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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1967, p. 3

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Exchange Vows in Newcastle. United,,. Married in, St. ioseDh's LYCETT- DEAN Baskets of white and yellow hhasta daisies and yellow gladioli enhanced Newcastle United Church when Miss M~ary Ellen Dean, daughter of Mrs. Kenneth E. Dean af New- enstle and the late Mr. Dean, 'and Mr. Larry Gamey Lycett, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. ýLycett, Port Hope, were unit- ed in marriage on Saturday Amnnune New Realing Substance: Slirinks Ples dmm* d eplâ g M "W "Mr~.t A renownsd research instituts bas found a unique haling substance W"ihei abii tt shrink heinor- rboide pally. It relieves itchiisg aad diofort in minutes ân speeds up healing cf the. injur.d, halmmbed tissue In case after case, while gentày véiieving pain, actuai reduct ion Weaige) took place. Mont important of ail-remita Wefno thorough that this improve- Moent wua maintained aver a period of mnany montha. This was accompiished with a nsw healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured els andstimulates growth of new Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and sippository faim called PreertioWH'Ak foitat aildrug store.. Satisfaction or your money LiE afternoon, September 23, 1987, et 3 o'clack. Rev. Thomas Smith officiat- ed and Mrs. Stanley Payne played thc wedding music. Mr. Glen Allin was soloist. Given in marriage by her eldest brother, Mr. Rosa Dean o! Oshawa, the bride warc a formai length çoa*n af white peau de soie, wîth scocp-neck- cd bodice and long sleeves o! delicate white lace. A train o! the came lace, held in place by a large peau de soie bow, fell fram the empire waict- line. A floral cluster head- piece caught her shoulder- length, twa-tien veil of tuile, and her cascade bouquet was o! red sweetheart roses, white carnations and stephanotis. Mrs. Chare Floyd of Bow- manville was matron af hon- or and the bnidesmaids worm Mrs. Roy Austin, R.R. 3, Port Hope and Mrs. Tcnny Allen, Orono. Miss Karen Dean of Oshawa, niece of the bride, was flowen girl. The senior at- tendants were in gowns of white chiffon aven acid yel- low taffeta, the ekint and short leeves accented by white and yeliow embroidery. The trains o! the formai length gowns fell from empire waistlines. The flawer girl wore a fui! iength fnock a! acid yellow organza aven taffeta highlight- ed by white and yeilow em- broidery on the bodice and short sîceves. Each wore a cluster headdress of yellow and white leaflets centred with a yellow rose, and they carried cascade bouquets o! yellow shasta daicies and bronze ingle 'mums. The Comeeand hear your favorites played on the Hammond ortan by "Dusty " Shepherd FRIDAY & SATURDAY, OCT. 13.--14 9 p.m. until clomlng MOTOR INN berty St. S. Bowinanviile j Phone 623-3373i I* (br' Cea ners %Cln/cidUe ~GREMLINS IN YOUR WAKDROBE? Be warv of! mre articles unless you have a, written assurance thst they are cleanable: *high style,*speclal occasion dresses of elaberat. or fragile * mater"al, Bite brocade, lace erystil acetats, metailcs **surface design, often on sueh fabricza a abeve: beads, * sequins, llocking, embossed patterns, meire 4 mliks - sorne have sUif .11k varns onr way ef the weave * ouly. These eau beeome tender f ront perspiration, and split ln wear or dry cleanlng. Tihe colour of euhers mi, rub off or bleed **very mtiii fabrîci or ihose with xlazed linishes, rubber or smilar smooth coating *0 'o kuits aud stretch tabries - buy good quailiy by a weil known maker bigh style summer cotions hat yoe may wani te have dry cleaued. Some dyes on cotton are removed by solvent e -4 -4 'p.- t.. -t'- -4. SAVE $8#OOON H INEW Silhouette SToOWWAIJ by Samsonite Don't miss this special off er on this brand new, versatile piece of 'uguage. Regularly $39.50 NO Wonly 31.50 The *,Stowaway" alides' easily under any jet plane Seat. You'fl be I*eud te give Ibis new IV ever- night cae as sàglft.Yu b. s0inpreesed yen wifl juet heve Io hmeen yoursolf. Avallable ln attractive celeurs for both mn d _~~ J( er s geweIIerq, éa leKngstI Mr. and Mrs. Rona]d John Forsyth are shown mn the above photo as they sign the register following their recent marriage -in Manor Road United Church, Toronto. The bride is the former Miss Mary Louise Mossop, daughter of Mrs. Albert Mossop, Toronto, and the late Mr. Mossop, and the groom is the son o! Mrs. John Forsyth, also of Toronto, and the late Mr. Forsyth. Photo by Liflevars flower girl carried a basket Mnc. Carroll Nichais, aunt of filled with the came flowers. the bride, was soloiet. Mn. Terny Allen of Onono Given in marniage by her was best man and the ushens father, the bride wore a faonr- >vene Leading Seaman James length, empire-waisted gown Dean, Nova Scotia, brother af of white peau de soie accented the bride, and Mn. Max Lycett by lace trim and styled with o! Orono, cousin of the groom, long lily-point sleeves. Her The neception was held in shoulden-iength veil fell from Newcastle United Church Sun- a cluster headpiece of white day Schooi whene the bride's roses, and she cannied a semi- mothenrcrceived wearing a cascade bouquet of pink sweet- rayai blue thnee-piece suit heant rases, white carnations with deep nase hat, black ac- and ivy. The gown was made ceceoies and corsage of ned by the bride's aunts, Mns. I. and white carnations. She Munday and Mrs. Sam But- was assisted in neceiving ,,y tery, bath of Bowmanville, and he gnaom's mather who chose the bride. athnee-piece turquoise suit, Mrs. Lyle Blight, sisten af brown accesanies and carsage the groom, Newcastle, was of yellow carnations. matron af honor, and the Au the happy couple left on bnidesmaide were Miss Angel thein wedding trp ta Northenn Chard, another sister a! the )ntanio and thep Ottawa- Val- groom, Newcastle, and Miss ley, the bride was wearin a Jeanette Tozer o! Port Hope. avy blue dress with match- Tey were identicaliy attired Ing coat, rose hat and black in street-length gowns of pink ccessories. A corsage of red lac e over matching satin with eweetheart roces camplement- long lace siceves. Thein d ho trvellng nsemle.matching shoulder-length veils .dher aellsiing ens0 el. were held by ingle-rase head- rhntoen St., P at 5ope. desses, and their nosegay ingtn St, Prt Hpe. bouquets were of Pink and The bride, who attended white carnations. .ewcastle Public and Clarke Mn. Robent Wagar af New- ïigh Schools, is a regictered castle was best man and ush- qursing Assistant. A shipping ening wene Mn. Neil Chard, lerk at the Mathews Canvey. part Hope, and Mn. George ir Ca. Ltd., Part Hope, the Chard Jr., Newcastle, broth- noom attended Antioch pub- ors o! the groom. ce and Port Hope Hlgh chools.1 The neception was heid in Newtonvilie 'Sunday School. The bride'c niother received CHAI» . LANCASTER In a twa-piece blue Lucerne suit with winten noce tuile hat Tht marniage o! Misa Dorelia and corsage of white canna- lisabeth Lancaster, daughter tions and yeilow 'mums. She ýfMn. and Mrs. Sidney J. Lan- was assisted in receiving by aster, Newtanville, and Mn. the graom's mother who chose ohn Robent Chard, son oi Mr. a two-piece ensemble ai beige nd Mrs. George E. Chard, lace aven satin, dnaped velvet Fewcastle, was soiemnized in hat in deep ned, and corsage of t. Joseph's Roman Catholc pink carnations and white icurch, Bowmanvile, on Sat- 'mums. rday mornlng, Auguet 28, Before leaving on thein j1 M67, at Il o'clock. 'Bouquets wedding trip ta the Thousand fgladioli adorned tht church Islands, tht bride donned for tan for the. cerem@ny. travelling a white linon and Rav. TP. K. Malane officiated green satin dress, yelaow petal ml the weddin¶ music was bat and corsage o! yellow I&y.d b Mis Gloria Nichais. 'mwns. They are nuslding on t T IN ci El cal an Ne St, Cb un UN la im Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gamey Lycett, who are shoýizn in the above photo as they cut the wedding cake at the recep tion, exchanged marriage vows in New- castle United Church on Saturday after noon, September 23, 1967, at 3 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Mary El len Dean, daughter of Mrs. Kenneth E. Dean of Newcastle and the late Mr. Dean, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Lycett, Port Hope. Photo by Astor Studio Mriss< "e Caaia statesmm , owinmvmfl, ctil, lui Guides and B3rownies FiIIed to Capacity The lut Bowmanville je now 31 there will b. ne Brownie Pack opened on Sep.- more Tweenies accepted ihb tember 20th, 1987. The Lead.. year- ers for thus Pack are Brown- The Brown 0wl of the packj Owl Mrs. J. 0. Dowvn, Tawn i Mrs. W. Townsiey; Tawny Owls Mrs. E. Francis and M s. 'i, Ms J h ol n -R. Oostenbrugge, Cadet Bey- Mis. Bruce Bail, erley Heari. Our Sîxers tixis year am At the opening meeting 12 Suockn Gatlen eeA new Bnownies were registcred Wrcinýgh' a Buttery, Diane. and two transfers acceptedWih and Kathy Hooper. one from Wokingham, Engiand The Testers for the Packg and one from Peterboraugh are: Mrs. Liane! Tennant, Mrs. Because o! the size af the Pack Bruce MacDonald and Mrs. no funther new Brawnies can Elgin Greenham. be accepted at this time. Brawnie Mothers cf the 2nd The 2nd Bowmanville Braw- Pack will start theïr meeting» nie Pack opened their Packc early in October. on, Monday, Sept. 18th for an. Anyone wha has a Brownie other ycar of Guiding. unifarmn for sale please con. Eighteen Tweenies were reg. tact Mrs. B. MacDonald. istened and ane Brownie trans- The 3rd Brawnjc Pack i@ ferred fram the l4th Oshawa meeting on MandaY at the Pack. As the total number Memarjal Park Club Houa. from 7 ta 8:30 as usuai. Mrs. an her wark as a miscionary C. Henning ie the Brown 0w! in India for 40 years. She has this year, Mrs. J. McDonald warked in the educatianal field having accepted the Captaincy on bath af the Indian Mission af the let Guide Co. AMn. W. Fields wbere the Presbytenian Luxtan je Tawny Owl and Chunch in Canada has wark' Miss Cathy Etcher, Packie. The Jhansi field, and Bhil field This Brawnie Pack às filied She has donc a great dca! ta-* to capacity naw. wards preparing the Indian Th Girl Guides teachers for responsibie raies CTelst Bawmanville Guide in educational work. She sid Ca. apened their meeting an we mst rallywor Monday, Sept. 25th in the wre mue r ele rkfac o Girls' Gymf at the Hiçh Schoal. prepre these p oplte ta take The Guide Capt. ce Mrs. j. ove th wok a th ChrchMcDonaid. Lieuts. are Mis in India, as the day may so Daisy Reader and Mrs. M c am e w h en th e g v com nt o wni s B e n a H n i will make it impossible forBrn.MsBrdaenig themisionrie frm tisorthe first Cadet ta be reg. in the isconares rom hic orBowmanville District is nesist. other countnies ta gain, an ig entrance. Men and wamen of! TeG uie.' ali g ls the Preebytenian Church in now exceeds the total num- Canada have been working in ber of girls ailowedta farm a thece mission fields for aven Guide Ca. 90 years. During this time, h n o m nil ud placecaesgodhae tb Company has been formed in plaesom gndsoe bdaffiliation with the 2nid but the Chistian church has r w i Pa k It m es t moved steadily iarward. Mrs. the rPagi ck. Tues. A. J. Campbell, from Baw- day evening. Only Guides ,manville Auxiliary, gave the living narth of the tracka will courtesies report. Mrs. Fulton, attend this Company. brought the meeting ta a close Leaders are Mrs. F. Mor. with a closing prayer and ison, Captain; Lieuts. Mn.R. Benediction. J. Phayre, Mrs. L. Heard, Mrs. The Norwood ladies served Ed. Jarvis. This Guide Co, andi the groom is the son of Mr. a-nd Mrs.-George E. King St. West, Newcastle. Chard, Newcastle. The bride attended Bow- manville, Clarke and Port 1,Lteian Women's Group. Mrs. Hope Hîgh Schools. She assiste r resuyteri a G. Kelly gave the words o! with the Girl Guides in New- m welcome for the Nonwood castle. An empioyee at TomsH Auxiliary. Rev. C. A. Mac- I.G.A. Store, Newcastle, thetfIo1s R lly Sween, Moderator of Peterbor- groom attended Orono and ough P r e s b.y t e r y, brought Clarke High Schools.In No v od greetings from the Pnesbyteny. Several parties honored theI o w o he Offeratony prayer was bride. Newtonvillc ladies held The Faîl Rally af Peterbor- givenl by Mrs. A. W. AlIlen of Havelock Auxîliary. Mns. G. a misceilaneous shower in ough Presbyteriai was held in Kellysni M akacm Newtonviîîe Sunday School. St. Andnew's Church, Nor- an g "byMy TaskFif, acco A miscellaneous shawer was wood, Oct. 4th With 7à pres- panîte by Mrs Sota n ie munîte y iN eth te Cam ent meeting. Mrs. J. W. Cumming muniy inthe ommuity Mrs. W. H. T. Fulton, Pres- gave the Treasurer's report. Hae-all.Miss eaete Ter cia President, pnesided. Miss H. McGeary introduced in Pat Hope. 1~ îîa Dévotions weÉe' given -by Mrs. aur guesi speaker, Miss Irene shower was aiea held at the Do n Sharpe and Miss M. Bald- St.nger, M ile s i on ary from homeo! Mss elenNewtn, reton o! the Wansaw Presby- India, who gave us an address Port Hope, which was attend- cd by fniende employed at Nicholson File. Nicholson File presented the bride with two matchng tble -mpI SOME people seem t.o ha an aimn in life but neyer pi thc trigger. Announcement Edward Curtis, President a Showcase Cosinetics is please ta announce the appointnier 0,! Mrs. M. Lambert ta the pas: tion ai Area Manapr. Mri Lanmbert, Beath Fanms, RAR. Oshawa, brings ta Showcas Cosmetie a background of suc cessful association wîth two c the largest casmetic firms j: North Amenica. Showcase k certain that Mrs. Lambert, wide range ai expenience il Cosmetie wll not only be & asset ta aur representatives bu ta tho consumera it is ou pleasune ta serve. si. 2, Of n Ls- ý's n LA ut 'r COULD YOU USE $150.00 neri month usistng Mrs. Lambert, in !act every month of the year? . . . night frein your owu homie. You'll find more about this ex- citing sales suces by cott ing Mrs. M. Lamibert, 655403, or fon full fre.eiformaton without obligation, write: SHOWCASE COMMTCE 29 Quea St,, CobouMg Box 34 SE»D ME DEI'AILS 0F YMI M>NErY-MAKING PLAN - Namn StreM mad No. ........ ... . , . ..... ....... I Now ln Stock - Shipment of Corne in and, se the large selection ABERNETHY'S PainPsoneWa23-5431 9Phonon623-5431 E5KngS.. Pomnll BTHE BELI DHMEL When you support the work of the Canadian National Institute for the blind, you support a realistic program of Rehabilitation, Recrea- tion, Residential Care and Research. i Help put us in the black provided in our own area. Remember Durham are spent in West Durham!1 *we need $5,000.00 for services il , monies raised in West' THE BOWMANVILLE - WEST DURHAM ADVISQRY COMMITTEE 15 conducting lis BLITZ CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS MON DAY, OCTis l6th If the volunteer, C.N.I.B. canvasser misses you, donate by mai; send to Mr, James Bell, Treasurer, Bank of Montreal, Bowmanville, Ontarîo. TECANADIAN NATIONAL NSTITUTE FOR TEBLIND - Wr mm, p- raay 1 »»»r JUST ARRIVED 1 0 a Bewmanville THE GIVE GENEROUSLY , , , AND GIVE NOW

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