W . RA K. e C mnadian Stt s n, B w a vle No .8 19 75 'veyt oc'mng Nov IITDHeId in Bowmanville a y Surë RÉtsl;yt CeaM ,zn Mm CThe townthlps In the. therein whatevrt bev ot ftoefotn X4ebitt Band. 'Everyone wel- 11. 01dTirn e=andezrn -Countt of DunbimWere laid able for itsslgait nLke narowelad u4 cen.45-le Music. 45-1 Noveniber g and 7, 1987 with two car ahead of that lquor $10 and conta, or an ad1- out long before Confédera- value toward th puicolws Can, 81 aE one. One of these cars turned ditiona1 three day.te.I17,Mr usu tit awt Noviulernber , 6:30 .m. cery arynl, Tart Hll ng o730pMo agfristr1at.R B:right at the top of the hil Constable D. Stuart's evi- Joncs, Deputy Provincial Sur- quarries, the qaiyo rgt 86 1 "1aveber 11,we :30'e;*Tickets at. 8.dmy i,,sion t 7:0 . west of e . .Newcastle. Mr. Elllott dence was that, on Informa- veyor, received wrltten In- lands, timber, ecadlk- I eo neett oeta mIleaswlon.TcesSp.8 disolnhad Batten presided with Crown slowed down, Mr. Campbell, tien received of erratlc drlv- structions from the Surveyor wise accountingfrtetm lr.adDrigo e~ .00 eaich. Avallable from przes. 36-tf Attorney G. P. Bonnycastie, following too closely, was un- ing, hieproceeded te the park- Generai's Office et Quebec, ta spent upon ech evc ihro heol onhp ln 911)n members or 'Phone Euchre, every Wednemday T .Klyatn sdt bet tp undotit n ot of the Queen's oeprfr certain work In var!- such~ minutenes neti- e trawoenie OU-à3oo. 43- afternoon, 1:45 o'clock, Me- cuslfrLégal Aid. Charg- the westbound Ian. and met a June 30. A five-year-oîd gr ospartso hePoince. tLask 0n kh Tnnty U.C.W. Invite s you morial Park Club House. Ad- es laid as a resuit of afreiraft westbcun4 MG head-an, recuit- was playing In the vehicle and Part of the Instructions reada each* day, and nbeyutcrgnl hty iknn te attend our Centennial Tes mission 35c. 45.1 patrol o! Highway 115 by Con- lng lu a fatality . a quantity of beer and sherry as followà: answer questin upnotadScbougrweoii- and Pair In the Church Hall, Salvation A r my H ome stable Ma cC ha ries, OP P Conviction on the dangerous was found on the faonr by the i, . . . te sunvey and mark in respectheef fte ly1ibrg lso n 5.dy Nvme 1,23 Downsview Dctachment, wih driving charge bnought a fine fotsa.Atrwliga-tefotUe farwo aesalb Home baing. Ap o LeTs and daSalvm eh, 2:30ta Constables Helferty and Shaw of $100 and $31 cona, or one Most an haur the officen ob- townships . . . and te carry As noted a]ae h on .A urm S. Hoaey-sittng service. 4:3 at Nob hall. 52.3 eon the graund. mnh n ienesseso.served the fathen and mother the side lime es ah town- cships along Lae Otronalo adSuvy. 45-2* SedasChsts o- The lengthiest case was the The careless driving charge emerge from the hotel and ship back anc mile well were nat laidaucmptey SUNNYSIDE PARE pl ng hristmeas SNop-1 one of crminl negligence in was withdrawn by the Crown. drive east on King Street. The marked . . . and thenet as merely the frntadame CHITA SAL BVN LIDEPAK pngPaty TesdyNo. 1,which Constable Shaw, In the Andrew Hart, agfed 50, 620 affieer followed and laid the they follow in proceodlng cf the linesbtee tw- 4affEceINGand6, onut7.9 . 4re5eroraceo heduty, was Genrard Street, E., Toronto, charges. Wscl nteodrhn hp en uvyda ht Akle tl ak u cfean ous 452very nearly run aven by Fred- charged with dangenous dniv- Leon Esier, Hampton, pl e setJed V*izthe o. Hoe, e H opse ws id u ysres ept fotmn Th rda igiit The Bowmanville High School erick Skupek, 94 Norfield Ing July 30, 1966, was repre- cd mot guilty o! causing a Bristol, Norwich . . ."~ variaus sunvynae er fte ucssuti o. 7:45 will hold its annual Com- Crescent, Rcxdale. Defense semted by V. W. Targon. He police officer ta Investigate an Bristol and Norwich later icd o! many yeasadl a c a o encmitl RED BARINmencement Exercices an Fnl- counsel was B. Tait, Toronto. pleaded gullty. oftense when fane had been became Clarke and Darling- net until 1845! la bwa iamd RED HBARWN day, November 241h at 8 D.m. Judgment was rcserved until anstable K. Ruttan, Opp, commltted. He was remanded tan. The Instructions aise finally conipiced.Cak a rgclyteel ul 0 3AWA45-1 December 4. Mr. Skupek Was deccibed this as anc of the In custody for one weck. contained the falliwn finlshed about iad a-teaaeeso h eea 6-f Travelogue en The. Holy aise charged with carelesa worst accidents he had even Gordon Palmen, R.R. 2, ."You are te keep gornl lington In 181 htmice the Charolais Land by Mn. O. J. Hendersan, drivlng, dlsobeying an officen's seen. The accused, northbound Newcastle, pleaded giiilty O! and field books, Inserting shipa o! Duram hchle eandeep utefi. dip Y at the Royal Wlnter, Toronto, Nov. 20, at 8 p.m., Terry Muîter, signal and speeding. on Highway 35 at bhe south cashing C h arlIes Lemon's 140v. W-18. The silven caIlle Newtonville United Church. Walter Frank le happy ta 2On Tuesday Magistrale R. entrance tb Orono and on a cheque fan $180.27 Septemben etrhn per 0h tl with the golden future. For Music and ne!reshments. Ad- amnounce the appointmcnîo Baxten pnesided wibh As- cunve, turned out ta pasthe 21. Drlvlng withaut a license . & .... EU .* BMcner.Adteewln- Information contact Winsîon mission 5Oce 45-2 Terry Matesosfowan Ble icant Crown Attonney K. car abead o! hlm and nan coat hlm $10 and caste, or li ru uw C U, II mn111ecnennaipob Pethsnick, Ontario Charolais SaeI ersnatv.M.Ms Stubimgton, E. R. Lovekin act- head-on Inb a southbound thnee days W*W**s* W WUU abliit Assciation, 416-263-2770. MONSTER BINGO tens was educated In Bowman- ing as duty cauncel for Légal Mustang. Mn. Hart's passen- He aisea pleaded guilty oint-maldsrbestuaneo 4-- TVROAT NIGIIT. 8 o'olook ville schools and played an Aid. ger was kiiled, a 17-yean-ald iy witb Robent James Port .m neoe WoodvIew Communlîy Centre 8ponsori by thse unior active part In Basebal and John Bentley, ag cd 20, was girl passengen In the Mustang mauth, came addrcss, of thcift aiircoordsas MONS'T'P? BINGO Cisamber of Commerce Hockey. He wac aiso treasuner cbanged witb caneless drlvim1 was killcd and a maie passen- af a sewing machine belong- P te bo ou h i, IThkilreacor, b M N T BN O JUBILE PAVILlON o! the Bawmanville Kinsmen Apnil 29. Ronald Bemtlcy, cgcd gen sevcrely ifjured. lmg ta bie mothen.VI I Tbcussgnm Wtha Next Monday O SH A WA 81! Club. 16, was changcd wlbh caneîess Constable Ruttan added Ihat Constbof M.heyntOPP, ame a! peciaoste, ofcamci lxeie h ad 1l eawelo attesthe samne day. Bath foliowîng a Moeport day and Palmer reponted theft of the families in bhc tWim coUmîles square feet amdpvdpr-btigib îesteT GE AR AGE-H ospa n. exéien bc ae andfa isneg nw tty wceeadjourmed fdr the fact that thene were sev- machine valucd at aven $100. o! Durbaan d 'Northumber- img fon 32 cari a 4gr eytdvl n a 3AWAGRG-optloe.Wl ndte e frhsinert one week. eral OPP officens in the anea The officen's qucstioning a! the land, bbc Armstrongs o! feet o! daubedc malrstactaru n ra- 8-tf ay bbrec monthe in advance. ahe es aiity. Hre sced William McLean, Hamptan, was al that saved Mn. HanI's toyutsrvaldIa tc noo i pnPtebn ot40fie !paue et eitnegetyad by bbc Onta2o3Rea55Esta- was fined $10 and costa, on life because he was pimned cmtened tbc Palmer residence augb's first IGA food market a 2-ot iedc ar db nifrnemdsak Musical Concert Pe~~~~onby AssOciaio Rheiglhoostb re: days, for drlving 38 bcbind the slecning wheel thnougb a wimdow and toak on November 15. The mar- Wall; 20 feeto!duidcknsontepro!aywh stsic landcertAusodahavew diedg hobadsthe machine tea local body k t will be caled Lift Lock frozen foods;12foar un e oig c es assleîedby HYG eNIC Sppl whbo ic t lak fe n yoweL ual Corporal J. McGuey laid tbc mot been released lmmediately. shop whene they sold Il fan IGA and la lacated at Hunten cneam case amd a2-otbk eualyi b naea Mr. D ead yne h YgoaE)malSdpp diée--caub al inmnt.radar charge. Harny Ravens- Mr. Tangon tld tbe court $20. adRgr.ery section. l sbcfnlpleadohndue ai god)mioc otadinett eqieet.dale wàs fined $10 and six that Mn. Hart, a plumber îy Chanrle Lemon, came ad- The new food manket le modern food marit ev o aeadnetwe ain Tr e rnlit aat pansae neoew lars aseonchne ayc o rdmrie m h abndress, tld bbc officen that he owned by Chare and wîî- bbe casb cily aea Tis.bgmtafebsonereah mplee $l.00. Mailorodto medical conventionpaI bbcdriving 40 miles an haun on Of 10, had spent many manlbs bad expecbed a cheque from liam Armstnong Jr. Charcel cdnaealcnnbl C2MNTYHL 4gB . . .1.0. aalTonambaica coventotockthdeanletret.CdnsableRooineratetl bbc hsPetenbaaToonugh ingoc delargndvimg peIbisth deereoose C M N TYDept. T-28. N v.-Rubber Co.. Skylinc Motel nean Maton as nPSrke ad e conage sR kfl o 5potal wbcn h wcigbt h daetariv d. Pame ar eteaponi.bot r O ~<Newcastle Box 91. Hamllton.«Ont. 1-52 delegates of!,1he Durham PJohnr laIb cage. 9,23 wsrana abl ert okaghit ad m o et angt rlvd thPa eratsthbrml'IAther:p-Scout m on r c àba eieaecm County Médical Co-op r moyRaOhwwse puiradsllwi-ps office, elgning Lemnon's ket in Oromo. William Sr. lea hbatt cmetT l Saturday, Nov, il Strayed Can1Rbno l u-fined $25 and seven dollars ing with a cane, and wibb namre on the back and cash- Sem!.e:ebtsiin-He r R p r fwnc ata mwadad Mr lr oisnl u-cs.tor five dyfrdivn louel ofns ng IL. The iscuen of bchemains active in bbe family bu nt ac anaia 8:15 p.m. OÔNE Yorkshire sow - from Lob remlly in hospital witb a bout lechla license wae unden Mn. Hart said he had taken cheque sent anathen wblch retailing operations as Weil .fre hti a tiel n Tickets: Adulte $1.00 35, Con. 0, Clark. Township. o! asthma. suspension. Thene wîîî be a BOY Scouts up ta Halibunton imeant that bbc Bank o! Comn- as othen business inlerests. 'ao Jm oe esnmnbo a.Mr Chlldren under 12, 50e Phone 983-5271. 45-1 Mn. F. L. and Mrs. Beiford funthen suspension o! six ta camp the week before, that mence, Newcasble, was the The Armolrongs have been Ia o J 45-1_ Panke and Penny wene wel- months. be was on bis way up ta brng laser. nelailers since William Sr.'s A mont Interclm etn eibevcibtmyhv DeprtentcfRereaia ____________________came Sunday visitons at Mal- Corporal J. McGuey tld bbem bock and liad no recol- M.Stubingtnand atbcn opcned a gencral store a! bbc BawnunileSou a COUrtmNTRYofWTReraiN Hg- o ahPrcsfrDa conia. the court that he invesbigated lection of the accident. Lovekin who bath kncw bbc in Orono before bbche ur a! Mothers was helda b oerabm eut m n andNTRY &pWESTEaN Steak YeCaehton 4-H Meetings this accident aI the Third «"There are those who, would youths, icît that these wene the century. Tbey joîmed tbe a! Mnc S.Chib~Vcoi etmn tes an rpidPr tc evro - etns Cneso n eggStreet insiet on this man being fined isoiatcd cases and askcd that IPlanning le nowAllinceotree, aSpt.d Sunday vening, Phone Long Distance cooked tip their third wel roaci and slnuck a trec. Baxten, ««or imprisamiment for barsbly. Ch n s elknwu Tw mauenviî' rosFe obbmeln-uhm T Su da veig, Znih66550 (ne charge te Yeu) meeting aI the home of Mrs. Joseph Patrick Collins, aged a long lime. What would that Each was given suspendedC har1 el-nw , ,rt w November 12, 1967Dept. Agric. Lic. Na. 63-C-O7 Floyd Stinson on Oct. 281h 34 R.R. 1, Ncwbonviile, cbang- ccampliih? He cannies wibh sentence for bwo years with sportornan and hockey player Mc aadToPugveandHat Asciin ar N v m e 12 167from nîme t twclvc. The cd with failing ta praduce hlm fan lil. bbc kmowlcdge bond set aI $500. Palmern a whO once earneci a Iry onmat enligbbenrepr fbpn ht ugt r en 8o'eloek Dead or Crip led meeting was opened with the proof a! insunance in tbc samne that due ta bis lack of cane given thnce menths to make witb the Chicago Black their recent trip b h 2bBypeaeinwt nld o Stplecige, followed cansecutive- accident, ebatcd that he neyer amd attention tbc livcc O! bwo restitution te tbc Bank o! Hawks, bis wife Cathy, and Scout Warld Jamoehlitosa hilawihwl Town Hall Farm SMc - îy by the raIl cli and secre- received a sumnmons and iehd Innocent pencons were snuffeci Commence. their four children are mov- Ibis year at Fanau tt iercac b ~Prui AUDITOXIUM CE U rMPTY bany's report given by Janice oniy came la court becauce bis out. H. bas no money mmd leao m a aemc lned nain Temperance Stret TeleplsoneCohleot 288-271ark," Idaho. TeprneSre eehn olc 8-71Slacey. Mrs. C. Page, Mns. M. fiend's case was coming up. phscal unable ta earn b companicci their eotwt rmbcTbruai eae Malcolm wibh aur hast Mns. The malter was adjounned amy." 11 iLUI Lock IGA has a oai bbe cbowlng o!fay rie Bowmanville Marrg ill Fur FarnmlFoydStinson loak u butlmx ek n atsgvnuss- I Hos pi tal H*as lW colenful sldea!bcc-FEQ LT ~ .C -J. C. COYLE SR. Licnc No. 101-C-O? bbc kitchen wbere we madc George Connish, 3 St. George pended sentence fon two yeanc ncw classes wlll be taught In tivities at bbc Jamoe.ic V1eaturlng. GERALD ELLIOTT 45-If British dishes af Apple Street, pleaded guilty o! im- mnd an order mmde prohibibimg T ithestoe b faîl. shawed us mani ovnr MNMNS N and "'Mg HOEDOWN'ERS" Dumplinge andi Irish Soda paireci dniving Octoben 15. He bis drivlmg. Bond was set at T o V st r There wene 1738 home visite gabbered fremScutna mn 45-1 Bread. The meeting came ta was fineci $50 and conts, on $500. The change o! criminal madc, during the month o! nations representc hee a close after a snack of the ceven cimys. Thene was mn auto- négligence was witbdnawn by l ue,' 132 af bbc.. ta give Teby e 08HAWA AND DISTRICT YELVERTON diches prcpared. Presidenî matic suspension o! licence Uic Crown. From Id nenurslng cane. yîmk CEREDRAL PALSY Audlometry es heladies forc giscf o Judy Sisson was In change. for six monîba. John Paul Adidison, 102 131h Rcn iiost h Di- Dunn i is i otsdiariemmad Jamreejces d iDO.L PARETCONL OR The C.G.I.T. and ExplanresNexI meeting tb be held at Corporal J. McGuey toid bbc Street, New Toronto, was fln- Reetst etmthepabmnba!bbibs-o!197,he5 dimetexmnthrs nectahmbeoeher n PAETCUCLFR groupae'sponsoned ils aninual Mrs. Pagc's. court lhe laid bbc change fol- cd $10 and conat, or'thnec cimys, tal wDepre issfS.Khetohar- ohave7,b395n c oeer Egteprtune latIdho. CKIPPLED CHILDREN Hallowe'en Masquerade Pry A tehmPa r.Qlontyvstgto o ns.fo lo r nul esdIalwr e S athad aecinc lee.Egty eatuet d AtIbnhoe1!,nc.C.loln ivesigtina!ll a-ooralTues-an unicn 0cianmd Miss M. I. Sactono, Ca- Ihnee new -hcaing défects A sincere vote c hneIa 1t0a Cn thetchurch hall-onage the YletnCeetscdn tLbrySreNencan ta drive hie car on lambo Plan trainces of Indo- were discavereci and referrec moved by ail temt~n and tendance ar pooks preent.hl their foutb wekly ad bbc Third Concession. He O Iy40 Octoben 9. nesia. mhess wo girls are In ta parents ad family hs.pentiapr Snowflcke Tea w a &a mîChrer a! Hon- ine ta twclve. Opcning wil thebcroaci andstruck a Hydra Rayai York Road, Tomonto, tebb ColbiPlaer aauspice mecint for dianosisuranci pyi hecngt h usndhi iafodgrrh to e b leldi ore" calculated taescore bbc plecige, !ollawed iy bbc pale snapping It off. The mc- ulilcenseci driver, was fineci underbaken bbc DiploraaIn wemc aisea acdec ta a list for in Scouting. MElWORAL HAL the dyligbt ouI o cli oral cal and secntary's repart cuseci was staggerIng about In $10and cas, or tbre cimys.*Nutrition course durlng bbc retesî uinneyear. Teejybeeclgcm ou et BIMOOE TRET ane3ApsLLhrugh Jdg cm.MaMitzi Malcolm. Dar- an lmpaired condition. She was misa convicîedCcio!académie yean 1986-67 il lb. As of thc enci of June, thcte à close withadlcou.IIE U NITE D EHU R O R er lb. so sthr u um e en d g e nboc b c lec Ipi mc cci hlm In the cruiser c e lées driving an d fineci $25 S6ol o y i m ! t e U i aj m t ! a ho l b g n e s l n h e v d b ~ r h s e s UlNco Icît Seis andi Mns. John Cumberland lion andi gave bbe treasuner'. whilc I measumed bbe akid andmm cots, or mn aciditionai verslby of Toronto. mga de f ve pupils in bbc The Navemnbereingw o 3 SmoStetSuh o! BeIbamy and Mn. andi Mn. repart. Going ta tbc kilcbem marks," continucci the conp- five cimys. She li pleadeci The Extermal Aid Office blidUmite iCunties haci been be beici at tuhe o m.88Dna t . ll Osh w Lawrdnce Sbaples. Prizes wene membens and leaders prepar- oral. "'H. gaI out and wanden- guilby ta bath charges. sni that these girls be given given min mudiometen test. E. Shackleton, Hg îet iu~ 8835 siaw wadcia fllw: omg d Pea Soup 1967 style, Pc- cd Up andi down muttering Constable J. Chalmers, OPPan oppantumity la observe the These, plu retombe and refer- aINv. 8t e SaurayaNv.18 e p s in osu gisetata Pancakes, Germen Tea away ta himself about fimding laid these charges fallawing an agemeunt cf the Diebetic rlnai aa u Ieelemcntany o pm 1967da, to2.m Ln 18am lee oin qae, Dubch Chocolale. th. s.a.b. who lidleft the bbree-cam smash dumlng cx- DPartîment In two or thre e chool ludiometrpoga e Precede u ai cf n cotume LansDgand cusneg cubject mater and scene. He shouteci andi awore tremely heavy traffic. Miss oemallen hospitals amd Iheme whlch resumeciluSptmer. Cnlpped Ch Id oCetefib Ilcim el omne asslgnmemts, bbc meet. al bbe way ta the office." Sawyer, unabie ta stop In lime, girls vicibec Bowmanville on Envfronniental Saiitation Crppe CilrnsCnte rssdmin, Mn. David Sta img was claseci wilh a light Keith Ferguson, Rebder Ave. plowed inb bbh back o! the bbc 23nd o! Octaben. During Fallowingrcita rfr 45-2 pies (whote îIdenîîîy prier telunch. President Judy Sisson wms chargeci with impaireci car aheaci, forcing il imt% bbce their stmy here, bbc girls were mation Ihal private sewagc making faaled mail of!8In charge; decideci on the drlvimg July 30. Evidence was anc ahead o! Ihat. Damage ta pleaseci ta note bbc efficient tram West Beach cottaesc,A COLMER TOURS neluing bis parents t~h meoMm.HvyMa- s1ek mijf arwsct-oenation of lbe haipitlasBoWmanvlle, causec ilu.i- col tebe lac fo th net mnt eseved Th fie ws mted'at$100,ta tbc micdle Dietmny Depatment amd tu, lion anda nuisance within Ib ROYAL e elsewhere); Boul dressec apae l. 5 m atorsvndyac 80mdt b eaci car girls palci particular attention rneanlng cf the Publie Health D K ~ o lady, te a <'urvaceaus" bath- amci there was an aa.tamnatic $75. ta equîpment that was avail- Ad, a sanitary survey was WINTE FA ~ ing bmuby Maser MetI S LEMsuspension ai ilcemie fon tbrec Robin Forbes, R.R. 6, Waks able andi ta details cnenn donc by Uic public eat MmWcINToriR aFcI-Rmmnhe. changeci Octoben 27, 28, 29 and job spécifications andi bbc in- sPcction staff. AIl summnmen SA?, OYEEE i~is turealcom; kyntFrigetinalco AL MWallace Campbell, ageci 22 30 wilb theft o! two chaîn ventary and purcbmsing con- cottage premniscu Wcno vicitedi usrd !hpyfmle nwfraPC o Inldstcesad Miss Daniene Malcolm; Béat Thene wlll be a meeting c! Jackmam Roaci, won cbargecf sawc mmnd a box of email tools bnci cycbem. andi facilities natei. I comca cstmewcnig btbbcOficaiBsada!nyrd.wltb dangerous drivimg and !rom Ontario Hydra. He was Mns. Norma Weli, Deiin hrenIvsiain ee BV lhDKTASSOEIELWPIE Tranapertatuon cstue. e vter harg n Tra.cuc nx aelefivngAnl1. v-rmadc nbalutl o-wsneonii frbcn mci egr oaii m SPRSEIAS ie_# VRWHR i 0C d S aU.C.W . catereci for t i recep-racunan x-nay. trai fie b s be n t k n b bebc maie yMr -ramp and bwo mem out exam- Co5 i MmRui uhas who lives £ Jbj Real Eséta. Boadan Mrs. ob 'Mottat &Yr.IN lnwib olw lubcl.~ Camn,~ î ucv ne nean c age pRuth BîOr I ______ono, atended a thee-day CcnsrcblSunday echOOl hall, sons were admittéd ta sana- r Gayîe Donald, secre- 2 fo Mvaster Scott Stainton lu a rLinda Thonndyke was home stateci that bath these men tanlum for investigation or Mrn l Ui Cmpbiiorc a..Faay ae 0 foiWaterloo and Sbaron weu'e impaireci. Mr. Arneaul t teatment. fiee for two years, anemiokl> patient at Sick Cbiidren's Hem- inomu Peterborough teatatendi banded bbe officer the keys Immmulmaton and Un. GeorgimaMe l pitl, Toronto. commencement et Part Hope and tld hlm thal b. bad been There were 16 clluies beid naw womking Iher; e. nl Cina~~~~i The t omty wuddeno.kb High Scbooi ro hihthyasleep Inulbe back seatnà dui t he. montb, 10Roen ni 1 iTI il a I IU ~ ln C l s do! Orval Kmapp an Salurday. .ci Ibis year. Lincis wau lbe haci been driving. The afficer erles o! Quad vaccine, mmd dring the summer, asalstin The U.C.W. Aftemnoon Unit recipient of mn Ontario echol- acideci thal n ieibi opinion Mr. 73 neceiveci a reinforcing dose. lb public health Inspectors. GI clFec quilted a lnt the Sunday arubip and bbe Crame pnize Donan wms in a wanme candi- Nin* chilciren received prlm- M. Wilim Camneren Chie! DinetteI ScheeDYl tîi wek. Poinis FAInBtea-te ha h ccsd n h r salo vciaioadPlm RICtr etrde S T R A r.Keibb Stainton visiteci tic1s. bmck o! bbe cruiser ho kept Ibere weno 108 ne-vaccinations. the. end ! une, aterten MARGARMINE AM NSFEE oveinuer a~cott aI Sick Cbiidrem's Ras- ford pnoiîcicnc lunusher a ling bbc ac uest.ion adhe Quintvaccine wihgvsmmd oflervi nc, sne cyearsî b.etns ~îo 9 pilal onManday.this wcek that Mns. Gwen answering tbem himself on protection against diphîbenia,asammee!b.HI JPDtl N o e b r 1pThe Homo and Scbool'haci a Coucbmmn le in a Ricbmond, tbc way la Bowmanville. tetanus, poliomyclitis, whaop- Unit staff and thc seven avtue.mi i cadpmnby at bbc churcb ball Virginia hospitliwbene shc% Mn. Atwiil saici h. awoke img cougb and messies, is'naw ceeding yecrs dizectly under ___________ ___________ on Thursday o! lest week. bnci surgeny penformeci lmst and founci bbc car swenving li being useci and 22 children thc Board of Ralth. Part a! Uic Cubs and Leaci- week, Mns Coucbmam bas aven tbe rondi se he reachedc eapleted tb. Initial sorles of Mr. Lanmater w w ru mWieeSie us la 1 M F M RR A Nè~eapent fthe weekend et been with ber granddaugbler aven fronu the back seat and thrce doues. P *W 1>îiUtiIe0o!ChiotA I. * fA M M R N ECm a ein Richmônd &neAugual grabbed he woe.AthIs Pulo Heath is bing Inspector, and ho B E -- "'~Mns. WaltermFines in at homo sharn te cane cf great- lut the car ran crosswlsé on scboaj bealth services wur@ whfl be asmstb b Mr. Turk, D Yhoapibal. Mr and Mr. Jo3 Walter the cement curb. Hie admitted and in Uic six month periad d te thé mta*Tof tise b. I ff D A rs re aberônbe st eeI TroooaMndu Emuh. veng m md uaeeiLon- campîctary for Uic achoa er w bi rnoPti> on N abnet f4 Toronto an bbc bus trip wiîb la visît grancison, Scott Gar- don. have bien 8188 vision ucreen- under Uic Board of Ilalh the Sauina ladies. don Walber. The change aginst hlmn was ing tests do me for school Thei annual plcnic wum helc ________________________________ Mn. and Mmc. Fred Camenon Mr. and Mns. Leu Hawarbb, dismisseci. ebldnn. Colon peérception et Gandin HM Inl Juné, andi vimlci et William Smith's, Rommie andi Mary Lau cf Fharem Latnielle, Part Hope, lists were dame for 1523 bec j'eentetions were made a WetA1 IvWhitby. Tomanto nemaineci hore aflen pleadeci gullty and was con- In grades 6, 7 amd 8. This t i me te the mimbinet o! _________________________________ Mn. and Mns. William Dart'thc wedding andi visileciwith victéci on tsi.. citants. Cane- month teriod la the busiést Uthestaff le*Nlag thse Hbih and BiUly, Little Bitain, vieil- bbc Haroldi Austins on Sun- less driving brougisý a fine ai timc for nurses and alamooft a Unit. (ff id nt Henry Darb's. day. $50 and casts, or seven cimys, quarter o! Ibeir lime Is spint Miss Ani SkByer, fltld sic Opetdby BreweraWaréhowsig Compan> Ltd. Mr. mnd Mrs. Hans Géiss- Mrs. Albert Hill of Se-llemving a chilci unattendeci $25 lu schnol work. rètary wlth the Onttnlo Cmii- op wberger Sn. visiteci at Alfredi bright spent the weckend mmd casts, or an addilional five The. Spning prenaal classes cor Society, viti tute Col>- Mdoh'. Gormley. on Suday. with Ms. E. Bmurowcloush. idayî and illegal posession of were finished in Juzue andi ourg office for mes day, !Iffl don é m'Mr,"