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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 10

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m-- v iu i.i.. WW* w 0 ~ ~ *~ ~ 10 ItheCanitian Statemnan, Eowmanvifcc. 4,17 Carruthers Urges Other Candidates Kinsmen Club InstailsNewly Electeci Officers for Coming Year To Be 'ResponsibIe' Alex Carruthers. Progres- govern ment had succeeded In k U nive Conservative candidate! providing a framework wlth- for Durhamn. speaking toa'ain which the citizens af On- group Of party workers in' tarin have been able, under Blowrnanville on Tuesday ev-. a system af free enterprLçse, ening, emphasized the lm-: tao exercise to the fullest their partance of responsibility on, initiative and their skills. the part of any political party: Other politicai parties, as- seeking to gavern the affairs: piring ta replace the govern- af this prasperaus and rapidiy !ment of Mr. Robarts, must be developing province of On-i prepared, Mr. Carruthers said, tario.1 to put before the peaplio, Over the past six years, the: specifie, practical and econn-~ candidate stated, the Robarts mically saund alternative pro- grams, designed ta nieet the Norwood Fair nedaiOtio Their palicies must match TRANKSGIVING or exceed the success of the WFEKEND Robarts' pragrams in educa- OCTOBER 6, 7, 9 tian. agriculture, social sec- urity, housing, highways, mu- -CENTENNIAL - nicipal assistance, and trans- OUR IOOTH FAIR 1 portation. Offiiai penîw ornew They must. he assered, offiial peniir o new convînce the citizens of hs Centennlal Gates by the great province that they can Hon. W. A. Stewart onl create and develop imagina- Saturday, Oct. 7 ut 2 pan. tive programs af regional de- OfiRciai apening of aur IOth velopment comparable ta the fair by the Han. J. J. declared progranis af Mr. Greene on Monday, Oct. 9 Robarts, involving decentra l- at 1 p.m. :7ation af industry, Go transit, The officers of Bawmanville Kinsmen Club were installed in Wiseman, 2nd Vice-Pres. Donald Masterson; back row, Director Bill Big parade Monday !land assembiy, land conserva- off ice recently and are as follows: front row, left to right, Treasurer Slaght, Sgt.-At-Arms George Mutton, Registrar Lamne Traves, Direc- at 12 non: tion, and the creation af s1te- lAllan Osborne, Secretary Don iBrown, Immediate Past President tors John Geddes and Lloyd McRobbie, Bulletin Editor Don Welsh. Midway an bath days i lite citles. Ralph Whyte, President Roy W. Woodward, lst Vice-Pres. Alex SATITRDA Y HeavyHorss an herfriend Miss Eckel af Heavy Horss YELVERTON t n ~ e ~ .P. .Toronto wr I t f r. PONTPO Drwlnz Contest fl iII C. Thompson and Arthur. Poules, Haeknlesç(neddfrle ek '4 H C l l b C a p* n h Miss Joyce Elliott was home1 We extend aur sympathy toi fleef Cattle, Sheep A speedy convalescence ta, for the weekend. She niow has Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cochrane on Field Grains. Vegetabies Mrs. Narman Wilson who f m C position in Oshawa. the death af their three-year- Ladies' Work. underwent surgery in Peter- M.M].MCy Mrs. olad son. We also extend the! Baklng (innleqtq borough Civice Hospital on CmpelMisV.Evrsnsae o r ad r. oro at Entertalnment Stand 1Friday af this week and will and I L U U ~ 7Mr. JMeimoysaeaotrtaneMndGado MONDAYj be recuperating there forth, the Teachers'Metn i fhrr.WlrToms. Light H ors s nex w ee or t o. T e E t r -C n r l O nta ro D aiy G roup . T he f llow ng G erry C ornish, Ian P age, L ockh a is s c . Eve nd ali r Ross H a it a fon s a and Saddle Classes Also ta Ray Robinson who 4-H Calf Club Championship wene placed 2nd for the Hope Danny Butson. School. nwna Kendald Mrio. Ross mlo is nan Ha orewas taken to Ross Memonial Show was held at the Lindsay 4-H Caif Club: Louise BdSchteoon cmetto l isenoralSkow asendire prve ondton. Reois a!os Drain CntntHospital in Lindsay thîs weekMI ar on Wednesday. Septem- Lynda McHolm, Neil Bark- Terry Malcolm was placed in many students from other pit indsassMemoal Hos- Dairy Cattle, Swine with a slipped disk in hisý ber 2th. The campetitians tvell. Gnaup A for i gilt and schools. Starkville and Cow-l condition. 41EI Caf Clubback. Apperently Ray was were open ta 4-H members in Section Il - Senior Hol- came second in swine show- anville Schools art under the, On a recent visitation t Dairy Cal! Com. Feature îreaching for a "dish" in the the caunties af Nothumber- stein - Championship Senior manshipD. jurisdictian ai Mr. McCoyiCivic Hospital, Peterboraugh,ý Poultry icar trunk when the injury land, Peterborough, Durham, Dairy Group and Lindsayi An excellent turkey dinner who also teaches music in the' I was giad ta find my former Horse Racing tank place. The "dish" was a Ontario, Victoria and Hal;- cleaners Trophy. The folloe-I was held at 6:00 p.m. for the three schools. gond ncighbor, Mr. Taîbert with Pari Mutuel container ion food, flot a Suc- burton, and the District of ing grouo was placed first fonI com1petitars and Club Lead- Kelîcit, considerably better. Baby Show culent female in case yOau Muskoka. The follawing are the South Durham 4-H Dairy'ers, through the courtesy ai Rumours are stili flyingý Granstad Eterainentwere curiaus. Ray was re- the results ai the Durham 4-HI Caif Club: Davld Hamer. the Canada Depantment of .ete e otOfiewl Bath Days esdronhsiaon atclb httkpr. John Hecringa, Murray Yci-ý Agriculture, by the Lindsay K D O e eha httePbi Bomesoakedr atmuraCncatltions ta T. Section 1 - Junior Holstein lowlees. i Central E x h i b i t i an Fair be. Wo sie i ear thatthe Puli Hoe ooedbt eas onrtuaton t errylHeifer Calt-A, Arthur Doyle;' Section 14 - Senior Beef Board. At this time the prizes (Iniended for last week) coosidrteis eeiig eins avallable on grounds Malcolmi whose entry in te A Betty Heeninga; A, Louise1 Breed - Championshîp Senior were presented. Ail the com- On Saturciay evening, Rev. cnieain fat steen show at Lindsay Ex- Budd; A, Lynda McHolm:1 Heifer, Any Beet Brecd1 petitors and club leaders were Norman Parrish addressed an 01Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy: B, Neil Barkwell; B, Donna! Group. The following groupl then invited ta attend the interested group at Kedron'with fni end seeraaturday Lee Held. was piaced second for the evening performance an the United Church. Mn. Parnishi Owners af local Christmas Section 2 - Senior Holstein Durham 4-H Beef Caif Club:igrandstand. is a missionary in Guatemala!tc oswn t omnil Heifer Caf-A, 1, David Ha wha has established 110 chur-, ecntîy ta register their votes A tt nti n F rm e s! mer, A. 3, Johin Heeringa;j 1E NiD A rjci flclfakcut.i ____________________ A, , MnrayYelowles;ches in his 30 years of work, an the Marketing Plan propos- Bte f o a m r . A , uryYlole;1,1 with Inland Missions. 1e.I oa akcut.i Donal1d Heeninga; B, Ray iEN D A On Sunday evcning, Rev.Iaseineya negative vote. ienna A number of people attend- spent the weekend with Mrs.I Kenneth Deen of Kedron was, We were al prepared ta. SAVE 1 Why pay more eton 5J ar Somn ed the Centennial Show 'Ton- Swarbnick. the special speaker at the Hay-! 'phone the Editor ta have ship Competition-A, 7, Herbl traits froni the Past" at the Mrs. Burwash af Cobourg don Hanvest Home Service. pictures taken of aur winnin premium quality i__ Capener. aiofaid fasbioned costumes wene Section 7 - Senior Heifr. worn by local ladies wha GASOLINE-DIESEL & MOTOR ails Any Beef Breed -A, Gerry nealîy penformeci well aiter Cornish; B, lan Page; C. Dan- anc rebearsal. Mrs. Keith FARM TANS AD PMPSAVALABE fy Butson. Woad reprcsenled Mrs. John FARM TANK ., AD PMPS VAILBLESection 8 - Baby Beef Steer Graves Simcoe, the first Lileu- or Grade Steer- A, 3, Terry tenant-Gavennor of Upper Malcolm; A, 5, Brian Wilson;1ýCanada. Mrs. W. H. Foster CALL COL LECT - A, 8, Mary Shea. 'assisteci the models in dress- Section 9 - Beef Showman-ling. This was rcally an out- ship Campetition-A, 4, Ter-' standing performance and was WITIBY 668,3341 Malcolm: A, 5, Mary Sheýa: enjoyed by those who wereôu D I ILAter roup omptiionliMiss Catherine Stewart at- X O ILSection 10 - Junior Hol-, tended the wedding ai ber __________________________________________ stein - Championship Junior'niece Georgia Jean Lofthouse and Daniel Vincent Keane in hibition tappeci the class in the Church ai St. John the sanie very stifi campetition Evangelist at Whitby on Sat- froni recognizeci beef breeci- urday, 30 September. The ers. His entry, an Angus Of happy couple are spending course, solci by a u ce t i o n their honcymoon in Bermuda. bnought an attractive 49i,ý TeU...a Kna r cents"acoud. be UCconsieder af~t il abeoumii centsa poud. ientcrtaining the U.C.W.'s ai Any suggestions that ouri Shioh and Newtonvilîe on true in a literai way if flot shown by Miss C. Stewart and otherwise. This week no less:i Miss Marion McKeivev. than 15 canine maraudersn. were sighted west of Yelver- iWc arc glad ta repart that extra Iow price number by two this week. 1 Kendal and Shiioh are organ- Ail join in wisbing aurlizing a Hi-C gnoup. f or casual users minister's wiie Mrs.. Harold: Miss Catherine Stewart and Stobbart whn was in RassiMiss Marion McKcive'y enjny- Memonial Hospital in Linci-1 cd a trip ta Expo this week. say ]ast week, a speedy ne-' Our Fali Anniversarv will belci on 15 Oci. at 2:30 Mnovr. Ms iaNst p.m. Rev. Thos. H. Smith, . . . .. . . .Louis andi Elizabeth Ann of B.A., B.D., ai Newcastle, wiIi Sundy gestsat alcoia. Masters Donald and Robert Mr. oa rd etsaMalcomnhi onar.pedn fwdy G.uCtuer t arnpCahersneInterest feature which paya -you interest on your interest.- Take Stewart. The ladies wene fuit advantage of it and you wiII double your money. Insu res Everything MisSear fe wihw As always, Canada Savings Bonds are instant cash. They a enjoyec a*picnic lunch in the eseda n iefrterlifaevuepsacuditr8. garden at the Museum. Miss ecahdtan'lefo ierfifaevlepsacrditre. Charlotte Abbott the Curator . Tey are easy to huy forcash oron instalments.Thley fit al savings ai the Museum joicd us for budgeu-fromn $50 up. LIFE . A U TO . H O M E Alucbus tnip sponsoneci by theAnfrtelstineerC ad'motpuarpsna iShiioh' U.C.W. tank place anAnfrhefrttm vrCadsmo pul esol Monday 18 September. Forty- investmnent may be purchased by businesses, churches, charities, 1 five ladies jaunneyed ta Hami- YOUR TRAV LERS AGEN iMoni where we visited the club@, and other organizations. Another irat: the limit per holder ~ YO R T AV L R A E TRoyal. Botanical Gardens, the for tis Series ha& been iacremsd to W5,OOO. grounds ai McMaster Uni-~ versity and other interesting Backed by adl the re9ources of Canada, Canada Savings Bonds places on a bus tour accam- panie by Guie. 'are a great way to save. Buy yours today and double your money. IIIB ii~tthe trousseau tea given by Mrs. George Loithouse, Osha- wa, for her daughter .jean. PI4ONE 623.96 spent the day there and ussiot- Buy yours todaywhere yon work, cd with this pleasant eventi 52K*GST. W. BROWMAN VILLE for ber niece. Fe rnil jMn. and Mr&. Fe rnW er nd thre. md* il OCTOBER l7th VOTE RE-ELECI ALRTE FOR DURHAM FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT COMMITTEE ROOMS PHONE 623-7401 INSERTED BY DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION q .*1.. r r I le a a ons ,bank or investi ball teamn-. when tbey played week et Mr. Neil $mlthle, their faurth game with Baille- Columbus. Mr. and Mms boro. Due ta a previaus invi- Smith flew ta the West Coast tation for dinner we were un- and while there calêd on Mr. able to be present.. Ou r boys, and Mrs. Donala Samis and had taken three straight from family at Aiberni. Bailieboro, Champions of 1965-1 Dur U.C.W. members et' '66, but Bailieboro neyer look- 1teaigfrterana ed back on Sunday and took azaain r t h eanone anu Our boys 10-2. We have noth -________ ing officiai but we think 't will be Sunday, Oct. 8th at F i Pontypool. We will try ta be, Feld'.1rorp there ta see you take the Competitons E NFIELD1 Following are the1 results Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wte h'FedCrop Cotpetitioo and boys. Oshawa, visited' sponsored by the Blakstaq* Mrs. R. Griffin. Aricultural Society. 'l Mr. nd rs.DanLeeat- Ensilage Corn - 1. Victop tended the Walker - English l3.lmar2.yorream, Bro? wedding at Janetville, Satur- Ha'e Gaa, .Ia day. Muntjoy, 5.. Glenn Larnil Recent visitors at Mr. Leslie W 6 .. lph Larer, 7. JGeor Cochrane's were: Mr. and Mrs. Wolfer, . Jim Byra .Jl Howard Snowdon and family Wltr. 0.Jm rY, Oshawa, Mrs. Dodge, Mrs. Ben De Jong, 12. John onl Jones, Mr. Howard Cowling mna, 13. Harold Medd, 14.JO and Mr. Lloyd Cochrane ofi Frey.4 Whitby. 1 Grain Corn - 1. JohnBants Mrs. Edgar Prescott stayed:i ma, 2. Harvey Gra ., a few days at Mr. and Mrs. John Wolters, 4 * GeIDr Jim Harris', South Manoghan. Wolfe, 5. Gilbert Zekvel Mrs. Wilfrid Bowrnan, Miss 6. Jim Gray, 7. David- Frei Myrtie Tamblyn and Mrs. 8. Dori'ell Bros., 9. Don Fre Godfrey Bowman had dinner 10. Ben De Jong, Il. Walt;> with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright, 12. Victor Malco1i* Grass, Willowdale.1 13. Harold Medd, 14. Vernaq Mrs. Fred Samnis stayed a Asseistinie, 15. Ken Lee. . - . -. . .- **- AIL- I.- .- AND ALEX

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