* __ t 4 .4.. ---t ~ -. ~ Dur ham Community Collegel iWii HoId Opening Oct. l4th On September lth the first ed inventory and distribuli Iciasesdet Durham College be- contrai. It Is expected tI Mrndthe activîties proceed- the Durham Coliege librî '.as Plenned. There was will be ;n operation eeriy 1~e brinkmanship in putting October. Thero will beà t e College in readîness since praximately 1,500 books ont the last of the furniture arriv- shelves as a start towerd cd two days before opening large and important resoui day but, on Monday marning centre for students, teacli the classes and laboratories and cammunity et large. wore ail there in sperkling Plans are underwey ta foi condition. The lunch room a students' cauncil 50 that st Was a hive of actîvity at noon dent activities mey be erg, With food and drinks being ized as soon as possible. TJ dispensed from vending me- Board of Gavernors hasa chines. The studonts and proved "Hunting Green" i mnasters registored their ap- "#Gold" as the school colo' proval for the events of the and a prefessional in Hereld first day and the facilities is being commissioned ta cr aveileble to them. Durham ate officiai "Arms" for t Cellege would like ta thank College. ail those people in the cern- Statistics may be boringt rnunity Who have helped ta occasion but the Board of Go Promnote 'the establishment Of ernors, and the staff of Du this new educetional enter- hem College are very hapi Prise. with the statistics accumulai There Is one uncampîeted s0 far. An instant callege h; educationel centre on the cam- been built in four months Pus beceuse the books for spîte of strikes and flood wa the library have net arrived ers. A teaching staff of1 fraM McMester University excellent people hes beE where they are boing ceta- established. An effective a( logued, coded accerding ta the ministrative staff and systei Library of Congress System, has been farmed. and recorded for camputerîz- Two hundred students hav ANOW!I %l CANADA CHARTER I CARIBBEAN Mp L fL wUsIV 2 W EEK HOLIDAYS BARBADOS *$@*oses $369 A NTIG UA * ......499 S T. LULCIA .......... eue$*589 ST. MAARTEN ....595 FIRST CLASS HOTELS AND VILLAS- FINE FOOD - ALL TIPS AND TAXES INCLUDED DEPARTURES EVERY SATURDAY TARTING JANUARY 6 CONTACT VOUR SUNFLIGHT AGENT FOR YOUR COPY 0F "CARIBBEAN HOLIDAY" M Jury & Loveli Travel Agency PHONE 823-3182 19 King St. EM Bowmanvi 19617 'J ti ion been enrolled with the co-eds hat being overjoyed at the male ta rry female ratio of aimost 5 to 1. i ini There are 166 men and 34 ap- young ladies. The enrolment the from outside Oshawa is. ap- d a proximately 40% of the total. .rce The number of cars on the ors parking lot vauches for the commuting abilities of the )rm students and as friendships tu- form there will undoubtedly ýan- be more car pools arranged. rhe The total registration la brek- ap- on down as foliows: and Three Year Technology ---35 tirs Two Year Drafting------ 21 dry Two Year Eloctronics 28 ,re- the 8 Three Yoar Business on Administration--------- 48 wv- Two Year Business ur- Genoral -------- ------ 44 . p Two Year Business tod Secretarial----- ------ 24 has in 116 'at- Total - 200 In 10 classes 14 The faculty is impressed on with the calibre of the stu- d- dents and the officers of the am college have been roinforced . in their philosophy that in [v the quality of the graduates -rests the long term reputation *and public image of Durham Coliogo. Good teaching, good equipment, a spirit of curios- ity and innovation plus perse- verance by ail should bring the mark of excellence to this college. IHence the Motta: "Excellentia per Perserverantlam" ~ Night classes at the college have net been formed as yet E.C. (Advanced Tochnical Ev- ening Classes) being given at McLaughlin Collegiate is on- couraging and theso classes are now being supported by Durham Coliege and will bo transferred ta the College building next year. It is gratifying ta note that the three Advisory Commit- tees formed by the Board of Governors of Durham College have met, have reviewed the oducational requirements sur- ~ , vey produced by consultants and have released recommon- dations ta the Board of Gov- ornors and the President of the Colloge. The major pro. ject now before the College staff is the writing af educa- tional specifications ta be used in formulating the de- tailed plans for the permanent buildings and campus which should hopefully be ready for the falof 1969. 9 The temporary campus will be expanded once more for the 1968-69 teaching perieds and will be kept operational until A large crowd was present for the officiai opening àthe permanent building pro- Of Orono Post Office on -Friday evening. Top photo gramme catches up with en- shows the Orono Public School Choir with the Junior rolment. It is anticipated that Band in the background, who provided the music for the portables will be sold when they have served the the evening. Lower picture shows Russell C. Honey, On October l4th at 2 p there will be an officiai opi ing ceremony and an ci bouse ta which everyone the community is invited a the officers and staff of1 college are looking forw; ta showing off the Coll Facilities which, 'n spite their temporary nature,i sufficient reason for pride everyone in the communi Flags are flying, shrubs a green grass are growing a inside the buildings you m find excellent equipment & enthusiastic instructors a. students. The tem paor ai nature of the facilities h made it possible to expei ment with varieus types equipment a nd furnitui Whon the permanent camp and buildings are built or the best and most oconomi< equipment will be used. Corne and see the Collel on Octobor l4th. (Signed) G. E. Willey, Prosider New'ville -Starkvill riIe I Bowling League Averages Merlene Stecey ------------ 2f Doris Tampkins - ---- 19 Joyce Stacey ----1 Merg. MacDonald ---- 1 Mary Skelding 1 Dorothy Stark 17' Ina Brown -- -------1 Janie Owies - -----1 Bernice Henderson ------16 Ruby Shaw ------------- 1 Margaret Wade ------------161 Olive Henderson------- ---6& Shirley Martel------------ 15 Grace Farrow - ---- -----151 Marie Trim -------------- 15ý Helen Henderson 131 Joy Brown -----121 Gloria Nichols 121 Carol Robinson ---------- lit 200 Games M. Stecey 311-204, S. Mer. tell 271, J. Stacey 219-205, R Shaw 225, D. Stark 216. Dý Tompkins 214, J. Owles 206, M MacDonald 213. Garnis Won Opel 6 Ruby4 Pearl ---4 Onyx---- - ------------------- 4 Town Basketball m m I Tentative Tearna iCoronation-Den Seto, Jini I eskervillo, Ken Kelly, Gerry mu Waitt, Dave Grundy, Wayne A F MacDonald, Bill Cheng, Vern ivesmentB urgess, Ted Dedson, Bill ilvesmentHayBob McManus, Gord Ritter, Jim Moorcraft, John 1 Steinton. won letyou own.Whytes - Doug. Hutchison, wont lt y uadwl.Goltuin, TomPero Alex Cellan, Bob Foster, Bruce Bail (Jan. lat). Hoopers -Bll Miller, John f'owier, Don Martin, Jim Go-ahead people b\uy their. bonds at son, Robi BomCyBM i: TORO)NTOOO13CMINION League begins Oct. lOth- The Bank where people make the diff#enc., 7-8, corontion vs Whyte's; 8-9. Stephen's va S }per& -(EXhIbition). L on- Na and the ,ard eOrono Post Office Opening of are The official apening of thel structure in Orono is repre-. ed that it bas a ges heeting ity. new Orona Post Office wasi sentative of the latest Post systOO. and held on Tbursday ovening,1 Offices built across the coun-' Others on the pietform and nd te lrge row attnd-4v were ari were introduced by Mr. Fon- vid adtelre rwdatn-trwhrwaanted by pop-'!berg as follows: Russell C. .nd ing the weil planned eventý ulation growth. Ho referred' Honey, M.P., Orono Pest Mas- ndwas welcomed by aph S.Ito the welI designed facade i e hre ry o otr r F'onberg, Toronto, District, the new building, whichha Reeve of Clarke Township, as Pulcspatct of' coete f--dt «-- ndJohn Hamilton, Deputy Reeve , ule Works. Russell C. soeo the attractive andl of Cartwright Twsî e ofi Haney, M.P. for Durhamltvell laid out interior of thei presenting MerriTosipnCamp re. County, officiated et the cere-1 buildi-ng. Warden of the United Caun- lus mny. The Orano Junior Al materials used irn theý ties, the Rev. Besil Long, E. 1137 Band played several numbers construction of the new bui]d-1 R. Woodyard, Cheirman of cal and the Scbool Glee Clbing are Canadian, Mr. Fonberg the Baard of Trustees, E. D. sang "O Canada".i pointed out. Windows are Man chu], Regionel Dîrector ,g Mr. Fonberg told the gath-~ double glazed and the build-1 of the Department of Publiec oring* that the new postalý ing is well insulated. Ho add- Works, Alex C a r r u t h o r s, M.P.P. for Durham County, nt. J. Fultz, District Director of «MPostal Services, and C. Ger- ber, of the Kim Construction li e P .ICompany, the contractor. ti ~If 9I~u jg Deputy Reeve Hamilton anh E. RincheirI behaîf of Warden Van Camp ti brought greetings fromn the a United Counties. Ho tald the ti 03 gathcring that the Warden C 95IIIamIu was sorry ta be unavoidably LVV W UII absent as ho is in Western 81 Lo ekien Canada et a RoadsCaon- 1< I 89 tion. ni 79 "It is a marvelous thing for tic 73 Orono, Clarke Township, and tl' 1 o ral Durham County ta ave ex elniP s f 38 fice, one of a series of sucb 0O 10 ýnew buildings being built for til the Postal Department ta ro i9 serve the people of Canada. Cý i6Liberal : Deputy Reeve Hamilton ai i3 ispok ofthe ondrfuljobvie 8 being done by Pest Office s empioyees in the disribution 6 ~~ __Candidate 1I 2uld e ie ehey oa im eral public. He aiso com- st mended the Depertmnent of Hc --Public Works for the build- th, 1. DURHAM 17h OCT. bi6 î ng of the new Orono Pest thi Office. an 6 E. Richard <Dick) Lovekin is bath a local The best wisbes and con- sal 4 practicing Lawyer and a Legal Author of note 1 gratulatians af Clarke Town- ato ship wore expressed by Reeve ' 4 wîth warks on Criminel Law, Divorce, and other Roy Foster. Ho said that ho 4 subjects ta his credit. In World War II he served was happy te take part in the as a pilot in the RCAF. His family came teoi pening of the fine new fed- Clarke Township in 1796, and his grèat grand- oral building, and pointed eut that it is a mark of pregross father, James Lovekin, was Reeve of Clarke in 1 for Clarke Township and 1867, Confederation Year. Dick Lovekin was born j Orone. in Bowmanville in 1924, and educated in the , E. R. Waadyard, Cheirmer. e Publie School System. 'oaf the Orono Police Trustees, extended best wishes. Ho He obteined an Honer B.A. from the Univer- spoke appreciaiveiy cf the f Toont, an. a Honr L.B. romthe modern Pest Office building, sity ofTonoan anHnrL..ro th and exprossed gratitude ta University of Toronto Law School. He has qua- 1 the depertment, and also es- lified as a Lawyer in three Canadien Jurisdic- pecially te Mr. Honey for bis tiens, Ontario, Alberta and the Northwest Terri- buildin roroanon h e tores.Alex Cerruthers said that Mr. ovein i a ast resdentof he Nw- the opening cf the new Pest Mr. ovein i e astPresden of he ew- Office is e milestane in the castie Lions Club, a Director of the Durham life cf the community. 'II con- Central Fair Board, Vice-President of the Great gratulete tho Department of Pine Ridge Tourist Association, Vice-President Public Works, Mr. Honey, and ofth NotubradDra ..Asca the people of Orono on behaîf the orthmbelandDuram TB. ssoca- of Premier Roberta and his tion, Rector's Warden - St. George's Anglican jgevernment," he seM,. Church, Newcastle, and Secretary of the Dea- The new Orono Pest Office nery Laymen's Council. is a wonderful asset, end pic- pie will be proud cf this buld- Mg,oa othe but et te kjn4 in Durham County, Mr. Car- ruthers stated. He predicted that the children in the audi- ence in the years ta came will proudly tell people that they were present on this his- torie occasion. The Regional Director of the Department of Public Werks, Mr. Manchul, intra- duced Mr. Honey, who has been the M.P. for this con- stituency sinco 196.3. Mr, Manchul said that he had been associated with Mr. H-oney regarding the prelim. inary plans for the new Pos, Office, and expressed grati- tude for bis willing assist- ance on behalf cf the Oranc cam mua ity. Mr. Honey thanked Mr. Manchul, and said that he, had been very heipful, anc ho annaunced that three rdher new Post Offices will be built in Durham County during the next year. "«I also Want to particular- ly thank Ted Waodyard for uis ho!pfulness in arranging ho officiai opening bore. He, has been extremely co-opera. tive," Mr. Honey said. Ho tisa oxpressed his apprecia- tion to officiaIs of the Post Office Department and the Department of Public Works. Mr. Honey said that the lcation of the site of this new federal building was left tthe local people. "I asked tie Board of Police Trustees and the Orono Chamber of aommerce for- their ideas and )pinions regardîng the loca- on. Mr. Waadyard, the othor nembers of the board, the hamber of Commerce, and Lher interested citizens wert' 7ery helpful," Mr. Honey ,atedi. "The R.C.M.P. add caler ta ind make any ovent more nemorable and 1 amn specially deased ta have R.C.M.P. con- tables here tonight,"' Mr. Fney said. Ho alse spoke of he enjayment provided by oe Orono School Glee Club id the Junior Band, and ild thet these youngsters and thrs like them give every-1 ~The Canadien Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Oct. 4, 1967 1 CIVE DIAMONOS THIS CHRISTMA$ Give a diamond rngq chosen f rom our select group of the finest quality - ail f ully guaranteed. The gift she will love!1 Surprire ber thfs exquisite diamond1 14 goutfl d among nagmntrn An 1euiu4k ann eggmntrn and 18k -- ---- 500 Make an appointinent in sve Our large selection of dianuonds Lay-Away Now f or Christmnas et- Jewellery & Gift Shop Cistaviht 29 King St. E. J3owimanville New Post Office Officially Openeci at Orono FREDERICK'S PRESCRIPT'£,',)N PHARMACY ý 1 p