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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1967, p. 12

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- -...-~ - S~-....., ..-.. .. e - .~- ~ - - r - ............................................................................................ / Hollingshead. Executive B,.rings Rotarians Up to Date On His Company's Activities rKinsmen Take SeniorCitizens on Annual Color Tour -A grgphlc account of the. cf the most well known and xtesve manufacturing busi- pplriesi h rao Mm, o R. . Holingheadhousehold. products are made Çpteton ef Canada, Limit- rigbt here in Bowmanville. dwau given in an address . He men*ioned that axnong on1 Thursday by Douglas Sel- : themn are, Lestoil, Hagerty's Ibnr, Secretary -Treasurer cf Silver Care and Tarnish Pre- #dga large firm, which has ventive Polishes, Jet 77 (a tfiô ce n rotdctonfaili- spray and wipe cleaner), ger- bMceand rodutionfacir- xcde sprays, and detergents lies In its expanded Bowinan.- fscientififcally designed to pre- :4 *llle Plant. Mr. Sellars was vent water pollution. teguest speaker at the ~"olnsed br rcheon meeting of the Bow- - reached the point of dolng mnanville Rotary Club et the ., $2,000,0()o worth of manufac- FlYlng Dutchman Motor Inn, turing, and has paid "00,0o00~ atnd was introduced by W. in ~, l wages," Mr. Sellars stated 4 David Higgon, a past presi- ~ He told the Rotarians that dent.........................t is hoped ta hold an Open M President AI Witherspoon ~ House at the plant to enable ... . . reeeived a 13 years perfect- ' . local People to inspect the attendance pin, and Don Mur- irmss Plans for th.. aare aywas the recipient of a being made, and it will be to years perfect atteudance done after the plant has com- . pin. The birthday of Don pleted an order for 800,000. .... . Mac fGregor was celebrated by lxttles of a specific product........ I1 elow Rotarians. Don Morris, a past presi- dent, moved a vote of thanks Ken Mackenzie and Dr. H. . ____ta Mr. Sellars for his infor- . Uwiners cf the hockey draw. uests present were William for today's automobiles. Hollingshead manufactured ..... produets he had brought te Holden, Cobourg, David Mur- The Hoilingshcad Corjora- the luncheon meeting and ray, Pembroke, G. H. Post, tien of Canada is unusual given te the Rotarians. ~.. 'Toronto, and Howard Smith, among subsidiary firms o! President Witherspoon also Oshwa Uitd tae olntes, Mr.xpressed his personal appre- On Sunday afternoon, Bowmanvîlle Kinsmen and lef t to right, Mrs. Russell Gilbert, wife of the Sr. The major decision by the Sellars said. H pinc out ciation to the guest speaker, Kinettes combied efforts to entertain seircten Ctzns rsdnt rsBb are Kntes rs- Rollingshcad company ta con- that ia policy is a Canadian adpeetd itt e.b aîgtemo oroftef o or tghou t den M idnt rs. JBoga Sr îtîens siere rMs. solidate ail manufacturing ini business for Canadians, and Sellars as a souvenir of hi ytkn te natu o h alc Bowmanville, and the recent the profits are not taken out Visit ta the club. the area. Later, lunch was served at the Memorial Park Annie Clapp, Sr. Citizens social convenor and Roy! iM~plemeitation o! this plan is O! this country. Canadian ________ working eut well, Mr. Sellars personnel is emploed, aud Clubhouse. The above picture was taken at the con- Woodward, Kinsmen presîdent. tld the Rotarians. Output of great sums cf money are iu-clso oftenjyb aer oadshwrm the plant here amountcd ta vested in lrnproving m'ethods ZIONcusnoftee oabefer oa dshwrm '7,000,000 pounds during this and production here, he de- M a for her fine preseutation. Thel lat er.clrd.O Teha eehn Ot president also gave a reporti "We have important plans Mr. Sellars said that the 10, 1967, Zion United Church H ortioculturaI l S c e y Mm e so heDsrc otcl for the future, and the morale company benefits g r e a t 1 y Women cnjoyed a lovely tural Societies Convention, of aur workers is excellent. from the results ebtained in candieiight Centenniai Wor- whîch had been held in Lake- As Hollingshead o! Canada's the research laboratories af ship service done by Mrs.fedo etebr2r n busiessis ow ented n is Aiercanparet cmpay NrmaMeMste, Ms. leiwas attended by several Bwavleeeyeffort is "The autamotive business is lse adMsCau oi.a en o olored Sfide Tour of belng made fo becorne au in- changing, aud we make many Hymus <'Lord of the Lands" a ....n tegrated part o! the com- new products for it,'l he add- and the "Centennial Hymu" S During the evening beau- Inuntyandnotjus a geated.Oneof he ;Ïan mae wre ung.A flm ntiledtiful arrangements of English, production unuit. here that is in great demand 'There Was a Bear in the c inc U Uc J anl t r ct o shres n adycrsn Mr. Sellars said that this is the firm's Lock De-Icer Road" was showu foliowed by wre exhibited. company has been Iu business and Lubricant for ail types everyone singing "This Land This cauntry's scenie at-I serte !eceln des.Shofltos peen er m r sidentFece ado for more than 50 years, and Of locks. is Your Land". tractions aud natural re- was assisted by her son, pressed with the professional three local chrysanthemnum MS. Nelson Fice thanked sources were dîscussed by Alex, who was in charge of type photography of the growers, Mrs. Clarence Tink, inakes a wide range o! pro- The guest speaker tlid the those in charge for a lovely Mrs. William Laird, Mapie the projector. slides which so vividly de- Barney Diiling, and Williamý ducia for household and other Ratarlans that people lu this ohf service and program. Grave, when she gave an Ms ar okbrlrepce hsCnda or xod ogv xetavc 1-a test i addr i ti oa i l m e ti disricet o ld r ob a y be m e i g c o e w t r y d r ss e tt e O r a a u i n e on a fascinatngly sd also by the speaker's during a question pe i od Ratsiche ic l equ re ent s rp ise t le rub o m a y r.dian Heritage" at the m eeting inform ative trip acr ss Can- original and exceeding y du- the grow ing a d w intering of of the Bawmanville and Dis- ada, a trip that the Laird cationai commentary. Sev- various types o! chrysanthe- trict Horticultural Society family had previousiy enjoy- eral rocks and minerais cal- mums. DECORATE YOUR HOME THE FAST LONG SAULT heid lu the Public Library cd. She greuped her colorful iected by the Lairds on visits The next meeting of the auditorium last Wednesday slides under such headings as ta varieus mines were dis- Bowmanville and District EAYW YW T E 2-T IK(neddfor iast week) evening. agriculture, mining, lumber- played. Horticultural Society will be Mr. ALWToN W /" HCK( nec i h Eber Snowden, a member ing, Provincial Parks, and The president, Mrs. K. held on Wedncsday evening, DOT-Y U SL BRICK Mr.aeMc.. shw;o the Program Committee, places of special interest. lFletcher, thanked Mrs. LairdîNovember 8th. IYO RSLFMn. Roy McGill, Bamanv1aicintroduced the guest speaker. cailed on Mn. Robert Siml Mrs. Laird's intcresting ac- S Sudwyawtenoon counit was illustated by a ta Oshawa Hospital Satuni aiternoon for minor surgery, Beiated congnatulationsa extended ta Mr. aud IM EROR SURFACE Bruce Baker, nec Ozrace Roc Who wcrc married last Satt day evening, Sept. 30th Tyrone Manse. Mr. Robert Simn returii .:;home from Memorial Hasi tal Sunday afternoon and M:~ W. Vaneyk Tuesday, bo much impnoved lu heath. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jahns and iamiiy; Mn. and Mrs. B J~.ohnson and Linda, Liffor Ivrs. Fletcher and Mr. Jaý Johnson, Oshawa, were Su gucats o! Mr. and Mi , Bert Johnson. Mns. F. G. Cornish, Oshaw spent Thanksgiving Sund. wîth Mr. and Mrs. Sidrn Cornish aud famîly. BER CO.*Mrs. 'Edith Murphy spei BER CO.the weckend with Miss Grai Bowmanville Smith. Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker spe .ODCT LD. the wcekend with Mn. ar ,ODUCT LTD. Mrs. Carl Peacock, Hermon Coiurtice Mn. and Mrs. Fred Brocl a nd Chnis, Oshawa; Mrs. Ch. Woods, Orono, wcre Mouda guests cf Mn. sud Mrs.1 Murphy and family. M a day y- SOLINA are Irs. A number o!: residents from ýckc the community attcnded the tur- International Ploughing'Maidi' at at Barrie last week. Mn. and Mrs.. Eruest Hoc-ka- hed day caled on Mr. and Mrs. Pi- Lamne Morchouse, Thoruhiil, lms. recently. oth Mr. and Mrs. ken Mont- gpm'èry and boys o! Forest son were recent visitons with Mr. Bill and Mrs. Joe Snowden aud )rd; Bruce. ack Anyone wishing ta attend un- the W.I. Convention lu Tor- [rs. enta on Nov. 2nd or go on thc bus could contact Mrs. Rae wa, Pascoe at 263-2584 for more 1ay particulans. icy Mr. Wesley Huis presided for thc Eldad Cbiurch service ent Sunday moruing.' Mr. Harvey ace Yeilowlees gave a fine sermon lu honor o! Laymen's Sunday. ent Mrs. Harvey Yeilowlees read tnd tic childreu's story. A speclal n. number was the sîngiug of the 3ks "Ceutenniai Hymn" witten by w. Mr. A. F. Abernethy of Man- lay ia. Ths was capably sung by H. Mr. Donald Taylor and Mas- ter William Taylor. Chunci service next Sunday morning wili be at 10:30 a.m. aud Sun- day schoel la yet ta, be decid- cd. Sincene sympathy Ia extend- cd ta Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Milison aud !amuly on their recent beneavement. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fit aud Linda attended the Har- vcst Home Service at Colum- bus United Church aud were guests with Mrs. Thos. Fiett, Columbus. The Baking with Yeast short course sponsorcd by the W.I. wiil be held on Oct. 25th from 9:00 a.m. sharp ta 4:00 p.m. in tic community hall. Mrs. R. Fraser and Mrs. F. Watson are the leaders. Anyone wish- ing mare particulars may con- tact cubher o! these ladies. Pleese bring pot luck lunch. The 4-H club h'eld their second meeting iu the hall on Oct. 2nd at 7:00 p.m. There were 27 present and the ral cail was answercd by a Cana- dian food used by canly sett- lers. The girls tien rcceived their cavera for ther note books and decided to name themscîves The Sluna Cen- tennial Chefs, The leader Mrs. Best then explained tic facts ai some o! Uic foads and ideas ihent- cd framn New France. Tic girls each rcad their old fam- ily recipes-that hmd been hand- cd dawni through the years. The girls tien retired to the kitchen where they samplEd same a! tic dishes prcparcd such as Tourtiere and Grand- pie.Groups eue andfive did dihsand group two cleaned up. They were given ticir home assignieuts sud Uic meeting adjourned. Meeting No. 3 will be held an Oct. OiM. Mrs. W. A. Knox, Mn. sud Mns. Ken Pascoc, Donna, Dcii- ble and Denise and Miss Paye Knox of Broughami were Sunday tea gucats with Mr. and Xmis.arry Knoxanid boys. Mr. anid Us. John D. Moi- fat, Orono, vWsted on Sunday wlth Mm .Roy Langmaid and 1Mr. and 3mn. Chvrn Lamg. Muid ad tamUy. CoLJTICE Coumtie U.C.W. The first meeting of the U.C.W. mter the suxnmer re- cess was held at the Courtice Church on September 29th, witb the President, Mrs. Lloyd Courtice presiding. The devotional was taken by the Joy Unit, Mrs. Arscott tak- lng as ber theme "The Harv- est Season" and "Praise Be To God" and what Tbanksgiv- lng was like in Jamaica and England. Mrs. Arscott also sang the beautiful Centennial Hymn, mccompanied by Mrs. Wmlter Shortt at the piano. Mrs. Phylis Cowle gave a reading. Mrs. Audrey Johnson intro- duced Mr. Hillborne of Pet- erborough from the Blind Institute who gave a very in- teresting talk on what it Is like ta be blind, and how they are taught and helped7ta care for themselves. His address was very much enjoyed by al present. The Secretary, Mrs. Ina Gib- son, gave her report and also a short account of the treasur- er's report as the treasurer was absent. The correspondence was read by Mrs. M. Stephens. At the executive meeting it was decided to purchase some new tables and chairs for the church hall. The President, Mrs. Court- ice, asked if volunteers from the different units would take turns in looking after the "«Young at Heart Group" which meet the second and fourth Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLEI 1% »«net meeft9 à ltb on October 2Mt, ni Ite b. taken by the Fidelis Unit. The offering was taken b Linda Rogers and' dedc The meeting closed wlolfUe Mizpah Benediction. Lunch jwas served and a social hour was spent.. ZION Mion U.C.W. A beautifully embroidee d 1tablecloth, a table laden with P fruits, an open Bible and a candie made a most effective worship centre for the Tbanksgiving meeting of the afternoon unit of Zion United Church Women. Mrs. Harry Fisher conducted the devo- - tional period which included a reading 'Vount Your Many Blessings". Mrs. Hans Geisberger Jr. continued the study of "The Church grows ini Canada." She deait with the growth of the Anglican Church which became the first established Church In Canada. Presbyter- ians, Congregationalists, Bap. tists and Methodists graduai- ly entered the Maritime Pro- vinces and often had qulte a struggle for allegiance. In the early days, the church con- trolled education but finally the church and state becamne separate. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick gave many fine leaders ta aur early edu- cational system. Mrs. Fisher conducted an interesting contest on "Old Sayings" while Mrs. W. Ha. siuk, Mrs. W. Pingle and Mrs. p., Tax Collecter. q your money witana avings On. s< the great things about Canada la Canada Savings Bond&, and t" year's Series la the most exciting yet Interest atarts st SYa year-the higiiest starting rate ever on a Canada Savings Bond-and goes rnght Up to M%.Over the 13 yeazs b suaturity the. time average animal yield u 5.SAM Best of & Canada Savings Bonds ha"e a wonderfulempound- interest feature which pays you interest on your interest. Take hall advantage of it and you wiIl double your money. As always, Canada Savings Bos areknsant cash. They may be cashed at any tim for their foR face value plus accnd interet. Tbey are easy to buy for cah oron iustahnents. They fit ail savmngs budgets-from $50 Up. AuJ, for the. irst tinue ever, Cauada's moet popular pernonal investuent mu h. pmuas.d by husncases, churches, charities, clubI, and other og.luti. Another firet the. limit per holder fer t"i Series hma heen ineeased te *50,000. B8CkeA! by aR the. resources of Canada, Canada Savings Bonds «e a great .y .te.&Bey 10 bd" Mad doule your uoney. oni Buy mirstody-where you work, bank or invest! The 4th Instaliment 0F 1967 TAXES NOV. lste 1967 ANTHONY GEBOERS, BEAFISAMY mNi 1. APPLY ADHESIVE 1- APPLY BRICK. .4 EXCIfnG CMOUS GOLDEN WHIA1 LAURENTIAN SLDI CHOCOLAT£ RIPPLE BEAVER LUMI Phione 623-3388 IOSHAWA WOOD PR, Phone 728-1611 DUE a

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