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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 12

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- .r 12 'MOS Canadian Stateuman, Bowinunville, Oct. 4, 1967 Kendal IU.C.W. on Oct. 5th has for use of the Society*, Mrs. Bill been accepted, and it is hoped Stacey, who mintroduced teI bers may be able ta go. Trea-, purchase. Rev. T. J. Sne iH i l f'U e B r a t g n ...ry B le a gocd representation of memn- stabject, a.greeang to Malte the surer Mrs. D. Vinkie gav e the igrove pronounced the bene- Hmmd r a t g financial standing and Mrs., diction, follawing which there é. Cà c r S ce y B a c .Gle eotdon the was a interestîng showbrig of a oln Cancer Sociefy B ranch Centennial Project's bank bal- sdes taken by MissJoan Com eback W V*tfh Leaders Ma'Sanis ExpressesceDeep Regretndmovies Sp ia ,, 53b E x ' e s s D e e r tMention was made of the Mrs. Phl. ime, aye roýf dinner ta be served members them at aur' Centennial Sr-1~vaa.. fl ~ m af the Durham Club here, ice. Appreciation wasex I E V j-.J1 11 N Oct. 30 and another to the pressed and lunch served- bya e i l Cu sinOo Horsemen's Club on Nov. 18. members of the group.M.Gbo -2824 O n E rn ie W esse Ils' D ea t h A donation w:s voted the _______ Durham County families are ties.:The sessions were :eld :eries of meetings unrHReods -2hO Sunday School and plans for ifoa elta fhme1I M Cwa At' the annual meeting of Mrs. W. M. Syer gave her! President Clarence Bell, Past the coming bza t eM m ra optlmd rasadrls oa the BowlnanVille Branh of repart as Chairman of the, President Harry FF eer anknweasourCeteninem ril osita i o are tea c hme-onTasdd ndWeneda, lca cmmniie t pinformHasma--------on the Canadian Cancer Society Women's Service te Patients Vice-President Dr. E. D. Hub-;Fair), were discussed. It has A LI D . attended a Training Schol: 96,i teOd Fellows Hall.I Resuits will be dislyda .Sak. 0 held at the Lions Centre last Committee. Services had been bard, Secretary, Mrs. Douglas1 been suggested that a table of Wveniy epor for the project 'Baking with! Among the delectable breads a Summary Day in Jnay .Clil .. 0 Wednesday evening President given ta 26 patients, she stat-1 Taylor, and Treasurer, Mrs. B.1 antique articles be included, as . Yeast", last week in Orono. and sweet doughs dernanstrat- The groups partiiaig CaecBelexpressed the ed. i D. Tillcack. welI as the usual variety cf For the week cfMl oiecni f Tor-edb10is Averages ndtei ladrsw deep' regret of ail the mem- She told the meeting thati Jan Oegema will be the things fer sale. Committees ' Sept. 25 - Oct. 1 inclusive ento, Foads and Nutrition 'Rye Bread, Jelly Braid, Chel- manville, Mrs. R. WbeD adn---- 0 bers .and the great loss ta the the total number cf trips made Campaign Chairman for the cf last year agreed te let their Specialist with th Home sea Buns, and Cinnamon Roll Mrs. H. Sumersford;H p-OPtfe--------9 deatil of Ernest Wessells, who Toronto, was 91, and that Vice-Chairman is Mrs. Harry netify members . of her cern- Births-4 maie, 3 femnale 7DEpanrtn cfriculoftue O nt.d.Aily other orgniuedsBuonsalGoe Mrs. M. CBaryant-----9 fonia er a dcto rsigswr itiue eSudr.Mrs. W. B. Syer mittee. Discharges --- ---- - 77Fcd, cotmndtel thiccure.1&grnuds cf oen gi tei Gurha L; stletGr, Mr..Lbb - - - 19 Chairman of the branch. four patients. will again head the Wamen's Mjr prtin -----h bocodctdte oMs.gousoadmn nte GergmLe;Ns President Bell in paying As Mrs. Earl R. Thompson, 1Services Committee and her t wa doecided te purcafeMajor operations ----- 30D re wa assîst ed E.c-,adustnt t cculd e ainn ale etovle hlgh: tribute to the late Mr. the Dressings Convenor, was assistants will be Mrs. Eari R. w oe ml oies lEMerge ratents _ 30 oenHml om 'sitn e eBwrMs.Fe .Hrtan------8 Wessells said that he had gen- unable te be present her re-, Thempson and Mrs. J. Oegema. "Songs cf the Gospel" as weîî Emertigncy reat8 mts 63 ncmist fer Durham, Peter-i School. These leaders will bel Milligan, Mrs. T. Henesn .onb--------7 erouiy evoed ime nd ortwasgivn byMrs Syr, rs. eore K Wad as one large bock withmusic,Vitnghus38p .day borough, and Victoria Coun- i responsible for organizing al Saina, Mrs. R. FraserMs .R Mthl 7 Work to the ôrganizatian who told the meeting that agaîn Publicity Chairman, and which had been Most valuable. 2,521 dressings had heen made the new Chairman cf the A two minutes silence in me- by the Sunshine Group this Educatien Committee is W. niory of Mr. Wessells was then seasen. She aise reperted that Vanderbyl. rhe members cf observed. the Sunshine Group had ad- the Neminating Cemmittee are > IF The Camnpaign Chairman, dressed Red Cross cards fer Harry Freeman and Mrs. Mrs. HarrY Saunders, report- the Blood Doners Ciinics Harry Saunders. eri that the annual campaign throughout the year. . Folowing the business meet- ~~~ was Most successful and that Harry Freeman, Chairman ing, two interesting and in- the receipts had amounted te cf the Neminating Committce, formative films, "Let's Dis- $7,88.15.brought in the foliowing siate cuss Smoking" and "The Man . "The objective for this year cf officers whe were re-elect- in Rocm No. 117", were pre- was $6,700, and we went over cd by acclamation for 1967-68: sented. LE the toP .by $1,181.15," Mrs. expressed her thanks te the W I U V ILI.* Area Captains, President Bell N ETNI L eW a n d e r s s t i l a e d ,h a p p l y . o u S h e ~ ' iN* * :. .. w h an d ony W iliia ms, a i ru ps M r. and M rs. W m . Staple-i M r. A lan H unking f O sha- ':.... . .*. v ... b whohad ssised, ndivdualton, accompanied by Mr. Bert wa is staying with hisgad canvassers, and particulariy te k Mrs. George K. Ward,wh i Stapleton cf Bewmanvilie, mother, Mrs. V. Bourgerie, atremendous job canvasi dreve te Port MeNichel last while working at the Vey- the business area single hand Sunday te visit Mrs. Lennex ageur Restaurant. ed," she said. Vasey. a patient in the hos-'ý Miss Inez Symons was a Mrs. B. D. Tillcock, the pital there. 'dinner guest at Mr. F. Gil- Treasurer, presented a 'satîs- Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Ton merl's on Thursday evening, factory financial statement. werc visiters at Expo last foilowing which she and Mrs. Mrs. Ward, the Pubiicity week. i Gilmer attended the Opening Chairman, said that she would Mr. V. Bourgerie was taken Ceremenies and Preview cf lîeaygroups wanting te sce from Memerial Hospital, Bow-te Cnena etme films or receive literature te manvilIe, te Sunnybreek. 1ast Festival, at Pîne Ridge Schoel. get in touch with her. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stapieton ___ were at the same event, having Ias their guests, Mr. and Mrs.U RY OVLY3D YSLET OSA ED R/GT /S V NT M. samis. HRY N AY F OIAVFÀUIOT Yair he t frendA number cf aur citizens Vo ii estfri ndwere eut te Orono Friday v eigfor the officiai cpening cf the new Post Office. fina cîaly Somern60rnembers cfth Durhm Clb ofToronto were GODO CAN -~served a five o'clcck dinner, î s Saturday, in the Sunday Hamipton, Ontario Scheol hall, by members cf our active U.C.W. Social Unit. ÀA crylic as a representative in 'd Mrs. C. Burley, local historian, Bowmavill andwas àlso present, compliments cf'the Society, and as October Darlinfiton lra st was her birthday, she re- Pullovers Area ~ ' ' -~'- ceived felicitations frcmn ail PHONES: present, who joined in sing- ing "Happy Birthday". Inci- On/y Hampton 263-2258 dentally, for the benefit of any Oshawa 725-1513 who haven't yet secured a y epy cf her bock, on the hîs- tory of this seuth-east part cf '74 ln9 Clarke Township, copies are ~, still available fremi the auth- 7' Elongated poor bey wîîh a mock trurtle.. SYNDICATE LIMITEL) or herseif, or Mrs. C. M. Jones, ànc îprbc ~ ytr mer. quoise, honter green, cinaron or cherry, Dlmrlbutors for. Miss Marilyn MacDonald Sze8 l4 was home aver the weekend Investors Mutuai -of Canada Ltd. from London, and Miss Dore- ... thy Ellictt, the same period, Investors Growth Fund of Canada Mt. from Waterlo. 1nvetor~Intrnatona Mutal und td.The second meeting of the InvetomIntrnaionl MuuaiFun Lt. 1young people on the Newton- ____________________________________________ville charge wiil be heid at the Sunday Schooi hall, Tues- day evening, when it is hoped REDUTIONEN OTICA IlMrs. V. Bourgerie spent the weekend In Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Meadows. B À& or gSeveral local people attenid- ed the reception at Newcastle- night, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carvcth. Mr. and Mrs. Perce Bothwell O/ of Fraserville, were Sunday '4 visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. O CIr~. and Ms. CalsGa and daughters, Orono, wereDobecbsmaefhionwsl hs dinner guests, Sunday, at Mr. Adams, Sunday, were Mr. and Â-14. and fDoniAdamsOrdno, miwith7Mr. aorndtMr. WlaeBuh ,o «otoaand .07.0ewho noeds or ween ilfocal Giasses: hr. 's thée most bThegfîrst Fai ee tigofS i National~~~~~~~~~~ euaddfn ult ioa iiscmif îi h rm fyU ihesunday Schtnoflhal Mfstjftila effet failI times. For THIS WEEK ONLY yeu cift buy the finest Newtonvilie U.C.W. was heldlaE eha4e e tis ON LOWPRtE .1$l950.Wednesday evening, Sept. 27 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COURS TO CHOOS! PROM wîth an attendance cf 23. j,5 ifocéls fut youwavnt and ocly you noed for YOUR spécial requifre President Mrs. G. Stapieton monts. sem à wide assortment of frames, thse aaoie eigned especially for turned the meeting ever to ygteste, penwffllUanad facial contour. Kng offerst the Lowest Prices and the Unit Leader Mrs. E. Walkey,1 19St eh Hîiseif Quelity et -n loy prico. Wo't you compare. compérson provos. after the opening exercises, l 9 SAL PSIIVE! NO SAURAYOCTOBER 7th, 1967 fer the Devotianal. Scripture SALEPOSTIVET EDS STURAY as read by Mrs. W. Boughen, SUASSES WTN SINOLE YISIOI LENSES... . STLL ONLY $13.95 and the therne, "Whorn Do We Reg. 14.98 Srewsdsusdby Mrs.Ony Walkey, folawed by prayer. »- Book was read by Mrs. Staple- 2 2 7 ro4 fl nteotidflyqite ntehie ton. Roll Cail, "My Centen- PuhOln <eoteotîe ul u tdo h nie niai Project", was followed by for snug warmnth agaîn:st winter's iciest blasts. Closes wilh ~ cy4 obekî o alrdft fecretary Mrs. R. Best gîvinginartcd the report cf îast meeting,ý a heavy duty zipper and cf.awstring uruclr chiru. Mulberry, l.tae Ncorrespondence and votes of Si aee es afbxrwît t 17 sor Strfte. HO Rsý: tanks fr wor done y thenavy or green with colorful woven Eskun-braôd tnm. tce tr 1 @ljS'tHOJS .Sunshine Carnrnttee. Mrs. Szs7t 4ird ie EW I 9 am .. Wm. McHolm had ieft a nm 2,'m FIor I i-i Til 9 ~.m. ber of copies of lier book cfI OSHIAWA, ONT. Set. Tii 12 Noon. Stream", to be distributed ta Clod WNEeda U.C.Wý. members and "Shut- mns" and these were duly pre- ýme1 Piagreed to acknowledge theirKING S REET E S receip', with thanks, to the 5 I G S R ET E SrO UýIw ý author. An invitation to joiwîth t' E

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