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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1967, p. 9

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913ELLES UPMET ACES 9-7 1 . You'd have to think that a gaod rnen's teain wauld 6ýe rictorious over a good ladies teain on practically every ___ion. Hawever, judging by Thursday's exhibition sôft- 1bl gaine, the fairer sex aren't to be regarded toc lightly. You see Slaght and Cook B.A. Belles spoiled the debut Dbf The Four Aces by handing the gentlemen a 9-7 defeat. 44 The Aces led 5-4 ater four innings, and pitcher Dennis iuSuljvan had fanned the side twice. But then the ladies *Nwent to work counting four in the fifth ta a pair for the CAkces, and adding another in the sixth ta post the win. t "Suîly" also pitched blind-folded, while Nancy Goodwin >Was on the mound rnost of the way for Slaght and Cook. Z'Sharlene Cain and Debbie Sellers each pitched one inning. 1 It was a good attraction, as even the umpires got into *,the act, but unfortunateîy attendance was poor. It rnight be b'a good Idea ta repent the exhibition next summer, at a turne Z-When softball holds the spat-light. J- Others who saw action for the B.A. Belles were Lee >.Skinner, Delores Davey, Catherine Etcher, Lenore Smith, %,Donna Martyn, Alice Chittick, Cheryl Evans, Brenda Linton, ý'Virglnia Fairey, Rhonda Kavanaugh and Karen White. Jin Coyle, Bob McManus and AI Osborne rounded out the Aces' roster. Coyle, who hit se well in the Men's Town League playoffs, belted a pair of triples and singles, but Osborne had bis problems solving the ladies slants - or was it curves. t t t t t BADMINTON Remember that the badminton season opens up Thi day night, with everyone welcome ta the round robing together. t t i. t t. Lrs- get- ' DON'T BE S'PRISED By the time you are reading this the World Series cauld be aver, or the big sevcnth gaine might be required for Thursday aftemnoon. At any rate, after five gaines, the fali classîc bas cer- tainly produced its outstanding players. How about Jin Lon- Borg - and Carl Yastrzemski - and Bob Gibson - and Lou Brock. Thanks te Bob Marjerrison who made it more enjoy- able by inviting us ta view the gaines in color. Liberty Belles Bowling Resuits Averages D. Paeden ~ rM. Gibson- M. Cowan Hi. Reynolds -- M. Taylor ---------- J. Lobb M. Poster- M. Horstman W. Coombs 0. Stack R. Mitchell B. Sierhuis M. Colville ___ ,R.Shackleton B. Coombs - - ~ .McFeeters -~R. Richards_____ BL. Locke - uo.Richards ______ -,~E. Whlteman-___ Bates - - Richards E. Clarke ... Hutchison ---------- M. Oudshourn - 208 O. Piper A. M. 13ryson 205 A. Berry --- 199 V. Gaul ------- - 195 M. McDonald ---- 190'fR. Morris- 183 R. Bathgate 182 M. Laurie 181 H. Metcalf 179 M. Blunt __- 176 L. Graham 173 M. Bradley 167 T. Terry 165 R. Spicer- -- -- 162 Te-am Standings 161 163 Martyn 156 Reynolds 53Colville - 149 Taylor 144 Patfleld 143 Cowan 142 Richards ___ 141 200 Gamet 140 M. Taylor 25 1381 H. Reynolds -------.20 138 M. Cowan --- 2o CENTENNIAL CHALLENGE 0F CHAMPIONS SCRAMBLE Tim's Swank Born Sunday, October 15t1, 1:00 pi.. Motorcycle Cross Country Racing at it's Besi ORGANIZED BY BRITISH EMPIRE MOTOR CLUB, TORONTO ASSISTED BY THE. ONTARIO CENTENNIAL COMMISSION Manage your money the easy way! Personal Chequing Account with free fully personlalized cheques to pay current bis Preniium Savings Account with 4V2% interest to moke your sovings grow faster SAnotber great idea (rom TORONTO- 93MINION T4i Bank wherpple make the. différence. IL G. LAWTON, Managr 39 Temperance St. Bowmanvie, Ontario il 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 20 20 133 M3 132 ý31 30 ,27 27 27 25 25 10 13 10 0 6 5 Averages àNamne Gaines Avq 4 Maurice Annaert - 15 24 4 Brian Martyn ---15 24 2 Fred Thomnson ---15 23 oErnie Perfect ---- 15 23 Don Bagneli ---15 23 Dr. H. B. Rundie- 15 23 i5 AI Osborne 15 23 6 Jack Bond 15 22 )3 Elton Brock 15 22 -Bruce Milne 15 22 John Carter 15 22 Murray Tigbe ---- - 15 22 Harold Michelson_. 15 22 Luke Annaert l. 6 22 Russ Halîrnan 15 22: KarI Piper 15 22 Russ Oke ---- 15 22: Don Oke - 12 22 Lau Wiseman - 15 22 Bud Henning - 15 22' Russ Hately --- 12 22: Howard Bromeil 15 211 Bill Orme-- 15 211 Bob Lawton___ 15 21, Bud Barter 12 21' Dave Reynolds ~ 15 21( Stan McMurter- 15 2 I1 John Gould - - 15 211 Ed Leslie - 15 21 Hap Palmer 15 211 Larry Piper ---- 15 2 1:ý George Bebee-- 15 211 Ted Bagneli ---- 15 211 Bob Kent 1,5 21C Lau McFeeters 15 21C Si Trewin ------ 15 21C Mike Murphy -- 15 21C Fred Cale 15 209 Harry Akey---- 15 209 Ab Saman-----_ 15 208 Steven Oke 15 206 Bill Westlake --- 15 206 George Piper 15 205 Don Bishop 15 204 Clarence Oke. 15 204 Matt Harrison 15 204 *Bob Glanville 15 202 Maurice Richards 15 201 George Stephen- 15 200 Norm Henning-- 15 200 Teain Standing Teain W L Plus Pts. I. G. A----Il 4 17544 il Jury & Lovell ---- ---i 4 16501 1l Whyte Bras. 10 5 17041 Io Mutton & Gould .-- 9 6 15986 9 Nels Osborne Insurance -- 7 8 16099 7 Selby Grant Heating 7 8 16093 7 Ken's Men's Wear * 7 8 15986 7 Pepsi Cola - 7 8 15796 7 Frank's Variety - 6 9 16314 6 Beaver Lumber 9 15373 6 Dykstra's Food 5 10 15971 5 Lander Hardware .- 4 il 158964; New'vil le -Starkville, Bowling League Thuraday, Oct, Sth Doris Tompkîns 199 Marlene Stacey _____197 Marg. MacDonald ___187 Dale Foman -182 Dorothy Stark 178 Joyce Stacey ---- 176 Bernice Henderson- 171 Ruby Shaw 170 Jenny Rypstra-- 170 200 Gaines D. Tainpkins 255-234, M. MacDonald 224.208, D. Foran 220, R. Shaw 209, O. Hender- Sou 207-203, C. Gihner 203. Gamma Won Op l__ _ __ _ 71 Ruby ~__6 Onyx _ _ _ Major Lge. The big news this weeki the terrific display of bowl ing put on by the food boy froin I.G.A. Manager Fre Thomnson of the I.G.A. Stai had his bowlers filled wit energy food as they hit th seasan's high single gainec 1334 and a tremendous 373 triple. The average per ina for the single gaine was 26 while they maintained a 24 average for their big triplE A tip of the hat froin thi corner for some real bowling Fred Thomnson topped a] bowlers with the high tripi, of the night, 832. Freddy bo: bad gaines of 268-274-29C After this display of bowliný there should be saine rea bargains at our friendly I.G.A store. Maurice Annaert ha( 797 (257-288), Kari Piper 79ý (272-335), Jack Bond 771 (265-280), curve bail artis Murray Tighe 766,, (261-300) Elton Brock 751 (263), Jobi Gould 749 and the high singlt of the week 346, Don Bagnel 725 (257), Luke Annaert 71, (276), Nom Henning 70f (312), Brian Martyn 704 (306) Bud Barter 703 (273). Bob Lawton had a nice 311 single, Jin Callan Sr. 302 Roly Coombes 275, Rusa 0kE and Steven Oke 271, DayE Reynolds 272, Ernie Perfeci 269, Lou Wiseman 267, Tea Bagnell 265, George Piper 261 Maurice Annaert of Oronc has taken over the toi position in the averages, hav. ing 244 for 15 gaines. Annaerl is enjoying his best year iî the Men's Major. Brian Martyr is second at 241, while oui boy Freddy Thainson is third at 238. The I.GA. boys and thE Jury & Loveil teain are tied with 1l points each. Whyte Bros. are next with 10 wins. The battle for the Dr. Slem- on mast improved bowler trophy is a real tight one so far. Several of the bowlers are away up on their lasi year's average. We will nol let the cat out of the bag sc keep up the gaod work. Sth Week - lst Schedule j r-r wl is rl- Ys h ,e 34 n 37 9 sf. is 9. Il e )y 0. tg )4 r9 [e 5 H5 :e ýe 't ve. 41 25 33 12 18 46 15 25 24 23 23 22 22 22 22 22 21 21 9 8 7 7 16 15 4 13 12 12 1 1 [0 El 14 o 0 9 ýJack Parker New President Goodyear Lge., r.. IEIM L hII~> A ~ ~ d This week teBlsble 1A1 the Comibines by a 7-0 score BobFou'ter vvinsMVPAwuadç cr 'Banquet and Dan ce, b Clôse Town League 's Season A highly successful Bow- In, presenting individual manville Town League saft- trophies to champion Ken's ball season wound up officially Men's Wear, Jack Parker paid Saturday night at the Lions tribute ta the other teania. Centre wîth an equally fine Meinbers of the winning entry banquet and dance. Seated were: Terry Black, "Moe" at the head table were Presi- Richards, Raye West, George dent and Mrs.,Ray Crambie; Jones, Vince Vanstone, Jack Past President and Mrs. Alex Bond, John Fowler, Clint Wiseman,,Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson, Bob Foster, Bill Parker, Secretary John Stain- Nicholson, "Archie" Crassey, ton and his wife, and Treasurer Dan Girardi, Don Bagnell, Vern Grubin. Curt Vanstone, Larry Piper In his opening reinarks, and Coach Ken Parks. Span- President Crombie thanked sor Ken Nicks will also pro- the executives, sponsors, um- vide jackets for the club. pires and the four sponsors, On behaîf of the teain, Terry Kramp's Furniture, Ken's Black presented a gift to Mr. Men's Wear, Stephen Fuels Nicks to show appreciation for and Walter Frank Real Estate bis sponsorship during the Ltd. for their contribution past years. during the season. He paid Don Bagneli captured the special tribute ta "Tim" Cox home run and R.B.I. awards, for the excellent job he did donated respectively by Allin's as league statistician. Meat Market and the League, Mr. Crombie presented thej The Allun Trophy was award- Hooper's Jewellery Trophy to ed by Alex Wiseman, with Jack Parker, manager of the John Stainton making thej championship teain and also R.B.I. presentation.1 the high batting average Bob Foster received the trophy, donated by Chartran's Hooper's Jewellery Traphy for Men's Wear ta Grant Wright. the most winning pitcher froin Alex Wiseman. The coveted rnost valuable player award, the Ken's Men's Wear Trophy was presented by Ken Nicks to the well-deserving winner, Bob Foster. Vern Grubin stated that in the organization there was one persan, flot on the executive, a sort of silent partner, who worked along quietly ta keep things going. A gift in.recog-ý nition of bis tireless efforts was given to "Tim" Cox an behalf of the league.' Special awards were made ta the loop's strikeout kings by Vern Grubin, the usual pumpkins going ta Don Bag- neil and Lloyd Hamilton. Jack Parker was elected as president for the 1968 season, with Lloyd Hamilton as vice- president, 'Moe" Richards, secretary and Vern Grubin re- turning as treasurer. On a motion by Terry Black, it was voted into the league regulations that the vice- president will automatically assume the presidential duties for the following year. the Crackers by the saine score. The Power House moved te, the top of the heap by beating the Banbury 5 ta 2. The Millwrights drew even with the Machine Shop by trimming thein 5 ta 2. The Mill Reom and the Office beat the Reclaim boys and the Fan Beits by 5-2 counts. Murray Grant had a fine 790 score te win the high triple award' and Walt Hately won the bîgh single wîth a nice 341 total. The Molded Goods won the high teamn triple with a total of 3471 and the Reclairnators won the high team single with a 1232 score. Saine more prize winning scores were: Over 725 M. Grant ----790 W. Hately ------- 776 A. Lobb 751 1. Brown ------ 748 E. Greenham 733 K. Maynard - 300---732 W. Hately ----341 I. Brown 323 M. Grant-------- 313 B. Martyn -------- -------- 306 Teani Standings Pts. Power House ---. --- 20 Molded Goods 20 Reclaini----- ----- 16 Combines 15 Belts - ----14 Millwrights 14 Machine Shop 14 Office ------14 Fan Beits 13 Crackers 10 Banbury---- 9 Mill Room .. - 9 Oct. 5, 1967 Averages Bernice Partner ---6 ¶84 Marg Perris ----- 9 179 NyhI Sheehan 9 178 Mel McNulty ----- 6 168 Lorna Adair --- 3 167 Fran Bruce----------- 9 166 Rose Venasse----- -- 3 163 Audrey Bate ----- 9 157 Grace Murdoch 9 157 Hilda Simnick 6 151 Grace Downey--_ 9 139 Mary Westover 8 139 Jean Burton ------ 9 137 Rena Bathgate, 6 128 Dorothy Richards 9 128 Ann Dilling - --6 122 Bertha Williams .- 9 117 Leah Grahamf 9 103 Anne Nickerson ... 9 102 High Single, Marg Perris 249; High Triple, Bernice Partner 572, Mel McNulty 57. Over 200 Games: Bernice Partner 217, 203, Mel MeNul- ty 206, 204, Marg Perris 249. Team Standings No, 4 Sheehan ----8 No. 3 Bate---- -- 6 No. 2 Bruce-------------- 4 No. 1 Partner -0 BANTAM GIRLS Draper 3, Wright 2; Fred- ricks 5, Piper 0; Dadson 5, Haynes 0. Teain Standing Fredricks -------- ------------ 15 W right --------10 Piper - --~~ 8 D adson ----------- --- - 7 Draper 3 Hans-High Single 2 T. Payne ---------------- 180 N. Wright ---------- - 160 Hlgh Double N. Wright -------------291 D. Fredrickq -- - - --282 BANTAM BOYS Brooks 3, Welsh 2; VanDriel 5, Riqhards 0; Roberts 5, Mar- chand 0. Team Standing Roberts -------- ----- ----15 VanDriel 10ý W elsh ----- ----- 7 S cuba Divin g Training By OSHAWA DIVING CLUB For Information Phone Bill Mitchell 623-7285 Alex McDonald 725-9704 TONSý ON TOUR DMAVID WHITFIELD RUBY MURRAY#0 Scotland's BILLY LISTON & JIMMY KERR NOREEN QUINN IRISH DANCERS Britons Outstanding Stage Personalities Sponsored by "Old Country Club of Oshawa" Thgrsday Ticket Prices O)ctobef 19 Adults $2.50 8:0 M. * Childr.n e $1.00 Tickets on Sale oie OSHAWA Old Country Club Members Bishop Sportlng Goods Auditorum Box Office The Dise Shop Eciahooda Sportahaven Martya Reord Bar BOWMAN VILLE Jury & Loveli Travel Agency Oshawa Civic Auditorium Camero's --_____91 Teeny Boppers - 9 Alley- Cats 9 Big Shots 7 October 1, 1967 Lucky Strikera --_____2 Pinups ___ 19 Ailey Cats 16 Caniero's ~ I Teeny Boppers 9 Big Shots -----7 Ladies' High Single-Isa- belle Garvin, 268; Ladies' figh Triple-Isabelle Garvin, 629;: M4en's Hlgh Singe-Arn- old8 Brnlw,20 MnaHigh 1r~po-.rnoJ Brnklw, 874. I L r- Richard s -- - Brooks ---------- M archand ---- ------ 3-- . High Single. J. W elsh - ------ 167 M. Hiegh Double 15 M. Roberts ------ - 291 r J. W elsh - --- -- ---- - 264 JUNIOR GIRLS Bradley 7, Bryson 0; Broin- ell 7, Biggs 0, Mutton 4, Lewis Team Standing Bradley------------------------ 28 Bryoei - 12 Lewis ~-12 Biggs 7 MutnHigh Single 6 D. Bradley ------------ 253 J. Perfect -- --- -200 High Triple --- --ra602 JUNIOR BOYS 60 Brunt 7, Preston 0, Brock 5, Parker 2; Preece 5, Donoghue 2. Teain Standing B runt ------- -- ------ 8_ i Preston ~17 Brock - - - --- - - - 17 Preece 17 Parker 13 Donoghue ----- - - -2 Hlgh Single R. Donoghue ------------ 241 L. Brunt ---221 B. Preston 216 J. Carter ----- --- 201 High Triple L. Brunt ---------------- !586 B. Preece -- --- 557 SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE Lewis 7, Cain 0, Woods 7, Tucker 0; Etcher 7, Selleck 0-, Cobb 5, Sellers 2; Bronicîl 5, Bradley 2. Team Standing Lewis ----------------- 221 Etcher------------- -161~ Woods --------------------- 1 Cain ------------------------ 15,~ Cobb --- ---15; T ke ------------------- 14111 Bromeli - -----Il- --- 1 Selleck ----------- c Sellers - -- 1 RGodHigh Single3027 N. Goodwin --. 302-211 R. Bouwmoeester -I 239 W. Lewis ------ 245-239 B. Holroyd 217 L.. Woods 248-207 G. Farget . ---- 228 J. Tucker ----- 205-252 B. Wereszczynskl 252 S. Mitchell- 230 K. Cobb 246-203 C. Ayre 223:.226 R. Knights -- - 212-206 D. Sellers --250 R. Selleck---- 228-2 19 T. Gordon ----- ------- 227 R. Etcher -- ------------- 219-260 M!. Hately -- --- 256-232-222 Btgh Triple Mf.Hately .---- -------- -71.9 W, Lewis 679 N'. Goodwin 693 J. Tucker - 647ý C. Ayre 6401J R. Knight 619! D. Sellers ____6201 R. Selleclc 644, R. Etcher _______-670 R. Goad -f___ 9 L. Woods ---------- 610 St. Joseph's ie I.owling League September 24, 1967 Lucky Strikers 1 -FAMILY DAYS TO BM ARRÀNGED Ask About Our Baby Sitting Services Instruction in Red Cross Swimmi*ng is to be arranged for SATURDAY MORNINGS - 9 A.M to 1 P.M. IThe Canadfin Stateaman, nowmanvfle, (kt 11, 1901 Mixed Leagi AI Osborne carne up with a great 823 triple on Friday ev- ening, October 6, 1967, ta take high triple for the men, putting him back on top ini averages with 239. He also took high sirngle for the mnen with his big 375 gaine. Mary Wilcox had the only other 300 game for the evening and took high single for the ladies with her 304 gaine. Shirley Davis tbook high triple for the ladies with her 740 effort and Onje Etcher remains in top place for the ladies with an average of 218. . Other 700 triples were:1 Mary Wilcox 717, Vince Proutl 752, Elton Brock 727 and Jin Bedford 717. 220 Garnes and Over A. Osborne 232, 216, C. Mut- ton 229, 223; E. Dickens 240, M. Etcher 283, 223; V. Prout 225, 264, 263; C. Wiseman 25:3, R. Connors 238, A. Wiseman 222, H. Bromeli 222, 227, S. Davis 245, 228, 267; Angelaý Saman 220, 0. Etcher 241, A.1 Blanchard 235, 233; H.1 Donoghue 228, M. Tighe 220, I J. Brunt 220, 247; B. Glanville 240, 230; L. Stainton 220, H. Brock 235, Matt Harrison 292,1 B. Leaman 222, AI Saman 229, H. Palmer 240, E. Brock 264, 234, 229; D. Brunt 222, 262; Mary Harrison 233,' J. Nowlan 228, 224; Jim Bedford 238, 225, 254; L. Connors 249. Teani Standings Team wI Bedford ---l2 Brock ----1 Perfect 9 Bromell -8 Harrison 8 Osborne --8 Prout ----- 7 Etcher ---- 7 Lobb - -- 5 Donoghue -- 5 Nowlan ---5 KDiSMEN BRING-TRIS for two to the FRIDAY,. OCT. 13 ~SM~ 1967 Pins1 14850 15215 14600 15701 14486 14381 15011 14242 13996 13994 14188 Averagez A. Osborne H . B ro m e ll _ _ _ _ _ _ V . P rout - _ _ _ _ _ Jim Bedford _ _ _ _ _ E . B r o c k _ _ _ _ _ _ M . T ig h e - _ _ _ _ D. Perfect -______ G. Glanville -____ O. E tch er -- _ __ _ M. Etcher ---__ M att Harrison _ _ _ _ _ K. Nichols - B. Glanville A . L o b b _ _ _ _ _ _ C. Wiseman J. Nowlan H . B r o c k _ _ _ _ _ _ G. Wilcoc J. Brunt J. Tobias -_ _ L. Welsh NOTICE Frein D.AR.A. SPEEDWAY To STOCK CAR and JALOPY OWNERS We have added a iarger englue ciass te our race ineets. Maximiumicublc lnch- es will be 305. OVH V-8'a will be limlted te one carb- uretor. Sixes and flathead V-8's wiil be allowed te run two or more carburetors. Ail other ruies In amaller engine class apply to the larger dlass as well. Seheduled. b atart on Oct. 29. WiII start on Oct. 22 Il enough cars show up ta make ltworthwhlle. Oct. 22 Is the ralned oui Oct. 8 meet. KINSMEN SUPER CAR MMBING-O-- PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $ 8,300 IN PRIZES includmng Brand New 1968 AMBASSADOR Sedan or $2,000 ln Cash; $1,000 Hi-Le Game; $800.00 SmaIl Snowball (51 nos.); $1,500.00 Big Snowball (57 nos.);p $600 regular gaines; $450 speclal ames Plus 4 Early Bird Gaines (Share the Wealth> at 7:30 Don't forget te buy the ecouo my pack for valut and save mouer. Many Free and Valuable Door Prizes THE HEALTH CLUB is flow accepting a Iimited number of applications for membership. PHONE BOWMAN VILLE 623-3373 Season: October, 1967 thru June, 1968 'Mixed Major 1- Well, Pete Dobbins did it ,t again on Monday night with a bîhgh triple of 844 and high n single of 340, increasing bis r average to 259. Bemnice Bu- d day showed her skill with a 744 triple closely followed by eJin Webb with 768, Dave d Reynolds with 731, Shirley eBickell with 724, Hector Bal- lentine with 710, Jin Murphy with 707, Doris Joli with 704 r and our Happy Birthday man (Jack McNulty with 701. s Smiling Don Wright rolled ta 328 single, Jin Webb 312, tBemnice Buday 301. Teain standings have chang- ed with Sutcliffe and Reyn- olds tied for first place with total points of nine. Buday and Patfield are in the runriing 1 .Over 250 Gaines ' i Doris Joîl - _-- ---- _ 287 3Bernice Buday 301 5Shirley Bickell --------- 270 Vi. Coole -----265 Jack McNulty- 296 Dave Reynolds 261-25,3 Pete Dobbins 340-273 Don Wright 328 Jîru Webb ------------- - 3121 iHector Ballentine 2511 [Bert Payne ---- --__ 267 1Ernie Perfect --- ----266,I I Teain Standings Sutcliffe ------------ 9 12072 Reynolds 9 12067 Buday. 8 12389 Patfield 8 12342 Haynes 7 11565 Joli l 6 12364 Buttonshaw - 6 11477 Bickell --------- 6 11448 Wright .-------- - 6 11297 Crossey ----- 5 11513 Colwell 1 11058 Coole--------- 1 10882 Averagea Over 200 Pete Dobbins--------------- 259 Bernice Buday ------- 240 Dave Reynolds ----- ---239 Doris JolI -----236 Maurice Annaert---- 233 Ernie Perfect---------- 227 Ollie Patfield- 226 Hector Ballentine 224 Mike Murphy ----- 217 Vi Coole ----------217 Barb. Buttonshaw ---- 213 Fred Thoinsan 213 Jiin Murphy 211 Shirley Bickell - 210 Russ Halîman ---------210 Jin W ebb _ ----- ------- 210 Albert Saman- 209 Jack McNulty 206 Ross Wright 206 Don Wright 205 George Bebee 205 Daug Carter --- - 203 Stuart Collins 203 Kari Bickell------------ -- 202 Jin Houck -- ------ - 201 Peggy Haynes ---- ------- 201. WEIGHTS j 2 2to 5 p.m. -i 7 7toOp~m. -j Monday thru Friday Monday thru Friday .o.. 230 236 235 228 225 224 221 219 218 216 213 213 212 209 207 206 205 204 *204 202 202 YOUTH BOWLING t - YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED - MEMBERSHIP: $25.00 par porion Husband and Wife - $40.00 (s to 15 Yenrs) Each Child - $10.00 EACH VISIT - Member wiII pay; 50c Par Aduit- 25c Par Child FURTRER DETAILS AT A LATER DATE m1 Va lue 13owlîng 1 ai! ý Imm- HOURS: LADIES se M EN e .Men"s e7. ý_li, - j The following facilities wiII be available: ri* SAUNA ROOM *EXERCISE ROOM VIBRATOR - BICYCLE CHEATED'INDOOR POOL HEATED OUTDOOR POOL SUN DECK *MEN"S and LADIES' LICENSED LOUNGE 1 - et the 1 1

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