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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 7

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cScal f-ersonaI Phone 623-3303 Miss Landa Therteil and'purente, Mr. and Mrs. ]E.'W. Milsa Cathryn Hooey spent the 1TMmble, Ontanlo St., ani mino weekend at Expo. attended the Eastern pente. Mr%. A. Carter was nicOîtal Bible Coliege Open - Tqonto last week ta attend Mous. in Peterborough. Reembrnce Association1 Weekend guests t the borne Mr!n. Leslie M. Keith Mns were Mn. and Mri. Bull Can- C.C. Meyer nd iMn. Dickson, 1ifield Of Youngstown, N.Y: Tonnto, wene luncheon guests; Along with several other of Mns. George W. James on 'square dancers they weve in- Wednesday. vited ta spend thc weekend as Mn. and Mvi. M. S. Dale guests ai- The Swingin' Bows Wvene Sunday guests o! thein ai- Bowmanviile. daughler and son-in-iaw, Mr. Mr..and Mvi. Gardon Kl- and Mmi. G. S. Finilay and patrick uni sans Scott and fam!iy, Etobicoke. iTnoy, Bay Ridges, and Mn. Professor und IMri. Jack dmiMmi. John Ini-usini an-d Eggcns and daugniter ,îuania, ldauglitens, Lavinia and Rox- Guelph, spent the weekeni d 1 shwwreSna wlth Mrs. Eggens' parents,, cntser guesti ai- themn pan- tetMrn.dmiMmi. Arthur Mn. and Mvi. Maurice Con- Coverly, Prince Street. way, Scugog Street. Mmm. W .E. C. Wonkman, Mr. Mr n.dmiMvi. Lawrence and Mri. Laurence Goddlard Mason attenied the 1967 gnai- and Councillor and Mri. Glen- uation ceremanies of Shaw holm Huges wre aongColieges ai- Business an Salun- bhol-e Hhoes we tep amng1day nt the Eaton Auditorium, *bus trip ta Expo on the week- 1 oronto, wien thein son Tom end. graduîted in Business Admin- eni. istration. A reception i-olow- Wlnners in the Lions Hockey cd in the Round Boom. Draw anc us follows: Oct. 28, M. .Wse akr Larry Piper, Don Welsh; Nov. twnMi MmT. Wesnoyi Mini- 1. James Rickand, Ran AIder, fiei' Oanwr.Arnl as Nov. 4, Walter Lewis, Jim filOtaa neturnei last Bell, and Nov. 15, Neil Bailey. week i-nom a most enjoyabie Bill Cook's Grand Touri Diii mlli. ai Europe aird Engiani. On Mr. and Mns. Gardon Harle1tih Cotinent they visitedj uni Joan, Oshawa, were Sun- France', Monaco, Itahy, Austnia, day dinner guestiai- Mr..and West Genmany, Switzerland Mv.. Albert Cole, Scugog S..- Hlad Cuih Atnii Tnînîy UServce House guests, aven the hall- CurcliA n nivnsay ericday, at the home ai- Mn. and Sunda eveing.Mn. M. L. Roenigk, King St. A neminder that Christmas West, wene Miss Alcyne »ay is exactly two menthe Clarke o! Oahu, Hawaii, thein -wmy irom taday (Wednes- grandson Nicky Mayberny ai- day). t's han ta believe, but Washington, who is uttending Ji l isime te be thlnking ai- Upper Canada Coîhege, uni your averseas mail and Mrs. Wm. Forsythe ai- Wad-t pârncels. Be sure ta mail eanly. dington, NY.1 . Mn. and Mrs. Wallace Mr. and Mns, Raipli Kelly1 *-unday and Janice, Oshawa; and sons, Lindsay, spent thej n. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Sauina, were Suniay evening Hugh Kelly, wio celebrated 4inner guests ai- Mr. and Mri. thein 4th wediing anni- G.Johns ani attenied Trinity vesany an Saturiay, Octobera United Chunch Ânnivensary 2ist. A party wms held at the I lervice. home ai- Mrn.dmiMm. Ken i Kelly, Liberty St. Nath, in t Rev. Lamne Trimbie ai- honor of theoccasion. Chesterville, Ont., spent a Jsi-rtceodw.m n few days hast week with bis tfo r a the recordtiermme-m t er reading an Tuesiay (yes- h terday) was'alnast ut the 70 tl Idegree mark. Tie weather i this Autumn has been veny un-M Ilt csa etldwt ay aso x l i ~ ..a ~ ew wanm su'nny days. 75 Liberty St. 8. ôPhone 623-5100 l'Paster: Rev. A. Kudra, B.Tb. GREAT *"TEEN CHALLENGE". RALLY!! with 1ev. Lloyd Johnston (Director: Toronto Teen Challenge Centre) ~10pm FL : "YOUTH IN A FIX" -9:55 .m. A Growing Sunday School il a.M. Morning Worship service speaker: 11ev. Johuston ALL ARE WELCOME! Wbere the Word o! Gai la Bot houai ! IlHallowe'en, the big niglit "treats" is next Tuesday, 31st. Don't forget ta get ii .supply of goodies for yi Young callers. And ta maki a happy, safe evening do dr the youngsters in brij costumes, niake sure masks not obstruct their vision, a caution them to take a li more time and care in cro REHOBT Christian Reformed mentez Street Minlaler: Rev. A. Vandenflerg, B.A.. B.D.. M.Th. Worship Services 10 a.M. 7:30 p.m. 11:15 a.M. Sunday Schoo Back To God four CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m «Everyon. elcao MTRIN ITY UNITED CHURCH -!!nister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th 11:00 a.m. "THE MEANING 0F BAPTISM" Sacrament of Baptism will be administered 8:30 pm Annual ýmeeting of Bible Society in Trinity Church Hall. CHURCH SCHOOL% a..-Junior, Intermediate and Senior a.m. - Beginners a.m. - Primary and Kindergarten S.PAULS UNITED CHURCH Minster - Rev. Il A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. R. Metcalf, A.ILC.T., A.C.C.M. 133rd ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 9:45 an The Church Sehool 100ar. "THE CHURCH - a POWER or PRESENCE?» 11ev. C. M. Stewart, B.A., D.D., S Secretary of the Board of Information A.4'flappeninie «ri whlch Dr. Stewart and hi@ uague, Mina Helen Currie, wilJ presezt: th. Muming of the "Chriatias Pramace» eanploylag 4" of etthe media et moderm oemmunieadom rolowig le flma discus- M ' Sinwas fld. Tomn Van for1 Camp thanked our speaker. . Oct a d t en gav -he en di intion to close the meeting. rour After the meeting Mr. Brad- ,ý jt ley and Mr. Artyrn were ini- ress vited back to the home of ight Mr. and Mrs. Ted White for 1do coffee. and The name of Mrs. E. R. ttle Stephenson, who was 80~- oss pointed as Press Secretai-y, kwas omitted in the list'0 officers for the Maple Grave Homne & School- Association last week. Very sorry it was left olf. Rev. C. M. Stewart, D.fl. Congratulations ta Mr. 'an-d Mrs. Rannie Wlton who were On Sunday, October 29th, St. Paul'à United married last Saturdav. - Church, Bowmanville, will hold its- 133rd Anniversary Congratulations. th, Mr. and ihsrieaiIlaman 7pn.G strahr Mrs. Jack Hurrie who on ihsrie ti .. n ..Getpece Saturday hast. held open onl this occasion will be the Rev. C. M. Stewart, D.D., house on their 25th weddlng Secretaxry of the Board of Information of the United The laers o te ub Church of Canada. wi 'eaesh of thC s A native of Sackville, N.B., Dr. Stewart is a grad- diesand anyone eisc who uate of Victoria College, Toronto. He did post-graduate helped to mnake their "Apple work at Oxford University, England and at theMont- Day" such a, ucsa an Sat- real Theolagical College. Hie served for five years as urday. Oct. 28th* will be Secretary of the McGill University Student Christian battie drive. Sy nipathy of this- com- Movement. In 1937 he becamne Dean of Boys at Stans- -Y suiyl extended ta Mr. tead College and in 1947 becarne minister of Shaugh- and Mrs. Russell Gimblet in nessy Heights United Church, Windsor. Dr. Stewart the passing of their cusin, bgnhsdte sAscaeSceayo h or Mr. Roy Langmnaid, Sanabgnhsdte sAscaeSceayc h or also ta, his widow, Mrs. Loang-a»of Information and Stewardship in 1956 an-d received maid. Quite a number of bhis degree of Doctar of Divinity from Union Theolo- S friends attended the, funeral gical Callege, Vancouver in 1962. onMrsd. Cal Gena Special music will be provided by the choir at spent the weekend witb lier bath the morning and evening services. Citizens are cousin, Mrs. J. R. Macdonald, reninded that Bowmanville reverts to.-Standard Time Weston.erySnaymrig flMr. and Mis. Howard Hage- alSu d ym r n . dorn and family, Phattsvihle, spent the weekend with lier aisters and brathers. A fn-Legion Brand, Holds, ily gathering was held on Saturday evening at the homeI aof her sister and husiband, 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Goodmur-An u iH lo ee phy, Oshawa, with the fol. lowing present, ber niothet- a Mns. A.lan Snawden, sons a ce on Saturday Jimmny and David, Mr. andy Mns. Ron Rogers and daugh- ters, Mr. and Mrs. Len Gond- The Bowmanville Legionated by M. Conway was wani murphy and daugliters. Then held its Annual Halowe'en by Mnî. R. Hilditch and Mr. on Sunday the same ones Dance on Saturday, Oc1-t. 21st. D. Mains. The M.C. was fH. Iwere dinner guests aof Mr. A large crowd was in at- Brawn. andl Mrs. Len Goodmiurphy tendance with quite a few and girls, costumes. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mellor, The music was by the Royal~ ELIZABETHYII TP 1Misa Lynn Mellor, frlend Amnbassadors and enjoye. by Gl rant Humplinies, Mr. Ste. ai]. TeTakfeigSrie phen Mellor, Toronto, the Prizes were won by Mr. and oThe Tankoffering Stervies former being niccc and ne- Mrs. P. Bathgate as cave mian ~o udywr ut wI phew of Mr. and Mns. C.p and woman, Mr. and Mrs. D. attended. Our guest speaker Swallow. They were Sun- Miller as Sheik.and "Jeannie" was, Rev, B. Long of Orono- day supper guests. Mrs, M. Gray as black cat and KÇirby Pastoral Charge, who Mrs. Joe Jewell, Canning-. Mn. L. Eldridge as a Mexican. spoke on "Gettîng Things'in ton, spent a few dayz Iast The door prize was won by he Propder Ordr" a"inte week with her cousins, Mn. Mrs. R. Clowes and spot prîzes mrigad"o' a"i and -Mrs. Fred R. Stevens, by Mrs. Helen Piper and Mr. everiing. In the morning On Fiday Mrm. Charlie WhieBdPefcMn dM.R u own choir,: aulsted by Mns. and Miss Susie Laird, Osh- Nickerson. e Brodethe mousicPor awa, were supper guests. Mr. The Legion spot prize don- Hope' rvdd temsc The Wesleyville United Church Frank Olliffe was Wednesdav oiti Choir under the leadership last - visitor with Mr.and o! Mv. J. N. Groeneveld with Mrs. Fred R. Stevens. >rea H lti Mrs. "Harold Reeve et the Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Ste. ra ee wt s h ýlens Mrs JoeJewe, Ca- coran were ith us. crTe nlngton, were Thuraday'vis-M a kes R c r wlth autubin leaves, fruit and tors with thein' cousins;- Mr. - vegetables, alis it was the anMs akGardeneHil Performance interl:r et them churcli had had Mn. pnd Mmi. Fred Wright afehcn fpit and daugliters Barbara and Fordholm Aduilles Hope,.a a frsh cut ! s Bevenly Wright were Wed- nurebred Holstein, cow in the aMvy ith gieMlad rupe. nesda evenlng lut visitons herd o! Glen Rite Farn, Bow- Beady recet .M. nd Mi. C with his parents, Mn. and manville, Ontario, ha receit- H..t.i' rentaly. v. ad Mvi. Mrs. Normnan Wright Lu-ii- ly completed a fine record H. Se msavlltd mt killen. Mr. Wright oelebrated performance production test.tb . his 87th blrthdgy. As a 10-year-l in 3105 deys Tuemday, cilection day. was Mvi. De Man vlsited wlth on twice-a-day milking, Hope very quiet i the village; ant Mr. and Mrs. Neil Brownell produced 19,396 lb,,. ;o!milk average vote waa -cqst.. and family, Base Lin.. containing 804 lbs. fat, aver- Mr. and Mri. E. Fowler' Mrs. Sam Snowden, His. age test 4.15% bu tterfat. This attended the Dust Bowl race dale, Manor, Oahawa, was a record ha a Breed Class Av- track, north of Mosport. Mr. Fnîday viitoiir wlth- Mvi. Roy eruge of 171 % for milk .and Fowler entered his race car Van Camp, Base Line. 193% for fat. . anid got a third. 1 Mr. and Mm,. Harold Behm, Fordholm 'Achiles Hope . la We are sarrY ta heur that 'Judy and Da1e, Port Hope, classifled "'Jury Gond" for Mr. Paul Woolocott wus ln- were. Sunday visitora with body conformation and was volved in an accident on Hlgh. her sister and husbmnd, Mr. sîred b3r the "Excellent" and way 0 ut Brimacombes NU!, an n Sam Van Camp and Ca= Extra sire, Seiling Sovi witm a cow, and be haa trel Aphlle&brokeai uhoulder andd nb lajur." w BENYLIN> !COUGH SYRUP -4 oz. - Sugg. lt,1.05 88C AQUA VELVA, AFIER SHAVE ex. - $u n. - liai' 1.35 1.09 5 KING* ST. W. A k ARRID' ROLLeONaDEOPORAN-T 1%a oz..- 1.29 Velue SCORE HAIR. DRESSING 500 stores to- serve yous in Ont" ..., PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, OCT. 28 e Buluzun Specials MO.DESS FEMININE NAPKINS ,48's - Sugg. SCHICK« SUPER STAINLESS BLADES lit 75c459 9:301 11:00l 11:201 HEAD& SHOULDERS SHAMPOO 2.7. oz. - Sugg. list 1.25 99C STERI-SOL ORAL ANTISEPTIC 14 z.-Sugg. lut r.49, 13 TRI-VU-SOL VITAMIN DROPS '50 c.-Sugg. list 3.839.0 ALBERTO VOS HAIR SPRAY- 7 oz. Sugg. lut 1.89 ---1.59 PEPTO BISMOL .589C IDA.' WAXED PAER Sugg. Ualt 37e 2 for 63c Id MINT FRESH PEPSODENT lsu.t 1.49 129* I..A PAIN RELIEF TABLITS IDA&SAL s c~ PRESCRIPTIONL DA RE ES ALEX MG4REGdPîl-' PHONE . - PHON~ 62347D2 ~~nr' -t "v P ÀM r Five Generations HoId- Reunion at Clute! DarInt prv .ï Accounts for SeptembrA D f A passed or pay eut the ~ meetng o! awuinton Town- Russell C. IfoiM' for shpCouneil held at theTonDranmitdy that the ship Hall, Hampton, lait VOWd- cou o! n' cing OntuIo' nes&y afternoon. Reeve B. M80,000 FrroPond Assistance 'C. Muir preslded an!d -man Program over the next two e~- members of thc counici were yeans ha heu approved under ] preAnDA. The Federal GoVeMu- T~~~~~~Iiccounts for bat month AmenMlV pu 4500 n i appvovced included: WeUfare OnXarto government WinI puy r.~ $2,331.32, Salaries *8,542.01, *425,000. . . . . . .. . .Genevai *33,848.86, R ea sa The purpose o! th.e r¶gram ~ ' .r~ ~$14,582.48, Ramis Puy àist * to improve the efficiency of ~ ~$0,332.30, and Capital AccoWIt agriculture operations i On- $7Cn130.59. î ~ taio by providing fermera i4~ novi tht M. Aniba b.with ftnancial assistance for tha M. m*albethe provision of an adequate * .4 ' ~ ppoitcd'ta cavefor1h.suppiy o! water for livestock, & ownship Dump on a trial y~iig and irrigation throug ' ,bais for November and De onsrcto o roel cember ut $83.33 per month. designed ponds. This waascconded by Coun- UdrteOtroPr dillor Richard Gibbs, and car- Ponder the O grntno fa0pe ried.Pond lalicy, a g r ao m5er el. Thvee readingi were given cn ap'vdr fn amn ta a By.lAw ta authonize un who pq4ertuke thc construc4. application ta the Ontarzo tien o! an approved far Municipal Board for a quietiifg ]pond,; themaillmum grant b. -onden in cannection wiïh soneifling $500 for any anc pond per supcrnumnerury By-Lawm. This 100 a&&es o! land or fraction- S By-Law 'was pase and it thereof., Was lnumbered 2370. The assistance includes the cost o! drlllig test hales, ex- R ece n tly , th is p h o to an d a len g th y sto ry ap p eared clu d in g , fro m le t to r1h, M s o a , M s I r n ~N ~ e < W .u i i x l s v ! t e o n in The Timmins Press whexi a family reuni nlwas Wilkins of South Porcupine, Mrs. R. fraser of -Solina, The nxonthly meeting gnf er's labour,rncieyoma heid ut thé home of Mns. Eldonia Cowan, 90-years-old, j Steven Tapp and his mother Mrs. Gilbert Tapp cf Hampton Wamcn's. Institute ternu.aciey o a cf Clute. It shows five generations of the family, in- Winnipeg. Photo by Mike Trsz as held in the C. E. Build- Mr. Honey mid that ta y Trusz ing on October 3rd, with the quallfY under the programaf VicePre. Mi. T Chnt armpond 'nust have a mini-a fig~~~~~~~ié-rs triii îe.T nue, v raM.m m.~ rvstem eTi hng f 5,0 suaeet o an accident-i-nec.n igh t, m ot r l . o d c i g u f 6 0 0 a m eo ists aiso should be aientto7-A nv ra y P e lnd 57 é Belleville Mvi. Gwen Baty, Meeting opened by the ac uaean[150sur adToronto, wceeat Mn. and Mrs. snigo h W. 1. Ode and i-cet o! water, ta a dept o! s cautious. 0. Mevcer's aven the wcek- the nrepeating of' the Mary 10 feetk In addition the farm- endi . Mnd Mm.. Mercer icit Stewart Collect. The minutes MÂPLExp GnOVEnay. We t he former meeting were cupied tecarfor the pro- 7 heuser, Bowmanvlle, spent answened by naming a pro- gave the tapie on Beauty anId lw Mapie Grave Hi-C held tue weekend witb Mr. and vince o! Ontario and Its cm- Flowers. Mvi. Clarence -Tinlçf their regular xpeeting on Mni. Thickson. blem. A very nice sum o! was present and showed r Sunday cvening in tue C. E. A number af cars gathenci money. was neccived by Uic many filma, which were very fr Hall. Tom Van Camp opened .. Saturday evcnîng In the vil- lunch counten ut Mvi. Ailin'i beautiful, Of ber flower gar- M the meeting with the Cali te lage before Soing te David sale, which was very gnatify- den, nlch i bloomr and quan- has m egmeine ofbyhe Moffatt's, N.D.P. candidate, ing. The&e was misa a lcngthy tities of all kinds o! colons, for tmetingeven rang.ydiscussioii" on the evectiori ai-shapes uni varieties, isa JoAnne Carr and approvied. .raMm niM. O. Beatty, the street signi; it was de- many western vicws a! Can-. The Hi-C group bas been in- M.A.Hges and Mmm. T. cided to instail these as acon ada. A solo was sung by BDlii.CW vitei ta attend a film on SwePr Hope, weve as possible. It was agneci White. drugs on Sunday, Nov. 5th, gests WithMn. and Mmi. R. ta have a Bake jread and South group served sand. nt the Pentecostal Churcli, Wie udy u eosrtoài co ihsadbvrg. Bowmanville. Evemyone was Wr.Hite, BuayMBsu.der.srto n ca ihsan eeae n favon o! this. The collec.-Beatty, Port Hope, were with The Institutes o! West Dr tion was taken by Sheila Sey. r n r.V Peacock an hamn met At Hampton C . ctCs.Tdyc mor.Th wrhi srvcnd m. V.Building on Sept. Zth, Cshow-CmhToa Russelliand Lynda Stevens. adM . adM.XEliott, Books, msa collectinofmn- M4r. Ted White Introduced n.Ms. B. Ellîatt, Miss F. White, tiques, These shawed many te guest speaker, Morris Mr. and Mvi. J. Quantnili and vanieties and wcre very inter- a T A T B Na Nc nex hd flm *-ied"0? 4 Michelle,, Oshawa; Mr. and esting. Mast ail the. Institutes VOIL A .3S8-1VrI1IzIBS. BrPoint Zen skeonEgh";It was Mv. J. Curier, Port Hope, wene present. Hampton ladies Pe.040 "P oi nt Z ero E g ht "; t w asan d - au r v isitin g m in iter, R ev . erv ed lu n ch .Un bout aicohol and driving. ........ o g.M . ida Munjy c ........... vo innvlnl,(kt2,10 issistan ce aorm Ponds er mustot 0ue lmna en whlch the pond &a to b. locat. ,ed and durlng the pr.vlou yearhe muet have reaiz*M an- incmeo!atleuat*3,00 fo tu bisfaringopatona. fie yeti read youràJoal iiewspaper Yogi Somal tflPdd of hr'0 meetings, stme aou p ine h.Montor spuc iau uulai h... .Wbt moledOou vnm Moitor usal Mu1 kt40 ~Orsaa ceis iau 50 alit Ml Mi MMUSs AIL !VOULU IAIMYIML * -- -- - - M M

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