-. -- - -~ - - - - - -. - Lt. M m lu t I Thé. Canad1msi tategmin, Uowmanvffle, net. le, 1001 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIE» ___________ Articles for Sale Livestock For Sale Wanted to Rent Work Wanted Work Wanted Real Estate for Sale Real Estat o aeRalEtt o a > S»L eieth and Jean (néecMA N UR E. P hcne-263-8-447. FRESE Western feeders and PASTURE for 1968 season. 1 FOR rall garden plewing in R I M CTLeUnBtdoua PRWY i Baer aehippy to announce _______ 42-1* stockers. 987-4877 Newcastle. Write Advertiser 853, c/o Thel Hampton area Phone 263-2056. ERIEPEFETLo U Bll oua ARWA resetua u TiDN~f the birth of their son Brian STRAW for sale. Teephone03 aain ttsan ________ _- IPAITTIT ui -bdomtoyeroY*~W 40-3 Caxa_______________P_._Box___ DLAM HOUSE b'JhJ rick bungalowetas ee Kelth (7 Ibo. 2 ouz.) at Me- 723-1308. _ 41-2 REGISTERED PoUled Here- 190,o Bowmanville. 42-2 MEAT cut, wrapped and froz- Puiig- HaCng hootee hem or selection or phone 623-2638. 22 .Morial Hespital, nowmanville, -- CiCEMl9398-w ll uli rmyu ln 42-1 cnsfrsae odbul hn 9357.en. 1a1 .E. Mier 98-59 Phone ll hild .ns e pas 623-5026. 42- 1967. Th____ 1 42-1_______o__SallesOono. __3 .fonhone 623-3540e.,.N-î en GeorgesBlyleven 623146 te obe. l3th, 1967. tha knd RPheR2 ane-forsa6. fod2 bll. hon -8 -590.1 chn ---Ooo.-tf Cre ot n esctif ereALO ,1 D .nruuonMtenty 2- .-.44DISL rctr c EGSERDYorkshire gilts,l WEEKLY DUTCH girl desiresh7se 8~ ONTARIO STREET aPoc osa euiu5 nuss nMaenty 2- .ideal breeding sok hneOCK we rdy.Poe BWMNELEPrkway rset"A Curtis, Pontypool. 42-1 2325. stc.PoeLIVESTOCKSL1ES by eek r da.4Phne1 Meaowviw Phd.nebed T E R Y - In c e le b r a t i n g T W O space heaters, w ith fan. - 1 atDu rh am________Sales_____ ______________ Canada's lOth birthday we Newcastle_907-4798. 42 -1*150 HEREFORD stocker steers, Oen -DurhamConursale3 AITN ndpprhgn.Cstomrenibrt23-.7104. . anie Bowmanville NrhEd odto.Lt6 2.Ak .-are prou te annouce th ---heifers and stock caîves. Saeroelno - HereThoat1. Sp.m Apply Wisn Abernethy, tele- ero1 -t .podt1nnuc h BATTERY charger, 6 and 12'Saturday, Oct. 21. George A. Se In H ue, at ie Swne,-49 21 * lo n Pam n nro ,dnn .'opeinoforCnenalvls al98-73V21alves, Sheep, etc. J. A. bld hn 63T Planting Balane on convenlent N.H.A. age on large lotHuslai .. projeet. Produced by Wallace vot.Cî 8 -473.-__ McGowan, Phone 778-2213,1-i Son, Sales Managers. 52..tf CU-STOM combining, baling,Pr Terms at 0111Y 7%% nterest. immaculate condiin sig 3Arswt ero and Berniece Terry (nec Ellis), IWATE o aeaddlvrd aeo 21 village 'rakwi a5-594 o 26- adprice $16,500. bnaoVLA prvd aaslated by Dr. C. J. Austin at 24-Hour service. Call 623-5756. Contents ofvilg black- buncing, mowing94 r 6 andai- Removal D. EER Hopia, oma- _______29-tf Fsmdithsofriuedse,83.30-tf Meniorial H ____Boma- _ _nt ___ Founde____ofthe ________ Asking arntqus, etc., pirety cf he REUPOLT438G-.ats Phone 728-3636 Phono 622-2263, flOwmanville Apartmentbuligit IoniervS.NTonwer -ville. Our 'roject was comn- TWO oil space heaters, $201A3B-t, naJ self-containedm. Sadapartmenetts. One only 816,900.asthre pleted at 60*1î a.m., October 14, and $25, at Burketon Garage. boundary. Owner may have ___n_____ed t hye 1 t e__ 41-tfWedapt.ahasOthree bedroonss, d Oehawari Mlle -16.Nm:Robert Donald. 42-1 same by paying for ad. and vleWdesact25hBr.,Phone 623-5251 or ~~.-w seetial etd ag 0Arswt ero Wboteigh:forbs 8 u nc.e CW ÀT Clfor sae an deiveed eed Phoe236238.41Termsacash., eSal pt 230pnc6 3-2 2.2 -te'-.yL worJNIA. L H o y o bl ar g it as m nt bic un aow .66 sq t br th r or Eu en , al a ~ ml C if P th ck 6 3- 31 . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ T au c kson , Ted S 42-1 H U N T IN G Season w iîî s oon E X C A V A T IN GR A L . E ST A T E A N D anw o rh op. F r tl c toof n s e e . r o Viekie. 42-1 S-T-O---- ringer C a rs fo r S a le a c i n e s be here. H ave those hunting L O A D IN G - T R E N C H IN G IN SU R A N C E C ontact us for m o e i f r a p t o, 2 b ns s r a i. A - WERRY-Grant and Eleanorlcabinet, excellent condition, P1e930 -466W4-doo sean.'Th eee rhaS alers' n- niv2EslsapnedSt . Crowvile, *aillrel op5,1 fi owanlle- 36 Liberty N. to.îgnny5500.Tec (nec Leighton) are happy ot onePhonene98-4467-4385.nalFal eee Sle2M-ay112 liiSt, ow 4v0leÏF13Dlierd623-7264 Maple Grove: eroisdrd ennomcethe rriai f Cao- 987438. 4-1 Oct. 30, selling approte: 032-i-Mour WATER SERVICE bungalow, with ag iigBlesokAe * marial H8 osital , anviMe- quipment; aiso, car radio best offer. 623-2775. 42-11 year-olds, stock calves, beef ý-Foundations - Septic tanks 1623-5756 - BOWMANVILLE 2 Bedroom buglwg Asking price 8490 mo Otosrital, 1967.'A new hoei233014-1190 NVYsedan-.reason- lcows. Sale te commence dug and backfilled. Ivan - ___________ iglw a- rc osnwbtro -o tti sser 8for19Sus*A n cttI2" ... -pedbcylable. Phone 623-2668. 42-1 promptlv at 1 p.m. J. A. Mountjoy, Biackstock 986-4737.___ age. nice lot, new furnace. North of Necslm n unc;lrebr,9 lind Wiedfor SpeiatankaSctt new condti. 3Phne Nicce,-TUK- 96Frd20 Reid and Son, Sales Managers _____6-f - ost Asking $11,500 with only! 150 fi. building o.Akn'arswralpn.Ak and Wndy.Specil -hn-s t$2,2condiion.PhonWillw trUKde95forr price4- n2,000. ners.i2,20only. Wi36,900.fo Dr. Hubbard and nurses on castle 987-4587. 42-1 ton express, mileage 54,006, an Actoees.413 A AýR ae Boxer dog. Please Bowmanville or Oshawa prop- rc$20. maternity. 42-1 AP S enoh 12 u licence 28652B. Telephone' AuciS sleofnerfodJohn DeWitt, 983-5882. erty.Hato r:10celtCutieAe $1.25 bu.3-2tio6sae. 4Heefod i42-1 with frontage o w od.1 celt 4ml ot HOLMES, bring container. 37 Prospect 263-2668. cattle, two tractors, fuil Eine IPlumbing & Heating WOVR a~ Building Lot, near Highway Asking price $4,80 em.c o iha.Akn ne 23-95. 4-ifTRC 6S 4 964Che../21/2 t fo mdenfam!mcfnemod5ernso S. Bwnanvilero's otao iggrp 1e1e,90 xO00. xly200'.. Oroo:Thre edrom3un5$800 _____t.Phn_63598.________1_-'3_eloS._o mavlliW O VE a.s Harve Parîy An-e-t.e,--LSronBr tîSerial 4C1504616432; 1968i5,000 bales of hay, straw, J It eurnsptt igr pesOoo h morLalHSpa, Borw Mve, most new, size 10. Phone' International M,'-ton, Licence!grain, furniture, etc. the' - ___Phoe-86-223-Nwto - 1 galow with aluinmsdg.$lI on Ynr on al, coe 1,197etnville7624. 4- 30606B: used Honda, modellproperty cf Mr. Frank' Kloc,!CARPENTRY work cf ay4~* 3 Bedrooni bungalow, alum- 'large kîtchen ae elkp ce o ih20fe en2OI, $23900; 1963Scout, 4-967Lot 13 Open2Front, Clark kind, odd jobs, repairs, etc.I FROM Concesso o7mn iing, extra building lot. Priced at$2,0.ivfrnae5mnuedvefo ÀAndy Holmes (formerly cf ISTUDEBAKER Service, new1 wheel drive, Licence X15492.i Township, one mile west c Free estimates. Joe BrownJ Darlington, Hereford steer' lot; garage. Asking $10,00o. us an offer.Bomnil A Nestleton) in his 82nd year, and used parts. Grahanm'g T. Cowan E quipment Ltd., 134: Port Granby, selling without and Sons, Phone Newcastle between 800-900 Ibs. phone Low down payment. e îgoi 1husband of the late Beatrice iGarage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf; King St. E.. Bowmanvilîe.'reserve on Saturday, October 987-4759 or Lindsay 324-3297. 263-2354. 42-1 OronoGoonBeh2-26$l50 qFowler, brother cf Alma Fow- $50:~îIE7~o boys'ý Phone 623-5689. 42-1 ý'21. Terms cash; farm so]d. J.DS0 42-1 Ceios Bdom~naogo 21AtH Pes . 1.er, Blackstock; foster father ilothing, coat, cap set, 6X, one -_ A. Reid and Son, Auctioneerb CE- -- - N ot-ce *- __________condition;eraogrslotlli th e G o r t n c utt a . e sli F n eatl 1 , s i 4. 6 3 3 1 .C A R l INS U R A N C E D U E ? 1 S a e M a a g e s, 1 2 *: R EO- F C M E N T L ~ J l O t c o d i n; ar e otit î I I D e k P c e -- 6 -7 5 . heoe untell stFervice i 10 sit44.623378. Cal now forndSal better.r buy EIP.-Industrial, Resi- ANDOTHERS Istreani. Asking only $950 ,I aKtea sîî uryPan -6336 Hoe. F Tunray feno.JAlE o ae servece 2Jnsisring ail licenscd car own-i Auction sale to be held at dential and Commercial Wor i, owrdWlgt 63-54 APLSfrslsvrlFree Estimates IN THE ESTATE 0F ARCHIE jTra IIE o'lnkterment ayufCetery vrien e vaiu1rie.Hn ers, at vour own class of risk. Newcastle Memorial Amena on-1 RYSOY.Myn 42emntBlydf emt.1: Vanr, vPone 263-23. nPhone 623-3621 ISaturday, October 21 at 1:0 NORTH AMERICA FA SORY1imdnREALTO renTtk-7849 I.m., consisting cf kitchen' EXPERT CEMENT WORK ýALL PERSONS having claimes iBidn o,~ar,~Mm~ saaadDsrc o eI 422mIE A N.agant the Estate cf Arch;e able for VLA. Asking $1,000. Ra saeBadF 422 RIKI4A 1S suite, electric stoves, Quebec R. ZePpieri - R.R. 3 Solina Rd, Fray Storry, late cf the Vil- ReaREALTOR PARKS-At Mt. Sinai Hos NINE du. ftL MeClary refrig-ý SCUGOG STREET heater, manual Iawnmowers, Phone 723-0729 4 lage cf Newcastle, in the e. A. Caverly -283.-26312 21 King St. W.,Boanle pitlToonoonMTdaoreotontnoo wrongorer, .R I -Boninvll, nt. oses caic tuiocichr,_ studuiocfDuha, hodid rne rale463--6 October leth, 1967, Margaret $75; Beatty washer, $20. Tele- 42-1j washing machine, refrigerator, K flIo D rhmw o ie Eni Bade 623-3506 3 3R AL E AT LMT D P. Parka, aged 65 years, wife pýhone 623-7369. 42-1*~ ______ metal beds, pine dressers, on- FRANK BRINonoKbu he2t a f ~I 2 ce tc am 14FakS.- omnlî ,cef Pearly Roy Parks, dean .32 SPECIAL Wienchësterrifle, For Rentj tique wooden bed, pictAztnes, Apnil, 1967, are required te NewtonilePoe6395 riother cf Thomas, Buriing- case and shelîs, Model 1894; 1 play pen, tables, mantel dlocks, Tecigfl ro hrc ihte PtrKwI r ________ fle proofitereof withthe TJr.t o ion; Russell, Barrie; Jean .22 Maniin boIt-action epeaten. ROOM, gentleman pneferred. odd chairs, ice box, TV set, SEPTIC TANK undesignd soicîtr fo th _ _ _4 2_ _P h n e 6 2 -2 8 2 E x e cu to r, o n o r b e fo re th e R E A L T O Rni i vi w St e i pl s f u w th g d b a . L o e y - (Mrs. Walter Yarrow), Balti- Phone 623-7120. 42.11Pon 2262 21*, bushels cf produce, apples, etc. INSTALLATION 18th DAY 0F OCTOBER, and GENERAL INSURANCIE wo st c uidns. T$-9ROLE0FR002 are more; Alfred, Bath; Hellen BUiï,NG -Or selflin-gfumnitume ROOM for young man, prefen- Proceeds for artificial ice. R.R. 6, BOWMANVJLLE 1967, after which date the .99 Acre Gravei amolierBwa 1e.Cl:Gog (Mrs. George Bowen) and or appliances, cali Elmer, able Monday ta Friday. Caîl Auctioneer, Lloyd Stephenson. ast fteEtt ilb 5 igs.w Wayne, Bowmanvifle. Service Hampton: business 263-2294 - 623-7108. 42- 2116370 itbuehvn rgadiBwnil j2Mlonyd was held at the Morris Fun- residence 263-2695. 33-tf ONE bedrooni upstair apart- I tcto saeprpenly t heo aie o cf 23Z43 l R ive r eon n-REFMwthoo eral Chapel, Bowmanville, o on sal, ___ert of_--_-_--_--5-tf h a 2-2453 e R ilefroa t105A Wednesday nt 2 'clock. In- POTATOES, 7lbbaec-mnt$75 lb.nthly. Cal! Lucy March, will be t f NWEADte sai Sliitr ha te Cozy 31-bedroom bungalowI cottage. Ideal frdvîp ntn itnet saa terment Bowmanvilîe Ceme- lent for stoning, and gond 623-2318. 42-11 public auction at Stirtevants GENERAL REPAIRS DATha Nticahere, ain. ona optl a e.roimn.$800 ens sig$20 ens 4-qality table turnips. M.,iSMALL wonk shop or storagelAuction Hall, 33 Hall S. and TgGNLFaOrGti 2t a f etme, at ge00. Teris. t e ED at 4-1eqcast.,eandOntanNo, and garage. 8thPriced Stetmser 100 Acres - KEnaHIs 15ARFRMwih. tery.Mante], R.R. 3, Buketon roon, $25 monthly. Phone Oshawa, on Saturday, Ot. 21 - 1967. ,--$17,000. Terres 986-4407. 41-s3_86-44 723-2318..1Joh1n-JB.ng-31bed12oo0nimbungalowt gasst âoo, Jstreaelon g E.R.oonienous3ebdrohome.galoodn!sGzedsbann. _____ ________ 42-1 te230 .m Mfftsgsitechoee eE . oeî,Newcastle on lange, beauti-: and bamn. GoodsokfnEcletsu sig$200 General Hespital, on Priday, INSULATION, blowing meth- HOUSE, 3 bedroonis and gar- cis chestefds ui te, croe CONSTRUCTION Box 9, ulladcp otGo [nielrt( Ocoe 3th, 1967, Gladys cd, with rock wool. Work- age. Available Nov. 1. Tele- chairs,2 ceestscfedrntariodvfuey 890.Tr. $500 ers ~Lusty, iher eMat year, belov- manmship guaranteed. F r e ephone 623-2390. 42-1 tables, floor îamp, rangette, 623oNectrfte, nana Inscpdlo.Godad da rtet rpet.Tens O ct i e - o b e r t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d ie , w a sh in g m a c h in e , e x - F R E E E S T IM A T E S S o i4t0f o-h3Ee c t r 2 a p t. In c o m e H o m e in g o d 'O h w M i eb u l n g . B c k o m . P nt Sh ni an 1 9 or en A e. Phone N ew tonv lle 786-2256. bou s o l dd r, p40-3 r 3 -fcentral location. Real g od Acd ar . S e l st n h o Sherodn, 11earrnmoAher.f,8-fpivileges, reasonable ent. mower, bed complete, rockpr, by- $5,0.Iere.c nes,4xDrOo oe Toroto, ear mothr of38- i Phone 623-2480. 42-1* vc- oa vanity, tmunk, desk, __________________arbge_______B siess_$6,90___ems Robet, BwmanTll; grnd-Helpll wvvantea jaGarbagliensD;ispgosai Business. ban6x90Conrf.Asng$,0.Tei. Rob rt, Eo man ilî; ran - WO Il oo sp rts ja ket, LARGE funished bed-siinïg rugs, sewing machine, bd- VOUR CHESTERFIELD MEN for Christmas tree harv- ie s d n g o erto y E R O H W : 13 ar siz h Mri unrlCap V e 16 ad 18;21" ilips -rooni, fully self-contained. ding and dîshes. Other art- O HISesting. Phone 723-4641, rcoc ny 35.155Ar tc amTr ed t te M rrs F nenl C ap TV Kevinto nerigratrPhone 623-3591 evenings. idles ton numeous te mention. SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 602, after 7 p.m . 42-* Prestonvale Beauty: Lovey 8 Rooni home, lre b n, uid g. La e Osa am k el, Bowmanville, thon at the Eldon car racing set with 38-tf Ternis cash. Myles King, auc- ni - fan, amesoa going concernlandA-i T 'rull Ydneral Home, Toron- extra track. 35 Prospect -St. RG -- vaiab er,_25_039_421__3-552St. Josehs ehool -forbdot. clmhomene 0f sacs i n 0,Ian-$1,0ieifrcen00tac.Fcn treraa ~te, for service on Monday nt __________42-1 LRG partmèÎitt; vlab ne ,7533.4- 2-22SUP.LY easchrs nedd or lot. il remoe.xrs fI$0O0 1,00dwtPieadtenst b mag munvloeCemeItery. 42Bo-i ipiiy hradNov. 1, in Newcastle. Ref- Auction sale cf househoîd d Ww cudngre. ooi.Ony 'coc. ntrmntBo- SE wshr arsnitos, eenesPhne62-321'<R.YTBR$1n.R.$,9000-.irs 1N0tnvAcre.saî: rs-MRobN ____________________parts,_Mofto, rncs hne6332 fet nWensaOtbe P SEY Gutterîdgc, 623-5151. 40-3 Commercial Pnopenty in 5Boom home, brecl 2-1 ppliances, nationaly adve-__ 25th, the property of the late 22-tf WOMEN for waitress work, good location. Consists of 2lent value at $12,0 -Tens OS A A Loey bd .Aticles for Sale tied l<ine of furnittine. Paddy's ONE - BEDROOM apartnient, Mrs. White at 57 Prospect BAt.S&, gond carnings available for stores and 3 apartments. Ex- 44 Acres - Bowmnlî c rc uglw pt ~'ROM the roweMatekeu, Highpton,__ 263-2242- t b nid 9 ing, Wetan astowave frdgchre steeldS BYAM women who are neat and de- cllent heating systeni and J Pantly in Town is ihls odiin xeln na PRMtegoe t ohg 2-41. s 7 ngWeteveP o anvle eti stove, frdcetripnal.Please cli 753-2270, gond wîning. Ideal invest- stream ni orgge $ilnti py 623-3434.___ itn PLUMBING & HEATING autly fruit and vegetables. NE oain-RyWiae,- ___38-tf settee and 2 chairs, -itn o hemngr 5t ments.ilcnsdrgo M SF utMarket, Highway One Stop Cycle, 19 Prince St', STORE at 43 King Sireet Met table, small tables, beds, dress- SALES S& SERVICE Ak o rth e m nger. 3t f in moten iIo nsi,00de go d . Onl 88,00 Teni 85,. South of Oreno. 32-tf Oshawa. Parts, Service, Sales. (heated) - (frmenly Canna- ens, sAdeloolothome on Can24isURe Ave. Frontageodon Scugog$2,t0eet ed brick home. Barn.wn onlB en THUY-urrow International AIl makes. Now amail engine tien Flower Shop). Apply 39 quantity cf linens and bied- Oil Burner Service local retail store. Write A- Full price $12,000.anToninRadGodI>m.foiOsaaPve ~:po o he-point bitch, in and snow machine service King St. W. 36-tf ding, some Iovely old dishes. SPI AK N etsr8 n onLn ____o tre e. t this sale yeu wiIi fincl SPI TNSAD vetsr86, c/o The Canadian dvso good repair. Wesley Yellow- Phone 7239241.. 42-2 ONE bedrooni apartment in niany antiques in funnitune TILE BEDS Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Attcr g p-m. Please Cal: in $,50 en cr -Tema _______________ leveOnt.l4sub-div$,sionper a nd s- r a. Asi g 8 50 lePhono 263-2564. 42-1 TypEWRITERS - $49. Ne Bowmanviîle, 139 Wellington and dishes. This lady was PHONE Manvi.lL._Ont. 42-1 4 BEDRuiMdbrickotsnNe ~ ,00BLS od ia ctmOe ow,$2wly d- St. Phone Hampton 263-8450 fenmerly an antique dealer HAMPTON 263-2298 MA Wanted - gond nearbyD.AM 1,000-B A. I..oCoders- eu623-2645 BuildingeeLotsAdNearaNewca tle. DowAonM4eacres.987i426eateoi .- ay, 40c; 1,000 bales dlean Ont ers, Cash Registers, New, dyt eon. 42-1*!and this is sone of er keep- TYRONE 263-2650 Rawleigh business now open. eeegr 0842C o t si atraw, 20c. Stonage availableUsed, Rentais, Service, Trades. HR-rniaate sakes. Sale at 1 p.m. Cliff if wilîing te conduct Home P. Kowal 3r.- 623-58 west of 115 and35HgwyiepaeNcîyoatdPi- until winter. Phono 263-2120. B il i H a ni 11it o rnRaglan, TRcom, sp acehate, bt-P________ i.421 VA 0 Sric uins i od 21$210 ____42-1 1-985-7160 (North cf Oshawa). Orono. Imniediate possession. Painters J-404,-00.iceie S. Jc -5 LREuattRdnyat,-___________33-tf 1 Phone 983-5631. 42-1* The undersigned auctioneer J10-5 00 iheiuStBicldnots r LAG unit onycas ilseli ypuleauction, the -St. Henr,1 otre<,,42- bald ntstaw ble afafaHEVYdut tacerchin -iïi&àfDon- I wull by mstckan pul t o 1and Decorators R owaniIe ubicA R D Pigeon Lkone hm esI *hay, stored in barn, neonmin. 110-28; two 7.00 x 17 truck apartment. Wil accomniedate Mm, Ernest Wright, Lotsof village. Pnîcedon largeBoad lot, inspns Ld.,Reltr oodcotae Edwin Staub, Newcastle, Ont,1 tires; four 6.70 x 15 six-ply four aduits: $100 per month. Con. 9, Darlington TownshipI6337 ible pensons te act as noon front lot 100 x18.Aknjaowitneclfuac,4 087-4439. 40-1;1truck tire s; high trnd used 79 King St. W.,_623-3434. 41-tf Townljne cf East Whitby and PheuouprisnnaehtPu-62523.pcbah.Lrg0ot75kn ______ - snow tires: two 20 x 400 Gond- TObdo ----ii !Darlington North, anti mile ___________26-tf lc ol s. ers: 11:50Pb- a,200 EXCELLNT matred co year ires.in-"Resauran, Mote, GlftShop 86,000.Tennis Ca23:Georg trXCELLEaNTeranuek, R.Rties.Pon 23-21a new triplex, $100 ai-d $90IWest cf Enfield and North,!oi1:11tating ageulinwia- Resaurnt,050e crof ikrIaeen421monthly ent; Orono, Semer- Buyhih6-1xclen050y 63747 Tyrone. Telephone Hamipton TV TOVERS 'ville Dr., Phone 983-570924Eat cf Raglan and South, on PUMPING S.eRandmae-ritastat 24 ettelbusLarespav d otinin on tens Prl rc.Pie $5 p-2t proiaey6 edWHITEWASHING STABLES King St. E., P.O. Box 100, OR - just looking for the night seats 70. Only $70,00. 8500a 880 ens mi Z ~~~~~~~~THREE - bedrooni bouse inI purebred and grade Holstein BR OPISBwavle 41-2 home away froni the city on Snowmobil TVSHAAPPLY LTD.lal ov atl ndte ullieoff 15. Write Advertiser 855, c/o imachinery. A list f articles!J Phono Newtonviiio 786-2552 -BOOKKEEPER required in pace? A bungalow on 100' x Bowmanvll IPO VE:Ncwl anadian StatesmannPRd. En nextwaee90s paper. Thte. Cali Coleet 41-tf Bewmanville anea, te take 200' hedged lot acrosfroni Owner Tranafre etbikbnao.O et TVunton d. EOsha ana190, Bow man P.O42-1xJifanexis s apn erv Te. -- -over accounts payable, mc- Forestry Station, Oreno. Stone 2 yean old brickracbu-dwih2atrosFni- ' sale te commence sharpl y at T A CK BU RG ESS cuts eceivable, wages c- fireplace, Hollywood kitchen galow on Pakway ns!lc d at n bs m n. P ie S a ltsE&sS eofiRetsonlR7m3-813 cou its, m nthly tria i balance, w ith T appan range, sunken tri c heat, 3 bedro o s, r c a- t se . Cm i M s. cR b i S a l e s & S e r v i c e Diaetirl 72ry a-8131t in d îîl a.m . L aw rence H arris, O I . B U R N E R S - F U R N A C E S under thpe uid n cre f h ar- livin g o n n -w l, c l i n r e i n a i o , n a 2 - 1 9 Day ornight -BDill Lea.sk,_Prop. bu1ildng elsevce s lerk; Pthick &Aei,au-CENDedaconntSaryc-sadsefryusefOnyshlsadhpig.Atft ~~~~~-P R N INeEtWn l Dur w , f a ~ - < * Oa G o ro i n f a v e a bli n e n uno it -B2r 7 5p î g î g h f r s n raio n a l K i n g E a s t a t M a r g w i l l F u r F a xr n ' -- . "" ý'" iN e w c a s tle A r aW L i t P o o. L . TYRONEm-erun3-u-i eeratrwihmn Cottage -Ucugog ton uglwwt et u xlsv rew, 3plthth Aé35-lb. bg0 yrna bastsofoni OtoberunelaeCs tracter (3-. St. George S. Licence No. 0C7 Look now and buy right for dsnrongrg,'od- firow.« " e itera'tial PURJune. HOWFacilîties inciude iPt. hitch), roller-bearing - TL - th01fC-t67___________________gai 1111 t~r na e î;i nt rn îl na P RI A OG CHindoo n -%nd outdoor sw m m ing i on11 w th rack, Int. 3-fu ro v P h o n e 6 23 -7 4 1 1 1 -fExtra sleeping cabin. Th i * and w ith severai u t re s& 1f Ah ei I 8. urr. ti il 1 0W-ando 25-1b. bat of Pools, s u a b t e ,ercise i l w , M cCo niick n a n u r e - a real gond location w th 1013 G o e ni. 8 1 9 0 1*t» htrsInl ltsiURINA DCCHOW noorn. Apply Fîying Dutch.. Jspneader (like ncw), Int. hav of shof ut Wiliam V Pont. eme 119 37-tf lstf soraet Wiliam 2ndt PlkdU iMl an M tor Inn, Bowmanville mower (3-pt. hitch), Int. eed UND ER O TMen who love te sng and $8,50o. Cî 2-33 2-58o O T A E Pt« U ll C U J4e i V Ai O V P l c o d U pDtuM IP h o n e 6 2 3 - 3 3 7 3 . 3 6 - t ï j d r ill, s id e -d e liv e r y r a e , h a yY O R A U O N O W a tt e n d3 -3m e3 ,ce s1 ____DO LAR DOU LEFod__________tc._TORA TOiOWAre willInt te re ularly Hardware Business Toronto 923-97V I A L l a r gl e v a nt F o d u l t i t r e t cd ., e t s R uw i t h l i v i n g q u a r t e r a . N o c l s e A t e r 9 p . m . : BALtOiBIB - C bM 30-b a n f oLr DOBL Roner ' O Wa rtiqus titatcfefu niture and reveotslose L - R C O M E N S 5 -bRa a f r k n e l o n r 'F R R N n i u s I r o n s t o n e c h 1 n a , D u r n g W l t e r W e a t h e r T h e e x a n d n g G î c o C l u b 0 1 c o m p e t i t i o n . G o c d l p o t e n t i a l . P s t Y e o-.-6 2 3 7 ?o r P r n a e vc T E A C T O R S T his offer go" d u til N ov. 30, 1 T w o large bayàa ndoisto kroom g assw are, antique dishes, set- * * neo i llor e n oa ndbaa io n tce lethis pProf itbl e un e t K.je n o k i 2 -5 8 h n e 7 8 9 9 W. te nc C ar es 10 7, or nail su h ine u'board, bells, lamp , toilet sets, F L U E o tc ne eotefo wlJotre.Aa orBetla.IRno k la0Modem-itee amdMhairloa nut aide-krlare oe Car In ow for a voces. Tho se nterested hould business. A sking $30,000. G o od Mnd er a u- 6 3 3 9 7 t ~ . j* i g e n t 't i a y , î . î s o c k a e d p i e e d' S r v i e t a t o n ta b l e ,,. M a n y o th e r a r tic le s , D isA e o fth e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __te r m e . T. OwA v NSTNE ow ruc Optional ttpoet fHrl e- Ail Wêrk -Doue by, Dcoeter R. Cotton, 728-2854Pek- 9142 Rosm Glibart Oron 8353 OW N iSOE pportunity for a geod nme- nett, Lot 3, Con. 3, Eat Whit- 'Licensei Mechanlos, Preaident W. Bates.-'623-342H aukrold * -253Royester Orsts-HYEIoS »s-Rbe LTD LOIJE, FHarchntedhe is s tstern! b. 1OrilnWet9a3-580le;1aPericson2a1 ~~' EQUIPM1~NT LT!). FLOUR & FEED cbuante woss e hf uhof Taun~mie etndor3 ilei Vie-Prou. K. Perfect, 023-ZU3 a.M54,al .- :3.3911î Gasro 11 9-25goa ao>otad M I L L bus9i n ea 2fo 3 h'l" 5 1f, s ous rt cf T urton r ole r.. C lub cM e t e7 thê I *a W ilf Iaw ke * 983-5274 1 H ow ard P ortier - p a n s a en e o e ~ t P h o n 2 6 3 2 3 5 1s e l a mi a I a t 1 2 :3 . T e r n s V V Ma n y ig u n as oî :r D i k l t e ( c a f 6 2 3 - 5 2 9 3 ,i B r o o k ili 5 - 8 3 p i e l a . S x S m l s 2 c 623.5777 or 725-50 1 s h.n, Sa. loydWia-er8 Endng St.W. o*mavifO sM d meet the m enber . . . Cal Morgan - Hl 7J George Boston ~ 1528 i n u r e tinerUxrii nd. 4(.Phone 823-3134 -i Yeti willi é mad s om.Garden Bill ItamilPort P. 143 D4p2.1 42-v-Rbb1 e.