j -t f Births Articles for Sale Articles for Sale1 Livestock For Sale For Rent j Work Wanted__ Real Estate for Sale Real EstatefrSl ei saefrSl hoas and Ruth iCENEEC potatoc. 623-2219. LITLE girl's dresses adiFE ALE colt, four months. FOTR-room apartmýent for cE T ut, wrapped and froz- _T s a d A K A Cecn, qaiyA Jacks n) a noun e tu ___ ____41-1 clothing, sizes 6 and 6x. Real!Phone 623-3090. 41-1 rent, and garage. Apply B. en. Cal C. E. M iller 98-598, D EfPHO S Eb RKW Ab droYt o- erCl C O I p letio n o f th e ir C e n te n i a l S T R A W fo r sa le . T e le p h o e g o o d t o . 6 2 3-5 2 6 9 . 3 Ç O S R D e e . P o e A n s 0 i g S . E 1 1 O o o 3 fb i ke t a . P o eR A N Project, Alan David Robert, 723-138. 41-2 __41-1 2 3 2 5 ,H m tn 02 Ï G _ û nîÉ à é- sigaingUTOM ebungalow, ESTATEle tio or îs b. 2 oza., at Oshawa Gen- - _ _ )2 32 5 , H m t n 02 L R E f r i h d b d sti g U T M cm bining, balng e il u dfrom ur l n sor 623-2638. .1 ora Hspial~',~ M.<UE frlale. P h ONElage Findlay cook stove -_ - --room, fully self-contained.[ bunching, mwn n ide-.w llbu rmru ln lerf1 Hopitlronraking, MNCaîrls 725-5934er feorrsand3.!- o. n fully servlced, N.H.A. ON Liberty St. . ero omnil 6LbryN 1IM. Irs grndon f avi 23-261.411 ad ne mal _____ oo stockers. 987-4877 Newcastle. Phone 623-3591 evenings. angCl 7593or2 rveltstbauii sldbicb atd eln ar m get ad elveedjstove. Garden Hill 797-2688. 40-3 __ 38-tfii8à138. 30tf appro uosntbatiu oi &MHlnPr n ra #ATR-ô--l--nd 1-- none .411* - rck bnalolag 236 grandson of Robert Bailey. 24-Hour service. Cli 623-5756. --___________ 4.1 bucks ad does, N-ERO apa rîtnt--l Parkwav -Sats-ild WINCHESTER Model 88 .308 nRE-gsPHOLSTandRINGgorchandbfadionodaranoorstWhail 41-1* ____29-tf high-powered rifle. Like new' al23esand breeds. Telephone bst 79Kandrigs, Peane and .,facton aate a htSUB-DJVISION bidiglot,seicdpadbdrmgrge olyot STELLA Acoustic guitar, goad with case and box of shells.;62-716afe24p. 4 - brîgh. 73KngWet, Phon -5Bros. hn 2-2 r lbctyS. .- ymnlte stre. Reucd oried-Akn$4,0.Tr. ISITH.Mr. and Mils. John i condition. Phone 986-4328. Phone 623-2819. 41 -1j FOR SALE Every SATURDAY 62!-±3!38-t-62-525. 2-tf 1 O E b drom parin nt nUNT NG ea - lo w Daan ,on e Payent N a te sl. P o e 6352 Umt n o n e t e brh o 1 - -iH rfr tes a d H es th ___ _ __ONE bedoarn-apatment in HUNTING eason wil SOOn B lance on convenle t HolsteinHORSEY ST. - 41edroonis Sthn oncRich r ohn , 41 -1 HUeN o eligfuntreordoStee nd ifrBowmanville, 139 Wellington'be here. Have tose unting 'Terms at only 7%~% Interest.diinOly$350ihîo OghaasnechrdHohptit HOCE7 skates - sizes 6, 71/2 or appliances, caîl Elmer, Hefr,112ys St. Phone Hampton 263-8450, knives sharpened. F. Crowc,, onpyet Osbaw 4a., nerlot l , 197. nd 81/à. Phone 623-2411.* Hampton: business 263-2294 aiod, Hereford Stock Ca ves, afternoons. 41-1 102 Elgin St., Bowmanvjlle. DlBEa Abothe4for ndtrw3,16- _1 o aereiec_6-29. 3 i aso, Holstein Helfer Calves. T NETON.LE -3 Bd. WATER and delivew.41 resd Men grower3ta695 u, high GEORGE A. McGOWAN STORE at 43 King Street West 40- 'iPone 623-2263, Bawmanvîîîe R i C ra unao, lmnuisd WES-Pu ndPtica63-331qait ritadveeale.,tion Flower Shap). Apply 39 -Foundations - Septic tanlýs ____ Vi ReatéB Welsh re happy to announce - ___38-tf Fred's Fruit Market, Highway ---- We Deliver 36-tf King St. W . 36-tf idug and ackfilled. Ivan Abrai at 1000w hio the arrival oi their little sister 2RCRbik,boy-s od'5 ot fOoa 2tf 11~1FVros2bdom Mountjoy, Blackstock 986-4737. PtrKwl r M elan e Jane, Oct ber 6, 1967, condition, $35. Phone 623-595 9 MG u nit o n y o t, r Uo /l so th 1 -tfOR NO 2 Bed oo21b n' B o - ft m 5.me41 * ba ed oat str aw , bal d alfa fa oVV 'N ote d P e t e r K o w al, J r. 6 2 3 - 2 5 0 3 do w n pay m enoft.n- 2at n ri A a ugHo tal, C strm nly._623-2234. 4 i kind, odd jobs, epairs, etc. nd GENERAL INSVRANCErAkn 1,0 ih ol unanl rbr a nil. A d agtranforFRIGIDAIRE ref ri gerator, hay, stored in barn, no ain. C st m Plowinrr _c_.41- u n d a b a a n a g r n - F in d la il sp a c e h e a te r. C a l i E d w in S ta u b , N e w c a stle , O n t., S$ 1,0 0 0 d o w n. A s p le n d i d m e-Jo e B r o w augter for Bert and Jean 623-599.3. 41-1* 987-4439. 40-3* Tree Patn prmn.Wl coroaead SonPhoneNecsl 52 King St. W. Bowmanvlle rmn re undy. Grateful thanks ta O E Do ety h - - - - -, ERI- RE T C Y o atent $100l ac ro modth. an9ans,59 or L n esa ew-32 7.stl45Sparkling ne bi ck b n a Dr. Eert and the kind nurs- gadcodtonunlpoe LUEGAS gL 79 King St. W., 623-14.14. 41-tfl--4-1__o lre6 es on maternity. 41-1 ocodto.TlpneBUGRS1 - 41 aletDelng ee nrne -__352 8 A l -G re en N u rsery a n d R e m o v a i THREE- bedroom n w homes, A . B A A R S 2 atrt n Lit ertyl Stn eet leve en tr ne.a d H iyw o en . C vel %2 32v Forthcoming SO6LID ok desr icl o r w r Phone 728-3636 'twa bathrooms. Cal 623-3950,tn North. In to on diio.ep and Iwem than sa on ~Y L . N carved, 3 drawers and miror. o rwr e With Real Estate Ltd., 14 Plumbing & Heattoinonge- payrent. M a rria g e C l 2 ~ ~ ; b4 4V st r e c n e41-tf 'Fr ak St.,Bow m anville. 41-1 N lnSt ow a vll rate entrances. M den ni] u l i g L t e l o Mr. and Mrs Ge rge W. OLID e oa d o n te 725-9674 - TOW NLINErs i TT W BE R M Mutton wish ta announce the 1 a vd, 7 ft. high, 51ý' wide 1 ïMi. North Taunton Village Tediv a te entrally located, apn e nt, -t tiSi t 1500.; l gnd choice of goo frrthcomning marriage of their Ca] 23424. î _ 41-tf TEeDES or ange o $70 month; available ÂFRA~INK BRINK JaeSt 1,800 on large 0'x 7' Lage Dannt i -ftd - ---TNERStierfacag erAmenammediately. Phone 623-5246. Lovely bungalow with rer.: Also excellent chienNw- Hdya' daru ge r ini D ia nn , ta EI H dc amposts, various N w a tl41iica ceA en-1 SpecLarg uf m. and oMrab es li WlHdeOvM.El1*iF R E E Z E R . _._....Largein Erue Dugls Combson sizes, easonabie. Cal 728-3636.. duties starting about Nov. 1 _ omadgrg.wi ate o hs2bd ci M . a d M s. esli Wil d liv r.Iandscaped lot. Has extera taCoos. laceSaudy,' VVÂia.LL!Tenders in writing, stating a new triplex, $100 ad$9, INSTALLATION ig$7,*edîm rage.Ti lwak btr 4, 167,cTintuy Unied size 5, fr trilike new. t1F111 up wlth Grain-fed Young iqualifications and salary cx-imonthly ent. Orono, Som- n11,0.Tri ragd hsîwa~igpiei r etn.Akn ny2,0 Chu ch a 330 o'lo k. 411* Ph ne 623-3090. 41-1 STEER BEEF Now. EnJoy p cted, m arking tenders on erville Dr., Phone 983-5709. PrRR. , BoV MvVIle !quc sae So an c r es f r $ 5 a m n h APPLES, ntc3n3osh, 31.25 bus., Beef atità best al summer. envelape, ta be sent ta Charles t116370 itrsu or o ended fis orpact 1 APP ES, eIntsh, $.25 us ,CrowhersSecrtaryof Ma- -H ATED--4---o---rn grond-35-tf- bbeauti lou . Inlot.cuatn ibitacuthoath Mr. and M m. Allan W ilbur, 1b ing container. 37 Prospec. i H NDS - 73e lb. agem ethe sBoe ear ofw atl e A TEpart e o m an fl oot ' on ition throughout. A king a bt n rh o ee ih atc c aa e a~ d ahawa, wish te ann unce t e Phone 62_558.__ l FRONTS 49e 1b. Arena. Tenders close October;1 ly d corated and tiled through- $17,9002t.63-9 8 1I ge e t B ad ew ate p r me t o m n il ;n w R I Terms aranged.A re i ng o i wih fr pa , ît forthcoming marriage af their ST BAKER Service, new0 SIDES 61c lb. l4th, 1967. 40-21 out. Private entrance, $76' With fast f1wn rotAkn ta nal d ag r tSh aron Arc n , aag ue, 4 1 -2 6 3 2 2 . G 4 3 -tf C ut, W rapped and F ast F rozen - _ _ __ _ _ _ __ l ronthly . P hone 786-2283. u b n - - e t n O at ey C ourt, N e cw astle ! I team and love iy b s . L s -W s n only aughtr Shaon Docen, nd ucd pats. G aham' I PI- I nmaculate 3 bedroo m brick ed at Ex cutve typ$brckb501a soJ o Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ONE 8-piece dining - rom ato aymiit Pank. 4- ny$,0. son cf bou au P yme t Pan.i $0 EBA E -2 bdmo m ux- P ho e 6 3-3 40 bungalow with Ho Ilywond Arsenaut, Ajax. The wedding suite, extension table ha. six BOWMANVIL LE $,um-apamt e Ye ithe. icely decorat- 3.0.0 D w W wt iigo n 5 x 1 wiltk lc nStralae.Phone 623-3568. 41-1 BOVMIAN VIL M LE 'uyPprmnt for par-u 78 ONTARIO STREET It tr lrg wil ak pac o StudaExtra LL 4ez largeenen. rlo Tt. Bargain Older duplex i saaIwt ielcpml ilse ove mnber 4, 1967, at 4 pa.m. '-a su e1te d n . rt A v r at $17,000 - $3.0000 dow n.i A ttractive and mo e n ed ir c a m. A k g on y $ 09 . TABLEpotaoestabl turipstiser 850, c/o Canadian States- j BOWMANVILLE 'usI Termsecste i prtet o 41-1 Hubbamd squash and pump- vi RCL aPO.Bx10,Bwa-i-3t-f apartment ta rent o hs 0Ar a Mr n mCifr ln-Phone 623-5578 C NRCOS LVIÀ-ndr.tobcd- .ao nimclt o-wrhi acn off, Newcastle, wjsh ta an- STOVE, 22 In., Findlay, four- DEPARTMENT 0F room luxury apartmcnt inl EXCAVATING dbuinoalowi aulaedn at tt otiu etn?'ihto oss an ten ,,l-rounce the forthcoming mam- burner; Boy Scout uniforrn, D....ODWeil-keptNSfaUTIwith lovcly only $10,000 down.e supled rodlam nteronSand, Gravel, Top SalI and Wa ma n ' bricr Xtleen, ta Robert James 2. Telephone 623-5028 after 5 SP SEALED TENDERS will b. incincratar, etc. No cease, $125. raom home garage 90 Acre Fmrbrickm ilin, onof r. ndMrs_41__S___IA S eccived until 3:00 p.m. I623-7517. 4F-I DAEliERVIC LE skýar! i 7 o h bamns, etc. Fstfow1 'iIWilson, Pontypool. The RCA TMEonOAcresa cos Wilson, son 7.50f Mm. e and-1 J Mso abl Raes.ndw i th ro on o e srai cls a b idn s w r o d ce C POTTO ES 75 b. LOAL TIE anSMALL brick building on 41i Raoal ae n edn hp Lovely Goad pond site.ab, brchus bm iltk lc a etfrsoI g, NEgod OMSAND Id steal fr V..A 1 t cre bmn god izepod, pe pmSaturday, October quality table tumnips. M. 50c of f on for the supply and installation age, womkshop or small busi W-OEN___ alfrV... %A i~ n Newcastle United Mantel, R.R. 3, Bumketon,50l. o of an electrical heating systeni ness. $50 monthly. W. Frank REPAIRc$500eown!r( 41-1 986-4407. 41-3 50-1b. b4t-ofat the Cold Spring Camp, De-,'Real Estate Ltd., caIl Walter 'EEA EARS$IlDw large 1l½ acrelo. eut.AerorsPae l: - WK~fIS~G achine $20;deskPURINA NEW DOG MEAL partment of Reform Insttu- ýFank, 623 3393. 30.tf and TORGINOL FLOORING h oe n brick semi-dptahedifully landscaped, it sh Salen T ak - 7 -49 50-lb.mchne $0,Ontahoemio sopid adgar-deoeriz ne frthcoming marriage Is $12; frige, $25; cQuebec heat- 501h ago ohn ow avile dero. Jong hatd rn ; schoos. Very well kept age, etc. Low 6/% mr-iAde nounced of Maureen F. , $12; wood and coal stove, PRN O HW Tne ouets-yb rraoal et mmd- Jh eln hogot ic6eryr aefrblne Ènay, younger daughter of $30. Can be scen nt Burke- PUIADGCO obtained froiniRoom T704, ate possession, 2 bedroonis, CONSTRUCTION and garage. ~r.Senay and the late Eugene tan Garage. 41-1 and 25-1b. bag of (Towem), Department of Pub- kitchen, living room and bath- Jack Ricard - -6335 ~ F lI~ enyof Cloverdale, B.C, ta -AN PURINA DOG CHOW lic Works, Whitney Block, roorn. Apply Apatment No. 62-62NwHms!1O. 1eV u tJ5er H. Reynolds, son of Mrs MN'Sncarly new dark Picked Up at Mill Parliament Buildings, Toot 3, 16 Division St., Bowman- FE SIAE nv2lf nFakS tMcMDnl ynolds end the late Herbert brown wool topcat, size 38-40,i 2, Ontario, (e Tpo re ot il.c0 j1 t 5 iieet.Alm den' Cal Morgan - ~. eyolsOsaw. hehall price, $35.00; Also, eight Also DOLLAR DOUBLER on1 365-1079). W aealmtdnme tTDrT"'l pointments încluding range.ý Garde I 1.JETAELfTl ReynoldsLOshwa. The, patfld N HlA.chais.sPhCorne eahavy far John nMmPhrrsanP-LS728-7207 14erFranCamt. -JohnwmePhllse tay Oclltober plstateo 263-2095 ater 5. 41-I* 50-lb. bags for kennel owners An $800.00 Bid Band, a of units avaîlable on a month- YOUR CHESTERFIELD choice. eer rBob Jobnston 72-35Po 2-90 ovrdale bloer 1stntg 100% Performance Bond and ly ental basis fram October OR CHAIRS Unte CurhINSULATI ýo ,mt-Ti fe odutlNv 0a 50%'I Paymcnt Bond will be j tii June. Facilities include SO THM EVC IfHwe-*9357 CEwt erdale, B.C. 41-1 bd, with rock wool. W ork- 1967. or untl su h tm e as required as Atter 9 P-m. Please Cmii 125 FARM: 9n mandhip guranteed. Freec stocks are depleted ADpstseiid nor~dotarsimn 623-5252 ck;1al estimates, Harry L. Wade, ADpsto$2.0MNY1Pools, sauna bath, exercise 'A. L. Cd 2-65 aodPc Phn etnil 8-26 A S E O RD ER O R CERTIFIED I z-om. Apply Flying Dutch- WHYTE BROS A. MacGregor 987-4267 aodPc-.96-2 biffl iAM - At Strathaven 38-tf F O R & F E Treasurer of Ontario, will be Phone 623-3373. 36-tfUP LS E Y.Koa Jr - - 62 58 -4 - Exeen sî.Akig$2o. Nurtng Home, Bowmanvills, USED wsher parts, motors, rcquredpersetof endr ________________4120 CR ThusdyOcobr 5hBett, horan CoseyMILL documents, which will be me- Wcxnted ta Rent --- Auctio aé- bhElizath eA, wifeof thneappliancea, natloally adver- funded if documents arc e- - e,-RE & BYAM ____I làhe 8thyerwie f hetised Une of fumnitume. Paddy's 623-5777 turned in gond condition with- G.*.RAGE, close ta Post Office _____ --IG eon edcio al f EA /#tGeorge W. Graham, dariMarket, Hampton, 263-2241. in thjmtv days f ah î cosngPhone 623-7324 ater 5. 41-1 SLESNG& EING Se cn rdcgonrae tof RALs'g 0 t er of W illiam , O shaw a, 34-tf --4 1 -2 d -e, ayrw se o e sn_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ S L S & SE C and achim neryfo r ag J e itools M em ber Oshaw a a d D s r c rnaZs, George, Robert, aili 24-HOUR Real Esta dt, teris oreic. 0 AREFRMtEclln th oeto n edrW me hree miles narth of Coboumg' elEtt or ulig.Bikhm.Pit on;-Albert, Prescott, and the roney down, $2 weekly. Add- _ _ _ __ _ _ __ nfot n cessarily accepted. HOUSEKEEPER companion ta OOune e v c t bPrcious Cor 0 ne s a rda , 21 K n S. W, o3-v33c m ns t el sa cho s lottte ah MSarBrcehur(MrlCsh eBstesceewpur-BUCKers, coditonsT.R.eILLARDtlve n, ithewdl lay. 65 EPTC ANKgANn'Otobrn4dai1200naonshrp.623339 TANKSwl. AlNDmk6Ze 9n , Trnt.Service was Used, RentaIs, Service, Trades. $1,195.__623-7694. 41-1 DeputEMiniser. mnthlyRNoghrs, wor. TILEBEDS th M rr s u n ra B il I H m i t o . ag a , T R U C K S - 1964 C h v 1/ -t n 40-2 728-0008 ev n in g s. 4 1 - 1 P H O N E P h o n e G raft n 349-2229. 40-~ 2 1 ,4 A r s N a k l bA k n 3 , . T r s a eBowmanville, on' Sat- 1-985-7160 (North of Oshw a). Seial 4C1504616432; 1 9 5 8 HA P ON 2 3-2 8 am u K n a u d ay at 2 o' lock . In term en t 3 3tf In tern ation al 12 -ton, L icen ce H i hsia h r e . f r e dH M TO,6 - 2 8 - - - -- Fa o s K n ai H l s mc1NAS A W : 1 3 a r T Y R O N E 2 6 3 - 2 6 5 0 f o D e d W E K L Y iF a s t t r o u t s t e a m i h s - f r , a a g i g c n e n - Bowmanville Cemetery. 41-11IDUO -Therm space heater, 30606B; 1954 International 1-,. and Crippled Farm Stock TRN-2365-- LIVESTOCK-' SALES' cluded log cottage e-jbidns ag saaml to ihwnh i.175.BURRETT FUR FARM VA N- R Q0 rooms, large livingromwtcntctFangheeods large size, excletcniin)1o ihwnh i. 79B 4aBWAVILLE .LLat Durham County Sales Arena stone firelc-e b M(IH, Lucy L.-At owm n - complete with blower and Used Honda, m del CT2O, P o e o g Ita c fm lcjb tro m.Om d eni o e mmag PT20r1O on Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. W interizcd for yea -ou d n e. Ca : M s. M R b e Wile an Friday, October th, pipes, 200 gai tank with cap-i $239 *00- 1963 Scout, 4-wheel Zenith 66550 <Do charge ta you) nesSing Horses, Cattîs, Swine, 1 inyment. Must besl1a 2-19 1967, Lucy Gilmer, in hem per piping. F. Ballard,î rve1Lc.214andT Cwa Dpt Aric Lc.No 6-C67'nalves, Shsep, etc. J. A. Idijsettle estate. 318,50 em.NA OHW:Lvl 2 Frt an of etonvlemthe 655-46s15. 4 o ClumbusE., BomniLl.T134 pong t ENEA RD P a kofth em, d le dmthr 655mies61 st.f C lnbus, E.,uipm n Ld. 3 igTt E E A L T A E I C ash on the Spot 27 Elgin Si. - BowmanvileI& Son, Sales Managers. 52-tf 1 Gentleman'.s a mar a m wt os n ?m ~~atheNothcttEllat TRDEIN ithensute, ___________21-1 F INE RIDGE SCHOOL for Dead or Crippled Far Stock. Picked up Promp Rete- hone 623-3075 The Durham Farmers' An- Estate Sale.15aceledyfrsbdviniilu T R A D E -I N k t ch e n s ua c re$lo ts.t oC.li: H am ry P r o mtt, at er or. un crl; sE rv- t sp ac -.q av er, lik e n ew , $25, P e ts S A E E D R w l e T l p on o l e 6 - 72qW A T V n__ _ _- c . 30 e l n p m xi a e H y t N e c s l . F s A o e v 3 b d g c e wa s H o ueld 2 ' l c k S u - b o n n l n c v r a d ne v d u t l 3 0 H a m pto n,_ _ _ _____ n th irt â y'th e a ov e g nu ps w il d e pe _ 1 -I Ph on e D E- --ER ----ing R ock m n (excel n t $7,500 - $ 2 5 0 d w .li i ga' i in O m m l to, ____4-1S f b ls- pndiRT aRSn xta), oters b Thn-Dyk 23-437 =cn2-4#pl. on the, occasiontaria.__G ""'ap 4 n dtemty as faov ENTIRELY upon the organ z- D6374DI tOa 3nd7,900),ml]: GeorgeThVan v e rs a r y. 4 1 . . 1 de w ell e sta blis h e ci.t r a n te n e r iCE x ati n d Sf o uE s p es on -FN g ts - 6 3 3 7 le n t), S e ilin g T r iu n e , A c h ille s4 - e - o d b i k u n a w k ptr c ku g lo . O - ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___T rade w l s a ls e . E -1 i u . Y u the PA R E N T S, L a n d e r H a rd w a re (excellent and extra), K ayn on lot 80' x 180'. F r p a e e t d w t m h o m . F n Ntc oCeuosCae Forage arveter cellent opportunity. Fulli te. T. R. HILLIARD, 1 must sec that it does - ther and ELECTRIC Farm Anthony (excellent and Finished ec. room.Pvd se I ~ o t cet C e d t o s w th c r i head an d W r t a î i h c t -140« O - - - oth er p op u lar sires), sellin g e t d riv e. N ie e l I l a d c p . se . C m i M m . M R b î Wrj alih et Deputy Minister,i interested persans arc so very the property of R. B. Brown, Priced et 324,000-31,0 "NTCT RDOS plckup - -------__* 450.001I 189, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Dept. of Public Works, Ontario j welcome. Retiring Goup Sec. BOW.MAN VILLE Lt1,Cneso ,Dmig on 2-19 ~iZOTICE TO CREDITORg! Henry, M ontreal. 4 1 -1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 41-2 V . M alco lm. 4- U O B D o o n hp ie W s 0 A R S wt r u In the Estate f GI BERT j1T40ctorLBtN15o, M ntreassiUB ICHE A I U M r 3jW W TON OW LER, deceased. r c o sB NK o o te l requires ton Tow nille nm ie ghw y onta. tet l w a vîe sr m i. P rl r c . Plc ýý .I1 persons having claims International 11275. w th load-1 Young man intersted in bank- W E E pU lans and n e G in e' ep r A T O t theDrstf w a rm. ers ash l'&y ar fi yor re, ooio s, V Dy 62 - 4 7- é gm i to n th e s ta te o f G ilb e rt e I te t~ ~io n l T Sî e m a wI l r i t ug tia r d b x c en ts. G ra d e c o n e R n e rt a n p os d as e a g e r ks to e r ve V a e s o a r sN o 2 NoesrthS le a t 1pid g entrao a i n w e r n -B D O M B I K b n a lbton ai ow man lle, in lIeel; îneof ontheI ipom rqu me. A plrt e ilag of Neeatl h ve.be nheomoe.fo Wblo ded on or about the 28th j for informatian and interview. the Ontaro Water Resources Commission and stny o uh m eesd " t n .G e n t6336 mequest.Lloyd Wi 4~y cf December, 1966, arc Plows . 41 -i whereas approval is required in accordance with King ______r xbide 4- her by ot fie t se d n t In er all na 3- ur o w ait R E L E T A E S A E S A N - S ectio n 31 of T h e O n ta rio W ater R eso u rces S t. G e o r g e S . Satu day, O ct. 14 - C ea * ng N ew brick ranch bu1l w a i y 2 - 4 7 Strilce & Strike, Solicitors for h teh; Masey-Fergunn 3-fur- Wanted for Bowmanville mmcm. Commission Act; Phn 2-41.e tn ielc e Esate, Box 7. Bowman- row, 3-poInt hlteh; Case 3- Prefer selling experience. A D W E E S i p e r r m a x m n 3-ihs ner , yar4ud ng fr an a ec, zom. Broadloo mr ouhilg. Pie ce, Ontario, an or before the furrew, on steel. International Experiencd Manager ta help U1 . J R O Tn m e tgo edrctte, ut. $22,500 - Terni.4 B DR O rck b na day of October, 1967, full 3-ftnow tral plow. yu. Join Canada's argest tion of the said plans that the proposed works ________ _of____ ___feedertocet ~rtIcuars a their daim.realtor, a firm with a proven wiII be constructed in the Village of Newcastle; miEA Tasa combine, 3 tractors, pow- C ili 623-3393, 72871 r osn 4 ce. 01 etd pwrimmelatly iof the s ald International 17-oath record of sales. Contact Lloyd TOTEEOEti .tagv oieta OUR AUTO NOW cm drill, baler, elevator, bunch- Tiepac.eicl923atd.-9c-1 I m ed a el a t r h s ld O W T E R F O E t h s i s t o i v ot c ecmte , h a y c an diît io n er, p o w e r T r n . 8 3 8 7 - c . b t . N t r l a o e Slat daY of October, 1967, the Pull Cftivatr G. Lee, F.R., Vice-President, Prevents RusI mower, miled atac$22.500 wîth t -9 ar.18 of the deceased will b. International $-point hîteh Dis H. Keith Ltd., 181 Eglintor the said Commission shall, before proceeding with Durint Wînter Weather 1 ,gider ing m tach cinev p.a-Ke S p.m.: #bfibuted amm4Wp the Ave., E., Toronto 12, Ont. futher development of the project, hold a publie* * rader.T ( n , tr co utv- Kn fokn - s 1155 ag é i t t e r o , h a v in g n e - B A L E R S - .C o m B I N C S 4 8 7 - 3 3 3 3 . 3 - e r n n t e 2 t a f O t b r ,i 6 , a : 0 B i s T u a n ýr 1 l l e e dr ny ocaims of whleh TRACTOIEs HE Bowmanviile Public- o'clock EDST in the evening et the Newcastle 3,000 bales hmy, 7000 balsa100 Barnouki --7377AtsHusua,<a hav-"i oictr fre Ne. Plumei Charges School Board nequires respons- Community Hall, Newcastle, Ontario. FALL TUNEUP straw, whcat, omts, etc., the Ros Gilbert - Osone 2-58DmMuîo 2-98 fu«te shahthn h v ola ible persns ta act as non Ail Work Dons by poperty ai the late Fred E. Roy Poter -Orsi 8- kilh i M Rsb. 3 1 8 EtATM et Ewnsanvhhle t5 Nse ,Yait Im May, 19618 boum supervisor. at the Pub- A plan of the proposed sewage works will h. Licensed Mechanles Peckover, selling at the farn Westen a aiaer ROsDwù-EeaySU *tb ~ ~ ~ T t-4,PoeA.197 Q ANlcShol.Hus 1:0an available for inspection in the office of the muni- locmted et Lot 33, Con. 3, Gs.~Hi7731 esVa>k-0378 .ý,h tit EMENT LtD.1 ing stating :ge. qualificq naloW trReore C o N.W. of Whitby). Farmn sold. Howard FVrer e elyAess 4-18 Phono41w -SUIns, R. J ia le'yTsas i naiotr 24re Cr sio ifits-No reserve. Terms cash. SaleHieUGut - 514 Boz71Phoe 23-n R.JaesSe'y-re85,24Kiý-1ý(. W. RowmanvlIle 1 pm. Atkinson and Wilson, G.sr. eta UOwamva)e.taro 4l i«Dnt. I e.Dwmapvil.j KiCng -St. E., P.O. Box 100, y S. MacIPonnejI, SOfrtay. le 023-3134 640-1494 - 852-3524, Sales Mgs. port roms 8-87 W LtPooMS 414 1.1'Bowmanviue. 412d.,1It 7-til and Auctioneers. 40-2 1 i auv