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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1967, p. 7

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JWMIS. Frank Rundie upc: 1 "w days with hem aste oonto hast week. Mr. and Mis. George t en and famijy are summue it Bowmmu le wont Beu MWp Sharon Harrison am Dvid Chatfleld, Torn ~aldon Mr. and Mra.J James l1*i weekr. MWa Loretta Kilgar d Miss Sharon Dillhug Joyoled the Calmer Tour of artime Provinces.. Un. John A. King, AdeJarnaica, la vril rdaughter and son-n-1 W ad Mn.. Fritz Marti Mr. sud Mmn. Robert Hal mm, sud thoir daugl Pamela are apending t Y#açatlon lu Algoniquin Fai Mm,. F. Matthews whc beau away for a short trip, returned to Bowmanville]à Beach wlieme she is spenc fthe uumrer. MUn. Norman Taylor vis] hem aiter, Mrs. Hormmn We land and hem fmmily in Eî ville and friendi mitWe Lake for the paît two wee Mmi. J. E. Kennedy, La= Lune, hian reiurnod from1 menton wheme mli. speni enjoyable two weeks holl with lier daughier and fani .Mr. and Mm.. Si Tewlu à Judy attended the Thompug Crawley wodding in Sarnia 'thre weokend nd thon limu *lew day. hclidaying ilu i ares. SMr. and Mms. Ronald Hi Jimmie and Nancy, Chatha ~ ntthe weekend with 1 ml!'u parents, Mm. and M~ James Hall, Liberty Str Sienhen Rider, Wiilowda an R u on Parker, Ajax, w ?#ttended Expo 67 ifi Moi ireai lait week, are vacati< lah.Bowmanville Wi Mr. and Mmi. H. S. Jaqu have anrived in Dar-es-S laamn, Tanzania, te begin two-yeam. ssignment In t: Canadian University Servi Overseas. Mr. and Mmi. Denze! Prini amd Dr. and Mms. J. C.q Kock, Cape Province, Sou Africa, weme gueste of Mr. ai Mme. P. R. Gilbemt, Concessi( Street, lait week. Mr. sud Mm.. Howard Je femy have returned from vacation in Algonquin Par SPamela ijagerman, s eompmnied lier grandpament Mr. and Mmi. Jeffery. Mmi. C. H. Mazon, Kir Street East, retumned -la week mter spending a wee wth hem son and family, M~, and Mrs. Don Maou at the' cottage ah Pigeon Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Gamnet Goee with their dauglitor, Roe Mnary; . their son, David, an John Hyilcp, Oshawa, eturr cd on Mudmy miter a 3,0< REHOBOTffH Christian .frm. Church Ko,. A. Vanleler m 5tb... .. L Worahlp Servies le ar.U 11:15 a.m. Suaday Schooî Back Te God Heur ~ Ci"B EvemySunday,.9:15p>m. TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H jo Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Ru Qsi Organist "~ Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. lan United Services Wlth St. Paul's Congregation Ce hol her 9:30~n~*and MORNING WORSRIP La *KNOWING GOD IN OUR DAILY LIFE'" r.' N. Chureh BehooL. Nunr> for chlldrea during Mni the moraing COàYSER VA TORY OF MU/SIC SCHOOLOF MUSIC LTIERM OPENS SEPT. 6 Social & (Personcil Phone 623-3303 UMrs. C. H.I L ewflh Mr. Usnawa aui M. Jonc. and Mrs. *Hmrve ers Lttofl ef Newcastle attended Business College on linon shower ln honor of]n Ide.elect MWs Nancy Gibbie,1 the homne of Un. Archie1TusSp.5 96 .tton, Oshawa, on friday eitraonelou I ening. Rgse e nei n M1r. and Mrs. Trueman Hon- of six Career-Designed Km rson and farnlly attended Courses each leading te i eTorante Ex on Smturday, Crsosel oito u tr WhIch they went eut te epnil oiinl temong md-were ovemniglit a business office. W. bo3 ests cf Mr. and Mrn. Phil place our graduates. In. Mr Imer and faznly, returnlng dividuel instruction me Sunday evenlng.mde eupet.Sdhe Amnzg these attending the mdr qimn.Sn a. idal Bantanis' bail game in for colpletir details - the etou, Satumday aftemoon, Dial 725.3375& the re Mise Karen Lee of Les- 10 Simcoe Street,'N, Mran rd, Mr. Grant Wade, Mr.Nrh n ncld Wade. Mm. and Un: MlcolmD C.-DB---" , Ilsi i Owl«. Unm. Sld Stacey Weicpa d tM. l sI MdI fer. Fma93 d Clarence, and thelr ou sudTbuq>Savb ly oie ailleos. Mwtet*8ai ir. and MUn. Bud Jonies, zie51 Lgbad sudDianne -reurned end iwtomter oeind-ATo umyto ater hoe SUeAs. T -q er. witii relatives ir. and.MmX= Mac frwinIp ____ lane re budyngitvstr on th Mm. suad M F ile.orale 4 o!» mi fwekl ecal mis Ian mme juM &own,,f1 .«M r fou et a mile tour o! the Maritini .r lu Provinces. Mm. William Severs, Osha te h- wa, returned home on Mon e:gde fer .pendiug fthc ium ach. mer ln a cottage et Bowman and ville West Beach wlieme hoî onto, gr5iidchildl'On Shawu, Scot rjh aud Debbie Severn, mlio: Oshawa, wemc lier guesis. inon Mmi. Maude Ballhrd arrivec 1 n. from Devon, Euland, receut r thc ly, to viait wiih lier aiter Mri R. Ovemy wbom she bias nal st.cee for 53 years. Se fan she ltn lias been te our Exhibitior ,l ad Niagara Fall. and ci w, curseto BwflhEilIe. Bbc 1er-. nen sylIng as long as item possile. -- &air Mm. and Mr.. Bruce Clarke, wk. Bradenton, Flomida, enraute haî hame viied their son and bis lian wi!e Mr. and Mis. Glen Za8h Clarke, Chattanooga, Tonnes- dig see, and frieiida ln Des Moine, Iowa. They arrived lu Bow- 4ted mauville lait woek and are ent- vlaltig friendi and relatives. mn- They wli roturu horne miter bite Labor Day. ek.. Mm. and Mmi. Gordon C. nb's Martin îoturned te Bowman- Ed- ville on Tliursday miter s bus an tour tlirough Imeiand. Afier Iay arriving bmck lu Canada they ly. callcd on Mm. and Mm. Loyd and Martin sud family, Dorval, ,o. Que.; Uic Rev. and Mm.. Lloyd on Heaume, Bearbrook, Ont., and d a Mm. and Mmi. A. E. Mmilow, jet Kingston, on the wîy home. Dinner guests o! Mm. and lal Mrs. 0. R. Bragg 'on the oc- mr, casion of Mr. Bragg's 75th MIr. birthdmy, Auguet 25th, were iru. Mm. and Mmi. Dan Girard!, -e Paula and Andrea, Bownran- ville; Mr. and Mme. Robert le. Stewart Southampton; tie vho Misses Loti and Huby Bragg, it- Bewmanville: tie Rev. George onwndlshe Smith, Oshawa. Beit 'st wse and !arewells were expressed to the Smith family wlio are nieviug te Rochester, ues New York. Sa- Mmft and Mmi. James New- théman SiverStreet, have me- ce iurned home mter a veny on- joyable trip te England where 1they vlîited a brother and dewas iheir finI tntpte Eng- ith land in 47 yeams. Since iheir id return te Canada they spent [na weekend lunTLondon, Ont. with their daugliten and son- 'f- lu-law, Mm. and Mn,. George a Lawngem, mnd a week ln St. rk. Catharines with their allier Rc- daugliter mnd îon-ln-law, Mn. 1s, and Mm.. Roger Hayes. "Mr. and Mme. George Brown, ng Liberty Street North, spent a ais Sunday recenily with Mn. Har- ek old Heaume, Cobourg, and at- Ir. tended the chrhstening o! iheir ir grmnddaugbter, Kelly Aune Brown in St. Peter'. Anglican n Church there. Atersend: id George Brown's cottage, Bur- 1 nleigi Fallu, LAC Jim Brcwnc o and hlm wife sud daugiter bu î -byaimplane fmom Trenton te take up residence ai Baden1 [Baden, Gmmnyiwheme LAC 1 rown wiil serve witli the 1 RCAP. Mr. and Mms. G. Hoskins andC Mrs. A. Bell, Dundee, Scot-i land, have been vislting ther aiter, Mmi. J. E. Kennedy. Lmmb's Lino. Whioe in Cana- da tlioy mise visiied Expo '67 ln Montreal, Niagara Fala, I Landan, Ont.; Windsor, Pet-.j erboroughi, and ailier places o! lutereit, and they were very much I mpmessed. Mrs. Hosk-3 ffs anmd hem liusband are going te Thailmnd where Mm. Hoskins will take Up an appoinirnent in Sepiemnber on whlch lie c will be employod duming flic d comlug wintermomnths. a: E Mm. and Mm.. Bill William. a] and their grandion Michael ai returued home to Cardiff, o1 Wales, mter a ihmee weeks va-Ir cation with Mr. Williams' brother and lii sistem-lu-law, Mr. and Mmi. Fraucis Williams, w Prince Street. While hoeew they visited many places mi D Canada, and aise siment some H, ime at the . Wmlame cottage on Litte Hawk, Lake, Rai- A i burton. Sunday guests wereAn Flying Officer and Mrs. Robert Oliver, and their daughters, Cathy and Kimbsrly, Tren- ton, and Miss SbirleyWMIhlnis, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osmiond, Liberty Street Nôrth, bave lehad as their guests Mus. Os. mond's brother, Chief Petty - Ofticer Barrie Oughten, Gon*- 1- port, England, and ltswlfe. 1- This was the flrst time Mis. 1- Osmnond had seen her brother S in 15 years, and the first Urne tt she has had the pleasure of )f meeting ber sister-in-law, Mrs. Ogtn. Chie! Petty Officer W. p essd ih and adhope 1. te retunn in the near future. )They spent a few day. at the ýOsmond cottage near Lake- nfield. They are now vislting ýfMrs. Osnnend's brother, Mr. e ad Mis. Peter Oughten In dMassachusetts, and wl retun ýto England next week. New Democrats Plan PicniC' for The engagemnent i: ar Fo r idn S of Mr. and Mr W. G. La Four Ridiq o Octber th,1967, at The four ridings of Dur- burg. Both Miss Cale and ham, Oshawa, Ontario South Honours B.A. degrees in and Ontario will be holding their annuml i plnl at Lyndr brook Park on Sunday, Sep- n ou c >tember loth. A n u c 1Donald C. MacDonald, the p rovincial leader of the New Democrattc Party, will be the guest speaker of -the day. Billy Rutherford Jr. wlll be present with other members of the General Motors Pipe -e Band. There will ho races for ». ail of the children and tea M and coffee for the adults. Al of the candidates from the ridings will be in attendance. The ex-organizer for Osh. awa ]Ring, Bill Cunipsty, and his famiiy wiil be In at- tendance. He has expressed hm desire te nieet old ac- .~ quaintance. NE WTON VILLE Dinner guests with Mrs. A. Boughen iast Sunday were ~... Rev. and Mrs. IR. C. White of Oshawa, and Mr.' ad Mrs. . Wallace Boughen. Brenda O'Conneil of Co. M n r o~a bourg spent a few days with Mran s.N mn hem grandparents, Mr. and pleased te announce the Mrs. Stanley Rowe recentîy, their daughter, Shirley Mc, returning home with herMmoth- Jamnieson, son of Mr. and er, Mrs. Neil O'Conneil, last pf Bowmanville. The weddi Tuesday. ra Spebr3,16 Congratulations to ail our uraS> eme 0 9 successfui students on their Andrew's Preshyterian Chu exam. resuits and condolences te any who faiied. Most o! cl Henderson and Glen Wood, themn appear to be pieased that and these enterprising young ichool will soon be re-open. people are ail wished success ing. in their endeavors. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stew- Messrs. Arnold and Grant art of Kingston spent severai Wade went to Waterdown, days at week with Mr. and Saturday, for the Kendai In- M4rs. George Stapleton and termediate bail gamne, which Keith. Dunner guests, Wednes- resuited Ini a close decision 2-1 dey night with the Stapletons for the former. included Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mr. and Mrs. L. DeSmit and Liomas, Mr. 'and Mrs. 0. J. family motored te Toronto In- Henderson of Toronto, Dr. and ternational Airport on Satur- M4rs. H. M. Stewart of Kings- day, te say farewell to the ton. latter's, sister, Miss Rie Logger Mise Darlene Bowen of who with her frlend, Ms R. Cambray spent last week wlth De Vries, was ta fly home te ler aunt, Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Haarlem, Hoiland, mter two Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer months visit in Canada, with and family mctored te Niagara her mother and cther rela- Fails the latter part o! the tives. Due te atmosphemlc con- week, takirig Mrs.Maee ditions, their 'plane was flot Leushner home, ater hier visit abile ta leave until 6:30 a.m. ere. on Sunday. Mr..- and Mrs. Chuch ervce îîîresmeTony Logger of Tiilsonburg, Churh srvic wil reumewere ovennight visitors, Satur- In Newtonviile, Sunday, Sept. day, wlth Mr. and Mm.. De- Brd at 10 arn., In charge of Smit, here. ev. . J Snlgrve.Sunday visitars with Mr. j~ A large crowd gathered at and Mrs. Jim Adams were Mr. Dommunity Hall on Wednes- and Mrs. Don Smith of Toron- lay evenmg ta present Mr. ta, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steele ind Mrs. Harry Stewart of and famiiy cf Scarborough. Kingston with a bridge setd id purse cf money. Dancing Mr. and Mme. Reid Wood andd uid lunch, of course, rounded boys attended a family incf )ut the remainder of the even- Sunday afternoon, attef ng. home of Mr. and IvIm* Rich- v Vistor drin te wekard Beatty, Port Hope. ù V it M m a d Mr Ji m A daeme M . nd M r . . . - an Ma 'The Candie Stateman, EowmaavMflh Aug. 3% 1W KEKDAL mmrs.vanceAlen, Mm .Tom. ryAlen Autte and Suz. aime vlsted with Mm .Wm. Morcer on Woedsy lut Mmi.ULrne Matnel of Port e an Un.Bob Brooks ci 00=8 udvlited with Mis. XMryLuon en Tuesday. Guerta with Mr. and Mms Keith Wood on Sunday were Mm. snd Mni. Jini Bostock and Maureen, Toronto. Mr. and Un. Howard Howson and duif. Bly Mr. aud Mrs. Jack Fonk and sons, aise Miss Chyreil Coathain weme gueits ai thc home o! Mr. and Mm.. W. H-. Proster te celebrate Tom Fos- tom'. birthday. Mrs. Bih Boyd (Rtith Dlck) cmlled on Un.. Ken Saper anid Omono. Our new miuter Rev. Theodore Snelgrove wiil con- duct hlm fit service at Ken- dal on Sun day, Sept. 3rd, at 11:15 'a.m. Aiter four weeks' holidays wo should ho meady to, corne back to church wlth new enthi4îlm.m and give our minuster a gocd welcome. Many renovationa have been made at the Manse at New- tonville and the wcrk la net completod yet. Much volun- teer work is needed te help finish the Job. Mlesse corne 1mnd do your sbire. Don't leave hl t aflicheother fel- Iow. Get your ticket at Tumsu- slçy's Store for Portraits from the Past, sponsored by the Centennial Commlttee ct the. Township o! Clarke. This event will ho -beld lu the Clmrke Higli Schcol on Sept. 25th at 8 p.m. The Induction Service for Rev. Tlieodore Snelgncve te the Newtonvllle Charge will be held ln the ICendal United Church on Sept. fitht 8 p.m. 1h lu hopçd that a g ccd repre- sentation o! the tiree chur- ches will ho ini attendance. Mr. Norman Patton, a long ie reaident c! the Kendal conununity, passed away ai tic Civic Hospital at Peter- borough on Augusi 251h. We extend our synipathy te the family, Mmi. Lowes (Mar- Jorie), Mms. A. Lowes (Aud- rey), Mr. Ehuier Patton, Mr. MIorrs Patton, and Mr. Ross Patton. The funeral was held fnom the Barlow Funera Huome on Monday, August 28. Mr. and Mmi. Keith Wood frienda ln Port Perry. *Mm. snd Mm.. Rov Poter have retuned from port Wil. liam; where Mr. Foster at. tended the Good Roads Con- vention. Mm. and Mmi. Jack Fonk attended thc weddlng c! hie sister whlch took place on Satumday, August 26th, at Burk's Falls. Your regular correspondent Mn.. Wm. Merver lias had te enter thc General Hospital for futher treatment we are no>- my to report. Please cal! 983- 5188 wlth your local news or contact C. W. Stewart. Extra safety precautions with your piculc menu mcmii a same picnic and fun for mIl. Life for food germa beguns at 40?F, se ho sure thmt plcnlc1 food te be served cold la kept1 below that tempemature. Use mn insulated carrier te trans- e art the food. Tue Ontario ood Council advlses that the safest plan is te pro are moist saladsanmd sndwich fillings right at thiininrsite. Announcement . 0. living purchased Stewart's Seed property, 1 arn plemseuj te announce that w. ibm!! b. continuing to supply the smre quality mer- chandise that Mr. Stewart has supplied for over 30 yeam LEN kOENDERMAN, Carnation FIower Shop Afier 30 years la business la Bowmanvlle, we have sold our propemty on Division Street to Mr. Len Koendemmau of the Carnation Flower Sliop. The new owner will be continu uing to provide the customary services ad we espectfully request mIl our cuotomers to give him their support. We would aIso 11k. to express our sincere appreciation o!f te patronage that wo bave meceived over the yeams. STE WART'S SEEDS SAM STEWART, Pop. A 500 stores to serve you in Ontari Prices Effective Until Scturdlay, September 21 Misa Penny L. Jeffery lughtem c! Mmi. Victor Je!. *mry and the laie Victer Je!- 'ery, 64 Duke St., Bowman- île, mecentiy gnaduated from, me Nunsing Centre ah Roiss gemorial Hospital, Lindsay, id ha. mccepted a position 6i the Bawnianvllle Mem- lail Hospital. - Kenlin Studio, Lindsay TYRONE Tyrane United Chuncli sor- !ce will be held li Sunday, ,ptember Srd, ah il m.m. mnday School will commence ept. 3rd and will ho held ah 1a.m. for the monîli o! Sep- =ber. Mr. and Mis. Fred Douglas, 'ncouver, ire visiting lis rother and wlfe, Mr. and Ir. Bill Douglas and daugh- ýrGerrie. Mm. anmd Mme. Ray Kiciko, r. and Mme. David Park, Mr. id Mis. Kenneth Park and fldren, Mr. mnd Mia. Arthur overly, Mm. and Mis. James urdoch and famiiy, Bcw- anville, Mm. and Mmi. Tom rk, Mr. and i4rs. John In- Laii and children, Oshawa, id Mm. and Mis. Ralpi Bow- suad Ian aitended a picnlc kSunday ai ithe home o! Mr. id Mmi. W. Park. Rev. and Mis. D. Nomthey eut a fow days lu Cornwall Is week visitiug frienda.' Mfr. and Mis. Ted McBride, Ry sud Lynn, Brampton, ited Mm. mand Mme. J. C. )k sud Mmi. G. Wills. Mr. mnd Mis. E. Graf sud n, Toronto, vlsited Mm. and, i. Adrian Raines. d M YinL1e allwaa Id on Sunday henoning er father's blrthday amd weddlng aniversamies o! mnd Mis. Alen Thieume d Mr. sud Mrs. Keiti Rob. to o! Bowmanville. 37 re present for dipue.r s94 - peut la ftctbeng ber mote unM.John :MC mtAia MKen- wee te for fthe wee' r=toat mms hto ande '. A. . semton. dm . IL Teflow, Sauge g lb- 4, speuzi wo wceks aetfthc ne of bem daughtem *ad, Mr. sud Mû*. Ad. ir. Ud Miks, Adiean M"n GOOD NEWS 1 FEDERAL TAX OFF!1 Low prices on Headache Remedies, Vitammns, Laxatives, CéId Remedies, Antacids, etc. VITALIS 12oL 1.39 RESDAN6.9 for Dandruiff,1 AQUA 'VELVA After Shuve 10 ADORN -z HAIR SPRAY 1.49 IDASALT&bieb 30'77c QMTIPS os>8 9c11 -ARRID m Spray Dedorant 1.09 M HAIR COLO! I. M -r PRESCRIPTIONS t D. A. REM~DIES ALEX EtOIEGOR.: e DRUGS* ~ ICUNG ST. W. - - CO LGATE DgNTAL CREAM. Family Size 1.19 Value for 1.09 89 I.D.A. BRAND MILK 0F MAGNESIA I 6-Z. 4-91 ENO FRUIT SALT Rea 6 9c Absorbine Jr.0L 97t-, Kotex "11 1.63 Forphnpendocn. 9 NICE 'N 'EASY.'ý,ý- nnounoed of Miss Jennifer Marilyn Cole, dauhter ,of tMorrisburg, Ont., to Mr. ]Richard Glenn Lancier, son Rnder, BowmanVille, ont. The weddung wifl take place 11:00 o'clock iii St. James Anglican Churcli, Morris- Mr. Lander graduated from Queen's this spring with Economics. nd clîdrn seni a !ew dîys ai Pigeon Lake. Engagement a"'e Toonto. Tyrone friends were again siddened lait week o!, the pmssaug cf Mm.. Leon Macro. Sympatiy isextended ta lier husbmnd mné fmmily, misa hem mother Mms. V. E. Million. biothers and aitera. Mr. M. Hamilton, Jean and Peter spent, i few days in Ottawa. Congratulations te Kathy Hoar, Grace Moore, Charlotte «Minis and Irwin Hamiltoen ~ j who passed theim Grade 13. Misa Lorrie Sosnowsi. "'4 Oshawa, speni a week with Gail Rundle. Mr. and Mmi. Alfred Knowl- .... ten nmid !amiiy visited Mr. cid Mn. Sid. Knowlton, Osh- . . ... .... .... .... ............ ...Mm. and Mmi. M . Ham ilton n(m !amfly enjoyed a motor etrip iliough. New York State. Mr. and Mmi.' John Rundle, LIrvine, Bowmanville, are Glen mand Gall visitecl Mm.1 Herb Ilundle, Cobourg, viiit- i forthcomîing marriage cf cd ah fBrighton, and called on 1 arie te Mr. Herbert Larry Mr. and Mm.. Hemuman Talsina, Mrs. G. F. Janueson,' also Lakeport. ing will take place on Sat- Graduates r Fourth Meetin :Beef Caif CIui t Ii. fourti M:elgod South ]Durham 4HCee LClub waa li.ld,J L us 17th, et the bam iof tahyAllin. The presled GryCemnish oped1 meeting sd ith mcmi Kelth Alnread thec molc and thl icnutes of thli1 meeting. A elasa cf mature lieroft cews wms judged and iev« e! Uic memnhors gave reag befome the prosioni gavet officiai pacing adsud em Afier ibis we wrote a qi on Bec! Cifilo. We dicun thc points of prepmmlung cali for show and shawing calv, The meeting wau thenà jeurned. Mns. Allia merv clouglinuts and fresie aif conclusion of fhe meeting. Arien. AlUn, 0 a De0À, à 3.75 oz. Announcement 89,cl 110091 01 PMRPTIONS L D. A. 1 REMU,,

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