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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 11

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1~~ àn Board for 12 Vears chool Board Ch S ubm ifs His, Resie Maiy Runfor Anoti iNewcaste-The November Community Hall on Decembe Schoo1 Board meeting was I3th if the hall was available held ln the Public Sehool on Mr. Munro wll get in toucl Mo(nday evenlng with aUl mem- with the Hall Board to cles bers, present. the date. Ed. Barchard, secretary, read A music workshop is beinl the minutes of the last mýeet- held in Bowmanville an Nov M 1. Business arising from 1Sth. Mr. Munro reported hi i.U were the "No Parking" had six lady teachers inter. signa that members of the ested in attending. The reg. staff and board feit were need- istration fee of $2.50 pei :d in front af the school. This teacher will be paid out of thE mngstian was taken to the music allowance, an a motiai last Council meeting ad ap- made by Mrs. Pouline Storks Proved as a safety measure for Ail bills with the exception the children. The signs were of one were authorized to be then lnstalled .but were being paid. Ignored by the parents driving In the correspondence was a to the school ta deliver or pick letter fromn the Board Chair. Up their children. George man, John Rickard, who, hav- Chard, a member of the board ing served 12 years with the reparted that he had driven to board, and Il of these years the achool on a matter af as Chairman, has resigned. His board. business and wasn't resignation to take effect as able ta get near and therefore af November lth. This wit hait ta bave again. As the accepted with regret by the signa are there for the safety members of the board. of the children running be- "I feel I should offer you tween parked cars, parents some reason for my resigning. would do welI to observe and I have served 12 years, and I ôbey the signs. The board will now have no public sehoal look into this further. If they children and feel I should havto the by-law officer affer this office ta someone Wiirenotified. who bas. As Chairman for Il The principal's report was years, I have had the greatest iven by Principal Ronald co-operation fromn every board -Munro. The attendance on the member I have ever worked last day af Oc tober showed with, it has made my job a 308 students attending the little easier. I will offer my achool. There were two ad- sevices ta you or any athers maissions and ane transfer from caming on ta this board in any the school. way that I con if yau require It was decided to hold my help. 1 have been going School Concert and Com- ta retire from this office a mencement Exercises in the couple af times. Now, I find I lewcctstie Social ana1 £/)eërsoria/ ~Newcastle - Mr, and Mn.. beginning at 8:15 p.m. Gue Perey Haro have received a soloist, Bernard Lynchha st] telephone call fram Tempe, son aiý Mrs. Stanley Payn Plonida, fromn the George Wal- organist ai the United Chur! tons saying that they enived home in Newcastle. saaily mnd enjoyed the drive Our fionda and neigbboi south.. in haspital are, Mrs. Gled3 The Scout Pop Battle Drive Belsoy, R. Bourgeois, Riche] iVes a huge success, reports Brown, George Ferguson, Mr conmlttee secretary, Pet Bla- Alice 'Fisk, Harper Kola., aesnc ai the lergeat collec- Alan Lockhert, Lanson Mil: tlsin a great long time. To son, Mrs. Gertrude Morgai toLeaders, Scouts, Cuba and Mrs. Linda Scholz, Ralp fretheni helping on this drive, Wright and Mrs. Jackie D abi6g thank you. Jong. ..The Turkey Supper heîd on The firat ai aur Newcast] Baturday evening et the New- playerst aeothicti 4atlyeUnited by aIl wa season were members ai th j#ealy njoyd b allwhoNewcastle Intermediete hacke attendcd. It was no place ta club. They pîayed their fir' and diet that night with mwioueprcceo atmuch food being passedl Saturday night in Sunderlený bck and forth. Sittinga woro îaaîng 6-4. They plaed wol Sfve, six and seven p.m. their finit time an ice. Wit] ýth every seat teken et more pîmycra, some pmactxci .vony sitting. Thnee bundred time, and mare gemes, thi ~that eveing. R'e'. Smih oce fr Newcastle go Siered awerm welcome an Wetch for postera for the timi 1#half ai the U.C.W. who cdpaea hi ctgm 'qre sponsoring the supper, They'lI eavrie vr sid gave the Grace et each hae.Soriadvortise ever .this fi rat geme were, Emi iîSundey, Rev. Smith Cobbîedick with two n n ot n "Dedication." Thisgal -hfr ranwa, an o wi&lbe the third sermon a os erWaltc or nia. oea l!is series, "Tbe Ingredients ao m atn Worship." Heoaffers an ini Playera an Setundey nhghl týition to members ai the con were, Goal, V. Vanstoce, G dfegation aed friends toaet- Cooper, P. McCullough, R tend. West, B. Bradley, B. Rowe, E The Hi-C ccd choir arc Cabbledick, D. Rogerson, L ~ononi::nvenng i sngPearce, T. Weton and J by te Ohaw ChralSociety Rickerd. Saturday evening, November Police, firemen and PU( tlth in the Conmunity Hall warkers wcre out le full force -on Hellowe'en night ta keep the panksters fmom getting out ai hand. It was reparted C lassi e ta have been anc ai the quiet- esit nlhts in. many years. It Notice was elso sthe busieat for those answenhng doana acd bending out goadies ta the eedboss Newcstle ilinos ai castumed spooka and goblins. While cildree were Rômem ranceDaywell loaded down witb goad- iea, we have a great deal to - Service oe b uthsae a t en wilIho hld e theCenoephenough ta slip pieces of razor wilibe eldat he enoaphbledes intoa ejuicy looking Ir ura, o, lapple, or cbocolate coeted service te boie nat Lions Club held a party In the Community Hallb and 10:40 a.m. children, too rneny to count, If woather not favorable, The M.C. for the evecing was Tracey Embley, the Jud- service will b. held Ia the gos, who bcd a diffilcult tesk, Community Hall wore Mmi. Helen Lovekin ccd Mrs. Ethel Mailer. Piano A. E. WALTON, Reeve, music was played throughout Village et Newcastle the evenlng by Misa Lynda 45.1 Jeffery. Winning for the best cas- VOTERS' LIST 1967 turne among the preschoolers VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE as Top Cat. Best dessed boy COUNTY OF DURHAM and girl, age five ta eight wa * Ntic laherby îve ~ Robbie Simpson and Karnn Notce n hrey gventha 1Noden. Boit dreased boy and iave ceimpied wlth section9 girl age ndcc ta Il was a hand- et The Voter' ListeAcLt and ira.t Ronald Lowry $het 1 have posted uop ai my %and Lautiiuîi mapanese girl, office at Nowcaffle ma the Clndmy Garrod. Beat dreised In I glt dar et Oct eber, 1947, the the 12 t 14 age g nou p waz ta tht inanilpality at as Batman, and the girl hip- 8ieléotions and itpie was Sylvia Feddema. I n lu»t reinains there for te 15 >ean and oven group ï D. was Harold Young dreased as La b cati open ail a girl. Irter tetsa imaedlata pro. The lest Coudc cge up te .bifl gt bave say emsions 12 wu. won by Wendy Lake, erreraeoerrecW da.erdiat with Trudy Flonk winnlng a hlaw, the hWa day for appoMalprizo for the Deit Period Cos- ,ai, tbe 141h day of Novom- turne, the Centennial costume 198e7. prize was won by Sandre, p.te iN lia da *~Kean. Every entaettending patod ar etrecelved a big bag cf goodiea 1947. ~toa dd to their already aven- GLEHOMEHUGHES, Iaded bag, basket on plllow CWk slip. But agood tmewas had 43-1 by &IL. I iairman ~ U~.dIhRUL- - muNewcastle-AII citizens are ýgnaT1onreminded ta attend the Re- membrance Service on Satur- day, November I lth beglnnlng at 10:40 a.m. Ail Cubs, Scouts, Brawnies, Guides and Sea Jn uifom. heyand ail er myscîf thinking ai running available leaders are ta lino ei for anothor office. I dan't say up an the eest Iawn on the ch thet I will run, I say only thet Cammunity Hall. In case ai .r I arn thinking about it. In rein services will be beld in- order for me ta do this legally side the hall. ig 1 must resign now ta be able On Sucday, Navemben b2th, v. ta have my name nomninatod a cburcb parade will lead off ie for another office. Also, mem- fnom in front ai the Newcastle rbers ai Council must be noti- Fire Hall and merch ta St. g. ficd. l'm sorry ta leave in George's Anglican Church. r anc way, boaving yau witb this This parade will be led by the ie big problem ai building. But Bowmanville Legion P i p e in again I ofier any help that 1 Band and followed by mcm- cen be ta you. I do hope the bers ai the Bowmanville rest ai the Board will say on. Legion. AIl Ex-Service mec It looks like you'll aIl have ta throughout the district are in- )run and serve another two vited ta walk in this parade. a yeers," said Mr. Rickard. A good showing ai Newcastle "It may cot ho as legal as Ex-service Mon will be ap- -the Council seem ta think it preciated. la i," replicd Mns. Stanks, ne-1 >-ierring ta the new by-law _____________ iwhere all boards and council kwill non for a two-year term. "sA former Reeve edvised me that the by-law must read 1 irescinding ail former by- l aws" ta make the by-law legal, and there are other ways Newcastle, Ontario. Iwe may get araund it. l'm Nov. 3rd, 1967. ilworkicg an it and l'm hop- Dear Edîton: t ding ta have some enawers I read with great intereste soan".I yaur eccounit ai the Special ' "I opeyougetfurherMeeting hold in the Com- 1 &' hoe yo ge furhermunity Hall regarding the t 4than I did. I wont Into the location ai the lagoon. JClenk's office and I got him i- a upie oha 1 beuddld. e sad hewasthat Waltone Park was the abusy just then and esked memiojconadb th yta came back. I couldn't get smanineobjecti eor ythe sin and called him. This guy aniess ai scemi ta think that caunicil oWewersregbtanc ae ecould change every by-law obctrrgrdnthsie gjust in a word. Well, we erg- However, we were the main aued, eccomplished nothing, s0 objector regarding the hand- 1I'm no furtber than I ever bing ai extending the wator was," atated George Chard. system south ai the 401. The Going back ta Mr. Rickard's present council bas fonward- resignation, he was esked if ed a request ta the Water ho woubd attend the next Resourcos for a study af the meeting. It would ho the lest extension. However I fail ta meeting ai the yoar and tbey understand wby the Water febt, being in the middle ai Resources do not acknow- building, thoy could do with ledge carrespondence or wby bis advice and help. He re- previaus counicils taok no plied thet he would attend, action. Robert Shearer then made a If your repart had not mnotion thet as the next meet- been sa acanty it would also ting falîs on election day, they have rnentioned the follow- cchange the date ta Wednes- ing criticisms: ,day, Dec. 6tb. This would al- (1) The begoan cennot serve ilow all candidates running for anyone south ai the 401 and office ta be in attendecce at ta the east witbout a pump- the time ai the vote caunt. ing station. This motion was accepted. (2) The seven trunk lino 1The fire escapes recentîy will be above ground veny used et the schoob wiîl be me- close ta two new homes. mavod and advertised for sale. (3) The effluence fnom the They wibl be ai no funther use lagoon will go into Cheplins ta the school once the ad- Creek. dition la compîcte. (4) The West-View Heights Befane the members dealt Subdivision was nat ta be funther with the business ai sorviced. building, members ai the (5) The Water Resources School Board were asked only hed anc plan. whetber they would again run The gentlemen from the for office. George Chard, Water Resources did an ade- Douglas Walton and Robent' quate job ai expleicicg the Shearer seid they wauld rue warkings ai a bagoon. again; Irv McCullough and Thoy also explalned that Pauline Storks were undecid- the system is ta ho peid off ed et this time. "I just don't in 40 yeans and thet the knaw wbat ta do right naw, monkey usually meised by a Council bas shaken us up frontage tex on alI property pretty badly, as yau cen sec, the sewer bine passes plus a said Mrs. Starks. "Same ai service change ta people us have been bore tbrough using the lice. tbree efforts af building and The Cheirman steted that we still beven't gained eeough wben the Water Resources expeniec ot know all the Committee brings In its final enswers. It's pretty easy ta recommendations, ail decis- make mistakes so yau put in ions are up ta aur local a bot ai time and effort and Council. boums othens know nothing I hope you will extend the about so as not ta make mis- offer in the Statesman cdi- takes. But l'm flot througb tonial ai Nov. lat ta include fighting yet, and if I get Some candidates runcing for count- word the press whll be sure cil in Newcastle. ta ave it too," she stted. The nxt counil will be Brownie Packs HoId Mother-Daugh ter Special Service 0f Remembradce This Saturday PSinquet on Nov. 2 s Newcastle:- The Browniesl ping atones. The Tweenies ofa the bat and 2nd Newcastle~ skipped up the patb, oach Peck beld their Mothen and' reeding e lîttle verse until Deughter banquet an Thurs-1they came ta the Wise Old day, Nov. 2nd. Owb who, dressed up in Ow's 3 The supper began mter the costume, was Brownie Joanne 1singing ai "0 Canada", acd Collier. She told them ta read rMns. Cli saîd the openirig the signsalobng the path un- 9prayor. tii they go ta the magic pool Mrs. Call welcomed the and they would fiid out bow Mothens and Brownhes, then ta became a Brownie. Intmaduced the bead- table as Mrs. Powell and Mn.. Cmll fallows: Peck Leaders Linde le tom each onrobbed their Lowry acd Lais Barcherd, own Tweecîos and calbed an Tawny Owl ai the 2nd Peck the Sixens ta accept the cew 9Isabel Peerce, Snowy Owl of Brawnies into their Sixes. lst Peck Audry Gogerty, The 20 new Browniea were Brown Owl ai 2nd Peck Mau- Mary Garvin, Floa Bumnows, reen Powell, District Com-ICi*ndyScott, Kim Nickelle, missianer Mrs. Paubine Stomks, Lynn Panker, Debbie Duetta. Brown Owl oi lit Peck Hilda Marysia Major, Beth God- Call, Tawny Owl ai let Pack dard, Jill Adams, Gall Mil- Jean Wagar, end Cadet Nancy hench, Nancy Sheamer, Nancy Lowry. Leke, Karen Noden, Susan Mrs. Call aaked the four MeLean, Brende Cobblodick, mothers in change ai the an- Tins Vanesse, SandyWigt rangements for the banquet Judy Portsmouth, Wan-ad ta stand and acccpt thein Audrey Vanderstoop. thanka for ail thein work. A Golden Ber badge was They were Mns. Betty Collier, presented t a Vebey Fonget;I Mn.. Velme Parken, Mns. a Golden Hacd ta Sendra Mary Kean and Mns. Marie Keen; anid ta Sandra Garrud Milhecch. a Collector's badge. Mni. Powell thon called an it Year Service Stars wero the four Guide mothers wba prcsented ta Juce Sleep, Ca- servod and dld kitchen duties thie Tufford, Joanne Collier, et the supper ta corme in. Mary Parkcer, Beth Cuh They were Mrs. Brereton, Sandra Jessup Angelasnc Mss. Munroe, Mmi. Rosa Allin and Phyllis Sl1eep. t and Mrs. Ed. Nesbit. - She 2nd Yemr Stars went ta: thanked them and explaîned Sandre Gemrod, Theresa Va.ý that whec the Guides have cosse, Jeanette Wagon, Lila their banquet tho Brownie Meîvor, Laurel Jessup, Jackie mothers wlll heoanly toc gbad Adams, Lonie Dgat,' Sandrai ta return the fevon and serve Kelsey, B a r b a r e McLean t thern et their su ppen. Brenda Stephenson and Dora.' The mothers th on wect in- tby Visser. ta the Centenniel Room taoi 3rd Yeem Stan wect taý awalttheicEcrolment ai thef Sandra Kean. 20 new Tweenies. 1 The Brownies thon did thel The Brownies, farmed a Grand Howl. Aiten thmt thel feiry ring Tht ste e wms set meeting cbosed with prayen' iwith a paUi of coloned atep-lacd tape.i ln Power fer fro yearunm it la imPerative that the people Of Newcastle know their polices. Ma', BmUTIIio~ EltoePhono987-4218 Gu*des Take Bus Trip Vo-uePrcel Fancy Quaiity A&P CORN WF Fanoy Quality A&P CORNCE York Brand B EA N 5WITH PR York Fany Quality - Frnc' Style GREEN BEAN Monarch (Parchment Wrapped) MARGARINE Monarch (Ail Varieti.,) Pouci, Pak CAKE MIXES Ann Page CHILI SAUCE OLE KERI AM STYL OR II Reg. Price 2 tins 29c - SAVE 17e NEL 8 7'-0-oz fins 99 C Reg. Price 2 tins 3U. - SAVE 3U. LE 8 .-z tins 9 9 c FEATURE PRICÉI 8 8-f -ai tins 9 9 c FEATURE PRICEI 8 1-ftins 9 9 c Reg. Price 2 IbaMe6.- SAVE 9o 3 W-b pkgs 89C FEATURE PRICEI ING MIXES 5 p&gs 99C FEATURE PRICE! Non. Priced qig ber atA4P cd the service. FWE STARTID IN 1927. WE'RE 40 YEARS YOUNG! . . . But ad enough to understond the soundinoss of tinmo-tested basic ideas, but young ooumgh ta keep Irying ta imvprave tbesu. Modernizoion and keephn abreoit of nmw ideos and techniques is a must for taday's successful business W. wouldn't be one af Canada's Iargest food retailers if wo weren't constantly thinking modem, tbinking young. But some basic thinking nover changes. We ame dedicated ta bringing the most gaod food, ta the most people, for the Ioast amocunt of maney. To being fair, honost and trustworthy. To caning about the people we serve. No motter haw progressive, how automated, how, modern we become, we pledge ta maintain tiies smnd peinciples. Evon wboui we're 100 years youngl 1 b SMOKED COOKED SHANK PORTION BUTT PORTION CENTRE CUIS OR STEAKS ýHAMS WHOLE. HAMS (14. to 16 POUNDS) CNADA GRADE MA» ROCK CORNISH GAME CHICKENS 18-OZ MINIMUM A&P Br& ïd or Boa Sead Brand Reg. Pria. pkg 47* - SAVE 8c COD FILLETS 16.0z pkg 39C So Buld Brand Cod Reg. Prie. pkg 59c - SAVE Se FISH & CHIPS 24-oz pkg 53C 4 -~. c* 't [Fre~sBkdF m . - . t. Ail prices in this ad guarantc.d througt, Saturdae, Novem ber llth, 1967. FIl- 4 Fhri*i fsh, MeW crep, Mui01 àice, S.mething Diffeeat, TAÀNGELOS Ab. 1 Grade Ske 120'5 doz..4 9~ FULL CUT HALF HAMS (SHANK OR BUTT HALF, NO CINTRE SLICES REMOVED) AVAILABLI AT SLIGHTLY NIGNIR RITAILS Jan@o Parker Reg. Price .eh 5%. - BAVE 25c ANGEL CAKE.rgezfac39C Jne Parkeir Reg. Prioe.@@oh 5%. - SAVE 10o PIE full S-înch BLUEBERRY PE 2-oe 49c î iane Pakr C K Reg. Prica. oef 26. - SAVE 0. BREAD CRAKI3 4zl65 1 Produce! 1 Mur rayuly,. ' - X i - n P r Editer's Note - The offer 1 is certainly extended ta pros- Ipective candidates in New- On Friday, Oct. 27, the Then the journey back home. catle or ather municipalities Guides from the ftrst and sec- A few ai the mare active af in the ares. ornd Bowmanville Campanies us sang sangs, but the mai- went on a bus trip ta Toronto. nrity just slept or set con- There were 43 Guides, ane tentedly. The bus arrived cadet, Miss Brenda Henning, home at 12:00 and leit us tai Comm ni"' Morrison, Guide Captains, Miss pleasant experience just on- DiyReader, Guide Lieuten- countered. ant and Mrs. M. Townsley, Ladies - 200 and over We mnet et the bus station PUIÇIYPOOL Bernice Partrier 263, Minýnie et 6:15and leit at appraxi- Taylor 233,, Marilyn Kent 226, mately 6:30. To put in tirne Twenty couples, most ai Lil Farrow 223, Colleen Pc-along the way we played them from this area, leit Fni- kering 208. - games and sang. Some ai the day night by Burley Bus for Men - 225 and aver - sangs were Guide sangs, suchaween eW eini- George Kimbaîll330, Jimýas "The Guide Law Sang",, ga. Wee sineel hope they Bruton 268, Ch *ard 2602,Iwhibe others were just old had an enjoyabbe trip. We Larry Pearce 261, Ron Goodifavarites like "I'm Henry the just heard that they arrived 241, Don Good 230. Eighth." home 0K at 1 a.m. Manday. Newtonville Ladies - 175 AIl activities halted as the Our two 1967 softball and over - Angela Hollen 240,ýbus stopped in front ai the champion bell teams were Murtle Harris 225, Liz Wil- Qucen Elizabeth Building on treated ta a sumptuous turkey lems 211, Maria Vogels .igî.Ithe Exhibito grounds. Here, dinner in Brown's Restaurant Ann Vogels. 179, M il1 d r e d, i the theatre, we saw "Girl on Saturday evenicg. This Bingham 175. 'Guides Alve", a musical put on was made* possible by the Thunsday Mixed - 200 and by the Guides, cadets, Rang- genenosîty ai two local staunch. aver - Marilyn Couch 259, ers and Brownles ai the York supporters ai the teams.A Art Dubeau 253, Doug Mc- Down area ai Toronto. They representative ai BP present- Ilwain 240, Shirley Black 204. sang sangs from France, Haw- cd ail the members of the George Glanville 202, Marge aii, Scotlend and Ireland, Eng- senior team with ber pins. Ibbotsoe 252. land, West Indies, USA and The teerns were in uniform Fniday . Mlxed - 200 and last ofai e "Canada - back and several pictures were tek- over - Larry Pearce 273, Ruth home." For each country they en and we hope ta get ane for Couch 258, Ron Good 255, were dressed in apprapniete the press, leter. We should Barbera Crackle 242, Stan costumes. Slides taken ai the have a strong team in the Powell 239, Ted Hoar 237, cauntries mentioned, were senior graup as several ai the Ben Hoogkamp 233, Dave prajected on a screen and Midget team are eligible ta Crackle 215, Wallace Couch used for the background ai play witb thcm in 1968. Yau 209, Albert Peance 203. the stage. Besides the singing, werc wonthy champs and we individuel Guides and Rang- hop e for cantinued success. ers displayed their talents at Our hockey teem played FAIR GAME dancing, bath modern and tra- Betbany ta a 4-4 tie on Sun- Despite the fact. that a toy ditianal dences ai these caun- day in Port Perry. >aodle is naw milady's pem- tries. Penhapa I1arn prejudiced Mr. Earl Gilbank returned pered pet, it was once an Eng- but 1 thlnk Canada was the home from hospital on Thurs- ish hunting dog. That animal best. The chair was dressed day and his condition is im-1 earefully treined, sniffed along in Mouctie costumes and sang proved. the ground et nîght and loat- traditianal Canadien sangs Sorry ta bean that Mns. ed strange quarries which put ending with "O Canada." lienbie Curtis is in Hospital.1 up no figbt. Moving in with After the performance we We wene gled ta see Mrs. ashovel, its master bagged were taken ta a restaurant Rainey ai Cennington behind them - truffles. ifor Coke and French frics. the counter in *Bredley's Storef Ilhe Canadian Statesmen, Bowmanv'f11e, Nov. 8, 1087 an Saturday. Myrtie (form- *l erly Mrs. Sam Brown) tok Li brarian over as Mr. and Mrs. Bradleyfl aee n the weekend bus trip S sin a to Wheeling, U.S.A. In S si n a Officers of the L.O.B.A. and L.O.L. met jointly Wednesday L fevening ta arrange for Christ- Kingstonf mas and New Yeer's dance. Bradley boys did a good The Lake Ontario Regional job ai selling poppies an Sat- Library System faîl Workshap. urday. Poppy boxes will be wes held in its new head. ein the local stores for the rest quarters at Colvin Park Libaà of the week, sa if yau were rary, Kingston, on Wednesday, missed you cen still make Nov. lst. Mrs. M. Middup, yaur contribution ta a warthy Mrs. D. Pollock and Mrs. G. ceuse. Reynolds represented the Bow- manville Library. An illustreted t.alk on ref- OBITUARY erence indexes and their func- tian was given by Mr. Charles ORVEL KNAPP Ellsworth, chief of the Refer- The death accurred sud_ ence and Resource Services ai denly, Nov. 4th, 1967, at the the Douglas Librery, Queen's TorntoEas Geere HopitlUniversity. Eech librery was aTorv ntEapp, enRR.1,Hsplpresented with severel amail tonf H wre in his 4rd yeermp-encyclopaedia on different sub- Atone ainouis4nd he late jects for its reference section. EthelsonaofLoutheadec e ae a Mrs. Barbara Aiken of the born Feb. 14, 1925, in Darling- Kngon uiLibrary thspkent ton Township and was mer- o.u auetati etn rieçI Nov. 17, 1943, at Cree- nial Year entit!ed "The Lib- mare, ' Ont. A resident af rarians' role *n preserving Hampton for 17 years, he had local history" flustrated by a previously lived at Lisle, Ont. collection of Canadianeaio An adherent of Zion United .Kingston and environs.- Church, Mr. Knapp wes em- The Children's librarians ployed by the Robert Dixon were shown fIlms an the art Co., Ltd., and for the peat of story telling and also shown year by the Oshawa Clinic picture books and posters He is survived by his mwife, which may be borrowed. Mrs. the former Violet Tickle; Katherine James, the King- daughter, Margaret and a son, ston Children's Lbirarian, was Jack. in charge of this section. Also surviving are his fath- The Workshop was from 10 er two sisters, Mrs. Percy tili 3:30 with time off for a Lambert (Dorothy) ai Dun- deliciaus smorgasbord lunch et dalk, Ont. and Mrs. Benny the Glen Mnor Motel nearby. Angi (Eileen) af Oshawa and three brothers, Douglas aiof ah ' Oshawa, Delbert of Hampton' e Cs £oIAay and Daniel of Pontypool. FruuA" "~ The memorial service wasFo l.A uane held at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, et 2 p.m., Nov. througb 7, follawed by interment in 8T AT ES MA N Hampton Cemetery. Re V. C L A 88I FI1 E D S' Charles Catto, minister aio e 2 -3 0 Zion United Church, conduct- hn 6330 is SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY ý READY TO SERVE FACH 79C

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