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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1967, p. 6

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-'-r--.- 9 T e C na jan St tes an Eo m a vin , ct. 18 19 7 a bam ar table, using the arti- and a uthorizes the R eeve and clea left aver from the ba- Clark te sien necessary forms, 1 Cartiw rigt CoiDuniUeI A motion by Gettins and H o I d F a m il y G a t h e r i n g Pa~~~~~~~~~~~~rs. M cKay rend the treas e etig c at amloac ndd b itl c yL w N. 10 en Hl ai y Gt e i gurers report and gave the ex-aitn eoddb etn Swain approving the readlng churh. isea favorable re. wright Counicil was held Sep- instructing the Reads Super- By-Law authorizlng Tax Cred- Ahappy famlly hathering family heartlly joined In wish- cott, Peterborough; Mr. aMdrt n andBazeafr theld joopemben th ndRe ilv e nCmp ecsIt narrotw nscu ets"te sec asndSchl Tax Creiial- took place reeently aet the ing béat oi luck to Mr. and Mns. Jim Booth, Kingston; Mr. n1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pars. Ivan Ellicott, Peter- Don Ellicott, and friend, June. A donation of $20000 in the chair. The minutes of If necessary changes are desir- sistance Act 1967. Motion by Wright 75 Prospect St., Bow- borough, who have sold their Guelph; Mr. and Mi's. Herman was given to the church bud- the at negular and spécial ed. A motion by Hamilton Swain and Hamilton passing Inanmvile, whnteimmediate bsns and home and wlll Talâma, Mar Lynn and bl et, as funds are very Iow at meetings were approved as and Wright lnstructing the said By-Law and authorlzing bo leavlng for an extended Neil, Lakeport; Mr. and Mrs. this time. preaented by motion of Coun- Clerk to contact the surveyor the signlng of same. business trip. Thein destina- M. English, Oshawa; Mr. andi The meeting cloaed with the cillons Gettins and Swaln and ta establish the propenty lines- Thnee copies of an agreé- tion la stili undecided, but will Mrs. Philip Balson, Hampton- Mizpah Benediction. M r s. were canried. road limits at two locations, Ment wlth Chas. Brignail to be spendlng the colder part Mr. and, ru. Grant Wright Rennie and Mns. McKây uerv- Deputations present as fol- was carried. suppîy ambulance service for of the wlnter sornewhere in and Mn. and Mns. Richard ed a deliciaus lunch. lows: Mns. Glide wlth Mosans. Mosans. George Wolfe and 1967 wene ordened signed by the sunny south. Kouhi, Bowmanviibe; Mn. and Fisher, MacGregor, Robinson Harold Hamilton were present motion of Hamilton and O NGThey aiso extended beut Mrs. B. Browse, Mn. and Mrs and Glithero representinj the ropresentlng the Boy Scout Swain. This agreement con- G I wishes taMr. Don Ellicott, Ernest Hockaday, andJen WESLEY VILLE Cartwright Lakeshore Rae- Group Cornittee and inter- tracta to pay to the supplier of% TO who la taking a course at Solina. Those unable ta be payera Association. Inquired ested in Caesarea's Cemeteny ambulance service the sum of I Guelph University. Don was Ënesent were: Mn. and Mrs. (Intonded for laat week> I1psibility of widenlng Binch cleanup. Mombers of Council $650 or the équivalent of 50c RO ME__te wihalvl ha nYllwesadfml, Teusa alatvte land Causeway and especial- on the Cemetery Committee per capita base& on the servic- ROMprellnte ihalvl rv o elw eesadfm , Te uulfi civte yte3"clet aigfor discusseded hepnoject with the ed population of 1,300 over- ~ ~4euing ase. Ottew; Miss Ellen Hocka-were carrîed on in the comn- adfnto fapiaera-mnpeetadoni fe-ceoe h hl e ilenjoyed a sumptuous day, R.N.A., of the Sick adfnto fapiaern munityentan laat week Includinghewhoe yar ~~~~turkey dinner with ail the Chlldnen's Hospital, Toronto ahrn in the last wapndhwsaecul eedUe0fsm mcier n Othon connespondence de- tnimmings. Those present and Mns.R.own Enniakil oth gardon, apple prockg taken over for maintenance by this overdue projoct. claréd received and filed and s - wene: Mn. and Mns. Ivan Elli- lén. RRoa, -cfrnthe ikingi the Township. Wanted Coun- Mn. Robent Cook of Caesaea the meeting adjourned ta thec soinectigad nnigi cil to stop people dniving on wau prenant aeeking Informa- next negular meeting date. E soe laeih a Quiltng ofheg fth od ,tien regarding the purchase of THE Y E L V R T O N l esign clled buttreopeof especial[y et a corner. Com- a nesidontial building lot. T ME!~V L E R I O N lie" ontluedbut he PC lained of a narow culvet on Somne are availalble but the j (Intnde fo lat wek) Yelertn o 7Afursevralcial effort of course was the Futsey Street which hindened scarcity seemi to have inflated R IVIERA? Alnrandeof iorslat eek) e l erve o n 7A fr bsivesasfowl aupper. tecs oepeople from passlng on this -the pricea. A as istosdecndd ens hv sl tei u Ans is often tecsesieded end street. Objected toea Bis and accounts were pre- eN es Wherever o rvl tsa-Takgin weekend: 1formerly of Beaventon. Thk ho proésent but membens of thelled g fa oay. e - sn ented for payment: General, L A Tra el A c ide t nr f M . and M rs. L loyd W ilson in w o w o"epe t t a h: n eigh bouring chu nches g ave quested snoo-fen2e3for53um - in coyst TartYluAccident ImuntY for t etheb.inessMrs.L e rer fth pesre unbletoSe noil sineab r utm n-n f1239Swk ance. In addition ta lump-sum cronuh wih tonexthebsns huwe nvoywloeadadt mit Drive and six additional balance of the,00 in thel 97 NW benfis n as o acienairespective parents, Mn. and new~ waiters, Rosemary Th-. street lights et a diacloaedEdctoaley Raafr Anhracoleasard deet yiucanset of oienal Mrs. Gordon Henderson and The restaurant and service novsky, Patty and Jennifer ca rna) fapoia Ely ll,19.7onlev.Rentotalof a outicer condyeary n ep- deay protectin gastt 4 h famrly of Toronto with nela- station formerly opOated by Payne. took the place of the $42 each per annum. 0f the $23,348-90. It is again noces- tember and to get our fresh- ndal proeine oacintah tives in this locality; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howard on girls away at coîlege. Mrs. above requests, a motion b ay taorwfomhebk iidclepneo cietlMns. Ralph Malcolm and Highway 35, east of Yelventon, Carroll Nichois provided mu.Jh Hmltn nrscndd ta pabcrrent rmethes ac-n oft oo tn u inuisdrnyuetr rpfamily of Don Milîs with rela. has aisea been sold, with new sical entertainmrrent for thoeb adnGetn uhnie oms Mtosfrenoffs gav t arnoyai l n j u r i e s d uo r d onou r et ire t r i pta y înz u n iti s ati n ov e pt e m r o y 1 l -while you're going, while tives in local communities; Mn. owners expected mon. who waited for a place a h lekt onatte O un Mosiansdrprov in h niOnatisoccson eeld r15 you'rc there> and on your way and Mns. Ross Lockwood and Mr. and -Mrs. Howard Mal- table wlth organ music and tarno Hydro and make arrange.-a y etnsadSOi nfir cs iodne wt he u back. For as littie as 3 days or boys of Peterborough with the colm, Mn. and Mra. Wilbent selections reconded on a tape -nnsfo hlixadt oSan m Gettins redspeive- nidohnEwadCma as long as 6 months. See us Ted Spenceleys; Miss Linda Malcolm Mn and Mns. Mur- recorder by different muai- street lights at Ontario Hydro îy. ndattis ese tiv-Cratngeo f the lrdCamag for details before you gaiL Rowan, currently nursing et ray Malcolmn, Mrs. Donothy cians. convenience. A motion by Tw esltin wr aacdsta geato an the et the Sick Children's Hospital Bristow and Cathy motoned ta Besides local descendants of - _______- _________________a agrel dncetha in Toronto wîth her parents; Detroit, Mîch., ta attend the those who Were around when ed as follows: R-14 by Gettins 'M sure was enjoyed by ail. Mn. end Mrs. Barry Staplos of funeral of their nephew and this church was built, Mrs. C u "P i and Wright asking D.H.O. ta Oshwa iththe Lawrence cousin, Mr. Dick Phiip, son Roy Stinson of Toronto was ic convey or grant to Carwih The football season is aiso Staples; Miss Winnie Kerr and af Mr. and Mrs. Jim Philp. present with her husband.y Twp. that portion of the Cent- w aand b uiorstan thioer Mrs. Mary Capelle et their Mn. and Mns. Balfour Moore She expressed pleesune a25 loh Mnersneededafry thei are doing webl. Anothen ath- S TUAIT 8 summer home hene. have commenced ta frame being hene as some of lierW ed 2 Y5 ea rs wna ltoMners ne danyforthai ti band b at unor eniers At Sunday service our their new b'ouse on 7A High- people, too, were involved in purposes. R-15 by Swain and ondeny has aiso been getting church was filled aimait ta Way west of Yolventon. the church building. A double célebration for Mn. Gettins, seeking D.H.O. per- inta shape aften schoob these JA IS~capacity with evory seat accu- The C.G.I.T. girls' choir Wanda Fond was ententaîn- and Mns. Percy Dalby, Court- mission ta transfer funds from days - none other than aur M K Spied ta hear Mn. Harold Stob- sang at the Ballyduff Anni- ed at a linen showen held In ice, manked thein silver wed- one or more projects ta ohn aktaltas il n hart deliven a fine Thanks- vorsary Service lest Sunday the home of Mrs. Susan 5k1m- ding annivensany recently. deemed monoreces for boys! GENERAL INSURANCE giving message. Special muîsic evoning. ner in Pont. Hope on Satur- The couple were entertained this yean. BothOu cabsrnied.r av was provided by Miss Veneta Mn. Case Glabergen, Mn. day, Oct. 7th. Pink and white by their three chîldren, Gary A motion by Hamilton andatOr lushiyer av McGilb, accompeniod by Miss Frank Glabengen Jr. and décorations were used on the Dalby, Miss Joan Debby and Swain authorizing the Roads memratan previor usly aof 24 ilnt St. E. flownaanville Linde Rowen on the electric Miss Manlene McGillb attend- hononed guest's chair and ne- Miss Sandra Dalby et a ineSueintl dnttapuchsoa r udo club is 50 crow da Officetedinenr- Residedetnacerhseurjuoolu sgan.ode nc ra.ed Expo this woekcnd. peated In her neme on the party hebd a h otlGn ubben tires from Attcnsley second class for beginners has 123582-43 Mn. and Mrs. Sam Moultn To of aur community's i'eceiving table. Guests were osha, Oshawa, and Jeter woro Tires, as ani extension ta the beenognzd -5681 623-5491.who have operated a lunch young mon are embarking on àchool fionds, and the sister hosted et a surprise party et tender acccpted by the United Ti en oh lrgenied 1ber nd service station est of new careens, folowing ad- of the prospective groom. the home af Mn. and Mrs. John Counties Council was cenried. Thaye wthelnr vancod education: Mn. David Thanksgiving service was Lemon, Rivorsîde Drive. A letton ro srsaons chool and e langer student Staples is attending Teechers held et Welcomo on Sunday Mn. and Mn. Pery Dalby CaseopendMey asking Coun c oy, Cauirtics o indaof Coliege ,in Peterborough; Mr. morning with extra music swerte mnaruricd in SEbenezer ata ogP itnd Am thrdAv e co'spinitshow sigspai Case Gieegen will ho stant- prepered by the choir. Fruts2UitedChuho e ptomb.e. raescuoainwtn ta her in-deveig ta ts hle tpaca w~~ V A I ~~ 623-5599 ing et the De Vny Technicab of the field and garden dcc- 26, 192yteRv .C ufc aowstre oni cdmc tltcedsca VI ~~ ~ BOWMANVILLEC School in Toronto this comung oreted the windows and front mth ssed ythe .b oni.Cucliî htfiebds.-Wendy Brown. O Y A Lweek on an electronic course. of the church, their bright Frank Yerdley They have there wes fnot sufficient traf- Mrs. Orval Quackenbush cantnasting colons were pleas- three children and two grand- fic ta warrant this expenseB TH N apent two days this week in Ing ta sec and symbolic af children. mandithattou d hog boitte FR1., SAT., SUN., OCTOBER 20 21 22 Oshawa* Genoral Hospital, ne- the plenty that exista in this At the surprise perty, theadtahe cuo Pin turnng home on Saturday. country. The C.G.I.T. wene in master af coremonioswsre si anti odcn Itnc o est week Yelverton's annuel Thanks- change af this display. Reg- James MacGregor and hoe in- dition. giv ng urk y s pp n w s 3 U e Su da sc oob et esb y-troduced G ar y D alby, W illiam R ads business co mp te M rs. Earl M Q uaid and her aucceosful this yoar it wes ville was In charge af the Whittick, Lloyd Dalby and ConiBoeyo atee- Mde ughtenAi, Mrs. Gillamy e m b m r ss n g F r h e fi at s u e n nt n d nt G e rg T f- M r . il p h o o n ukro m a e ora l to w n sh ip b u sin e ss:p B y- e ic l s n rs i l a time raing Fo the llciverd.Tahrs et openla smalî speech toasting the Law No. 1149 was given first Phillips, Mrs. Ina Palmer, ap etit s cee the uply c Sunday school at the pro- honored pair and ta présent eand second reading on motionMs. hoa JcknMs affo.Tefrt r ids e tm o twsdifcb hmwthgis1 eilo n etn.Eerb Weetherilt. Mrs.,Thomas by Hamlton n mo- s.Jennings and Mrs. Emery trascrn he hes Ppl efrthm ose attendîng cu h a Mr. and Mnfs. Dalby nepbied, Given T inead g ht W A T 0 Eof layon cakes dwlndled and get back In time. The offen- thanking the guesta for attend- tion b wiadWih.Sîh atne pca disappeered with p ay in g ung wes nocoived by Lance ing and for the gifts they ne- Motion by Hamilton and Swein Centennial meeting cf the A gese sil qein u e th Pyn an Eaie Wilson. ceived. pesaing said by-iew which Morrîsh Women'a Institute on the conclusion of the ovening the beniediction._______ versany cake and a buffet sup- application to the Ontariao r ogasSeti ardoo 70ta ai admission stTebginr'dceldIi Th opecu h ni-atoiestemknga nTe Doulsaylti merod 70 d admg issions- - - per was sonved. Municipal Board for a Quiet- patient in *Cîvic Hospital, estimmted 50 pre-achoolers fora'au C without change --aimant 100, eC y bumbus,, Toronto, Countice legal area and boundanisof ai Miss Margaret 'Lowes, Ton-. mor guststhn lst ee. ~ C COUBawriianville, Sunderland, anc1 this Twnship ai Certwnright, onito, spent the woekend with__ -' Our apologies ta the lest few - Zin. -.-. guests whose meal waa coin- RAY J. DLIN pleted without dessert - not Chartered Accountant urTrIn wn N ~I.4., oesalpeeopi ol 93Church Street -gJfl1 ~r WA T R RE N N-' -h unearthed anywhee. Our __23-3861_PIE_________2 ' B E N Nthenki ton, ta those outside WX. J. H. CGIS(lntendod for lest woek) L X. N laryMo... y aur community Who sa Chartered Accountant The spécial speaker et thE fPI ILIG 2 c9~ LOgnacioony assi1te Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Anniversany service et Ked- 2%: 9 "M-mmmxc cain vr $1,200 was Phon 623-3612 non United Church, Sunday tUNFAC. IY.u. NARBNER DOTNICEWnN .-ocsion. Oten U.C.W. ladies. WLIMC AL mornung et 10 e.m., October o pt ar- eehy a t e il l CharteR, wilm. Rev John W. S O B EE.. nex ye r -per apsthe e wll harerd A cou tan Gr ntM.A , D Phi.,D.D. Dr. ho«.%M MEA- s i iuib an extra picce af pie for Acutn Grant is professor ai Church COF"15 Pr= "If PMIY PAUILYtNr&AAuE'Iythe ane you missed thîs year.36 KigS.EOhw Guas rm isacei- Téléphone 725-6539 History et Emmanuel Calbege, ' NIN tF an stsBTomRaOdisan-e in-Toronto. S n y at a 7: 0 a d 8 3 .cluded visito s rm Boston KungWS, SELBY & CO. Mn. W le a i i e u - y H KE N A E 2 . 9 Fia an aurday :0ad83. adIneland. It was aiso a Chartered Accauntants orating fnom recent sungony i . ton #Mi 7:30 p.m. pleesuro te see a former pas- 323 King Street West Ini Oshawa General Hospital.QJ KOT tro hschange and his OsaeOtni On Sturday, K e dr on 75cK A family, Rev. R. R. <Bounay) 725-6451 - 728-7554 church was the scene ai the ~. EPTR Matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2:00 Bansteel from Bronte. William A. D. Solby, C.A. marriage service of Miss a I U OLs 4('u w ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____G. E m ondB urr w s, . A . Stella C rp and Mr. Lea La- '*' derout. Unit III ai the U.C.W. . . . ti. .T. . . . .I . Coming Friday, Nov. 3 to Thursday, Nov. 9 PONTYPOOL C1 racIiC cateredin the lower hall, for f MCHASUAE. Ch ropracn Susn Wernr.UARE plyngacitei ta nher homo. A resentei ofnMr " ~Pont7pool . . . oe e n s a a u d y enezer ladies have béerî esk: IO IE A L O I i dÎP's a deiciaus b o f T ela nen.i 67 întAî5C cofee t th oCE : P u,-IR,'. was held e T eda O ffti ce Hours:. niai Poject t D nrLngton l5 P fruit flavora. Here is thse fruit flav- f &ý usdy ct1; a.m. ta 6 p.m.ý Park. on Saturday, Oetôhér SWORD BLAULS ored SRdni. th te b dne f W Ondey through Thunsday 21 et 2:36 pan.? __ ore beafat din tatcome eniewit a atedane f a.àm. Vo 4 p.m. Frîday Mra. Elmcr Down prègented 2511 freus frons the dairy-alI ready to eight. Mn,. D. Preston was in Closed Setundey and Sunday thse devotional, using "Ont .,V M ' imin c hre ome etion k h f Poo 2 -7662 S«t-yLe nd vlp serve. Beep cantains added Vite-. chng cfth deotone. em5eh onAI ?5 a meeing Sk th for ng thea nksgiving hens3e k Mi .Heu a smooth aever tart- ai a buainess meeting ini or- 1 s C O io oin ding us o epiv - m]!m " w » flfavor that both cildren and don f0 arrange for, the annual Inbs Uf wrahippingas79e cm '?'.ILtyNi grown-upa lovel fowl supper. Mrs..VanWierin- DNL .MlREO l:~Seasked aur con-.LESL<j w"t report for ue Thseredand's Lite, Auto, Home cern frthe People cicoun- liai.,oa 6 »M And ta top everytiig Bep r1nvdItwsdcedtIisrae tries whene this isnflot possible,1I qi coneeu ta.4rshsqteIZe h i ntg, St. W., Bownanvuljebtwepiae woahip isn am-Phd11net011 hod hesupper Octoberlour Phoe 6235962 peona in gor.lntheface o eacf 9 wm ucseles thefre <uezdWednesday foliowing ou; ___________ on nger i. utGRAPES 2 ~3' u TA?~ IThankoffering services which 'te enr ne andu-ê~ g.Pu i U .i LOi Avimef1biiha,,,e~,are Vo ho held on Sunday, M O r g a g e s cd wih the necanding "Cana-mSO L - - - - - - J October 15th. Thora will bu AI HMLO -OOOda"by thse Young Canada rmm' MLE 37c SAVE 7c vice et 10 a.m. and an even- Phonoe9M35115 gveuse enmsmuata iservice et 7:30 p.m. First Moitgage Fuiids study of Canada as scsby RE U A 2S~ince the' Southenn Fried Residences - Farms those outside aur counoeil 1R U U 3 cChickes suppers pnoved te Business Propertioeneus tr aSattaRANGES am 59# A umu¶9 *: o 5 popuWarln the Pztzi the second langest country in viv e" HOME DILIVURY cvwu nantmously egreed ta ni p1 me r y tihe world wigthtie greatest mte ppointed werenulasKEIT A. DniLETT, O.D. Our population *of 20 million E ONILY - - __ wi: (Canvassing. Unr. P.i Optomnetnist starte with eulores coming UWMAmW. Mucha, M .P i 98 r.13King St E. - Bowmanvlle eu h ors n o -t e OM N VES E T R D D Peson U. Ialls, Office Hours: By appointment waterways, followed by sett. 15 Mns. C. McKay, Pars, J. Cach- Tel*hon. 823-3252 lors. The completlon of the. OPEN ALLm PHM 1 23.44 ponoa mm .C. PFlus.; Tuadyeeani hishways and airwayu otao 1tW=sl.aan. thve W ua5at,.v.nings ovlcOur aruN ehvi e8 t -1 0wim her parente, Mr. endMmIr. GOUP t «T Globe Trote Donald Lowes. ters" met et the home of their Annlversary services - will leader Mrs. Harry Ryley on be oberved in the United Saturday, with the thora. of Church on Sùnday, October their meeting «BrI.tih Tradi. 21ndatia.. d7:0p tions in Food." MarxLAnn Re.George Richardson os Martichenko demon s t r a te d Perth will be the guest how to make Irish soda bis- speaker, cuita. Kathleen Morton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pier- Betty Ann Morton oooked cCooksvjlle, were weekd Fish with an e gg sauce. Mrn. CY. ee~nRyley made a dessert of Eng. guests with Rev. andM î ish Appl upig p .Wulliam Piercy. pEnglish Trille. James Spearing In aPa- nG rou 2 T e OdTun tient in Civic Hospital , Peter- met at2 The hoe ftim borogh.leader Mrs. John Neals. Maey Orloe Challice, Blind River, Cochrane was elected presi. was home for the weekend dent, Jili Wood, vice-presi. with his mother Mrs. Richard dent, Mrs. Neals, treasurer. Challice. Their meeting featured "«, Mr. and Mrs. Norman NealS, World of Food in Canada". Elmvale, visited with Mr. and In addition to the recipes fol. Mrs. Ross Carr on Monday. lowed above, the girls were Bethany 4-M Clubs taught to make an Indian Due to increased member ,Pudding and aFec or ship there are now two 4-H tier. aTec or clubs for girls organizedtinl Mr. Noel Wood and Mr& Bethany, sponsored by the Ross Neala are assistant lead. Women's Institute.i ers. The new True way to bank, I{ere it is! Everything you need for your cern- bination of True Chequing and True Savinga accaunts in a neat compiimentary wallet. Including personalized cheques. This new Truc way keeps your Truc Chequing Rccount separate frons True Savings. You leave cnough in a Truc Chequing Account to pay your bills. You put the rest into 41/ % True Savings. (If you already have a 3 % Savings Account, you cen convert it to Truc Savings.) Sc hoW this simplifies your money planning. Corne in and ask about the new Truc way ta banlc - and get your new True-blue wallet free. Bankof Montreai Canadas Flrst Bank OsawanvlB and: I M EB, MCAS. anagea Ouhawa Dranch i JAMES McCANSH. Managea 41' nowmanville Branch s JAMES BELI, Mmager

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