TheCandia Stteman owmnvllh,0&t 4, 190-P International Convention Delegates Wei comed Here 6y Kinsmen- CI11 md ------ - ---- - ýir Following their recent international convention in Edmnonton, comed and provided with lunch by Bo, Inembers of the World Council of Young Men's Clubs (overseas Kinette officers and members. They werE affiliates of Kinsmen Clubs) and their families, have been touring Canada Village and Expa '67. They are various parts of Canada. Oie of the fine bus tours stopped here representatives, about ta board the bus f recently at The Flying Dutchinan Motor Inn where they were wel- ___ - WESLEYVILLE - . ~A -------------------ilySupper was held early sas Mrs. E. avoe,,eo Instail A vryinerstig amlythose from a 'distance could end Daniel are visitling .with ïÉ gathering took place at Port make a good start on thel N w O f " Britain ýshores recently. Mrs. hcmewýarxl journey. Bey. and! E- Barrowclough's this week.~i1V J. Adarnson of Toronto plan- Ross Darke proved to be ex-, On Monday evening, Sep- O uaa, Sept.1 n ned as a centennial project a pert at 'coaking and disens- tember 25, -neighbours gath- Bowmanville Lionette Cl ub * ~~~re-union of the descendants o~f ing the Special menu a h oea r n edterrglrmeigR thelae M. nd rs Ge. il f he rokin fmily Mrs. Harold Barrowelough to the Lions Community Centre. Brooking. It was held as a survive except the late Stan honour Mr. and Mrs. Bruce After a delicious chicken di picnic and so well organized Broaking; his grandson Nor- Dinner- who have recentiy ner, President Ruth Wil li ttthe whole day was en-maBrongaHaixws moved ta Port Hope. The welcomned the guetts ofi W joyed by everyone without the farthest fromn home, Of evening was so much a sur- evening the Newcastle Li anybeig to brdeed iththose present. Mrs. Hector prise that Bruce, as usual, was ettes. Darke (Emmna), Mrs. Emerson working late at farm work PeietRt rsne Toroto; Mrs.Ray Broc th tire util he reseta-ma esie, EdethCale oni DTVTSTInU Wylie (Eva) of Niagara Falls; which he stili returna ta do. perfect atenane rie t Mrs. Harold Hale (Edna) O! But progressive euchre passed the following Lionettes: hl ROSS ORAL HILL (Alice) of Bowmanville; Mrs. tian when the guests of hon-M Dnad Bet Bruh Nic Da (Brnie) f Wxt-our were presented with cor- Helen Wallis, Eva Hockin, Inporhalhfor four b3'. and Mr. Nornman Brook- sage and boutonniere by Mrs. Greta Brown and Neil Dilling. yeas, osorvhaltHil,9 g ing f Bowmanvile were all A. Ford and Mrs. H. Barrow- She then introduced Lionette nes, sttOshvall, ie Sep pressent, as were some of each clough. An address express- helen Carveth, President of 26.196,Streth Oshawa i G ent. fýily in each gnrto ing regret et their ieaving and the Newvcastle Lionettes, whà 26.era 67,osp the, inhawa 3rd since. They numbere 5o best wishes for the future was conducted the installation ya.a possible 120. edb r.A rdk. ceremony o! the new officers. Born May 23, 1925, in Osh- The five Brooking sisters 1 Gifts of a swivel chair and The officers are: Presidents, awa te ecasd a so n named ab.ove, returned oni lamp were presented by Arn- Colleen Lush: lst Vice-Presi- '~' of Mrs. Florence Hill o! Osh- Mornday, Sept. 18 from a holi- old Thorndyke, Archie Forddet Betty Brough; 2nd Vice- awaandthelat GergeHi. dy i Wahinton iand Don Robinson. Mr. and Pres., Myrtie Marsden, Sec- >'Mr. Hill, who was single, had Mrs. Muriel Cornelius was rs. Dinanoer fthe eir rtrNi ln;Tesr lived ail his life in Oshawa the anly attendant, for the finsadsm !tecodTem ;Drcos wit te ecetio o 13mariae f hr rind Doreen Ipresent enjoyed games a the Marie Moses, Ede Cole, Banni. years in Regina. Milîson to Mr. Robert Fenton 1 als AcDont a a n M oly e. Duri g th Sec nd W rldin Oshawa on Saturday, Sept. Several froni this Sunday' A gf a rs ne o Hl War n he Se d i îtîy,3d . School attended the Sunday en Carveth by Lionette Greta Frce ad erma n it lye r. adMs ao Asi School Rally held at* Perry- Brown. Lionette Fran Alunr Frane ad Grmay wih te M. ad Mr. Hrol Autintown Friday levening, Sept. 22. presented a gift ta the retir. Queen's Own Rifles. returned on Thursday from a SundaylSchool was held at ing President, Ruth William~ Mr.Hi issuvied y istrip3 to the Atlantic Coast with the regular time Sunday morn- who thanked the club anà mathr; oursistrsMrsa stopover on the way home ing with Gwen Ford suppîy- wirshed te nw rein Johrank for sece, Os at Expo. ing for an absent teacher. eeysces awa, Mrs. Arthur Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. John Walter Clarence Nichols was present, The meeting was then turn- (Carolyn) o! Bowmanville, arrived home at the beginning although stili very lame frorn1 ed over to Lionette Bea Van- Mrs. Keith Pringle (Joy) and of last week from a trip an accident earlier in the week stone and her committee. A Mrs. Larry Simmons (Lynda) through the western prov-1 when a tractor upset as it wa few games of Court Whist of Oshawa, and a brother, inces and south in the United being loaded ta be taken ta were enjoyed. Nelson, of Regina. States. work on another location.! The memorial service was George Best and Berniece core, service was at Wei- Braille is a handy way to held at 2 p.m., Sept. 29th, at also returned from holidays maen otes for blind btusiness wmanville Kinsmen and the Armstrong Funeral Home, and during their absence Mrs. Mr. John Hill o! Metcalfe Trie n nhuse ies asdnt s. 'e n her aytoUperOshawa. Interment wasiR.etsaedwhMrad and Mr-John Robb of Qagoode Tann i hssxdtss -eshawa Uniony tCemetery. iRe. Mrs H adBest vsiedwih.. arondoghteniof writing is provîded by eshown here with local OsaaUinCmtr.Rv r.HrldBs.ivstdwt .Brreog The Canadian National Insti- A. Woolcock, padre of Branch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Me- at the end of the week. ttefrheBi.Wacfo Ea tei estrntn. 43, Royal Canadian Legions, Donald of West Warwick, Ladies, were quilting at Mrs. the volunteer canvasser, be- conducted the service. Rhode Island, visited with Mr. H. Reeve's during the week. gining Monday, October 16. andMm enAshby, arrv.jj Hos pifai Board L. That Centennial J Complefed by Au Accounts a mo un ti ng ta $18,381.80 were passed for payment at the meeting of the Board o! Directors of Me- marial Hospital held last Wed- zesday evening in the Board Room of the hospital. This was mnoved by Tom Cowan, seconded by Harry Jase, New- castle. Other members of the board present were: Board Chair- mnan Keith Jackson, who pre- sided Dr. H. C. Anfossi, Mrs. Lloyd Ayre, President o! the Women's Hospital Auxillary; H. A. Barron, Darlington Township,_James A. Bell, W. A. Kilpatrick, Mrs. S. G. Mvc- Murter, Dr. Kelth W. Slem- on, James H. Stutt and Hos- pital Administrator Bernard Holden.1 The Finance Committee Chairman, Mr. Cowan, repart- ed that a cheque for $1,400.18 had been received frai the Ontario Hospital Services Commission as a provincial grant for the maternity wing renovations. He said that an equal amount will be received in the near future frorn the federal government. Mr. Cowan also reported that the Finance Commltteer Oct il Frank Cowan Company,, Lim- ited. earnsIt was also agreed on a mo- e aiofln by Dr. Seoscne Cf bY Dr. Anfossi, that the hos- pital increase for 1968 mal- P rcjecfpractice liability insurance as Prol*erecommended by the Frank Cowan Company. Women's Hospital Auxiliary President Ayre reported that Centennial Project of the don- oprain ation of a Canadian flag and hsreviewed the oe igflag pole,- to the hospital and statements for the first eight that a cheque for $351.50 had months o! 1967, and were been sent ta the board to cov- found ta be satisfactory. er the full costs. Dr Slmn1vdta h Mr. Bell moved that a letter Dor. aept terome ndta- the fappreciation be sent by tioar 0fe the ecl taf nd-teboard ta the Women's Hos- tio oftheMeica Stff ndpital Auxiliary thanking the appoint Dr. Allan T. Spear as members for irndertaking this a Consultant staff member in project and for financing it. Obstetrics and Gynecology. This was seconded by Mr'~ This was seconded by Mr, Jase, and carried. Ott n cainby. wn Hospital Administrator Hol- On amoton y M. Cwas den in his monthly report in- seconded by Mr. Bell, it s formed the board that ad- decided ta increase the has- missions o! patients during pital fire insurance coverage August tatalled 203 adults, 89 for 1968 as advised by the pedîatric and 23 newborn. During the rnonth 33 major operations and 109 minor op- - erations were performed, and there were 431 Emnergency Deprtment treatnients. Mr. Hoiden's report was adopted on a motion by Mr. Cowan, secoonded by Mrs. Mc- Murter. ober Button Club 1 eu- - «Ir-l-1 YOUR DATE WITH PROGRESS Vour date to keep Ontario progressive and prosperous... with more people, more capital, more industry, more wages, more opportunity and a constantly improving life for every one of our citizens. Vour Progressive Conservative government has achieved a remarkable record in the past four years: " New Farm Income Committee " Agriculture Research Institute " Crop Insurance at favorable rates " New Capital Farm Grants " OMSI P and 9,000 new hospital beds " 368,000 new jobs " 4,000 miles of new or rebuilt hlghways " Municipal'tax relief e Air and Water Poflution laws e 98 Provincial Parks for 10,000,000 visitors e 3,000 new schools or major additions e School grants increased 600% 0 $500,000 local lndustry development lbans e Confederation of Tomorrow Conference Good gomenment..thle Robarts government .. deserves your support on October l7th. REM ELECI AlUX (arruthlersy Prepsils (usevaUe -Durban Sowmeivft.CommàifteeRooms -Phno 623-7631 nears 1iaiK The September meeting o! the Pioneer Button Society was held at the home o! Mrs. A. Rice, Oshawa, with 16 members present from Tar- onto, Pickering, Oshawa, Port Pemry, Newcastle, Cobourg, Baltimore and Codingtan. Mms. Lily Buleigh gave a talk on Inanimate Buttons. These buttons have pictumes or designs on them o! objects which have no life, such as an arrow, crown, anchor, lock, key, chain, hat, book, umbrella. September display buttons were Roses and Symbols. There were nuany beautiful paperweight rose buttons, as well as the ordînary rose de- sign. A button with a heart on it is the symbol of Chris- tian charity; one with a palm symbolizes victomy; a crown symbolizes Christ's authomity; grain is the symbol o! fruit- fulness; an anchor is for hope; Greek key symbolizes the Folded Hands o! God. Theme are many buttons denoting symbols and the cards on symbois were quite an inter- esting study. At the close o! the meeting, lunch was served. Important New Book One a! the Most important 1 egZ2n oo ,,,J - vpublisn- ewas issued this mnonth by tlhedCanadien branch o! Ox- fodUiversity Press. It is The Oxford Companion ta Canadien History and Lit- eature by Norah Story. The book, like its predeces- sors is the famous - series o! Oxford Companions (the Ox- ford Companion ta English Literature, to French Litera- ture, ta American Histomy, etc.) 15 an .encYclopaedic vol- ume un whuch entries are ar- ranged alphAbetically. The Oxford Companion to Canadian Hlstory and Litera- ture is 959 pages long and cOntains some 2,000 separate articles, nine pages o! maps, more than 2,300 croas-refer. ences, innumerable biblio- graphies - not dull lias 01o authors and titles and dates but thoughtful yet objective accounts of most lnt«ueting and valuable books that have been witten fri>m the earliest times to the present on every subject 0overed - and an in- yaluable Ilst of titles of the more than 6,000 books aMen- tioned in the body of the. work. - - -UT' - ~foa1iIY NW!OLIbeSUMMERSETIi puY' I QUALITY h PING ONG ABLE PORTABLE BASEBOARD HEATERS LYWOO 0 ush Buiton selects 1000 or O PN O TBE1500watts PRINCESSA PINEI SE1 isyfaoor o aft-i.vr SL RC 2 . 8 I Affractivaly-pri-ced, distinctive beauty for - PLUS entlYs 4 BatSetdens, roc. roums, halls, living raoms. 11111115 nc. net, steel posts, bals> .~M SALE PRICE s18.75 LIGHT Butes /16 x 4 x 8 SALE PRICE per sheet 2Styles! Canadian-madeM ALUMINUM 28 FT. EXTENSION 0 Solid Cycolac capi. safeîy grooved rns*swivel, rubbr-covered rivetted feet. SALE PRicI33.88 6 FT. STEP LADDER a loci tray top 0 3, sifety grooved stops 0 soif .CIosing pail tray SALE PRICE 9088 r - - - - 1Illllllll Berry I "Metro" GARAGE DOORS 9,. Oni-P;oe ssteel a Easiy istalled *e Factory Sassembled hardware e Vinyt. non-crack weether. Jstrip bottom l 'x 7' 9'x 7 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE i$55,u75- $62.90 I I I Fast, easy, practical frdo-i.t-yourself Plan ,hit. Micro Perf. I RICE 9~C13o per sq. ft, per sq. Lt. Canadian-made for Moint Household pack 4-100 watt and 2-60 watt bulbs per carton. mAr CANADA'S NO.1 CHOICEI STORM DOORS 1 Copltey rehnga el soI L'4latherize! 'ICL" gauge kickplate.e wind-chain andcbiaon Ytikehay NG C R R O S dloser, ait hafidware hectidedoe CUKN CRRDE stockc sies.I blakPremialte- SALE PRICE $23*88 ibakgeht ~ CAULKINGGC 'Un ..-CEà SALE PRICE J'77[IKandy "McG raw- Edison" rful "McG raw- Edison" A R l'/4" ClIRCULAR JIGSAW SWWITH BILADE 1 TWO BLADES SW (MODEL 7312) (Model 73103) I* Push-button switch, ble blade guard r nb and circle guide * 4*cut to either SALE PRICE $34@88 I ide, die-cast Il Il COURicE SBOÈPING CENTRE d ME misilUMITD 7U1617ALLONT TO BUILD OER 100 ALLONT BUILDING CENTRES FROM COAST TO COAST 'JIpYONU "Tn ue Cartridge type kPOWE *Safety clutch, retractab *Rip fonce, 0* to 45* mitre gouge -"l IT .y Si SALE PRICE ý0»%à.U PRICE 1.IIN mý m m Km 1 in. 1 99C 29C m IL'ibar un MMEM à agi% à% 1%