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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Aug 1967, p. 6

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B ~ on " teaman, EowmanvIe, AU& l19mChrcPetelrbough. Happy Little Gir anied Mr. and Ms. Art Bn. Dra PCmments <o tarians He nett of Port Credit ta Strat- lord, aven the weekend. Mr..and Mis. Sid Brown and . R evie w o f A to P c i afHnersnsan md faxfly wereIft u aw v . the hlida weeend.A vlvid accounit of the gala Nice througk Mr. Bart Ton is home from events and marvelous enter- ail be justly hia five weeks' summer course tainmentpodedunghewneula But PaB Wl!!uBe enwdt~si S. J. Lancaster were guests at Riviera, and his travels in club that Viai "Tiie revlew of The Can- per car manfatured i Can- ada by allowing manufactur-MradMs.CH.LeertthBomnieRtryfinfra s o m e c a n g e s d a d j u t - m a k r s hndt a b o s t peu e m o r e c ftfe w m o d e l s h M i th---At at ybt d.Te uhmMP lels Moaaioaiethi acl-re, ven the hid aymiekon lbln Tnmiga husy.oe o! gted go rments i d etai l, bu r oi odut pe nde i n as a r sut o w i h th yw th .and. W . . l ilfred M cch an o o n m Ven s dt no doal ubt o oub t int tegeet y $60 in autexcs aneteionedlautt. e Moe vrtehldywe-o hr sa nMhn e n d u t a e s h d t o s h i . m m d Mmors.ofB ud Jones," entten d ed Mth o a y n tern a- taniann s ' f or t .neil b ne eed reement aab 20mlioned ecssi the example ai Douglas and Dianne ai Ed- tionai Convention in Nice, i- fort and conv MP.Russell C. Hnyaduham a! noral .Manket grwh a Crseo!andwab-monton, anived hene late Sun- txoduced Vice-President Thies- that the hote Hone sad t nee ean. G M.'s shae f fore the Auto Pact, h d ta d ynP, o s e d ti~r~'H ig r e tid hs flo s wf m tdaY ln conimenting on the this additionaî spendlng is build ml its modela ln C an- days inciuding a trip ta Expaotiashtonteistdysydwsr - .effect Of tlils agreem ient ta $121 m illion, lie said. ada. Ch y i r nw m anufac- M . m d Ms«i da s a h o v ni n Mr he- dE p sto dat o C na a'. Au o nd s- Refening ta the fact that ires only Dodge, P laris and îý::% were at their cottage t Han- r er a d hs ot y An ve t n w s tI.Canadian car mmd truck pro- Plymiouth Fury in Canada, try.burg r an his Rota y An venioaven S.. ~Wood oe the weekend. Madge directed hum and lis thdbe Mn. Honey said that the duction had jumped froni and imports the other models Fan the past couple o! weeks, wife ta the House o! £nlend- 11,000 Rotania purpose o! the Pact was ta 671,000 in 1964 ta 907,000 hast it selsâ in Canada. Chryslen ......... woko >arngadgn hp auj t o w lieinutrythe an- y aworM . ain yrepaining h padd3,gem-olslsp-the Intenatic ne l e ia he Ca - ye r, M . on y md ht te as ship pe 31 8 P l n . .eal en vating las been going "W e msa m et the M ayor o ! but ctually mda uoidsr nd ta resuit ai the agreementha and Furys ta the United . on at the mranse. The roof wasbue reduce the heavy imbalance been highly successful". He States mnd in the smae periodreledtcadwoshditedsti of tade in favur o! the US. said thtte gains in output bas inpoted 62,587 other ownr, *and the hege M n tho dser -The agreement potected the have resulted in the imbal- models into Canada. W ootimedfo tefisFane n hesuge *Canadian industry by -setting ance a! auto trade i the "An incidental but import- ....sve...e.s....o.e H sioe minimum productionL levelsIU.S.A.'s favour dropping freom ant side effeet of the At ..tig edt eloe ieH ls R u in tnasoeo * mdispcidafatper- 7-1 ratio in 1964 ta a less Pact lias been the spending in an. md help would be greatly ap- H ls R u in trasoeo of____________________te han 2-1 ratio now. "As in mil Canada o! aven $500 million preciated by the few who are P r e centa e' 'r ta] ases that eacl mao rorm f eajst ncaia utasb tefu tryi. chaos, 0 d oe mnefot otA lM~U atinr ment there have been imdi- a u t a manufacturers" 1Mnr. caosser a h e aneifor at M t ennaiomalPar vidual cases ai hrdship. Homey said. He quoted On- fe epn ad fa l entoa 9 Mo ssi bo !.th e s e a r eta inaitr a n s i - t a ro oo' saEc o m o m i cnmm dwDe v e l p n e s s e dst a Mtiafal n atre fathaben tom E Mnoitend eStamiese e a li those whn have leld at Wmltona Park, New- the city on the tionl naureand avebeenopmet Mnistr Sanle.J.assisted, in any way, te date. castie, on July 22nd with 81 proved ta lie eased by compamy and union Randall ta the effect that this ~N r.Mrae a !Trn present. Everyome enjoyed holdingml as well as gavernrnent bene, capital expenditure lias built tars vstMagrtDM Tro Citoettoehr * If fi", the Durham Member more fat6he atandBo pi pot ee w l ar sou eni p you si.expanded 130 thers and fiatMnmdMr.AodWaeicoufryugadadbyotes ! hae"The comnn nauto nianketl ceAuto Pmct has pnoduced .. -. ... *.rwand in PtenAnold, SuneMn. d uMfrs. owgand Hoskîby Grasle spcif b has gremtly improved the effi-120,860 new jobs for Cana- Teceru iti iliwh bvepoo~dy ed ingPetebaIlugh mS. Mitr anicltheHbardskets wer sshe ladies. anciency ai production in Can- dians. TLenda R fu tl ro gir cleinatedhe r fîrst bhth daarenldaimg t harbot bon teous eh asketset onlauieR. Mn..mmd Mrs. Don Vinkle opcned mmd mil sat down ta a "One day at . get the picnic supper on the day on June l5th last. She is the daughter of Mr. and Lake amd have with thein Aiter mil were servcd Mn. about 15 miles Eighty resent tables mnd whmt a supper. Mrs. Grant Herron, R.R. 2, Bowmianville, and grand- thcir nieces, Bannie amd Mary Fred Wood, President, cmlled ta Grasse wlie Tebest they had even lad d he fMs oga oe omniladM.Fme Gilmen of Lindsay. all ta order mnd wished eveny- of the essence ForEig r.y C TIc tiougît. tanin M.dughfer. of Mrs. Dolas Cale.wavllad Mr . Mrs. Mac Irwin neaplaan mmiead ex- made. Lmter, itz n amake this picnic sud a anderMrsppJ HueHerronndof pCourt pce were tseeimg sr rvligna sucs ewish atan r Photo by Ireland Studio with Mn. and Mrs. F. Gîhner. a good number present. saw acres and There amefew occasions in Mie Picnit C JuIy 20 lokig for bes atepnE hT uIl hi LldE e:z,:ts ofMrs. J. T.::î:d thereport of last ymr's Vve o edafriend more cars'ls get el f N ETN V L E erc ndtelate Mn. A.picrnc. He also exrsd p than when you are invoived in Tic Senior Citizens o! Bow- credif Is due the executive for Rihah a edo o-peito atecmitei thein untiring efforts ta bring Misses Anme mmd Allie Nes- froni, mmd imformed tîem le day aitermoon on the formen's charge for making the picnic a ILn automobile accident. We'd manville lad a veny enjay- aS MUCh pleasune as possible bitt with Mn. Jin- Nesbitt, itoo, lad lived hene in Newton- premises. nemi success. C N Jie a e htfied n picnic on fie spaciaus ta tic Sr. Citizens o! Baw- were supper guests recemtlyvil years mo ewsM. TeAnulDcnto e- i iieswn elcctcd _yQu hope-and sa do we- mmd beautiful gnounds of Mn. manville. Lastly, wc do wish with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walten Jomes, wîose fatien vice wi]l bc lcld at Lmkeview for 1968: President, FredTw and Mns. Brumimell, St. ta thamk Mn. mmd Mrs. Bruni- Leuty, Port Hope..ldawe mdoeatdtemnitery on Sunday, August Wood, ecyLeisWod that accident neyer happens George Street, on Thunsday, meii for sa kindly giving Lq Mr. mmd Mrs. Noci Brooksistore, which is now flic prop- 13 at 2:30 Rcv. R. C. Treas., Wesley Wood. The to you. But if it does, we'lI be July 20th. About 80 were tie use a! thii beautiful mmnd son David, o! Westmoumt,lenty ai Mn. Sid Brown. White will be in charge o! tic picmic committec arc: Mr. mnd A brie] ---as close as fthe dial on flie present. grounds. Our heartfelt wisî spent the weekend with Mns.1 Mrs. P. B. Tresise af Osha- wanship service. r.Jh teps i nearest telephone. Sce us for The wethr was fine and for thc bth af thcm is fat W. C. Robb. wa, as been visitimg lier Visitos with M. R. Bruce, Mrs. Dick Wood, Mn. and Mrs. th patm we enjoyed firsf ai mli secing better icalfi may le rcstared Mn. and Mrs. C. Brown witl daughten, Mns. L. Peck amd rccentîy, wcrc Mn. and Mrs. Dam Cooper, Mn. mnd Mrs. Wal. Northumbe auto insurance fiat neyer stails flicir beaufiful ganden. Then, fa tiem soon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilmer spent family. ToD u ry ek, Mil.! ancot Mrs. Stewaph. p(r at t oi in rough going. as flic tables were aiready on Tucsday of imst week with Mn . adMs osBonTmCry l fBnrf.teM.adXa h f the lawnsome plaed cardsfamily at their Gcttge at amd famiiiy spent a few days with Mn. amd Mrs. Clarence Wood.1 ymik while a few cnjoyed flic cru- O IT AR Dainymple Lake. at a cottage at Port Penny. Turner werc on a recent mator Ail wislied Mrs. HildaWod fa liga kinole. Mrs. H. Trim wemt ta Castie- Delibie Gardon o! Oromo, trip fa thc U.S.A. bcst wishes by singimg Happy a 2O o SeveraI gamcs mmd gucssimg MiS. ERNEST W. JACORS ton for a week or so, at thc wms a visitor here wifi lier Mn. R. Bruce mmd Mrs. Van- Bitlday, bcimg an thc day O aitbo$2.0fo games wcre rranged by fie Baileys. munt, Mrs. Wallace Bouglen denbcng o! Bowmnville, at- fIe picnic. bos STUAR i. itte of Mrs. Morgan, The3dath of Mrs rnest bMr. ad Mrs. Reid Wod and lastweek. t d mmde Bf is Gaesat It was age nforthe benefitNo-e Mr.Russell Gilbert mnd cunned at Milton, Ont., on a trip ta thc West Coast, ladt Trini wcrc way on a fisîimg Mn. mmd Mrs. Steve Rogers tiat wc meet at sanie place! abov tt mmmy pnizes wcre given ouf. Tiunsdmy, July 27, 1967. an intenestimg expenience in trip ta Nortiern Qucbec, ne- O! Morden, Manitoba, wcne mext yemr. The picmie finish- Address JAMES Aý spot pnize donated by Mn. 'Daugîter of Mn. mmd Mrs. Vancouver, wliem tley stoppcd ccntîy. supper guests, Tiunsday, witli cd witi youmg people enjayimg Office, Mum mdMrs. Brummelil was won Robent A. Marris, 15 Brown at a service station for gas. A Mn. mnd Mns. F. Gilmen Mn. amd Mns. M. Samis. a bal ga-me. by Mrs. N. Taylor;, anoflier St., Bowmanvilic, the former bystanden, noticing flicir On- witi Mn. and Mrs. Mac Irwim, ___ 4 1' EDntvMv"~-- i-- iec set wccL~ 'NSURANCE donafed by Mns. Ciittick ferDrtMyMorrswms bo f arocnaeaskcd ...a. part pe i ast wekatExpo.. B. Bowman lich oldcst lady present went in Hamilîton, moving ta Doyw- ai tc province îcy came John Martel las been at Air 24 mSt E Bomavlleta Miss E. Blackburn, and anc manvile, wln a chid, witî Cadets, Trenton, for a couple Offie Resldence for flic oldst gentleman tfolier famly. Se received lier BsnssD c o f aiweks. Mn. Clarlie AUim. By that edlucation in Bowmnviii BuMn.mmdsMs. WliaceEti B~8N8I~ fine thc skies werc fnt as Public and High Sc O n ols. n ia n nn to .f e S ui Wles,~ blue sa fie ladies uried ta Apnil 30, 1948, _________________________ly. Mn. e hr rcet Ernest W. Jacobs wio sur- Etherlngton asl.T0 1LETC F vives. RA .DILN eplew of tic late Rev. Thos. For the past five yeans tic Cianfened Accountant Wallace for whom le wms ýkk IHPR decesedbasnesdedin ii- 93 Churci Street named, mmd was interested in WTIPR ton wedhcre si wmsneMl-e 623-3861 calling icre mmd 0f 1er places, by the Canadian Meter Ca. as WM. J. H. COGGINS wieRv. Wallace was min-4RL secretary fa fhe compamy's Clartered Accountant isten in charge for mny yeans. president. Mn. and Mrs. 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Mn. mmd Mns. Bob Woods, mc. Jacobsalmsa nresided in King- Plane 623-3612 cnpne ylsprnsM and Mns. W., J. Woods a! Beil. ~ ~)'~r~ stan ion 13 yeans befone gaimg WILLIAM C. HALL fatInlmcle o Ms tao Milton. The deccased was B.Canir. Annie mmd Mn. Jim Nesbitt 4 a member o! Grace Anglican Climtered Accountant last week. -Clurci, Milton. 36% King St. E., Oshawa Mrs. Rase Densmnore, fonm. Sunviving, besides lier lus- Telepliane 725-6539 erly., o! Raclesten, lias been band mmd parents, are tîrce BURROWS, SELBY & CO. spending a few days here with El 197children, Paula, Peter mnd Chartered Accountants Mrs. A. Bougien. 197Donna. Also su.nviving are a 323 King Street West Word was received here at brother, Ernest a! Pet erbor- Oshawa, Ont aria wcek a!fie deati o! Mrs. Na RAMB ER MERI ANSough, mmd a sisten, Shirley 725-6451 - 728-7554 Stanley Gilmer, formcniy Bella r. RAM BL R AM E ICANSb(Mr. Ronld Heitt)o! Ton- William A. D. Sclby C.A. Samis, at Carriev.a..e.. .Sas onto. G. Edmond Burocws, CA: katciewam, mdareîet o!f s~~999.o o The fumerai service wms rats -itict many year g.~, upi yTEOHW IOIA. MT ieid on Mandmy, Juiy 31sf, C h ir oPrac c Linda Pc s aîayn upply depot for p 05oIC ie ndepenfeia fnom tie Morris Fumerai O fCt C wth i er aunt, Mns. Erîc Mas- C$1e999niniiemdG00WNM0N .C nBbaycm ?ar De faits of 'Con vention h hm. You can filled with carnatlonsou iproudaofthe gardenas, and other !lowejr W r.Thesur- des ted for perfume mai Sergeant-at-Arms avention" Mr. Mc. in Grasse. and he tald the "In Nice we had the 0m e-President Thies- Battie of the Flower oi Ih his knowledge evening. This festival hai tguages was able taken place two weeks earliei Lout some con- but it was repeated for the large nuinber of Rotarians," Mr. Thiesburgel ring registration. said. He described the mer> lnt Thiesburger arable parade and same of the excellent arrange. amazingly beautiful floral àe visiting Ro- mlats, and the extraordinary nmmodation, corn- displaY of fireworks after. venience. He said wards. ;e where lie and Vice-President Thiesburger 1the McMechans alsa told of the International near the Palais President's Bail, and alsa wrhere the con- about a recital by the organ. heid. ist of Notre Dame Cathedral, «n expected that Paris, with the Nice Symphony3 ans would attend Orchestra, presentations by the nal Convention, National Ballet of France, and 20,000 did. Cars, singing and dancing by peas. lway travel wýith-' ants from the island o! Corsica ct were all free and other reglanal groups.' attending,"' Mr. An exceptionally well chosels said. series of colored sîldes depict. 1the local Ro- ing the glanles of Rome, the the smnart plastic towering Alps and other pic. ch person receiv- turesque Swiss scenery, vlews ýgistering. These taken on his trip down ta the , had Roary In. Rhine, and great cities or W, Nice, inscnîib- Gerniany, including Maiz and e, and a rnap of Dortmund, and also London eother, and they and Oxford in England were Djust riglit for presented by Mr. Thiesburger. the convention Rex Walters moved a vote Among the of thanks ta Vice-President penum e fre Thiesburger, and Presideat Llened fror Wîtherspoon also expressed hua Lllyblededforpersonal appreciation ta him for his splendid address and during the cofl- fine pictorial account. otary Anns went ________ ýnorth ai Nice ere 90 per cent It's easy ta understand mod- eo! perfume is ern art: if an abject hangs on when we were a wall, it's a painting; if yau ir Grenoble we walk around it, it must be a k, Er le Er le RI rENNIAL BOOK Centuries of Change" ,f resume of some of the highlights of id present of the United Counties of erland and Durham is available to 'f the Counties "FREE", if picked up ce of the Counties' Clerk. If requested :indly enclose $1.00 to, cover cost of id postage. Extra copies are available *idents may procure the book ne le price of $2.00 and $5.00 respectively. ~ ail requests to the Counties' Clerk'u aicipal Building, Cobourg. 9-aM. to 6 p.m. daihy MnsFBie mky omm *NNE AE :'f /.,Closed Wdesday Befudayvile; n ym n, eorge n 7 fceHus.Ms ONi67!Osaa King St. E., BowavieMs .SoewmanvmnulDR TLEGEZishr mdfmyOsta : 4KN RIL ~ / 1 ~9atn t 6p.m. ±ls n.Jckson, Ke w RINT IZaMdG Mammy T hunsm. r d y M s. Cnienn, Taunton R ad o. 1 % a.i.t 4 pm. Fidy M . Lionel Pedeu, Oshawa; > AINE LClosed Satunday mnd Sunday Mn. mnd Mrs. G. Fishen, Osha- ATHROZAE0053 Qur hn 2-62wMan md M. rm Ovns.'ORANGEetDRINKA HOME ~rsn nfmdMis. Hryowune NONRI Insurace MrHayWad moyris, n he PHONESAI RMLTN-RNOMicmmd d cuplnge o aweekd RDEE WK 3m8 Lie Auto, Hom . an d Mrs rn venttdue0 USA PhoIne 62P-59er Ves Mn.s rd Mntl. W tM. SMcQuoFTUR and Mis. PF. Gler h. R P SVM 8 M torm tr go Bal dand iboMs, Anmer Ne-1 M NVLE~ Phl~1one:983-25IM. an MrsSHAwrdE! DELIVERY Firfft ByMor pole nI nd bmoysmad M. 1lberett 9,laid RLL Bus.m. pet leâ pand, w r s . i, ftsl aur. Mr. and mrow.d cui d Of Toontoweres jppr gu s x. Op f e'i&u",a isAn Ns CSDmM tii 'I Ifi . -............

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