VOLUME 113 br L iberal LeaderBarbados Prime Minister Visits His Citizens inAplOrhd Says Democracy Eroded yGov't Ontario Liberal Leder Robert F. Nixon says.~;Y farmers, and other groups, must bie given a chance.................................................. to effectively air their grievances. At a meeting .held in Port Hope on Thursday evening, Mr. Nixon said that a Liberal government would revitalize the Leg- islature's ail standing committee on agriculture and make it a forum for discussion and action. "'The committee 1 have in happy if farmers stated their niind would be unlike any-Iproblems before the commit- thing we have had before. It tee in the strongest possible would' have a permanent terms. "We must have a chairman, elected annualiy by flexible system whereby farm- oommittee members. a com- ers can get an effective hear- On Sturay ateroonat ine idg Scholonecomplete co-operation of gov- and where we can work to- . On Sturay ateroon at ineRide Scooloneernment to call farm groups, gether on prompt solutions. of the spectacular events of the afternoon was a dem- individuai producers and ex-. "At present the major farm ~~ ."~ onstration of sky diving. Although the weather was pert witnesses. groups meet the cabinet about far from the best, the daring divers showed their $'The hearings would be once a year in private. After prowess and courage by making the drop. Because of open to the public and they (TURN TO PAGE TWO)OnrdaDuhm onthaaditguse strinhe, .... * iX-ur> Communicationsu lsaytheLialLeae adAL...'rirokeseefonthlaerftegruoudasa s lnasneces-OnFiaDrm otyhdaisngse vi nte area, a scheme was evolved*to brw r~~e Tomu nco m u athe onsrsthe landterofe a a on- He poited ou at whadervnc Poils person o.f the Prime Minister of Barbados the Hon. Errol Barrow montbs to relieve both situations.ThGbonbutacmodio To ox ad h frt up n heewa on e ontdot ht ih a ac Poi and several of bis officiais. Tbey were visiting the f arm of Mr. and for the 'men and have been quite pesdwt h eut.Icue eiderable time lapse before the other three jumped. permanent chaîrman the com- Mrs. W. H. Gîbson, north of Newcastle, where 37 men frothe nthe bv ru-rfrmlf Mr Clando pth fie dntothe scooliead ar coethe meengs b re t hl metnswhenever an emerg- Dil eopn Brasae iganxclntjbf picking apples. Earlier, they Dan Gooding, Prime Minister Barri apl ain nape u egound ntefedlx otesho nta fteegi7slativsentssuin th had been working on tobacco farms in the area. This program, Minîster of Trade & Tourism erg eguo, h (noe MlîKe grand in. Teother thre diver madot e pi- Mr. as or EarsVotersarranged between the Barbados and the Canadian government, bas Centre Liaison Officer Samuel GibbnadMs Gbo.TeHg poè int landing. Tn t he t inf e esmde pin rmixoeon ly ht soo al oesbe eeiilt bt onre.A hst fyear, there is Commissioner Cecil Williams wasawithtepry u sfo .poit lndigs n te iniel. pemir' e %vuldbe nlytooconsiderable seasonal unemployment in tbe Barbados as they are included in the picture. Outline Parties'vance Polisist aoeedot rea between seasons, so because of the shortage of farm help in tis prior to the October l7th Provincial election. The rreSeflted oy ie Ridge Scnooî IL poils will be open on Thurs- IOaY~ U~ day, Friday and Saturday, Ihree Ont. Election Candidateàs Otber12,and 1fO u e tnna etia rvlSre Take Part in Agriculture Forum the :Town Hall, PotHoe stndn tile, Town Hall, Potan SHropOte4 andth Orange Hall, Mill- Sp n o e y D r a a m UElectors within the Dur- ture Seris for thi measonS Sponsred y Duham FrUno ariding may vote at A t ~ Thuad . pectatori~ oa lb any o the bovepoliswih The three candidates for blem is that the farmer's in-1grasp the possibilities of te ntepecie dates and .. Durham County in the pro- corne in relation to costs has Agricultural Rehabilit a t i o n times. om.tmroTusa vn 9gncial electionL were the steadly declined. Since M 1949 raling program. According Votes at the advance polsr nIT fwID P u Hll adtrima peaer at a meeting arrang- the price a farmer reciest RDA surveys 16 per cent will bEcountd at 7p.m.ncerts -and *-wua 'ua ih ed by the Farmers Union held for bis products has increased of Ontario farms and 31 peri on the 17th day of Octbeo. v . lpqu pxlpay eve i n --l"H a a ____er _en_4 - et-ecen-0 no-frm url fmi Sc'Divers ThriII Big Crowd KEM MmEM - n."&. 'I'hI jwili D -h.. lnt -- ~ ~ - *Afore Ve," a rmra Te Pine Ridge School large number of invited uty Minister of Reform In- Jooe oat on pHagare a nte Centennial Festival held on guests. Se v e r a selections stitutions, officiated at ohnr. ee udlcurrpe Thursday, Friday and Satur- were played by the Kingsway opening ceremony as the Hon sent in person. ec sday was a tremendous suc- College Band, Oshawa, and Allan Crossman was unable Season tickets are avait. i e c- Secess, and thousands of people these 45 musicians received to attend the festival u.ntii able front any member of 1enjoyed the marvelous enter- much applause, as did the Saturday. the Rotary Club and eau giving, stores# tainment provided, although Brookside School Choir. Pîne Ridge School Superas .mprcIha.ed -at theg thedo Mn watent. - mos inle,- D.,pèenoId, Asitant Xep-1 (TJRrÀ 'oPAGE TWO) door tmorrowVentug. be a day shorti The Festival Commrittee was ýated if adver- composed of Chairman Stan- news sources' ley Crookal, Superintendent i r copy in earlier Hubert M,. Hooper, JohnR c e to p .An oues Caldwell, William Eby, StanI Smith, Frankc Mfller, Head i Master John Paterson, the r S %d ýcky too much nel, .Abert Cuthbertson, Wil- ai Sc e u e oCl s s o the inte liam Roche, Edward Blomme, By the middle of October, be a women's home decorating te hewiner and two Assistant Sprn the Bowmanvile Department course, which starts Oct. 12 at neeting of ail tendents, Walter J. Hall and of Recreation wîll bave its fall the Lions Centre from 1:30 d n use at 8 p.m. S. English. and winter operation in full p.m. to 3:30 p.m., pattern and Ac )able te see The program on Thursday swing. design making coursé, starting nd- p ýeing made te evening was ttended by a Among aduit activities will Oct. 11, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. R u d U izaton pans.and an evening class, startin j â zation plans.O ct. 12, from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m ( I ke S u e tsThe instructress will be Mrs. uigtehayf ar3 Id Series was C a k t d n sGrok eo usa onn hr Bosto RedA millinery class will b were two motor accidents at hso n Raaed resen held at the Bowmanviîle High the corner f the new County swill explain r es Thrpra riay School, starting Oct. 11, from Road 57 and the Taunton Road. 'h o ay ave7:30 to , 9:30 p.m . The first one h p e e t 6 3 y te unerls . The flower arranging class a.m. when a pick-up truck iy tof unrals On Friday and Saturday, ecting debut with the Clarke starts Oct. 12, 7 to 9 p.m., Cen- driven by Anthony Nasturacci, Oct. 6th and, 7th, the Clarke Players of three directors, tral School. Mrs. VanNest, the 305 Harmony Road South Players wilJ be presenting Ken Stubington, as s i st a n tnstructress, will also be in Oshawa, went off the road and by the Orono "Trio" at the Communîty Crown Attorney of the Unit- charge of the ladies' home dec- rolled over. The driver waà uin Freder- Hall in Newcastle. "Trio" ed Counties, Miss Joan Ben- orating course held from 1:30 not inju.red but the vebicle IP. consists cf three one-act plays1 nett, teacher and co-director to 3:30 p.m. in the Rose Room sustained $450 damage. Con-' This club is that offer both comedy and 'of the award winning Hamiet, at the Lions Centre. stable G. Brunton, OPP, ini- ilie Kiwanis tragedy to the theatre-goer. l and Marjorie Murphy, a ce- The ladies' basketball leaguelvestigated. support over "Trio" also marks the dir- ordinator of Hamet:' (TURN TOPAGE TWO> <TURN TO PAGE WO) the Director. i that tbree Large Crowd of Liberals Hears Leader at Port Hope n papers for chard Love- . . . is e s t h a t A l S a ..- . . [ay morning ....... ntering the rnent on .-*. ion by tbis at Hooper's *.. column thîs .: . ne between nd tbe BA ýted. It will iat 8 p.m. rmers and iattend the Y's farm at à. The last was heid ore details o mention er Varîety veeks ago. lace under ,iil now be Bowman- the Pin. e students thousands en received m that had Dr. Powers sehool auditorium in Port Hope was those talcing part in the program 1 1j=fromle s of wood filled with Liberal supporters on Thursday night; whep to right, RussellC. Honéy, M.P,. der-iogged Liberal leader Bob Nixon, macle bis first appearncej Russelj, the Liberai- candidate o' jan the &W= aur A Ui. gli - ume jgu »eau et aMd & A-kâa4Iv~lDw~ Srrçnb Cornrunity Hall. Ken price of goods the farmer bas lies are at poverty levels. ]Bragg, F.U. Director for Dur- to buy bas increased 57.5 per A Liberal government for ham County, presided. cent," Mr, Lovekin stated. Ontario would establish ini The rde of peaing as He pointed out that indus- conjunction with the federa] teletedby drw. . Rch-trial wages since 1959 have government a long term na- &rd Lovekin; Liberal, was the increased 54 per cent. "Many tional plan for agriculture, r s sp~~eaker, with Alex Çar- farmers are now in the posi- Mr. Lovekin stated. bra êùer, x ÙgresîiveL-Conerâ.tfôn of working double hours "The pollëy -o iea 4aàtive second, and Douglas and earning less, he said. Leader Robert Nixon includes Stoffatt, N.D.P. the ]ast. "The most striking neglect reduced interest rates on ail ,Mr. Lovekin sajd that the of the Conservative Govern- junior 'farmer loans to three £mux of the agricultural pro- ment as been the failure to (TURN TO PAGE TWO) 1640 More Durham Vo fers Eligible to Cast Ballots Some 23,600 voters Will be voters eligible including 82 eligible o cast votes in Dur- armed service votes. A totalLo km Lowery, provincial returning their voting privileges in the officer, said this week. 1963 election. This total may vary slight- The margin between Alex p otn ie ]3i!tei+r the revised voters îist Cârruthers t he successful p o tn ie d , but i eans fo re l didate in the 1963 election and To Debate Issues t be 1,640 more voters in the Liberal Allan Beer was 1,431 riding than in the 1963 pro- votes. E. Richard Lovekin, Liberal t vincial election. In 1963, 3,309 votes were Candidate in Durham County, c In 1963, there were 21,960 icast in Port Hope. The PCs said on Saturday evening that took 1,746 to 1,414 for the he is concerned with the lack *INVESTMENT WINNERS Liberals. Bowmanville gave of public debate in the provin- the PCs 1,549 votes ta, 1,265 cial election campaign. 1Cm investment winners to votes for the Liberals, while He would like to have as date are: B4i-Neale McLean, in Darlington Township, the many opportunities as possible a Draw No. 1; Blil-Marie's Conservatives had a 70-vote to -debate the issues with the E Variety, No. 2; B62-Harold margin over the Liberals tak- other candidates. "Any time, t Hammond, No. 3; B138-Mary -ing 1,166 votes to 1,0)96.* any place wilî be satisfactory Pêterson. No. 4; BIOO--Art The village of Newcastle to me," the Liberal Candidate Hooper, No. 5. Each won $50. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) isaid. Lions Launch CNIB Fund Campai nc i ra A ti 1 At the Eowmanvllle Lions Club meeting on Monday night, the guest speak- wur Clubr Hilborn, Field Secretary for the. CNIB in this area. Following his j Ly Uei Preuident Bob Williams presented the club's cheque for $200 to =, ,heaimual campaign for funds that will start here with a blitz on Oct. SP0tM -bwu, frofl left t ,tPremcjent, Wlliams, Mi~. Hilborn- and. Cam-. HIOLIDAY - Because. of Tbanksg the Post Office and banks* will be'c, day. Also The Statesman staff wil b next week, so it would be apprecia tisers, correspondents and otheri would make an effort te have their ci than usual. i. it i. t i. CURLERS - Although the weatl balmy this week, we may not be luc longer. So, thoughts are turning tc season and to curling. A general n curlers will be held at the clubhou. on Thursday, Oct. 12 when they'll bi the alterations and improvements be the clubhouse, and aiso start organi i. t t i. t SERIES - This afternoon, the Wor]( due to get underway between tbe Sox and the St. Louis Cardinals. This the absence cf any staff members w. taken iii suddenly or beeri called awa, or other emergencies. t t t t t WINDOW - An interesting dispiay b Junior Gardeners Club has been set u ick's Pharmacy window this week.'. a going concern and the Bowmanvi Club has given them considerabli the years. Mrs. Thos. Fairbrother is t t t t t i. NOMINATIONS - It is understood candidates have filed their nomination he Ontario Election Oct. l7tb. Thei Zarruthers, the PC incumbent, E. RiÎ kin (Liberal) and Douglas Moffatt ace is now officially underway. t t t ** t ALL-STARS - "Buck" Cowle advi practice bas been caIled for -the Bantai hockey team ait the Arena tbis Saturd. it 10. Aiso, anyone interested in er Centennial Horse Shoe Pitching tour 1)ct. l5th, must signify their intenti( ;aturday, Oct. 7th. Contact Art Hooperi ewelery for details. t t t t i. )MITTED - Frank Mohun's Sports c veek bas more details cf the big garn our junior men's softball players an ýelles ladies team. The date was 9mitt e beld tomorrow, Tbursday, Oct. 5thb t- t t t t 'ORNLAND - A huge crowd of fai iends fromn a wide area is expected to istrict Grain Corn Day on Bey Gray rarden Hill on Wednesday, Oct. 18th1 !me one of these interesting shows iere were about 1,000 attending. Me ext week. --. , Iv i ~ i x, ' L U iL , 19 71 ç Peuo yn U M E < * I '-I ( ,~ht1 CHANGE - Somehow we neglected t( tbat Councillor Annie Oke had sold he Store te Mrs. Marie Steeves, severai m Considerable renovation has taken piE the new owner. The busy cou.ncillor w:« able te devote her ful l ime te solving ville's municipal problems. t t t t + GREAT SHOW - The organizers of Ridge Sehool Centennial Festival and tii certainly put on a great show for the of people who attended. No word bas bees concerning the big bonfire and fireworku to be canceiied because the huge piles fromn chopped down e1. troua were wM by âattwdga igt -- - uaj ul UU&OUer. 16 Pages BOWMANNILLE. ONTARIO- WF.nlvV-QnÀ,'v r Oits and