatio tra tinent anti rehab- and Mrs. D. C. Petrs, R.R. ih% Gurûdp.~a'l >i- raMs M mw.L nti itting the higiier discounits. Gien Crescent, Islhngtan. tien -buildings will b. reaçly $99620 oa oto ,i establishing quit. a cip d i d aterest. igahu curnTuhvn Temta-ws ai r esaccdiednthe as h ve-volveti coverage for 3.586 ac. Ilfngtherectat On tai lng ahn urs w irc tse EVan- Cauncillor Glen Hughes. TeacieTw n e ndefr scupancy on Auguntcidtn96,60. f Tu c e eatal.~> h een nal beUtda Ighor wr Ms- .Va- Olti road allowauces, .estab- tlgated by the Minden de- Tenersery e rcietit- In tse, 14 aix w hic wrofatl.Junior Champlonsbip, lie.CharterdA Coîi for 4 loana. aostenbtug e, Mr5. W_ Vooys,Ilisheti as far back as 1800, lu taehmient ai the Ontarloiornsat ro e uipnt fit- l, urreth ersx oth ithe lest eut hIa playoff for sec- Iae ai-y~Mms. J. eociimanc.,Mrs. F. the beach region, will b. dccci- Provincial, a ssroo e fum n ot ureavearcompensation anti spot Ini the l7-yearaold 3 0mbO-b ec- Blackburn and MiÏ.: R. Colla- eit w im ia eetyec. niodr aebe ot aealrcady reaciiecicî Montreal. Omba lors-. la m vent '1f1 cott. have tpur hat a entrlu- Te fr ii. dig $813,000 - close ta the fullIlaO s day.Wandsounder dealli. The', . -ae ucasdlndfr in: ugust. Temost modern year cost for 1966. O ubir a hudr The teroom ws' loôed dusriafls. h ra alw n fficient equipinent has The increase lu expendîtures bid, hie was third low grass LFdm<4aton r1ceG A«bd nve ste ets alter by lthe Ladies Auxiiiary suces have alrcstiy been clos- Pln > B i be'î ansenanWoinorertacondct bah i.brode co-n Atavtet. ta the Royal Canadian'tLeg- cd by Jutigé's order anti coun- -., t. eaaen fumn ni ore ti e ege ai h a o-a Junior Tournament. with eo .hiCAL CENTAL iONTARIO in. Sr grereluens nCil appravetia motion taet L>ttca5 men ion.& 9VNG ' h, ferng n wee s . . theln e a Ntoa oc s e for use lu te permanent the carry-over a contnuing HepasutiBwm- T I L S T S A I N G t i C r a i t m n o n w r e i n . L . i i . l a n i o e r a N t i o a l P ob u i l d i n g s , a v a r i e t y a i s e l e c - H end u s t > yu t o f t i a 7 7 . I a sw a O b w S a p Grahamn, Mrs. H. Partner, granite anti Nassau Steel,.il of Culn lb CORPORATION Mst.Giege.l i. Cani lopast ns hag been natie, whieii 4-H POULTRY CLUB vleGl uln lb 3S ~ ~ Miss . GaherInath' Co- i lavis fe I n L'u rna i'iiwili permit subsequent choices It'zhg s W- evenin 'r.g raah-*s as-lw poiiior- th pont a ta b. matie on the basis ai eut- HOLDS MEETING nus, sisteti by Mrs. M. Marchant, meut annusuly ai two i - uhm MP usl C tnigsrie il aime"Mrs. Van Neat andi Miss H. bers of Bawmauville Kinsmen HnDu aonhsm M.P. Russehi C. tn sere.en O TedyJl It l 13Mai' Brnc.ffcai l uas- eent lu oadîsc a n-tlree new Post Offices have hireti ta teacii at the. collège members met at the. tarin i of Branh oficiis wre lu t ageeteAen IdMn- scsin H a ey aaueti oclay thu-aalat re mastrs hve beni r On Brusda, July lt, ail B lIIU d ta e a new dnr mto,* orhpMayo cenil ppro il. reste aecepeof MWW Joinedth le regulars. They are Hobbs expresseti cauucils anti tien -iu Durhiam County. The vîduals with valuable ex- tmauvie lutue abseceaei W K r B u sI ver grateful ta ail thase who lhe town's appreciatiano h Post-, Offices will b. built lu*recel .buiessd ten t took aver h iue 9 t 17n3a8tu tumueti out ta make this linic *ork the. Kinsmen have donc B cwtonviile, Pontypool ant iandustrial worîd. It is the. lu- c.T iue ISU WIA l. ~s such a success. Thc ext cli- ou behali a thc aena andthe . ackstock. M. Honey said tention that these pe were read andthte ral cal- m sauivfriez ae wllb.Beattou' oug eblc Te4luthat construction wiîî start shoulti bring their .work .,- answered. Gary Jeffery int __ hWf.mUS fl Wdsy at Uic Lions Centre, Wctincs- wheu vemy yeung, took au lie wheu satisfactory arrange einest h îssr o ceetei lus akwout ien 1 I- day, Nov. 1, 1967. responsibiitv- of naising fuds ments for landi acquisition an permit thc students ta reddt e1usaots Tax Arrears Cause Concern Town'Ifs Financial Position Gîven in Auditor's Report a Town Council heard details standing at December 31, 1966 $59,000. The reserves, prin- r o the corparation's financial wau 20.6% af the taxable as- cipally ai which Js the re- I statement and auditors' report sesament. In 1963 'ths sanie serve for working funds, keep last night for 1966, with figure stood at 22.3%. the munlcipality wlthin thc i Clerk-Controller R. L. Byron Of seriaus concern is the requirements ai thie Municipal i providing the following high- amaunt of tax arrears. In the Act governing temporary bar- elights: four years, 1962 ta 1965, the rowing and also, reduce. the r The. population in 1966 was average percentage ai tax ar- cost of temporary borrowing. 8,252 whicii is an increaseof rears ta Uic total levy was In 1962 reserves totalled 905 over that in 1962. The 19.2%. In 1966, this figure $9,000. average rate cf growth over has been reduced ta 17.8% At year end the mnunicipali- the previous five years is and through more vigoraus ty ended with a surplus af 2.4% which isaslightly below effrts it is expected and $l0,000 which marked the end the average increase in popu~- hoped that tis figure will of a series af deficits. Deficit lation for the province aofagain reduce in 1967. A dror> financing is completely un- Ontario. in tax arrears cuts the need healthy and to get back into Taxable assessment rose to for temporary borrowing, a sound position accounted in O&ts andci -eces FPACE-LIFIG - Fred Kranip's Furniture le. building has been undergoing a face-ifting t has certainly miade a great improvement h. structure. t t t t f ACCIDENTS - Last weekend was one of thi wo in local history for accidenta on the highways in this area. Three, four and f ive car pile-ups on 401 kept police hopping just trying to get them off the road to keep the heavy trafilc movlng. For some reason, the stretch between Newcastle and Oshawa was one of the most hazardous any- where. Lands and Foresta WeekIy Report Mac DONALD FORD SÀ'LES "Where Friendly People Meet - and Save" This Week's Special 1961 JAGUAR MARK, 2 4eD. Soda. Automatic Reg . *11.00 r"duc*d to -1ki. K16252. -895- "VUthTw, Locatioua t. Sere You Botter" PO~MAIS OSHWA <QSWWA) LoTD(opposite>Oa -219ING ST.EL - 52SUKING ST. W. sawa Shopping Centre) anti 'construction prices bave been settieti. Thc new Federal Building at Part Hope was ofiicislly aipenet inluJune anti Mm. Hloney stateti that the. officia! openiug ai the. new Fedemai Building lu Orono will be beiti this Fail. Thc uew Post Office lu Newcastle wassapen- cd lu June 1965. Ann.ounce Resu Its of Competition Reoulta ai lhe Hay Crop Competition for Durhamn Cent- rai Fair at Orono wcre au-' nounced receutly. ýWlnners are: Haroldi Rang. berrY, who scareti 98 anti pîse- cd lat; Wesley Yellawices, 97, ?p;Browvicw Farms 94, 3rd; Garriet Rickard 93, 4tii; Ken- neth Hendersan 92, 5h; Robert Xent 91, 6h; Gus Wilson 90, 7th; . Omdon Barrie 89, 8th; Ernest Gilbank 88, th, Robert Chater 87, 1Mti Ivison Tamb- lyn 86, 11Ui; Robert Stevýens 85, 12th; Bill Tamblyn 84, 13th; Walter Piersina 83, l4th. Tues. are Uic results af the Hay Crcp Competition. spon- scrcd by the Durham Centrai Agicultural Society. Tic jutige Mm. J. Cruickshank, stated liaI it was a heavy cmop anti soin. damage duc. t. weî wcather. Polr iJLL, perations witii cageci Jlayers. W. toureti bis buildi- i ngs anti then jutigeti s class ofa laying hens. Oral resens were given by the senior members anti theu the officiai placing was given by Gary. Tii. meeting was then clos- eti. We sincerely thank Rau for his informative tour ai the. buildings anti Mrs. Brooks for tue loveiy refreshinents. The J uly Women's Institute' meeting was held in the C.E. uiding on July 4th with the President, Mrs. Allin in charge. Meeting opened with the sing- lng af the Ode, and repeating of the Mary Stewart Collect and Lord's Prayer. Minutes ai the June meeting were read and approved. Cards of thanka were read. It was decided ta have the August picnlc month as a bus trip ta Toronto ta see JOHN DYKSTRA This ing Grandmce.a, 623-3260 - 728-7501 meeting the rail cail was answered by the grandmathers *Lif. Insurance namntheir number of *Educational Planning Mrs. T. Chant took the *Pension Plans chair for thc program. The. B* ue Eu Incs urance motta "Live today but re- 0 EnaePlmn member yesterday" was pre. sented by Mrs. Chant, and the PARTNERSHIP topic, "Something sultable for Grandmother's Day" was ably INSURANCE 'given by 1fr.. Burrows. SOVEREIGN 12FR A lavely and suitable lunch of strawberries, shortcake and ASSURANCE COMPANY whipped cream was served olM CANADA ýàiterwards, closing a very ilce aummer u4gting. - AU efforts fiUed ta return hlm ta bis cage. Monkey stili at large et tir es known ta this office. Auglint for flftver An Oshawa angler regaôrts landing a gaod slzed beaver while fishing for traut ina the Ganaraskca Rivér. Ho wWlsy uàed a heavY forked trea branch ta remnove the hook from the. animal'. right front foot. Raislng MIW&ktnongre The Deer Lake Hatchery has already distributed 2,700,00o Masklnonge fry hatched ta variaus Ontario waters. The. remaining 300 000 are being raised lu ponds ta fîngerîîng, size. It requires the hatching ai 7 ,800,000 sucker eggs ship- pecj from Port Arthur and the. seining efforts ai four men ta provide minnows for the grow- ing muskies. Park Attendance Except at Darlingtou Park, mttendance was generaUly be- Iow that oi the same week in 1966. Figures up ta the week of July 16th, 1967, are given for the current and the tast year. Park Last Year CUI1bear Darlington 81,850 "É 1657 Presqu'ile 140,720 103,129 EmilY 80,177 72,601 35,22232,7 AE.Walroth, District Forester. with or wlthout Suni p-1--iQuICI Q LOTION by COPPERTONE 11.29 cs aan st sn1.14to. 1.85 - OnIy 11 3.5 - Only Leave your Holiday Fu'm bers fer developtU and Pninthng andti et a FRED roll of Black andi Wldteor Kodacolor Film FREDERICK'S Prescription Pharmacy, 87 King St. E14 Eowmaavlfl. 'Heskins &.IIls Mnow mongol WsI'ers & Co. 'countants Toronto HamII- eorge Vmncouvea L.Bart R. Waters, CA. lu Ceutre 18-72 Es LTD. SCHEDULE FOR HAMPTON TO WHITBY EFFCTIV AUG. 14, 1967 READ DOWN P.M. 2:30 2:35 12:40 2:45 3:00 3:05 3:10 3:15 3:20 9:20 WHITBY 1:40 5:10 DAIL.Y EXCEPT SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYs ~/1 A.M. 8:30 8:35 8:40 8:45 9:00 9:05 9:10 9:15 HAMPTON SOLINA RD. MITCHELL CRS. TAUNTON OSHAWA GARRARD RD. ROSSLAND RD. THICKSON RD. P.M. 2:30 2:25 2:20 2:15 2:00 1:55 1:.50 1:45 READ UP 6:00 5:55 5:50 5:45 5:30 5:15 xe ee ce le if ,n a 'l q 1 - Monkey Bu"eu