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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1967, p. 5

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Ma rriecl 25 Years frd' rad Mrs. Mra x and lan, Mr. Doug Park and The Cmnadian iRtatesnian, Bowmanvill Ag.18,9? Mr ad n H rvyMissR J n Jean Piggott visited Mr. n ,A e à Gill attended the Decoration, were on hoiidays. W SE L E~ ~ l e surrounded Daysevic a S. Mrys suprse ary as 1el Carence Hatherly and Dar- ing with Mrs. Edith Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs som eidsby pro a4 Cemetery, Manvers. * on Sunday for Mr. Aife ee rne iie hir M.adMs .Gbetes fre lee, arnte vîlte teir Mn.andMr. S Galeandi and boys spent a week camp- Valenie Austin went ta Ton- apruce Planted about 40yefa Mn. and Mrs. E. PettiferiMillson by bis family, at the mother, Mns. Annie Hatherly. Bruce, Ms-s. Edith Murphy ing at Ahmic Harboun. onta last Tuesday tea pn g ta nuhom ie and family, Wiliawdaie, were; home of bis son Gardon and Mn. and Mrs. W. Roy and attended Club 50 dinner atag todi nioj weekend guests at Mn. and Mrs. Milîson a! Nonthi Orono, Debbie visited at Niagara Falls Cedar Park on Sunday. ratjMn. and Mrs. Harold Stain- holidays with sisten Pearl, like a walof greem. luIXi Mrs A.L. ean's 1 onrin hi 51 s b thay verth weken. ton, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. but bath girls returned on lavely settlng thecnrg Mand A. . Reard i hing bis ug st inth a ~ te w eekd.Mn., and Mrs. W. Murphy Lloyd Stainton. Mn. and Ms-s. Thursday evening ta attend tien began the sineMe w * TibuyHwene a e presented with an ice cooler i ns. A. Wood and John ac- and boys, Newcastle; Ms Dan Stainton and Shenni, Fint, the fumerai of their cousin, an informai slnglng oàf h7um Tibuy wr oenightl Yhs aiy Races wee n companied Mn. and, Mss. David Chas. Iad, roo, rsn Mich., wene guests of Mn. and Eileen *Gibson, on Fridav. Mn. i.uitabie fan an outdoor met'. guests at Mr. and Mrs. C-.f yd r. .Mlnweron Park of Bowmanvilie and dayevenn callens- of Mns. Mrs. Henry Staintn ad and Ms-s. A. Fard and Gjwen,vie MnRuds od g. Avery's. F y ldies'raceueslieGobie ismte Mtelde', MsilsoGablIitd the Mavin family at Edîth Murphy. attended the Stainton-Shackle Mn. and Mns. Coeo. Tuffard, sa eabout the work or the Deetsmah taM.wnthe shnee cramblean a cottage at Head Lake near Mn. and Mrs. G. Taylor, ton wedding. Mnr.and Ms-s. Harold Austin i le SacietY, told of lha c ndMrs. Ralph HuIs and IGary Milîson won the child Norland, iast week. Lsi n aesetter M and Mrs .CD>~ n ss. Wm. Tufford aise tinuous demand and the news family on the passing of her rren's shoe scramble. Twenty- Mrs. C. Shaw, Oshawa, and vacation with Mr. and Mrs. visited last week with Ms-s. Fresaebs ttehv ree huad f motenthelat Ms. enr. oe eioed pinicsupenMns. W. Crossey. Bewmanville, Gene Roberts, Chattanooga, Tom Gili, Locust Hill. haresndare havingabadeBibles or inrutioun lu of*i Mr. and Mns. Charley Briggs atter which a game of base- spent a few days last week at Tenn. hretadaehvn a ilsfrisrcinI hJ and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy, bail with Mn. Milison making the home of Mr. and Mns. E. Mn. and Mrs. Rick tuxtoni, Mns. Zena Anderson and time pulling the heavy straw schoals. Nestieton, Mrs. T. M. Siemnon a home s-un ta top off his1 A. Virtue. Scarbonough, were Sunday family spent the weekend at off the graund where se mucb A iow wagon held the pul.. and Mn. James A. Werry birthday panty. Mrs. Annie Rivers. Mrs. C. gusa !M. and Mrs. jim Tweed.. has been flattened by rain pit and piano and those emm were Sunday dinner guests of; SympathY la extended ta Shaw and Mrs. E. A. Virtuel Woodley fand children. Mn. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd The crop a! grains is heavy joying the service appreciat.. Mn. and Mns. H. J. McGill 1 Mr. and Mns. W Viv'a and were lastFniday guests of Mn. and Mrs. James Wood- visited on Sunday with ed the effort made by t.houe A family gathening wasifamily on the passing o! her Mr.W aseBwmanville. iey and childnen camped at and Mrs. Bill Smith, Chas-e- Mn. and Ms-s. Roy Austin respansibie for its prepara. held at the home o! Mr. and Ifathen, Mn. Wesley Hoskin cf Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue, Picton aven the holiday week- mont. entertained members of Mrs. tien. Mnrs.Bn Cees apoIHroy yptyas oMsC hwwr auday en.1I Mrs. Jean ALnams is attend- Austin's family at their berne Sunday was deconation day1 anSudy.weeMrs. Hoskin and family. ievening guests of Mn. and Mn. and Mns. Walter Park! ing Bible Camp, near Omnemee. on Sunday aftennoon for a, at Pont Hope, Welcome, Wes- Mn. and Ms-s. S. Lamb weiMn. and Mns. Lorne AnnisMr., oh St,1;wani-e returned home from their holi- Mn. and Mrs. James Pen-falyinc.Ieyie, ewove ad Saturday evening calers at1 Hamton; Miss AImaMd' Sympathy is extended ta no as apn tPrySud el n aiy n and Mss. M. Truman Austin, Paul, ioten lecal etnies Thntia Mn .and Mrs. C. Stainton's. j London; Mr. and Mrs. L. S ad Mrs. John Seto, Bowman- Orilhia and Wasaga Beach. F.Sodn noli:M.adBnieadbrfini aedis at aye lwr Mn. and Mns. N., E. Wright, 1 Hoar, Toronto, were visitonsvile n the tragic death by Mn. and Mns. John Infusini Mrs. Tom Lowery and baby attending Expo this week. plcda rvs of lovedt Mr. Herbent Wright and Lin-* o! Mr. and Mns. A. J. Hoar. ýdrowning of their son Tony. adcîde, saa eewene Sunday supper guesta ! Cursrv orte ocnes, whethen or not a mem- da wre ecet te gustsatýAlhison and Adrienne Weish Monday dinner guests of Mn.lMn. and Mrs. T.. Pleasance. churches on the charge was anial service ia held at the. da wre et ta uetaa Miss Marilyn White, Bow- spent a couple o! days iast and Mrs. W. Park. Mns. D. A-i d re ad and held at eleven o'ciock on Sun- cemetery. Mn. R. J. Ormiston had Hoan.o unclwe wte, n n rs..A iluMs.IsaaMrpydoonoAdnienne Welsh accompanîed day morning at Laverne Fan- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bar- Mr. Hoak.n Smist Hampto Mn.unand Mrs. A.dJ. Hr G. dnead. la saading this weerontoMn. and Mrs. G. Alldread and naw's pienic grounds. nowclough visited with mon Sunas upper w S ithHmpn M. and r.AJ'Hn iMsEdtMupy visited Mn. and Mrs. Leslie The service was in charge Bill and his wife in Peter- Mss.VenaFosyh asneca rdeMn.Sspent a holiday in Quebec and Ms W. Miller enjoyed a Ms Eih uph.IJustice. Richmond Hill, on o! Bey. C. R. Rudd o! Peter- borough on Sunday. wi .Vrn osth hafter visited Expo. Mcanrd Sunday evening withý Congratulations toabirhdaySunday. David and Sharon borough, representingf the Bi- Mr-. and Mrs. Ted Corby of spencling two weeks? holiday Mn. and Mns. Harny Hath-, Mrs. Rose Middleton, Scar-[AugLst lSth *. their aunt and uncle for a that couid be desined, and the Mrs. Harold Austin on Satur- wihMn. Ormiston. ely and Karen, Mr. and Mcrs. borough, spent last week visit- 1Mn. and Mns. Ralph Bowers; holiday. well-cut gassy area -in the. day, Aug. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pingle -McRobbje photo. On July 21st, Ron and Maryj and Mrs. Helen Baldwin were Pingle of Maple Grove enter-' in charge of the head table. tuined 120 friends and rela- Guests were present frorn Peterborough, Orono, Toronto, tiwes -,at the Li ons Centre enI Alliston, Oshawa, M ap le the occasion of their 25th, Grove and the United States. Wedding Anniversary. Ani evening of dancing and a late1 evening buffet supper was; N IKL E enjoyed. N IKL E Tables nith white cloths Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brown, and bud vases of pink and Newcastle, were Saturday ev- White carnations were placed ening callers at Mr. and Mrs. *round the room for thei Geo. Irwin's. rim-,The head table was~ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin a 'ý;ýed with white tulle1 were Sunday visitors of Mis- and silver flowers, and cen-ý ses Louise and Marjorje Me- fred with a three-tier wed- Intosh at their cottage at: ding cake and pink tapers.l Cor1,ett's Point. Guests were greeted by the Mr. and Mrs. F'. W. Werry couple and their two sons, attended the Warden's picnie Douglas and David. Honored at Caesarea. guests were the bride's mno- Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton, ther, Mrs. G. H. Hod geson spent the weekend with Mr.1 and Mr. Hodgeson of Newcas- land Mrs. Lorne Lamb at their tle, and the groom's parents, cottage at Dorset. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pin.-le11 of R.R. 1 Hampton; also M~r. j A family dinner party was and Mrs. B. Swenson of AI1 held at the Georgian Hotel, liston, bridesmaid and le Oshawa, in honor of Mr. and tnan of 25 years ago. Both Mrs. A. M. Wearn's 6th Inothers and the bridesmaid IWedding Anniversary. Con- were presented with corsages gratulations to Mr. and Mrs.î of carnations and rosebuds.Wean 11resent was 90 year old Mrs r nd Mrs. S. Pethick at- Florence Glanville, aunt of tended decoration services atj the groom. Guests were Wel-_ Lakeview Cemetery and were comed from 7:30 to 8:30, fol-iguests o! Mr. and Mrs. C. M.I lowed by dancing to Bill Jones, Newtonvjlle. 13achwell and his orchestra. Deepest sympathy is ex- During the evening friends; tended to Mr. and Mrs. M. surprised the bride and groom er and famnily on the of 25 years with a skit and passln,g of her father, the late inock, wedding, whieh wa Mr. Wesley N{oskin. greatly enjoyed by ail. A buf- Mr. and Mrs. Norton Van fet supper was served at Camp, 'Listowel, were week- 11:30. The bride and groom end vlsitors at Mr. and Mrs.î thanked ail those who bac! F. W. Werry's. joined themn on this Épeciail Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coombes occasion. and for the lovelyjad aniy Tootwr gifts, flowers, and carda theyli Snd a visiTorot, MrE. had received. Page. The oupe ws prsened'Miss Sandra Werry is holu- With an oil painting and flow- Ross Lee, Kedr n Ms ers by the groom's parents, osLe ern. brothers and sisters. The Miss Susan Werry and bro-1 )bride's parents pr e se nte d ther Scott are hoiidaying witih ~hemwit Mitonbon chnaMiss Sharon and James Wer- end sons Douglas and Davidi ry this week. ~resented- their parents with i Mr. and Mrs. Ciarence êchest of silver and the wed- Stainton and girls had Sun- ding cake. day tea with Mr, and Mrs. E. In hare o th gust oo Dickey and Velma, Bowman-, In carg ofthe ues bok 1ville. ýWere two nieces, Mrs. LloydI A !amily gathering was McRobbie and Mrs. Beverley held recently at Mr. and Mrs. 1Iubbel. Mrs. Keith Whitney E. Wright's on the occasion. 4F% C¶" The slacks thot nevr noed lroningl The $mart, mact appearance ks there ta play or lounge around ail day. Jus# wcsh and dry-the dirt and wrinkles corne out-the press STAYS IN. The proof k bintthé wearing. The. proof ks in alilthe. extras you.get in Larry Carter Locked Crease Slacks-the go anywhere-do anything slacks that Nover Need Ironing. Ç49tooe from $and, Jet Black or Olive Green. r%_Bos ies; 14 to 19 $6.98 & $798 Riad* miteli; ses 28 to Si. Continental style; sites 28 te 39 TeF spporter,,plain l,<tt(,m.: senier Meq'a: mises 32 te 44 p (w & o* cfta) $ .9i&$998 'rG,4Lrry Carter Locked Crease Simek ata: :,KEN'SWA 35 TEMPERANCE ST. N. BOWMANVILE MID-SUMMER BACK CARE DELUXE MA1TRESS (IIIutated below> Attractive blue rayon damask Micro- Qust, covori Quiltod to foam over firm Adjusto-Rest'.p colis assure rostful sioop. Crush-proof border won't sagi Re.prico: $8950 SLEEP-SALE$ PRICE: C)495 Matchlne Box Spflng extra BACK CARE MATTRESS Sem@ as Back Cars Deluxe oxcopt for the quilting.Wovonstripo caver cush- ionod with foamn for comfort. Jiffy join tuftlng or smooth top available. Re .pre:$7 9 50 SLEEPSALE $ PRICE..:i9*5 Matchinq box Sping extra Wak up ta the SIMMONS Ste epSaIe Super values a t sper, savings! GARLAND OUILT TOP CONTINENTAL BED Satin floral Micro-Quuît coyer- exclusive Adjusto-Rest colis COmploe.wlth matchlng box spring end loe - Sz. 3/a only. Rg. prie@s 14" I SLEEPSALE 79 5 Choce of hamdbearde extra I 3 7-41 KING ST. E. o Our Annual *Starts Friday, August lSth with Regular Merchandise Rqeduced Io Clear CHESTERFIELDS, BEDROOM KIND DITESG (MODERN AND TRADITIONAL) <wOCCASIONAL oe CHAIRS RE.CLINERS SUMMER FURNITURE KI.TCHEN BUY NOW'1 SAVE $$$HERE!1 SUITES DLTD.1 PHONE 623-7071 B0W~ cif - MANY ONE OF ROOM SUITES

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