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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1967, p. 8

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8- 'The Catadlaa tatemma, Eowmanvlfle, ?Nov. 1, 1I11 BALANCED BASKETALL They're always coming up with new wrinkles Jn varlous sPorting endeavors, but the latent ant weve heard of tops everything to date. Eveui liose ln the knaw 1ke its potentiali- ticn and figure that Its worth experlmenting wlth. The name of the game lu a anc.d baakstbali, a thinking man's idea intended ta etiminats domination by over-sized Students Rehearse for "Inherit the W ind" G o y a Lg characters. It Involves à iule ".stem. based on anthraponictic Go d e0L e reaearch, that would bave *veryone competlng under just one criterion - abllIty, Anthropometric research? - Slmply P meana thc tudy af huma neaurements. which you tmustBo ln admit ia certainly a factor ln basketball. This week we saw the In balanced baakelbafl. every player ln a league or other Power Hlouse and the Molded cias f ompettiw ou d be ota y rgstred accoriing odtructh Fan Belts and the Machine Shop by a to ascae o nuerial elgt-unts.ForInsanc, aman7 tao0 score ln their battle for tinder live leet two luches would have the helght-unit 0 dis- first place; the Crackers pros'- played on his jersey. If ho stands 5'2" to 5'3" hîs unit la 1; cd they weren't dead yet as 5'4"to 'Y'- 2 5'3 toS'V - . ad noforh u to12,they maved past the Banburyj w h4c is the" esig2; ion f ta 5'?" - 3; n d f rthnd up. t 2 .. . by beating the mn 6 t a 1. T he whic ia Uic eai nati n f r t ose eve ted and up.Combines, M illwrights and The team ceiling would b. a total of 30. Thua, a coach Reclaimators set the Office, could use five 6-tooters, or any other combination of players b- Mi5-2rore.and teekdwn whose height.totalled no more than 30. noticed B. Henning comnplain- Rght now a coach can relax while his akyscrapers are ing ta everyone about the dcmolishing the opposition. 0f course bath teama are usuaily '~e number of headpins he was miade up of these big boys, which means that they nerely .4getnbuthswehemt take turns acaring when they get in the opposition end. have as he od an 879 Balanced basketball would end the giants' manopoly -.... wrong a ebwleda87 while stiil admitting any big man who in skilled. Actuaily ..,J ' -. bowling, Bud). The rest of the whoie idea is ta obtain improvcd performance by turning the team didn't do had either î the garne over ta athictes...asterckdpance19 Whe yu hik bot tthee ea cllng wul single game and a tremendousc W h e n y o u t h i n a b u t i , t e s e e a m c e W n s w u l d3 6 0 8 t r i p l e s c o r e ( n o w o n d e r A allow coaches an intcrcsting or should we say bewildering A large cast of Bowmarille High School students shows a few of the players in action during a court they are on top).A degrec of leeway. Shauld a seven footer be teamed with fou r has been busy the past iew weeks with rehearsals for room scene. The play is sponsored by the Students' Other fine scores were: P men ai average height, pcrhaps four 4's for a total of 28, their presentation of "Inherit the Wind" in the Town Council. Over 300B Or would it be better ta unveil a combination of two menHl uioimo o 61 8h h bv itr .Huk- - 3 who are fairly tail, a couple'iairly short and anc of average ~iHce - ---F. Smith __- -- 321 height? Commercial oce Legion Ladies W,ýàisa3o3 The average hc!ght ai North American mren In onIy 519"D.Pret--------- -30 and the proportion af giants - 6'6" or taller - la ance i- - Prcrags15 Ov- 302 À1,__ 0.P B. A vteragsOe 2 Baianced basketbail might even be a tonlc for the gi en an international level. It would ailow cauntries Japan and Mexico - in which the average height la 5'6t compete on more equal terma. You know - whcn you thinlc about It, balancing bai] bail just might niake the spart a littie mare entertairi t i t t t i. GENERALS.-HAVE BIG PERIOD While it's truc that Oshawa Generalsa aren't ser! threats for thc Memacriai Cup, and might have proble lmproving on lat year's"ceciar finish - dan't scîl them sI just yet. * This reporter hasn't seen untniuch Jr. "A" hockey usual for this time of the scasan, but we do know that Generals have a young, aggreasivc club. Coao4i Ike Hil brand had the players rcaily digging, ln Saturday's th periad, as thcy overcame a 3-1 deficit and eventually wa: up with a* 4-4 tie, aler idng a ixth attacker, w'th Uic go keeper on the bench. Wc wiil have plenty mare ta say about the Generz along with the Newcastle Intermediates, who open up t] wcek. Howcvcr, Saturday wc had. the opportunity af talki with Jimmy Skinner, former Detroit Red Wing coach a: currently head scout for thc Wings. Naturally enough Deti and Howe are synonymous, and Jùmmy had a lot tea about th got Gardie. To fa_-stiiei.ii-theNatôal flc ecagucé,' ve ~-Gordie Nowe of the Detroit Red Wings la "Mr. Hockey" b experts say he could have been "Mr. Anything." Jack Adams, who was Hawc's first NHL coach ut Detro ulways maintained that hc could have been a big leagu ln anything he did. Golf pros say they would have likcd ta work with hir And fight managers have commented on his tremendoi buiid, his pawertul, sloping shoulders, bis powcriul wris and arma, his rhythm and timiing. * The 40-ycar-old Howc once played semi-pra baseba et Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, until Adama asked 'him ta stic te golf ta lessen Uic chance ofI laiury. Almoat immediatel Eowe was shooting ln thc 70s. He has also worked out few timea with the Detroit Tigera ln basebail and impressa the players with his power. And recently, the Detroit stî won a bowling tournarnent for sports figures. Howc has almost singie-handedly rcwrittcn the NH' record book. He's the firat man ever ta score 700 goals, plaý offsa nd regular season, He ha been selccted ta the Ail-Sta team 17 times,, bas won six moat valuable player awar& '. six point-scaring tities, five goaa-scoring titîca and ha score mare than 20 goals in 17 dillerent seasons. Perhaps, the greatest tribute paid ta Howc came tro: Chicago Black Hawks' great leftwinger Babby Hull, whi has taken aver Howe's mantle as hockcy's number anc tai Accarding ta Skinner, the "Goldén Jet" ia quated as saying <'«You've gat ta say Hawe likely la the greateat player whq ever played or likeiy wiil ever play. He doca everythini welL And he'a fnot the denion sanne people say. If you wan ta play hockey, he'll play. He just wants ta play hockey an( he appreciates anynne wha feela the sanie way." Adds Hull: "But if guys want ta fool around, they alway3 corne out the warst ai it with Gordie. I'i>e neyer playeé against anyone wha doca 5sernany thinga as well." t t t t t NEWCASTLE INTERMEDIATES When Newcastle skates ento the ice in Sunderland Sat- urday night for their baptisma in Intermediate Hockey actian, Uic teani will be ut a decided disadvantage. The newly-formed entry h aven't yet managed ta hold a practice, but with Sat- urday'u gaine under their belts, expect theni ta tura ina good effort for thc home opener, Tuesday night. Game time je 8.30, when Lfttle Britain, Ontario Intermediate "IC" finallst, luit acason will pravide the opposition. t t t t t YOUTH BOWLERS ON THE MOVE Johunne Bennett and Merridy Hately will represent Bowrnunvilc éan Uic Zone J teuni ai April Lanes in Scar- borough on Navember 19th. The girls and boys tramn this district bawlcd thrce ganici et Peterborough and three gamesaut Oshawa for the right ta represent this district lni the Mixed Champianship for Uic Y.B.C. The mixed teani will bc made up af Put McLcan, Osh- awa, Merridy Hatcly and Johunne Bennett, Bowmanville. The threc baya are Don Duncan, Whitby, Daug Beauchamp, Peterborough and Tom Poupard, Oshawa. Congratulations are in order ta Johanne and Mcrridy. NeWonville - Starkvilîe League Averages Shirley Biekel Joycee Stacey Magrt Wde Drthy81* - lusiern Helen Henderson 152 237 Joy Brown --____ 1291 202 Carol Robinson 127 188 Gloria Nichais 122 185 Pmyllila Peck-_____118 178 Connuie Peavoy - 314 175 Annelle Severy -- 105 172 200 Gaines1 170 U .Togina 279 168 M. ~iin 272 168 & ='U1 20.219~ 165 M. Wade 2431 18 S. Marteil 2331 183 Gmem won 180 Opel .141 lu0 peur!___10___ -10 rame Like ",ta ket- Iing. 71us ems, hartt us thet Ide- hird und ais,3 thisr ingF andv roit I gayE Bruce .1 90 J. Houck_ UFUçb U l-a r a KSD - ------ - M.Prrs- ------- 18 186 W. Haisma------------- N* Sheeh - ---- 18 171 R. Westîake ---------- R' Venasse , --- -. 12 173 J, Bond --------------- A. Bate . ------ 18 164- -- Bryson"s Top /1/j & G. 7- 5 M. MeNulty -- - 1,5 I5Mîde Tearn Standings H. Simnick ---- -- 15 1531 Power Hoouse ---------- It's still early in the season,IFrakReal Estate 5-3. Bryson's the second and the winners1 G. Murdoch.----- 15 147 CoBmbines - ----- but already two battles have SmoeSop, remained unde- held another one goal marginj M. Westover . 17 139 Bets - -- taken place in the Commer-Ifeated, takîng aver the league in the final period. iG. Downey ------- -18 135 Reclaimators - --------- cial League - one for firstlleadi on the strength ai a 7-5 Joe Balson paced the win- D.* Richards ---- 18 134 Millwrights -------------- place and the other relogating win aver Muttan & Gould ners with three goals, singles R. Bathgate .-~ 12 1122Office -- ---------- the loser to the cellar. . Sheli. going ta Ron Pollard, Bryan B. Williams 18 118 Machine Shop- - Sunday morning, at theI In the apener, John Miller Hughes, George Sainsbury and A. Dilling 1,5 118 Crack ers-- ----- Memarial Arena, Brooks' Sup- an1Dn rout each scored Bruce Ogden. A. Nîckersan . 18 113Bnuy- crtest posted their first vie- twîce and "Hank" Lane got Jim Coyle notched a pair L." Graham . 12 105, Fan Beits-------------- tory, downing wnless Walter the other, after Frank's had for the lasers, with Bob Mar_ Hi gh Triplie - F. Bruce 707 Mil]l Room -_- ------ led 2-1 at the end of the first jerrison, Irv GiîI and Tom High Single- F. Bruce 268 To-e nAeae Yo Uth u. and 3-2 heading into the third. Wilson picking Up the others,2 Over 200 Games - F. Bruce ToTeinA ras VO If DO IIfl Larry Perris notched a pair while "Archie" Crossey coîîect- 23 1. 208, 268; A. Bate 203; D. Oke - ' for-the Realtors, the other cd three assists. N. Sheehan 230: M. McNulty B, Martyn -- -- Batm Grsgoing ta Steve Burns. Team Standings 204; M. Perris 250; B. Part- J. Bond --- -------------- Piper 5, Hayn s 0 rpî Wt is laea tk n tner 265, 208. D. Perfect2 Pier5,Hane 0 Dapr it frs -lae t tae n!W LPs Team Standings S. Carson--2 3, Dadson 2; Wright 3, Fred- the second ýgame, Bryson'sIBryson's Smake Sho p 3 0 6 No. 4 Sheehan ------ 16 pts. M. Murphy2 ricks 2. out-scored Mutton & Gould Mutton & Gould ---- 2 1 4 No. 2 Bruce ------------ 9 pts. B. Hennings2 Team Standing 2-1 in the opening session, thelBrook's Supertest --- 1 2 2 No. 3 Bate -R--------8pts. K. Piper --------------- 2 Fredricks .j2 teams each traded a pair in W. Frank --O---- 03 O No, 1 Partner - pts. T. Haîlman2 Piper 2 0 VI. Hately -2 - Wright _ _18 Town Lag eBasketbal Dadson 12 egu Draper 12 Eaynes --------3 LA NE __JO Hihigl LADIES'À4 1 n i MAJU" I# 1^oàaj R& .- f,-High sil£-r.Kigtf Il L aI but High Doble -S. Knighto -a IrE &'E CL II3 il i LeL yUe 285, N. Wright 254. M BOW LING -i, Bantam Boys i W t OeO Team Standings ererts 3, Brooks 2; Richa rs 3 Pins O nePtsOne.o urMarchand 2. __________31_____D._ IIJoli 2047,9 m. Teamn Standing 2^J en eS D W After two weeks of action in in the nightcap Stephens D. Brooks 19094 14 DU Robets - ------- - 2--- the Men's Town Basketball outscored Hooper's 28-15 in J. Tennant _ 19316 12 Welsh17 uw ..g FW Leaue they are right back the middle two quarters, and H. Donoghue -.19746 12 sts Richards _.---------_ 16 were they started, with ail then withstood a late rally, 0. Patfield -- 18662 il VanDriel ---------12 our teams even at one Wifl as the Jewellers counted 18 S. Davis -_ 18685 10 etr o o nand one loss. Last Tuesday points to seven by the Fuels B. Buttonshaw 19105 9 / ai2 Brooksoroug night at the Hîgh School gym- in the final session, O. Etcher ----- 18685 9 ick Marchand ----- 8nsuCrnto aedw-LnLwywstebggnM. King---18598 9 High Single - M. Roberts c aiuCooato Cfo Yn or wste9i u Ey173, J. Korsten 143. retes 5 .e Whyte's Upholstering 47-37 fr the winners, notching 15 D. Bond--- 18581 9 a High Double - M. Roberts' and Stephen Fuels won over points. Bill Hay counted 14, H. Depew 18290 6 md 03,W.Pipr 26.Satrda, ctoer 8t, Pt-Hoaper's Jewellery 48-42. including a red-hot second M. Lewis.- 18049 6 ed 03 W.Pier256 Sturay Otobr 8th Pt- Coronation led ail the way quarter when hie collected a Carolyn Bruce had high Lar Junior Girls erborough Juveniles came ta !iteoeebtdd' u oe ftoepit.Gr rpeo 8 n ihsnl Lewis 7, Bradley 0; Biggs tawn and took on St. Mary's in oto e ae ner, buts idnpuroesof thoe point. Gr rpeo 8 n ihsn 7, Mutton 0; BromeIl 7, Bry- Juveniles. The local boys Whut o eac'nisusoigBugs ikdu 2 of 328 and 255. Onie Etcher [Lsoo.pae unecahDo Mc yt' 11-6 in the final For the lasers, Jim Coyle had 745 triple and gamnes of so- 0 e.tndn Graeor ndrMcanagern Rayquarter.1posted 1,]it Bill Miller 320 and 229. Other high gamnes kar Brde--------------g 2 restornd teroroghe nedy Jim Baskerville took over bggig 2 oints. wr .Mjr24 3:J ýarBrdly --------- --------__.3 Peson Pteboouh peedthe league scoring lead with iTeam Swtanins ennaJ.t aj222,7I 3M2unJy Is, Bromel------------------------ -)ý the scoring at 4:10 of the lst 17ponst edhewnr, TamSnigsenn 2,25;1Muty edLewis ------------- _-----_28 period but at 11:15 Oyler for oints to eaud the winers, W L Pts. 234, 228; B. Buttonshaw 230, cdBryson - ------21 -- ----z Bowmanville tied the score Ile a e ru liond arn redto Cf 240; H. Donoghue 244, 226; L. Biggs 1.9 and that ended the scoring for 1 n er lit e. aaainCf 2 Crossey 246, 222; D. Brooks ýmMutton - ------- ------ 18 that period. In the second Paul Goldstein accaunted for Stephen Fuels 1 1 2 276, D. Adams 303, S. Davis m ihSnl .BalyPtebr gi etaed1 of the lasers' total, Archie Haoper's Jewellery 1 1 2 257, L. Hazelden 254, M. Pear- ho15,C H ig igle19. Bradle Peterb r again wnt ahadCampbell adding eight. Whyte's Upholstery i1 l2 son 248, M. Harrison 247, H. ir. High Triple - D. Bromell goals one going ta McMullen PiPper 23 .Bcl 3,M ýg: 498, V. Terry 486. and the other ta Oyler; only Wsmn11 in ak23 ào unir Bysto avePetrbro ie he M ixed M ajor League J. Harness 232, W. Nesbitt 226, g Preece 5, Brock 2; Brupt score at 16:15. However, 22. tpe24,TForsr n7, Donoghue 0; Preston 1, Woainer tallied less than a October 23rd Murphy rolled 722, Dave Reyn- 23 d Par ea tanin clbnut in r onet, he local Our Whistling President, olds 717, Don Wright 713, High Averages Team Stading clb out i front.Ross Wright, toak ail honours Helen Reynolds 702.D.Jl23 Preston - 34 At 4:00 minutes af the third Monday night, rolling a high Pete Dabbins is retaining his D. Joli . ---- ---------- 227 rs Brunt ~32ý period Devitt scored on apen- triple of 785, including high lead in averages with 249, and D. Bond.---------------------- 217 ýd Preece - -------- 31 alty shot but Robinson of Pet- single of 335. Now that we Dv enlssili h :Broks01 Parkr,---------- --- -------- 28 erboro came back at 12:34 ta know you can do it - Ross - running with 244. Bernîce B Buttonshaw - ------ - 210) Pake ------- 20 keep Peterbaro in the game, keep it up. Pete Dobbins roll- Buday is in third place wth S* Davis---------------------- 208 Donoghue --------------------- 2 however, Peterboro ran into a ed 767, Ernie Perfect 746, Daug 234, leading the ladies, wbut L' Crossey,----------------2071 High Single - W. Comrbes rash of penalties that ruined Carter 733, Hector Ballentine shauid keep an eye on sister O. Patfield ------------201' 216, B. Preston 215-203, E. their chances of any further 724. Doris Jali tied with Linda Doris who is creeping up * ebt--------0 Preece 208, T. Brock 208, G. scoring and the game ended Crassey forî high triple for the with 231. H. DoNoghue-----------------901 " aDnl a 5-4 score in favar of Bow- ladies with 273. Doris' game Team standings show Pat- J. Tennant. -------- 196 ci 559, I.Traip512,. Aetn mn -l inluded a 321 single. Mike field in the lead with 17 J. Major -- ------- - 195 t55,1Gry52H.Aey- points. Second place must be- a 508, G. MacDonald 507. shaî-ed by Buday and Sutcliffe Senior Mixed League R h ohhv 4 ons tl ie C o b bn t h e r u n i n g a r e J o î l a n s 4, Selleck 3; Lewis 6, Woods$15 & MN H ,F R nternigaeJl n 1; Bradley 5, Etcher 2; Sel- I ~ ~ A enls les7, Cain 0. u *m L r f Over 250 ae LwsTeam Standing L-w- RO M AW 6 5 Linda Crossey-------------- 297 Lei -- -- - --- Ernie Perfect 293 ýCobb 34 Here Is a plan to provide Ross Wright 264-335 Woos lfor your famliy If you should Albert Saman 283 Etcher 25 deo o ou efeetMîle Murphy 280 Sellers 2 Karl Bickell 261 Br dley 2liyears If you survive . o Hector Ballentine .__ 295 tCain19 Dave Reynolds 253 rBromneli --z - 18ake regular payments to the Helen Reynolds 251 Tucker 181 Sun Lite of Canada, then, at Pete Dobbins ----- 281-255 Selleck ------ ..... 181 Doug Carter --------- .--- 278 High Single M. Hatelyae65yo sarreein Doris Jaol 321 279-250-258, W. Lewis 234, $150 a month for lite or, If 4F Fred Thomson 273 B. Holroyd 205-221, N. Good- rer,2,90l ca. Don Wright--------- 291 win 204-242, R. Etcher 207- 20Aeae 292, C. Evans 202, R. Good Both of these amounts ean b. 0 veae 227, C. Bradley 210, R. Bouw- încreased by lcaving your Pete Dobbins ---- 249 18 meester 200-213, R. Leal 236, Dave Reynolds 244 J. Wright 245', J. Bromell 269, dividends on deposit. Should Bernice Buday 234 R. Bromell 211-235, K. Cobb younot survive to age 65, a Doris Jol ------- 231 234, J. Bennett 252-213-213,HetrBlnie 23 C. Ayre 213-248, R. Knight minimum of $15,000 wil b. Ernie Perfect -- 229 272-209, R. Selleck 206-238- Paid immcdiateiy to*you Maurice Annaert- 226 24, . own 1127, .Fred Thomson--- 224 ~ Pp242 , . Towan 21, 1L. f, y.Mike Murphy 222 Pier 207, J. Tcke23 241,S . it- .Russ Halinian 222 U UME M WerezczysJc 236 S. it-Ross Wright 219 wiithi VI i' cheil 262-206, J. Woodward This plan may be registered as a Registered Doug Carter 216 211, S. Cain 270, D. SellersRereetainaPa foinoetxprse.OiePtid -...26 JithGOeoethswtrter 251-211. eienn aigPlnfriCm a Upss li afed26 JithGOpol hswne-ee Hr Tr~i -MHtl Barb Buttonshaw - 216 af fun waiting for You an vour MOT( 787, . Sec.k 6 B Hoaly Cali Your Sun Life Agent oa Peggy Haynes 211 modela in bright orangy-red sport ma 68owJ.Benett678oR.aycerAlbcrt Saman 21n Proven features, sncluding ighter w 669, N. Goadwin 609, R. N 1' Shile -- 209 cushions and rubberized cleats for extri BOwese 0,R ANIE R PASS A NThre Biekeli - ~--20 Arrange your winter fun naw for the wi 627oJ wm er 803, R. BrLeai Ue t.Jlm Murphy - _ 209 ae ndRnas 8el 2 6, C.Bromdi 1, R. r-10 ueS. Bowmanville Phone 623.3258 George Hebee - 209 SlsadRnas mclih 862,C.Ar 81,R Don Wright -__ 209 18 tchen 622, S. Ce, 845' S- SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CND ee enls- 0 rm* MIcell 63, . ler 88 Jack McNulty . 202 18 8 W. lyllki 11. -L"jd Crosaey 20o 833L 793 34 32 28 26 25 22 21 20 18 161 15 239 236 232~ 2241 223 1 2221 221 220 220 Q1 Night Hawks 'W. Nesb2't'G,3,m 04ý Shearer 255, 241, -217, B. Wl Bowlingbur 253, 244, K. Campbell 249,> Bo ligJ. Rowe 221, 212, J. Aoe Team Standing 218, S. Gay 210, A. Glaspeli F. Land - 23 210, A. Larusso 206, F. Jones K. Campbell - -2 206, F. Bruce 205, D. Kelly I. Wright ____ 19 204, P. Land 204, E. Coamnbes J. Mairs. 141/ 201. W. N sit12 _____________ __ M . Sedm an --.----- .- 7 Higli Triple1 W. Nesbitt 719 i High Single Average& J. Shearer 204 J..Mairs 11~~~~. 24 5j .Gay ~ 192 Div51g Nesbiýt190 K. Campbell 189 B. ilur 88 Training F. Jones 183 1. Wright179 B J. Rowe 177 F. Land - --____ 172 OSHAWA M. Sedman 171 A. Lorusso-------168 DIVING CLUB D. Sallows 166 K. Raîston- 165 ,.- P. Bagneli ____162 M. Ovendon -- -- 161 C. Bate 16o E. Coombes .- -160 F. Bruce 159 D. Cochrane15 V. McDonald 158 D. Ogden 158 L. Bu gess152 A. Burgess 149 C. Marchant --- 146 D. Gibson 146 J. A odeo ---144 W. McNeil 142 D. Kelly 140 M. Rhude140 C. Towns 139 Ai. Gapl------ 139, For Information Ai. Perfect 136 Phone P. Broome -- ---132 3. Roberts 122 Bill Mitchell Y'. Young 112 623-7285 CiET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES A[ex McDonald through STATESMAN 7.590 MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd 8 TO 10 P.M. - AND - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER Sth TOTS SKATING- WED., NOV. Sth 3 to 5:20 p.m.- 25a per person Samson ani Bauer Skates Figure Skcates ~ WOMEN'S Sizes 3 to 10 -11.95 « 25.95 MISSES, Hockey Skaites MEN'S - Sizes 6 to 1 s11,995 - s29.o95» BOYS' - Sizes 1 to 5 s11,095 - s18,095 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED ON NEW SKATES SECOND HAND SKATES FOR SALE Complete LUne of... MEN'S - WOMEN'S - CHILDREN'S WINTER FOOTWEAR Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE O-SKI r'a a new, white worid rO-SKI. Sevon new '68 *ny new performance- esight extra thick set ra aîabilty and traction I vhalo family-see us for 799U <e On Display Now at HAROLD PECK NEBTLETON STATION Phone Dhaokstock 986-4258 -l 1 i i i

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