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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 1

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Four Students WinShlrhp ,na btr tîtir î VOLUME 113 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUG1JST 16, 1967 15#PrCp Newtonville ManMagnificent Beards Compete frK anvlAad Wins $11OOO Bond ... ... At Kinsmen Karnival The Bowmanville Kinsmen R.R 3, Bowma 1e2nd Club Carnival held on Friday Clint Foster, O elil Street; ~~ ' evening was a great success, 3rd, a tie between Ralph Da- Ž' and it was enjoyed by large vey, Waverly Road and Nor- "' crowds of people of ail ages. man Luxtoft, Chufch Street. ~ ~~~~ President-Eleet Roy Wood- Trimmed Beard,' lst Jim .i ward was Carnival Chairman, Coombes, R.R. 4,, Bowman- and he was assisted by David ville; 2nd Bob McArthur, "' Benny as Carnival Treasurer. Concession Street; and 3rd "' Harry Collacutt was the Ernie W alIk ey, Wellington ~... . Bond Draw Chairman. The Street. fortunate winners of the Gov- The lst prize w1pners each s. ernment Bonds were: Don received $25, the 2nd prizes .. "~ 'McHolm, Newtonville, $1,000; were $15 each, and the 3rd Ronald Spear, Bethany, $500; prize winners cach:received a .... MisHelen McDonald, 135 book of tickets on the Kmin.." Ontalo tree, $00; rs.Investment Draw. The judges Rita McRoberts, 127 High for the Beard Contest were " Street, $100; Miss Sharon Da- Councillor Ken Nitlks, a past S'." ~ "~vis, 284 Dover Street, Osh- president of the; Kinsmen . awa, $100; H. Wydcven, 303 Club, Reg Bowen and Don Chestnut Street, Whitby, $100; Jensen. J.M caln,4 ete KnteAde le aStreet, $100; C. F. Hilton, 30 the Kinette Patio -Set Draw " '."~\* ~ '. . .~.~ George Street North, Smith's Chairman. She was assite S .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . Falls, $50; and Mrs. Walter at the carnival by Kinette - ~~'~' Frank, 10 Edsall Street, $50. _(TURN TO PAGE TWO, i~...........' ' * Dùncan UIley was the Kin... Investment Draw Chairman. DI ýe'.. _____ ~~~The winner of the $ 1,00 lacIk"'. .%4 c5' prize was Ronald Mutton, 16 .. ~~ '~ ~ in President Ralph Whyte was An nual Fair~ ~ . . . ..... .3. ,.. ~ 40 entries for this competi- Set for ~ a . .~... tes. Orginaly t ere ere /~1u g . 2 6 * . tion, but the hot weather proved too much for the me- As usual, fllackstock's ~~* It was a tough job for the judges to choose "Miss Penny Fair for 1967" jority of the beard growers annual Fali Fair wIll fea- 1« from seven charnng Princesses chosen by the town's playgrounds. After and there ,were only 10 final- ture an excellent horse ists. show thl.s year when 1*I t considerable discussion, they came up w ith the winner, Miss Christine Milford, The winners were: P~ull takes place a week lrorn daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Milford, West Beach. She is shown above right Beard, st Joseph Humenick,, Saturday, August 26th. with her crown being placed by last ye ar's Miss Penny Fair, Rhonda Fleming. Officiais o!the fair hav tDeputy-Reeve Wes Fice made the presentation. FS ra,,its gone ta great lengths ta pro- Four tu vide an lnterestlng program . lu front of the grandstand ' .. \A ~and also promise many fas- Fe trîF s i a in'l a s ng~na rond and la the main h hown above are fine of the 10 contestants in in second place'., 1p aeyad MLuti~wr C ,-k-I biling te enenia beard contest sponsored by Bowman- tied for third. Bctoapcue hw.tewnes SchII./olrsh1I pSS, plan nwt attend ville Kinsmen Club. The judging took place at their from left to rightJnCme oplt ihctaa O R Canadas Centennlai Them e hisar:&stweehmghan yeve bat e tab he aKarnival on Friday evening. Top picture is of the four coat and top hat, o crhr n ri aky scnayshosrpr htgreat reputatîoia for enter- contestants with full beards. Joe Huxnenick, far right, Jim Murphy and Cr mt eeeinntda a AturAnnual Pennyveair Parade talument. won first place with Clint Foster second from rght Bill Siaglt Sr. for Ontario Scholarships by A t nnu l. en y F ir ara e-registering over 80 % averagE on tiieir .Grad.I1ý gs.. _________________________________ The annual Penny Fair and Patsy Blake In blue velvet nett of the Recreation Depart- Seholers at Bowmenv'jln Parade held by the Bowman- wth white epaulettes wearing ment with Reeve Sidney Little, at both Courtice and Clarke O ils anc1 Li eces ville Recreation Departrnentinatlwhe rbo sak also as a passenger. Miss West schools. the Lions Centre grounds on adorned with a blue plume as Beach was leter selected by Jae>rhm agtro PN hsFiateCnde ainal D4D ,cV jI c f II i Truesday. evening was ýi tre- leaer of several other talent- the judges to be Miss Penny Mr. and Mrs. Aif Graham. EhbtinnTooowilpn o C teiaI S tnendous- succcss. Credit is due cd baton twirlers also in blue Fair, and the pretty littie girls R.R , Nwate a iExhbto nTrnowl pnfgCnena n e pr tthe organizer, T. A. Fannîng, velvet, and the high-stepping who each represented a play- credits with an average of year. One of the big f irst day features will be an ggr * Dîrector of Recreetion, his young Sailorettes. ground were named the prin- 82%. It is understood sue extravagenza, with 2,000 members of Nationbuild. a II a 'i~ .# E 5~~ E I~~ staff, end the Playground Christine Milford, Miss West cesses of ber court, plans to attend the University ers 67 taking part. Visitors will also be able to see F J IL ~ ~ I L .~ IJ~ V ~ L i Supervisors. Beach was the passenger in a The West' Beach float en- of Toronto. .w Mn veEnt. Spectators along the . route conve;tible driven by Joe Ken- (TURN O7 PAGE TWO) Wmn. Everett Neil Richards, a giant Canadien flag nxeasuring 36 feet x 18 feet, AtthMuncipeBoarCou______fo______En of the parade, Beech Avenue,so r. o the lariest mracle in Canada so far this yv' I he At g the TMunic allBon ardCuse.. oreand rpîe Lowe, Temperance, King and Rihrson 0f Mr. a D riours. Ron O hin t ee Tee il earn iteTw e nwsJ .Bei n o h Division Streets, were delight. Net I ncome Lower RihrdSutwy Drv, shudrelybesmthn o e.Thr il .Plenet Enterprises Town of BowmhanvileE *uh.b.U Y ed iththeflatsandth eight credits with an av- rnany other fescineting displays and performances. Limited were denled approval MeNeely. edwt h lasadteerage o! 83.7 %. He is be- - j - - of their plan to establish a Th iswtnscaldy and mardchilng. Th sirring 1" J ('QI i. planning on at- hosinTsudivsioton The r Brewines'C andus ic g ! The Bomanirileo y aga es a tending Carleton lUniversity LONG DISTANCE - Mrs. Erwin J. Winter of hwesti sde isoMnvesoadthepea. 0f E n a Mi Jh h ta megicof Pipe Bdw i eG o yar turs r n Otw.B h above Neenah, Wisconsin, and her sons, epparently rem- on the former Cawker pro- sultants Tw lnigL LegstudPnts Bttdnded Bawmann-i Ted w n statentatth out of 16 pipers and a good irmvileHhS ember their visit to Bowmanville in July ..-. and perty.reuemtsac Thmer eof drPiper Thi, wesLe evilo e Muir, o l-er. in particular the Ken's Men's Wear store. This Board members were W. H. meets ail the reir. much njoye. 7 h ïr H i hest Leve elodyAnne uir,18-yer-JweThKempsonvedwhoetactedmlasieunderhertJe TPlanningho cActas ulrr th Planing TeLgoPieBand led old daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. we e' eevdalte opietn hr chairman and A. L. McCrae. Sepejek had designedi h the -parade followed by Miss 1 Archie Muir, Courtice, has on the very nice store and asking if two more tie - subdivision to the souho eeelmntdl# r irst i-,ar ~seven credits with an average sets similar to the one they lied bought could be LADY GOLFERS IN ACTION the lands in qluestionanex frmteJioM t. On Ïaturday night, smre Goodyear - Canada s a 1 es 9.9 per cent the $63,67,46 ough, and bas been a studentt t t t t showed up on Tuesday for the gineering. HesttdtaShebethm 4 disruntled drop outs, or reached their highest lel aieveli cevd during th(eIfira et Courtice Secondary School. FIELG -Mr.ASuR.5,eptsha weekly Ladies' Day play et stibdividing the land wsa l okbcmre ort real ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fs Dark VanderGWer-achieved berSgra Bowmanviile Golf Club,.fiin tliaino heoe ulrHrl Ihl~ releager to bie back at history during the first six of 1966. From Clarke High School, e gadchildren recently found a five-legged Saîîy Harmer cae imn with land where there were eit ooeo i ie uir school students, broke into months of 1967, L. E. Spencer, Net income in the first six Dr a e efahee Bowmanville Hlgh Sehool presidepnt end gepncral - menaU.-«---- mnh hsya a l3- e 0%-dqa-fe s n fogi h ae.Se-lolisamgnfcn-cn h--wsorRn-Fs o-igsrvcsaaial nda-in.cIage rctoi HAMPTON As the fail social season approacli- es, we are still trying to locate someone in the Hampton area who will act as correspondent for The Statesman. Anyone interested in taking on this important commnunity task should contact the Editor et the earliest possible moment, so this busy village's news will appear each week. t ti. t j. j JAMMED - A surplus of news and pictures con- tinues to cause problems as we try to make room for everything that is going on. A few Kinsmen Karnival photos have been held over, plus a pic- ture of the successful two-ball mixed foursome at Bowmanville Golf Club on Saturday, plus some others. We hope to include them next week by printing a couple of extra pages. This week, with two of the staff away, there just wasn't time to do more than get the paper out on time. - jt j. t t j- LEADING - At this point, it would appear that Duff Roblin, Premier of Manitoba bas the edge in the forthcoming Progressive-Conservatie conven- tion to be held early in September. No doubt those attending the PC picnic in Orono this after- noon took tizne- out from sports and other activities This attractive float on a Centennial theme was constructed by the members of the new East Beach to discuss the leadership possibilities quite thor- Ronnie Mutton co-proprietor of Muttmn 4gdte best of the seven playground entries in Playgroun<j under supervision of Miss Sheila Hooper.' oughly. To date, there lias been no indication who happy winner of the $1,000 Kini Invuutnm#tr PPJWrw parade lust evening. Itwua plnned and4 the Durham PC&8 wa -b. supporting. awn at lait L=oev4, M& cbeffl

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