couseenwthh i ntrretBwanla "IP E ROEMs Linda WrightEisCetry j' ~~~~17e rownles and Cubs of underwent surgery on Tues- her class. kilen.Amntenweosley stMpeGrave Packs wish day, but is doing as welI. as Mr. and Mri. S. S. Morton Mrs. Allan Sriowdebrfoa riueeine0 te thank everyone who help- can be expected, at timeaof were Sunday supper guests son Mr. Sain Snowdm i h semi hc h e Ae 9 m nis , derPhono 987.4213 ed te make their Hallowe'en writing. She is second du_ of bis sister and hum and, two boys, Mr. and 1x.Bbcae a ed a n ri TOison. liltor ~prtYtheSuccess it was. The qhter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mr .and Mri. Wmi. Munroe, Go khOaaa pntBac 18cmhuRylCn showed great imnag- Rogers. roorg h end wlth tefr da eln into ndesign of costumes. Don't forget the card party Mr. and Mrs. Steve Doyle mer's son-in-Iaw, MrN on Pjbaeralmmeac lSoupie were given after Saturday evening in the C.E. and Master Earl Doyle were Aitchison and faniy tBac 7,RylCnda i.., Q i <j 17 tyanl attempt, at getting the Hall at 8 p.rn. Everyone wel- Sunday visitera wxth bis brô- Holyroot.Lgo, ee esr. uac e u s H o d J int fa dneehtC.E.none ther and wlfe, Mr. and Mxi. Mr. anid Mrs. Billaw.CnaErtrag Centre twasn approprCiateîly. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Mr. Walter Doyle. Richvale. Shaw and family,KicnrhehJakBeWlia fo ~ e e ,t i i r dB wlng decorated for the occasion. Bob Snowden were callers on Mran s.Seh jfwr udyspe l Tes, coffee Papk cookies were' Mr .and Mrs. Ed Thornton,fr. hanevd . t the Jeo- were Snday supper ussBtsadRs rgt i n oLadies - 200 and over - served and a slng-song was Millbrook, and had supper frh ve om vintle irpMr and amxil.Le Go- F o r se t tf a g s Teresa Langstaff 251, Minnie led by Mrs. M. Marchant at with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cas- bren o avil.Mrph and fMrs ill. Taylor 229, IKathy Mercer the piano. Special thanks to tie and boys, Peteýrborough. wMr. Sand aM s. pF re dgstvensOfandaboys, Weston, WeeSt RoLamadinhm7h Newcastle - lst Newcastleicome Certificate" and Centen- also received bis artist's badge. 228, Eleanor Perrin 223, Col- her and ail who carne out to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cy eeSna upe ussO ra isitors withMranveraseipceuyteet Aand B Cub packs held ainial badge. Invested in B Pack by the leen Pickering 217, Alta help with. Fupervision and derman, Master Raopersry- Joint meeting Mnday even- Badges and promotions wereiAkela, Mrs. Ed Nesbitt, were Legtf!20 KtyAr-sr i.Theu etingan derman, Mset th eeenry ile Ma Mr. FranetOinifhe, Stouf!- MxRogeon Rogers and daugb-lant the MemorialXHinpthe Ing whnte e ntenxwt ee obeikik lnilRbl idd, strong 208. Joan Ard 201. I th future will be from with the former's son and!2 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pick- es omnlî.o rdy Lio s o f the Community being promoted te Senior Robert McIver, Fred Nich<*li, Men - 225 and over - Ron 7 p.m. te 8:30 p.rn. A rernin- wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carlosi ard and daughter Angela BTHàa adwrigmc Han. Parents were aiso invit- Sixer. He aiso received bis Tim Parker, Terry Parker, Good 286, George Glanville der o! a church service on Cryderma and dagtrsh ee udyspe usta M.ofUARIE ed? and several were in attend- Black, Blue, Red and Green David Roley and Ken De Jong, 268, Brian Rowe 250, Jack Nov. 12th. The UNICEF box- San, Guelph. bSsitrad ubnd M.*orealbsIfe nhm anCe te sec the new chuins Star, giving him ail five stars these boys aiso received their Chard 235, Fred Quantril es were late un eoming and Mr. Jim Cryderman, Mrs. and Mrs. Ron Bennett and CA.M ILYfr nlt2,dnesoi5 Ilvested and Cuba awarded and completîng the five star Centennial badges. 229, Jim Burton 229, Roi, few in number. Some were H R. Foiey attended the;famlly, Port Hope. DaringSn.HM.chif iter stars and badges or premnoted system. Also be received bis; Badges were then awarded Munro 227, Gord Simpsn distributed to one school Harvest Home Services at' Mrs. Lillian Wemys, Tr- Following an illness ?1 sswr i anl n l ta Senior Suxer, Suxer or Sec- heusekeepers' badge and read-Ite the following: Harold Couv. 226, Lloyd Taylor 225. others to some of the bornes Salemn and beard the latter's!onto, spent a few days last days, the death of hre amatviis lo e.a onder. ers badge. He bas a swimm 'sl-r who received the artist Newtonville Ladies - 175 on Tuesday. grandson Mr. John Twist! week with Mrs. Roy Van William Disley. aged Idyas1awy itlyitrse Akela of A Pack, Mrs. and carpenter and skater badge and gardener's badge, Gordon land over - Maria Vogels 221, S ymp of e this corn- preach. He is attendingi Camp. Mr. an rs. Lloyd occurred on TbursdayOt-teSTiaSce em BrUce Tilison, offlially wel- yet to corne. 'Blaker, gardener's and junior1 Murtie Harris 206, Wilhel- munity is extended to Mr. Queen's University, Kingstor. .Snowden and Miss Betty Lou ber 19, 1967, at MemoialMs ei uvvdb i i eoïned the boys and their -par- Tirn Blaker, promoted toeswirnmer. mina Veleke 202, Mildred and Mrs. John Huband In They were supper guests ofISnowden were Sunday vi!-Pit.î. Bowmanville. tefre ai tpes ents and asked the parents te Sixer, also receive sred Grant Hendry, now premot- Bingharn 184, Connie Suther- the sudden passing of bis Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist andItors with bis sister, Mrs. Roy Son of the late Charean adtrechleMuel tand while the Grand Howl star, a woodman's, garde2nersd ed to Senior Sixer, aiso recelv- land 183. mother on Monday marningi family. iVan Camp, Base Line. Mary (Joncs) Disley, h a Ms ril unPtr S being performed end te reader's and artist's badges. ed bis bronze swimmer badge Thursday Mixed - 200 and in Oshawa General Hospital.~ Mr .and Mrs. L. Collacuttý Mr. and Mrs. Bud Chard born at Montgornefs~ebruhCals o h OIinsnig0Cnd.The Paul Quinney, now a Sixer,lith the pet keeper's badge aver - Igxnar Zulauf 277. aIse to ail other relatives f attended the music rectal and daughter Lisa, Trenton. North Wales, where he rci-brefr) n ee,<n acfks were called to makeïrecejved a toy maker's badgejawarded to Donald Tilîson. Mary McGregor 276, Doug the famîly. ib eld in Oshawa on Saturdayi were Sunday supper guests ed bis education. On Ags ly rso) emniI thtir ceremonial circle at Cer-y Caîl was also promet-' Mrs. Tilison pointed eut the McIlwain 274, Russ Powell Miss Tarnmy Rogers is a;Mr evening, when2, their grand-'d t W lch turne Roger CobbIedIcked te Sixer with Dannytable witb several displays on 226, George Glanville 218, patient in Sick Cbildren's daugbter Diana Hoar tooki Brownell, Base Lîne. er Florence Rebecca SihtreEne Ms RyMGl) brought the Wolf Head Into Sbef!ds. Samnmy Glanville and it, sbowing tbe number Of Art Dubeau 206. Hospital, Trno1hresepr nvoacmn irs n Mr. and Mrs. CedîcR u, h uvvs.Ensiln adtngad the Cente of th circle thelA amiltonpromoeelteandefathilyoswerveSudedar Theldeceafsedl baderesidedTh atccbildren.r Grand Howl was given by TimISecenders. wilT be making in order te get M allers on ber sister and bus- 75 Mearns Ave. fer 20 evc Blaker. Sarnmy Glanville aise ne- badges or te complete their ( band, Mr. and Mrs. Erie and was a former e r h uea a Boys o! A Pack were then ceived bis team player's and fve star system. She aise en- II I " !~ "f ~ I"I a ' Freeborn, Lindsay, and sUP- at the Bewrnanviîîe e1 oc edfon hMni uea irested. Tbey were Danny houseerderly badges. Albert ceuraged the parents te belpiMn yO b e c ios a i e per guests with ber parents, the Goodyear Tire & Rbe a odce yRv hs Hlopkins, Wmde Sheilds, Stew- Hamilton received a pet keep- the boys at borne any way tbey Mr .and Mrs. R. Westaway, Ce. He retired five yeasgoCat, amonHewsli art Tilluon, Denver Hamilton, e's badge, are able te. Ca eo . esredfrfor5a Darmy Quinney, Robin Walten, A bouse erderiy's and pet, Pat Blaker, secretary e! theL Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallew 1914-18, during WorldWrIBo anie Ce teryo Calvin Allîn, Donald Wilks, keeper's badge was awardedi Newcastle Scout Cornrnttee O ver L c a t~ioJfn o f L ao o were Sunday dne u s.ndwaamebeo! e- c. 3 Lory. Wt h eigrnps a edo Roeyb ages aIse going t&anvuleChrmnounceîl, gav ih e bissîster, Mrs. Amy ai Canadian Legion. rnbpm es ry around thei ncks pae !rdtbb d es as ong t , a vll o ne, a e hNiddrie, Tornto, and Sundav 178, B ewmanvile.T e pai ar s wee ni - on their heads and their scarv-ýGerdon Cochrane and Stew-Ithanks te the leaders for the RUMeRnCE . '. I c r "' tei Srvvi Wbe ideansPrrndr Cb eew lco nto tbejceived bis team player's badgeiwbicb breugbt on a round of' e aMe t n GeOnsw. Ds qyoBncWrofer pack. Each recelved a "Wel- as did Danny Hopkins wbolapplause from the boys Hecka. Olonaaly, Douglase FlettYsrvi welastepaets ea s~ Newcastle: On Friday even-!sive study bas been made. ithe insta~llation oWeston, The funeral service was. F.ancis, Wotten and Lloyd tbanked the parents* for coiný- ing in the Cornrunity Hall ao Earproper.evwas Monday supper guest beld on Saturday, Oley.thM or 1 , ee ling eut and showing their in- large crowd of interested citi-ReeEr1atn aesse oudsdl yî.Chanel, Bowavle n a ue etfe eteete f g' I ~~~~terest and aise urged that the' zens beard the pros and cens1 told The Statesman that whiie the ratepayers cf th evlae Ms eel rgt aecenducted by Capt. H. Fae nwibb a edb I ~ L v>c ts icboys continue in their good e! installing a system of sew-l some action mnust be taken, with a beavy load cf expense. Line, spent the weekcnd ovAr o f the Salvation Army I-woknwbm À Ilewcastiework. Me expressed bis regret ers in the village, with a po *,that iack o! interest was posed open lagoor, causing__ showing in the Cornrittee by considerable apprebiension. ~...,ersona parents, leaving ail tbe work Mr. and Mrs. George Wal -___ Ncwcstl - he ewcatle whn mmber cftheOsbwa1in the future, a telephone list Walton, owners o? Waltona'WME ecasnCitl-Th eca ween C boral soth e Obhreawould be made up and par- Park soutb cf higbway 401, VWMH A M T'1 RecretionCommtteerepot heravllageGty ol iat, iilents would receive calîs advis- were the main objectons tei noon recreation eacb aftcrnooni Bernard Lynch frorn Tononto thein turn te help out witb oneWoufdce theovaleno frein Monday te Friday forlwill aise be bere. Watcb for proiect raote.AK eres h vlea 1 ojt oranoter. POPtheir property and interfene the Senior Citizens o! tbe vil- futher details, tirne and date,Ebttie drive is planned fer witb its operation.19 0 lage. Any timne from one p.rn. next week. ýSaturday, November 4th and GereWlo prtd W H IT E DAILY daily there will be cards and! Mothers ef boys.on the Atorn I Cubs and Scouts are asked George atn rwieport es-' checker games available te hockey tearn held a bake sale te help, along witb as many itdbeeadplbiswif e sdis-'DTE thos wh attnd.Tbeyarein the Lions Roorn îast Satur- fathers as will be ablîe ta corne ie eea lcsi h i-u AE ae meeting In the Lions Booa o day te raise money fer jackets eut. He told them, tbey would tnîct that bad open lagoonsB RA thé Cornmunlty Hall. frteta.Eniri thelmeet by fine arn. bY the old during the past severai weeks. Tihis Saturdày, November year tbey heid a draw wbicb barn near the Anglican churcbHesitatnrb redns 4th, should be a busy day for1 was won by Mr. Tessier, Osh- Alex Hendry, aise witý told hlm that the odon fnrn C O F FE E znany citizens. Beginning at 9 awa, and the draw raised Bowrnanville Council, expres- these lagoons during the bot, Fanay Quality Rg rc is3.-BV 8 a.m. Hockey Regstration will,$32.00. The bake sale raised sed bis thanks te tbe leaders ýummer months was obnox- take place in the upstairs hall $20.95. The Centennial Cake and ta the boys for their good loUs. CEMSY o! the Camnmunity Hall, danc- baked by Mrs. Clifford Flin- wonk in Cubs and during the The pnoblern appeana ta beM A K E R A&P CORN:~ TL Of-ztn 9 Ing and baton lessons will aIse toiT and bought !rorn ber and recent Apple Day. Only with that thene la considerable pol- AE RoseBrn (Pet-chrnent FEArUR PRIC be geing on in the Lions donated as another draw by co-operatien !rorn the Packs lution in the central part of Roorn, and Scouts and Cuba Mr. and Mns. Charles Aquilins and Troops could the entine the, village, especialiy along will canvass the village and raised $18.25. It was won by area be as well covered as the main shopping section. D o Y O U U S E ? M A RGA RINE 4 ~ s 9 area for bottles for their bot-IMiss Candy Stonks. The beau- well as it was and in se short This situation bas deteniora- FcleRyl Wieo oord tle drive. It will aise be Poppy tiful quilt made by Mra. Alex a tirne. A percentage o! the ted since the installation e!of rceri 6 -BV 0 Day. Buy one and wear it Martin wbich she and ber bus- money raised in Newcastle the village waten systern and proudly. AIl this work and band donated as a dnaw waa will be returned ta Newcastle will get worse unles some li reatly desn't matter. O L TIS U exercise should mnake for hnýo by Boyd Marris o! New- ta beip witb the many pro- action is taken to install a Amy coffeemnaker cam give you à god cup of caff ee, Betty Crocker (8 Varieties). gen hc big teth u-onville. This raised $110.00 jects Cuba and Scouts take sewage ystem. rvigYeusafnefshcft key Supper at the United bringing a total o! $188.70. pat in.ealth authorities and Wae POVtidifl9ouuea fy ie fru cffeeakr Churcb. If you baven't aiready Special tbanks wene expres.1 MrsNeabitt caîled Alert and ten Besources officiais bavetatsguneacyritfoyurofeaer CA KE ris pMIX ESBAES got youn ticket, better do it sed te ail those wbo baked, the Cuba again formed their shawn considenable concenni We've always known that the correct grindGre in rw.worked and donated in any Circle witb Grant Hndyfer sorne time over th plu-'sipor~ltantt coffee flaveur. The Ne wc as tle United way. The Atom team also send taking the Wolf Head back tien and stress the peint that ___________sponsoraconc e ir t hak.Lreinta the centre and Maxwell sometbing rmust be done as Tnat's why, years aWUM mUUDU * usomGrndng.CONm:BET Churh wlI pensn acon e ir t hnks ru ore)ohnsn, Burroughs giving the Grand quickly as possible te cure ILt. s h e o' av e jsdevoordCtomgrindin.E. U lzi plye abg ar be b owl. Fellawing this, sand- They took note of the many but'. why wdifern' ..tha e ju it an o wo gri P Brand M, gave the use cf hi. window wiches, cookies, so!t drinks objections that wene present- icuigeeti ecltro or Hockey for draw dispiay and aise the and coffee were served by tbe ed, mainly concenning the pro-* I in or mdi umfnegin o electrc percolator, of course use o! bis store te seli tickets. ladies a! tbe Scout Mothen's posed lagoon. No decision was (s o eimfn rn o lcrc) The Hockey Mothers will be Auxîliary. reacbed until a more intei- C omGidn en iteetaw o sJane ParkerR.Preeah4 -AV 10 Re ita o lodn terrglenetn and a little extra time for yu !Monday night in the hall at <it takes 15 seconds te grind a pud) frm90 r.utl~ 8:00 p.m. Al members areLa t R g st a i nBu htà ifrnc faeur pon). eodsrak.P A I fo 9:0.. ti on urged te cerne eut and rnoth- BtwaJadafrnnsfavu hoefw eodsmk.PaeCrIEf-l8ic 4-zp.3 ens who will bave beys piaying "Yeuo wteeuol nerao eis 5 ATUIDAV hockey this yean and whe are F rnoc eyi ko n tee'lngc son ry an r eawe CAE net alneady membens o! the ~~IJI f eln utmgon encfes..W AE SPANISH BAR C K fr9 OVEM ER 4 h~Hockey Mothers' Association 4h are especially welcorne. i Friends and neighbors i C at the !Mernorial Hospital this week T i a u d y 9 1 COMMUNITY HALL ar~ e orerusn s Newcastle - Yes, it's bec-i time that be can de se, Sat-' AieFisk, Mrs. Eilen Jones, :Alan Lockbart, Mrs. Olive key timne again, and one regîs- urday mroning, November 4th FEE - $5.0 Mi- Rose Pierarna tration session bas been beld. frern nine a.rn. untîl noon FE $.0 !idShaw.Mrs. Maaret pÏTbere's a difference in the eur. At the Cornrunity Hall.ý key supper. Mn. and Mr,. Frank Piccitto Mn. and Mrs. Don Welsh and their farnîly moved tný and boys, Mn. and Mrs. F. E. their new home in Syracuse,! Alexander, o! Bowmanvilie, N.Y. an Saturday. were Sunday callens ef Mn.;, nadMs oa4ct Robt.Sirn.and Mns. Lizzie Smità~ ofý Mn. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Lindsay have been guest.; Bowmanville, wene Sunday witb Mn. and Mrs. Walter, suppen gucats a! the Smltbs. Neals. Glad te repent Mn. F. G. Mn. and Mrs. Malcolm Smith returned hame !rom Srneît and their son Tedd o?' Osbawa Hospital Saurday, Port Hope spent the weekendi mucb irnproved in bealtb. with Mn. and Mns. Douglasý Mn. John Johnson, Oshawa, S;e:- B Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson tayHce lb and Linda, Lifford, visit-d beîd a successful Hallewe'en, their father, Mn. Bert John-"ac nStrdvngtwt -e'- SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, CANADA'S FINEST "RED BRAND" STEER BEEF BLADE LI BONE BLADE ROASTREMOVED 5 .SHORT OR CROSS CUT 7WlH U, IS 4RJSOL ___ son ir on uayaaas ii-Garry Van Dam's orchestra -- ~ W WWD TI . Z -NHCT IS ISOL Té leUUBm th s p O omybusine, you may n d tei then Mrs, Jobnson pnaviding the music. ECLETFRBASN âmnacing. MaDy buÙiuaes do. This ia where 1DB mwhal is i, piet in e-14-H Club4 cerne in. Pohape an IDB bn can help you expad Question - Who mved thej h OdTirer'a 4-H girls A E STA Scout camp? Hope it keeps John Neals on Satunday and, ak for a opy of our bookWs, «A sourS ofFrnancint you warm. bad as their gueat Miss Don-' FRESHLY MINCED i n adiàn BusOines. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Baker cen 'Hamill e! Lindsay, Home' and daugbter, Burlington,j EcOonist fer the county e!oBiI U lI spent the weekend witb Mn. Durham. 6 9 " ~~~L and Mrs. G. Baker a aa a !m- Th irls ian cutised the RUD HC 17 1fly. Mn. Harny Baker, Oshb. Scandîgialsan custhieL IINDUSTRIA L awa, was a wcekend caller at Norway noted fer Skiing;I ENBNLS bis parents' home. Sweden fer Smergasboard; DEVELOPMENT iBANK M.DaiDIDC enFnln orSuaLah, nLE LE MnlnDavd WBates K enFnad for Sauna Bath ad. RI I G R B 9 TERMFINNCIG FO CAAOIN OUINESESte visit bis cousin and fam- The club leaders Mns. Neals ily. Mn. and Mns. H. Mur by, and Mns. Noel Wood taught AiU prices in tbis id iguarante.d through Saturday, Novembr 4th, 1967 TOflOTO, ONT..,25 Uvny Avnu - Tlophe 368-145 and he and bis mother eni. the girls bow ,to~ make cab. oc . ,'esarevisti v M. and 1 nage rouas, roubarb soup, Mrs. D. Phasey. Castieton,] Able Kage (a !orn o! apple j lIii, week. icake) and spice coolues. PRIME RIS ROASI ille uupenouoie ý)uper-Klght mects! 1 F A 1 5 e