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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1967, p. 11

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Young Students Admire Paintings at Newcastle Library. Peteroough. is1tl i The Canadait Statenman, owmavMe, Sept. 2(), 19@7 lip, Cindy- -andDeb iePortlded into three grwaps and' Clemence, Whitby, were mid- Credit$ were recezt vwîtor3 Ilew castle taken by the leader, to view week gucats of Mr. and Mms. hi, arents, Mr. and Mr.te Art Exhibit, presented by Jak Crago. Geoge~eaup ~ ~th~e Newcastle Memorial Lib. M r. Gerald Bonisteel, BeUr riard, pendîng a m ii Law.~ rary and being shown ln the 1 ville, visited with Mrs. Edna. rece r.end eMd. J ITIt wLaW- id 2rid ersonal ,.entenniai Room. !Selby, Monday. day* at -EXpo. Mr. and Mrs. Our Social and Personall Grant Thomspson are in chargeý News bas weeks where oneJ 01 the Poest Office and Me Newcaste-On- Saturday- af- the Troop and Pack scarves,: would feel that nothing is go-! N WT N IL P Erie Huntington ià serving ternoon, ln the Lions Rom the color of these scarvesj i n u hergla et customnera in "Thte County of the Conimunlty Hall, a 1Ings held ail faIl and winter Mr.L eTddadM. Stoe. Group Committee meet i n g should be changed. The colors! long. Out of town trips or vis- j McKnighTMlodd kand Mn Mr. and -Mts. .Harry Eder was held where with only are now orange and dark blue,I its from redor eltvsup gssSna wh- ton1 Port PerWere yfrida seven interested persans at- representing the colors of theî es aren't as plentiful a they Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton evepimg vjstfg 'ftld Amont, these weme Lions Club. which actually hSave been duming tht summer and family. Marvin Nesbitt end Mr. Ted the Chait'nI William Cali, are gold and purple. Mr. CaII months, but they don't stop Mr. and Mrs. George Sked Lennard and caled on r. S= etary Pt Bleker, Charle' i s ta appoach the Scout Moth- alo ehr o pes ep IiIig o lcsok s e Su. and Mi~s. Larmen- Hyland. Megit *ho epresanted the er's Auxiliary ta ask their help murid ta telephone your social da ihM.adMe ln Ne$tleton friends «are pléïased sponsoring group the .New- Inl making up new scarves., news tO 987-4213. r ton Brown. te, see that Mr. Hyjand bas castle L.ions Club, two -assist- With Cubs planning their an-]Mran s.AeHnd' r.nd r.JmGie- mnade such a good r e em ant S outrnastems and- two fuai cam p trip for the Thank.s M- nd M e l x e d v M . n r. Ji ln e v std Expo just recently andl n a iy ot H p, wt following surgemy in Osaa Cubmasters. It was decided at giving weekend some helphv gireund tteadfmlPotHpwh Hospital. this meeting that Scout Calen- Îromn the Commnittee and ned a pic n Snda afer- Mr. and Mrs. Don Thorn-' das would be purchased and Iliary is needed. Baking and ae.ejye Pei Sna atr son enjoyed P-dy'vnigsold th's year by members 01 rides te and from the cgampý Mr. and Mrs. Archie haveinooin with Mr. and Mrs. Phit dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J~ o th te Scouts and Cubs as are a real need. Wihn1u- lo mtm e m m a t p t Gilmer and family at their Redman and family, Lindsay. a means of raising funds. Aiso ther business arising at this Expo.i cottage at Chemong. at this meeting it was decided mneeting, the meeting then ad-ý Our friends and neigh- Mr.;.WakY %was a supi. Mmm. Janey Waite, Toronto, that in as much as the Lions journed. bours in Memorial Hospitalý per guest, Sundav, wt r was a weekend guest with her Cu aPuchased crests for The fi-st regular Cub meet- i this week are:an Mrs. Lrnuise Gi-annd sister and b othe -in-law . M r. Cl b 1d Ba ds ra L i-eo uniMssrne ad n an rs eog Jhs niing was held on Monday even- adtLoiCle Johni GPet, whie Mr. Spero Annisq Mand Grs.RSBatTGeorge ng wthbJohnsrbrogh M . a d M rs. Perce ngesR a t a i to k 0g it ah Packs joining l D avis, G eorge Ferguson, E r- 1,jvba O~ h as an e x-cing and fmily Toro uo, ese Friends are peased that in together. At this metn1 erson Fisher, Ms. Joyce Gil-icllr. Sundy clles. rs.Ben eJog i hoe forn ntrducion ofleaders anibn, Reg Langley, Mrs. Flor- Mr. and Mrs. Allanl Meadj Sunday caliers.Port Pemry Hospital. assistants wei-e made, and the' ence MacLean, Mrs. Floi'1asMr.EaLknadM. Congratulations ta Mr. and ed o sMrs. Bourgeri n and Mr. Mrs. Eldon Fet nec Jean Ga- Mrs. Jas. Forder, Uxbridgel iprtancewof a reguar a t- Rainy and Bill Tendam. iAlan Hunking, Oshawa, visit. h a m ) w h o w e re r e c e n t y m a r - IH o p ita l, is n a k in g ste a d y te n d a c e a s s tre s s d . h is1ati a o n o - eriy M i- . a n d rg e i s W alla c rie d in th Pr s y r an prog ess. Im p moved health is C ub P rom ise and L aw w ere l ! S u h H v n N r l j a g e t e d d t e H m I h u rc h , P o r t P e r r y . W ls n w ish e d fo r th e m . O h w a 'r e p e a te d a n d xi i e d t o th e H me, N eC.I,0na t h w u d a f e n o . aeeSnda uprvsts was home with lier parents1î their Year's registration fees Bowmanville, where Miss Ma- Mi- Jim Caswcil aeom- wer Snda sppe vsitnsfor tht weekend. Jan-ce has and those who have not paid son will be pleased ta see panied Messrs. W. Collir and with Mr. and Mrs. Norman completed hem studies' for a up are asked ta try and do so friends. D.Tlosaa.tMss- Lyon andLori Uxbidge Registered Nurse and is no by tht next meeting. Any boy Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogr ipp aeo ihn n M . and M m. Charles Briggscemployed in the operating not aready registered muet and aLiaksp nonteaweken ove th weripd spet ht as wek in their roam of the Oshawa General do sa by next Monday, (Sep-1 in Montreal attending Expo. rsDn Vinkie Toronto home. Mr. and Mrs. Hospital. tember 25th), if they are ta e Mrs.Rcht D nand vs wiM u p rgs ts itDMi- Ewat Eight, Brooklin, w re M . Ralph Sadler exhibited a member ths year. No fui- iting with reaie a i,- n r. El M w cn anMr Sunday visitons wîth Mn. and bis hackney horses at King- ther egistrations will be ac- say. ý family. Peterborough, bring. Mms. Briggs. ston faim. He obtained several cepted after that date except Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Crago at- îng Mrs. Cecil Burl'v honeý Sunday visitons with Mr. and fists and won the Stake by transfer. Cubs are agaîn tended tht Fail Hair Show after her week's issit. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin were Hackney Ciase. planning camp this fali. This held at the Royal York, Toi- ..w] etWde- Mr. and Ms. Douglas Gi- Mm. Melville Irvine, Can- is for last year's Cube only, no onto, recently. U ap.C. 27 at 8 iiis christ, Woodviile, and Mrs. nington, Mme. Stephen Kelly, new Chum will attend came Mrs. Florence Ferguson en-, the Sunday School hall. .Ak7 M shail, Canning- Little Britain, accompanied by his first yeam except where tertained 22 miembers o! thej ladies welconie. ton. Mrs. Bruce Heaslip, attended the boy is 10 years or older, Cadmus U.C.W. on Wednes- Ms H. Trim and Ms . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence the trousseau tea for their and attending Cubs for the day afternoon. Miss Luke o! iFarow accompanied the,bns. MeLaughlin and Lynn visited niece, Miss Shirley Invine, in first year. Playing a few garn- Oshawa was the guet speak- load of Shiloh ladîe w Snd arents, Mmr. adMrauh- wnvie n. tmaya- e and getting ta know each er. ýtoured the Hamilton distrïktý Iin' paent, M. ad Me. emnon.othem, tht boys weme later div- Mr. and Mns. Norgi-avel on Monday. Since the display opened last Wedriesday, a steady picture of Frederick Varley's famous "Georgian Bay" I StMra of visitors have been viewing the magnificemit painting is being admired by severai publie sehool display of paintings by "The Croup of Seven" at the pupils, with the Youth Librarian Mrs. R. Embley Centennial Room in Newcastle Community Hall. explaining the details. The students, frox1 i eft to right They were loaned ta Newcastle Library for its Cen- 'are Gary Johnson, Amy Brereton, Nancy Gilbank and tennial Project by the Art Institute of Ontario. This, Debby Gîbson. Neé1wcastle Lions Club Hears' Community How Powe fro A ?ms"Bowling How "ower rom A oms eek Ending Sept. 15 Ladies - 200 and over Frances Wright ----- 224 BtyMajor ------------- 216 Helps Ontario to Develp Kathy Mercer ------204 Mit nnie Talor----- ----- 201 Newcastle- At their regu- Tht nuclear power age has, quirements of twa large in- Men - 225 and over20 lai- meeting last Wednesday arrived in Ontario on a large dustrial cities the size of Osh- Jack Chard ------------271 evening, Newcastle Lions Club scale. Tht eyes of the world awa. ýGord Watson--- -------- 258 membei-s heard an informa- are on this province because But tht nucleai- power age' Lloyd Taylor 251 tîve address by Chai-les G. W. tht largest nuclear power sta in Ontanio actually began nJmBuo - - -4 MacIntosh, Public Relations tion in tht Western Hemlîs- June 1962 when the Nuclear Lormy Peance ---- _237 Officer, Central Region, On-~ phere is being built on tht Power Demonstration plant Cecil Miller - - 233 tario Hydro. Ht was intmoduc- shorts o! Lake Ontario mia- on tht Ottawa River wtnt in- George Kimbal ------225 cd by George Waiton and way between Oshawa and ta operation. This prototype Gery Turk -----_---------- -225 thanked by Ron Muni-o. The Metro Toronto. Pickering Gen- station o! 20,000 kilowatts has Ralph Wright ------------ 225 meeting was in charge of tht erating station was stanted ini pravîded valuable information Frlday MIzed Presden, TacyEmbey. 1965 and it is scheduled ta and operating -experience. Sa Powel------------26 Mr. Maclntosh explainedhaefu nt of500- thtmay hanes tht re ilwatseach, poducing a Tht speaker pointed out George Zwiem 245 taking place in tht develop- total O! aOven two million kilo- tha th werCanadinsesi fo ry enagka___------------- 22 ment o! electric powem. watts by 1973. Tht giant nue- nuca ot ttosea-Lar ere----- 2 "Engineering genius that lean power plant mnay bel ved by scientiste and engin- Ted Hoa - ------------- - -223 hanse ttmgt fic nexpanded even beyond that. etre of tht Atomie Enemgy of Ben Madill---------------- -221 haresedth miht frc i Canada Limited at their e- Ruth Couch------221 ivers o! this province, such- In, 1966, Douglas Point nuc- search centres uses natunal Albert Pearce ------ ---222 as tht Niagara, ta provide lear power station on Lake uranium as fuel. This is a Ron Gond .~ - 215 low cost electric power, now Huron nean Kin.cardine, Can- mineraI which Ontario bas in Tracy Embiey ----- - 211 Is harnessing tremendous e'n- ada's first large scale nuclean abun d a n c e. Heavy waten Gond Gray -----_--- -209 ergy available by fîssionîng' power plant delivered its fi-st which aiea is being made in cost electicity ta meet On-1 station has an output of 200), moderator and tht coolant in taia s growing needs," saldi000 kilowatts and could take tht pracese o! splitting uran- y e Ba lC u th speaker. cane of ltctic enegy rc- ium atome ta pravide heat, ir l k a tr in other wards thermal power, fan producing electnical en- W n a t r GoodCrow Attndseigy. Goo Crwd tte ds Describe Developmn, Ontario Title Libra y A t Ex ibitslides, described several of the Newcastle- Congratulations ior ry rt xhi itmajor power stations. Thesze ta the Tyke basebail teani, included lange hydro develop- who on Wednesday evening, Newcastle - Tht open;ng doors tonight. It is hoped that mente, sucb as the Sir Adam n the ail important gaine of the.-ai-t exhibit. "Group everyone bas taken advantage Beck - Niagara No. 1 genera- o! the best thmee out a! five o! Seven" presented by the o! the apportunity o! set- ting station and the new Sir stries ta give them tht East- Newcastle Memorial Library ing the beautiful paintinge Adam Beek - Niagara gener- ern Ontario Championshbp. as their Centennial Project, bnought for them ta view. The ating station No. 2 with its Tht E.O.B.A. trophy was. pre- tank place last Wednesday by Lîbmary Board is very pleased pump storage plant, which ta-. sented to the team on tht Chaîrman of t h e Libnary with tht reeponse and intenest gether produce alniost 2,00)0, flght o! their victamy, when Board, Cecil R. Cary e t h. shown by tht community and 000 kw at full capacity; aiea tht game ended with a score Councillor Jack Adams ne-1 considens ts efforts well ri- tht huge new Robert H. o! 17-12 aven Orono. Each boy presented the village council. wadd hey would like ta Saunders - St. Lawrence Gen- will later eceive a crest that Tht opening evenîng s a w1 takedthi oppartunity ta thani< eratin~g Station, that provides h iludutdy wa many in attendance a nd Mise B. McIntosh, A. Hendny, anather 940,000 kw. proudly fan ail ta set. thmoughout the entire week Paul Nesbitt, Peter Flonk and Tht Commission je building Tht players are: Jim Wall- that these paintings wtre tht Talisman Antique Shoppc. tht wrld's largeet thermal 'sn ace, Tim B anDonaldBTion made available ta Newcastle for their help in making_ this eiectmic station in the Port sýon, JamyGh n leT.Brians and its visitai-s, large 9170uPs exhibition a success redit Credit area, known as Lake- FonetuJh o, T. ai hts o! interested art loyers attend-1 shouid aiea be given ta tht view Generating Station. Tht Tommy Cuh ri ht ed. 1 Art Institute o! Ontario for speaker describç tbe-pnany In- nery, Ralph Portsmbth, Robbie Tht exhibition loses ts, thteexcellent exhibits. teresting featurs ! he ta oshay, Kenneth Bayd, Tom tio, wiehwhe copleedMartin and Donald Martin. ionl wi haventoalc pitedofCoach Alex Martin wha was 5H ANNUAL PORT, HOPE 2 have00 .A t lll ca acitaassisted durlng tht season by 5TH 2,40 ati0 n w . u a ot 20,oadRick Pearce. As a means of M . ~~00 t onssta o wll use at d0,giving credit whee creit, is saie 0-00000 alons o ldal in due, it was pointed out ta us - amer 60,000,00 or calian o! at Mr Pearce was loyal ta J& U T -S Hwatr perstho er foroing hie obligation o! assisting purs es. Fimst tti o m, fn omn with these boys. Juet a young PETER CAMPBELL ARENA- WARD ST. thsgnttaiamuig man and single, he bas na one I aesummer of 1961. The goneth fte h e et h. FR. A. SP.2 3Plant Will cost about $280, gaever rirines n STARTS :00 PJLenating station is almost as of shîftwomk, Rick was theme. STARTS 1:00 P.M. b~igh as a twenty-story buîld- i ihaof eeawy itockan oe as four giant taken at tht tîme of a bal stck nany500-feet bîgb.ï game or practice. Ht put the FIRS SHOIN (3Most modemn and efficient team fist, and for his rewamd electmostatic precipitators e- In tht houme be gave se freeiy mave fly ash and prevent airbasen tuic ucho 'I 9 8 t A O D E L S p lluion be aîd tht ad-kids- c m e ta bat aftd play as Concluding, besi h a-te ave been taught. Their Se. e CHRYSLER vent o!filucitar power htralds bats are off to you, Rick. - a new chapter in tht develop- * GEN ERL MOTORS ment of eectrica energy in NSTE " FORD being able to contbiue Jaes Thmpon Firle pîy îow cost electrie power ini Congratulations te Mrs. " RENAULT large quantities as needed taJms Topo, aive AND THE IMPRTSmatch tht rapid gowth nt Lodge, Whitby, who eached AND OHER IPORTStlis province. Havlng nuclear ber 93rd birthday on Satur- powtm available is like fmd- day, September 16th. Her son j!gg* NANCY DICKINSON ng a doze new Niagara. and daughter-in..awMrand AT TH PIAN and RGANspeaker said, that the nucleir hem on Thursday. %rends wiH AT THE IANO ad ORGA power_____________ntario be pieased to know that ah. powc a g ebr i n a t aO nt-bo. se m uch î im proved, ince he m GET CASEN TODA! ecent illneas in bopital and FREE ADM ISSION Ivroi 0W appLJANOS that ahe was able hi reaci and enJoy hem birthday r.anemb. FRE D O R PRI ESwteuffb rances. FREE DOO PRIZESfflends o Mm. James Harris FREE PARKING CLAaq» wl b #dtohe that sie after ber receat*y* urmayî Jane Parker ROC- Prie *aeh'40e - SAVE 6o RAISIN PIE MI " 24-z p43c--R Jan* Parker Mec. Prc. loaf 26. - SAVE lae RAISIN BREAD 116-oz lovs45c Mint or Megular Meg. Prie, tube 6%. - SAVE 4%. CREST TOOTHPASTE 2 iant size tube.s 8 9c Choe*o QuAlity Reg. Prie* 2 tins 4&. - SAVE 14e A &P CORN CREAM STYLE 5 19.0-oz tinsg99C Brave Red Nes. Pric. 2 tins 45e - SAVE 6o With Pork in Tomato sauce Meg. Pric. tin 29c - BAVE Se S ISDEEP LIBBY'S BASBROWNED 319-ii-oz tins 79< Dotergent (Prepriced) OXYDOL giant size box 8 9< White or CoIoured FEATURE PRICE! SCOTTI ES FACIAL TISSU! 3 pkos of 400 100 Christi.'s Plain or BeIt.d SODA CRACKERS PEATUME PMICEI "Super-R1-pght 9s- ou es B y AMN PAGE KETCHUP RAumu PI «lm. Frs Poue3us e.à ONTARIO GROWN, FRESH PICKED DAItY, FANCY GRADE Mclntosh APPLES BSK VIGNOANEW PRED HIHED AD A&P! N. GAD SWEET POTATO ES NONE PMICED HIGHEM AT A~P 225 1j Supe,'-Right Qualif y Con ados Finest Red g rand Steer Deef 7 INCH cuir - FIRSTr 4 Miss ONLY PRESH PORK SHOUWM OR IWT PORK CHOPS ROASI 49< P" Pioe n tiA41 UaarnI..d ihugh Satuwèy, Septemb.r23rd, 1967 %12-6 't, '-'-'I <'J A, i - SAIL LIQUID NATURE PRICI!1 Reg. Prie * b. 56. - SAVE 6c m FRUH SHANKLESSw PORK SHOULDER ROAST'33- m 1 j 1 dom--, 1 j 1 ý ý -qmmwý ý ýqqmmw m Iqquw ,9É BUTT ib39ý

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