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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 13

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lit Memoricmrn C SdsA f Ili- ai domr aon-ln-law Bd. hank my relatives, friends aWRY Au"us 19, neighbors for the flow '1roecfflrs, fruit- and gifla moni r& 4-1-oune. across the river- me while I was in Bele% eo s hones of evergreen, Hospital. Ani we long ta se. his dear Wendy Lau Murdoch, face But the river flows between. 1 wish ta express my zinc Saine day, Borne lime, we shall thanks ta nurses and staff Thefac welovd s weî,Memonlal. Hospital, aIma The acewe lvedso wllfriendi and relatives for ci Saine day we will clasp bis and flowers received dur band Noe r aant ayfrwfmy stay In hospilal. -Awaym emmbred and Gog aln Gl>ve and ati. rdon, eog Wlon Ys d Miie y Gor33-1 We would 11ke ta expi ________ ur thanks toalal our frier IRELAND-In loving memony redatives and nelghbors gifts and cangralulatory ca af a dean brother and uncle, given ta us on aur 4th an John Joseph Ireland, who vcnsany. passed away Au guit 22, 1966. Garnet and Hilda Mutto Loving and kind in alI bis ways, Uprighî and juslta the end WctefmiyaMn af bis days; eth aiyoMra Sincere and kind In heant and Mns. Bert Hawe, would like mind, express aur sincere thanka Beautiful memanies he icît aur iniends and neighbors behind. their flawens, cards and gi ~-;-SadIy mlssed by the Family an the occasion ai their 69 3314 Weddîng Anniversany.' 31*special thanks ta Mrs. Adai OLESN-Inîovig mconyand staff, Sunset Lodge. af a dean granddaughtem Susan The family of +he late Ruý Michele who passed away oa wa aexedt Auguat 19, 1962. Kwlws oetn h You are flot tangotten, Susan sincene thanks ta relalivi dean, fiends and neighboms for lbt Non ever shall you be, lacta ai kindncss, messages As long as flice and memony sympathy, beautiful floral tri I at sh1ieeme he utes, in the necent losai 1* hl eeme he dean wiic and mather. 33 --Lavingly nemembered by Grandma Olesen. 33-1 Special thanks ta Dr. A. McKenzie, Dr. Sylvester ar the Matennity Staff, Memnoni RIMAR Hospital. Aiso a special Ihan] M EMORIALS ta kind ficnds, neîghbou Dignfle su Disincive and relatives for cards, gifi 'lbiidfid ed Ditincive while I was in hospital. Monflrnents - Flat Markers Mrs. A. Knapp. 33. ldesigna for any need A i5mleoe S t. S.. Oshawa We wauld like ta expre 72102728-6627 a sincene thank you ta alo frienda and relatives ion ai Offce Eveningu iarewell parîy held Satumda night, August 5th at the Oc RSULTS COUNTI Fellows Hall. Consult a Mernier afithe John and Joan Lunn, Doug and June Waodlacl 1 wouid like ta express nm sinceme thanks for al l t cards, letters and goad wishe s ntme duning my staya MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Sunnybrook Hospital, Toror to ith a special thanks t, Os<h acwa & District those who supplied tanpor ]Reacl Estate Board and helped aI home. em"m --Don Cameron. Haydon. 1.1kýý CL A Il F. rd ai nks .ts, 1-1 ur ay Id ýk. ic at 1- o ie Auxiliany, Maple Leaf Club, Senale Club, Beebive Rebckah Ladgc and Rayai Canadian Legion. Your lhaughtfulness was greatly appneciated. Sin- cereiy, Hilda Humrphrey, Audrey and Mary. 33-1* Wanted Higiiesi Cash Pnices for Dead and CrtPuled Fîrm Stock BURRETT FUR FARM Phone Long Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge la you) DepI. Agic. Lic. No. 63-C-67 Cash on the Spot for Dead or CriPpled Farm Stock. Picked up Prornptly Telephon, Collect 263-2721 Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE Licence No. 101-C-67 SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO Thursday Night 7:45 RED BARN OSHAWA 6-tf ýWoodview Cornmunlty Centre MONSTER BINGO Next Monday .7:45 P.M. RIED BARN Department af Recreation Country & Western JAMBOREE Wed., Aug. 23, 1967 8 D.m. Flying Dutchman M4otel Parking Lot Bowmanville TOM SEYMOUR, M.C. Wanted to Buy GmRL'S iding jodphurs, size 12 or 14. Cail Newtonviile 786-2548 aten 5. 33-1 1.JVE poulîry, tlcks. M. FiaIt, R.R. 1, Beth-' anv. Phone 7 r 13. 31-tf OL-Dbuilding, amail, w Icar down. For funther details eaul Oron 983-5639. 33-1 DEERING Ideal mawer, banse- drawn, Cocksbutt 13-point cultivator. Phone 725-2533. 33-1* TAPE recorder, gdod con- dition. Phone 623-3874. 33-1 5,000 BALES af bcddirig (hay, straw, etc.) Cail Newcastle 987-4877. 33-2 DON'T tbrow il ouI! W. buy just about anytbing that's old, an armful ar a hauseful. Tic Talisman, 'Newcastle, even- imgs 987-4624. 21-tf Help Wanted MALE AND FEMALE J Want ta ]put MORE goal food on Your- table and MOREl SAVJNGS ln tour Jurse? It CAN' be don- and It'. EASY when You shoji DYKSTRA'S. Rere, LOW PRICES fron first ta lait make SAVINGS add tmp fait! real fooud VALUES mean LOW PRICES on ALL BONELESS thie foods You like béat- and STORE WiDE LOW PRI- CES are what we're farnous PORKfor! SO corne ahop the. market i'vhere YOD get the MOST for Yeur money ln fine foods - ROASTand take home the. MOST hi SAVINGS, too! Mrs. Luke', Rlaipberry or STRAWBERRy JAM 24 on. SAVE Jar 39YC 100 Sun Rype APPLE JUICE 348 0& 8 9c SAVE 160 Clark 'a PORK & BEANS 2 20 oz. AB V Tins C 12e Ice laCrea. 79cal. whlIe SlIced Bread 24s9 Logve R4 85C ONTARIO NO. 1 FIELID TOMATOES 1Chicken LNoodie Soup1 Low Pnice It's New ! ! by Javex- Fantiahlk SPRAY CLEANER a BU. 69 SAVE 20c Big live CLEANSER gave on This 3 tins 49c Low Prlie FRESH LOCAL GROWN CORN 99c e YKSTRA'i (HOME 0F QUALITY) Part Timne and Full Time Male or Female BARTENDER WILL BE TRAINED Help Wne LICENSED mechanie in New- caille. Apply Bcnnard'î Gar- age. 33-1* FEMALE night cicanen. 623-3373, Flying Dulcimar Motor Inn. 33-1 WAIRESS ES wa nled, fui_ lime. Apply Voyageur Rest- aurant, Bowmanvilc. 33-3 Od:iER -mar-i tonparit-m-e janitanial position. Apply Les MacDonald, MacDonald Ford Sales, Bawnianviiie 623-2534. 33-i mani ion a much necded serv- ice. for materiais. No cx- penience neceîîary, but a car is. 623-7368. 33-1* BABYý-SITER-,prefera biyto iive in; anc achool age child and anc pre-achooler; Monday thraugh Friday; mequircd Aug- uit 201h. Phone 623-7397. 33-i TiW-OCla--s "A" mechanics on 5h yean apprentice, fiat rate shop. Medîcal and medicinè plan, Ontario Hospital and ath- er campany benefits. Contact E. A. Nagy, Rabson Matos Ltd., King St. E., Bawmanviilc. 623.3396. 33-1 GOOD apportunity la build up profitable Rawleigh bus- iness in part Durham County. No capital nom e2xWerience need. Dealeras slling lu adjaining districts doing quile well. Write Rawleigh, DepIt H-140-JA, 4005 Richelieu St., SI. Henry, Montrea. 33-1 SELL REAL ESTATE Join Ontario's langeat Real- ton specializing in vacation, rural and town properties. E)penings ini the Orono, Kendal and Newcastle arcs. No cx- perience nccsssry, we wii train you. Excellent com.- mission arrangement. For ap- paintment cail or write Mn. Omar Chishoîni, H. KEITH UTD. REALTOR, 181 Eglin- aon Ave. E., Toronto 12, lele- phone 487-3333. 32-4 MNeed Extra Money? 3ecomne an Avon Reprementa- tve aud turn tour spire time Into dollars ? ? ? No expert- ence requlred, we trai yu. Open territories Ini Bowma.- vile and Rural Area of Dari- mIton Township. Dou't delay, 'aIl Or Phone MRS. J. BILL, 140 Nonquon Road, O)SHAWA 725-9696 t J I t I E ( t c I Full Benefits L AD IE S 623 -3373OFFICIAL HOSTESS ta visit Newlyweds, and New Babies, FLYING briglng them "houewarrng iftz" and local Information, DUTCHMAN whie extendig the. welcorne iiand af the comrnunhty. Your MOTOR INN owu part-tlm. hours. 33-1 "HI NEIGHBOUR" W EL - COME SERVICE, a Canadlau Help an ted Firm ith branches l hi r - - pricipa cit andtown coast REAL ESTATE SALESMAN ta coast, needa a lady, age 35 Wanlcd for Bawmanviile Ares, ta 55, with a car, and arganiz- Prefer sclling expemience. Ex- atlonaI ability, who wants a pcnienced manager la help year-round busiess aofiier yau. Jain Canada'a langeat own. No investrnent. Com- rural reallon, a firm with a mission with exclusive terri- proven record c! sales. Con- tory. Complet. trihinigin- tact Lloyd G. Lec, F.R.I., Vice- ringed. Write ADVERTISER Presidenî, H. Keiti Lld., 181 832, c/o The Canadlan States- Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12. man, P.O. Box 190, Bowrn- 487-3333. 31-3 ville. 33-1 A challenging two year training programn for aggressive and capable young men, leading to' management careers in production, administrative and sales department of the company. Applicants must be 21-30 years of cge, have matriculation or equivalent standing and be physically f it.AII major employee benefits and'excellent earn- ings opportunity during training. Kindly reply in person or in writ- mgj LU,, The Personnel Manager, GOODYEAR TIRE and RUEBER CO. Bowmanville, Ontario. The Cmnadian Statesman, nowrnanvlfe.,&Ag.1810? 3 Magisq6tte #S C wt 1 ------------ cL1Utb appenea, anda Othe: - e, 165~Ç anGMC truck. wiînesses. Complete line af goad impie- 1 ments. This la a lange sale Roy Andrews, Oshnwa,i and must tarI on ime. The passenger in Mr. Elliiot's car proprty f Vcon Fams, otIestiiied that he tiraI saw tl( 32 pCopn.6, ai icon Fans, Lo M.G. sports car just befort miles nortiieast ai Oshawa. theai den s re n nLun~ch available. Note.- Vicon chti hdsemd ta appeai 1Farma have been sold and from nowher. Donald Rb. everything must go. This - rtson, Toronto, driver ai nc ai the biggest sales ai the car pasad by the M.G. short. season. Plan ta attend. Lloyd ly before the collision. Evi. W i l s o n , U x b i d g , S a l e M a n - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ager and Auctinee. 32-5 A7 ile1orSl *Modern and antique funni. Thunsday, Sept. 7, aI 7:3Ô lune, pnapenty cf Mn. Gardon p.m. Faîl Special - Select *Mofflin, 108 Centre St. S., Dairy CaIlle, Cansignmenî Sale Whitby, Ont., Satunday, Aug- aI the Cow Palace, Stoufiville, ust l9th, 1967, at 10 a.m.: Vic- Ont., oiicning puncbred and torinseccetany desk, pine grade Holstein cows, heifens, cuphoard, 2 pieces; Viclonian heifer calves and bulîs. Olher walnut buffet, Early Victorian breeda also arc usually con.- wainut bcd, 3/ size; Builseye signed. Customers are tind- coal ail lamps, Inonstone china ing canaigriments Ihat mccl dishes, captain's chair, pine their requiremenîs for correct chest, Victonian parlon- table, type and bigh production in set af itencillcd chairs, annaw Ihese sales. Cansignments back chairs, pine dmop-lenf drawn tram a wide'area pro- tables, walnut gaîcleg table, vide a fina lcias place ta electrie sewing machine, Kod- select what you want and ak movie camera <case), places the buyer lu the envi- moustache cups, oak hall sel, able position af unlimited rocking chairs, nursery rocker, nunibens t10 chaos. tram. If loilet set, brasa bcd, cracks, you have caIlle (the quality cradie, chcsîenficld suite, single kind) wc suggest you gel in bcd, box apring and mattress, touch wiîh sales manager at kitchen suite, nantie cdock, once. Transportation tramn any many antique lampa inciuding distance can usually b. an- Gone Wilh thc Wind, brais rangcd at fain and reasonable banquet lampa, china lampa. rates. Wc weicame your par- Many marc articles loa num- ticipation in' these montbly erous'tâ mention. _Teërns cash. sales. Nraan Faulkner aud No meserve. lIeuse soid. Myles Frank Benuett, Sale Manager King, auctioneer. Telephone and Auctioneers, Staufiville FOR', BEAUTY AND CON VENIENCE STAPFO»D naos. LTD. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Oshawa Wood Prg OURTCE IUMITEDme PROTECTION FOR YOUR MAJOR INVESTMENT TWO CAR GARAGE Ut Saine Quality Matenials as Jisted for Single Car Garage *Cottage Roof.! *. .and two. Overhead Steel Garage Doons I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SINGLE CAR GARAGE 1'x 20' * Gable Roof - 6" overhang * 2" i 4" Studdlng - 16" centres *2" x 4" Raiters and Collas, Tics *210 lb. Asphait Shingles *One Econorny Exterior Door *9' x 7' Steel Overhead Garage Doar with Hardware *44" x 31" Cottage Slider Window *Ranchwall Exterior Finish MATERIALS ONLY $48300 (i. Tai) ERECTED - $698.00 (inci. Tai) $628000S NL ElIECTED - $88600 <il Tai) PHONE OUR STAFF FOR PRICES ON OllIER WIDTHS AND LENGTHS' ALSO FOR CONCRE SLAB PRICING IF DESIRED *ducts 'AL@TUHUMME TO SWW 0-NI U.11 j I v.. I 14 Auction Sales LIVESTOCK SALES a Câds f T cMIi c minat DurbanCounty B8@10@Atone Au *on galm oftZ.EV01y Thurs., 7:» pau. eely To aul thoe Who sent card Decration DySrie Il edy, et.5 7 oi ts 13«m&8b cmet. J. A. e. and flowerglaan ri o b. held at Potpo ere.- stemsa. Auction ialé of Oview 8.on0 al8Maaer.52t ver, wilea ptint n Ohaw tey on Sunday, August 20, Holsteins, 70 head, #il register- It tu Hospital, 1 extend m heart 2:30 p.m. 33-1 ed, vacclnated, classlfied, pr- SuraAgs2:Fr ville felt thanks. Plan to visit Marydale Par nancy tested. Al from unît audaAgut24 o Greta Luxton. 33-1 this weekend. Park waters are sires, 40 milk cows, 18 fresh livelY auctions eail Ted now stocked with brook trout in August and September. Bal-.pnee;fr ieyato would like to thaik ail my anba.Podsmnngiacebdadopnhies hear hlm as M.C. of Black- ýere kind friends and different free. General admission, $1.0 Also seiling 9,000 bales hay, stock a i Sulkyres, 'fof arganizations for the nice ex- per car. 3-*diyeupet tbecen to pessins o symathy in he - er, steel stables, and some ma- saddle classes and ponies.j ards loss of a dear brother. h Bowmanville District Horti- chinery, the property of WiI- Livestock parade, 4-H Clubs, ring Mrs. A. Wright., 33_1, cultural Society Second An- frid D. Carruthens, Scugog St. Orono Amusement Midway, nual Flower and Vegetable in Bawmanville. Terma cash. Other items af interest too 33-1 We wiShow,. Wednesday, August 23, No reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. numnerous ta mention. Don't ~3- W.wah to express our sin- 4, - p.m. in the Library audi- Lloyd Wilson, Sale Manager Miss it! 3- cere thanks and appreciation torium. Silver collection. and Auctianeer, Uxbridge ress ta friendi and relatives for the 33-1 852-3524. 32-4 Modern ad antique furni. nds, lovely gifla af Boomerang caf- for tee table, kitchen step-stool Janetville Centenniai Celc- ture, piano, dining-room suite, rds and money presented ta us at bratian, Saturday, August 19, Tuesday, Sept. 12, 12 non compicte with table, chairs,1 ani- shower given in aur honour, 2 p.m. Parade af Foants, An- 150 Haisteins. Complété Vi- buffet, china cabinet, bedroami August 4th, 1967. A spécial tique Car Rally. Open House con Farmn Dispersai af 150 Reg. suites, large quantity of othera n. thanks to Mrs. W. Mahaffey, of Antiques at Sanderson's. and high grade Hoîsteins. gaod furniture, property afi C-1 Mrs. J. Hamilton and ail who Dance in cvening. Aduits Classified, R.O.P. testcd, vac- Morgan Eigclow, Lots 1 and 2,a helped ta pravide such a love- $1.00, students 50c, cblîdren cinated. 75 milk cows, 20 ta Con, 8, Cavan, 1 % miles east( and ly shower and entertainment. free. 33-1 * freshen in September. Balance and sauth ai Bcthany, bound-d c toRichrd ad Jon Thmpso. 0 bred heifers and Yearlings and ary rond, Friday, August 25. i ta ihr n Ja hmsn MONlÏSTER BINGO caîves. Daughters of Roase Sale at 1 o'ciock sharp. Terms for The family ai the late John TRfURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'clock Citation R. (Ex.) Seiling Rock- cash. Another excellent suc- lta Humphrey wish ta express SPonsored bY the. Junior man (E) Siig Tintion sale - Dont miss i.Te 5th their sincere thanks to neigh- Chamber af Commerce Achilles (Ex) and other pop Jackson, Ted Spenceley, nuc- A bouns, friends and relatives for JUBILEE PAVILlON ular sires. Records up to tianeers. 33-1 b Uns kindncss and help in the re- O S HA WA 8-tf 18,000 lbs. Dairy equipment: l centlossof adearhusbnd -5,500 lb. DeLaval milk tank, Wednesday, September 13 a cet os fa en ubad Blackstock Fair, August 26: (good), DeLaval milking mn- at 12 noon. Auction sale ofi and father. Spé thanks ta Harse Show, Fancywork and chine, 4 units, etc. The prap- modern mmm machinery and - iby Rev. J. Frampton and Mr. and Baking Dispiays, Tug-of-War, erty ai Vicon Farms, Lot 32, equipment and hay includingp &ir Mrs. Carson Eliiott for their Shirt Ironing Contest. Dance Con. 6, Darlington Twp., 7 David Brown 1200 tmactôr, newW res, help and understandîng alsoata night. Roy Gadfrey's Orch- miles northeast ai Oshawa. Ibis yean; M.-F. 50 tmactor, h eir the Royal Canadian Legion, estra, round and square danc- Folders upon request. Robert M.-H. 44 traclan, No. 12 M.-F.b ai Banch No. 178, and Ladies' ing. Two Rock & Rail groupa, Flett on pedigrees. Lloyd Wil- baler, Int. cultivatar, 23 teeth [b- Légion Auxiliary, for Iheir The Barracudas and. The son, Uxbridge, Sale Manager. nw;Do oaehretn .a kindness ta John while in hos- Shackromes for the swingers. 32-5 azsl uka*s hyrcs 3 pitl and for floral Iibutes me- 5Pt ioulaes a akt ceiedtrm ades Lgio ___________33-1 wagons, hay' conditionnr, weM. - Judgment was reserved u. t11 August 291M by Magistni R. B. Baxter ln lie case Wallace Clarence Campbe 52 Jackman Road, wbo w, charged wiîh dangerous dri ing on Tuesday in MagistratÀ Court here. Geoffrey Bonn, caille, the Cnown Attarne conducted the prasecutic and E. R. Lovekin, Newca tic, was tic lawycr for t] d e fe nse repmcscnting Mr Campbell. Evidence cancenning a e lsion belwecn Mr. Campbell eastbound 1958 Ford car ai, a wcîtbound 1965 M.G. spar car driven by Grant Hendei ,sn, 581 Duffenin Avenu, Oshawa. Mr. Campbell's bab daughîer died as the resuiî ( injuries sustained and M Hcnderson's wifc was kille in the accident. Evidence was given by Ih invcsligaling affîcen, Consta bIc George Evans, OPP, an nine photogmapha taken at thi scene ai Uic collision, 69 fce wesî ai the baundamy aifIth Village ai Newcastle, wer placed in evidence. Testimon: was aiso given by the accused his wife Mmi. Sandra Camp bell, Harland ElliotI, R.R. Newcastle, the driver ai s ca =1 ,-dl 'n- dence waa also given, by the having had usnl&wM l nter 'aIe M.G.'s driver, Mr. Henderson. course with a girl only 14 cf Patrick Bruna, Who pleéd- years ofi-age, àappared fo« ell ed gulity and was found sentence a. i ala maute vas guilîy on a charge oî careicas Baxter tantlbe lbed bien mear-' iv' driving, was fincd $50 and ried 1he previous eveniuf, e'5 $2 costs, and given 28 days ta Monday cf this week. Quis. '-pay. Constable H. E. Cooke, lioncd by the Magislta. ey, OPp, gave evidence. Sleeves adrnitled that hlm on, JmsLBa bride was bis conrnonlaw pI C aamewife walnwbom1he aad bie hle guilîy ta a charge af Intoxi- livfor îthwo ehdbe dr. cation lu a public place and lvn o w years. Was convictcd. His fine was HIe was sentenced ta. the 01. $50 and $3 casts, and Magis- Ontario Reformatory for a I traIe Baxter allowcd hlm twa lerm o! six mfofltb5*d#nltq ndwecks to psy. Constable K. anld Ihree manîhi lndetermlft- rsC. Lalon tcstificd in Ibis case, sIc. Magistrale Eaxtur in- Marhai Pic tondgultyformed the man tuit if ho i, of driving toc closly b hind e h i o t e P o byanother vebicle on 401 Hib- rlyle odb res# of way, MaY 22nd, was finedMg25 cri. I.and $2 costs. Constable Tam John Anthony Sralth, Oah- ed Ynrdy was the afficer who awa, Wha had been convicted laid the charge. on July 25th li agstrateja Court bere ou a charge o! ln- me Harmy Webb an conviction deccrit assault, and bad beers a- af careless dniving Juiy lat remande o d ?n Highway 35, forth o!theexa foairn a psyChtriO ie Jiliieion with 7A Higbwanand lencen. et wss fined $50 and $2 casti eorws i'n sm e Constable C. Stephen, Opp' eddsnece0 w er rgave paced on a bond of iy Constable Cooke testified in Kerineth Podmore wam found, d, the case ai James Major git !crls rvn i >- cbarged with having made N o f cHgbay ea r ibPr.o- 2, an improper leit lurri on tonvale Road. Him car bal nr Highway 115 in Clarke Town- collidcd with a car dnlveu byr t-ship on July 171h. M. Major Fredenick Owens,' R,. 61 le waa tound guiity and fined Bowmanville, aud Mr.. Owenu nr $15 anid $2 casts. hdensnosyljrd Auguste Ynck convicted o a Mm. Pcdniorc, who bald a carcless dniving on 401 High- cMe ra om renglWhonlyd rway in Darlinglon Township seven days previously to taIt. ae n July 3rd, was tined $50 up residence ini Canada and ýe Zn $2 casts, or seven days. who had been drivlng for Ibm ,r tllarc ut l ad dttia im e ini Canada, was r cnleas dnîving on Hîgi- fined $50 and $14 coits. Tés- way 35 on June 16th and Was timony was given by Con« . tound gulty. He waa find stable Evans, thc nvestigata -$50 and $3 cosîs, or seven ing cîticer, Mr. Owens, Mm~ -daya. Diane Podmore,.wi!e of the orA fine ai $250 anid $2 casts, accused, and the aecused. or nc manth in jail, was given bo W. Pt.. LeCroix, Who William Barry convicted of -plesded guilty and waàs 80 excccding lhe speed uhnit on toun d on a charge of impair. 401 Highway was flned $15 cd driving an No. 2 liighwa ad $2 casts, or Omoe day. at Newtonville. T. H. Jermn ry McTillop, found guilty ai the fiin ai Greer and af dniving wlth an - utdated Kelly, Oshawa, th. Legal Aid iioense alsa was fined $15 and caunsel, appeaned for the. ac- $2 casts, or tir. ay. byed ConstbleT. Hldwa, FIE QUL1T byCu on.Tstbmeny wa given IALff OPP. I MONUMENTS AI BradSteeves, Newcastlc, f wba had been convicled on U KR Mah3sto cag f ý 20** x 20ý IIATERIALS ONLY (inel. Tax) 1 9

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