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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Satesman a vIfleM, Oct.25, 1967 Darlington Township Honors Pioneer Settiers JPONTYPO< WelU the election ilaover andi busy. Due,, ta Y bbougbt 1 should give you 0rerail emplc the returna by pols from for the wee Manvers Townsbip as I ro- other orders ar, ceiveci tbem from thc DRO's wiil koep the Mecbion night. The 864 votes for sorne lime. poileci werecaclu as foilows: Most harve, Ca Pontypool --------- Manvers Station --_---- Lotus___ Bailyduf Bethany Janetville Total .._____458 ln the Prcvious 1963 election cample there were 870 votes cast with o! cia, Mr. Carruthers 444, Mr. Beer amoun 402 and Mr. Asbton 24. This A nu gives-tbc Tories a gain of 14, ed A: Liberals a ioss o! 201, N.D.P. Bethan a gain o! 181. After Mr. Car- preachi ruthers election was assured, ardson, severai from here went to Port writer Hope andi Campbcllcroft ta but I vlctory colebrations. to Mrs. A large number from far Cutt El and near attendeci the South- ceesed cmn Fried Chicken Suppor J. Ell spansared by the ladies in con- BowmE nection with our ThankOffer- den of ing service. This event took is well place on Wednesday evening. oxtcnd The money baken in at this pabhy. and aur ThankOffering Ser- We. vice will help to pay off our teaifi circuit debt, wbich had been Sunday ta an uncomfortable height. were ir Mr. Richard Rusk le confin- softbai: cd to bospitai. justly Sevoral front beme attended- bbe semi-weckly dance in the Logion Hall in Millbrook on Saturday evening. Othors took in bbc Donnybrook Fair which was in aid of minor hockey. ther We were glad ta learn that goodc Chairman of the Centennial Proj ect Commitbee, Brown, Miss Aleen'Aked and Glenn Pickell. On the rzarnet B. Rickard, gives a brief history of the project platform, from lef t to right, W. R. Pickell, A. L. Blan- during the opening ceremonies at Darlingbon's Pioneer chard, D. L. Wilson, Regianal Director Lands & For- Settiers RHome. Other committee members were James est;, Reeve Harold C. Muir, Alex Carruthers, MPP, P. Lovekiin. Gordon Stevens, Bruce Tink. Mrs. W. H. and Denuby leeve Car] Dowr The piUîoneer home has been furnished wibh old- This photo shows one corner of the main floor. fasiond tems contributed by Darlingbon citizens W. R. Pickell, who formerly owned the land wiher ev antRead D .WloRv rn ry- the *home was buit, was given the honor of cut ig derman who gave the dedication, Alex Carruthers, the ribbon to declare the home officially open. Hle i P, -and former Reeve A. L. Blanchard. flanked by, from Ieft to right, Reeve Muir, former I Be Ye Thcrnkful" I by Pute A. Kuir tm ct«staw - Cc aithe *=,td woimd d crie- aww. Ê. j.Rw *Z= tblj cmdmIUm wSwl Ing Christ% return. ; 2 Ttam.3,.1.2 (The New Eng- màs Bible YdU mugt face the tact: L "final age of this world la to be a limne o! troubles. (Labor trouble) - Mca wilU love nobhig but mnoney anci (church trouble) teywi b. arrogat, bou;at ndabus- (Damstio trouble) - witl.j no respect for parents, No prison Joseph r eq uestedc, IGratitude, no- paety, no nat- "Think on me when it shafl ural affection. be well with thee." "Yet dici (National trouble)- they flot the butier remember Jos- Iwill be implacable in their eph but forgat him."l hatreds, seandalznongers, in- 2. The ingratitude of Israel temlPerate and fierce, strang&- provokeci Goci to wrath on crs to ail goodnegs, traitors, several occasions. Read Exodusi ,adventuirers swollcn with self-117: 5-7. importRnce." 3 . Jesus heaieci ten lepers A truc Christian shouid al- but, only anc returned to ways be on his guard against thank Hlm. LuIoe 17:18. In- the spirit of buis age andi shun gratitude is one of the ugliest ingrétltuci as they would a and meancat ofsgis. dreadeci disease. Someone bas aptly saîd: -Jj» 1. The Scripturca condemn gratitude curdles the mllk of the chie! butier for this sin. humin klndncss." Yes. it m Joseph had shown kincinessa b poverishes people. An ungfrate. ýhlm and « the butler lefI the mulhurt i & ere hut %rruthers Love 693 I May God give us bbc graco of grattude't One bas saici, "gratitude is tbc fairest blossom which *s prings from the bcart and s oul o! man and knowctb flnc more fragrant." Cicero said: "Gratitude is theb mother o! virtue, and the words 'greteful' and 'good' are SsYnonymous terme, inscpameb- lunited la bbc came chaf - oecker bas said: "He enjoys much wbo is tbankful for little."1 * Reading Pselm 103 will tbrill one immeneely. There anc will finci et Iest five rea- sans for bcing tbankfui. "Biess bbc Lord o! my soul!" Not, 'Lord, blese my coul.'God bas bleed us and now lb is timo Sfor us ta bless bbc Lord. 1. Beceuse He brîngs us Into bbc Law Court and - -for- givetb alilthino inîquities."1 This is tbc flmst cause for al praise and gratitude. The Lord Jecus Christ is tbc Savior of bbc world. He alone cen for- give us aur Iniquities. Have you tasteci bbc sweet nectar o! His forgiveness? 2. Because Ho brings us into Hic bospitai and "healcth ail tby diseases." TIn spite o! bbc blatant unbelef surround- fig us, we believe that Christ Is stili bbc Master Physicien! 3. Because in tbe clave mar- ket o! sin Ho "redeemeth thy life from destruction." Job used this same word when ho said, "I know that my Redeem- or livebb."1 4. Because He tekes us Into bbc, bbrone room and "crown- otb thoe witb loving kindncss and tender mercies." He bas flot rowarded us accomding ta aur cins but Ho bas placeci bbe garland o! morcy upon aur braw. 5. Because Ho brings us In.. lao is banqueting hall and he bre Ho - "satisfletb tby mouth ~with gooci tbingc . . ." This SWord "satisfieth" je bbce came Word bransiateci "full" ln ref- erence ta Abraham. He - "dicd la a gooci old ago, an old man, and fuil." Gen. 25:8. Abraham dcie in God's banqueting hall - satisfied! Here are fivo gaod reasons ta stop complaining and start preising. In these days o! bo- wildermeat lot us tbank God for H-ic unfailing proseace. Thon will aur corow ho turn- ed to joy. Thon upon bbc dark cloucis of uncerteinty will appear the rainbow o! hope. "Praise bbe Lord for Ho is Sglorlous: Nover shail Hic promise feuI; Goci bath made Ris saints victarious. Sin andi death shall not prevail. "Praice the Lord o! aur Saivation! Hasts on higb Hic power proclaim; SHeaven andi eartb and al creatian, Laud andi magnify Hic name." KEDRON The guest speaker et Keci- ran Unitedi Church's 129th an- nivcrcamy service on Sunday marning was Rev. John W. Grant, M.A., D. Phil.. D.D., Professor of Church History, Emmanuel College, andi !orm- erly editor o! bbc Ryerson Press. Guest solaist was Miss Barbara Taylor of Port Perry. Rev. Kcnneth Deer conducted tbc service. Prepamations are being made for an Every Family Visitation in bbc Kedron congregabion rn Sunday, November 5th. The purpose o! tbc visite le purely ta promote fellowshlp, flot for a financial sumvey. On Saturday the Kedron U.C.W. serveci refresbmcnts et tbe auclion sale on the farm of M<r. and Mrs. Harold Bennett realizlag $63.00. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett have movec inlao their new houue justl cnt of Kedron Church. On Sunday evening the Kcedron Hi-C group and bbe comnmunicants' clan altendeci the Ecumenical Service at the Clvic Auditorium. 20 leted wit over soc nt of poti tmber fri Lnniversai iy on Sui her was ra fornir rintende wes peyi s. Milton1 illiott Fur Jwas the liott, fori ianville ai fUnited( 1I knowr 1our mc hear th, defeated y. Most in the Vw 11 tcams proud af KEN. ;pite of! m Wcdne! approximately Thankoffering also ovor $300, supper haur Mv played the org, like ta thank th community for supply o! deic aiso thoso who kitchon and et Rcv. T. J. Si mon on Sunday titlcd "Let youi Although ourc o! only a trio swcctly the wel "Rock o! Ages", Visitors with brick on Sund and Mrs. Don Whitby and M of Oshawa. Miss Catherir visitcd ber cou Hawkins and1 Lloyd Hawkins Port Hope on Mmc. E. Court Luxan calledc Mercor et he ES valescont Home dale and faund ing. The pupils o will take part in 1Put en by the Excelsior Choir D L on Saturay, Oct. 28th, at 8 p.m. in the Bowmanville a large rushi Town Hall Mr. E. M. McCoy R p r to the Citizens loyces werc bu"y la the director of the choir. re in now whicb Elliott took place on Mondayioo ian m . employeeu busy frorn the Northcutt Eloto o m n il Funeral Home in Bowman-i sting bas been ville and some people attend- Iby Councillor Kenneth N. Nicks ekin Mffatt d from the Kendal area. j As my terni of office as a practically impossible. ~kln Mffatt Mr. Grant Grecnwood acc- cuclo rw aiscn elv hsbsbe 3 56 cd as usher at a wedding aiorclo rw oiscn elv hshsbe 1 22 Couticerecntîy atclusion, 1 feel it la my duty complisheci by bhe folio treport to the people whorn'procedures. Personnel chang have es have been made, efficien 26TTITI7~ serving these past two years. business machines have been 8 37 UD.IJ.UAC1, 'This and subsequent reports installed, an up-to-date sys. 18 lWRS. P. R. PARKS checking procedures have been introduced. These, along with 25 Following a lengthy illness, good business methocis and the 205 the death of Mrs. P. R. Parks.1uprading of our staff, have h te xcptonoccurred at Mount Sinai Hos-J made our administration ane ýhteecpinpital, Toron to, on Monday,l of the best. id and a small October 16. 1967. She was 64 A continuation of these good atoes ta be dug. Daughter of the late Seth* business practices is of the rym Servictenin and Margaret Cook, the for- utmost importance and what rySrie nmer Margaret Pearl Lorrettai is of equal importance ls the inday. The guest Cook was born at Hillhei necessity to extend these busi- Rev. G. Rich- Ont. and received her educa' ness practices to ail areas that ner pastor. This tion' in Prince Edward Coun-. corne or should corne, under d to be there ty. On October 26, 1918. she 1 th conrl boifethat ouif th ing my respects married Pearly Roy Parks1 I.< forl of tn ounil.h EUliott at North- who survives. members of counicil will tae rieral Home. De- The deceased had residpdi their rightful place, and as- ewife of Milton at 17 Silver St., Town, forsue hirterspsbli rmer Mayor o! two months, and before com dies, it will then attract the ind former War- ing ta Bowmanville lived in11 type of people necessary te Counties.MitnCloe h was a ebr the running of a progressive r e e an d w e of th e U n ited C h u rch , an d of ______ _____ _____ sb sincere sym- the Ladies Orange Lodge. She Iwas e former member of theBU K TO eat our hockey Women's Institute. B R E O Caesrea on S rviing besdes her us-..à o! these boys band, are two daughters and! __ Weston able to be hume frorn o charnpionship four sons, Mrs. Walter Yar- ___h Gldita that we are row (jean), Baltimore; Mrs.î Kcnneth N. Nicks Mrs. J. Kloos is in Toronto * George Bowen (Helen), Bow-.i manville; Thomas, Burling-' day matters with whih coun- Western Hospital. We wisiî ton; Russell, Barrie; Alfred, cil normally has to deal but ler a speedy recovery. DALBath; and Wayne of Bow- will relate to those matters o!f Mrs. R. Davey spent Friday j lanville. Imajor importance, in which R da.Mit n S des wl Tefuneral service w&s Ilp]ayed a part. The part taken ev. lont SgTanero f I the rainy wea- held from the Morris Funeral iby my colleagues will not be bn e vceuc in Thaktoff. ýsday we had a C h a p le 1, Bowmanvîîle, on'referred to, as 1 feel it is not ing rc S nda Burkv.eto t our Turkey Wednesday, October l8th, andýmy prerogative ta outline their 2Church Sunryday N o . 5h rcceipts were was conducted by Capt. H.1 feelings or involvement. 2:r .mandveryboD.y w ele $350.00. The Fraser o! the Saîvation Army. blive1 aselctdwith4pMr. andyMrs. D. Gadl on Sunday was Interment was in Bowman- aceretmnaefoiteMsent ).During the ville Cemetery, Mr. Frank acerctmadtbrmthur.A .stsephienso. l4 r. Mell McCoy Carter agdrn h e citizens of Bowmanville tol Our bssriefo l> ýan. We would vice.rsn uigtesr first and foremost sec that the village to Lindsay on FrideýP îe ldie 0fthebusiness of the town was con-lis stili in use by some Who helies thenu Palîbearers were grandsonsi ducted in a manner that would live in the village. iousr food and Walter Yarrow, Ronald Parks, make conditions as they exist-I Mr. Denzil Prescott went clou foo andLarry Parks, Guy Parks, Fred cd prior to my terni of office, to Lindsay on Friday. >helped in the Heffernan and Donald Sage ;bbh tables. mong the many beautifil, ýnelgrove's ser- florl okens, evidence f bbc y last was en- esteemn in which the deceascd JUST ARRIVED 1 ir light shine". was held, werc those from the choir consistcd Staff and Employces of Ger.- the girls sang eral Fods Ltd., Cobourg, Bri- NwI tc hpeto [1l known hymn tish American 011 CompanyN wI Stc hp e o Employecs Association. Base iMrs. Swar- Supply Officers and Staff [ay were Mr. Base Borden, Members of S n rt y '8 W ip es Roughlcy of Combat Arms School, Ser Su r. Otto Young geant's Mess, Base Borden, i and British American Ou Ca. Corne ln and sec the large sciection usi*s, t ar t t.______ Paper for every room in your home. Mr. and Mrs.1 et Cas Todayý Sunday.Fo aUx and Mrs. Fo Old Appliances ABERNETHY'S n Mrs. Wm.1 t. John Con-. through le atWillo- -aints & Wallpaper 1CirLmrv- 8TASST E D S AN Phone 623-5431 )fIrsho Poe6330 55 King St. W. Bowmanville n the programJ __ your yellowpages hasçit ;Î6 Our town's got everything ... fine shops, handy services, helpfùl people. And the one place to find them ai is in your Yellow Pages. Take, for instance, ail the things to do with music. Your YeIIow Pages can help you buy, rent or repair pianos, organs, hi-fi and stereo equipm.ent phonographs, records or any musical instrument. You can also find places to take music lessons or hire professional musicians. Yes, whatever you need, your YeIIow Pages can help you find it quickly and easily. .. whether you're Iooking for an orchestra or just a guitar pick ike one of those ilustrated. Yes, it's good to get in the YeliIow Pageshai ... everything's here in town. eoeythngkhere 1intowm

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