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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 2

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~uiI*- _________ - t -~--,~ e2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Oct. 4, 19671 ville gave hlm 248 votes, P while Port Hope provlded 149 1 n ENNISI L N oIwthte eoiter While only 2,796 votes wP in.0SheIEthan1ed the W on be- 4 St. PauI's U W oment W.en WeAeriSrr sinMmoitoal !threol opi ,s a a t atin Darlington Township OBR E W. P AC IC S rry t ieotthtM.s ~tetee £~~~~I the 1963 provincial elec- Hospital, Bow nviewthafronrbinsmder 0tion, there were 3,655 votes<RO PAEOE broken bone in isfo.isad ~H ost t. Jo n'siLa iese 1965 Dondtont(FOMthPAsGEstNE)Deputy o! rs.J.enened ,,H s ' t Jo n La i sion In the township. Port Intendent Hooper presided-Ispeedy recovery.fwmntso e:ii Hoehd4,067 voters go to Others on the platform in ad- Te CW atth hm tember 26th, St. Paul's UnitdUreasted her and gave ponilesain,196 whiersexBow- r er:His WorshIp, Sept. 2th at2p..wth2aie f<Church Women were hostesses their responses to the 23rd mani- i s anchise6ivothe-l Mayor Ivan Hobbs, Judge R. aduits and five cide rs hp hyedr.__ 'to the womnen of St. John's Psalm in the language spoken 1965 Dominion election. B. ar r uhers e eaoddfolowed nd Mrs Anglican Church. The church in these places CAAuss ..,A e ll MPP H" Sh hnk r hall was artitlcalîW decorated Mrs. J. Kîleen, dressed ~ ~ -xnnr inJMB.,Bax r ue anFM - nt. ro s. L.Stano oee in a centennîal theme, and a the costume of yesteryear, led PO, à M& TO NadG olrSprne-Seo o p byelgtfln ner was served a lively sing song accompanied Cobouan g.PolrSpine-Smofroeighehmeervy nratetak under the leader- by Mrs. O. Bragg. ~dent of Brookside School, for the meeting adwloe olcl a nwrdwt $ èIP Of Mrs. K. Purdy. Mru. The highlight of the meet- L D I lkCbug vroe 'B. Turner said the grace. ing was a skit presented by 1*hre y polam dTe rga i1ue àMsK M yeretourcuoeothe rogra in1ded argMn.fK. McdiU a ae !frtcuc n The President of St. Paul's M rs. G. K. W ard, M rs. J. Dunn h g n r u e t n s a d i n ih H m *'7.C.W., Mrs. H. A. Cuthbert- and Mrs. A. Stnike from Trin- tourd! t he nsim.dislin 1 cargeio the evtiN aopn insrMnueoflsme- son, welcorned the guests and ity United Church, portraying hug mrqee enPAndGE ngOihEy)n35 ad cos thR.eiruegae te rof~ Ifltroduced Mr. Ross Metcalf, Family Life in the earîy (RMPG N)tht te w e fbuffe!lnc A deliciou as hrh The Wy eGoT ,church organjst and Mr. 1900's. The second part of the cabinet meeting a number ater Canada"stes eted. Johkn vr ses 3-8a ndst s mot ih bkn Dewell. Mr. Metcal! and Mr. the skit gave us the contrast o! farmers meét separately te ani"wpety Program on. edwt ryerb tth2tr b lam Dewelî gave several musical of today in our home, school, with members o! the other ridhey at r og a on edMr. L hto a lldo olcî o coe et e selections. society and church. two parties. - t gafeno asoee rs .Ah The Devotional, led by Mrs. Mrs. B. Syer thanked them "This kind o! arrangement bTite Ciake be a craft demon-nhead D. Kemp, was based on Predi- for adding so greatly to the is not as successfui as it mlght one-act pPlay , "B rtiothofrs in Mis ouse ott hohs cations for the Church in the evening. be. A modern governiment eArm".Theay C oh esn s pe ou35seaSa us tainatti etn.I a 'Future and a Message for To- Miss I. Davis expressed the cannot hide behind closed -tA-ertîy daned bha gro p is son 5ar nIdrIdaseie og~e$0t or, Mirs. D. Kennedy repre- thanks o! the St. John's wo- doors. The problems o! variaus o! Bowmly aniledHighaSchoolMissiott a s rsedi o twadiowrnurh Irsentng the province o! Que- men and the meeting was groups in ur society must be pure nileHghSholM siSct aripouesn favcu lae o h bec, Mns. S. Slappendel re- adjourned with prayen by Mrs. givén the fulicît possible ex- hirhsWphelen to Sooi ýPresentîng Holland, and Mrs. A. Cuthbertson. posure, and the popehave woires.ann bersveny pCeusingacoose ehen p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a ight, ta know w a the gov- tice Seconday School put on o k d In le Tonsi btwe te cgo enen ntnd o o butO c e 14han amazing Judo demonstra-imanner she told so e fe ......bxs i ~Road and County Road 57. them. tion. Aftenwards outdoors,-Th metn cosd it i r'i.~rt The drivers involved were "A Liberal government will Port Hope High School put1wagon, the PineRigCaepryrndheutincre A c i dwme aa Glen Milson, age 17, R.R. 1, help farmers ta raise thair .....t o on an Art Happening. Th , orps, antique cr, a d te sre any ln h nniskillen, and Milton Bry- crops and Incares. Too oten gymnastie display by a goup colorful Canadian ionPp n n r.Gog i ant, age 57, R.R. 1, Hampton. farmers have been turned io! Pine Ridge boys was ex- Band.wreSna vitosoM. ý1 R u d Up Damage ta Mn. Millson's car away at thie ste ps o! thein elet The famous UnceBbyoiretIwn ocyen was approximately $300, and own Parliament Buildings ir II L I L Ross Metcalf, Supenintend- TV fame led threefot ih M.adMs o rwn (PROM PAGE ONE) thene was about $200 damage Toronto," Mn. Nixon said. n o MuicIV E N TX Vimas romth At7car dn he y ary ocko M.: .ruatt arCoPP nvstb- hbe evon of de n Ontani - Township Public Schools, an- Cream o! BarleyZoh n n.~.~ on 'iaa at 74ar he l ae locionta M. rytant's car.Cnvsti a sbee"Theetion!dem Otocy*FL * W M the Assembly Hall on Friday had an old time inewgn ihM.adMs alT ranged the concert held in Pine Ridge Fine D pnm n ee S na u pr get aira, R.R., Orono, also went gated. during the last 24 years, par- evening, and also proved to and thene were25uteicWfl off the road, and sustained Mn. Bryant, who received ticularly in- the last six yeans be an etraiigMC.The lycastumed CreM.adMs m abe minor damage. Constable L. J. undetenmined injuries, was duning the tenure o! Premier entelrtoai nian . e-Ially La. Mahoney, OPP, investigated. transfenred from Memonial Robaris. Democracy has been I Eriu opul la uboylendian Le-osndAn. tnRocesen NY.,wee at At 1:03 a.m. on Sunday, a Hospital ta the Oshawa Gen- erroded flot by purposeful ac. VE Cotton sang sevenal numbens. Aflan Gnossman isetdteadMs .Gifns arowned by Joseph Collins, enal by the Bowmnanviile Area tion but in spite o! bis The Oshawa Symphony On- Ontario Regimenta ie Ms .PtieRs n 1, Newtonville, and driv.: Ambulance. Mn. Millson, andiefforts". WE chestra String Ensemble led Ridge School. This a olw hna ilwae eels *n by John Alman, 23 Han-SeeBrsi loe1,n- Mn. Nixon changed that the b Edward Oscapella played ed by a 17 gunsauebthWendyvitos ihbr mnay Road South, Oshawa, ceived tneatmeni fon minon Education Committee did not 1 ele ctions, and the presenta- Sherman tanks. prnsteA .Wans tvent off the road on Seugog injuries as out-patients. meet for four on five montbs inf th tion by the Ontario Regimentl The enormouscow rsFodPehc 1Btreeý and the Third Conces- during the period just pnior ta and Bnass Quartet was en. ent was thrifled byted1n n iI cnoogwr sion. A % passengen, Evelyn the formation of Community oyd acrobatie performac ibr udyviioswtrn n Jean Montgomeny, Hampton, 164 Colleges. He said at that time Mns. Elsie Drygala, soprano, Chipmunk plane( y Sly M S .Ptlk Èutindmio ijrisan heewa dbtei tesang solos, and thene wene Wagner, Canada'stpsut n.ndMsWmHa rona spital.Daageathe t-M oress nas Mn. Nixr omn.av-a duot ossMrMet- skilo.llega e d sera:YMn i Patient depatment o! Mem- v ity Colleges should be tradean Ross Cto. Met demonstrat ion o!fiyn or al H sp t l. D m a e o th ch o s r s M r ivofa -calf d au ns b o s M lof pilot. h i uedv ,n a t n s î g to , M . H n p y cgar amounted ta more than (FROM PAGE ONE> ors, have a stnang academic c o al's amuingt solohe Od i ch ip , nd luddoal, pn, S n ero, C l mbsfn $100. Corporal John McGuey gave the Libenals their onîy cane leading ta a degree in and we urge ail residents to carry out a Dneg al"deMisighe ta udi-a lAops, anlwf l iyîn ass r.JmMle n a investlgated. edge In the 1963 election pro- conjunction witb the uni- talented accardianist, alsolawa, Miss Wagnei age sea r.RnCees There was ânother accident ducing 268 votes for Beer ta este.o made a great bit. ber plane's wingsadcudBnt ndBdHmtn ai Scugog Street and the 260 votes fan Canruthers. Ha mentianed the cavalieri program o Care, lanu and The dispîsys in the tents1 be seen waving gaobewt eeweedvstn tE Thircl Concession at 11:30 p.m. Clarke Township In 1963 pro- treatment o! the Agriculture wene Impressive. These in- ber rs ngts on Saturday. A car diven by duced 845 votes for the Con- Committee by the Robants C m o es Caution! cludad exhibits by the Bow- Frour sky diverssinae n n rRs oln Donald Wallace Thompsan, servatives ta 714 votes for the Govennment. "It met only C m o es manville Detachment af the the crawd. Art Keelr a h n erSebruh pn Monmi>uilr Township, Halibun- Lîbenels..' once last yean. An opportun- Ontario Provincial Police, pilot flying a Cessna12paeSna ihbrmteMs ton, falled ta make the tunn, In 1963, NDP candidate ity is neyer given to listen ta LABnoakside Schoal for Giris, supplied by the Os( aFy-E ae and received cansidereble dam- Hanny Ashton of Bowman- the Farmens' Union or tha Ivan vM .HobLL Cobourg, the Librany Services ing Club. The firsn k iaM.adMs le en age. Conistable Ian Smith in- ville picked up a total o! 1,177 Fedenation o! Agriculture, Mn. frteDprmn fRfr h uPdfO vestigated. votes in the election. Neaaly Nixon changed. o. Institutions, Pine Ridge Boy befone Miss Wagnensprom e uet !D.edMs S Two cars collided at 10:25 bal! o! these came fnom Dan- Gardon Scott, Campbell- Vdyr Scouts, the Depantment of ance was Tom Coxc rsdn lr erEoioe p.m. on Friday on the Sixtb lington Township whene lhe crot, moved a vote o! tbanks Lands and Fanests Cold of the Canadian SprsPn- M.1dMs uetBes Concegion o! D arliln g t on eceived 534 votes. Bowman- ta Mn. Nixon for bis address. _______________Springs Camp, north of Ken- chutîng Club. Aftentesr-BwavilhdSna e __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ The Ontario Libe al Leader dal, the Bow m anville Branch batic flying, the C s n e ih M . a d M s . S a p had been intnoduced by j J o iof the Canadien Red Cross, turned high above h lyin n n.LoadSan William J. Bragg, R.R. 4, Bow- Thr eD srit W .Pine Ridge Scbool Frtein iland the tnedvrtow1 udy iioswt Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Seils manville. Harry Wade, Presi- N 11vshwaJuio am, ero fieldpcynki dent o! the Durham County c ss C om m e n c e, Depertment of tow end Don Milale jm- M.adMs.Du ilt, wltb whom are now merged Libenal Association, presided D e Hlds Displav Cle sç Transport Driver Education ed from the plane.tgte tPr rdtwr udycl-~ et the meeting.. I IU41SI l and TestIng Equipment, and 3,000 feet and madepnpitese occils Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. E. Richard Lovekin, Liberal (PROM PAGE ONE) S <P (ROM PAGE ONE) displays reganding the Pine landings on the fi(l.(eane edae) Caddt o uhmCutper cent with broadan pro- O f wil.l-t open Oct. 18, from 7 ta 9 Rîd ecol'dngs teti sn-____________Bay,________________ Chartered Accountants was introduced by GregMe- visions for fongiveness, pro- p.m., et Lord Elgin School vices,inudg SckBy Mahon, President o! the Pont vîding întarest and principal On Tuesday aftennoon, Sept. gym. Dntistry, Guidance, and the IMontreai Oshawa Taranto Hamilton Hope Liberal Association. payments bad been kept up- 26th, appnoximately 80 ladies The nien's basketball league the a EngieeprsTere 'an WborMn. Lovekin said that On- ta-date. of the West Durham District will open Oct. 10 et Bowma tePwr nie-s hr Winnipeg Regina a ed eom TeR sý4eeassistanceo! the Wornns Institute ga- ville High Schpol from 7 toni; wes a display o! trophies won Mdmonton Prince George Vancouver harts Goverrnment is tlrad. would ba e u o frathtered et the 1C. M BuildingP bm. also the Trdaining s camp Godo . ihi CA, ..A ur R atr, ~The Tony ship o! state Is su!- bard bit by natural disastens et Hamptoni. Starting Oct. 16, from .7 ta 9 psogre. ( prng cm) Godn .Rih, ..,RI..BotR.Wtes CA !ering fnom dry rot. 'You such as higb wînds or floads, The avent wes convenied by p.mth a'svlyaî Intgyam naimamr Osbawa ~~~could poke a finger tbrough il. and the Liberal. govannmant Mns. Chas. Dawney, Bleag- ue iLln- antiquesl '.In.tejvtit4ium iie' Oubawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 . o si h atLbrli nai ol okwt ile, Who is Cunaton for the v i l play ai Bowman velous collection o! Iniue, spelîs naform. If there wasmuipates nd amo- Tweedsmuir Histories o! the îeHihcoo.lnbyW W. Bagnell ware aven a time for re!orm in On- ganizations for the institution District. Each Brancb was c lase ilateenO wimi. s1w6,als the tirnis an- tanio that lima is now" Mn. o! a national !anm program. ta bave 10 articles on dis classes enenilAr' N OTICE ~~~~Lovekin declared. u r .Mn- Lovekin enphasized These antiques o! 0 Ridge School ramn 7 ta Exhibition witb the FistTo:i mayhnrd ofndvdas supeyve Senior Citizens' Club meats Ridge Scboal, wbicb loto young an d rwo w m harel Robants have a policy born o! port producen contnolled mer- înteresting to see along witb every Thunsday, tram 2 ta 4 lst, 2nd and 3nd pnizes in the despair. This is the announce- keting boards. Marketing the history and scrap. books Pm. andi the second Tuesday Painting Division, and 1.ît supported Our ment o hl eisO boards should neyer be liqui.w- e have bean compileci by ;i every mnonth from 8 ta 10 prize for a papier mache ee TWAL CU L R plans wbicb haci never been clated without a proper warn- tha membens. pmI h in ete hn edi h AND ALL THOSE INTERESTED 1 etoe bfn h eeto ng andi witbout a fair public The ladies anjayed the a!- .The country andi western Division. nce now, s ater Anean". hearing, hae stated. sad ernoon which was climaxed jamboree will continue tbnougb The Mammoth Cantennial' Mr. arruher sai tht bythe ampon ldie ser- te faîl andi winlen ah the town Parade was e wondenful spec- 1 There wiII be a meeting at the Mn. Lovekin cbarged that the aim o! the Conservatîva îng nafreshments andi a social hall auditorium. tacle, and crawds aIl alongi ~ Curlig Clu ftied be peaplve o! nt ai government is ta provide a tim noyed by al. A vanieci ist o! children's ec- the route wena enthusiasti c' Centumîma esia B~1,v.i1iviei Iebasic pele so! troan framework ta davelop fanm tivitias will commence soon, Ail the costumes for the par- Bo ma vibouslngClbing. hasiils of poontduttalents and ansura efficient lagnation and the mathods by including off Painting classes ada witb the exception o! theou wamsaprcain OR thet iHeaonservate ht avetrnis and quality products. whicb e farmer sbould ha on Saturday, Oct. 14 et the ana wann by Clown Beni on spenthbueaonsvtivs a vtreo- Agriculture represants 35 halpad ta contrai bis own Lions Centre, for boys and Brown, Petarborough, baci Thursday, oOct. iaIith yet no per cent o! the aconomy o! market. "Wa ail know that girls, 10 yeans o! ae andi up. been made and lent b r. Ontario altbough it bas pnab- thene is a definita disparity Gym classes for boys 7 ta Ede Cola. at 8:00 p m pa~~n instis fielci..He Wo e a re g i g t r ugu e b -iAt e utmaa c n u as ara Sr e ch ÎNv_. ac i g G ar, t ae w ence. nhechîldren's drame club "nrdrt oto rcs Certif icates will sient Oct. 14 ah lbe public A I U V> t L)K A N A CIN ~ C O R ICI DkeNing bordThe:im of the froni 9o 10:30 a.m. and sen- 9 6 M R U Y1 6 E C R Tablets 100's - Reg. 1.29 1.09 24's - Reg. 1.98 1.59 Consenvatives is to ensure NEW RATE ions ftrmIl a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 4-Dr. SEda, o mleg, -o Pckp th ame fa eet iigFigure saigrgsrainb-r eatiflowsh ae copaaleonamy. e aea will be helci Oct. 17 in the ec- batflsae oth comarabl wiheea eation office, Lions Centre, Lic. 11986. Lc226 BRICK KO TEX T MIcoat we nead lsa food 483 am to 7p. c. 2 .N O TA flair Set Mist Fmiine Napkins CeeRnePeèttecansoe a t4p.m. and junior caseAoA96*USTANGf 1 1.49 Value for 99c89C48's Cem ineou tae t t u preyr6.965 4iv@7 .m Reg.3m -1.6 396-oz gog.1.Oct.19 e goto Q7becm Mr2-Dr. THandtop,61/%VC8h11autaem'atic.n Parisienne. li4-Dr. V-8,erdtopc Reg 1. 8 -6-o . R g. .59ruthers said. epcrog ria m for pre-schoolersl a e i w t x r s Mn. MottaIt, the N.D.P. cen- Minimum Deposit i5oo stants Oct. 23 et Memorial Lic. J91561. Lc 192 DELSEY I L IS TEIR IN E ne help lnimediately. "Suh- Princpal and uteres Min>m hockey registr~ationis Toilet sue JIC ~Anteptir 59 idez will flot îh::kfa:a: Gaa I eposit will be held at the recreation 16 OG AT16 O TA Reg. 2 - 33e -2 rolls 3 -z Rg 9 on an emergency basis,1ý office o c.1 ,3ad4 92D D ED R Eeg. 79c ~ Yc nol a a lasting policy," ha Insurance Member fromn 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.,Stio Wan,-psng. ettd ndi Oct. 5 from 8 a.m. ho 5"30Sne"Li.K48.icX182 rCttO.(C69 "Land speculators are con- CENTRAL ONTARIO p.m. "330__________Li_.__14484. BAN Roli-on Deodor n lz.9c6 C tinuallY pushlng the feriner TRUST & SAVINGS The youth bowling leegue is ou.Inafe eagwe wlll CORPORATION under way, with18 boys andi flot have any egicultural girls participating. It's ton W. need good clean Used Cars . - . TpDla lan lefi unless somethmng s 30M9 ets,.W.. boys andi girls 8 ho 20. for your trade-in during ct e. M T E A IKo GN IA dne about the situation. Sowmnvw. F'or funthen Information, cal ____________________________________ abes"SPeculators wbo move i la2.l the recreation office ah 623-3114 uquld- ---4 forl,2 9 Tphilli'Ps- s7 9c nd% for husin a rees $h~il uea.. t 8:30 ay.5pm. dy"WIth Two Locations to Seiv o etr I dlmd be laxed in oi way. 'ILLE___ __ __ _ mutPrvntacomplete R 50Vac1AL BWMN S 0F T IQ U E WtHlluErRANofteacltural in. SIGN ina a at shop: "IfAD OMNILE - 29KIGS.E ma*.1 3 9 C ysa Claoeotoi 9 d usry iOntaio. Canada ae »we show yu a al ou lkeFO R D SA LES OSHAWA- 2 K NG T. W l'ag. 911203..- nls.source ofrevenue"s RV-Ntete hr deohi Cr cgartts? (OSHAWA) LTD. (opposite OhwaSopigCe1e Mn. P4offatt declareci. W*t W d3Wis guy shuts off his ignition andt M. soke t vrticl l.* tiesout bis clutc]4

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