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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 13

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~-Q j jopelT Builidin The 0 taijo government authorized the clamping tubdMivien coitroli 0on ai 11OPe Townshîip and has I uthorlzed no building1 Miita be issued within tOwnship for a period of to six months. The move followu the cOverY bY Hope Townl cOuBdil that 390 building ln the township have t registeredi at the East 1 hani registry office in1 IROpe in October. The township, at a spe mmlrittee meeting held Oct. l9th, attended by reeve, deputy reeve, th COunCillôrs and represei *tivea of the provincialg ernwent, made arrangemi for the drawing up of spei subdivision control by-laws Subdivision controls, lin ing any land sale ta a rni - mum of 10 acres will clamped on the whole toi ahîp. The by-law was ta be *to a vote before a spe( meeting Saturday ln clerk's office. When the by-law is put il force, it wilI apply to1 whole township and pernr sion for the sale of land parcels less than ten ac: will not be permitted un], the lots are already régisti ed or such permission granted by a committee adjustment expected ta bei st Paul's WOIDe Hold Bake Sale The Feui Tea 'and Bake Sa À d by St. PBul's Unitf 'urchWomen in the Sund& School Rooms on Friday afte loon was greatly enjoyed 1 a large number of peopl Miss Florence Gardiner wý the general convenor of ti auccessful event. The sale of Home Bakir, proved ta be Papular. Thoe in charge of it were: Mrs. Ly Eldridge, Mrs. Lawrence Ac ams, Mrs. John Colleen, Mr James Grant and Mrs. Do Kennedy.' Mrs. Fred Smith and Mr David Turney were in charg of the Iancy Work Tabl Which had an array of attrac tive articles. Mrs. Leland Mill son and Mrs. Charles Pipe were in charge af the C.G I.T.s Candy Sale, and it haý a wide selection af home msd gweets. The Afternoon Groups o St. Paul's U.C.W. were il charge of the Fall Tea. Thi aerving table was centrec with a beautiful arrangemen of yellow, bronze, white anc pink chrysanthemums and i, was ighted by taîl tapers ir lail colors in crysta] candie. sticks. The tea tables werE each centred wîth autumri flowers lni a crystal vase. Those who presided avei the tea cups were: Mrs. Har. old Turner, Mrs. L. M. Somer- 'Ville, Mrs. Alex McGregor, Mirs. Kenneth Hull, Mrs. Reta Dîîdley, Mrs. Robert Steph. ens Mrs H. A. Cuthbertson, an Mrs. 1D. McArthur. As. sisting in serving were: Mrs. George Graham, Mrs. Wilbeni 'Teeple, and Mrs. Cecil Muli. enix. Other members o! the Afternoon Groups assisted ini 4he kitchen. 43/4 cy SAVINGS ACCORNTS Now ln Stock - Sunwortmy '61 Corne ini and as the larl Paper for every room i ALL SCARFI THIX PÀ CLEARING >30 e, AT ABERNI Points & v Phone MZ u5 ring st.W. 17eCanadial 'ownship Restricts TeSA vfor Six -MonthsOsa, e Mr. and N ha-;up cio ln the tow ship Th To nsh p c uriil.were recent of meznbera of this coinmittee Mr. Hooey revealed hie had Imaîîowell'u. I of of adjustment ar'e yet un met fer a half hour with the Mn. J. mi also named. Hope .Township councîllors, eniTo per- The action toi b. taken by Thuraday, Oct. 19, when h'm days at of the the township couneil came explalned his position regard- c hon U 1P about when counicil learned ing roadi, but haed fot been Ms a 390 building lotb located in allowed to remain at the daughter, Mr dis- Lot 34 and 35 of Concession meeting. He predieted'the 390 arentY iship anc of the township had al- lots would not be built up wenently lots ready been sold and deeds overnight. 'iere is nothing weesdae t been registered. to g t alarmed about, lie con- week, the ti Dur- The property was formerîy teflded, because a lot cf these Over $600 ý Port the farm owned by Bruce properties would probablyf the people ai Dinner. It was sold on Sept. change handa again. The po- place andth cial 1, to Walter- Hooey cf Scar- tenital ia there ta do a job ple ad wte on borough. In the neriod bie. and -do It right. ltMmonialToi the tween Oct. 5 and Oct. 12, the Wbile Mr. Hooey claims ta 4,So isNn hrce 390 deeds were registered et have no more contrai aven Mis V nc nta- the reglstry office here in the 390 lots, one o! the lots the we.-ekeM. nd I gov- town. la registered to William *" .-'f s ~ *~ ~ omnil ents Of the 390 deeds, approxi- Hooey, his brother, residing ýcial inately 45 were règlstered by et 17 Caroline Ave., Toronto, rA *~' * ,. guests et M 5. Toronto solicitor and barris- whhle another la registered ta o1v ... m Stra mit- ter, J. Men Young, and the Daphne Hooey, also ai 17 ~ "'~ i- balance by the original pur- Caroline Ave., Toronto, and * be chaser of the property, Wal- al Mrs. Ivey Smith of 23 wn- ter Hooey. Caroline St., Toronto. - '.~~~'*' ~ .~, - 1The deeds were registered Another lot is registered ta R0 7 put in the names o! many differ- Anita Haaof 45A Courcelet- cial ent purchasers. Mn. Hocey, te Rd., Scarbarough, Ont. Mn. v' the in a statement to the pres Hooey's office is llsted et 45 declared these people hac Curcelette Rd., Scarborough. inta bought the building lots froin Reeve Finnle, in a tele-W the him. phone interview Wednesday -'* >-s*.'+* s nis- Hope Township Re e cv e, nîght with The Examiner, , , . ;George Finnie, in a pres said he was not in e position 2res1 statement, revealed he bd ta mke ny statements on the ~' ii ter- day, Oct. 17. Ater consulta- flot been finalized," he said.' stion with townshi* council- Some consideration hes been yMs.Mlol n iss of 1 lors, Ontario Munici al Board given ta the metter, be seid. Bannie Malcolm. As a joint1 setj a dvice was sought an the The neeve also refused tai effort beet and cabbege soel -metten. The provincial gnv- divulge the date and time afi ernment advised piainNathespcii metng was mede. Mrs. Malcolm de- placii a thrîngce se x etighonstreted "Cafe au Lait". rsriig order with the -Examiner. (Intended for lest week) Menon, Beeverton. Mr. endý The president, Eileen Dei The next meeting, which itngheipn registrffice Mn. and Mns. Herry Mc- Mrs. Roy Ega, Toronto, were 'Jong, chaired the meetingi will be e perty meeting, was k to onthe bl a!nce of the ,TT E Leughlin visited Sunday with Friday visitons with Mn. andlandti he secnetery, Donna Ed- discussed. Sil itiownsan aanete 1EWTONVILLE Mns. Herb Kennedy andi Miss i Mrs. Thompson. 1 genton, neeti the minutes. The president adjaurned :le, The dpr n fai nL.r Htciron Ptenbr- M. ndMr JmeCPnn "Pizza" was demonstnatcd' the meeting.L cd ning ea rten r . L !ei ough. adMs rn hm-Perth, enjoyeti Pniday t aso recammendeti that attcnded a recent a y Mrn. r.GatTop Monday with her mother, ay hldngbyla b itr- hause-warming in Orono forE son wenc Tuesday Visitons Mrs. Nelson Marlow. On Set- m___m__m Pr- duced. This was donc et an Mn. andi Mrs. Charles Gnay iwitb ber mother, Mrs. W. H. urday evcning they and Mms. by emcngency cammittee meet- andi femîîy.i Johnston, and sister Mrs. Manlow were dînner guests le. ing af cauncil the same day. "Break-ina", an camman in James Naylon, Pefferlaw, and with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Sy- as A tsad t h o oeo te lne ete called on his mother, Mrs. mons, Bowmanvillc. On Sun-~ ment, n c n can aul ny hv even spneati ta urlittle James Thompson, Lakeview day thcy joineti with other oW I~ fa t e a new structure in Hope Town- hamilet. The hnmes ai Mr. members ai the iemily fora I lsbîp on lesa than 25 acres. anti Mrs. Bert Tompkins and HAYDON dne at ttectaeý ise 1The by-lew has yet to be dirneanparty e Rhymcottage a ynoificially passed before open en. Jones Aum outriai. o huc searsMnrand Mrs. Alvin Mariaw Avenu, Souh ai eydon chunc ste arsCesanea, for the occason of, ,-counicil.ManSreweetrda are holding their Auction Mn. Marlow's binthtiey celc Dn Township clenk, Willarci week ega wbile the ownens sale this Saturdey, Nov. 4tli. bration. Lord, was away on vacation were out shopping, on Fridey et 7:30 p.m. Fan mare par- Mn. Gardon Heeslip, PontR rs duning the speclal township evening. *'A valueble gun, and ticulers see Caming Events. Credit, enjoyeti a couple ai- gecouncil meetings mnd the collection af coins were emong Sundey school session et dy eetywt î a ietownsbip treasurer anti build- the articles neporteti missing. 1:45 and church service et ents, Mn. anti Mrs. George M c- ing inspector, Hector Inch, Mrs. Arnnald Wade, the ep- 3 p.m. on Sunday. Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Percy M Il bas been acting township pointed delegete, wes in Toron- Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Gar- Preston, Mrs. Norman Muir- M r clenk fan the meetings, to, Nov. îst through Nov. 3rti rend and family, Kcswick, hcad Lindsay, anti Mn.and Dw ' X. The tract a! land contein- attending the Women's Insti- Mn. anti Mrs. Alfred Garnard Mns.'George JobnNsltn RS id Ing the 390 registered builti- tute Are& Convention et the anti famuly and Mns. L. Gnif-wr atra n Nestito e ing lots is tircctly about the Royal York Hotel. Mns, W fin weme Sundey visitons a nen guests with Mn. anti s. western portion of the 900- 'Miligan, District Dîrector. Mn. and Mns. C. Gerrerti. Isi If acre area rccently optioneti aito attendeti the session, andi Mns. Gardon Dudley, Bur- MreasdGoge.w S A LE S R SIIN in nai Hydro as the site M. S. Lancaster ccompnieti lington, spent a few days MnatiM.Gere oe ie ai a passible gcnenating by Mrs. M. Joncs wene there wîth ber parents, Mn. anti ers werc Suntiey aiternoon ýdpln. nThrda.Mrs. Arthur Reati. anti cvening visitons wîtb r ti lan. a Th rstay.Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Yokom anti M s. Robert R odes, Li t Acting registran o! the Severai local people attend- anti family, Cevan, wene tic Britain. 'L. J. Pattenson, Wednesday, Newcastle this past week. Mns. Morris Pollenti anti Suntinige, spent Sunday ta oO n en statement ta the press, . Well, the goblins werc out famuly. Tuesday with thein deughten revealeti the 390 deeds regis- in full farce on Hellowe'en, Mn. D. K. Thampson, Bow- anti son-in-lew, Mn. anti Mns.m VIRTUALLY UNAFFECTED BY STILETTO HEEL ,e tered met aIl legel require- as well as every ather kintioai menville, celleti on bis mno- Norman Mains and femily. n nîents-cacbh led a surveoas weind-lookiag creaturel About then, Mns. A. Tbompson, on On Tucsdey Mn. and fMrs.4 AVN S NM ITE NC COT QUC Y plan ettecheti. He cao ne- 100 a! the younger set, incluti- Pniday. Kent anti Mn. anti Mns.Eh:S VN SI AN E A C OT UC L rveeled 390 lots covereti al- ing quite a !ew aider ones, Mn. anti Mns. E. R. Thomp- Mains enjoyeti the day vîsit- most the entire property werc calling et aur door from son anti Cynthia, Bowmaa- îng relatives anti fmîends et -fonmeriy awned by Bruce 5:30 p.m. on. We understand ville, were Sundey visitons of Uxbridge, Gootiwood, Ballan m A proven seemless-resilient f looring distributedi Dinner. the panty et the Sundiay School Mrs.' A. Thompson. tracieand Churchill. Suntiai - The pnice paiti by the lot hall, under thé leadership ai Mn anti Mrs. H. Denekeq visitons with Mn. anti Mr.ý dealers is completely rnonolithic providing off le punchesers totalleti approxi- the High C group, was quite Caliî, spent e couple afi ti ' Mains were Mn. anti Mrs. Buti rnately $275. successfuî, but were unable ta with ber brother, Mrnd ~Vîntue anti Donna, Bowman- and commercial buildings as wellasridetl L Township treasurer, Hector secure a repart of pnaceedings, Mrs. Arthun Reeti. ville, anti Mn. Ivan Mains anti flow of wall to walI seamîessieuyad uaii Inch, saiti Hope counil hati or lit o! prize-winners. Mnrandi Ms. Arthur T e- Jm, Clrkson. gone ta the gavennment seek- Mn. anti Mmi. Ahf Graham ai win, William anti Paul, visit- Visitons, tiuring the weekvnialforg.Tu , b eauty ai duri eing atice cnd belp, bccause Newcastle attendeti the Shiloh cd Mn. anti Mrs. Russell An- with Mn. andi Mns. Georgevetoafooig Tuheslet or i it feaeet the township wouîd Tunkey Suppen, Wetinesday, derson, Pont Hope, on Sun. Johns were Mn. anti Mrs. recovery factor that resists indentation. Suncei - e actiwlh hete brdnanti spent the evening with day.DvdJhnNsîtM. - maintenance savings often recover installation cos ai the cost af education plus Mn. anti Mrs. F. Gilmer. Mn. anti Mrs. W. Blackbunn, anti Mrs. Wm. Defoc, Whitby, services shoulti 390 familles Heathen Béat anti Bob Henti- Nei", Dale anti Doug, anti ati Mn. anti Mrs. Reidi Dic- builti and accupy homes Inecriai were local pupils among Mrs. Cowling attendeti Seiem key, Pont Penny. the tieveiopment area. thc two canloctis fnom Clarke Thenkaffering Service anti Mns. Richard Devisan andi NO WAXING 1 LIFETIME SHEEN Torginol bactenia Hope Township beti passeti High Scboal matoring ta were tee guests ai Mn. anti Mns. C ami Elliot, Leaskdale-, Drsu needs no wxn.Testnsenhmsa a subdivision contrai by-law Queen's University during the Mns. Farewell Blackburn. enjayeti Tucsdey in Port is consistent for the life of the floor. limiting eny land sales ta a weekend. Mn. anti Mns. Rosa Ashton Hope anti visiteti with Mrs. Duequ axn.Th atns e oI minimum o! 10 acres in 1959. Master Greg. Watie enter- ettentiet Bunketan Thenk- W. J. Dickinson, Port Hope, CHEMICAL RESISTENT Most acids, aikaliscnb M ny femer, hweven, ob- taineti hef ea tizen smal fering service on Suntiy. anti witb Mrs. Frank Gadin- an9oi e t d lt fe t h nt eo jeced o, ha wa coSier-frindsonFriay ftrnon, rs.W.Nigtinal, FrtmrGardten Hill,.andhydrocarbon ovnsdntafetheierr cd an infingement o! the the occasion of bis elghth William, netunneti homne, bey- M. anti Mr-s. C h a r! e s surf ace o! Torginoi. It is compieteiy imper- cushione rih osl hi rpr/1birthtiey. îng spent a couple of weeks mBniggstitirste-nîwvusoalgessnmiftsnd et-g-D k nighttj uas tenpoetwihM.*at n n Br Ms. Lndenzo Moutjoy snt elaboratrnqc nmm Ffý- wcme dininer guests Messrs. Iruemnan Hentierson, _T-he -Hellowe'enens enound 1 dwithdir eughter anti son- DnVinkie, Siti Brown and Zion, wc arc proudti t report, n niMscen P C A FTEWE Siti Stacey are emong those wcne vcny quiet anti mannerly.'Elîlot, Davii ant i Km. Shpetof h went hunting iuî-ing the Sundey, Oct. 29 et il a.m. Mn1atiM..Gado et-_______O F_____THE__________________ Shim.n weked.Zion United. Cburch beiti its cal! anti Miss Cheryl Met- mas.. ~Mias Allie Nesbitt netunneti 1 lOth Annivensany service, cal! atteaclet the Excelsion cdrvc.nwL,1o vv n a es to Toronto, Sunday, ati Mn. The Rev. R. M. Freeman, Choir programme, under the adMerwEio JM Nesbitt leit for bis home M.A., B.D., Ph.D., a fomrdrcino-rMlMCy SA B R E JIG SlA W a 2 Blades in Grovelanti, Florida, on Mon- ministen on the Welcome ir teton aM.l Coy, n- ge selection * day. charge, now e nesident oaiilte on all a Bowmn- M oe730 thpsbuon wic, ad ilgie youn home. Mrs. Bea Jones was In Toronto, was la charge ai the vlOn S aurtay evening M oel713 ud yorhm.Warkworth, Sunday, visitiag service. His sermon wesOaudyeeigte n * 45 degree cut to eithen side. * die cast aluminum housi relatives. "Reedy for Reformation". joyeti anaiversary services la Mn. anti Mn.. S. J. Lancaster The sPecial music wes pro- St. Peui's United Cburcb,M LOW, LOW PRICE 0F____ ____ E 'S JELL'D wesupper guests on Sun- videti by thç Wecome..Wesley. Bowmanville. Mn. Gro M(HLET YLA ) Davitison, Newmanket. ership o! r John Groeaveiti. Strong, Burketon, wene Sua- LUSunday suppen esta with wîth Mrs. Harolti Rune et the day evening dinner guests A Ii r n~TMr. and Mrs. C. N Zones in- organ.atbm wee"o with Mn. and Mns. Bruce orson, 1ev. T. J. Snelgrove Wilt Keep Him' in Perfect United Church Anlveruary and Mru. D. Vinkie. Peace" anti "The Lord ia My On Sundey, October 29th, Vo OFF ~ ~A clasa for children fron 5 Shepherd". Miss Barbera Dm.. Nestleton United Church hadO ShêW aW ood OFF ~~~t 10. years o! &e e h being ner, soloist, sang "The Silent thein idl anniver.ary service. s aa Wo tEGULA R CES held et the Sun1 -col oce.Rvrn rakL1tt1e evény Satunday mornng<frorn Yellpw potteti 'muais dec- Otea, at he frbiguect IIMTCOMMESHOPPING 10 te 11:30. Al hlde f arateti the church. The ush- ter,-and hose for is s728.1 Q tuae gnoup are welcome. ens were Mn. Chas. Raby, Mn. "The Cbunch. la e Changin gi MMWe ane grateful ta thogp Ross Jones. Offerng was ne- World." Music wes supplieti ;T ifly ysWho no klndly ashteti with ceiveti by Mn. Sim Dickinson, by the local chair, with Mrs. MT iiYthe Poppy Sale, the past week- MrRoss Jones. The church S. A. Cawker as the guest Volip peréd, as weil as te those wbo so a ws filledti ta cpacity. Chairs soioist. ~I e v IgencouslT uppoted It wee placed ia the esles. 4-Rl Club 3-501 ~~Wouen à Inatitute will holtij oloiag the service Zion The !itb meeting -o! Nes- *LOTTEN MT thé regulan mnonthly meeting1 U.C.W. serveti lunch in the tîcton 4-H Centennial Gour- 'A L NT f.gAM O I LD ON B"m"u.10 on Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 2:301 basement ta the munister anti mets wa helti on Fritiay at Pan, et the homne o! Mm. Jim j us family, thé visuting choir Mns. Lawrence Mal col m'a olmar1 1 and. othere, ,'home. n Statesmanof owavfen.san 190?v 1K VLLE. e groùpviIe al o tt t anti Mn.. White, two -young mmnnléd co,-upleo, )Ir* gre ,uaswt Mn. aid Mn.. Roi Robhnsoâ and ore wt Robinson. M. and Mn. Roy Auatin. %rs. Mader, Baniff Muuic for the eve ngwu pro- guets t r. iâvlded, by Mn..Ll.w 1allowell, gust e M. ldMn. Brenton Feiroweand * Messrs. Joe Bothwell Miebael unhy who bas lrktan and Roi Luxton, of =01ospent a few BwmnhUle. Calero for the me befone netun- dan ='« rwère Mr. Lloyd Clys. son visited ber daleY Mr. Clarence Turnér, rs. McNeill, Osha- anti Mn. Siti Lockhart.1 Y. Mn. Brian Cawell, chair. ry evening, lest mai for the présentation, call- .znkey suppen et éd the gathenlng te order reai well ettentict. wben Mrs. John Stark read, a was nealizeti anti fine edtiress ta the two couples at Shiloh are weil wbo were presente i wth a hthe fine attend- vinyl davenpont and moîey, ehappy comments. each. The happy reciplents titi is a patient et each thanked everyoie béant- spital.ily for ail the goot i shes and cy Hailowehl spent beautiful gifla. A deliclous d in Ottawa. lunch concludedtheii pleasaît Wrs. Chanlie Trim, eveaing. The. cammittee ini ew e n e tunner change was Mn. Jim Souch I.Orme Fells'. Mn. Alvin Souch anti Mn. anc evening a lange Mn.. Bnian Caswell. rARY TRAVELOGUE iwitzer Ian d IN FULL COLOUR JRSDAY> NOV. 9th Tl OaiN Hae8:00ketM 6 ADMISSIONS - $6.00 IGLE ADMISSIONS - $1.25 lada -Beautiful MOL. ýEI INEIU-E* I NG OR FURNITURE'INDENTATION nationally- by authorlzed ce, apertment, industrial units with a permanent ity unappnoeched by con- rol Duresque has 100% waxing is net requfred, igreatly feared in hospitals, nursig and institutions. ý* EXTERIOR Torginol Duresque applied to exteriar as well as surfaces. Exteriar Duresque is ed with Torginol's rubber-like "Tor- ,that water-proofs and furnishes te elongation characteristics. BLE SURFACE - Damaged areas repaired easily and heavy traffic !ewed to the original state without ;g the entire floor. CLEANED Dry Mopping and oc- wet mopping with plain water is ail required as normal maintenance; TABLE Torginol Duresque's resili- rovides a cushioned, comfortabl. surface. [E INSTALLATION COSTS You pleased ta find Targinol Duresque nstalled competitively with the bet- es of vinyls and rnuch below the terrazo, ceramics, etc. ISTRATED LITE RATURE ~ig $ 395 I I I I I I I I I I ProductsM -1 Rn Statesman, BowmanvMe, Nov. 8, IM

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