îïociaI & fiersonal Phone 623-3303 Msr.Bob Noble and Mrs. Gardon Murphy an.d *liormn Henning recently spent sons Jimnmy anid Sandy, De- é0<few days in New York City. trait, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. j rér. and Mr$. E. j. Falrey, John Graham and family, MVng St. East, spent the week- London, Ont., were viitors end at their cottage li Hall- with Mr. and Mrs. George W. burton. Graham, Jane Street. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nimigon Mr. and Mrs. M. Vetzal of and Paul Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Unionville were pleased to Genn Turney spent the week- have Bowmanville's nonagen- an t Expo. arian, Mrs. Sam Glanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McNulty, Mrs. Reta Glanville, accom- town, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank paniedl by Mr. Wm. Duggan Swinburne, Oshawa, spent the ai Oshawa, as recent visitors. holiday weekend in Buffalo, Mrs. W. Bennett, town, and ..ber granddaughter, M is s Mr. nd rs. onad RudleCheryl Stainton, R.R. 6, Bow- Mr. d Dl odnRSundie, manville, were holiday week- Bwfanvloridon Strok end guests af Mrs. Bennett's LakePlajd isitd Epodaughter and son-in-law, Mr. lest week. adLk aaa and Mrs. W. Maynes and iam. Quens l,Ottawa. Mr.ivertdHKinesto, se Thanksgiving visitors with UnierstyKinsto, sentMrs. J. Carter and family Thanksgiving weekend with wr r n r.Rbr 2 hlm parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tam wr r n r.Rbr Ramnes.. Carter and Susan, Windsor, wha alsa visited Mr. E. Adams Mr. and Mrs. W. R. "Bill" and family. Mrs. I. Cargili Eder and family, Peter- and son John ai Toronto were brugh, were Thanksgiving Thanksgiving weekend vis!- 'visitors with his mother, tors oi Mrs. J. Carter and Mr.. W. A. Edger. family. Mr. and Mri. Douglas Nich- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Com- a1s, Kingston, and Mr. and den spent the weekend at j Mxs. Frankc Legree, Oshawa, Orchard Grave Motel Park, apent Thanksgiving with Mr. Niagara Falls, where the Can- LB. Nîchols, Carlisle Ave. adian Citation Travel Trailer Mr. and Mms. AlIb er t Club held their Thanksgiving * Grahama, Prescott, were week- ally. On returning homne, end guests ai his brother and they enjayed Thanksgiving Mister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Rbert Graham, Elgin Street. Harry Couch and family, Mr. Mort Richards, tawn, Courtice. and Mm. Gary Sunstmum, Osha- Miss Pat Gi, Queen's Uni- wa, were on a moose hunting versity, Kingston, spent the expedition in the vicinity af weekend with her parents, Mr. Noranda, Que., over the week- and Mms. Robert Gill, King * end. St. West. Sunday dinner Mms. Tom Buttery and Mr. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gîil and Mrs. Don Yeo and Tom- încluded Mr. and Mmm. Barry 5 mry spent Thanksglvlng week- Steven, Willowdale, and Mr. endjwith Mr. and Mrs. H. and Mrs: I. Gili, daugbter Hamer af Braokville, Pennsyl- Carrne Leigh and son Robent vania. James, tawn. Miss Mary Jean Billett, who Miss Eileen Hughes, who Is attending the University ai has completed thmee manthsl Toranto, spent the holiday affiliation with the Hospital weekend with hem parents, Dr. for Sick Children, Toronto, and Mms. Keith Billett, King has resumed hem duties at Sgt. East. Soldiems Memaial Hospital, Mr. ad Mr. WIliamOillia. Miss Hughes and hem Bambetonai Rcheser,'aYm brothers Bmyan and John, bath and Mss Jan NotheyofaO Toranto, spent the week Toranto were visitors Iasten thhirpetsM. week with Miss Elsie Oke, and Mrs. Harry Hughes, Lib- n Temperance Street.emyS.Nth Mrs HaodLngadM Mr. mnd Mrs. Rupert Byers T. Buttery returned recently moored oBnrf nTus tram the West Coast and da and report the scenery wbil inBniish olubiawas magnificent, the leaves whil inBriish olubiabeing at their best ai calai Irsited witb Mrs. Ling's son, i h ot.Te iie Willamin Kmlops. Mrs. Byens' three brathers Mr. and Mrs. Eaml Kimmer. and their wives, David, John IY ai Syracuse, N.Y., were and Wallace Rutledge, and holiday weekend guests ai miso two sistere and their hus-. Mrs. Klmmerly's sister and bands, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sbnothemin-law, Mm. and Mn., Kelusky and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Akey, Flett Street. Finley Sutherland. They had Miss Maumeen M a r tf n, a very happy Thanksgiving daughten ofi-Mn. and Mrs. together. Bancroft is a town James Martin, Summerfield with a population ai 2,400 and Court, bas been accepted as in June the streets were P an X'ý-ray technicien traine at newly paved and cumbs mnade. I Oshawa General Hospital. There are sewers and a town th~ Miss Hattie Johnson-spent water supply as well. As a the weekend with her famly, Centennial Projeet the town Mr. and Mme. Gerald Johnsan, built a maad to the top ofai Lambs Lane. Hattie lu taking vemy hlgh hili known as thel the R.N.A. course et Humber Eagle's Nest. There are picE Memoiai Hospital, Weston. nie facilities In a park on the Mr. mnd Mrs. Brenton bmow ai the bull and the scen- Hfughes left Sundaynwmning ery ftm thi high point is key irm tam a thedirection. A home for Retir- 1 Los Angeles 'Hockey Club. dCtznisbnguitco-4 ing a million and a bahdl Miss Judy Brougb, Western lars, and wil contain11 Hospital. Toronto, and Mr- beds. March Is the target for Doili AAndmewvz, Torontn, wri its completion. Mr. and Mrs. weekend visitors with Miss Byems motomed home on Tues- ity Brough's parents, Mr. and Mrs. dayr when the holiday taiiic pre Jack Brough, Horsey Street, had llghtened considemably. Ver Mnvl. and Mrs. H. Jobst and to son Robbie have neturned ta me( their home in Calgary, Ait a., fl1T9TTiD ater a thee-week visit with OBIU.LLUILJ. ing Mrs. jobst's parents, Mr. and Thi Mrs. Wmx. Bates, Flett Street. JOHN H. EDGERTON P Mr. and Mmm. Harold Grabam John Herbert Edgerton, 72, wer and iamîly, Toronto; Mr. and ai 25 Elizabçth St., Orange- B. Mmm. Thos. Graham and iam- ville, died in Duffenin Area Bel lly, Peterborougah, were gyuests Hospital, Augusllt 20,1967. Sic:a I ~vivec 11:15 a.m Sunday School 4ST. JOHN'S uîve Burk Beck To God Hour C WRm.I (Mrs Cred CKLO 9:00 am. IioIy Communion (Mns Kvery Sunday, 9:15 p.m. 11:00 a.M. Alta. Centennial Service kincî ~Hveyon Weiom.Roy, "EVU7ne Weoome" Planting of eentennial tree granc ___________________ 7:00 PmD. Eveaint Prayer Lily manN iack) broth Mich, TRINITY UNITD (HUR(H OThg on, T Mlrdster - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. R2ei the ft Orgaaist - Mr. Arthur Collisan, Mus.B., L.R.S.M 23a SUNDAY, OCTOBER lSth, 1167 was t The 11:00 A.K Lenki A'THE CANDLE 0F THE LORD" tn, CHUECH SCHOOLCrdi lffla.m - Junior,. Interusedate sud Senior Thle 11116*-m. - Dgnur re MU &âau.- ?rimary and Kiadegarten Smnith Reforms Minister inspeds Troops at Festival1 NEWTONVILLE Mm. and Mme. Harmy Wade weme i nde, Wednesday, where te vlslitcd Mm. and Mme. Allen Blewett. Local members of the Wo- men's Institute whoaettended the Centennial Tee and Dis- play et Morrish last Tuesday, included Mme. M. Samis, Mms. C. Brown, Mme. T. Hendemeon, Mme. M. Joncs, Mmm. W. Bau- t ghen, Mmm. R. Farrow, Miss Berniece Milligan, Mrm. G. McCullough. Glad ta hear a gmoup ai young people tram the thmee ehurches on this charge have k, agaxized a Hi-C goup, Tuesday evenlng. Hope ta have mare panticulars later. M. and Mm. John Segs- womth leit Toronto Airpant on Thursday ta return home ta New Westminster, B.C.,stp pmng ennoute tavisit topi; ____ aughter naxd tamily ln Re- ~ "o-gina. Te have been heme the past he weeks diitn ber sisters, Anme and Allie ~. ir,.X'. ~Nesbitt. and brother Jim, as welI as other relatives lni the On Saturday, Sept. 3Oth, the Hon. Allan Gmossman, 1Ridge School Centennial Festival. H1e is shown here eat. c h aishv Mvinister of Reform Institutions, took part ini the Pine insecting the troops fron the Ontario Regiment. been busy et the Sundmy Sehool hall, lately, iinishing a - migs.Itlutruc that the qult wbich le ta be sold nt O rono Jr. Gardeners Display Talents church hem "stmippcd Itseif nai aur UCW etn lFi mîsdîrcted spîcador ad 0on Oct. 20. glory. It is not the task ai Thursdey evening the U.C. the church ta mule but ta serve W. was ixivited ta meet with in oediece o Chist lthe Kendal group, whcre an mx bdec aCrs h intemesting shawing of pic- .........came ta ley down Hm lufe for turcs teken by Miss Catherine the redemption ai mankixid". Stewart and Miss Marlon Mc- Keivey in England and Scat- " M. Vdn eng poei land, this summer, was much menwedlxierct li rligon njoyed. Those attexiding tram and meligiaus experience even bere weme Mmm. J. Elliott, Mmm. by some people who naw no V. Baurgerie, Mmm. C. Farrow, longer dankexi the doons ai a Mmm. D. Vinkle, Mme. A. Wadc, church. "Pope John XXIIIMm.SLacseM.Ba gave a great impetus ta Joncs, Mmm. W. Boughcn, Mmm. chureb renewal and to the R.Frowj>.M.Jns cumenicai movement stirring isB ilgn m.G c kbath in the church and out- ClogMmm.G.taeon Sside it today," Mr. Vanden Mrs. F. Gilmer. Berg declaned. % Mmm. E. McEwcn of Peter- 'Ministeme mgrcc that for borough spent the weekend excitemenCflLmexi sALuUUldoin witb hem mother, Mmm. C. the ministry. There is neyer Buniey. 'n . ~~~a duil moment," Mn. Vanden Ms.LreTd wsa Bcmgsai. Hespoe aithevisiton with Mn. and Mme. Don mespansibility ai the pulpit Stapheton aven Sunday. and preaching on the ixispired Miss Joan Welkey went ta Word ai God lin the Bible, and Sudbury aven the holiday the listing ai God's mnswer ta cked ~~~ fi ~~~~man's predicamexit".Mm dMn.CH.Le Ken Hoekln maved a vote were weekend visitons with oi thanke ta Mr. Vaxiden Berg Mn. and Mmm. Harry Lane, for bis ixispining address. Owen Saund. Presldexit AI Witherspoon also Mr. anid Mrs. Harold Best XIpressed bis persoxiai ap- and boys weme visitons Satur- precietion anid congretuhatcd day cvexilxg witb Mn. and o-~Mm. Vaxiden Berg on hlm cx- Mmm. Don Vinkie. * cellent classification talk. Mm. Margaret Day i To- Frederick's Pharmacy window, King St. East, bas an interesting display of ictures and arrangements nmade by members of Orono Junior Gardeners Club. t as brought many favorable comments froin shoppers who stopped to admire he fine work. Bowmanville Kiwanis Club sponsor this club. Vinister Gives Address' :)n 'Chrîstianity's Challenge-* At Rotary Club Meeting The challenge of Christian- iin a chexigimg womld was ,sexited by the Bey. Arthur tiden Berg i bis classifica- an talk given et the luxicheon Letîng ai the Bowmenville )tary Club beld at the Fly- gDutchman Moton Hotel an inrsday. Penfeet Attendaxice Pins ,re presented by Dr. Allen Sylvester as follows: Tom ider, 15 yeans; Dr. Keîth =on, 14 years; George Vice, yeens, and A. H. Stnike, 12 nrs. rhe birthdays ai George ýe and Colin Cooke wcre ebrated by their fcllow ariens. On behahf ai the ub Neel MeLean presented it ta Bev. A. Vendexi Berg his infant son. *uests presr-t et the Sheon mee< were Joc ciiil, Bowmaj ile; the Bey. in Romneril, k urtice; Fred ley, Peterbo.;oulgh-,Pency nuel and Fay Brooks, bath Oshawa, and Raxi William- ýPeterborough. Iay Van Belle ixitnoduced Vandexi Berg, who le in first year heme as pastor ai Rehoboth Chistian e- aio the Presbyterian nch lni Orengeville and a mber ai the Wam Amputa- isO Canada Toronto îch. le was pmedeccased by hie John, li 1957. He is sur- ed by bis wife Elema and daughte, Ruth (Mre. ,e Mertin), Alton; Jean 0. Harold Smith), Part dit; Myrtle (Mme. Robent ighy), Victoria, B.C.; Eiais S. Art Martin), Edmonton, .; Barbara (Mme. Ray Kos- a), Aurore, and anc son, ai o Oraxigeville and 24 idchildren. Twa sisters (Mmm. J. A. Living), Bow- v Ile; Else ( mm S. P l- i.Kngston, n n huer, Charces of Detrait, e Legion service was held Tuesday evening, August L967. w. D. Gibson canducted tuemel services on August at the Turner Funeral e, Omangeville. Intemment in Forest Lawn Cemcetery. ie pallbeaeme were EamI rtree, Laurel; Keith Hua- Orengeville; Harold Crisp, n; John Hunwicks, Port Jt; Lloyd Bryan, Laurel, John, Living, Bowxnan- ie flawembearema weme bis dchildren. Erie, Lloyd and ýeMartin, Alton;, Phyllis h, Port Credo-t; ,Jear., Beth, ty and Debbie Edgerton, formed Chureh, end Chainiman ai the Board oi this church. Mn. Vanden Berg is a .mcm- ber of the Board oi the ;-"hild- mcn's Aid Society, and 'oi the Bowmanville Ministemial As- sociation, Mr. Van Belle said. Mr. Vanden Bemg told his fdllow Rotanians that he was barn ln the Nethcrlands in 1930 In a small town and spent bis boyhood on a dairy farm. Aiter hc finished ehementany sehoal he workcd full time there.. "My fist contact with Cana- WIiy 'The Christian Science monitor recommends you read your local newspaper Your local nem pe ep o a formed af what's happeningwl'our ar.a-communityeventspublic et ings, stories about people in your vi Inity.dThese u ca't - and shouldn't _ do ithut NOW THE MONITOR COMPLEMENT YOUR LOCAL PAPER The monitor specializes in analyzing and Interpreting national and world news ... with exclusive dispatches from ont af the larpest nons bu- reau In the nation's capital and f ran Montor nom aen" ha 40 overseas caunties ad ail 50 statua. lT Toi I T OhO-iTs A PMPI THE WIIOLE FAMILI WIIL E[111!0 Théa CbrUSciaae.Mhitr Oua Narway Street Bostà;on, Macmb ets, U.S.A 0Z15 Plu start My Uult a-INPtIe. f« the PmIod dcàud tel..1 else $ _ <U.. funds). 0 1YEAR $24 0O6 m u h$12 0 3 mosm$1 lu- Vet--- *et - -- - --- 11dea was a thmllling and moving experience. It was in 1945 when Canadian troops amrived and libeated the arca miter five ycams ai German occupa- tion. I kisscd the Canadian Captain in charge as an ex- pression ai aur joy and grati- tude. The people oi Canada will ehways bave a special ~ aein the hearts af the utch people, and their last- ing gratitude". Mr. Vanden Berg said that he came ta Canada in 1950, and decribed what a wrench it was ta leave relatives and iniends, and came so far away. In addition he faced the diii- cultY ai aequiring another language, a's when he annived here he anl knew two words in Engllsh, "Yes" mnd "No". "I was young and wiihing ta leamn. First I worked in a iactory and took evening sehool courses* in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and later finished hîgh sehool studies in Saskat- Then Mn. Vanden Berg at- tcnded Calvin College in Michigan. "I cnrolled at the age of 24, and I met my wiie theme, and aur marriage took place thene. Mr. Vanden Berg mter his graduation fnomn Cal- vin College attcndcd the seai- Inary and gaduated li 1961. Followlng e yeam's post-grad- ute work li Philadeiphia at ,Westministcn Theologieal Sem- Inary be was ordaincd li 1962 Into the Gospel Ministry ai the Christian R efaormme d Churcb. Hie first charge was a chumch in Wyoming, e village near Sarnua. He came ta Bow- manville ta take up the pas- tomate ai Rchoboth Christian Rciormmcd Chumeh last yeam. He spoke ai bis womk as a Protestant clergyman, and the challenge af Christianity li these changîng times. "You are awaeeoa much thet bas heppened li the last 50 yeame. Western aoclety wa once pre- dominantly agrarien, and now the large cities have changed thie. War bas shaken the world," Mm. Vanden Bemg polnted out.1 "There lu tremendous tech- nological progmees taday, and a n explsiocn a knowledgelin this space age. People are travelling faut ut where are we going? Th is j an age of uncerteinty and lack ai ure- nes concernlng the basiteand ultimate objective ai lite. "The Bible once had a cent- ral place, but this Is not s0 today. Many are seeptical, moral value are mci cctedi, and they*conalder the chumch an. choic. But there are 4opeMu The* Canadie stateamn, Eowmenvitwfle l , lm ? onto visited Mr. and Mmr& were et their cottageat IHm1 Clinton Bown over the hai- woad, Manday. day. M. Doug. Wade f New. The oldést restdent ai ur cate pent the weekend locallty, in the person af Mre. with M. and Mmm. H&r? Lucy Gilme-Smith, \ passed Wade. mway et Bawmenville Fiday atenoon, ater an illness of A family party I honr of several weeks. The funeral the 85th blrthday ai MM, was beld at the Northcutt El. Alice Austin wes, head oq llott Funerai Parlors on Sun. Sunday at the home of Mr. day aiternoan, followed by and Mme.Ray Tampklns. Au Interment In Lakevlew Cerne- well as Mme. Austin, other tery.guests weme Mm. and Mmm. Thaksgvin viltos wthRalph Tompkns- and bya cf Thaksgvln viitos WthPart Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. M. and Mmm. Wilfrcd Peden Bert Tompklns *ncluded Mm. and Mme. Hem- vey Ppeden ai Celifornia, Mr. Mm. end Mme. Laurence Gli! and Mme. Clarence Paeden ai mer ai Buffalo, Mr. end Mm. Michigan, Mrs. Deisy Peeden Raymond Gilmer, Stewart, and fanuily and Mr. Lanny Steven and David, ai Ialing. Cooper ai Bowmanville, Mm. tan, Mm. and Mm .Jlmn Gilmer H{erb. Paeden, Mm. Lame af Port Hope, were mil at Mr. Pmcden, Mr. and Mmm. L. Lem. P. Gilmer'e on Sunday, aiter bert, ai Newcastle. attending the funerel of their Mr. and Mrs. SId Brown gandmother, Mrs. L. Glmer and girls vlsited ber mother, Smith. at Bowmanvllle. Mrs. V. Wagg, et Markham aon Mm. Glenn Farrow Ia beaint Sunday, and weme dînner nlng bis new job in the office gucsts with Mm. nd Mme. ai the Bawmanville Goadyca Daug. W agg.C o p n , t s e k Mr. and Mms. G. VanLondenCopntswek and iamlY ai Bowmanvilie were visitons Sundmy et Mn. POVERTy le nat a digrace, P. Histege's. and thates about ail that cmi Mr. and Mmm. Jim Adams-be seid in its fevon. PLAN TO ATTEND. . . Offilciai Opening "Darlington Pioneer Home" ERECTED AS A CENTENNIAL PROJECT BY DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP Saiturday, Oct. Ilst 1967 - 2:30 p.m at DARLINGTON PROVINCIAL PARK Thuis park Ie reachedl tram the Intersection ef Hl1ghway No. 401 and Courtice 'Road (interchango 73) by proceedlng westerly alongt tue service rosi on the south aide of the hlghway. Direction te the site of the "Pioneer Settlers Home" wmn be given In the Park. r Prices Effective until Saturday, O-ctober 151'* SCOPE Mouthwaish 12 oz. - Sugg. WINTER FRESH f ,he**JONSN'S BLUE JAY FLAVOUR CI uausil B COLGATE Ointment BB CORN Dental Cream1 1.2 oz. tubs POWDER PLASTERS Sugg. Iist 1.19 88C lsugg.12c Sugg. list98 Faly Se112 88 Eooy~88c 2 pkgs. 88c ISeo what you can get for88 J New, Mint I I FLAVOUR- BAN Aerosol DEODORANT 5 oz. - 1.39 REEF REFRESHING 12oTH WASg li12o.19Sug CREST .TOOTH PASTE (or Regular) Fmily Size ff LYPS Lforsor andchaped ipSugg. Iist L TP~YL for sors md chapped lips 49c ea. _______________________ Ifor 88c ASPERGUM Pain relief in chewing gum form ~ -Sugg. Ifor SSc ConfidetsSanitary Nopkins Zs 'ug,.2fo8c Anacin Tablets 10's_________ SPECIAL 9 9C Amphojel Antacid 12 oz liqud SPECIAL 99C Ornai Capsules 'For that stubborn cold' ~ 1.09 m Jergens Lotion with Dispenser SPECâAL 99c Gillette SUPER SDotLES75eSug 37c ALEX McGREGO-ýR .0 DRUS.e 5 KING ST. W. 'I - PHONE 6235792 I 88C' 88C 88C 1 16'3 - Sugg. ASPERGUMpain relief in chewing gum form lât 55e ea. -2 for 88C "For that stubborn cold' 8t - Sugg. Ornal Capsules rut 1.35 1,009 OnemAmDayMultip le Vitamins "en sugir. ust 3.99 3,e29 PRESCRIPTIONS L D. A REMEDIES 5 KING ST.'W. m m 4 m -l m l a 1 a à a à . 1 1