i* j &% l'h. Canadianstateuma!!, wm vMn'e, MV. s, lm DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIE# Tuosdav. 4230 n.. ___________________________________________________________________ I -- - - --I W - -- Birtha A eRF - A» 'JLLJ-Muray and are happy *to announe safe arrivai of their first a daughter, Melanie Nov. 1, 1967, 8 Ibs. 1 oz. granddaughter for Mr. Mris. Edgar Wright, Eri len and Mr. and Mrs. W Arford, Hampton. HEARD-Donna and LIc. haPPY to announce a addition to the family,à Brian Kelly, 'born Novt 2nd, 1967, at Memorial pital, Bowmanviîle, wei 10 lbs. 8%, ozs. A brothi Scotty. KIRKTONR::Obbie and are pleased ta announîi arrivai of a brother, Tir Mark, born on Novem' 1967, and weighing 8 Il ozs. Proud parents are and Mary (nee Munday SCOTT-Ian and Gloria1 God for the safe arrival son on Friday, Novembei 1967, ait Belleville Ge Hospital, first grandchi]c Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sac' Engagement Mrs. Frank R. Miller,1 castie, wishes to announi engagement of ber daul Marlene Hazel Miller, to neth George Breen of Osh son of Mr. and Mrs.. Breen, Oshawa. Mariag take place Saturday, No' ber 18, 1967, ait Il 'cloc St. Joseph's Catholic Ci Bowmanville. Forthcoming Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Davidb are proud to announce wedding date of their da ter Margaret, to Bruce Sr son of Mr. and Mrs. i Smith on December 2nt 2 o'clock in St. John's Cht Bowmanville. Dea[ths-.- BAJEMA, Lucille-At Hosi for Sick Children, Torato' Trhursday, Novemnber 2,1 I.icîlle Bai ema of Nesti aged five weeks, loving dai ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clai Bajema. Rested at the No cutt Elliott Funeral Hc Pr ivate graveside service -eld 'on Saturday imorn -!nterment St. John's Cerne ~IBackstock.1 -ÈNGLISH-At 41 Fourth Bowrnanville, on Tues( libvernber 7th, 1967, Clifl Fnglisb, aged 73 years, bl, .td husban d ol Wnnie Gr4h dlear father nt Earl and1 '-Whitby; Lorne, Omemnee; Bq (Mrs. Carmen Shirk), Bi inanville, and Mervyn, os wa. Resting at the Mo Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvi for service on Thursday 2 o'clock. Interment Bown ville Cemetery.4 RALL. James - At Toro jwester Hospital on Tuesd >~veniber 7th, 1967, Jar al1 of 147 Liberty Str >orth, in bis 75th year.1 ~oved husband of Bleanor R 'aylor, dear father of Ron of Chathamn. Reiting at '2orthcutt Elliott F un e ?orne. Funeral service o'clock Priday afternoon. C rnation.4 J~ACKSON, Florence-At St set Lodge, on Tuesday, 'ýernber 7th, 1967, Florer *Jackson, Bowmanville, int 84th .year, dear sister /christine and Leslie, Roya j:usan. Resting at North<i Elliott Funeral Homne. Fu Oral service 2:30 o'clock F day afternoon.- Interme Èowmanville Cemetery. Dor tions to the Heart Fund wot 1he appreciated. 49 jÇREMBIL - Stîddenly, Monday, November fth, mç et her home in Summerberi Baskatchewan, Mrs. Albe Krembil, formerly Mrs. W fred McLean (Lois) of Map Grove, in her 44th year,b loved mother of Richard ai Larry, Maple Grove: sister DIrs. Elizabeth Christie Summerberry and Robe 1Swîndell of Vancouver. Buri jki1I take place in Saskatcl wan. 4 _Reception -Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill .Çrono, will be happy to r àpeive best wishes of the àriends and neighbours on tf tgccasion of their 25th Wc ing Anniversary. Saturda: edovember 18 at Odd F'e1lom ral, Orrino, 8-9:30 pm. 45-1 Fôtice to Creditoôr NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All cdaims ngninst the estat of Mary Ethel Lockhart, lat f~Southhnven Nursing Homo fewcastle, Ontario, Spinstei deceased, who died on or abou j9 th August, 1967, muet b aled with the undersigne, personnl representetive ona Defore 9 Navember, 1961 Viacreniten the undersignei will distnibute the assets o Uie said estate having regarg 4aly ta the claims then filed * Date d 18 Octeber, 1967. * National Trust Company, 'M Limited. ~,21 King Street Eat. --4Toronto, Ontario, *(Executor or Administrators MY J .'Rtchard Lovekin, «. Thetr'Solicitor Nren. e mchm, International 150 bus. P.T.0. Lost WUDlk yigo ok C7; i leen gaefl he ae OD AY ovember 6, a keping ta do in my own home. slepig,Â.raLors Dominion Royal cnaw tire and Phone 623-2553. 4- ,4j Seetest rest that foliows Faml ~l*Moo im complote, on highwny near -"' of pain, aml oe1 Taunton. Finder picace, tele- FOR ALL YOUR rd We who laved them sadly miss International B250D wlth zh.R. 263Bu77etan. R.eware,.QLrn theen 3-pt. hltch ahane 263-2778, . Rw. Roaneerig d.But trust in Gad ta meet International 3»D with 45-1 ALSO KITCHEN 'CHAIRS - aga'n. -t ie WANTED - My Own oa! hn 9742 -AlwaYs romembered by FarMaIl 2@@ with aontePI.oielhe98o7b4m7t22 Eldan and Margaret and thein oultîvater a M3ptUhte teck1. ny L ewondon F agteh FREE ESTIMATES D familles. 45-1ad3P4bthtc m Lno o"tec REASONABLE PRICES International B414D wlth cent from Trinity Church Gal- Brint r)3-pt. bItch lery last Eaeter Sunday, pioe ____________45-1 International 346 U with exchangc for bis own Croydon FRAN BEN 3-pt. hlteh "Avant Garde" cont. 2. AndB N .3 NIEMORLAU ~he wha took my replacement - rnhg - T. NdcOwAN woa new "London Fog" with mny TN Lu fW Myes'ampEUIM NTLD Lions Centre, Nov. 4. exehange INSTALLATION pbefe e-UU--- fo hi Koa en ot and grey &L ,BOWMANvILLZ nlned glaves. M. D. Brown, 62M20 5KI &hW eg t. Be.-Ewaanville1121 -Qusen, Bowinanvile. 6370 10"4 Work Wanted . WOMAN for bouse or office cleaning; girl for baby-sitting. 263-2940. 45-1 REË-UPHÏOLSERIýÏG- -Satis- faction guaranteed at Whyte Bros., Phone 623-5251 or 623-5252. 20-tf MOUNTJOYBako Seve -Foundations - Septic tanks dug and backfilled. Ivan Mountjoy, Blackstock 986-4737. 16-1f GET ready for fail and winte projects. Have yaur saws sharpened now. F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., Bowmanvjlle. 43-3* A. BAAR ,Plumabing & Heatinq 35 Nelson St. Bownaanville - C ards.of Thanks Articles for Sale Articles for Sale LHelp Wanted IDoris Ta each one who helped in 40" FRIGIDAIRE stove. Tele- DOMINION piano with bench KITCHEN help, over 21. Appl ce the any way ta maire aur turkey phone 986-4742. 45-1* in good condition. Will seil Castie Hotel. '45-1t et barn, supper such a succes. please WATER for sale and delivered. reasonable. Phone Orono 983.WMNfrwirs ok Faith, accept aur sincere "thank you . CalCliu Pethick, 623-2313: 5414. god c ornigeaalales for Finit Long Sault Club 50. 38-tf DRIED, shelled, cern, market women who are neat and de-1 r. ndi- ___ 45-1* COIG trie pl price. For praces phone 263- pendable. Please cali 753-2270,1 .insllm W iht xpesorKneh1us hn r 8893. F. W. Werry & Son, En- ask for the manager. 35-tfE 45-1 sincere thaliku ta the Hampton 983-5886. 434 niskillen. 443 ERSON intcrested in lcarn-3 Cornmunîty for the lovely gitt NEW Scale Williams upright THREE rooms cf modem- ing travel business on part- yd anc we received. piano, excellent condition. furniture (kitchen, livingroorni tirne basis, Typing and Book- qnew Ralph and Theresa Luke. Phone 987-4744. 45- bedroom); good condition. keeaing essential. Apply Jury aebery,__ 45-1 SI-months-old fridge, $150;Phn62-37 45-1 & Lovell Travel Agency. Tele- i o- r ndMs.HrldSler 4-burnen heavy duty steve, $30. BUYING or selling furniture phone 623-3182 for appoint-( riginHo Mapond, scerldtanalrP'>one- 623-5145. 45-1 or appliances, cal Elmer, ment. 45-1r her for thein relatives, friends and LARGE size vannished wooden Hamptn: uane 263-2 294. 3- iLADIEcS.gHolIday o neis 45-1' arganizations for carde, flow- crib, springe and mattress. reiec 6-65 ppocig fyu ne crs and gifts recccved by thern Phone 623-2171. 45-I McCLARY-Easy 2-speed auto- money to buy gifts, etc., for Scot ontheoccsio aither 4th ASO & isc upîg~matic washer. Spiralator ac- Christmas, seil our beautiful ce the wedding anniversary. 45-1* piano; reasonable. Call New- tien; used 11/2 years. Price ueo omtc n te imothy - castle 987-4818. 45-I £200. Phone 983-5271. 45-1' Products. Large profit. Write ýber 1, My sincere thanke ta reln- C- Rawleight, Dept. K-140-1, 4005 .bs. 10 tives, fiends and neighbolurs aO Crn, bargain in big lots. FOR excellent quhlity pears, Richelieu St., St. Henry, Mont-& Mike for flowers, carde and visits Frank Hiemstra, R.R. 1, En- apples, apple eider, low prices, real. 45-1 y). an t nrse ad tafof niskillen,_263-8473. 43-6 buy at Fred's Fruit Market, 4 -1 an alnuHsspial:ndsarf WOfae etrswt so Highwny 35, south ai Orono. THE Bowmanville Public 45-1Memria Hopitl; iseDr. WO pac heter wiý sove44-tf School Board requires respon- Ewent and Dr. McKenzie. pipes and dampers; reason- 'cible persans ta act as noon thank Mrs. James Cunson Sr. able. Phone 786-2413. 44-2' TYPEWRITERS, no $ dn., $21 hour supervisors at th e Pub- i of a STUDEBAKER Service, new wkly, cashiers, adders. Trades, I ic Schools. Hours: 11:50 ar. r 3rd, We wish ta express aur and used parts. Grnharn's terns, rentaIs, service. Bih lta 1:00 p.m.- Apply i writ- Id forI sneighbosand a reaiesGarage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf Hamilton, Raglan;* 1-985-7160. ing'stating age, qualifications, Ie fr. ngBomavileand rlaishaf APES frin, eea ___________ 45-tf and malrital status ta S. R. 45-1 the rnnny eat shawannesfo rietLesforvanlpies Hmnk James, Se'y-Treas., 24 King cards e and la tr f iut s ariesrea vDrpPone 263-23. nk World's Largest Seling 'St. E., P.O. Box 100, Bowman- t ceived at the tirne of aur ne-____ 44-2SNWOIEvil.42 cent herenvernent. GIRL'S Winte coat, sizel10, S K I - D 0 0 THE DEPARTMENT 0F ' Ne- Claude and Vera McDonald, bnawn poodle cloth with mou- ce the Karl and Irene Hall. 45-1' tan collan, excellent condition, Ail Models now on display at, REFORM INSTITUTIONS aghter $10. Cail Newcastle 987-4221.1 UNITED RENT-ALL requires a SKen- My sincere thanks ta y1 45-1 & MARINE BRICKLAYINGR ;hawa, staffds relatives, neighbours, COMPLETE- set of Winston Oshawa and area'e largest ISTRUCTOR Basil safo Coronation Restaurant,1 ge a he ntlietui Bys D drums, race car set, rnaunted snawmobile dealer wlth a fon the )ern nateItlec lByDs. on board; almost new hockey huge selection of new and PNERDESHO oe-Hubbard, Sylvester, nurses skates. size 7. Cali after 5, used snowmiobiles, as ivelli IERDESHO ck, in and staff an Surgic-al Floan6357.4- s oreesok0 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO iurch, 'forkindniess shawn duning my 63-28.4-1 sacmleesoko 45-I recent ta n Memroial Hos- .25..20 MARLIN rifle, reload- SNOWMOBILE CLOTHING Under the supervision o h pital, Bawmanville. ing tools for same an would AND ACCESSORIES Head Teachen the incumnbentI Grace Vlicgen. 45-1 fit Winchester; wil cdl separ- Use aur tiotvetiet t theory nstpructiceo ick-h ate. Best affer. Merl Shantz ihuradpatc fbik I wish ta express thanks and 9 Liberty St. Nonth. 45-P' TIME PAYMEN¶' PLAN lnying and masanry for class- --f -Ï __ Prices start as low as es of eight ta twelve seiected Misiappreciation ta friends, rela- iNS§ULjATINblwîg eth-$65 Ward students and provides aitives and organizations for od, with rock wooi. Work- asitac6i9h5miteac tecards, gifts, and visits duning rnan,ibîp guaranteed. F ree on196sMestanc pee i the minstton.nc ;mith,1 my lengthy stay inhopa.etiats Hry L. ,TY l' mw . Qualifications requincd: Grade' Frank 1EwpeR thak ta Drs. Grant, Phone Newtonville 786-2256. UNITED R N -L 0 blt.ome h eat id at Ewtaff Rundie, and nurses and 38-tf iucs aio MemnorialHoptl & M4ARINE ment cf Labour standards for ur B,Ùwmanville. Hoptl TWO pair ski boots, boys', iourneymnan standing in the 45- Winifed ounman sizes 5 and 3;one pair boy's 555 Kint St. E. at Wilson hnicklaying or masonry trades; Wini!e Yunrnn skates, sîze 5, anc pair lady's O h w ability ta instruct and contrai 2t -figure skates, size 5; good ward students. 1pt~ wish ta express my sin- condition. Phone 623-3857.~ Telephone 728-5565 Salary commencing at $3.3162' a, an cere thanks ta fniends, rela-- 45-11 per houn with annual increaces 1967, tives and neighbouns for cards, USED washer parts, matars, -_____________ ta $3.57 per hour. Write or leton' gifts and flowers necccved Sirnpîicity, Thon and Moifat telephone for an appoîntm en t Bi .ugh: while in hospital. Special appliances, nationally adver- Pets with the ence thanks ta mny fiends who were tised lineofa furniture. Paddy's - SEE chshund SPRNEDN 'oth- sa veny kind te my famiy. Market, Hampton, 263-2241.'1ml,1 otsod $0o IERDESHO [orne. Aiso thankg ta Dr. Ewert, ____ ____42-tf me, il m. Pons9aid,9$0.o IERDESHO WRS nu-sbesandfsta.fPhonou987-4970. wn nrss ndsaf a Si'iclFIVE buildingsta be removed: 45-1 BOX 70 teryflor Mns. Ruby Woodward. One 16' x 26', suitable for gar- REGISTERED Black Mini- BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 ______ 5- age, $100; anc 12' x 24', anc 20' ature Poodlc pups. Interna- TELEPHONE 623-2582 45i45-1 x 26', anc 14' x 60', anc 12' x tional Champion sired. 45-1 - We wsh t exressaur20 - $10 each. Phone Wilfrid Neîs ae$5,fml St., . ews aepesýrCaruthers, 6235923. 45-125ed. Waleo $1forhnismas.N tie sasincere thanke and apprecia- $2.Wl odfrCrsms oie fodtion ta aur friends and rein- SEALEY mattresges, 1o-yenr Peregrine Kennels, 623-3480. elov- tives for the Iovely gifts pre- guarantec, frani $39.95 up. 45-1* L. C. Mason, Q.C. Law Office hmsented ta us at Newtonville Trade-ins: One double-epool- Closed November 8 and 9. S LeHall last Snturday evening; bed, 6 kitchen chairs, chest aof- Carfs for Sale 45-1'* 3raalsa o un thanke ta those on drawcrs and vacuumn clenner.-- 3o-the comte who preparcd Murphy Furniture, King W., 1953 tbree-quarter ton pickup Will the pranksters who )h the wonderfuî evening and Bowmanville, 623-3781.. 45-1' Chev. truck. Phone 263-8467. took rny wagon, Hallowe'en mnsthose wha supplied the flice - -- 45-1 ,night, please return it, other- ville, music. Thanks agai.sin. TV TOVVERS -1-961-AUSTIN-850,-go j hlespnsî 1 at Roy nd lva nn Asti. $5 updition, best offen. Telephane have ta deal with rny insurance nat 4a5-and63-v45Ann45-1' Cempany. Phone 983-5279.B an-45-H$50 A 2-841.Henry Bikens, R.R. 2, Orono. P 45-1SH V A '58 CHEV., good condition, 1 45-1 Iii M emo mi TV SUPPLY LTD. four new tires. Telephone îtoBROOME-In memory Of Eva Taunton Rdt. E. OshawaGe263-2734.ro45-1 iday, Ruth, Navember 8, 1959, aýnd just East of Rltson Road 1960 GMC haîf-ton truckin oreA Bow ,mes bier daughter Susan Elaine, Dia] 723-8131 aod condition. Telephone Insurance ýret November 12, 1959. Dyor ng- Bl eau ro.986-4742. - - 45-1* 1 FIRE B-- Affectionntely nememberdDyn g tD I e e ,P o .____ Rose bv the Johns farniîy (mather MERION-KENTUCKY l98LV.IFEoeoneAT nald anad father and sisters). 45-1' BLUE GRASS Ph gon e 8-219Newtlonvition 28 Libenty St. N., Bowmanville thel AlPhone 786-2519 N______ 4l-1Phone 623-5136 r n I BROWN-In îovîng mernary <f A-Gren NuCHsery a- 45-1 b~ 36-tf n 1adean Dad and Grandad, Percy Sod Growers 283lautornaIcpawevrtîequi. LIT 96 Cre- Brown, who passed away No- Viitr3Wecae ed teceletcondton.relei- 45-1 vember ith, 1964. vstr ecm eecletcniin ee VOTERS' IT16 u-Nothing can ever take nway 7597 ONIEN phone Nestîcton 986-4320 after Th*lvuahn- 'Às en;3 Mi. North Taunton Villagre 6 Pm.5i TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE N-Fond memnories linger cveny -- 41-tf- CLERK'S NOTICE 0F 271 !ne day, WM N LT1 Livestock For Sale FIRST POSTING 0F bier Remembrance keepe hirn-ÔW A VIL mîsd b F IGI LO KE PUREBRED Holstein service VOTERS' LIST of narndI I L C E age bull. Leslie C. Welsh. Voters' List, 1967 ani-Sadly mse ydaughter IPoe2328. 4 -f onhpa lreI h Cutt Audrey and famiîy. 45-1 SYSTEMPhn26-74 5l To sipfCareIte un- YEAR-OLD Dekaîb liens, 50c County af Durham Fr-OKE-In îoving memany ai UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT each. John Johnston, R.R. 1, Notice le hereby. given that WH] int n ur father, Albert Oke, who Tp onT Phone 263-244. I have c*+L dwih ecio )na- passed away, Novemben l, S ECI.L S4.-19 af the Voters' Lists Act, and B s~Fahn ouac otfrgttn SIDES OF BEEF 55e lb. IPUREBRED Hereford bulîs, that I have postcd up at my c 151FTheugh onehyu are ne rHte INDS i 3 b senviccabie age, ai English office at Orano on the 3th day__ on more, FRONTS " -47e lb. bedn.Anî 67, Stijli in mcmnry you are with % P - - 44elb. Bîackstock, 86-4944. 4on, Octrobser,16thte avt n ry, us3 13ÈCOCEHreford stockr the municipality at municipal OI onrt Ai vou nlways were before. CnWapdndFae steers, heifers and stok elections and tht uch llst VTiI 1 - o i y r m rn c e y L t us e p l e it avs.nvte sl, S tr ay r m is t ee.o n p ci n Recil Estate for S Let ÙUs DUld Yen a DREAM HOUE Choose from our selecic w. wlfl builîlfront youri o n fully servlced, N approved lots et beautifi Parkway Crescq SUB-DIVISION 'Liberty St. S. - Bowmar Low Down Payment. Balance on convenlent N Terme at only 7 % 0/% Inti D. BEERS Phonne 623-7.263, isowmam Guy LEBLAN Realtor 'ql on or plans .H.A, Fui ent ravilie »est. avilie 35-tf1 Real Estate for Sale PARK WAY Crescent, quality built 3-bedroom twa-year-ald brick bungalow, extras. Tele- phono 623-2638. 44-2' Jack RICARD Ltd., Realtor As1ig,0050. Teronis.mnt 1.500 square foot in this ORONO - 2 bedroani bun- brick bungalow with carpent. galow, garage. Asking $13,50o. Lange kitchen with built-in OnIy $i,nOO down. range and aven. Largo diningKeA.avry -2-63 roarn and living roam. $16,500. enie.Cadiery - 63-231 Suburban Home EneBaly 6336 Large 4 bedroom brick 45-1 home. Wide centre hall plan with broadloorn on hall and PlrK w l r stairs, as well a living and PfrK w l r lining room. This home was trEALTORt former United Church Mans@ A. L. Hooey ]REAL ESTATE Alffl INSURANCE Bowmenvilll - 36 Liberty N. DUKÇE ST. - 2 bodrooma bun- galow, garage; mice condition. $1.000 fown Jumnll Cozy bungalow near Black- 623-2453 stock. 3-Piece bath. Oil iurn- NEWCA'STLE - Beautiful 3 ace. 162' x. 137' lot. Only bedroomn bungalow in south $6,000 full pnice. end. Very attractively land- Central icpd N.H.A. mortgnge at Older 3 bedroon home. A 614.Piedt Il lange lot and an extra wash- I KING ST. COMMERCIAL - roani makes this an ideal home 3 Apantrnents - 2 stores. for a family. Asking $14,90)0. Br1ingirg a veny goad return on investment. Requines aniy Hardware Business $5,000 down. wo eit iving u ro s. N ls JANE STREET - 3 bedrom comptiton.Good potential. bungalow w i th recreation Excellent Opportunity ta get roorn and garage. Extra large inta this profitable lineofa business. Asking $10,ono. Goad lot. Askîng $17,000 with tenniS terms. Ask for details.J LIBERTY ST. N. - 2 apart- Seagnvo Frm iment incarne home on a lange SeagAveFar lot. In very gond condition. 147 acres with goad borne,Exelnvau at$50. lI convenionces. Painted barn. Ample wnter. Gaod FRANK STREET - Brand beef farrn. Only 1/ hr. ta G.M. new.3 bedrooni bungalow with aIl modern canvenionces in- After Houri Please Cal: cluding kitchen range. Two ~Vll Hawe - 9835274plans ta choose fnom. N.H.A. Wilck Mawe98 63-52934rnortgages at 7%. Cali Morgan - SCUGOG STREET - 3 bed- Gardn DII 18J4roomn split-level bungalow witli Gardn Bll 1SJ4garage on extra large lot. Qil Isarold Peck- - 986-4252 hoating, storms and scneens, 'ack Ricard - 623-2503 etc. Requines $4,500 dawn. Wac Mefonald.- 623-3911 One montgage for balance. 45-1l We bave sold almost ali o LIMIED After 9 p.m. Plouce Caîlia REALTOR A. L, Code - - 623-2645 M'em ber Oshawa and District PD. A. acrgo 23.987-4 Real Estate Board 45iJ. 2-6 21 King St. W., Bowmanviîîe I4- $7.900 full price for this 2. Piumbing - Heating ýtaro3 home with new alun-. 1 nmsiding. Phone 623-3540 Sunicreqt Blvd. 78 ONTARIO STREET 3 bedroom brick bungalow BOWMANVILLE Iwith paved drive, large kitch- -,,,.4f en, lot 160 feet deep. Asking ALLKND~OCEMET' only $ 19,900. REPAIR - Industrlsl, Resli Martin Road lentiai and Commercial Work Executive type bungalow Free Estimates with livingraom 25 x 12 with NORTH AMERICA f!ineplace; lot 88 x 165. Ask- EXPERT CEMENT WORK ling only $20,900. Ternis. R. Zeppicni - R.R. 3 Solina Rd. I Close ta Hopital Phone 23-072 Bedroom brick bungalow 42-8* with attached garage, large Custm Plwiný livingnaam with fireplace, lot ~L4~LiJmr1o 1j65 x 155. Asking only S21,500. Tree Planting fuke Street Pruning 8 rooni home with upstairs apartment rented at $80) a and Remov ai mronth, lot 66 x 165. Aïsking Phone 728-3636 oniy $17,500. 41 Aten hours Plese ai: - j Sharjeen Taxtak - 728-4095 ACKERMAN---Dlek Pocock- - 623-7465 EXCAVATING Audrey Plain - 623-3563 ,OADING - TRENCHING Howard W ght- 623-25241 Sand, Gravel, Top Sali and1 Fuli Delivered For R n iU-Hour WATER SERVICE FSeromaprmnt7 9 Roas nabe Rtes Beatrice, 105 K ing E . * 45-1' 23-5756 -BOWMANVILLE iAPARMN eaohe FOR ' roans. Phone_623-3573. 45-tfM rick& Stone W r TWO-bedroorn aPantrnent, up- stairs, 63 King St. West.Cl Fireplaces 623-2318. t. C45 OX O D CALL 45r~ ~ h u e I - O XF O EB IC K A Y S v ni nc s firoplace, gard on. ANHONE ASON S -5gg Cail 987-4481. - 45-1 P NEor ONO8 98-56 06 OMF OýRTA LE fu n is h e d on 83-62 roam in 'good home. board if 1 4-finocessary; Newcastle.Phn 1 987-4228. 45-1n2 REUPHOLSTER .ONE bedrom l-nt5-ncd VYOUR CHESTERFIELD apatment wih toaned OR C AIRSfridge. 76.00 monthiy. Kowl HfOP AT HOME SERVICE Real Estate 23243 45-1 623-5252 TWObednor0n apartmet nt \VHYTE BROS. afew tipex,$0 ad$0 thyrent, Orono, Sorner- UPHOLSTERy ville Dr., tolephone 983-5709. _______ 22-f ________44-tf -LARýGE-iunnished àbed-sitting -2 13ARN S & BYAM raom, iuhiy 501f-cantained! st PLUMBING & HEATING Wl suit retared or profession- TI SALES & SERVICE nl wamdn. Phono 623-3591. 24-HOUR 45-tf - A ART EN heated, Raeu- bi il Burner Service able now; modern, 4 roons la SEPTIC TANKS AND and bath. Apycntkn TIL BDSapartmont 3, 16 Division S., C) PHONE Bawmnanvilîe . 45-4* HAMPTON 263-~2288 LU U Y-oar TYRNE_63-650 ment $1.05 - $130, broadloorn, h intercom, ail serviîcqs, etc. No s 'V A N -R O lae.Apl uprctn e Painters 63 L sLn.43-tf C SýMALL brik bu i-i on s-Sc and Decorators ver Street, suitable for star- Elgin St. - Bwmanville age, wrkshop on srall busi- ness. s5o ronthly. W. Frank 3 Phone 623-3075 Real Estate Ltd.. cali Walter 't' 26-tf Frank, 623-3393. 30 -tf TE ýWE have a lirnited number SEPTIC TANK ai units available on n rnanth- ly rentai basic fnorn October Se PUMPING 'til June. Facilities include M, IITEWASHING STABLES indoor and autdoor swirnring le ~ER T MPKNS pools, sauna bath, exorcise Te 3ERT T MPKINS roam. Apply Flying Dutch- ono1 Newtonville 786-2552 man *Motor Inn, Bawrnanvilîe. - CaliCollect --41-tf Phone 623-3373, 36-tf AC B RG SS Auction Sales gai 1BURNERS - FURNACES Yw âay auto$clea 2 CLUM N EPARS Manvere Public Schaols, Nov. PHOMBNHRPARN Il - Nov. 18. Sale stants et cet PHOE AMPON 101 a.m. Sec bills for par- nec 263-2151 ticulas on contact Auctin- $1, Sens, Ted Jackson, Port Penny; for Il Address: Ted Spencelcy, Bethany. 44-2 >Box 43 - Bowmanville WEL Refigeration - LIVESTOCK SALES *3 at urh m Cu tY Sales Arena and Orone ' Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. piance Service iSolling Herses, Cattie, Swine, ommercial and Domestic 'Oalves shep, etc. J. A. Reid rIgeration - Miik CeeIons & Son, Sales Managers. 52-tf Phone BERT SYER - -lot Auctian sale, 1:30 P.m., Sat., Noi Days - 623-5774 Nov. Iltb, fenturing dishes, e Nights -623-3177 choStoniields, stoves, kitce cuits aniqu lov sete aI inder Hardware s'2,atqe]v etrl top desk, springs, mattresses, c sd ELECTRIC baby buggy, baby sheîf set, bni, joly umper, rcking borse, 69' u'WMAN VILLE 'rockîng chairs, misc. chairs, Ter AUTO BODY patio lounges, skates, plus AUTO BODY nany more items ton num Reais o il erous ta mention. Na reserve. BJ Repars t Ali Terme cash. Doug, Gower, $l>2 Makes of Carsg 728-1005 -Jim Wood, 723-0976l [)haw.A 5Msk- onlt$70Sale 100 Acres with good 9 room )rick homne. barn 50' x 1(0', irge imnplement shed, 2 ponds, Sacres Woods. Corner farmn. )nly $65,000 - $25,00() down. Newcastle - Stream, Vlew 1.57 acres. Excellent brick 'Ome, Painted barns, large treamn, woods. Highway la- ition. Only $5g,00 -Teme ienir Trout Stream Rtetreat Kendal Hilîs, 10 acres, large acre pond, cottage and ream. Askîng $16,000 ermfs. Christmas Tree Fara 85 acres near Tyrone, 62,000 ;otch Pîne, 20,00n Spruce ,00 rcady this year. Excel- Nwvale a- Snuyt$1.500 OL $,0 d frJ 2 bedoom ungaow o beot roaedmebunaw.Boin 2'x 265'% fruit trees, gaod village. Priced ta soul. rdn2 adar g.31 ,00 -o n 3 B E D R O O M B R IC IÇ bu r. .300 dwn.&slow with new cil fumnace, 4- Bewmanvlle, 6 Room Briek pce. bath. Large lot. Asking Excellent condition, veny I$16,000. Tenms. Cali. George ntnel. ail furnace, iinishcd VanDyk 623-7437. ,c noomn, garage. Asking only TWO 10 acre loti near 17,20() - $2,500 down. Open Taunton Rond. Asking $5,000 Ir ffers. per lot. Cai: George Van. - - Dyk 623-7437. ;ewc~agtle - Brick Bungalow 3 ACRES with 8 roemed 3 bedroanis, lot 66' x 134',I home and barn. Located on ce location. Ternifir value.paved rond. Asking $18,000. 5,300 - Terms. Terms. Bewmanville OSHAWA: 7 noamed brick Owner Transferred homne. Oul heated with 4-pr. 3 bedrooni brick bu .ngalow 'bath. Asking $16.000. Terme. t105'x xI(0', Close ta school' I ORONO: Lovely new 3 bcd. :rth ond oi town. $18,500 SI reamn brick bungalow with rms.! living and dining nooni. Smîll flowmsnville - Triplex istream in back yard. Asking i1$17,900. Cali: George VanDyk Ontario Street, veny central, 623-7437. ck1 2-storey building, lot i x 161'. Only $21,900. Easy1 TAUNTON ROAD- Modern 'mc, 3 bedraomr bungalow wlth gar- Orono age on % acre lot. Asking Building loti priced fnom 1$6,200. Termi. Cali 623-7437. 200 up. BOWMANVILLE: Central, 1 Hamptonhedrooni brick home. Ofl Hampan heated, 4-pce. bath. Stormi ýniture & Aucetion Business and screens. Asking $15,00)0. REAL ESTATE LIMTE» 14 Frank St. - flowinanville Phono 623-3111 j Phono 823-3950 DAIRY FARM: 300 acres& A-i buildings. Pipeline xilk. or. Stable donaner. Large milk cantrnct. Excellent soil. Anxious ta sei. 160 ACRE FARM: 7 raomed homne. Barn. Large streani. Asking $36,'000. Ternis. GRAVEL FARM: 149 acres with 15 acres hardwoad bush. 100 ACRE FARM with god buildings. Excellent soil. Com. niuting distance ta Oshawa. Asking $42,000. Ternis. 100 ACRE FARM: Excellenýi' buildings. Brick home. Paint. ed barns. Steel stanchians, wnter bowls. Ail wcrkable. Askipîg $30,000. Terme. 20 ACRES with lovely 3 2 ACRES with 5 roamed moern bungalow. Garage and barn. Located nortb ai Bowmanville. Caîl: George VanDyk 623-7437. NEWCASTLE: 6 unit npt. Electrical and ail heated. . portunity at i27,000 - -Te-rm-e. Dail 623-3393, 728-7518' or es Glîbart - orono rry Masters m Heekin ider Rafuse- Barneiki - Festor - Oron. ton Danister - Gardon mii 'aid Perder - Breekia bre Boston - Port PoM 1 623-377 6213505 723-5787 983-5801 797-2213 OU-SM8, 985-2981 Atter liours Pion.. Cali: Don meuntjoy -423-3014 Phyllis Menobbie -623-7159 Ru Davidien - Dothapy Seltz Gieorge Vaiffyit . 1z3.7431 Wesley Ader,.n 34-21 Harold Coutti .725.214$ We List Photo ML. and fteluulve 1Jf w «ýl . 1 t It-d i Wr Lerrevjew, streamn, woods, three road frontages, good pond sites. Terrifie value ati Dnly $46,000 - Terms. 310 Acres Kendai Bills Ares 6 roomn house, large barns, 2/2 miles rond frontage, ý U-til ir 9 p*.M. : 1 Real Estate ýoýrýe-ýb