i eta'-- meetB tbelr acadeilmIonusdent Willams ah eted UTL rSt ubjacdmi ectma usitz Canvass Here Oct. 'I6th ed hi. s on apelto ka, a"n G rad 1 fr hsinformativeSreay M d rBrn graduat can enter a sultable 5 ê1 course at a C.A.A.T. Itwod ELr fl I TO AY SHOOL eMlarh, afor eae12 ___Lions__ eslie ad $20ereyheqee stu ew e e k e ndn e t k e E NatI IL W. MCmUJUAlpe o eeft 1o temathematies or science were (ntneUfrNa Llboi ii olh DwaajieHghIhol that the traditianal fv-ercourse. a.eneralaFo GuMmac the ariget =obvia'0 tanapplyefor altechnolaglLaunch CIB Cam lp lgf erta, ena Frthe Tr-Sauay "The Four Year Program l i. emecourse ws OhPhyalcs, chemlstry and mt =I Iootosen heween it r.ad r.Mrnin of big modical bis a watered-dwn version o astfu and in nme cases matcs are prerequlates for lierO brother, Mr. R. .Oms oHmtn eercn the regular academlc course.tat osdeth fact either a two-year or three. President Bob William, d much applause. The birth. Parents af a child born blind, amu.Cnie h dinner with Mr. andi s .ro'.Fr. S u c h c o m m n ta a b o u t ilG r a t e rrnd npao po ruaa taeio nx tuetpplt Ofrethe ar n oloa.A..> oege. Oa rnc e Nt Id. CampaegnoChair.- Martyn, aepastpresidtent, Jack tanfind help. o dminandrfaamdy,MhadGSna e l gatM.Lm adns Grade13 an then enter uni agai thMr.1tandobMius . Spehcmnai he seond ra de13an ten e e .aan then, It l obiaus whnYemaxiGeorge Vice as thc Lions Munday, and Carson Elliott "Think af a healthy chlldwthM.adM.C.San Stuay enig dne school's organizatbon are motvest. twabeus aiaprnadsuent mualt Club'a donation. The presen- were celebrated by their ici. Iosing his or hier wlght Mr tonrs dih atnn . Od ies de this and many other reasons, carefuly select subjects and tation was made at tie diii. low Lions. tho g ciet o ighe o.get wih M.L ePa ei sh l ,ea r t e i g a l d i e a a e t h a t ' t h e s f t e m w a s a d c a lly p o r a a a t t h e s e c o n d a ur y n e r m e e t i n J o hnh B e ll e , P h l l i p a c c i d n tw err e M r s . C . P a e d e n , B owBe l l e ~i~i%: iiohC~ste haneaeago tixscholaers. atices achevi eele airUcsBwma-nPesientWiliamm exend Thiga hattheiha taen harn, mon, wee Sndatmavihe; r. nd m..WII cocrnm cho yse. r'1îmî'vleLions Club held at Uic cd a warm welcomc ta the for granted now are Impos. visitora at R. GrMifl. fe adn etnil;Me And no idea has been so slow t m ht s tarade 1 peInt seracles formin Lions Communlty Centre an membema ai the Bawmanville. sible for them ta do without The annual autumnTakri ed rnadas n ta d ie a s t h c an c a b o u t h 0w t u h t a h t G a e 1 r s n p c f c i f r a i n M o n d a y , O c t. 2 n d . B e e h iv e R e - W st D u r a d i o y C m u d n e , t a n n , o s i t e r i n e v c Whmn a prolonged ilineas or the school is aganized. The WAS in Uic past a dead-cnd about Colleges af Applied Art bkhLdeWebr a e ste t hm .N.Idvxs omym.gance, ranmgor 9i. He t sevie5il9b6o7,d m. Hrvy aeen Sersous accident strikesit often polm ipl ttd aternio pruiis fraormoeOPfrmtin0botare' having Mms. NorhyTyansoootoweeSn pointtifs for Forpmore In adTehorto n (Aabot.)cd -for the deliciaus meal. were guests at the dinner became blind when he was .1 , 197atia..W Mman Mm.ecyAli ineens that a truendous fî that the high schoal as remeni- furtiier education. The pres. C.A.A.T., Phone 623-3391 or Joe Cooper was thc leader meeting. years aid. rnas gctsekr hi a guests t m.Llw al cm e d t s . E x c e p t f o r U i c p h y s i c a l w l a e p e . . . . h n 2 - 7 1 o O iancial burden falls on a bem- yad lalnger ex- cnt graduatewijfc pr-CAAThoe 2379 oro the enjoyable singsong. lHe called an Don Aluin, He spake of the need fer la prepaming special msc oel, &.If Your Present Health structure, your hlgh achool af viously unequaled apportuni. 623-3392. Ross Metcalf sang "Bicns Thia who is the Lions Club'. me- blind young people ta be Any family wishigasb- M.LmPadnM.ad 'Insurac Vgaiteared 1 r2 er g olne tics for furthem educatian or House' as a solo and rmciv- presentative an the Advisory educated i ternis of their.scription ta the UnitedCuc r.Hre adnwr li 10 &ive you adequate protec. exista In any way, shape or peilized training. ,omtet nrdc i uueposbeepomn bevrfr16 tion Sni us naw. Weil gvc frm.It isa nîy the mcm orv Te most recent dcveîop. WE SLEY VILLE It elow members, thc special and adjustment ta saciet.y. it at the aId subscripanrt edsOox. thtexista and unfortunatlI, en in Uic field ai Pont- Prost damage has beexi oAdul S iMgu ai o the Lions, ChairmRn Parents have ta decide whe- if Uic equest i. givent m. M.adM. olyRb Medica Expene inaranco any acions.cnrth ctal ehmentin ght that vegetables can be Jack Dunn, Campaign Chair- ther their sight handicapped Lloyd Ashton fotnet ha naiwm eetvst yo eal nMjrtins memory Influences has beejocefo the gasdenlstihent. of man George Vice, Treasurer child had better be educated Dec. Oth, 1967 . that un provide important The Four-Year Pmogmam il Colleges af Applied Arts and including tomataes. The maind a s s " Fak rwBe liecrt SMe frhol or ah ool i Prtctanoupleetwa fotawaceddoncore.~ Technology (C.A.A.T.) One whîcii fell in the latter part FakCoe' hncat aefrth ln. the wrry rmtcdntsuplinnthat e. t nacwademe ogncrae. And sch College il opemating i fthe week was welcome for Tues Oct ano Mrs. George Vice, as ta wbeth8er he h.bas beT I 4JN i. anything but a dead-end fields wbeme soul was bard 1 man, Mm.. Ronald Hawthone, he i. away for much ai the LD T Prgmam. intutoshv Coleez of Applied Arts for faîl plowing. Publicity Chairman, Mrs. tue. They are concened as FR~ LI E x p l cit i n st u ct o n s a v ea n d T e c h no lo g y M e sd a m e s H . R e e v e , C a r- R e g istra tio n s fo r S w in u n ln g W y e P r y r . J e n t h t e r n t h s t n h r been given ta create courses Despite numerous news- rail NichaIs and E. Barow- classes wlll take place at th ye Pry m.Jui aweh rnth.tahed which suit the needs and paper articles and officiai pub- clough and P. Snell wlth Dcpartment ai Recreation 0î-Cem= n Mrs. alu rMm . ihlie thechldlae ndrIAV K abilitica ai students in every lications, the average parent Gloria Nichais repreentcd the fice in the Lions Community Edomonson 'and Mrs. Ceiarm nde"Btnd cilng. e cut fl ~pragmam, including those of knows little or nothing about local U.C.W. wben they at- Centre, 26 Becch Avenue,TomsnadM.Reild Bid bîrnedcu-VJA STUART la the Faur-Year pragmam. For these ncw Colleges. It must tended t h e Thanksgivin starting an Tuesday, Oct. lOth Liscombe, bath of Courtice, selling and advice more than BIRA example, a student may study first be clealy understaad meeting ai Port Hope' Unlted froni 8:30 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. lO .G . HulIomn eter or- he aetsd hire do, aand-erflT J hAMESI) Wonld Poitic, Psychoogy, for universities or extension, cd the accompaniment for ber Reeistrato n Rigeso nPCNrb ug, adis ChriDwviceadidae," M frmHil- Sociology and Theatre Arts. ai the secondamy school. mother's solo, during the rceiveond at e Pn e RideHonme ter b arougb NI onsi.H odfo i In the past, such subjects Entrance freinihigh schoal evenîng. 1SchoolonM 0 aday0: ctoe Hm e ahe.own eprec h dut GENERAL INSURANCE were available ta anly those inta C.A.A.T. College depcnds Paul Austin leit a week Thth irNI 7:00tar10:00pieldxentariencef thadjsta- ge who went an ta attend uni- upon a demanstrated abillty ta aga for bis second yeam at Thee Registratian Fe Is Secretary, Mr. Hilborn, com- make aiter losing bis eye- 24 Kilng St. E. Bowmanvlle versity. Traditional 'academ- work. Furthemmome, the Col- Waterloo University. Sharon. $4.00 pr persan for residents mendcd' t h e Bowmanville sight. Hie also spoke af the ic' subjects such as English, leges are anything but a rest- Thamndyke was home for the and $5.00 per persan if non- Lions Club for launching the adjustments necessary for a F OMO@c Realdence science, histary, etc., are ing gmaund for thase who seek weekend froni Peterborough esident. This is a 12 week CNIB's Campaign with a gen- blind student in High School 623-5681 623-5493 taugbt at evemy level. ta escape employment. Rig- Teachers' Callege, preparing course. erous cheque. The Bitz Cam- and at .university, as a work- frorn thed ir ____________________ As stated last week, it is amus course requlements will for the thrill oif em first The Swimm ng Schdule la paign ta raise m ney ta hep rtand also as a husband and J. unrasnaleta expcct alwecd out those who fail ta teaching lesson. Glen Clarke as iolaws: the blind wiIl be held mnlfaher. is attending Trent University Leamn ta Swim, Pool, 6:45 Bowmanville an Monday, O c- The importance ai vaca- and taking an Arts course, ta 7:25 p.m., Gym, 7:25 ta 8:15 tober 16th, and in the rural tional training ior the adult P The four congregatians an p.m.. Bronze, 7:25 ta 8:15 p.m., districts and villages until blind and ai retraining for is a dlcasbedc the Welcame'charge shamed la 6:45 ta 7:25 p.m.; Intermediate the end ai thc month. The other wamk was empbasized futfaas eei h ri lv Othe day et warld communion and Senior, 8:15 ta 8:50 P.m. objective 1. $5,o00. by Mm. Hilborn. Hie also dis- fri lvs.H heme on und y m mnin . 7 25 a 8 15 p m.; Jun ors ànd M r. H ilbo mn said the needs cuss d the problem s ao i the or d b reakfast d i k t a a e George Tufford was lI charge Beginners, 8:55 ta 9:35 P.M., oi the blind are exemplified unemployable blind, w h O freth from the daiyalrayt ai Sunday school, Jennifer 8:15 ta 8:50 p.m.; Menit, 9'35 by their different classifica. have no way ai iargetting Payne played the concluding ta 10:25 p.m., 8:55 ta 9:35 p.m. tions. Each classification me-1 their difficulties and who are serve. Beep contan de ia hynin, and the senior class presents a special need and prevented froni becoming cre- min C. Hais a amot 'eertr led ini the closing prayer. does not require the saine ative. Hie explained that the Hlaver that bat hlde n SadaPye.taught the pri- E V R O service, hie painted out. CNIB fortunately can be ai m s. .Kanone, Mlad "l. Childmen...ihis Issf great hl at eblind grawn-upa love! and Daniel, ai Scarborouth, (Intended for last week) cation includes ail blind pre- people. vistedat . Bmroclagl' Fal i th sesonof heschoalers. 2. Y o u t h-The The CNIB bas specialists And te top evythn 3e froiniSunday, Sept. 24th till year that fosters hurricanes. stm y aunse nda chidecopeeta of dfeeal with aicîele.ta fehsqezd #<i Thursday. Heme at Malconia on Saturday sseiwoaeudcddapcs a ifmn în Mrs T.WisonlaIn ortweencunere ou on pr.about a vacation. 3. The vo- people's cases, and the CNIB .UC! M m.. T. Wpitl eo l el i Port w c ou r nt d w aur awn a r- catinally determ ined, w o aIlso as specialists w ho are aaYu US I 0 1 f e l ile - t o r oh mrui O c t oe r H o e lio pi a reco erung ticul r bra d w bi h we a e c w ork ng tow ards a goal. engaged in continua i research LS A E 7 frt alurTheyfor newedideasbrandewayHuaicane--------4.----l-yabl-B---d.-5--Te-for----------and---y- o Mr. and Mme. Harold Au.- bas been building up therunmlya îid bning eM.plomnt for tin entetained with a buffet quiet ittie domicile for some Mm. Hilborn told the Lions tHeoe bd M. of sai d. o H tatth gratstperenag luncheon on Sunday In bonox 15 years whcn aur modest lit- httegraetprcnae es oke ai ter pngU of rs W . ufor ad erti bid csull sggstdif igtlssCaadan ae valalefor cdmptr a graxiddaughten Wanda Ford that we had an overabundance unemployable. This classifigramming an said~ whsemmmag s ppocb a rbrilsplendeur sur- cation includes many multi- local yaung mani, Philip ca- OM E ing eamîy in Navember. raunding tihe residence and handicapped and the aged, be sonia o on usadn Guests were ail members ai that somne shouîd be eut down. said. wokiPhieilg. in- ~ I the iamilly an the Tufiord These remarks were polltely "cThe classifications ai the Mr. Hilborn expressed the aide and included sanie iran, gnared with Uic custamary blind can be sub-divided Into gratitude ai the CNIB ta the Taronto, Port Hope and Ca- procrastination pactised by twa categories, those who Lions Club and ta all others j mu Ebourg. There were about 45 wc husbands. Till iinally af- were born bîind and those who assist the campaign ta Y O Rpresent. ter a decade oi threats veled Who lost their sight as ch!id- heîp the blind. A vote ai le l nn DlairCe a n~d scathing and a bni taste ren or aduits. Picture the thanks ta Mr. Hulborn was PO E 6354 us aCI fkennel rations that leit us feam and frustrations i the mved by M r. Allin, and Pre ___________ V I w ith a n a lm ast u n c o n tro la b le_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -ACcOUna n CY we deemned lt prudent ta suc- W I HRAT .J. DILLING - cumb gallantly and emerge Chartemed Accountant tcmpomarily fnom aur canine W I H93 Chumch Street sheiter. 623-3861 Sa we engaged the assist- H.COGJS- ance oi a good neighbour Who R F S SChartered Accountant welds a chain saw with speed 115 Liberty St. S., B awnianvlle mandtefoici e ac oufteency tlcla N LS B.Comm.tomy, but twa iaddens, a sec- ogr"sm A dtumChartered Accountant tian ai picket fence snipped PrgrssluAgicltrePrgrssinTaaton361à King St. E., Oshawa off aur line ai telephoneco-SE The Robarts government rec- Ontarils 1967 budget showed Telephone 725-6539 munication, a chunk ai caves- A differont pheeeeywekfr9*os ognizes the difficulties that no increase in taxes. What's CaBUI Acatan EBY&ct rouh, d gstared aufnr ne face agriculture during these more, two Smith Report pro. 323 King Street West essitating first aid. We xiaw 'l :z:'*s.uUI7dutdat: years of change-is taking posais have aiready been en- Oshawa, Ontario bave for sale cheap, two step- effective steps uncluding a yod 725-6451 - 728-7554 ladders (each three steps w l dose o red uce your oc.altax William A. D. Scîby, C.A. bigh), and a long iadder wîth m .. "f'.,us tu... $500,000 grant tôi the new bill. One gives an allowance of G. Edmond Burmows, CA. tbree rungs at the top and " : - bsf o arm m omieto; four at the bottani, sultable ar Incm Cmmte;up to $2,000of assessment on I luuzroeste aleRt o un crop insurance at favorable Property; the other takes over praci~caiha ihlg e r *~ al ieo un AS rame feet long. Hope--they9 M I D& S. TANLEY GERTZ the United Kingdomn, Bel- Toilet PASTR 67 King St. E., Bownianvllle gium, Holland, Gvermany and lnTie is Office Houri : Denmank. AUl very interest- RNES 9 9 a.m. ta e p.m. ing and we are proud ta haveRNE Mdonday thmaugh Thumsday a member ai aur community ME UNPRIE fi 9 a.M. ta 4 p.m. Fiday thus hanored. "- lICrA Suportflu Rbars Gvefllleft Coîd SturayandSunayThe Octoben meeting ai 1'17 Phone 623-7662 Yeverton U.C.W. was held "*COLW"UT 1Feflt oi EA at the home ai Mr. and Mms.. im Inhuranceb Art Rowan an Thursday, Sept. DETL RAM 87c.." FUne 28th (saunda confusing doesn't CCKAL«1 DONALD ~MaCGREGOR ît?~) Mr.Stabbr slni DE COKT PAIL 2 14 Lie, Auto, ]Home charge ai the devational. cBiae Rosts l mec.E49cAR 2i MR PRORESSIVECONERATIV PART« 0f oNAMO Insuranoe Business cansisted in a largeTMAOS2'z3 53 ing St. W, DowmanvMle part wlth Uic planning of our TOAOS2 u PhooR 628-592 annual turkey supper ta be ShotRbc 14-àLMmc day, Oct. 9th. A tasty lunch ?Cross Cut75lb 21U1 OFIE'M or ages wsprovlded by hostesu Mrs. Faceile Royale WAXED PAPER 2 nL1159c SADE AMLTO -ORNOHoward XMM-'1en. Mna. Bal.-i Phoneo 98-5115 four Moore an Mn. Arthxur TISSUES nu~ 29c CANDY&,ao.2 r449cSWNOSRZN TIntMartgage Punds Rawan. 8sOai TOTALt iiWAI Resiencs - ans Mr. Mary Pa e spent the a OLC*IIiOZ 0. WK H Business Properties woekend Wlth M.and MrsBia g' 3 Cutk$i-ii Floyd Stinson and Puni. Mr. rus3w$ p 1 m ef r and Mr. Keith Thorndyke ai REm-LECI Alex Caoi r tiers OM i 0inet0ry Tres t the calemonsB WA.IL CES 9 1A 8 - B w v k Louis and li zbeth A nne ZINSMINE C H ENZENC Pvg~sive, Censervative lrbaom. nu .weeicend visitors at theGA FODINRSLICES Fmea&39 T"ne=2m Ham Malcolm. I1A FFrench mo G4n n .-T ui d lad ta report MthOaM L IGNtr ow zrUn.IIEN 623-761 W9ei.agBs#. DO .z, luitPL F