- ~ t0 he Canadia Statesnen, Bowmanffleý Oct. 25, 1M5 Turkcey Farm Hard Hit Dy' Ramn, CoIdWeather, .SteadY rain last week, foi-' lpwed by colder weather, may* have meant . coughing and, Sneezlng for niany area resi- dents, but to R. R. Litz il, ineant a nearly disastrous geonomic blow. Apoultry and turkey pro-! cesumng establishment owner, ?4r. Litz lost et least 1 ,41)( turkeys because of chills andi exposure. And Mr. Litz saiti lie would be fortunate if he çould save half of his 6,000ý turkeys. Besides the processing1 plant, on Bloor Street in Osh-t nWI- Mr Tt- .- -. found many of hîs turkey,. dcad in the fields andi the rest unable toroove around, even when chascd. Mr. Litz, his son anda hired man spent the day try- ing tca save as many birds as possible but they expectedto lose another 100 today. When a photographer-re- porter team arrived at the scene, they were shown deep pits in which Mr. Litz' staf. huried many of the dead tur- keys, Other sickly birds wer huddled in sheds for protec- =a, iMr. LJLz also Owns a Mi-. Lit', attiibuteti..flie larni et Gai-ten Hil, nai-fl- deafli o! the turkeys fa the east a! Bowmanville, where constant ramn anti drizztc- lie raised turkeys anti chick- whicli has fallen in flic area ens. sînce Sunday niiglit. anti then Thursday morning. Mr-. Litztheli sutiden change ta colO. received a cali from his son, antidiiving sncw. Erie, wvho was at the fai-m. Unable to Dry Arriving atetfli frm, dur-ý He felf fihat because the' ing a snwsorm, Mm.-Liiîz hirds xvere unabie te dry out. they tiietiof. chilis antiex-; TON 0F GOLD COW 'posuire, despite flie fect colti alone ticesn't bether tliem,. Enniskillen Servant Flower' The tui-key floc'k a]ways stays: -276489 - Excellent - a Jerse' ýouf in flie fieldis iiiinter. caw in the herd o! R. P. Sft-, in spite cf sub-zcrc fempera-ý ger & Son, Enniskillen, Omt., fui-es anti deep sncxv. r has just been issueti a Ton of "r neyer lied anl-thing hap-' Golti certificate. In 1,453 days pen like this," Mi-. Lifz saii.ý she produceti 2.081 Ibs. fat.î 'Wc've lied turkcys ouf tilt She is a deughter o!flic r Februai-y. I've hClen liere 3') Superier Sire Brampton B P years and I doiVt remembr- Servant - 122147. weafl-er like this (in Octo. To qualify for this awarti ' ler)." Mi-. Lit'.' fkeys svere' a mubst 'f ducat Ieas 192 xeeks olti andi liedbeemi. 2,OVb. flti four consecu- 'put on a fattening prnîcess: tive years. T<sta He lied intendetif 0 oa 9 Township of Darlington 9 Second Instalment of TAXES d th Due Nov. lst ti 1967 hý ch Penalty of 1% per month charged on aIl unpaid bli first instalment taxes, and second instainient H( taxes after Nov. lst or REMINDER t eu Dog license fees, if flot paid, are nowv overdue. wFî beo S. FUCHERDEB.OOM, do Deputy-Treasurer. chi ta sel He col Afttention-Farmers 1 def Have you heard about th-e short course in i- Agriculture te be conducted in Peterborough fo this winter? Persons accepted inta this short course ivili I-ea be peid $7.00 per day for single persons and up qui] to $15.040 per day foi- per'ons w îth thrce or more ri or dependents. Additional Living Allowvance avail pro. able ta those who find it necessary ta board H'ea awey from home. f or Hea Commences on November 27th: and rns fl-e for for twenty weeks, 5 nights each week, f rom Of ti 5:00 - 11:00 p.m. o! "This Business of Farming" course will rn include subjects both practical and useful. reco The Canada Mlanpoiver Divisioni, Canada ti0n> Department of Manpowei. and Immrigratioun the terio Aduit Education Centre in~ Peterborough and the new Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food are sYstu ca.operating ta niake this opportunity. available ta area fermers. mi Applications accepted up to Nov'. lst, 19617. '1 B For further information contact Vour colintv of- outct fice of the Ontario Department of Agriculture Mr and Food. ing t as 1il Bowmanville Lindsay PeterboroughMi 14 Frank st. 322 Kent St. IV. 164 Hunter St. IV. spent 6233348 324-6121 745-6851 takin Uxbridge Box 309 852.31:12 Serv'. 'heait] TIi -havr c/Vo the Ozur/zain Tecumseh ai Ithe ,Tha mes, 1813, Into the purchaainget imore land, alla gUt estimhates on flences, @,nd.report et a upe. cie meetlgt tctealled whv'n they haye reports. Mr. and Mrm Donald Ells, Brookàti,, wre.SwMday eýve s, start killing them in carly ý .,' ?'WESLEYVILLE t Novcmber. M Because of the rLk_ý; n- 't '. volve in urke MrNetiY 40 friends gather. L itz d o e s n e t h a v e in su i i -, e '. - "t o oW -to proteet him against a dis- 'CrolNcos -tStra aster like th s. Cve flfl ur en W e a th e r c h a n g e s a re o n l v . F o r h s i n i g a e o n e o! h e iff c ui ics m e u e.:p la ce in th e in e a r fu tu re . A e di in raising turkeys. Othri lrge bell with pn n ht streamers formed a canapy foxes, and coons. i h rhbtenron ,Pf r. Ltz rrnem(,rsandi Wenda set beneath it in, horn d owl hicil did 0ox I. ther pcragl e cas pin e ir b *$2000 damage te his fo kb HeGlor agNicha i a nt Ba bar fore lie fin lly shot the h-iG iin ea i h prea n tio *Most of this damage vas doi..ç inrea tepsnaioi by te ol's tarpedng c th~-' Wande- in apenîng the pile Of te r r ifie d f lo è k . c r d in g t e m ng y p r e s n d t e ri i g dashing around the fclsand gay pabow wresasdtne tim per piling into f ncespink umre la. an dtea et Mr. Litz lias had thlis fartI * i ubela adatak for 16 years and lias the co - ewas r e dets or t e f t r tract to suppiv area hosptils pi c r e t for byhe fr eby Picure tkenby ermother w it hl the b est nossi he u n t e s kexs -Oshwd Tmr~During the evening, resist-! ence te habit was testet by pinning a clothespin toetYe Report - . ankies forfeited thee pin te the '. een-eyed osre and Mrs. Bruce Dinner's, skirt boasteti R eport for Septem ber 1967 _ _m s e o a i n a h Communicable Dthe'm Oîl 10 ascs ,vore m i- Tecumseh at the Battie of the Tha mes, 1813. One of the mOst coIarful and Mrs. Roy Austin tied for; during the nonth. bcing cîîc!i-i berces of the War of 1812-1814 was Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief Who was a great first place.1 enpox, scarlet fevet, saî:îonci. :.wlnirer of the dashing General Isaac Brack. When Tecumseh gathered an aýray hThe annual joint meeting ar, Thereand were pngu cas. ' ' Indan tribes to join with the British and Canadian forces, the proud chief ýte UCWs ai WçlcomeMr r es thisrnnth. sd rr ode by Brock's side. Brock died as he led hs ne d ate a u e so 1 e ltiat Morih ne r-eda rabie thi mont. an rýib,2,irish, Zin and Wesleyvie was 1ý vacinewa ne r]sprmscl ' iB1. ____ ____-______-framn the Imperial OOu Collection evening, October 18thwith Tuberculosis * i parom thei oa reshmnt Four nexe cases vcrc reutt- part ~E or therefre- 'nts ed during the nomth. eue -f Forbe en mebeing w rk h~as these bcing an active case. At BAK SO C K be opee ntesi the four clinics lcici 71 per,- etn n Wsevl i caug smeted in ths one ."lis reccived a ciet x-i'ux'. Th(,Xnna Unit met in thel the branch. After the teet- welcoming ail, învited the in the lake last week. Immî,niization i ich e ryWednesday ai- ng these were packedefeor bride and groom ta seats on1 uertndtGogeT- Fitteen climîlus i v l uiti. ters. Skelding open- shîpment ta the Diocesanthe platform while Mrs. Gar-' fa rsinechaterge ud- pritllý xvich281ilr1i11oîxcdcI L \Atmn cete)ordIilrib .! m don Strong playeti the wed-! School on Suntiay marnîngi uî~ini r smailux accfl~(,ipu n Tylo co Thnkswere expressed ta ding march. During the pro-Jwt ai tacrs ren. md~ ~ 16'-aeiai: ir c uuxFred Ms 1atr a former mem-1gram, piano solos were ren-;Barry Bs niAanWlo ;ven. Theri- \vre 51 ad Visitngdealt w îth ber who now lîves in Bow-1dered by Marie 'Van Cam reeivdthendfAlinWiland' forcing cloes sof 0uad v -Ourne "Ogottn Neighbors ýmanville, for gootis sent, and Gardon MCol, and Lîdaljuiorvednthe ene adcthon iven. T he mmcv Q il-t _1cir 1cîm alsçm gave several w el1 t o M rs. A ustin nec c o 1 M u t o . M s a w od M - h r h s r i e w s h li e ompleted flic intialise!ju.iors'mie.A horthpleletme1 Messrs ýs being useci, and 18 chiluiren hsm short reacilngs on the1 bintiing quîlts. Kee read "Because'". Msr.Welcome and the choir pro. Nursetd heinitil e 'Once uipon a Tinie on 1ae Reports were given by th lnLreredSu itDr;i e hemusic for thé anni. Nurses -made 1,465 t,.)teinie Strucet" was given. Mrs.î eeaet teIagrtion. elat ltliis nn o- versary et Elizabethviîîe in 'snime ii li mdlorf 1S'ec- fRus-el Mountjov gae hm1 of the A.C.W. in Toronto, Oct. rell sang "Eagle Eyes"' anti.the evening. alihiier; 1in th s e i e1 hpon gndanvey heprsien ce-Clmb Every Mountein, :M.ad r.H , Thanksgiving"1, gnd n dg the antI: Mr. and Mrs. Hrold Bar- ember.iîm41i16eedforthan- pogrss o ouj lter Stuart anti Glenn sang'rowclough were in Ptr ursing caî'e ard vl uc- to a edfr hn- adngteporso rPtr lemenstrate carc cf li- t..C cvei-y day of the year,i cook book which will soon nB eaunG rodyohbr.honSniv ieno )abies. The total time in staî'f m-id the first Thanksgiving of be ready for sale. Announce..,BrideadGom The M.C. te visit their new grandtiaugh.- « ork was 2,512 lîurs. WVii:l the ilgim- Fathers andi C a-mnent w s mate of the FeU Icongratulateci and expresseti ter, Constajîe May on S n he pening f suhol. 583 fut "ýdi's first Thansgvng ýDeanery whih is ta be heiithe otiwshes of the, com- day afternoon. mese hour we c sp nt ' c' . i e n e anti son en Ajax October 25th. A short m unity o ta w the happy couple col w rk. This "cear, (m; \ visi*r attendet. dsuson took place regard- ant W lc md the bride be- edic. eniati., fmul e. nin.ersaîd ta plans for the October 27th1 fore presenting them with a S A K IL iedca eamnaion f ni Te nemersan tO 1s-iupper anti catering Nov. 4th. coffee. table, two endi tables, TA KVIL ave been given te parents of tors' atterided thîe Candaceý Mrs. F. Stanilenti anti Mrs. ant i mscellaneaus gifts. oh r hiltren begiîîning schtmji. Liit at the home of Mrsi IH. Beiley serveti a tielicious expresseti apreiaion aio-iM.an r Om Fls ivr hlaI!ocfthese ternis le,. arxveod MeKee on Thursday lunch teaial present. lowmng lunh c ing Bo thnMr. athe Mivrsr een cornpletecl b-* f iL' mruing. Leader Mrs. 'W. ejyd ateietin tehcrs.tOre, Fnaî ivsiciaîîs andtiretui'eed t I eo \atatvopeneti the meeting., Fridey nîght a large crowd tieoy. rie nth Uied1vninNfewhcstey Sunda calth Unit. The infor-mation i3115. Ross DVff contiucting thel gethereti in the RecAt sevice i the eenîng, ate r.hihnthy wre ri thse meiccreeptronforChurch Suntiay morningthe MS; vorhil)rea th scrptue Cntrein ono of r. nc'choir sang the anthem "God i Charl-ie Trim, Bowmaniviîîe. lbasis of the schocl licaithti)passagc,, Romans 12, effer the Mrs. Jim Byers who were Bls urNtveLni. ej dOb guests with Mrs. A. ýcord for eaeh child durieg ,-singing ef a hiymn. Mrs. Ken' areii orodrcnl. PRomeril chose as the themeiwere Mr anti Mrs. FEsti R- attndnc atsciol. Lee gave a paper on "Inter- Mr- evyGaa a the for his sermon, "The e10ZinMr.R Loweryant Au diometry natiomnal Gooti Will." A play- congenial MC. who, 'fe Chilti." The whatSaraeBtofMrsL Sweetland, Toronto. I î S p t n i e r a u i e u e f ' î ~ c t ~ , " D d ' t y o m a n w h t a p t I s m w a d m i n i s t e r e d t e l , M i s o n o c , T r n o stiiig was done iii schoxuul-: ' ousaîd?"' was presenteti by CteieLte nec oJpn h eeedwt e ici-e special referrals had ' f rt. Lee' Mrs. Ralph Lai-mer lCegtherne Leer.Ane chs. aen tis Do.nna rSoH, arnod ýen reeeix-ed te hiav-e te. ir.enlMr. Duf!. This was foi- Gardon Paisley;. Diana Lynr. ans , r.aniMsHeot ne early iri the miis ev mnr lowxed by ai înteresting antiduhtro Mr. anti Mrs. Bob M.at r.E heo ai-. or sehere tîerc. thouch" t pltîrovoking discussion! ultce;.Jnne nda-Tr natMrs. LloydHalla-o ildien cftoverfromi iun sudpraer.I OL ? gtero! r. anti Mrs. Robt. well's, Sunday, 'anti ettendeti bc testeti. This includén' ', s.JoeeBratiburn olwason snShl hools iii cdiof tiher' lstcsfor the eight memr s Srr'antiSeedon o Sio niesr alth Unit areas cf Bowimn- jied tîîrec 'ilti- woet. When you turn 21 o r r eadHlo.. visiorswhoat.A gooti attendence was aiso a few days with is parents,! le, Brighîtoni, Camipl o.11 ctcmded ftic Dorcas. Unit meet- y'ou are flo. longer present 'in S t. Jahn's' Church.' ýbourg, Millbrock andc Port; meConmi dnesday efternoon. covere.d by your Rev. R. C. Rose deliveret i e )pe. 2 uigae xc ms C. Hill openeti the meet- Hosetî môn on The Epistie of! The 9 adiorani wecmug witi a pcem "Felling' parents'Hoptl Jms eup six iev lricai-ip1.51 " nt paer1Ahyu Insurance. You must Mr. anti Mrs. Wallace Ma-' 'ects.~~~ siw--et oml1 xas sung. Mrs. Walter Wright *..î lw M at r. M" tests stili indicatiiig a lcar- ;vthx e icworship readingi take out indulandMs.Jm Mar g iowandMi-. anti Mrs'1. Brian .% deee aîdtw r-frrisReuuîans 12: 3-5, anti a medi- mmesi within 30 HaitnM.anti Mrs. Boba ým physicians normai. lotion on "A Personal Assess- 'memberrandip I --b Environniental Sanitation mci(i.' Mm-s. Hill ri-ati a poem dcays. Gel- your ap. Park, Mi-. t Mrs. Wm. Ma- o 3ecion37 5)of hcPulic-Th Rgli Diecion" Ms. plication form at a. haffy anti Mrs. anti Mrs. Neil, I lth Act R.S.O. 19631), r- ýStemord Van Camp deaW Macolmiff*, *the i*i ies tiat a sanitare ii t'he,: fi 4th chapter of the' bank, a hospital, or Transport Association banquet,- i o! ail sclioelýz be n-maie td bock "Into a Nation- the Commission. in tho e e ay HoelTom-- V0 r ually, and repuî'tcd lIofthc Tiih-i, ciat dcain nopo ensia vnn. )vinial eparinen of olluîngbusiessmeetngýDuring the business periotiin vlth hai Deaomnt c -le im)x-ii minessd meengJim Mai-low wa.-,elected a! antiebeunbbenee- mý, rember o! the Board of Dii--Kn 11th Inspectors folioxx-in'4 ý Wedinesdav evening Mrs. Seeralf-rshi rae- re-openimg o!fliý c ýs I vl:laniMoumtjoy xvas hostess -tedttev supe r ithiaeaNs-ý the Fail tce-ni. Ail phases i- flice Esther Unit. Leed'sr tne.tespe nteNs Iie operatim cf flic selmeuol, .'. Arnold Taylor cpened N W .UDI fleton Presbyterian Church,. ing a bcamiiîg on tlh-ealfi lic meeting wlith reatiingsi Wednesday evening; otes r the pupils annd staff!, aie t- "~~ e 1~Th e insured foi- the Nestleton Unitedi ChurinAr C idereti, and] w -lic r Whistlc" byJchn Cag Thi-J o th instructions supper Friday evening. M- ecd, impî-cveîm-nts arie b0ok tells flic story of stean, Sympathy is extentietiM mmendcnl le te Scîmool iieI5O- n tîe K w r on the Hospital In. George Fowler on the dethl rd. Tweîty sucliilSet.I ekes and fl-e Valley c! the surance "Certificate o!fler brother, Mi-. Ar4drewl s ~ ~ ~ Je 'ememne.( VIeTei i enrlOtrnTe Holmes, in Bowmanville ont pics collectoni foib mn 'otiommal andi program weie f ametFrmuestiay. lici1 unalu nmefi-r' -hamimatetcf Mi-s. Haro i104" th at yo ur Mi-. anti Mrs. Rupert Byers, or alemed 5 dag ii-o- ja mîliin andMs. Me -lu r s n i i î s p e e t c r lI , e m p l o y r s u p p e r e r . n t erris nipectccl - andmothererMrs. oW.enCabbledar k cil in Ot. 1ttrMi -iLi G.or à Junior Test for theh Mi GLabanratory a fficer ant in eni.Mr2. P. Graham led ONIURIO~~ spector et Leke Ontario SIi 11- evoionl ad red a ifÉte iTASteel Ca.,thWhitby If there rlcneotionintie i-cat n OSiTAL are any oc es Y. have mis. O.i-T mn y sin c e re a ti I c a - u g t e p ~ y s t le s e m eVkn1w-(OlgE and protection o! sacreti anil I edplae etmekaw(Og m td e-m 1.als iii Indue. Mm H.ýM, 1Iill. INOV. 2 - ZELI 7heleiction. 1-Iin gin had 'on hanti mawN S IURIA19CED Mr. anti Mrs. Tim Bates.' NOV. 3 - YOLI 7h- articles sentirciington for the bele. Elmvaie, vîsiteti Mr. anti Mn. NOV. 4 - WAL inluingtw ults on y PaiHMaod Martyn, Saturday. devoe mMrs. J. Hetige, Oshawa, COME AND BRI dvtmy trist, anti Miss M. Langtry s. LloyurdBacock hM.antibds [afadi-ut')ni the Psychiatry Depart- aent TLuryd Ba Wth antiys BIGGEST SHOPPING SPIR ar adil'm1'nr cf flie Peterborough Civic 1 1"W Sunday the Beecocks visiteti 1-Ptlateda aldy1 reatve in Toronto. THE OSHAWJ an i susioa, a t n n ' i d *lectures J si, M i. A rt Rustbn an ti b y as"t hA iont icsO covered the meim.Te lecue ~ ,ma Port Credit, visiteti her ma- lh N - i e m e m a t pie o! P sY c h îa tric th e r, M rs. R . F o rd , S u xd a y .F O Chrlte , oneanti board of management o!f AC B. CArltt M. HornerH, Cartwright Union Cemnetery TC FO -4t' ULh )(d '4B.ý , D ., D.P.H., fwas heldti la the chapel Satur- iMedHalOficer a! day, Oct. 21. 1967. Comitc H e l h a t w ctor. J't e w rm a po nt 4 t o k Uitizenâ c?0 nti(n DEAR FRIENDS: It is with a sense of humility that I expresu appreciation for the suppor*t and confidence gra the citizens of Durham County in the October l, Please be trne and effort citizens. ,ý assured that fully in the I wilIl continue to interest of Durhi With sincere appreciatil r' -i 'and vlglted relatives butor. coursé Et rqum b uettut4 gongaboa.In the autum deorative Mrs. Stone entertaine<i mcm- stting at .Shioh, Suiday ai. nbers of her femily, Sunday. I ternoon, Rev. T. J. Snelgrov. Mr. and Mrs. Peck and gave a fine Meae with the Lynda, Newtonvuîîe, and Mr. theme "The Way fa Forward L1and Mrs. Ron Robinson were with God" which wau devel guests at Mr. Ewart Robinsns cd fromn the words of God W after service et Shilah, Sun. Moses, '"Wherefore cricat thou day. unto me? Speak unto the Mr. and Mrs. Frank West. ebjîdren af Israel that they go lheuser and son spent Sunday forward". (Exodus 14:15). et Millbrook. Messrs. Jack and Glen Allun, Dmnner guests at Mr. LIew Newcastle, gave special music Hjallowelî's after service, Sun- wth their acompanit w~i day, were Mr. and Mrs. WiI- Norman Wlllianis,. shaw fred Wood, Newcastle: Misa Mrs. Lawrcnce Farrow w7 Beulah Hallowell, Toronto; arganist for thc service. Mr. and Mrs, Hartwell Lawery, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowel Kirby. Miss Norma Hallowel, Nancy and Mrs. Andy Gray ,lToronto, and Rev. T. Snel- accompanied Gerald ta Mont- grove. real, Sunday, and lie emberk. Mrs. Marjorie Westheuser 1cd on the Alexandr Rushkin, has enrolled for a librarian's 1Manday, for London, England. AtIten tion Farmers! SAVE 1 Why pay more on premium quality GASOLINE-DIESEL & MOTOR OIIS FARM AL TAKSANLPMS VALAL WHIIBY 668«3341 1X967 cià DI ôs B N DStmn tA nvetmlet odwn ~. Go-ahead people buy their- bonds at T&,-IORONTOUOIOMINION Lu