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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 13

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Handsome Litte Boy iDmO .Nws msiorBeyrwe1 M.and Mr&. Lorne Brysa. mond recently retThi nedw ho ofW Ilowdale spent a long after spendigmmg evea ,. ,hL . Iklwaa4a weekend with Mr. and thie Huntaille district. H Chas. Cooper. PMu. JamesB. Richards visi-H k yc m . dpa tO Amgtne gucits frm out >cd MmUlo rence Taflm at c Olm who uttendcd ftic Nillsdale Manor, Oshawa: largest mlmercanisg org MackeY - ROY wedding on Thursday evening afi lst week. Saturday, Ot.2lst inBan- Mrs. Norman Bairatow and craft United Cbureh were: Mrs. Angus Loucks of Leskard, Mr. aMMmrsEil Pcavoy of wrs. Bail E. Long, Mrn. Orv- 4 Newtonville; Mr. and Mns. ile Chatterton, Mns. A. A. 3 Mel art ig, n. and rs. D rum m ond, M rs. N eil Porter, ~~r ~ u l~ Sterling Mather, Mn.. Otto Mrs. Albert MitchellMrs. C.* Reneit, Mrs. M. Krause, Msa S, McLaren, Mrs. RoÏs GuLbart ~< Danlene Hartwig, Mrs. HarrY and Mrs. Raymond Chapmnan ~eu Baiey, Mrs. Kenneth Adams, attended the. Regional Presby- Mr. and Mis. Alvin Yeo, Mr. tenti ai ti.UntedChrc abe ib.Oxn andMn. Do BaerMr.andWoien at St. Stevens United uy.abWscr~ Mn.. Nelson Zoschk.c and Mr. ChurchSlmcoc Street North, and Mrs. Carl Kimmett, all of Oshawa, on Monday evening. rn. m r.JonH esi mong the guesta froid1out Mr. ohnH.Lesienitown who attend:ni the and daughten Susan of Peter- Kozak - Behni wedding on ' tffii bmémà boroug Ipelt S~t in Saturday, September 3th i Orono and visited Mrs. Wrn. the Lutheran Grace Church, ltiddell who i8s a-Patient in Oshawa, wère Mr. and Mrs. the Memonial Hospital, Bow- Harry Lycett of Port Hope, manMr a.nd Ms.Wilfred Hawke, TheLeaardFamly el-Mr: and n Wm. Lycett and lawsltip Service will be flext Mr. and Mns. Fred Lycett af SSunday, October 29th, at 7:30 Ori,<o< o'. oc. The Rev. George Congratulations ta Mr. and Teky of Scugog Pastoral Mrs. Hes er Dean (the form- Chre, will be the guest er ilda ~owen) who are cele- speaker. Special music. Vol- brating theJr 4th Wedding lawing the service ail are if n niesr tteIOOF vited to joîn in a time of re- Hall, on Sunday evening, Oct.F es freshments and iellowship. 29th. TreMa Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allen Mn.. Alex Ritchie attended the and sons Donnie and Steven, 50th Wedding Anmiversary of Mr. and lins. Onville Chatter- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sex- A M ton, Carol and David spent the smith, near Welcome. on Tender, Tast3 weekend in the Apsley district. Thursday evening of last week.29Z Congratulations ta. Mr. and Mr. Ernest A. Leamen, ageD Mn.. John Alexander Mackeyp 67, husband of Mn.. Phoche DOMIN the former Miss Maniene Edna Leamen, passed away nt the LIQUID R IB 1 Roy, on their marriage an Sat- South Haven Nursing Homne, urday aternoon, Oct. 21st, at Newcastle, on Wednesday, Oct. UD ILIaLIVIMeat the United Church, Bancroft. l8th. Funerai was on Satur- Mr. and Mn.. Mackey will re- day from the Barlow Fun- aide in Orano whene he . erai Home. Interment wâs in employed by the Cortmnunity orono Cemetery. Rev. Ernest L M Telephone Company. Winter ai the Emmanuel Bap-A Mrs Wm. Cobbledick and tist Church, Oshawa, aificiat- PehPr Mrs. Geo. Hendenson are ed. _ _____FeiP patients in the Memonial Hos - ________ pital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mn.. Carl Biling H A Mn.. Harry Baley, Mr. an lr to B a Mrs. Alex Watson were recent SitsLz dinner guests ai Mrs. Rowena ewf'sLz Sherry and Miss Lois Sherry Mu HunterDOMINO The Sacramnent of Baptismn The littie lad with the lovely dark e yes 'n the above photo is Mark Edstan1 will b.abeneCat noo bi Season TOM TO rea Smith who celebrated his first birthda y on September 2th. He is the son of Unt d unh e n ext uay, n16, 3 utsi n Camille and David Smith, R.R. 2, Newc astle. Mark Edstan is the second grad-sevie f rhi p n e-trohpee ab nlm Last Week o Redeem Coupon F-or: . son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith an d third grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin bers will be received by trans- ai fire ai huntens wha wcne IOc OFF muDI«mumu I E Smit, a l ofBow anvile.Photo by Astor Studio fer. flot sure of their targeo Mnth..l f E. Richards spent had mismanaged her guns. I coff 2 J~ " - Manday evening with Mns. The score: 13 117 Pg Nelson Whinfield, Oshawa. woundcd. klePg Mn. and Mn.. Stanley Chap- Some oi the mare Important A ccum ulated Prejudices man, Mr. Clair Chapan of rules of un handlingthat SwUit's Premiui ecing W orl Pro lem son Friday, Oct. 20th attended laaded, is flot a tay, and must CTA A fI fn o i r bl m h uea el nWtrodb treated aiways as if it '* ii ofthe late Mn. Wallace Welsh, wene laaded. Neyer point it husband ai the late Mrs. Pion- at anyane. Neyer carry a cla Chapman Wclsh ai Wii- loadcd gun in a boat, vehicle sonville, who passcd away last or 'plane, and neyer leave anc Speaker TelIls Rotary Clu Jun FiHde n a Kloa:ded in a house or building. arURSDAY IHOPNGFETR In the last ri,000 'ears nany Moslem, in that country. The difcultY ai making an ecently visited hier daugh- on. yu pull the trigger, and préjudices, have accumulated division of lands predomin- cape, and ni the. great ingenu- ter aand son-in-law, Mr. and be cold saben. If you aren't, In the minds i, ently- Moslem ifrom India in îty that has countered it ta Mrs. Mel Hantwig and iamily. leave the gun alone. Alcohal i-omninions Own Brand Fnesh 3-z rnuch work w il be required the creation oi Pakistan has same extent. On. tunnel Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drum- and anmunition do not spix. À%Y Pr mental mL. onceptions, Dr.S. expected, ie co'èntnded. Dr. was made and through at 381 W. Schroeder, Fenelon Falls, Schroeder as an example people escaped on October 3, NWOV I L told the Bownmanville Rotary mentianed'the seemîngly per- 1964, and another 29 the~ next Club on Thursday. petual squabble between these day. . Mn. and Mns. Stanley NIih- the. festivities, lilmaxedt by FRE H R O L Immeiat Pat Pesîentcountries over Kashmîir. Dr. Schroedcr ual ~a e-os ai Part Carling wene ne- the fniendly cup of tea. Pro- .FRE H r "" Bob Steensintrued h feetideolgestsut ione the tragic deaths af cent visitons with Mr. and ceeds wene approximately NwCo lrd rw ie4' guest speaker at the luncheon ed in the division oi North mnany who have tried to get Mrs. S. Lancaster. $200. wlth severaladsyt NwCo lrd rw ie4' meeting of the club hid at and South Korea, and thé away there. H. reicnred to Mn. and Mrs. D. MacDonald to b. sold, including an at--0 the Flying Dutchrnan ilote]. split in -Vietnam between the. Young PtrFchr g 8 r iiigrltvso h rcieqit He said that Dr. Schroeder is north and the south carne who was shot and left ta West Coast, whfl. er ote Among thase at t en d in g a ebe ofteFenelori from the same cause, Dr. bleed ta death anly a short Mns. Armstrong of Toronto i. Expo irom this locality, avern Fails Rotary Club and has Schroeder ponted out. In distance from freedonr. Dr. kcepinlg house here in their the weekend, wcne Mn. and R EGA PF taken a great interest in in- bath countries there ha. been Schnoeder saici that thene are absence. Mn.. Jack Klimball, Mn. and ternational affairs, and as a a bitter" aftermrath, and the 130 negistened deaths at the Mrs. W. C. Robb came up Mns. C. H. Lane, Mn. and Ontario Gnown Fancy Grade resuit is much in demand as original problenis have flot wall, and added that the,-e ta her cottage on Wednesday Mn.. Don Stapleton. O a speaker. been solved but have become have been many more. that af last week. Mn. and Mn,. Gerald Wel- Harv Cokereeied a agifed h sid Te e- have flot been publish.d. Visitons through the week ton ai Castletan wene Fnîday-0 liHalarymoirite et alsaps r- with Mr. and lins. Jim Adamis visitons with Mn. and Mns. S. ance Pin and M. A. MacLeod diffrences and division b- sident, moved a votep of Reichrath af Montreal, and Mn. and Mn.. Dn, Vnkie IC O&DA was the recipient of' a One tween the western democra- thanks ta Dr. Schnoeder fan Mn. and lins. Tony Sherpitis wene overnight visitons, Fn - O TA DA ky Perfect Attendance Pin. tic nations and cammunism, his excellent address. Presi-ofTrn. day, with Mr. and'Mns. Clanr- Florida Grown No. 1 Grade were the lucky winners of rien between* peoples, and pnessed hi. personal appre. Aes Baigconusintaa m -cGienta M n Lis.C Fa fw the Hockey Draw. also an almost insurmaunt- ciation to the guest speaker. stag dinnen party was h.ld at were visitons with Mn. and__ Dr cree'ssbetwsable obstacle ta those per- ----------- the home af Mn. Roy Smith , .Cr Fro U CUM.5 "The Berlin Wall". He fist sns behlind the. mon Cutain n Thusday eveninaS. Othe vin.. arl arro'w Dwm R discussed the historical and w h(o want to escape ta free- CSVW 1 pe e t i cî d d If . oew n S phiosphca bakgoud.Hedom, Dr. Schnoeder declared. R Yi.LUU.L1 ncudd essrsn and lins. Art Bnet philosohical ackgrond. HeDenault, Tupper Johnston, Ann, lMargot, Chrisa,, M . AInd spoke of ancient wars and "The contnasting circum-J Tii. churchStwrsaeWliFarw JaeNcbtDnkiPotCdtwr .,AL AD ET ED TE I th eip ft r a h, a d in p r s a c s i l fe i es n m k n g p a s o h e r a n u i a d e a d a n.- Ak n d v si o sw;-M s. C g - --" h T ~ P A C DD D te ~~~Steven, Mi..- Hofro-dýad ura n and e ns.aRoeywBcest. ad ins. M ar - ensct includ- M.R. Bruce RandFIMn.nM;Van-U at lir. A. Thompaon's. cd ladies from Part Hope, denburg tank in the iortleth RCM LODN TS3" 33 D IV ISIO N STR EET jMr. and Mrs. B. McD>onald, Castton, Zion, westmount ,llh eloSIed rtThicd 4-u Ls BowmanvlleiBamnllle.dal, t'on0'am n r s.Walter CR TY B EA D 5 (FOMERY SEWAT'ss~~> Snda dinenguests at1 and apparnnty ail enjoyed day. lirs. A. Thompson wenc, Mn. Victor Smith and hua mother, Mn.. Smith, Toronto. WEDOP NOV.'IS1t M. and lins. Wayne Back-AT EIO Vales Effective ti We willcontinue te serve: o withtheunnNcWcss atMr. en e r. Thui R S .R E plus a full lin. of quality seed. Sunday. Opn nu arrangementsocs A*ten" 1Newtonvi,II. -Browns attendcd Enftêld Tha*èfr 2 Phones to Serve Yeu i ervie. 623-7141 - 623.5577 Int d*. Bill Flanicky Resjdents WATCH FOR OPENING SPECIALS Mmn.L n li r. loyd AshtoiL htf.ted lu -Cubi and Scouts in IN NEXT WEEK'S PA~PER Tabbn iadaten. M. . la*vitei te attend a umeeting at'the honne'et r. md is o eGIJI edto, i. aud Mm àU Mratin, 1&IL 2, Newcastle 1+onl Flower e Of lMns. McGIU' DM INSTORE r ctetelate Roy W~-OCOE 29, 7:3O p.m. îgSadSlp nAeu CO RYQULIySD" p 8Ab. &Wn. d AustonKng etSunm A m wav.Gandtoàad i Mio. M tld4Cu«Wn" e The eanadfm FUatsman- Nwm.nvIfe,Ockt , 100 Wôéther. Hmeaker I rone oifGaad' ad~~boe~ aK~u~um -Arn" B~. mA~i.. h Young Canadian Lamb. Sale Variety - Rouît - Chops - Stew Iin a BASKET 53,, BLEGS ROa ACTOral NE RS. or Ball 3 b Wbole8JI lm q.ryovac -1/218 Bittner s Bacon And! L1v" ÏE ROLLS Speckwurset Cluba 5 9C 8oz 3 9C FRIDAY NIGIHT OPENING FEATUR* 6:00 ýP.M. à 9:00 P.M, M yfied aitkment' JCE FEATURES ýUIT107c for The Candied Fruit Califonia Crwn Unpuuted Dtes o: 25l DEEP CUT FEATURES Aylnier - 10-o.. Tins SAVE 10 TOMATO SOUP 8for$1.OO> 12 VarletUeà Duncan Mines - lO-oL Pkgu. BAVE 9o~ CAKE 'MIXES ,2for89c' White Swan 4 Colour - 2 Bol! pkgsý AVE 'k Bothroom Tissue 3 for 79c u"o style 4 Valetica - 8-o. p gs. AVE 170 Holicandi Biscuits 3 for.$1.OO'> coltate, 100 - 20O-o. Battie Regular or Miat Viavoun - Glant Bine Tube SAVE 140 CREST TOOTHPASTI 55C 1os. Jar or 3&4 es. Lotion' Your Choe er .7 oz. Tube SAVE soc1 lead& ShoulderShampo<,9c Is Guameu To Give 1lu% SatIsaetIon 1Closing, Saturday, Oct 28, '87, inu Bownianvilf TH4E RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. end eu.Ng t ti 9 po... m LIMITEU 1-lb Pkg. PPLES SAV'Ea1'19

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