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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 11

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~Ç. ~ -~ - N E W T O N v I L L ~len, ?&.and Mn. Ramve Uri- 1T%0CanaianEaumn omnqlAg ,l j ton of N'ewca1. in and Mrs. 1fr. md Mru Harry Atkînsan of etRichmond Mili .~1Efym aiy d Mr n M.mryWadei and Dianne of Edmonton, Mr. and ?&a. Thoa. MeCu r. Don MeBéat *eeaa @a motor trip 1Mns Carman Cornish, Chervi Iough and Will were au bourg. ~~ m . B r u . T i l i s oi d , e stdw «t, iE itp o i ta i oh n s, o r . ono e s , h M r .tan d M r .ae h e k i i . r d y n g t B lmvl e g aon, Renfrew Iwould hike ta add our own e le S m s were Om o ng t e b a b d g . Kru e r w a Mr.andr abo mth* who wau the Newtonville cor- A r eog tpleton' aima visit.d Exp. a week mgo. respondent for many yearu. were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ne d es t a , w r I W ood of N oe atle, liM m. W m. Adninistratoir reads:Nedeat-awarai Mr. and Mrs. George S ta ed Orono, Mr. Cecil Wil- uncilor I tim at s bro*ghttaMYdeiche eIa thâtthae lneand . it entt im s nHoaype.n Pr .0nilrItmtsattention that Mr. J. R, Wright are gaîng ta have a new Post Stayner on Frlday ta attend i nd lay rindePr W&@t haiderngbri ta m dffiche enthatwe!mthpetonadofthetMs D i t ic ram this board due ta the Mrs. C. Farrow, Mr&. F. Elton Morriaon (the former. Mn. Jean Cochrane and' Iis ri tfil, S chool -B d . letter of résignation ta your ldwe posrdbyKryrWr ust tte itnewt r understod' thît lhe wrote a wr among the bus Ioad lot Mr..and lis. Harry Wade C. Wîlkey wene upper guests u i i u presur ofbusne. IlmlsoHadespnsord Mn. H irn Mn. Je usMîrtth in). Gath rd.andNewcatleArndold AIcounicil. j U.C.W., who enîoyed a sight- Wood wedding in Baetn ae I A a"I have been trying ta get tour of Kitchener, August Sth. 1Mr. R. Bruce attended the! IIiin i e touch wth M. Hughes, the Pioneer Village, etc., last lrs. Margaret Dy of Tor- Chatterton family pienie ati' Ci*U I't W an W o m a R e eCI.nk, to disuse this niatten Wednesdy. otwt r n r.Ci-Cbug udyatron h. a. bel n actin. Mr. and M n. Ray Tomp- ton Brown, Mr. and M ns. Ross Mr, and M ns..I. Hende- t î .ýlewcast1e:- The negular: fuit and this she paid. The 'shartage et doctors. It saidl il h epnijît ik,>Shelley mda abi nsnoM.ndis.Bll Peter and Carol, b.d a!o ruu i Mlerthly meeting af Council. second, howeven, she fet i athat doctori-from other coun-4te Coni ta appoint a re- have %been spending a couple Wade, Mir. and Mrs. F. Hien. pcnic lunch Sunday ater.'EU w~u hud i te ounil fot on feit. Whn se es core er mn w jl presentative to the Board for weeks hollday with M n.. Ray- denson, wene among those at. noon with Mr..and Mir. A.' Clianibers on Monday even-; ta get ito her dniveway it thev are able ta practîce in aonil htp ontd Mn9ak Hoeile Strsaye vsiningi Ing with &Il embers presen.;atws yeorkpebyitheandUy. tremond T cuntay DairymptleotendingsthpoiHanseMR.Lces.atePeevine anduboys, Cowînvi-_le, fzig w ih a m m s reseJ a t. W s a b l l ed by t he r a p.U.C. he r e n a n try th e ma t W ight for the yea s 1967 and M r.:and M rs. Ji m Inglis of w here Ross. B nw n's h ase M . and M n. Reid W ~ten în W s is J an tr c , a he jut ef h n 1 a py h r d t k e ea 1968. Once appointed, how- Guelph were visito s, ncent- won first prize t d oynw re SW oodvii j Stiffhe Tais anAn iq eOu o te treô S e nd xtin tins bcan tey cta1dkoyew raSu dbigsi Sipon King Street. Missilher sister tried ta find theldocton again. It appeared tit I evehool A comessbetlwt rnd RegurollM.anm- aCali Wt trswthM rh as neceived two park-; P noreetofie othstws ipwud r idthOlAta ad égua.Wdelr fTrnowr ekn n .Lm lng tickets necently, te firsti explain ta himn why it wasl change the situation. on sn d if he wihest e ypt . nepesdt visitons with. Mn. Raymondi O u i n, ie m ust then r. .n drar.nDa id a w aylt assetsB rbulit UpA N ahe eplaind. wa he j Wthen Mn. Wa ttheen was (ouni 1 lsntin tNewcste ta d givin rte notice thereof death of is brother, Mn. Wili Mr. and lis. F. Gilmer 1 t cte Mis Fith com laned tha th la wa wrtt n ot thCo ncil. tt acedMiss Whe wcolaitd'that her awwa écittetathe 0ertr f the Board, limDenault, in Toronto lait wene necent visitons at Janet- Miss Lynda Hall, Whitbyj Crago F mily lat 5he wavs mast rude with;wa for'our ova Protectia;t teSertnyt we.Inten tB-vle with Mn. and Mns. P. visiting this week with Councaiy he iir Jc dm.e.fnMn. Wright has nat written nie, on Friday. w. Mn. and lins. Bob Gilmour Conilrisucha letton af résignation ta Mn. Ken Whittakrofnor- Rev. R. C.White, aur for-anwihM.nd n.CrlSAT PLNN i.thi. board and hîvtng neview- onto je now employed at tere minister, now of Oshawa, Smith. R o u n i o n F H e l d yii g t e t c et a d î ~ T e s o p s g s n e e t e d th e m a tte r, h o p la n s ta e - g e o fe thbeC m p te n S er iner v ie r o wasn't woth the paper it was;Selby's Crosing are highway an m m m e ! t o ya e Restaurant, and wa in charge a theMrrvcen d M n. James Liddell eso a o n a C n q iky p ty u I W wasn unISlg n vinew1Cemetery, the annual: with M n. and M n. W alter, Co nclan E ic F hyl e ect them, according ta a f yMn d Mn R s B o n D o at n D y, a d he m - e I. N e w a, le .. O n A u usC o unta e thît t E ri ee ptuo n i - l t o ec iehy C u c l uRT I i ip lt n n l atte n d d th e e din g ai e s c owa s su p pD ey , d y hM ss Tn a b i a i n I v s i a e th s v l a ai' th. C nte nia Yen, te n th sise r ec to! Ms n gvi t This hî re d y bee n c eck i onthe C u t m k bi rt er, in. Douga T of h r, K ozbh r a d a- M . m n. D nl m - kcn a soF mi e t atOn Waltonai1 waf undue, explalinxninthat!edicintoswithisome sissnTiai-Nthîs ion tibtheionty a ebor 0f athBrceMerda week aga, at tendance aIfnfiends fnomam ; maihave moved into the for-' oîfrt h ennnal Yfamithl h n. he seîeof>Msauîd ne- n ady p.Aleod eten ek.cnriuiorsavice fetBrctheei today.Sele errsdec o ny & I!Quno n. Si xy -fvmeet iat na wsect t e , pu l ii w hî a prito it om e sgn V t o aBard and th o Adviso ny w hich her d u h e S el y distance, and form er rsi- m r n sd n e e n y W t r m t C n i e t a e v Pak f r th i n ue a itle ( r W el r s ol e( frain he .NA. seodetwih e v la l. C mntter very w e girl. M n. H. Tay .- dents, taking advantage aI the, SOn. In Wiliam eteaf md he; espec hum.shaud aecanxn at prtysigne by M A. ,cLea, Ad lins sumer wethen anda nigh', . f tonadI etettend teance.tbe the tm te ubi soudiyaungest be-popi saine Y . .-aiedAd tredeoe itime fr entadheew c aqunoamee etaTAad publicm e Coundnh;esec hm.d cil gthey wauld flot close ministrator and Secnetany- visit.hoewttemfraans. oewîd q Cvnrsuednati,77 TRIuI *i~,tes~o acso. I Ws'Coucilo Doeo .this crossing. Tneasuner". Thursday alternoon i iittlp Mr. and Mns. Robent Mc-IRovnnie,,Wonn was ia the alovely day ofI discussllsosied tho Misneedh "Having remd this letten, I family gathering was hold et Munchy and boys of Down,,-monfr Cavan, replaced by beiag qieuusa hali stmting that the enfoncement) eesi i telophoned Mn. liacLeod," saud the home o!flins. G. W. Jones view were suppen guests with Normmn Scott in the founth; the nin previaus ta the Pic-loffîcer should nememben his) Councillan Foshay feit that iCauncillor Adams, "and asked in honon o! the latter', binth- Mn.and lirs. Jim Adams. Mordon nocoiving. Fan Beth- SDuIpt.7Msigg i. Place and his manners. lette should be w itten ta th hu why, when it had been dey. Those present includd M . Cliton Burley of Wing- any. Vaughan MCGill WRS the g ~aj lli The games were conducted; Councillor Adams suggested mission sying that they are Jamie had nesigned did they ad lins. Fulton Chidiey, f Cecil Buley. George Scott in the furth by Donald and Bruce Rich-) that the municipal attorney intenested at this turne in hav- wîuntil naw, a few dasLasy n dlins. C. M. With Mn.and lins.M. with Tenny Malcolm roceiv- ars aeswn onb o)should be contacted and isk- ing this a provinciillywnod aften samoone else hîd been Jones, lins. BéeiJanes, Mr. Jane, were Mn. nd lins. ing. Percy Poance and Gar- foliowing: 6 and under, MyTiIed ta wtihdraw the charge. prai oct. appointed ta take hi, place, andlins. Bud Jons, Duglas Sheldan Pethick o! Enniskiî-don Wood wer the umpies. Mecl dKvnC letaî, a msa feit that Mn. Wheelen Councillon Adams stae ago t in contact with the and nde, Nome etcaf, bespaken ta about hi, mari- 1that for ayone ta smy it would council? Ho sid ho knew ',daBrun, iS Mingnt 1 neMss thtenc be no funthor bunden ta taxnathing about it until thon. I e ndeBn, LanelMtc alf, Mai-sf and me cngediwas idiculous. "Whethen it's sked him who did tell hum -** .* w...-.,~. ineLue eaf Mr-adwent ta bat for M.' thnough taxes on nental, wereeand ho hummed and hmwed .........::...:::::::~'.:.:.... Lary Sargent. Winning 1n had neyer accunned bef regoing ta pay", ho said. and woudn't give me any tht adis' aces wen Muiel îwa , i the paî he had "I meant th t it w udn't answe n until 1 finally asked. . . .. . . .. Lane and Launa Metcalf, with bn ost c-openative, l cost any more mone -y ta do it hNe^ i wsammbra he... . Jams Lne nd rue Rch-ingailto hep h co~dthis way. Then it ail goos IanewcateBord nreîenning ta Jamdswinnnge enruces. Pnbabl helapaharod y a nc devoryone hîs thelthethNewcastle représentative esey Lawngte md Ps ale s. aid, m"y hed evenyono bl ame use o! it at the samneath e High School of which ~ WelyLn n al h ad n vroebostme," Oxplained Conilrhr rvnl wMra Il C a g o t e a mn e d u p t a w i n t h e u p o n c e i n a w h i e . " I d o ' t ! F 6 s.a n i l r t e e i r n y t o i n a th ee-lgged race and wheel- like ta knock him when he! ay Paterson and Ja mnie Wright).~ ~"" -~ barnow race. Keith Crago was isn't heno ta defend hinseîf, "Well, if I have ten dollars, I can't loch that it was Jamie.............. the iucky spot winner. The, he was alwmys so coasidonate att pn t ltgv tw wuHi hedon t his......t ladies' shoo kick was won byt at all athen times," she sonebody else ta spend Ionr 2wunie] Lane and the nen'si The resignation of Howardj Me.Aad it's the samo thing, should have told hini. My idea .... iso ick Gwonngby Bruce! Q nney w s nc v: wihy0,u letnthem takeove, t.e isZand s alofthe res n this ...... .ucceded n thrwing hi, bsine~ sudcaus iPpinted womm............................... d h o i s a u e s s d t h e c o r - i m p s s i b e f o r h u m a a c c p rbill e sh o u d h a v e s a m e , r c p ts t h i s a p p i n t e a w nt Y o I I. : f : « : : : bah. into the ushel basket'and othen activities ade ftf Adams. "The people af this that they dn't want ta c- A '~i... M anagem ent Bod he cor ilageou h no pinioaIe ho n ray ecplt h an... u themo coths pnsinm osbent forM. Qin oaept makeyis.ns..dthemin i.wa b tl. he us al pe nu' lttn na I wi Clwll ne o w ic i gosin sho uld n ab e pliod theeM Reeve e o eet n d o e th e g a m o i epsitioHar n a e th N e dw a t e o u s,.. i v m e.h d... .e j t h e b l t i e s s o e l a a t e l t e y a vM ae m eo k d n t B o r o i c t h ei o x p i n e o uncib ah r r e s i g n e W h y p r s n o d o t e ys ctCag ed ut the o inchnegTePnardbilin.Wt v twas honagoedona m- aw o?" Wo nigto table ladn wih fod. Doa- natte a! ho aIrWaoiandand Iy. te id thj .wanic ta r *- onA P P LE.P IE. 2.. .... e! grace. dais c au s I n g canside a le tn m d ae oa cisFa - i d t a I a".ton u t Jack Cnpu s ago th n aconduc t da mb i age o the r n i i g s a n d i h t t e C e k i ipero , o n em ae ie - A E A KE PA I M E . , C t gobusiess penod, aze Cru wîls, hic er nethah rit Wev e te W..Cpuygt htfnagtMnMaLo wh thnoa4 clthes min the,,d:suntilnwta have benen i1) the ivold oncu ndwth e avn- i BUNaEvîPeA"tonR boul.nhae uinmsua eno l) denaugh onitwin on ta ne rolnchowgespln pr ho y don't nad the e Ba în tI Lamle wee eite for nox. nof, it Jsesatedthij ors vidvetiaing they wo fo n envileryape n Bw Jmi anvîe yeaissart omitthe'ilthey cave doo to to t wn ayficilo b ,ýx lati onepion Desget hat Bamrd o tahe eta avn aIth foldingr- ar fthejeouci w llmnWr hislot t gnngan aremet thsne womD Ien ene givenPE P I pineat ht e ti me md ton d vethil in. i thp n -o et toas tci e ýto p w r a v t he a A IC R D I Y DAy E .Pu E h l2-- A E 1 pla Cr then.9 dsit o jb teMaahon aReit tanoa ma t n officn e nIndat hey So i min, bil ains d A lettor fn gom th be . tionto elim a te or los-ddaidCP to nght t a aitthn sa Jaikitingo en eon ed amaejtaI M he eanclased a and Adsksng il c huncileoui th a lins. rsa-andso h, JANE PRE PNS ath iesl s e ai odan a r pcn e îo w l ti on ai n w thougthe be i nte et e d in tC aking t. Th e rngtta be rsitta c op ýo me . lot sizeemi utesatndstîtedow dahaauneeeknowthow wJudy La-ur.wS LItheD]ive istieivetgtdiute.M n B must fee,"ere gotis Wh0d they n t n. th oy can? a r b a r M u i a n d u ri e i g o n d e n o u h c o n i ti t he-ib uin i s y -w e th o n p r e o u ncil l io r A d i s . o m n v l 'toeetd o etrof tsem h ny tal maungth o! July accunt, buton ta theBoard ntey -z yLîtnlrs pot cmmtee Al teyca o s aThe tdo ngl than idn i odig as i en b cpwih rontdob h weeinlviro oligth Cucl ilanw rthsle-I t in bgy-la reeet.g th cî sne wigo d n werk avni effet atthe ecomerteeose tacL ote ton a h pine tte a etiean!tr n ive thern a e o ofuil. T hi ws rwci go ino tho rPesKERdnegulatons md Paye i no viitig i ~o- hn goa.nohowDenk ~ an ScooîBomd ae als"Pitenhauofi.d, m ae prel ad whî e to. plan km when o m do the o r-t e a a u R acl at i an le ton r g ott a st," suggan d r ta tur tnogh a] aExp mAeter rMis thie Township, T he report onf the finedeP. t. ancili o -n shay QUART E RSIT Miitn md M n Fed bGîma-f Tan itn nonta., wnassbittedibyCuncil oln "h a t',ig oo"sten-e the lse avercntlyer ened A aotino alnwas h e y i o s A n wth eings d oaclinAdm, buaihe nhldy.woatne h hc-m ncietetukWSWn'ot uy thkt A ad il mnd rs. eith Rageson d; dncin md ntenainientd-.11 th ew equpiot a s mp ivj;ste fn ight i t his, a n risu - at B vcn cy ako, noi Ly - s ying tha ks a th ~ nded.The Chi !, re d n. din a ie Mn. hi e odd n et wu t h II Cf D T. I fani y w on hey vacm ion d te p rking lo, a me ns f or thebut not oveny ting thaus e , e e bt h g o Mw r n.dnqtL a ~ ~ M i W O hunst, wth Mn. d Mn,. audospmt h Iountte i od Secnetmny Alern1eotusd get th n t ntenedT Yukwsyreturn. hnetab m.1io orYlon Tked sounillo nFotheaut." n rgltin n Mn.. P. F LeG esle wus a at er sch s ingi g go d ti o s a Ion p erm n tb er 'I b1 e l thac e so , lthirs , lo 4#kad stut the hlomOj nhe averneartre Kednp fthe newtuk ateWtk Àgt&dwoa auc Wilwi thStu rd vfo1h eatdaeTahpanmm ens o! Cuibowharesee- are neh aln the spo. It wa Paneis nw isthnksin wMthegetne hey'ii toîl -U.C.ingd tae he newardtrkt ko "eragm dd l bas be ea treal ad whilethe a came aut. Ask anymaeth oring Ihe fieo nel's naihc hsntion trgta aont ins. whtu h ou h E p .m tr a igood at i rn had s ow t ff tit w s' pu- t cl wih h n d go h ns 1 George Andernson, J. Andensan ta il the Position until theN Smith ad in one applied end aI the yean. by lins. Fred Rowe ta build OawI akdatnhm GIRLS ;Na BOY ch mney it w s bt J in the West end O! the W est- Ihsd'a ne dàpri. ýve egt Sbiiin i EPRE H T I GROLLS kof1 thiaD a didc o n 'wt e ud ae mtio Ov . iletheghoud son i are 3SA E Ocpcgs Th b Ét a m i t ho ve t akon t uing coplt aints r ea ei h-foi d M rh . r p w. ç two n IIee made ta go ahead with is fiiled with cm osfa pig ons Iij)AN u a îî y V a c a tio n hi' awe la t andn bns hie tesgruni reO T H P A S T E SAV E 14ofre size tu .~ !C AK K i SCh o,; i'iquit. Unsightiy the andchieens enoise lmcd C.LikdIE hamskedish wilconinelanotavestiated tanh.d COIC jMr' is. Danothy Whitney in ta Cauncilior Nesbitt wms cal!ed PR SE A 4oe way 5nco ntinuearetmoigate d znd P R U N E PIIIDJ S AVE 4o ;with hon job as safety guardagedtt if they wantod ~COC ULr wi Jl b . hield this y earth Beve g clo ntht y mhouid have dm 3-LB corn t e eaer-Kuncile ta dvor- boug t nn mh ud u avedI J U h U 2 f Z tas at - g Sunilil tavr et afrrn red040SAV E 16.LI tise fon a 'second guard for Council 1ta enfonce a by-law. Erln at E L August 21 tlirougb August 25:the Mill end Robet Street aon drawn up lat RTLTM T PES orrlan ty 4 Uzni9<lA canner.? ked thBA e.ChoisQeiyý7RL 1:30 to 4:00 *ach dey cj uýilorAdams ne-nead aîb"Theo wa PbuAit ma aaYlMeR 41--Zm letton ta couacil received June bea ut, and Councul Wen. made 9 et 9th tram Jamue Wrigtg who a ughlflg sokau lùum'.amLM met in hi. reaignation tram uned into 1he papensaking UUfl STYL the Durha in fgh Sehool row any aldfish thoy could B A SW ifP RSTL 2 4il«" 9, Newcastle BaPtiit Churh 1Bo.nd bc~, uîehave. But 1fel e ~noed ono, (KIg St- . , osd M pressure,i and we hud gt ont up T AA&P PECIXL LEN O Dm INNA t p W ., h u m d e M r m E w ri h t' S o .. ' ,, o s in e u ld h i@ b u g -. so o n ," re p lie d C u n illo n N es - S A V EoS e py % ,wse I9Stories, Workbook$s Game- Cos.ts lad Cheilr;bitt. t najan- tk R ANuSC IS jE ;n rie.t: bumy, go we accopted, lwith' ed. g0 8 -"oue I # an szs regret, hi; resignatian, hld EK RE BS UT CILRNFJOM ALL DNMN specil meeting on August GIT CASEu TODATTfI T AELROA' 10 W ~ L C M E . T R I I S A O M M U N T Y J u d y M i k l o , w h o a c c e p t e d t h e S U R E P R C E I J s i - SCROOL. position PLIANCES-TISSUE k If2 ,,10 SC H O O L. tt~r- Th n on the 4th te~ t ru bA U,,PRIC94 IN 7h15 A^0 GUA TR D ?ro GH T uRDAY, UQUeT 1804 lu i. Auutthe Reeve gela Ibis CLABSSIIDB 8«trmth»e-. Monday, Auguat 21, ai 1:15,L e ltter and it app.mrm Jamit TTSA 1n't mo busy now. The latter the ilgh Echool sont 7 J, *1~- - ./

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