§hort tulle Veflhg at the bac The matron off honor carried cascade bouquet off wh. shasta daiales and yellow c& nations, and tangerine carni tions and white shasta daisi W eddigs &Qformed the bridesrmaida' bci quets. The best man was Mr. Cali £ in Murray, Newcastle, brothE off the groom. The ushei wcre Mr. R. McManus. Bo% * manville, brother-in-law c the bride; Mr. M. Martin, an Mr. D. Harris, Newcistle. Following the ceremony reception was held at the Fly MOUNJOY chael tainforthe own He 1 ng Dutchmnan Motor Inn. Th hUER? -MOUNJOY chapl tain or he gwn.Hermother off the bride receive TaIl standards off yellow i headpiece was composed of a wearing a becoming min White and tangerine shaded cluster off white organza and green linen gown desgn carnations formed a pretty 'taffeta simulated flowers and with an Empire WaistlinE sRetting in St. Paul's United petals outlinled with a few net She wore a beige hat wii] Church for the wedding off rose petals and interspersed matching gloves and shoee Miss Linda May Mountjoy, a twinkling stems and drops of Her corsage was off white car daughter off Mr. and Mrs. clear crystal. A sot cloud nations and yellow sweethear Harvey Donald Mountjoy, and Off illusion veiling feil over roses. The mother off il Mr. James Everett Murray, a ber face and was shîrred at groom-n, who assisted in receiW son off Mr. and Mrs. James W. back to cascade to just below ing, wore blue lace over sil Murray, Newcastle, on Satur- shoulder length. She carried ta'ffeta, and ber corsage ww daY afternoon, July 29th. a cascade bouquet off white off white carnations and pink The Rev. Harold A. Turner, carnations, tangerine and yel- sweetheart roses. Iminister off the church, offici- low roses, stephanotis and ivy. Following the reception the ated at the ceremony. The The matron off honor was bride and groom lefft fora orgnia. ossMecalfplaedMrs. R. McManus, a sister off wedding tnî through Northern the wedding music, and the the bride. The bridesmaids Ontario. For travelling îhe aoloit wa RosaCottn, Osa-w r Ms.M. Martin, sister off bride wore a smart bIue and wa. thegom Miss Mardi Daw- white linen dress, a matching Thic bride, who was given son and Miss Wendy Stephen. white coat and blue turban in marriage by her father,1 The junior bridesmaid was with white accessories. She looked lovcly in a full length1 Miss Lori Mountjoy, younger wore a corsage off white and sheath gown off white Alencon 1 sister off the bride. iblue tinted carnations. They lace in rose pattern with a 1 The matron off honor and ;will reside at 66 King Street smn-bateau neckline and long1 the jnior bridesmaid wore West, Bowmanville. lily point slceves. This beau- identi a, long gowns off mint Tebde was educated ai tiful gown had a low and green sheerovrtfeawh Vincent Massey Public School sleeeles whte nlonorgaza eweled elin e ad fuil and Bwavl ih co cat vlewhitewaslompleta eîy skitsd Tecbriesad fullond She i a cle i t heoot. coutlie withunboe eh- werethe bsamesrsty with el- ominon BnktheTrntoe quties offth sngleros pI e rffromen oran e se vrtafffeta.D groo ws dat e i The qeofthe sinc nle Ths coat her adreseser tetarm- New asePulc choolindh tae worncon la eTi s ot eoffa inglesrs e offmch ast wvl leuiSchool. fr on enu d es to y d fîn aeriagleforeach wth-Heais ewmpvlyed yGeneraol. Motors off Canada, Limited, Oshawa. Prior to ber marriage 'the ibride was the guest off honor 'lissaa ,->at severai showers. A miscel- ý.ie ners ý.n u 1e laneous shower was given for eToronto - Dominion 4410Wod are you?" asked the visitor. Bank's Bowmanville Branch at the off Mrs. G. Con- O#Well," sald 11111e Willlc, "Ici me figure It out, when way. Miss Mardi Dawson was hostess at a shower for bier 1'm home l'in five, when I'm Ia achool I'm six, and when attended by the bride's schotjl ffriends. The bride was also 1'm on a atreetcar l'in tour." honored at a shower given for ber at the home off Mrs. Geo. 4. Stephen and her daughter Wendy. The bride's brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. McManus entertained the CLOTHES CARE HINT: wedding party at their home following the wedding rebears-, Give your local drycleaner the pleasure off aendlng your, al. ehlldren baek te ichool la freshly cleaned clothes. Cail for, BUY TE BEST4 SAVAGit SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS SAVAGE ORTHOPEDIC SHOES FOR CHILDREN Bring your school children in for properly fitted footwear! ýbVLLLINE OF. '.SýNI'- WOMEN'S*- CHILDREN'S HUSH PUPPIES "The Comfortable Fit" Lloyd Ellis Shoels 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE RANKIN - STEEL The marriage off Miss Linda Steel to Mr. William Carl Rankin was solemnized in St. John's Anglican Church on ISaturday afternoon, July l2th, with the Rev. K. J. Frampton officiating. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Alan W. Steel, Bowmanville, and the bridegroom is the son off -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rankin, Port Credit. The church *was decorated with tal standards of 'White gl&diîiv and -white ' munis, pd the. sitar was'also adorned' with white shasta 'mums and gladioli. Mr. C. Evans, the organist, played the wedding miusic. The bride, who was given in niarriage by ber father, wore a lovely floor length gown of off-white satin. Thej long slim skirt was enhanced ments formed of guipure lace. The oval neckline was finish- ed with a narrow rolled col- lar and the wide bell sleeves had narrow rolled cuffs. A cathedral train off sheer sala- peau was attached to the col- lar of the gown in back. Her shoulder Iengthî Veil off silk illusion was held by a white satin ring headpiece trimmned with guipure lace. She car- ried a crescent bouquet off white gardenias, stephanotis, white carnations, and fern. Miss LYn Hellyar was the maid off honor. Trie brides- maids wcre Miss Audrey Hayes and Mrs. R. Lusher, sister off the groom. 1The bride's attendants wo!re identical floor length gowns wîth sleeveless bodices off pink Alencon lace over match- ing crystaline, the softly pleated pink crystaline skirts had belts off American Beauty Y velvet with narrow floor ~.< length, matching v e 1 V e t streamers. On their hair they each- wore a pretty wreath off S(HOOL OPENING Bowmanville High School TUESee. SEPT. 5t4~ 9:30 A.M.-GRADE 9 10:*30 A.M.-GRADES 10, Il 11:30 A.M.-ERADES 12, 13 BUSES WILL TRAVEL TO REACH SCHOOL AT 9:00 A*M CAFETERIA WIIPL PROVIDE LIGHT LUNCH. RIGIR CASESBUWNWEDNUDAY. Prefty Church Wedding in iuly k i » I I ~1 k.. .... ......... Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes Everett Murray pictured at their wedding reception the Flying Dutchmnan Motor Inn following their marriage on Saturday af te noon, July 29th, in St. Paul's United Church. The bride is a daughter of MV ind Mrs. Hrarvey Donald Mountjoy, and the bridegroomn is a son of Mr. ai MWrs. James W., Murray, Newcastle. Photo by Astor Stud .Wed in St. Joseph's Church Mr. and Mrs. William Carl Rankin, who were married in St. John's Anglican Church on -Saturday afternoon, August l2th, 1967. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Alan W. Steel, Bowmanville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rankin, Port Credit. Photo by Astor Studio blue cornflowers, white car-1travelling the bride wore a: Prior to ber marrýiage the nations, and pink gypsophlila nav bl crepe dress withbrd wa the guest off honor and Pink net bows. They wore 1flY back_ panel, and her ac- at Ivrlsowr.Ms elbo lenth witeglovecsies were white. Shel Stamp, Port Credit, entertain and carried crescent arrange-1wore a corsage off pink sweet-jed at a miscellaneous shower ments off matching fflowers heat rse and white carna- for ber, and Mrs. R. Lusher, interspersed with 1cmn. tions. i Port Credit, was also a hos- Mr. Ralph Potter, Port Cre- The flowers for the bride's tuas t a shower for ber. Mrs. dit, was the best man. The and the bridesrnaids' hou- .H tie Ms rdH ushers were Mr, Ron Lusher, quets, the white carnation yar, and Miss Lyn Hellyar Port Credit, and Lieutenant boutonnienes for, the bride-1 entertainid at a kitchen show- Charles S t a mi p, Canadian groom, best man, and ushers,;er,îffor ber a' Mrs. Stnike's Army, Trenton. the corsages for the bride's reience, Beech Avenue. Following the ccremony a mother, the groorn's mothen, reception was held in St. and for their grandmothers, John's Parish Hall. The also the bide's going away E FPT bride's mother received wear- corsage were gifts ta the N IL ing cornnflower blue organza bride and groom from the Mr. and Mn.. Glenn Prescott ôven pale blue brocade with bride's aunt, and ur.cle, Mr. and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. jewelled necklie and match- and Mrs. J. Trmmbee, Weston. L. Prescott, Miss Marion Pres. ing leeveless A-line organza Out off town' guetsat the cott visited atiMr. Jim Harris', coat. Her corsage was off pale wedding were froni Toronto, South Monoghan. pink roses and white camae- Port Credit, Weston, Cherry Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis, tians. Shg wore a blue feu- Valley, Quebec City, ClarksoniMr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, ther flowered hat. and match- and Burlington. Mrs. R. Griffin visited at Mr. inq shoes. The mothen off the The bride, who received ber Vincent Reddings, Peffferlaw. bridegroon,, who assisted in education in the Bowmanville Mrs. Godfrey Bowman stay- receiving,' wore pastel yellow Public Schools and Bownian. cd a few days with ffriends in silk shantung with matching ville High School, is a gradu- Ha ilton. back buttoned jacket, and ate off the Toronto Institute off Dianne and Janice Preseott, three quarter sleeves. Stic Laborator, Medicine. Shc as have returned froni having -wore a white flowered hat a second year student at some holidays with Mn. and and bier accessories were South Peel Hospital, Cooks- Mrs. 110"i Smith, Hampton. white. Her corsage was com- ville, The bidegroorn was Gordon Griffin is enjoylng carnafti lw ons. Pd eulichoolset .andPort Cre- a aard foeng ritl oy Ret* la carnaofti lw o ses a ulieducad a he Port Creitn arhtefor nthbeatngn s After the reception thiedit Iflgh School. Hie is an hlghest marks in his forni et ,bride and groozi left lor a trip electronic corAputor vaincil Courti'e Oecondary Schol. througb tanter Canada, and operator nt tire -central office e i la i ith a youth they plnri on attcndiag'off the Ford hitor off' « gupwlâ anaar âards., I~o17 &WkoerejF orCaaadi, LtiWa, onvI& caaW p. or4~ at d io -t~§ko4bufjet-qoi m 0,e I Pl aid-mad lasses ,boufnd-for-c/assesçin thesebunnbihs Ca/arful as the skirl of the pives la ne?, green, or blue plaids - cha/ked wfth touches af white. Tent and drop-wa/stad stylings. Bylitte Beauty, in woven cofta@. S'zes 4 ta I, 3.59 or 2 for 7.00 Classic The shoWts/eeved tai/ared campus Perennial paps up as umal. Among, the ,1osi' pop ai the crop is this 9/I-caftan by Transcontinenta. Wintrnblaaming ît pink, ize, turquoise or white. Siles 7 ta 14, 749 or lotn 7.50d '4 I Sweater Soluitions Salve yaun swea ter prablems witb Our ca9ptivating collection ai pull- avers, cardigans and she-shais. JazzY JaYcquards, newsy diamands a7d Iavish/ye ambnaidered - fron the /olaosa Komac Knittin7g Ml//. Whita, re?, green, pink, blue, gai?, ,burgundy, navy. Sizes 8 ta 14, laguar 4.99 ta 1.99, 2. SS; sires 4 ta M , eguilar 3.9 ta 6. 99, 2.29 or 2liai 4. 50 Skei7gt Skirting t smart/y in modified minis. By Osiqe Originals, ini corduray or wool flnnef. 6ets extra Jas/pion marks forits buckled lea/,berette be/t. Red, royal, gai?, burguvndy, ARiVY, grey. SIues 7 ta 14 2.77 The Sllm s -b Ship into when schoo/'s out. SturfdY Scrubhed dan/ml ruddy, wi/47 i/bobis h/ Io teks al/of ai atif play. BY 1W7 LiMa,/,,fade blur, rnh qrldn $lzs.s71.14 il, lI e 4gL~.4k .4 tree plckup and deiverýy. j...- ORONO FAIR - SEPT. 7- 8- 9 T'le Canadàn Statenuz4 BownmviUe, Aug. 30, lo87 r 4