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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 14

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Playground Princesses Take Pr nPnyFi 4* CANADI0A NNATIONýAL EXO HIBITIO BURLEYDUSLUNES LEMITED Goung DuaiIïy from -Bowmanv.IIe A AUG.o- 18 to SEPT, 4 Id Bidae on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy traffic akn or crowdng for street cars Buses will leave Exhibition Grounds 15 minutes after grandstand performance. DAILYý FROM BOWMANVII i -msw ane Leaves Bowinanville 9:00 a.m. Arrives Exhibition 10:30 a.m. Includes admission Io grounds - fare $3.50 .,DurV ILL 1TMAVEL TO EXHIBITION FROM PUCEsS'.-HOWN BELOW ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: AUGUST 23 -, (FOOD PRODUOTS) LEAVE REA» DOWN AUGUST 24- (MORTICULTURF, d& MUSIC) 7:15 Janetville 7:30 Nestleton 7:45 Blackstock. ,8:00 Burketon 8:.15 EnInidkllen 8:3 HamPton 9:QQBdîwmanville -<'v.r ~~"' -<;~ -~ AUGUST 28 - AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 1 (WOMENS.) (ELECTRICAL) (AGRICULTURE) LEAVE FARES READ DOWN $4.50 7:15 $4.35 7:35 $4.25 7:50 $415, 8:10o $4.00 $.50 -,900 8:30 to Ehbto rwd Millbrook Garden Hill Elizabethville Kendal Kirby Orono Bowmanville Childr.n - <Unie. 12> $4.E0 Cl ay. yvstd at lu M ns. Forsythe, Toronto, Mn. Russeil Onmiston, Mr. andI Mn, ivan Sharp, Linda andI > Janet, Enniskiflcn Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and4 ayMr. and Mn.. Ross Astnad famnly enjoyed a picnic a! Enily Park, Orne- me ln bonor o! Beth Asbton's birthday. M?,.and- Mns. Morris Pollard and fsrnily enjoyed a week's holiday vlslting >Wrs. Pollard's ,ar t, I and Mns. Ernie I4rns I>otn Station, and Mn. ,and ?&s. Pert Clark and fan>- Il%'- OWen Sound, andI aiso vlslted -l*rs.. Pollard'. niother, Mn. - Lyons, at the Owen, Sound liospital. M". L BetrimandMiss s. yM Brim atndebdthe Cba,= h' Amlson weddîng ofteComtort, ToentoîoeSaturday. Un. W d 4Sienion Md 4!âar aitte th om %ý gntParklast Eda-f Fa»e QoIuwa 737 ,Mr and Mn. Lawrence IUMrn-and son Charles left * Toronto International Air- ià'rt on Wednebday morning 16g.lth, by Jet for White- reYukon, where they will j t for 10 days with their *-elaghter and bon-in-Iaw, Mr. ed Mrn. ROY Fulford. Mr.M. E. Sherwin of us, dn, Manitoba, was a use guest over Civie Héli- Sof Mn. Wm. Cobbledick attending the funeral of nieceé, Mrs. Russell Alton, Lucknow, Ontario. tM.and Mr.. R. P. Baxter isons Thn and Jamie of - ~rborough, formerly of mmilton, vssited bier parents S.and Mrs. Wm. E. Arm- hg. 'Mr and Mrs. Archie Wat- ., . of Waterdown were over- h usta of Mr. and Mrs. AexWatson and together on tfsday they visited Mrs. Ben arr at Kingston and dVier friends. -Mrs. Sidney Smith of Ot- t#*'a bas returned home after s-pendling ten days with ber Épter, Mrs. Darcy Wilson of Leskard. *Mr. and Mn.. Alex Ritchie------ --- lbhand Games at Cobourg Last night, the Recreation Department wound up took place. They are, left to right, Christine Milford, 1%kon Civie Holiday. its playground activities for the summer with .a great (West Beach), Tammy Luxton, (Memorial), Jili Wray ea borne after spending two parad etrngCnena fotclrful costumes (Franklin), Laurie Cain, (Lions Centre) , Judy Hone, weeks among his family, Mr. and the selection of Miss Penny Fair of 1967. Above1 (East Beach), Kiniberly Davies, Ontario St., Donna a1d Mrs.,]loss Stonehouse and are the seven cute Princsses before the final judging Cooke, (Vincent Massey). s.LodTruli and faniily and Mrs. James Mowat and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry chester, N.Y.,Mr. and Mrs.- Mtingtn and Mn. and Mrs. others. Rowe. Wm. Hoar attended the mar- RE EA I N Jaýmes Canning and family at M. and Mrs. Bob Lewis E cciJoe i ptet ae fMr ilo Rie Osbawa. enjoyed a motor trip to Nor- in the Toronto General Hos- on Saturday and spent the D IIli !~Bob Cooper Jr. of Birmlng- thern Ontario and visited bis pital.. weekend at Cameron Lake. REVUEWVI hein, 'Michigan, and KCaren aunt, Mrs. Braydon Stinson at M.adMs ot ac 1%ano!Ma nbmare spend- Callander. M.'n rayaRofac 14g part o! tbeir bolidays Mr. and Mrs. Dénnis Lynch n agtr oaa0 or- Ïth their grandparents, Mr. and famîîy of Brantford were onto are spending two weeks MYAR E GW.¶VE OnTusaAg ohte wnd Mrs. F. O. Cooper. overnight guests of bis grand- With Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowmanville Recreation De- #.Dr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor, parents Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Harris, Brian and Carl, after Mn.. L. Hindmnan and Mn. partinent Playgrounds beld j ~onn e a d N ncy of ram - R we n t e C vie Holday retrning on Saturday fom and M rs. M. Goodm urp by and their Annual Show Day. A - ton were Sunday dinner weekend. On «Sunday Mr. visiting Mrs. Haick's parents family spent an enjoyable proximately 200 c hilid r en gi4ests of Mrs. M.- Chatterton Lynch sang a solo at New- in B ou r ges, near Paris, week with Mr. and Mrs. A. from the playgrounds enjoyed and togethen.- attended the castle United Church where France- Goodmurpby at Thessalon, the double Meature at the Çýatterton fanmiIy picnic at bis mother Mrs. S. Payne of Mrs. Ivan Farrow, Mr. and Ont. Royal Theatre. The first at- Ç.obourg Park in the after- Bowmanville 'is ýorganist and Mns. Everett Stapleton at-trcinwsMa TeWl tco.choileader. tended Newtonville Decoa- Wa "bir The eodthrlee- Mr. and Mns. Bruce McAr- Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Reid tion Service on Sunday and BROWNST'c Woa nThseodtrlr tl4ur, Jo Ann, Barry and Brent returned bomne last -week after were gueste of Mr. and .HaeMoster."1 Pt Countice visited.Mnr and !rom a motor-camping trip to Mrs. Clarence Burley at Mr. Bill Monley, Miss Jean ---- 1ks. Tom Hardy and famnily. the West Coast. Cowanville. Perrin, Miss Arline Allun and M ~ n . Boy er, Ronnie Clapdrop of Bw- Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schmid Mrs. Falls recently. had a 14r. and M. Hanry ercer nianville visited his grand- and childnen were on a camp- pleasant niotor trip tbrough tuen several days of last parents, Mr. and Mns. Julien ing trip to Outlet Sand Beach parts o! United States and welk at PExpo. De Pàepe, last week. near Picton last week. were very close to those. M. Wm. Robinson and Mn. Wesley Norman Hoskiyi Mr. and Mrs. Raymond places whene necent rioting r*s W.A.Gerry aebt age 90, busband of Ms ý Chapnman have retunned borne bad caused such havoc there. patients in.-Bwanil Me- Wood okn passed away at from a two weeks niotor trip Mrs. Harold Hughes andaP.. znorial Hospital. bis borne in Oshawa on Aug- to the Maritimes. Chris and Mr. and Mrs.' Gary Mn. and Mrs. Sam Keats of ust 12th. Funenal was on Mon. Mrs. Robt. McHolm and ber Hooper and son Scott spent Cbatham were guests Thuns- day afternoon. Interment in daughten Mns. Ethan Jones of last week vacationing at their day to Saturday of Mr. and Bethesdia Cemetery. Port Hope visited Mns. Cecil cottage.R P OT M*s D, S-. Haness and visit- Mn. John Coryeil of Lon- Jons and family. Mr. and Mrs. red Sneed RIE O ed Mr. and Mrs. E. Hammi, don arrived last Saturday to Mr. arid Mrs. Paul Snod- and family neoently visited Mrs. James E. Richards, Mn. spend a week with bier par- grass and son David o!' Ro- relatives in North Canolina. Tbe following are the sta- ,. Domino Plain, Pim., Nippy 8 oz. pkg. o 1 0 'Sumtirne'à adwchu. Go tagether dont ,l,,?Mdd kiduI Klds and andwichu have been going logedm smnc. almout ulwys. And wis. marna know whuçe 1 get 81l the fixina for rui rwIngin' sumrnos Dmioof courait Stock Up now and f o*ir he,0 0 fuRichmello 32 z iNSALAD DRESSI IT'S MAINLY BEC Whoie Cut Up j Chi n a BSI Tick and Meaty Blade and « ChUCk Steaks, inPreswood or Lucas - Rindless BACON THURSDAy NIGHT SI 6-00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. Richinello - Pint ICE CREAM I 11uc cmiuej at this de- tachment.--for the lnonth of 3Ù1y 1967: L Break aAd enter IË, auto 88other cri- 24, value o! pnoperty stolen $2,638.o. Asa resuit of the above mentioned investigations, 13 S pensons have been charged with criminal offences and 140 persons have been chang- ed with off ences against the Provincial Statutes. Accidents inves:igated f74, i Irjury type accdesnts 23, per- , sons injured 44, bit and runes accidents 3. f No of pensons changed un- P der the Highway Traf!ic Act f 240,; No. of pensons wanned S with infractions under the T H.T.A. 53; No. of vehicles safety checked 288; No. of pensons charged under "Fail- cd to Remnain- 1, NO. o! per- sons cbarged with "'Impained £- Driving"' 4. There was one19 person cbanged with "Driv- S ing unden Suspension", and Y One penson cbarged with "Dangerous Driving"y. As the summer vacation PeniOd rapidly approaches an end, i thi. the wish o! the O.P.P. taal motorists and pedestrians alike continue to pay attention and observe al tnaffic laws and safety rules, HAYDON Mn. and Mrs. B. M. Thomp- 4S2 son, Hampton, Mn. L. F. " Tbompson and Ethel Williams,4 Toronto; Mn. andI Mrs. J. Ab-~ bott and Stevfn, were recent tt visiton*s o1 Mns. Thomnpson. Mn. LarrY Thornipson, Miss Sandra Crawley were Sunday -0 dinnen guests o! Mis. Tbomp. son M. atIMrs. E. Thomp- & son and Cynthia were necent tI! callers at Mrs. Thompson's. Mn. and IvMrs. Ron Mornîson andI family Oshawa, viited G Mrs. M. .Bertrim and family on Wednesday. ml Mn. antI Mns. Ken Urwin, Oshawa, were, Sunday visitons o!f Mn,. Bertnsm andI !amily. Misses Linda and Janet Sharp spent a few days with Mr. andMrs. Lloyd Ashton. S Miss Betb Ashton and baby,19 Grant,. spent Thursday witb &- Mvr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. .l- Mr~. and Mrs. Ross Ashtonx@ must exei tnseteLutrentrantos.Tu. tme ted 4 siectin fo ýn, Pizé$ill 14 os.d rBise ly ave 200 Prizeswillsawardedreguomlîy SH A M PO O ........9 7C all rosidents of Canada, ejghteen rs of age or over, except members OHPA Sode T Egave 1 9 r familles of the Baker>' Councml, OT PA E$19 ery Foods Foundation, its advertîsing and thejudging organhzatioa. AMiPLE FREE PARKING MlI Merebandise lu Guaranted To Give 100 Sa&tion Values Effeet*VÇ Until ClomiUg, SaturdaY, Aug. 19, P'07 in Bowanville WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIANT QUANTITIES. Op.rThurs. und .Nights 'til 9 p.m. St. o dSir pon AveAvnue (Hlghwcy No. 2. et .AU5E OF THE MEAT Fresh Chicken Cuts kt39lb Legs & Breasts 49 iICN CORH -2o.pkg. 69~ Cored Beef 4$.9 69 OoRsPlus 1 pkg. of Diii Pickles4.$ e9.eà ,Niai Male Leaf Brand SeOP wmi CONFIDMNCEI 1 md mn9,116 oz. 9cDe PECIAL FRJDAY NIGHT SPECIAL u ONLY 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. ONLY 11Domino - 16 oz. bag 2 1 Coffee- Beans 5 9cj Save On Dominion's Own Brands Cholce 28 oz. Save 17a DOMINO TOMATOES 3for79c Iiclmeilo pikt. o 2Save 2. p SCONE ROLLS 27e ANGEC FOOD CAKE 39c Domino Faner Buttered 20 oz. Save 4oe0 CORN KERNiELS 49c Bliced or Unelleed 24 OZ. Loaves RICHMELLO BREAD 3 for 65c Domino 28 oz. Save 20 FRUIT COCKTAIL 44c B ayslde Fancy Red 7-14 Ti SOCKEYE SALMON 59c Fresh Produce Features Canada No. 1 Grade - Ont. Pre-cooled - Tender, Sweet ltom up IhL Sand enlon fl E U d and fifled ed entichd CO N on CB.9' nto îluc,,. Carolina Grown - Serve Ice Cold iand filiod »"e alca.. igoe @lice&. WTERMELON 7v%1 i1he order New Crop South African - Sweet and Juicy Vencia Oranges 494, DEEP CUT FEATURES Lihby'» Deep Browned lu Tomato Sauce 19 oz. Save te BEANS WITH PORK ...3 for 79c Fancy Assorted 14 oz. Tin Save Ilc DELMONTE PEAS. 4 for 89c Brlghts Fancy 48 oz. Tin Save- 26e APPLE JUICE ........3 for 85c - 'AJAX CLEANSER14 oz. 3 for 69c - Grand Valley Rot Dot - Hamburt Sweet RELISHES., 2 o . 4 for $1.000 HeaIth &Beauty Aids i. 2eCanadian Sfateman omave Y-RONOf Seven NEWS support Your Cmmn ty J k Cent ennial Project,~~ MMII0 US ALLTH( RXINS FOR Fong MNO8-Rf PnomE ~ai - ING l lebr -2 - d nfoexcept Withselected entrants. ries leturned. 4. A seJection from ies will be madeand in ordertowin. 3 - - -.,.MW '.MW 49C "mi a" -qqý ý SPECý li LS

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