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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Sep 1967, p. 16

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las eCanaIan Stgta4 , wanillF4 13p. là, M iOBITTJÂRY Newcastle Swimmiers â libmhoughi poor bealth for tm"1ers. the death of Erai- WeMMSel, 57, oc- 41Twed suddenlY at Ia reat- jec,131 Liberty St. North, Bwmanville, on saturday, XUMt î26, 1967. Som cf Mns.E. A. Weasfs lowblanville, .andWthe. lae pnd-eduoated in Toronto. He ýXid the former Betty Gra- ' ham of Toronto Were. marrled yo June 26, 1942, and cele- brated their 25th wedding, an- PivergarY iniJune of ttus ~ear >Mr.' Wessélla bau resided at 13 Liberty St. Njý, for' 18 N~ft e also ived for six ,Ieari t Langstafi, and dur- fng, the first year ai marriege guishome was in Toronto. In ~929 he leit Parkdale Cofleg- ate 10 beconi, an employéee .of, a Stock brokerage fr here ha remlained until the ittaiWorld~ War I. Unic- ýcePtâble for miilitarY service eor ibea1th reasons, the de. ~~ p"eaed worked li the evia- Mon lndusgtrY for the dura- 9 tien of the war. Ater thé war ~e returned to. the brokerage_____________ eusiness as trader at the Tor- ------ onto Stock Exchange.ton'hwaanrdtwr- In March, 1949, Mr. Wes- er for the Progressive Con- 1elis moved' to Bowmanville servative Party. He was also laid becamne a supervisor at a member of the local Camn- i the Ontario Training School era Club. lor Boys (now Pine Ridge Mr. Wessells la survlved by SchOOl). He joined Field Av- his wife Betty and daughter làtion ai Oshawa Airport in Denise. Also surviving are October, 1950, and was arn- hie mothar, Mrs. E. A. Wes- Éoyed there for seven years. salls, and a sister, Roma (Mrs. keaiso worked in the Baw-ý Fred Moffatt) of Thornhill. Inanvile Police Department The fuaieral service was office. for six months, but held from the Northcutt El- was forced to retire follow- liott Funeral Home on Tues- tng a coronary thrombosis at- day, August 29th, and was teck. At the time af hie death conducted by Riev. KÇ. J. ha was employed part-trne Frampton of St. John's Ang. in Bowen's Grocery Store, lican Church, Bowmanville, Scugog Street, and during re- followad by cremeation and I eent years 'had become well- intermnent of ashes in Bow- known to residants ai that menvilla Cemetary. Brea.Amnong the meny donations The decaased wes an activa ta the Cancer Sociaty and Inember of the Bowmenville beuîuelrl rbts vi- ýcranha h Cnda e- dance. of the hîgh astem in arSociety serving on the which the deceased wes held, Publicity and Education Coni- were those irom the Vanstone ' Inittee and also Pat- Flour & Faed Mill Staff; St- lens t th Prnce s Mr- M rY's C am ent Co. Ltd., Bow- Hasita in Tolnt manville Area Emargency C. -or t atxents. DurIng l - B. Group; Scugog Street ~~ Ci? AS OIJA 1_ Friends; Liberty St. North 01à)OL APPLIANCES Friands and Neighbours; Stý thrbugi, John's Guildettes; and -Exec- (ZASSIFIMES utive Mambers of the Bow- STATESMAN manville *Branch of the Can- phone 23-30à cr Socity. .'C'LAýSSES COURMIE SECONDARY SCIIOOL R.R. 3, BOWMANVILLE (Nash Road, Courtice) Aduit educaiion not, available to day students Accondmng ta our pneliminary survey conductedl last May, sufficient interest is indicated ta b. abie to offer'the following -night school classes: A -HOSTESS COOKING B -SIEWING - BASIC - and ADVANCED C- PHYSICAL FITNESS (WOMEN) D - -TYPING - BASIC E - BUSINESS MACHINES - BASIC F. -INTERIOR1 DECORATING - BASIC In addition ho these courses stated aboya, caour- ses in the followlng mey be held if a sufficieni nunaber cf students regisher ri eech class: ARTS and CRAFTS WOODWORKING (HOBBY) PH-YSICALFITNESS - (MEN) SHORTHAND BOOKKEEPING !echnical Courses li three the followlng- AUTO SHOP MACHINE SHOP ELECTRICAL WELDING DRAFTING Mt t'. C] leveisini each of tegiistration for these courses mrust be made 4 Courtioe Secondary Sehool on either Mon- ly, October 2 or Tuesday, October 3 - 7:30 09:00 p.m. lasa.s'wil b. held on Tuesday evenings trom :30 t. 9*30,p.m., commencsag on Oetober M7 19d rmmblngfer 30WeWe. , sgt'umtl.. Meth ast 15 students h re- ajd te Ommbet & Classa under oprtmjur4 I~<w*~P £ 1 $L WilIl Wpast tl6 t. ' Chm a not'i4edt4 COWTY DpitSi< il served on boarýd Canada'. tirst Mcoli Nn toa. I sbme ans a TRhditomerator Waif Their Turnon Award h cu.i X4ad ad1Î sre b -dengairrd, Gal McNally, da4ghter ai with 150 guests attenlng.. CPiIitd b carierMagiientmd ll r. n Mrs. J. W. McNally, Thé couple were married~ cnis n British and Canadin Naval waas one of the six-rember by Rev. John Garbutt at Dun- rses orIl m Ships. Stàrlette Majorettes team from das Methadist Church, London, H f5 u.e Oshawa whzch spent four Ontaria, on September2nd,;1BellW51R*WILee aner Surviving, besidas his par- deys làst waek et Expo, as 1922. Mrs. Snowden was the 1LIfri Werryr, ail o? ents, are four brothers and tha guests of the Hlamilton former Hilda Langmaid-ai of o .Gi wereES= te thrae sisters, Stanley, Rodney, Tiger Cet football teaem Hamxptonx. Sîne their mar. ut'the d r Wallace, William, Judith Wat-ing anperfrmance e&chthay have resided mi ?z kinson, Carolyn 'and Martha. ThDgilsded sohwaua.engelX Nineteen nieces and 'hephews 1that they ware sent to Nehict haa an srlndihe dis Delld ,owand 1 u saw also survive. York ta publicize Expo at half area until retirenient. Mnt. Pesne ý , T h e f u n r aN ese v i c ec t , tf e r m i ag n t h e K eba nc k . . . .. ~~~~ tu~ e of a te ev ised g -e on Snow den w as em plM I d y~ Q ai e, T r n , w r Chel, Bwavle o he Explorers group, for and he was a member c h Wdeday, September th, girls and boys agad from six Oshawa Fair Board. Ms. and was conducted by'Rav., B. ta, eight, wiil begin thair Snowdan has alweys bcen Long ai 'Orono. Interment waakly meetings aftar school active in church activities and was in Bawmanvilîe Cama- on Wednesday, Septambar 13. was a soioist in church chairs. Among the numerous lovaiy Mns. Roy Robinson and Mrs.1 MrJames Pangelly (Bessie), 623- 330 floral tokans were those from Kennath Dean. ai Broklin, Mrs. Tom Plees- the Royal Canadien Lagion; Next Sunday Nursery ses- ance <Anai) ai Tyrone, Joseph Guards, Engineans and Main- sions ,wil bagin in tha famîily of Sauina and William ai tenance, Duplate Ltd., The noam at the Manse ta care for Kedron. There are 12 grand- Millwrights, Iron Workers, small childran whila thair children - Conos Cataning Staff, ail his parents attend church service. Tha ladies of Unit 1 ai the U fellow warkers et Edmonton. Mr. end Mns Foster Snow- Kadron U.C.W., ai which Mrs. Palîbearars were Messrs. dan, Brooklin, celebnatad thair Snowden wes a former merm Charles Alldread, Paul Jack- 45th wadding anniversary Set- ber, cetered for the occasion.- son, Roy Baker, William Ban- urday avening, by holding an Sait piano music was played- ton, Victor Chilton and Ron- open bouse in the lower hall by Mrs. Charles Naylor, Osh- aid Watkinson. ai e rnUnted Church awa, and Mrs. Lwrence Mal- ýM:,' -MW At.. .~'.~'~.+.\' These tWo pictures were taken several weeks ago at Newcastle Recreation Committee Annual Swnrnming Awands Night. They show Sonie of the young swimxners waiting their turn to take part in the interestng program. NEWTONVILLE Orlocal ichool opened wîth them, where Mr. Ross ley. For the latter, just dial lest Tuesdey, with the new Brown's horse won a -is h digits in the Directory Principal, 'Mns. J. Hesiuk. and a second prize in racýing. Su2ral1y an expression of con- teeching Grades 7 and 8; Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gýilmier gratulations i. not amiss to Lynda Greenwood, teecher Of visited friands at Twelva Mile thosa who have worked so Grades 5 and 6, Miss Dale Lake on Friday. hard ta bring this arrange- 4;ac Mrs Danhe Ro Grades n Congratulations toalal those ment ta completion. 14;dM2. Diane rs arad20 1 who were successful in pas.- Mrs. Ce cil Burley is visit- anum2be nes bang20Kin their sumnier courses, in- ing ber- daughter, Mrs. Earl Bickeli, Shelley Brawn, Su- cluding Miss Joan Walkey, McEwen, Peterborough, and san Burgess, Chaniana Coop- who recaived an "A" (86 Mrs. Clarence Gilmer af Lind- er, Kim Dickson, Glanda marks). sey this waak. Dobbs, David Jones, Angel- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilrner Mr. Ken Whittaker of Tor. .ika Koepp, Pater Kuehu, Jane and femily were et thair cot- onto, who has been stayin IMcHolm, Rodney Milas, Lance taeaet Chemong, over the with bis aunt, Mrs. E . Walk- Payne, Silvia Ruagger, Keith waekend, wbera a îamuîy ga- y, the past few weeks, has Seerle, Roy Smith, . Evelyn thening on Sunday, calabra" retturned ta Toronto, ta enter St aceyJe Stcy Nnc ted her birthday, Mn. anid Teachers' Collage. Tsnovsky, Michael Wede anà Mrs. L. Clysdale's wedding Wamen's Institute Wi' e AdiniWeusvoort, annmvarsery, and the latter%~ sume ragular meetngs o birthday also. Others present Wed., Sept.I20, at the home of Mrs. Perey Burlay of Bow- wene Mr. and Mrs. Ray Torop- Mrs. Melvile Samis at 2:30 manvilla, spent lest week with kins and family, Mr. and Mn.. p.ri. Speciai speaker will be Mrs. Cecil Buniay. IGardon Clysdale and Ron ai Mrs. M. Brown of Bowman- Mr. Alf Graham of Toron1.0Oemea, Mr. and Mrs. Evan- ville. bas been steying with Mr. a ttStapleton ai Orono. Next Sunday, members ofl and Mrs. Harold Wood and M .end Mrs. Robant Car- the local Masonic Lodge will i visiting friands la the village. lwa Orland ,were supper attend the 10 service, Mn.. Walter Simipson of guests Sunday, with Mr. and here, in charge of* Rev. T. J. Oshawa, spent Thursday with Mrs. E . Walkey.' Snelgrove. her mother, Mns. H. Trim. Mn.. H. Trim accompanied' Mrs. Tresisa ai Oshawa, ; Mr. and Mrs. Bull Coulsan and visiting her deughtar, Ms. jC son ta Guelph an. Sunday, OBITUARY Peck and- famly. ' whre Uic latter i. ntaingI Induction service ai Rev. Un iversity. K .DMN T. J. Snelgrova was hald in Mn. and Mn.. Bill Stacay, K ,DMN Kendal Church, Wadnasday, Eve lyn and Donald, spent the The death of Kendall Gord- Sp.6, et 8 p.m. It was con- weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. an Dament, eged 34 years, duct.db a.PhlpRm Gerald Russett and fanuiîy. occurrad suddanly et Kendal, * eril, Chainman ai Prasbytery, Wllman's Corners. On Set- Ont., on Sunday, Septemnber:3, assstd y te ecetay evurday they attended the wed. 1967, the resuit af a car acci- John«e Porte etsayRv. ding ai their brother, M. Ros dent. Son af M. and Mrs. George Ward and Mn. . C. Carlisle, et whjeh Julia Rus- James A. Dament, R.R. 2, Ives' ai Bawmanvilîe.Lcalsatt was flower-girl and Don. Newcastle, the deceasad was people attending includad Mn. aId Stecey was ring-beeýrer, born et Melbaurne, Que. He and Mrs. C. Farrow, Mns. R. and Mn. Bill Stecey was Rn attended school et Barrie, Ont., Farrow, Mms,H. Trîm,'M. usher. leaving school ta jain the and Mns. J. -AdamJs,Mt Mr.C Mr. and Mns.. Art Austin navy. Ha was unmarniad.I Brown, Mrs", F. Hen0erson and dauglrter of Selby, and Mr. Damant had nesided li Mn.. V. Baurger*ie, Mn.. Ar' Mie -A. Austin ai Canton, Newcastle for appnoxhmateîy nold Wade, Mr. Grant Wade- were visitons Suaday witu thnee years, and had also lived 'Uns. J. Cswell, ns C., Bur. Mn. and Mas. Bent Tonxpklns. Jin LaChute, Que., and Allen,' ley mn P. Bree, Mn. DD For the past several weeks Saak. He was a mllwnîight an ls . , the local telephone eploy., and was enployed by Steann ereMnJ, ' 1hi. He was a member a h bee pi extra busy, prepar- United Church, and was also .~ ,.~, * ngc for another -chant"Vr a member of Branch. 1465, spgâm4%= h den M - 'es4iey li1,m'giton, an4 a0O1 tg t' umM ) nov campîee<. a oomi1976 et a1ary. suuidey, sept.10. iea nIl ervd eyears with Mr. are )&M lx Iii. lyaltCmndian Navy and frs~N~to1v»pt< o rtws oemé f fthe Royal ____ C ~ope Woane,'Newca~a CanainNy Choir station- iu~ J~I1 ~S.U. . ailIsl$a MmTi. doeus. on FItburgb'$ffl Latx wIIpaint! siays fresh longer* COMMTIE 1*8-1111 SIIOPPINÇ CUITEZ UMITED 128-1<17 I~ - - - - - - - 'ALLONT..Tj NAME TO BWLD ON' WSooIN PMMEt 'i i I 4k1 I I I i E! 1~ E 16g I I I I I I I -E I r I. i AVAIL ABLE NOW IN A WIDE . CHOICE 0F THE SEASDN'S - MOST POPULAR COLO URS y ~2*90T. 8AL. SAVE $2.OO GALLON THE BEST PAINT IS ALWAYS THE BEST VALUE EVENIN-G sale Price's Effecuve Sept 13 m Oct 1 osha. wa Wool.d ý P-rodu.cý',t,,s,, UMITED

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