g -~1i Ceidin Uato.a1, fowmnvlls, cet. 4,1907 jSPORTropicç Tb Iw OWniUVjUOBadmintmuiClub wM ln t uI! swing 4861%, 48 the 19878UBesson officialy acta uuderway on q hUrSdY, October lâtli, with a round..robin tounuent @Ckèd9 S or7:30 pXA.. ii Ic hePastthe local club liusbeen undoubtcdly UthHe i «b"iMl In the Central Ontario ars, winning may hap-Ho ses a nd 1 10lhPa. WhUle ther towns have seen their badminton fadili- t"c 'Qld becaufe Of lack cf Inlercat, the Bowmanville Bad- 'e4ntoa Club hlla survi'èd, through bath thc bad and good Hewevct, t la ne secrt that once the present club- lOabfrs h=9 up their racquels, Il could wsll mark the Mnd Of Uie sport 1ocallY. Tliaî la - unless new players can b. toaand. For yeara the Problem lias been met and uolvcd, and tialS s an executive lias decided te offer a special rcduced nmbishP te anyoris whe lias flot bclanged to the club previoualy. It docmnt malter whether you have playcd badminton beggre or are -a rlnger,,, juil moved into town. Xveryone wIli be welcemc aI an extrcmely reasonabie cost of len dOllar for a single and $15.00 for a family membershlp. e' ve been wrIting thus columtn for nmre lime, telling 310U reader Just what a fine sport badminton la, but un- ioetUnteîy our advicc seems to have gone unheeded. Along h1builaiunes, Ibis reporter had been urged te get out and PUaY tenns for qulte some Uie. Flnally we managed te getlnh a fair bit cf tennis Ihis sWnmer - and you know what? - It's a great sport tic! WOuldn't be Surprlsed that If you were ta give badminton a wlifrl - you would like it tee! Don't forget Uic date - Tliursday, October 12th at 7:30 P.m. and thén Uic openlng dance froni 10 p.m. 'til 1 a.m., th* followlng Saturday - October 14th. t t t t t SKIERS NOTE The wintcr sports scene lias been gradually u*bdcrwy, and It won't be long new until il h isij WhIle itVE net tac llkely Ualt we'flsec snôw for awhï th. ski crs anc gettlng mb Uiceact early. Ail WhO are intcretsd In racing wlth the Osha Club during ths 1067-68 eason are invited te partici the dry land trnining programme, which starts a wee j nay, October 151h. Skesarc requcsted te meet at Uic bottom cf the Mat Uic Club aI 1:15 Uiat afternoon. Shouid yoi srrInformation, qontact Jack Langmnaid at 725-41 Incidentally, Uic ski show wMl be held on Octobei 80th and 21st at Uic Canadian National Exhibition. 1t t t ,t t RECREATION DEPT. ÉUSY A comblnation cf hockey and baseball Matures thi recréation departimnt agndahe I coming week, si with Uic referees aund coaches linic at the Lions AUdfitOrium on Wcdnesday, October lU at 7 o'clock, Il wll provide a fric epportunily for men or teej bh obtaJa a thorougli knowledge cf hockey rules. Hl ymir chance te ilearn how te reterce, or If you have a] taXen up Uic whlstic-tooting duties, il will afford Uic twÙtY of brushing Up on those chorès. 131 Mrrlson, former N.HL. reterce and linesmar lett-ure on hôw te referce, and explain this year'î iule ta the coaches and officiaIs. , - e't fecreation wM lcoidct a sport thel atownand pee wee teams of thc minor baseballi et the Memnoriai Park Club Hoüse on Tlursday, October thrling at 7 p. AMI beys registered In Uic recreation leagues are In 10 Attend this event, wlen creats wilI be presentecl Vý winners, a Mim wMl be sliown - and we imagine the fi lickey Mantles wMi manage to put away a quantity o dogE and pop. As Msal, coaches aut a prime requlsite, for the r hockey set up and rccreatioil manager Bud Fanning a be hi8PPY te hear front any anc interested in devoting tinte to thls wertli.whle chore. A coache meeting wifl l c held at 7 p.m. In the ,A toîlun of the Lions Centre on Monday, October 101h. lettogether will hIveive rules, regulations, practices Orgmnling teams for Uic coming season. t t t WORLD SEIIUES Il hardlY seéma like a year ago ince Ulis reporter lting Our cOluntn concerning Uic worid seies, whcn prcdicted Uhal Sandy Koutax would lead the Dodgers t< easyswee ver thc pitdling-poor Orioles. Everyone knows wlat liappened as thc Balimore mou saff-came Up wi a record Performance, and this scl 1104.te Mexico toesccape the commenta o! our readers. LasI year we listened le tle third game as we di In Uic St. Louis arca. Too bad we arenI making tlet now, because wc mgît b. able ta lalce i a world sel encounter. Hope nabody remlembers that we Picked Plîlabui ,Pirates as a cinch ta Win the National League peinant. But wh* couid lave toreseen Uce Baltimiore collapse and 10w about those Boston ]Red Sox moving tram îlhe depî oft thé second division to a lest day fight for tle Amneri League pennant, under former Torante Maple Leaf manal Dick Williams. Afttr a pair ot errera lad glven Minnesota Twins i uneanned runs, Il appearcd thal tle youthful Sox' bubl wus about la burst - but they won, and with a lelpi baud front Calitornia Angelsamd fia Play-Off necessa gaNPdtMDétroit, Boston faund Usem3elvea ln thc World Seri for the &ri tinte hi 21 yoars.' Would you believe that the St. Louis Cardinals a seintg te Win Uic Serici Yep - Uiat'î rîgîl, mainly becai thOyhave & btter and more cxPcrienced team. You would Uink this reporter would leari, but the WO g0 again, Pollahîng up theolnd crystai bail and gettiz way out onthUe 11mb Uasul. Perlaps ws're trying a litt réVéra. PsYcholagy, lowever, because we're really rootir fSr Boston. And bouides UieY do have a guY called Ca YaéStrMakl dont'thUiy. fe Imerely collected seven hi In thome two clutch, weokend encounlers, 80 look out ye MWEMORIAI. ARENA DOWMAN r FUMDY, OCTOBIR 1eh W*~~~ OMR 111h getting full tilt. Ie, even maS Ski ;248, 242;mJ. Brnt 236, 2; A Tobias 246, D. Bradley 2 Liery elesG. Wilcox 234, 225. y25,0 A M ONTrH FOR LiberWyL Pinsstan.iAgE T-bar OD. Paede5 Top 10 Averages Bedford __931872 edn208 Bromneil 8 4 12888 19 e.la plan te provide n e e d ~ ~ ~~ ~~M . P o s t e r2 0_ _ 81 2 7f o y y ! 3r I t ,2 2 Brock -__ 8_ 4 1 12076l I u ho l M. G b o .- 202 Prout _ _ 6 6 1197r F ur6M I7 If Fo 15ound l h,. *,0. Patfield 199 Perfect _ _ 6 6 11 6 9 4 die, or for Four retirem n S.~M. Horstman 195 Harrison 6 6 11558 14 rears If you survive . . . 'Yeu. ~J. Lobb ____ 192 Osborne 6 6 11342 14te M. Cowan -_____ 182 Etcher 6 6 11362 13 make retular paients to k M. Taynlrds____ 175 Lobb 5 7 11333 12 Sun Lite ef Canada, thon, at le b s E Tyo rs 173 W ilcox 5 7 11415 Il itati g . oo bs173 Donoglue 4 8 11187 10 ae Fo j u itart re elving tarting Team Standng - Reynolds Nowlan 3 9 110)51 $1 0 a no t f r lie r, f 3, Foster3,Matn$15a0 veags 0amu Oe jurterf23r10lu cash. I C o v l e r , R i c a r d s n , H . fîlel , Raylrd2,Co Brn.l242 BOth of thon amounts eau b. naera 'is* 200 Games - 0. Stack 201, M. Tigle 237 tleayD.Pedn267, E. Coombs 217, V. Praut_______ 232 increasel lii leaviigjr our lready~~~~~~~M MPoster 244, M. Gibson 229- A. Osborne __ _ _ _ _ 20 dv dns o eei. S el cp r-D. Perfect_ . 226 Yeu n t su-vive to age 65, a YoUtm Bowlig im Bedford 225 minimum ot $15,000 wilib. E. Brock _______ 221 ilgtBantant Girls A. Lobb. __________ 22 zilght ~~~~~~ Piper 5, D raper o; F e - G G a vle _ _ _ _ _ _ 220 scI-up rlcks 5, Haynes 0, Wright 5,_______21 - This plan may Le registered as 12thadon .M. Etcher _215__s__a_ egistered 12th ~ .~Team, Standing K. Nichols ______ 215 Retirement Savinga Plan for income tax purpOses. riFrc ric k 10 B . G lan v ille 2 11___ __ ivled ~"- W right 8 MatI Harrison 21 ___________Cali Your Sun Lite Agent Today DUe _ ~ ~ ~Piper 8 J. Tobias _____210 t reHaynes- 2 G. W ilcor _ _ _ _ _ 209 N Dadson 2 J. Nowlan ________PASS207 t lot ~ ~ ~ .. -*~~~ ~' Draper_ _ __ . O C. W iseman _ _ _ _ _ 206 129 DUke St. B w a vleP o o 6 33 5 High Single -N rgî .Baly205 ............-Wright D. High Doub m nor 154,D West 149. . Weish_______20SU ~Tald ~.x..y -N. rigt . Bock-.202 U LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA their 296, P. Alniond 283. H. Bennett 200____ * ~We have rooin for Iwo Ban-20 This ...... Richards 5, Brooks 0; RO an M*~ berts 5, Welsh 0; Marchand 3, ~~~ ~VanDrie2. Sadn ta m gir S ani ne g u e o - ~~ R oberts 1 wsRichards ______5 LPTNtIIr. was Marchand _________INN Two of the rnany features of the Pine Ridge School's September Cenlennial Brooks- ------ 2n h îhSnl .Km el -M oan Festival parade on Saturday were the Curve Lake Indians in full dress andianhe225G. vinlen K. lE m A - two horses ridden by Councllor Ken Nicks and his daughter Lisa. The I i 2,G. oued - K6.Ki e- und- were to have demnonsîrated their native dances during a pow-wow round a iy 38 .Rîeî 9.____ . ,rîbe huge "Burning of the Elms" camnpfire later in the evening,P but this evenî and 34 uni. obrtGs29.H HL U the fireworks display were postponed because of the inclement weather. Lewis 7, Biggs 0; Bryson 7, is now accPi J imited number of trip Prout, Larry Pearce, Hk mel 0;ray7Br- applications for memb.rthlp. rlsLane, Larry Perris, Fred Team Standing eKTed Brown, Charles Bradley 212 Colng -~ 1PHONE BOWMANVILLE 623-3373 rgP oster, W ayne Porteous, Bar- Bryiso - 121 ryOlveCuti Vntoe eis 974 eason: October, 1967 thru June, 1968 Ho ke S he uiHoward Burgess (S.G.). Big cmi Ho k y c ed l MeNulty's Sports - John Hgh Sing- . radly hefollowing * iites will eavailabl.: icn FiroI Gaine 7:00) p.m. Fcbruary 8 - îst gMlerTrrastersRn209-1205D. Lewis 206, G tgr Second Gain. 8:30 m rslv .S. gm:PolrGrantFlintoff, a- Dadsonl 202. ger e 2Itgme e eutsv Rbos e oe Bob Hellain, Gene Hih Triple - D. Bradley SUARO Ocltobera12-stl 2gae, M-Mtsvsbes onas. Balsoin, Jini Rickard,S arn57 vw ewSosoryv osns msta; e, Mnbeso TaaHowe Edrnonson, 50, unLeior50Boys )bOctober 19-Ist gameM- G sa aryTdFry erant Gnsh an rthuio oy* XECSE ingan Nuigtys vsiaN.Brdley, tgll,,WBi Lee, Li- rc 5,But2 Peso )in Crlysa vs.Robsn am Bl Crossey, Ray Crombie, ton (S.G.). GrhLn7 isn0 ree5 a-VBAO IYL EGT October 26-Ist gaineMe- BMortRchrsnMr Robson Motors - Ter rY Teani Standing V *HAE NORPO Brownts aRbsn; n 'an , Joe Balsoin, Lockic Black, George Sainsberry, Preston 17*HETDUDORP L Crystal vs N.S. MNiGog etPu o ary e eth alBok1 ETDOTORPO are November 3-lI gaineN SWisoVas MeCabe, Warren Townslcy, McCullough B ru ce Cole, Preece12 use vs Robsons; 2nd game, McNui- eOic «c a SoîEssery, irv Gill, LarrY Brunt *SU-DC lys vs Crystal. He, on Carter (S.G.). Hellani, Andy MrhBill Parker *SNDC November 9-Ist gaine, Cry- Mnso Not Named - Bb Nichelson, Tom Wilson, Allan Wilson d E' m AIS IESDLUG ere stay vs Robsons; 2nd gaieearjerrison, Ray West. Don Cole, Dave Wright (S.G.). High Single - B. PrestonMN* ndLDE'LCESDLUG ing McNultys vs N.S. 298, G. Jensen 23ý5, W. U11 INSPECTION 18 INVITED tle Novemnber 16 - isI gamne, Coanibes 203-217. Lng McNultys vs Robsons. ganl 667, W. Coonnbes 556. A a~ a,. arl Navember 23 - lsI aie,F Senior tlxdeau E B R HP .00 pr oro ils McNulIys vs Crystal; 2nd Wod ,rmllx0; rad-u.uin and WIf. - $40.00 ,ou gamne, N.S. va Robsons. iTý ET ey 4, Cain 3; Lewis 5, Sel- ( ahCid$00 Navember 30 - Ist gaine, N WHV E leck 2; EIdher 4, Cobb 3. (st@ 15er)EahChl $00 MeNultys vs N.S.; 2nd gaine, YcarsAV) FW em tndn SCrystal vs Robsons.Can1 AHVST-Mmewilpy December 7-ist gaine, Mc- OPENINGSFO Lewis ______ 15 SUc Par Aduit -2c lPor ÇhiId Nultys vs Robons; 2nd gaine, Tuaker ________14 Crystal lvs N.S. nt Selleck ________10* Deebr14 - laI gaine, Grade 12-1 3 Students braiy___ 10 fhD N.S. vs Rabsons; 2nd gaine, S__Bradley__9 MeNuitys vs Crystal. EIdher ________9 F*M0 U RS December 21 - Ist gaine, FOR PART TIME Woods _______9 L' Crystal va Robsons; 2nd gaine, Sellers ________8 LADIS .......2t ..-Mna huFi MeNuitys vs NS. ______ P..-enlyhrF6d December 28 - ist gaine, RESTAURANTSERVICE Bromeile - . Cain 335- MEN .*.e.*.*.*.-.7 te, 10 p.-Mna huFi CrYstal vs NS.; 2nd gamne, 222, R. EIdher 294-208, L. C I D E . 7pm odytr rd Mcnuay vs1Robson e-ExPerience NNe sayWoois2l6-201, J.Pattleld 221,y Janary4-li gme Mc NeessryN. Gaodwin 264, J. Bromell FAMILY DAYS TO BE ARBANGE» Nultys va Crystal; 2nd gaine, 219-215. R. Bauwmeester 208. N.S. vs Relisons. APPLY 279. C. Bradley 222, D>. Brock ~ AotOrStiwSrie Jauuary 11 -.let gaine, Mc- THE 272-203, W. Lewis 237, M. sAbuOr BabySitn ecs NultYiVs NS.; 2nd gaine, Hateiy 250, D>. Ring 223-200, cri'sta Robseni.(. I R. Seileck 221-231, J. Tucker Jauuary 18 - lut ipme Me- 247-219, D. Sellers 252-226, n R d C o s S i m g Nultys vsaP.obsoris nd gainte, IS.LUI,4. S. 4yn221, R. romnell nstructi@n in Rd Cos S m i .Turys 25- Va gnteNS.251. la to b. arraimpd fer vsn a: Robion s an e m, M -NIh r 70, t. elrs 0 Nuityos 2nCr ine, Me- 1< Triple - S. Cain 729, SATURDAY MORNINGS - 9 A.M. t. 1 PM Fcbruary ~~~ - ~~ ., - ~J Tucker 659, R. Selleck 637, F N H R D T I I T A L T R D T IL S. Bowua P.Buawmcester 623, N.Go- ~8 o ~ t. S.B waua w Alié Win 622, _S. _ aryn__ 1, D lndi ians Recal E arly Canadian Days Mixod iLoque Bwlingý Bob GlanvllÎada _i nigll onFrlay, Sept. 29tihi the Mixed League wlien lie toak high triple wlth a nice 786 total. Howard Bromeli liad the only 300 game for Uic niglit, taking hlgh single with his 326 effort and mil hlds top place in tlie averages with 242. Onie Etcher liad a big 728 triple ta top the ladies for Uie fliglit and boosted her avcr- age te 224, stili holding top lace for the ladies. Betty ichols roiled up a big 286 gaine ta take high sIngle for the ladies. Other 700 triples were ail bowled by thc men: M. Tighe 732, H. Bromeli 757, K. Nich- aIs 753 and V. Prout 738. 220 Gaines and Over B. Mitchell 225, L. Stainton 231, H. Brock 239, A. Lobb 245, V. Prout 241, 288; M. Etch- er 2'7 257i F. Osmond 228, D. Perfect 25, S. Davis 235, A. Osborne 239, B. Nichais' 286, S. Stainton 257, D. BrunI 246 J. Nowlan 223, Jini Bedford 232, 235; A. Danoghue 238, L. Weish 238, 235; H. Bennett 248, 229, 0. Etcher 247, 233, 248; M. Tighe 253, 228, 251; H. Bromell 233, 326; A. Blanch- ard 245, J. Cox 224, B. Glan- Mixed Mcajor Leaigue. SePtemboer25, 1987 Pets Doibins 258.,2W Somne of aur bowiers had a Leon Connors - 2 field day on Monday niglit at Maurice Annaert - 29o' Lxet owi, with aur Vice Dave Reynolds _ 330 Prsiet Dave Reynolds Jlin Bruton _ 254 bowling a wOW-wow 812 tri- Teain Stiadiffu pie which Inciuded, the high 't singie for the evenlng of 3Ja& Pte.______ !921 A U t Uiof h at to Mike Suteliffe ____7 u88 Murphy for a flics 788 triple Reynolds 7 903<' iaso a 323 single. IIWe knew Haynes_____ 7 871: you could do It, Mike.," Buday 5 9172 One of the Orono gang, Buttonshaw -..5 8437 Maurice Anna.rt camne up Wright - 5 8390 with a 741 triple,-mlce going, Joli -_____ 4 9179 Curiy. Bickefll____ 4 8429 Last but flot ieast, aur Crossey ____ 2 8580. Champlion Doria Joli rolled a Colwefl ____ 1 8218 732 trple. "Doris this ja oniy Coole ______O 8044 Uic start, gr. .Pete Dobblns Is atill in the Oi'er 200 Average gItad for High Average. close- Pete Dobblns - _ 247' Iy folowe by Maurice Anna. Maurice Annaert - 24 crt, Dave eynolds and Doris Dave Reynolds 238 i oLDoris JoliI 238 1 Four tearns are tied In first Bernice Buday 234 Place with 7 points each, Pat. Ernie Perfect 234 field being lhe l ead with Mike Murphy 229 total pinta!!. 0111e Pat! ield -.....227 Ovêr 250 Gamn Hector Baletje 219 Barb Buttonshaw - 216 ]Doria Joli ______ 272 Fred Thomson 218 Fred Thoms-on 279 VI Coode ..____ 214 Ernie Perfect_____ 264 Ross Wright - 208 Albert Saman____ 258 RuaHlman 207 Mike Murphy 323-258 Leon Connors _____206 Hector Ballantine 267 Albert Sanian 204, ]Barb. Buttonshaw ___ 272 Stuart Collins 203 Helen Vandenburg 294 Jim Murphy 203- Ron Haynes -___ 254 Peg-gy Haynes 202 Gaànaraska Speedwcay 6 M<11c Euat of Kfrby Sunday October 8 - 1 P. Me LAIT RACE 0F THE SEASON 30 LA? FEATURE SPECIAL 10 LAP RACE FOR MEN OVER 40 500.00.IN PRIZES -TROPEr PRESENTATIONS -~--~ ~-r ý«M-jpe VA OMM ,,, ? , , ,,î ý