Wanted -to Buy 1fAn Bourtke, Oshawa, visited codTPi e o d rJ o dand the, J. Potts family. codton.' Phone 623-3874. Mr. and Mrs. L. Christen-' ___ ~~SM ALLER type space heater, 1 day supper guests wth M ,,~~~~~~~~ôý CoennEettCn g vns c.dso hak U Phone Orono 983-39o. and Mrs. J. Potts. en U. C.Meta.ancoAllen M ffatt ex TW O aprtients, heated. Tel- AP RTM -ENT ih at -dM r. and M rs. E. R. T homp- pres C.irW.atiudeto D etneph ne 23-348 35- eryr asate d2 »ie ýLIVE ou iy-, oiâ f ethr' son and Cynthia, Bowman - Decoratione r thergraiude oers y- hn 2-38 51en esnbernt; med tlcks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Beth-iville. called on Mrs. A. ______ane3fr-theiekindess, S li..TWO rooms, central. Phone pssion,, 2 brooms, bmiUenUdW Homfc e-stric C lbheld on pathy, flowers and cards re- after 6, 623-7167. 35-1 Jktchenlhvingroaond ah a 7rl 3-FkOPo nFia.Ms a n a t - a r . P h o n e 7 r m 1 t h m p n o n r i y . M s Il 12:30' SceiedddurngSehei.ereaen.3-*AATE' aalalnroam. Apply Apartment No. DON'T throw it out! We buyan nd WienBw sep . i at ~ S n d y, e p . 1 m nt.35 1* PA T M E TS ava la le, no 3, 16 D ivision St., B w m a - just about anything that's old, an anvW isnra Th o 35-10 at 3 p.m. In case of rain hilaft ner 6. 63544 l.2 _-_________an armful or a houseful. soTahtoePac, er service wI!!be held ln Chapel. nee hnkao yTO er ro6. and 2 - -63 bedomaa tnt aimn , ewa87-46241%n lce wr Roa~ nulCr Wash Please brlng your own chairs. e Lambs Lae av ie gs98-6. 1tlodyclesaMr A % t a r y A n u a l C a y s i n c e r t h a n kT a l i s m a n , 1 -N e w cam tn d,- be v en6 3 M o n d ayn ec a l l e rsbl et M r s.o nA . at Robson Motors, Sauda,352fiends, relatives, neighibors room apartments. Telephane Sept. 21-tf ThoeferdMpsoand's. JakPts Septernber 16, 1967, 8 am _____________ for càrds, flowers and fruit 2385.331 dispeerd eo~M.adMs akPts 6.m. Corne and watch Bow- while a patient in Menioria ONo- wo eMro. roaloa, hate, Martrv-in__and____________ Imanville Rotarians wash your EXNE'jJoSHosita. Secil tank t apart- ices supplied hn rs YEI upplies- (RubberiPotts called on Mr. and Mrs. EX OTO R Hsitl 35-3 Mistoe. hneMs.EYGNCM erg e lkMinnan Fouri clair.___35-3 Dr. Ingle, nurses and staff. ment, furnished or unfurnisa- George Hannah, 623-5793 or goods) mailed postpaid irn Gog ikn tFu September 5, 6. 7 and 8 Wesley Giibank. 351ed. Cali 623-2161. 35-1 623-2601. 354tf plain sealed envelope with Mle Lake, and called on Mrs. MO ST R$6N5 e..0___ OEbedroom apartnent with TWO bedroara upstairs apart- price list Six ape 25c, Mary Oleen at Lumnina Lake. »tRUIDAY N1GRT, 8 o'clock September 14, 15 and 16 Thanks ta all my friends, cetrl '0'63344 35-tf i i iigra stove Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Caoa..tedd h laktc Spnure b te unor Sete be 2, 9 nd30 neighbors and fam iy for giftsT HR EE or four roams, 2-pce and rid e in kitchen, utility B3ox 91. Hamilton. Ont. 1-52,air on Saturday. CbaMber off Commerce $46.50 per person and get-well messages while roani ang dinette, laundry fa- Mr akPts n r e- JUBJLEE PAVILION t bath, separate entrance. Tele- H ~ AVE you a complexion prob- betMJackrtts anitd Mr. adl in osp ta . A so a rs. H '- phone 623-2383 after 4:30. ciii s a a e v i a le 1m w th acne (pim ples) or M rs. K . C . M yles of C o bo ne. WA-t rcIcommdeTrnoration bard, Ewert and nurses for; 35-1 Sept. lst. Just out of town. simple boils? Let ysln Sympathy o h onui Anather swingin' good time, Aco odtnad cane received. No children. Write Advertis- help you clear it up. Hydsol Yin f t ed o Mr.und by your request, will be held Entrance Tickets Mrs. Marjorie Wilson. TWO-bedroom heated aPart- er 835, c/o Canadian States- ive on dry or oily skin. Clear, M~rs. A. Milison in the pas. on the Parking Lot of theOV L____ 35-1 Iment, garage, central. Avail- mnan, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- clres use dayorngt i fM.Mlsn'sse, Chuckwagon Restaurant onl JURY & LO_____ able Sept. 15. Apply Ï4 ville. 34-2 Try it today. Hydsolin is $1,00 Mns enMoe Hy11an35 audRyi Church St. 35-1* sLenMo. September 80 .m RA E GE C h Rv . .ad r.__ 2nd, frrnt et tJuy&LoelGENCYýl M.a r. .PttBl Y n :0 .~lRV L White wish ta express, their APARTMENT available -for and hydra supplied, immediate1-- Square andround dancing and;19 ig St. E. - Rownjanvllle! sincere thanks for the much elderly couple, Oct. lst, separ- possession, 100 King St. East,1 Banlsh Corns, Callouses lie Potts, and Mn. Delbert1 live western entertainment. phoe ntre3'five rooms. Tele- BowmanvilleMonein oom slf- CanationCorn.C with no admission. 35-1- Phone 623-3182 valued giftis received at thel nateentrance 35lf-1 .] . ' onCon aP, EhiitononStuda socal vnn n rsna -5708. 3- contained with bathroom and high'y effective, medctd 351tion gathering of the congre- APARTMENT 5nasad kitchen with a p pl i a n c e s, pad, nesults guaranteed. Eng- andhibitoyd on a Sua SUNNYSIDE PARK _____________ gations of Newtonvile, Ken- bath, centrally located, reas- ground floor, $95 per month; land's largest selling remedy'n rd>rs .Tm n MONSTER BINGO! Wanted dal and Shiloh, of, the New- onable rent. Available Sept bachelor apartrnent, self-con- for aver a century. Now! Nigh _____Uie C uc h re st hn 2-08. 3- an d b tro n ith n v ia in Canada! h ThrdyNgt Hîghest Cash Prices for Dead We also treasure the gifts FUÊ-NISHDpmn he ette, ground floor, $65 per sufr n ra ilcn .1and Crlppied Farm Stock made by the United Church rooms and at Full self month. Phone Mrs. Brooks, vince you! Corn pads, only 7:45BURRETT FUR FARM Women's Organizationk of the contained and spacius. Adults 5 p.m. 83911 9a..tf ov4c;llugs 59;a 5Juy1 RED BARN Phone Long istance charge and by the Women's only. Phone 623-3591 evenings.___ _________3-tLoelrgs O S HA WA Zenith 66550 (no charge yu Institute o Newtonville. I 31-tfN tciLA KTC 6-tfDept. Agric. Lic. No. 63-C-67 was a real joy ta welcome Notice__________________ many friends froni former FURNISHED bed-sitting kit- Dr. E. L. Ewert's office wil WoodlewCommnlt Cenre ash n te Spt carges and ministers and chenette, non-snioker, please. becoeWni usa, p- M.adMs icn r woovie CmmuityCetre C sh n te potwies rwivhesrsbtfromWit therisePresb/oytery.losd ntWritedy, e83Mr9ad c/o ineThAr MONSTER BINGO I for Dead or Crippled Farm Our prayers are with you for Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box tember 5th. 34-2 cher, Bowmanville, were Sat- Stock. Picked up Promptly the days thatli ahead. 35-1 -190, Bwavle 35-1 Dr. Austin's office will be unday supper guests of Mr.' N e t M n d a T l e p o n e C o l e c 2 6 4 7 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S M L L b r i k b i l i n g o n u - o p e n f r o m 2 u n t i l 8 e v e ry a n d M s . W . A r c h e r .i 7:45 M. Margwihon lleFurFa. m Mus-2Lesons veSt ritk suialeinfo Sar- ahursday only, during July Mn. and Mns. Jas. Vaughan 7:45D.MBARNgwiTYFrONE agsc esos e et, rso sall rsi- an!dAugust. 26-10 and Eleanor, Durham, Ont., a g e , w o rk h o p r s m ll b si -M r. a n d M rs. B e y . D e a ly a n d REDBA N YRNEPIANO lessons in your hm ness. $50 monthly. W. Frank The office of Dr. Allan B. Traci, Toronto, wene week- ýYau*ve tried the rest O S HA WA Licence No. 101-C-67 evenings. For appointmen,IReal Estate Ltd. caîl Walter Sylvester will remain at the end guests of the Ken Duns- naw enjay the BEST! It's 6-tf 16-tf_623-7517. 35-1 Frank, 623-3393. 30-tf present location, 156 Church St., Bowmanviîîe. 34-2 mToors. IDYSR' etfo --- Mn. and Mns. Mernili Henr y KSR' et o - - - - - ~ ~ -I heeby give notice that I and family, Bowmanville, in. the tastiest af Il! l'u r ~~~ad bts in urredb mywîfe famfly, Oakvile, wen Sun- i iaiyr.-rg t et will not be responsible for and Mns. Jack Webb and! seeo aur mneats are top Ver Krshk , rom thi d te.day guetsof rs.L.Henry. eut ta suit you ta a "T" iG IN Tj~'~\i 5SUMMER DOCTOR! tenIS for Mn. and Mns. Carl Wright G I A N T DR.C.'K. INGL Ire rnedhome usafrn1 Office and Mrs. Douglas Bilby oN E * il ~Nurses" Besidence a1 . Quen nd amertSt.>and Mrs. W. Pearce and Mrs. AT THE CANA Crawford werc: Mn. and Mrs, 1 MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Fe rwod n n n TASTE THE FINE. Bowrnanville Geo. Carnochan, Pont Penny,,B C N E D Mr n r.Alvin Heayn, RAFS By Appolntment etAnad Julie Manie' RAFS between T R 10 am. -i p.. HA DONSLICED - READY - ~OFFICE HOURS Rev. Northey and Ms. Non-' Tesday - Wednesday - Frlday they have returned froni holi ýc EM R E CEpSnaSh: eso il£ .. - 7 - 9 p.m* days. Chunch service will helQ * Tu ~~held on Sunday at 1:300 c1ocl- 42-339te lb~Set1 TOWN0F OWN IE Janiceand chardessiCalry wcre ovennight guests of Mn. ~ and Mrs. Arthur Read. Mn. m 'W~~Tand Mrs. Gordon Dudley, * EXHIBITION SPECIAL' rigtn pette ek adLynne. Mns. J. Brown, Mr. end " Mrs. E. Millson and Kathar- APPLICATIONS ARE in, Onono, wene Sunday tee I Weldwood GoId Label Prefî*nished INVITED) FOR THE guests of Mr. and Mrs.Lloyd MPOSITION 0F Ashton. FRANKFORD SCHOOL Arthur, Mass., U.S., Rev. Mary p A ~ E 4 ' 8 - E G L A R $ 2 . 9 5i fr e fe r e n c e w lll b e g iv e n t a fa m lly . % A E 2 0 - az . A Imt oLiberty and Nelson ville, N.Y., spent sevenal days Y our cha ce o g t a dëItýxe pa! el t a ave age quaity pri e 1and King Street East and with his mother, M rs. W . Yo r ha cetoge a deu~ p n l t n veag q alty prce Lam bert Street. Martin, and sister and br Duisentail supervîslng then-in-law, Mrn. Mrs. J.! the crossing ai school chiidren Potts and family. J lo P d î SPRU CE SELECT mornlngs, noon and afternoon FINE QA I @À0 LY Wf O Dm ieach shooday. ZMNUETSAN&ISVE As .lm9 A T T E R RIFIC S AVÇN G14-9tAm: S i_1_ _L à_e tD R_ _ _ _ 'P * -i I I I I I I I I I Lu. WE FEATURE SPECIAL FED ED BRAND 'BEEF AS ON DISPLAY ~DIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION ST BEEF PRODUCED IN CANADA DE~L MONTE )range Drink Tins67C SAVE lic MAPLE LESAF W21NRS.9c SAVE 39c' igsJ NEW eCONOMY PACKS -s1.29.: SUMMIT 79C , Gl No. 1 CHICKEN, LEG.S DINETTE MARGARINÉ I 'J m. - p. TZI-1417 !aALLONTumE NAM, TO sWILD 0t4 J ýYKSTIRA7S (hOME 0F <QUALITY) t his m èt rial is good one side quality w ith som e d am agedli I /"x4x8 /"x4 ' l2x4x8 /"x4 ' 34' 'edg.s . . . at excellent savings from regular good ne side prices I Ï4 i Oshawa -Wood ProductsE COIJETCE LIIFD .SOPPING CENTR h MOTHER PARKERP'S ktEAof6 BA-69 1 Ki SAVE lse ýwWWqqv a MW