_BLACKS.,TOCK C~god Congeationa at- Womnen's Institute spent alwere Monday guesta of Mr. teThnkgving zer- pleasant afternoon Thursday and Mns. Lloyd Wright and vices in both chumehes Sun- as guesta of, Bowmanville family. day Morning. In the United Women's Institute.. Callers with the Roy anc nt 10 a.m. the choir rendered Mr. Earl Dorrel apent last Bill Ferguson's on Monday a lovel3r anthem, "Praise Ye week with the Roger Dor- weme Rev. F. M. Ferguson, the Lord" from Psalm 150.eUs, Ottawa. ýMiss Pauline Ferguson, Mr. Rev. P. Romeril deiivered anMran r.Gro togDu Bekre.M.ad --mpressive sermon from the adMr. and Mrs. ordo tongDeu.GrBntkberg, Mm.anc <~ext, IWr there flot tenad e? Where are the McKee attended the 401h family, ail of Toronto; and ~1ie?"wedding anniversamy of Mr. Mr. and Mmi. George Dunbar .~aves "Hme estvalwasand Mns. Ros Curtis, Orillia, and family, Scarbrough. Observed nSt John'reialChumc which was held at the home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, at 1:1. ed.RSC. ohse urhof Mr. and Mmi. Bruce Curtis, Lloyd aud Eale vislted Mr. et 115vemy fine .seron ve Richmond Hill, Satumday ev. and Mrs. Edgar Horn, Osh- aGiverus tiesedayonurodaiyening. awa, Sunday. rd"G e ahskd h itritaiYMm. and Mns. Ron Drink- Mr. and Mms. Ray Lammer, orreal? TH sed chutrch as ae and familý', Ottawa, Pickering, and Mr. and Mms. beatifll deoraed 'w'thMisses Mable Van Camp, Tor- Don Chislett, Whitby, were btfru, v egetable and oento, and Helen Van Camp, Sunday guests of Mns. Alma frhicheegies nd b Rev. Oshawa, weme weekend guests Fowler. Rose and Port Fenry Hospital of Mns. W. W. Van Camp. Mr. Jh H en Bwan- aftem the service. Congratulations ta Mr. and ville, setteweedwt Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal- Mmi. Leonard Chamberlain bis gandmother, Mrs. L. 0dlm left last Wednesday for (Joan Bradburn) who were Henry- Plorida for the winter' mamied ln the United Çhurch Mr. and Mmi. Melville Sam- To'scosisMr ad n.on Saturday. ells and family were Monday Jack Pousainso! r nwall Mr. and Mns. Vincent Ar- supper guests o! Mr. and Mmi. England, and Mr. and Mrs. cher. Bowmanville, and Mr. KnehSmis John Brais of Claremont,land Mmi. Maurice Samells and Mr. and Mrs. John Mew Ont., were Wednesday guests family, Peterborough, were and family and Mr. Richard of Mr. and Mmi. Tom Hodge Saturday evening d in n er Mew, Toronto, spent Sunday and boys and Mmi. Argue. guests af Mr. and Mns. Tenny- with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs Smitb son Sameils. Beacock. returned home Tuesday from Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Deally Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Brad- a pleasant wcek's holiday and Tracy, Toronto, were burn and Jim and Miss Mar- witb hem daughtems and us. Saturday guests and Mr. and ion Bradbumn, Toronto, Mr. banda in Ottawa and Kempt- Mns. Barry Dunsmoor and and Mmi. George Chamber- ville. children, Brampton, w e r e ain, Renfrew, and Mr. Ray Mmi. WilI Dugan and Mmi. Monday guests of the Ken Burns, Bockvilie, were week- Vincent Loucks, Min den, Dunsmoors. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. vluited Mr. and Mmi. Wilbert Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin Joe Bmadburn and Roy. Archer, Thursday. and Miss Lauma, Oshawa, Mr. and Mms. Jack Chap- Twelve ladies of Blackstocklvisited Mr. and Mmi. Will man and Lynda, Port Pemry, Forden, Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Mahaffy M r. and Mrs. Cameron Por- and boys were Sunday supper ter and Sean and Mmi. C. Hill guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. *were Sunday aupper gucîts of Harris and Jim. Mr. and Mmi. Stan Rahm. Wonien's Institut. Rev. and Mmi. C. H. Fengu- The October meeting of the son, Don Mlii, called Sunday Womcn's Institute was held afternoon and Rev. and Mrs. in the Township Hall Wed- Merrill Ferguson, Miss Paul- nesday evening with mem- ine Ferguson and Mr. Doug. bers of Nestieton W. I. and Beckberger, Toronto, and Mm. Shirley W. 1. as guests. and Mmi. Stan Rahm weme After opening exercises, *Monday dinner guests cf Mmi. minutes, reports, etc. and Cecil ill.eading o! the resolutions, the *Miss Janice Byers and Mn. sccretary Mmi. L. Thompion Les. Bushfield, Guelph, weme showed the birthday gift for weekend guests of Mn. and the adopted boy in Hong Mmi. Murray Byems. Kong. This was a roll of film Mn. and Mmi. Jimf Byers of Expo. A projector had spent Sunday with the Sedg- been sent to hlm earlier. wîcks at Nomwood. Theme was a discussion me "bEN£50Sgt. K. Stmang, Tom and bus trip to Area Convention. Steven, Ottawa, spent the Mmi. McArthum is delegate to weekend with hem parents, this convention. *Mm. and Mrs. Ernest Larmner President Mms. H. Bailey and the other members of theItoucdhegstpakr Larmer famlly. Mmi. Sam Cawker, wbo gave Mmi. P. F. Macnab, Oshawa, an intemesting talk on the the Strangi and Mm. and Mri. "Plastic Industry", as Indus- Trieu Ernest Larmer were Sunday tries was the theme for thel dinner guests f h Glenn eeig She aise spoke some, flI MLarmers. on Leademship. Iu . n iMm. and Mmi. Rud Heaslip, Miss Bonnie Malcolm, Nes- C8bBERToronto, spent the wcekend tieton, gave an instrumental with Mr. and Mms. Harry Van and Mms. George Hcaslip ead Camp.i a Centenniai Poem and~ Pray- J Mrs. Blanch Armstrong, er. Mrs. Tipp of Shirley IM MERToronto, and Mmm. Gladys W. I. showed pictumes of their y et? ,Por Perry, :pent the trip thmough the Atlantic Pro- Wallace Marlow. Gmoup Leader Mmi. Mervyn Mm. and Mmi. Nomman Dy- Graham thanked the visitors sart, Peterborough, and Miss for the splendid program. Betty MeArthur, Tomeonto, Mmi. Perey Van Camp read It' gigeraiespent the weekend with their the eply to the motte, "Long. 1t's inge alemother, Mms. J. A. McArthur. bard miles change to smiles that's deliciously Miss Ida Dempsey hs spcnd- when theme is industmy for diferet.Ing a few days with friendi ail", which had been prepar- dif'e n Stratiord. ed by Mrs. Cecil Hill. Mn.1 Mr. and Mmi. Ralph Larmer. Ray Bradburn gave Currenti The unique flavor and family weme hostesses for Events. The moll call, "An f and darker amber the Larmers, that is, Mm. and industmy our grandfathers didl colois romMrs. Ernest Lammer; Mm. and not know" was well answer-î colo is romMrs. Harvey Yellowlees and ed. Meeting closed with theI an original recipe family, Solina; Mr. and Mmi. Queen. Lunch was semved by K. Strang and boys, Ottawa; the group in charge. treasured by Mr. and Mmi. Glenn Lammer Mrs. Allan Beacock on be-f Wilson's and boys, on Satumday even- hall of the visiting Institutes' ing. Duing the evcning thanked the Biackstock ladiesi for 92 years. Glenn and Morion were for their hospitality. There pleasantly sumpised and pre- wcmc 51 ladies present. sented with a gift in honour Weddlng Annivemuary et their lflth wedding anni-- In September 1927 at Green- versary.bank, Bemnice Rodd and Berit Students attending coîleges Gibson were united in mar- and at their home for Thanks-- nage. giving - Misses Mary Brad- September 30, 1967, Mm. and n e e burn, Elizabeth Thompion Mmi. Gibson celebmated their Nancy Doreil, Lynda Kyte' 4th annivemsary at their Judi Swain, Margaret Carna- home in Blackstock. They Nf ERghan, Judy Cochrane,' Nancy farmed near Greenbank until §MUERStaniland, Sharon Lammen- 1939 wben they moved ta GINGER ALE Mesrs. Ray Mountjoy, Denni.; Catwight Township. In 1966, cLaughlln, Larny Hoskin having sold their famm, they A26 Lloyd Tnewin; possibly morý moved te the village of Black- whom I did not sec, stock.. Mr., Gibson. was for cd pouing -tea-durîngt-he aftemnoan and cvening. The young people et yelverton, Can dawbcmc the Gibsona had ie @.-vings Bonds befome moving te Blackstock, 1967/68 Serles. sre a deliciou lnch,in thc door and their daughter .Buy yours now for cash and daughter-in-law ecm or by instalments. Fcdsem in esnt rei balnc i esy Oshawa, Uxbridge, Gen OnIy 5% down -ba nc ine y bank, angtFelo Falls, Hamilton, Prince Albert payments over a year. and other points. Now available at ail branches. KENDAL A pleasant evening was spent in the Sunday school noom on Thurdaay lait wben the Kendai U.C.W. wene hem- besses te the ladies from Shi- lah and Newtonviile. Aften a short devotionai peiod, pic. I ures o! Scotland and Eng- land were shown by Morion Ba n k o Montreal McKelvey with commentany by Catherine Stewart. These Canads Firet Banlk pcue ere'a~ken n:n tnIp abnoad. Lunch was semv- cd by thc Kendal ladies and auo0=1 hour was spent by all. - - --- * Thanketing Sunday wui gosev'ed andey T. 3 eI.a on bbc celebrat- T. J. nel. __ cn f God'u Godeus. The1 ~ v w~* * w choir sang a number, wthIgWVUpuwCu uW1 r. MM A. Foster at the organ.r in e s0 c SNext Sunday is our Fail An- Manvers Township Council venu bcwvnship. nvmayand lb la hoped that met on Tuesday with ail Application will b. made theme wl b. a good attend- members <,<resent -and Reeve b the, iDepantment of High- anc.. Rev. T. Smith o! New- Lewis M Gil presidlng. wa'ys for raad subsidy up ta -castie wil pmeach and thc The Departnient of High- September 30M, 1967, Welcome Quartette will pro- ways will b. nobified that The Assessment roCI m ne- vide the music. On the foi- Manvers township would like turncd by Asiessar Alfred lowing Wednemday a Tumk<ey to seetthe section of Boundary Jchnston for 1968 taxes was Dinner will be served at .5, 6 road between bhc townships accepted. and 7 p.m. Get your tickets o! Manvemi and Canbwrigh Reeve Lewis McGill, Coun- Searly. etunned ta the two town- cIllor Alvin Mitchell and Mmi. Reg. Eiliatt and Joyce ships if and when they wish Road Supenintendent Maurice spent Thankigiving weekend bo dispose o! the surplus lanji Bradley wene appointed as a in Ottawa and Montreal andnow uiider its contrai.' . comniittee to lacabe a gravel attended Expo, A by-law was inbroduced te auppiy for bhe township. In a letten received from mnake application te thc On- A by-law was intnoduced te youm regular correspondent, tario Municipal Board for a estabflsh a bwo yeam term for >Mmi. Mercer, wc are glad te '<Quicting Order" ta establiih members o! Council and report that she ls pmogesing its proper area, and boundan- Schaol Board. After tbc said favoumably in the Private ici and or the lega.l existence by--law neccived the requir- Patients' Pavilion at bhc Gen- and carporitte statua o! a cd bhmce readings it was duly eral Hospital, Toronto.- municipality. After bhe said passed, sigiied, sealed and Miss Catherine Stewart and by-law receÈved the rcquined numbemcd 1454. Due te the Miss Marion McKelvey had thmec readigi, it was duly incmeasing costs of holding dinner with Misses Laura passed, signed, seaied and annual elections, (Vatem's lit ond Bessie Hamilton o! Zion numbered 1453. printing, advemtising, ballet on Thanksgiving Day. Consenti weme issued for printîng, election staff, hall Some- membens of our Wo. bhrcc land sales: McGilI ta rentaI, etc.), it wos deemed men's Instibute were enter- McGill in lot 18, concession 9; advisable ta tmy tbc two year tained by tbe Momish Insti- Curtis to Bazinet in lot 10, terni. bute on Tucsday. October 3. concession 1; McCaskill ta The Reeve Lewis" McGil Smith in lot 23, concession 11. and Clemk Rois Davidien Twenty copies of "The Rail- were authonizcd te enter in- Memorial Hospital ing His" which is a histomy ta an agreement with Queen's P of Manvers township, will be University for the sale o! un- Wekl R pot pesented te the Manvers wanted dagi or cats fon me- WeelyRep rt Township Public S choo seamch purposes uinder Hu- Board for the new Central mane came conditions. Week o! Oct. 2-8 inclusive School library. ' Communications mec e i v c d Admissions------------------- 78 A by-law was introduced and read weme fmom the Dept. Birts-3 maie, 9 female __ 12 and pasied ta authorize Cen- of Municipal Affairs me Discbarges 78 tral Community Telephone "Quleting O md er" by-law; Major operations ----. 7 Co. Ltd. toeect and main- Depb. of Highways concerning1 Miner openations 26 tain polcu, cables, ducts, Boundamy betwcen Cartwright1 Ememgency teatmcnts __ 100 wireî, etc. upon the high- iand Manvers townships; Com-c Visiting houri 3-8 p.m. daily ways, roads or lanes in Man- munity Planning Bmanch rei 'essr. Donevan & Flelshmaxi Mesrvyo Jurt a b-lvsfo:tr e Cnda ttsiEwmnllOt 1 N in Bethany; Railway Trans- wt Thankadgiv ee r ircyamdsue port Committee e Flasher at- Letters were read by the the* need of represetativm Maner Sttin.secretary fo h U.C.W. fo the U.C.W. to he Chrb. Manves Staion.foster cld, Kwong Yuk tian Education commýitteaaMd T he followig Uccounts Chun of China. the need for more teachersla were ordered paid: Road Voucher No. 10 for road ac- The date for the annual the Sunday School. count includIng new grader, Bazaar and Afternoori Tea Ms. Allan Beer uowd a $36,38 1.54, Toronto - Domidnion ws set for November 18th, film on "#Our Canadian Ing.r< Bank, borrowed money for with. M. Earl Weatheilt dian", partcularly thos. new school paid in full out appointed au convenor and to northern Manitoba, and r:. of debenture funds, $374,000; arrange for helpers. 1 lating the wok of the United4 Manvers Township Publie New members for the juii- Church in that area. " School Boardfo -blaceof or choir require new gowns Canadian Indians jneed Op- debentue funds 6,3.0 and the U.C.W. wil provide undrstanding. Ther cSnce Charles Morton, mileage for the mnatemial, with Mxls. Tho.- tion of Urne la so difretc1w Dog Control, building inpc mas Jackson volunteering to that of the white man," smel, tion, etc. $9.70; Lindsay post makether. Ms. Beer. for advertising $16.87; Cana- Mmi. William Piemcey led Lunch was served by Mm' dian Statesman for advemtis- the Bible study period on Thomas Jennings and maern< ing $ 16.20; Municipal World "The Panorama of the Bible."-bers of her gop Ltd. $12.26, Kesco Electric gp $23.94; Register of Deeds $11.00; Terry Malcolim, shoot- ing one dog $5.00; Mns. E. Ar- cher for fox bounty $4.00l; m pà Lorne Johnston for Insulin $11-00; City of Tomonto for welfare charge-back $90).66. The next meeting of Coun- cil wil be heîci November 2, 1967, at 1 p.m. Note change of date for this meeting oniy. Your doctor can phone us when You noed BETHÀNY Mmi. Harold White pmesided fom the October meeting e! the Bethany United Church Women, heid on Monday night in thc Sunday Schoal Hall. Mmi. Thomas Jackson and Mmi. Hemb. Coppins ihared : lcading the womship semvice o! bymns, proyers, icripture OSHAWA 1SHOPPING (ENTRE mecicie. e will d«enver promptly FREE of charge, or you rnay pick up your prescription if shopping nearby. -1s 67 King St. E. Layer on layer.',ifle padding, tick- ing, sisals anchored securely ta the f rame wif h scroll quilting. No lump. ing or bunching, ever. EXTR-FIRM POSTURE Special posture-construction for- the areas cf your back where you need support the Most. Extra sup- port that gîves you spine-level, relaxed sleep. ITFS MADE DY BEVERLEY WHO MAKE SPRING WALt. NO ORDINARY SALE THS ... but an event wa bave plannel with the Savarley pbole for many manths. THtIS IS A 100% QUILTEO INNERSPRING MATTRESS ... and t es. tores full 252 col unit of haavy a e construction. Ne skilot ug n o ne quallty or comfort feulure. This Is a REAL! 549.5 value anidgaoi value rfv it ewrs ta sali I t ut that: prîce. NAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, your daily vigour ani vltality Is ne botter thaui y aur sleep andi savings like this for fine quality heddin gARE NOT cammon ... and that beautiful 100% OUILTED covering over thesa hundreds of temparsi steal colis is NOT just wlndow dressinigit ails extra comf art and support te the posture type unit ... it actually Improves the wearing qualities of the unit because cover, pudding and Insolation are seicurely uitai te the Iannrprlnu nt by desp, "Ilock* stîtr.h" quilting. It privants mateial tram shîftlng,-Iumpln , huncling. adi: littia pockets of trapped air ta your rest. Wake up ta the facts of1souni sleop.Oaetthe lest SoId on YoIIes Mon.y-Bock Guarantee VOLLESOSHAWA SHOPPING OpFjï.42 CENTRE 725-3 519 VL 67 King st. E. 623-2546 Bowmanville, Ont.