neh Canadian Statumman, Enowrmavme, sept. 8, 1987 SPORTropucs EDDIE'S BACK Four men playing against fuil nune-man tea s s UnuJuaI, to say the least. Four men consistently bea!ting ful! teains - and good ones, is phenomenal. And that just about i .uffs up Eddie Peigner, the renowned King and his Court* who will pay a return visit to Oshawa, this Sunday afier- The King and His Court wiII meet Oshawa City anid District Ail-Star. in a softball exhibition battle, which will get underway at two o'clock, at Alexandra Park. As a pre- gaine added attraction C.K.L.B. Klods tangle with théir newspaper rivais froin the Oshawa Timnes. * Since Eddie and his Court won that first garne back Ini 1946, ha has buit a tremendous reputation. Fans who have seen him perforin corne away convinced and at the samé 'time unbelieving, wondering out loud, "How cari lnyone be that good" We had seen Peigner in action. several ims but we gtili intend on watching himn perforin hi. miracles again this Sunday. t + t t t., SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS The iven's Town League, aiong with the ca-operation o! tihe Jr. Softball League, switrhed their playnff dates thisi1 week, with the first gama a!f the finals having been played I *Tuesday night. The second encaunter i the best o! seven affair, gaes Thursday, with the finalists - Stephen Fuels and Ken's Men.s Wear reverting back ta Monda3' and Wednesdays next week, and for the remainder af the series. Ellis Shoes and Whyte Brothers Upholstering, ail even ti the Junior finals at t.wo games apiece, play tonight (Wed.). The sixth contest goes Tuesday next week, and should a -seventh gamne be required it will ha played an Thursda,.l AUl playof! series' garnes in bath leagues will ha played under the lights at Memnorial Park, getting underway at elght 'elack. Dai't look for us ta pick R winner in either loop, because it could go aither way wtth four fine clubs involved. *}Iowever, we can't remain unbiased in aur observations o! lishe senior circuit, due ta the fact, we happen ta be a mnember b o! Stephen Fuels. t. t t t t t TOWN LEAGIJE HOCKEY Well - it won't be long now befare the hockey seasal rails around locaily - the time when aIl o! aur players dii ista the math-bal.s, ta resurrect the equipment. The Town League wilI again be in operation on thet. regular Thursday nights, from seven until tan o'clock. Any- ona interested tn playing ini the circuit i. requested ta gel tI contact with either o! the following executive members as soon as passible: Grant Wright (623-5330), Peter Stacey <623-2087) or "Archie" Crossey (623-2916). '. t t t t CARLING WORLD? It must have been a couple o! mnonths ago, when this scribe began negotiations ta secure press credentials for tise Carling World Golf Championship at Tarant'. Board of Trade lay-out. Along with our expedition ta Expo, this was ta be one of thse hlghlights o! the summer season. But, unfartunately, our pass had ta remain unclaimed et the golf course - becausa you set we just didn't get to take in the big tourne-ment. Following aur holidays it was necessary that we work et General Matons throughout the entire Labor Day week- end.,At least yau .might say it was truly a Labor Day - in fact three of thein, and that adds up ta qutte a lebortous weekend. The weather was s0 good that we stil managed ta *squeeze in 18 hales o! golf and three sets o! tennis - but .whry eauldn't the previaus weekend have been better, as we wound up aur vacation at a cottage. i. -t t t t GAELS WIN OPENER When you mention the "Minto Cup", emblematic o! the Canadien Junior "A" Lacrosse. you naturally think of Osh- awa Green Gaeis and New Westminster Salmonbellies. And why not? These two teanis have met for the National title for the past three years and thse 1967 classic presents the saine script. Osisawa's four consecutive Minto Cup championships is a record, having won their flrst one in 1963, tbeir Initial seasan of operation, over Victoria Shamrocks. The Gaeas got off on the right foot Monday night at tise Clvie Auditorium, whipping the Salmaribellies 17-7 in tise opener of the best o! seven sertes. Future gaines are slated for Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday aIl starting et 8 p.m. Should the sertes go past four - we think it w-il - the fifth, sixth and seventh encounters are scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, next week. t t t t t MOTORCYCLE CLASSIC 'j Early entiries for the World Champansisip Grand Prix x Il n Bantams Lose On Sunday af ternoon, Bowmanville's Legionnaire ne Bantam "A" tear.n went down ta defeat before the bo bats of a Dundas Club by a score of 13 ta 4. Earlier, sai the Eastern Ontario champions had knocked bath gh Vhitby and Cobourg out of contention and had beaten Sit )undas one game and lost a second to themn. Team ab riembers, from lef t toright, front row, Grave Ben- Ladies Major1 BOWLING First Scedule Teams No. 1-D. Jo11, J. Harness, W. Nesbitt, N. Sheehan, B. Cawan, P. Thiele. No. 2 - O. Patfield, M. Slaght, M. Pearson, D. Mutton, C. Haoey, C. Barrett. No. 3-D. Brooks, S. Brown, D. Adams, F. Draper, H. Sim- nick, G. Kichk. Na. 4-O. Etcher, M. Perris, L. Martyn, D. Park, J. Suds- bury, R. Dickinson. No. 5-B. Buttonshaw, J. Almond, F. Bruce, I. Mount- joy, S. Poirier, H. Park. No. 6-J. Baker, M. Lewis, H. Nicholson, M. Wiseman, K. Biggs, E. Simpson. No. 7-S. Davis, M.L Harri-ý Date Sept. Il Sept. 18 Sept. 25 - Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Shoemen A Hand Whyi Final Now ' 20 27 1- 2 1- 2 10-11 3- 5 Il- 4 6- 9 8-12 6- 5 12- 1 10-8 3- 4 3- 4 9- 8 12- 2 5- 1 10-12 4- 9 6-10 7-11 2- 6 1- 7 il- 5 10-9 6- 7 il- 1 No. 9-Lomla Wright. Capt.;' No. Il - Linda C>ouu Pets Dobbins, Hilda Sixnnick, Capt.; Ernie Perfect, Mel M6. Leon Cannors, Lorraine Bru- Nulty, Lucien Annaert Betty ton, Norm McKeen. Elliott, Bert Payne. No. 10 - Peggy Haynes, No. 12 - Jean Sutdeltfe Capt.; Albert Saman, Doris Capt.;« Dave Raynolds4~us Holroyd. Mike Murphy, Mrs. CarrGeorge Bebee, ry R. Byer, J 2i Ru-d4. H5-thH7-k8 9-16 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7-S8 9-10 1-2 39-48 5-12 7-85 7-1 10-512 - 281-10 4-5 7 -6 Slet. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. to Dundas in Semi-Finals IMild MIjoir Oct The Mixed Bowlin eagu Oct. 'commences on Manday, Sept. Ili, 1967 at 9 p.m. sharp. The Nov. President and the executive Nov. extend a hearty welcome and best o! luck t a allaur bowlers Nov.« of the 1967-68 scheduie. NV The Executive for the yearî 1967-68. Pres., Rass.Wright, Dec. Vice-Pres., Dave Reynolds, Dec.1 ec-Treas.c u Carter; Re- D, placements, Lola Wright; Ab- Dc sentees, Angela Saman; Social, Albert Saman, Averages, Lor- raine Bruton, Denise Annaert. Following t, a list af the teams and the first scheduîe. No. 1-Doris Jaîl, Capt.;1 Fred Thomson, Denise An-, einert, Bob Calwell, Marion - cKe en, Stuat Colins. S Na. 2-Bernice Buday, Capt. Jim Murphy, Babe Bon * Karl Bickeli, Marie Brooks, I Ron Sutcliffe. i No. 3 - Shirley Bickell,'[ Capt.; Ross Wright, Pat An-; naert, Jack McNulty, Irene Payne, Rich White. No. 4-Barb Buttanshaw, Capt.: Don Wright, Helen Van Der Berg, Ron Haynes, Marg White, Ray Gray. No. 5-Ollie Patfieid, Capt.;. Ryss Haliman, Angela Saman,' Jim Bruton, Dot Collins, Doug Carter. No. 6-Vi Coole, Capt.; Johni ett, Tim Wallon, Richard Little, Jamie Perfect (bat Carter, Vi Ruddy, Vern Con-'r nors, Barb Webb, Geraid' oySteve rursey, Deug Crugh and Tom-m-y Sîmp- Goulah. o )n; back raw, Hugh Rogers, manager, Muke Dono- No. 7 - Helen Reynolds, àue, Randy Rogers, Mike White, Deug Parker, Bruce Capt.; Maurice Annaert, Joan p mpsan, Robert Willoughby, Bert Perfect, coach; Thomson, Jim Webb, Bernice' sent Te Ro san, coa h 'Carter, Jack Buttonshaw. No.-,--Ann Cotile, Ciapt. Jim Huck, Monica Gray, Archie Crossey. Bowling League COF -BOWLING ýSCHEDULE FIRST SCHEDULE son, M. A. Richards, D. King, Alleys I_ 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10 D. Veitch, M. WIlliams. Sept. 8 1- 2 3- 4 5- 6 7- 8 9-10' No. 8-J. Tennant, J. Major, Sept. 15 ____ 4- 7 6- 9 8-1 10- 3 5- 21 J. Bragg, G. Ellis, S.- Green- Sept. 22 ____ 3- 6 5- 8 7-10 2- 9 4- 1~ ham, G. Luxton. Na. 9-H. Donaghue, L. Sept. 29 _____ 10- 5 2- 7 9- 4 1- 6 3- 8 Crassey, H. Piper, S. Fowler, M. Gibbs, D. Palmer. Oct. 6 - - -____ 6- 8 10- l 3- 5 9- 7 2- 4, Na. 10-M. King, L. Hazel- Oct 13 ______ 5- 4 9- 3 1- 7 8- 2 10- 6! ton, E. Mitchell, L. Cale, G.Oc20 73 1-5 62 410 89 Osmond, J. Bate. Ot 07 -5 6 -0 8 No. 11-C. Bawers, H. De- Oct. 27 ____ 2-10 7- 6 4- 8 9- 5 1- 3! pew, N. Gould, S. Bickle, M. Green, B. Morgan. Nv -1 81 -3 6 -5 No. 12-D. Bond, D. Collins No.i91 80 2 -4 75 T. Forrester, E. Whitehead, D:. o.1 1_____ 8 -5 1- -1 4 Haynes, Diane Park. Nov. 17 ___ 3-10 1- 8 2- 5 7- 4 9- 6ý Bowling starts at6:45 p.m. Nov. 24 ~ 9- 2 10- 7 1- 4 6- 3 8- 5! sharp. Entry fee, first sched- $20.Dec. 1 ____6- 1 4- 9 8- 3 5-10 7- 2ý 56 7- 8 9-10 11-12 Dec. 8----------- 7- 9 5- 3 4- 2 8- 6 1-1o! 5- 6 7- 8 9-10 1.1-12 Dec. là Chickçn raIl-off 2- 8 7- 1 6-10 4- 5 3- 9 1-12 45 7- 6 2- 3 Dec.' 22 ~ 1- 2- 6 9- 8 3-7 5- 1 8- 9- 7 1-11 6- 41 8-0Dec. 2u - 5- 9 8- 4 3- 1 10- 2 6- 7 Bowling commences Septem- No. 8-Dot Band, Bob Mar- 6- 3 2-10 12- 9 8-11 ber 8th et 9 p.m. shal; Fred Tippins, Earl Luke, 9-11 1- 3 2- 4 7- 5 No. 1-Jack Bond, Marie Carl'Schwarz, Joyce Holden.1 2- 7 Il- 6 8- 5 10- 1 Sedman, Wm. Patter, Gord. NO 9- ar 4- 1 5- 9 Il- 3 12- 7 Rîtter, Stella Hawkins, Doris a ar Snowden, 3-10 6-12 5- 2 4- 8 Thompson. l1Doug oeBrnyHl1, No. 2-Bruce Miller, BilI LaisgWaadcock, Mazo Archer,, Buma, Hugh Smith, Aýudrey Ann Schwarz. 12- 5 8- 1 10- 7 3. 9 Seller, Marion McNab, CaraI No. l0-Jack McNab, Ern~ Il- 2 12- 4 3- 8 5-10 Ritter. , Archer, Peter Bumna, Florence 10 4 3 7 6-i 9-2 No. 3-Ron Brack, Amy Shawden, Heleni Ovenden, 10- 4 3- 7 6- 1 9. 2Miller, May Aldread, Sharon Marg Tippins. 8- 7 1- 2 12-11 4- 3 Milley, Norm Woodcock, Bill Spares-Pat Marshall, Ron' Hawkin. Banks, AI. Dejager, Walter 5- 4 10-11 3- 2 8- 9 No. 4-Glenn Prout, Geo. Piersma, Peter Feddema, Bill 7. 9 3-5 - 212Marshall, Robt. McReelis, Reta Aldread.L 79 3-5 46 212Noien, Velma Luke, Lorrain _______________ 10- 2 4- 7 Il- 8 1- 5 Marshall. -No. 5-Bill NicholsonDick w Dennis, Diane MeReelis, Nick w ake TOZondarvan, Elsie Prout, Pst, No. 6-Ray Westlake, Milt Dakin, Jim Robinson, Rager e s a LOSS Ovenden, Florence Ptter, Nn.y7-MoryThompson, of Canada wnicn w1il brrig top matarcyclists ta the- Mosport by i Clarke front, 7-3. ...ayton organ. couse n Sptmbe 30 ae wdel srea. -Ells hoe awkefro thir The Shoemen added four was a big feature of theiri Pirst entry was from John Davis, of Scarbaraugh, Ont, playaff slumber last Tuegday more ruMic n he lKast of h game. Harold aided his own aWeli-known local rider ln the 500 c.c. cia,.. Rager Beau- Wiht, «Uphoî2tey andin and Gord Wallace, ail hadi cause, witha pair of hits and Whyt's phoster a 1-5hits. Whyte's rnanaged their 1 two R1.B.IX's. John Kilpatrick, mont of St. Hilaire, Quebec, ha. also signed for the 500 C.C. thumping. Te Shoemen, after final runs in the seveth on with twaso thubles man race. dropping 8-1 and 5-1 decisions, Sliansto run hamer. A fr.Btheswas nters. Bi rmany From B.C. a team of three rider, is being entered by 'baunced back ta trail in the* ir for the winners. Bih .Crosseyand, best of seven final series, two sinl e aninfe l ersrar ad with hi, big triple, accaunted the Westwood Road Racîng Club; Peter Kellond, Bob Smith garnes ta ane. wlkp h aes al for three R.B.I.'s. Ted Leveck and Murray Neibel will travel from Vancauver in campany Harold Michelson had a big' stopn, butdeve Elis'sot-as pkdot ar fht with Tim Caopey, the official entry from the B.C. region of hand (and arm) in the v -sto, adeagetdvn for Ellis, as they collected a Betw en hem they wîl brng m chi es or he t ry, holing hyt's a ~ catch on "W oody" Lee's fly ta total o!f ine safeties.. W hyte's the CMA. -ewe hmte ilbigmcie frtetrhligWyest i end the game. far from. their form. in the 500, 250 and 125 race,. hits, while fanning and walk- Around the Bases: The win frttogmso h eis Top USA experts are also on this growing entr'v list. Triln 3-2, Ellis slammed maan rcacoefrEls frttogresa h eis 1raiacrcilon nrglislmanaged only three bits, aver Dick Hanimer of Lakewaod, California, and Warren Pick- starter Randy 13eatuprie and! and Michelson's performane the final six innings. Bob Hel- inger of Denver, Colarado, are signed along with Ron Grant reliefer Dennis Sullivan, for ]am. runner-up in this year's five runs, in a fourth inning1 battig race, picked up two! Of San Mateo, Californîa, who is the reigning Canadian spree. Beauprie, during 3 and hts,ivefo i -the National champion in the 250 and 500 c.c. classes, a third innings, was nicked for games). Dennis MeFeeters, The World Championships are at present being contested five runs and three hits. Six wiha par of bunt singles was lni Europe, with Honda and Yamaha factory teams running walks helped shorten Beaup's th eanly other Whyte's player ston the lasers' mound.t have a pair of hits. MeFeet- neck and neck. The world gaverning body for motorcycling, Sulanatrwnigteestreynasrn ae th e Pederation Internationale Motorcyliste. rules that the top first two games of the final, at third base. "Jud" Brown, contenders must be invited for the Grand Prix of Canada wyas racked for six runs and Wyessedrgtfedr and confirmation of entries froni the teami rider. In expected 1six bits in two and two thirds j ....e.. a geagt id on Bi irnm dla ely.inn ngs ! r lief ~wCrassey's w rang-field triple, in Bob Hellani opened the the fourth, just missing on a The Canadian Motorcycle Association will organize thîs scorîng for Why.te's witha ,.dvngtept classlc avent, with assistance froin the Faderai Centennial! Ieadoff homer ti the top aofin ttmt Commission. the first. The lasers' added - -~added two mare runs, on a pair of bits and a sacrifice an D ly fly, befare the inning ended. Rm D ly Michelson, after a wobbly beg- innsettied dlown, tossing ýsxfae.Tresuccessive It rained 'in Chatham FFn- walks and John Kilpatrick's day night and most of Satur-, double, scored twa Ellis runs day so0 the bird, were hl A R EN Ati in the' first, as WhYte's held and released Sunday mornungi a 3-2 lead. BANNER PASSANT with the follawing results in BOWMANV.ÎLLIff The winners chased Beaup- yrdsp2r miute:2B5w rie in the bottoin o! theï63328Bras. 1232.09, Maurice Goulet Telephon. 623-5728 iourth. Leveck started it off'120 Duke St., -BownanVill, i1197.00, 'John Turcotte 1173.65, with a singla and "Coon" Os- Earl Luke 1166.60, Don Stain-1 borne foilowed with a walk.1 Life Insurance tan 1153.90, 1. Piper 1 146.30,1 1* "Doc" Adams popped out, but noeDsblt L. Richards 1134.40, Daveý P U B LIC I Lloyd Stainton Ioaded the Pnson Plasbiy Waalner 1128.33, Jack Bridger basas, w han he was safe on Peio Pln 1100.68, Ron Luke 1069.95. S K A I N et fiîrstbaseman, Dick McLean's *Gop~U8l*A second rc fa'Ca- erorhain t, was flown on Sat-j S K à T ll clHarold Michelson greeted * Business Insurance urday, Atig. 26, 1967, withl FI YS TE BR8,Dennis Sullivan wlth a double teersls .Ppr925 sconxng two runu. Bruce8Ad- * EsfatePlanning teeruis .Ppr925 sSrIg to rus. ruceAd-yds. per min.; J. Bridger AND " 1 stannad, but was sale Sun LaiLf ke 9751.1,Brw B.7 7Mau4ic SEPTE BER 3tIiwhen the third strike eluded i*Asrn E a 980.10, 975.72,Brouri7e44 WUD #SD Y, ise~tcer.fiid' ha Compa ny of Canada Gaîjlet 929.26, J. Turcotte 8 T Ba d the acoring W El8Uu la'Stainton $93.63. t.i 25 9 16 23 5- 1 10-12 4- 9 6-10 7-11 2- 6 1- 7 il- 5 10- 9 6- 7 il- 1 il- 4 6- 9 8-12 6- 5 Due to iliness and labor difficulties we have soid our business known aI CAB 500 - KING TAXI BOWMANVILLE We take this opportunity to tliank vr customers and friends for their loyal itronage in the past. ý >> HERB W. KNAPP uly3w,ýO" JIwy. 401 and Liberty St. ""THE LEE ROSE TRIO"r for your Dancing Pleasure SATN . ., E T.2 r SEPT. 1l5th - 6th "Dustyr' Shepherd at the orgasi console in our upstairs licensed lounge 9 p.m. 'tii i ar. I . N WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THE OSHAWA BARBERSHOp CHORUS SATURDAY, SEPT. 9th i I 9:00 'tii midnight in the Downstairs Lounge BAR FACILITIES, -Avallable under L.C.B.O. License $1.50 Per Person (10% Amusement Tax Extra) RESERVATIONS REQUESTED Be Sure and Pay Us a Visif at Our Auto Display C' ORONO c SEPT. 7t.h - Sth m 9th YOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER FOR PONTIAC -BUICK -VAUXHALL-ACADIAN « BEAUMONT An9-12men .0 il-la 82-1 9- 2 4- 5-12 1- 5, 6- 3 2- 7 4- 1 3 -10 12- 5 1l- 2 10- 4 8- 7 5- 4 7- 9 2-10 5- 9 6-12 8- 1 12- 4 3- 7 1- 2 10-11 3- 5 4- 7 12- 9 2- 4 5- 2 10- 7 12-11 a- 2 4- 6 il- 8 MOTOR INN i Bowmanville Phono 62 ýffl «Wm qw m vl"w St. F. on e621 la 166 Kin 13396 lý Alleys a 0 à a- mm -