_71t. UMUOMAL -A, L. Tubb, R&RL 6, Bowmanville, lrI x ù1 ~l bugtan intefftU1nggrowth of carrots to The St#eszanoffice on Tuiesday. There were soyen .Camots grOwn from one top. Four of them are large, enbz nitt .~ihone wound around another in a grotesque- VOLUM 113 1 ae Innrthat gves it the appearance of som of0 theWMA Pages ONTAIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, .1967 vnO&= q smbolic sculptures one might see. They W I u ls o s la t p r -*vft grown from Chantney seed. t t t. W iPu lîh i.su I.:' r SCIOLARSHIPS - On Saturday night, citizens e. Of the ndeboring town and area of Port Hope Wer feeling quite proud of themseilves and with Justification. At the Commencement exercises at the high chool a record number of five o Ontario ScholmrhiPs were presented te L Susn ouncil aisfoVteDc mr 4 h DaeYman, J. Gregory Milme, Peter J. Mumby,cfVteDIm Linda K Thorndyke and Hans Van Dorp. Rec- ently re-elected MPP Alex Carrifthers presented the. scholarships. t t. t tf t CAND)IDATES - Gradually, citizens of this town are awakening to the fact that a municipal election r are sorely needed. Several prospects have announced this weèk that they will be in the running andw anileTwnCuas a u the r wleanymre Nintoneday, a ocalBo tim daw nare t Nmiaton ay i i ~ B.H.S. Football Teams and Cheer 1leaders, Prepare for Two i a e Icitizens conunittee will be holding a public meet- meetini11 an nteresting and worthwhie forum for candidates metnrodu vnn n h oni and the general public ta attend. M ead tf f t I t rgrigtetw su igters GO TRANSIT - ht would appear that Bow- 0'sib manville may b. part of the successful Go Ï transit system now operating commuter trains w tradswrsrie.Te r o botween Bay Ridgos and Hamilton. A report last lU tîde s o msin week indicatos that it may ho extended to i Uii Oshawa as the first stop san4 te BowmanvilleCo by 1969. That weuld certaMi save the wear Cuclo ni kmvdta h and tear of driving to Toronto from theso areas. qustino aae et fw tr n Many are now using the system and finding it q metsatisfactory. andsewre lcdonteblltix LANVASS - The Upper Canada Bible Society wil the M W Fçmaking their annual canvass for funds in this " areaeon Nov. 13th and l4th. An advertisement with onws M rred inore details appears in this paper. Your co-opera- Counc... theagvetwcrad tion In helping this unselfish organization wouid be PRINCE WLL PNPI nst yLwN.6-6t deeply appreciated. Ontia vnnte3t eelB-a o 41wl O V E R C O A T S - S r o o r M rRiB r w a oy ls u ,Ax ib t o P rge n t h e P U C. Te1h r SuvyrMril rw a air will opeatTeRylothwaeanswr ys been having trouble and has flnally decidod te Torotoiraineo tiinw y-a inseirt a 'Lest' advertisoment in this nowspaper HT o yarohnsnThtilo. ecddafc hetw' in an attempt te correct the, situation. Somebody ~ * .Enug .. ilpromws ntecmn oa lc teek hlm trench coat and loft theirs lu the gallery Prince P...'il ] of Trlity United Church on Easter Sunday. He ~J* had e by a replacement. At a dance in the Lions Contre on* Saturday, this new one wasLiu taken and another ene, complet. with gloves, au I, i i~ was left. Can't anybody help this poor fellow ? " t ft ft 1t t WINNER -Congratulations to retired Goodyear emtployee Bill Roberts who recently attended theNe Goodyear 25-year club dinner in Toronto and wonorCnenilSnaCau oain frteprd " th e C e nte nial cash ra w .F o r th e first t re in re c o rd e d h isto ry B o w m a n v ille H ig h rig h t G u y P a rk s a n d Eil h M o r o n c a t i s o th e se n io r q u a d , P arad e w ll b he d N v 25 h w ill e ac e teky h i. f i. f f ~~School's Senior and Junior football teais are bth on the prowl cheer leaders Billi Wiseman and Sally Prout, coaches Bill Bru tmtee nedsaie moefat Bnka Moraorcnb RUNTERS - Se far, ouly oe report ef a suc. for COSSA championships. The seniors play a sudden death game and AI Woodlock and junior captains Chuck Cattran and Bruce Kndlotc lrneBl lae nteml ote u c~ssul eer huner a. oon ass d aoug No her onthe campus Thursday against Albert College and on Friday Simpson. On M onday, Courtice Secondary School seniors who play at 623-5939 re fl ts nyth sors a B wx avie douht, this weekend a few of them will b. the juniors will play St. Peters of Peterborough. Bath games start in a different league from BHS Were eliminated from the COSSA Anyone wisigt ne noewonescsue coming home with the animais draped over their at 1:30 p.m. Coaches, captains and cheer leaders gat together on. playdowns by Donevan of Oshawa 19 ta 6..anmi ardshudcnornfmtonacsum, fodr.4Tuesday xnorning for the above picture that shows, from lef t tac r.D .2 63 -2 5 3 8 . 6 3 2 0 . F r o h r i f r a Hiope Twp Passes Hughes Announces Retiremnent 1- . eih h aal himnGog elePost Ofie Memnorïal Hospital icue Bulding .y*aw Counci'0prve1 euSt Closed for 0 ccedtain ei A new building by-law was 'uncDwi IApprIkoveh MET TE CNDIATE passed Friday at the regular F .P m m ro,' vi., iamuU f"et h addt meeting of Hope Township Rememion, e Ppon ared by serviceio council in their Port Hope o a ay b ie D p t The Post Office will be Word has just been receiv-~ temiber. The findings a h hruhî ofh npeto lb ndteCabro office. y ed iran the CanadianCc surveyor have bee *dhetoouhya The meeting also dropped -1,odailda ,Suda,c a unib h ncnsîdered concerns îtsclf rmrl:înnw1endfntl ceue ts six-month holding order ACJAil. Ij November 1l.Morn Hospital, omn vsoa ccreditation ta ytefl oni and pro- the quality aicroa i o on buiding emmit in t e g Q < j g. ~ IJ * D I à I r~ If There will be no Rural ville, has been awarded the to the hspital. arTdhîen.To n ve u er 28 n h tfrbi*Th rdrwa n- o A ï us u arDst o hMail Service and one utreet shave qofPllfied followlngi troduced' followmng discovery y letter box collection will bectatiPoviina ccei Accreditation is a vo1untary~ the variaus depa~,eî h h uiia ae of______________of_390_buildtation. pragrainland taubecomeIac hospotalicanccntratîagdmaonlycNominationsNightonoNov lot gs tti nch 39 bee u pi g Te Biga ae ill e o u t e n v c f t i m eeting m ade at 3:00 p.m . In June of this year, an ap- credited a h sp ta l m ust al îw on the are s w h r pa i n s 2 d w ll e i v t d to a e 4 lot whch ad een sul- Pre rigde illhold a Tag President Woodward on lie- ATTENDED ICE CAPADES Mail despatches for the plication for a survy was itself ta l i nspected very- (TURN TO G W )t a et e rv e sk o n dlvlded following the pur- Day on Friday- evening af haif af the Service Clubs holiday weekend: Frlday, made ta the Canadian Counci ehas of a farm, formerly this week, Nov. 1Oth, ta raise Commnittee asked cauncil ta Nearly 40 members af the Nov. lth-Ail mail closesi an Hospital Accreditation. The ç* one r byr c-laws e mn o ni n Mo d y e e i g d y, N v m e 8h e re a i n ier cc- c o r nthe M s r nquet o other -date . -t e I e Ca a e t are f 2 h r gu a e pa c i t on a c l s t e pr c i e a present. ing ta proceed with aur plans. Baard Chairman J. Farb)es In the very near future we Heyland presided. He spoke will be prescnting aur requesta oi the needs for further sec- <TURN TO PAGE TWO) 22 7 Pints of Blood Donated at CIinîc For Red Cross Bank A total af 227 botties ai Colacutt and Mrs, F. Black- blod were callected at the burn attended the danars. rVolunteer Blond Donar Clinic The ladies ai the Haydon held hast week at the Lions -- CetrBawmanviile. M r. J . l vwcre 'icharge ai the H. Davey, Branch Blood Do4 norte a oand cffed efreah.o Chairman, repirtedtat 24higtandcieta as ~rsons attended the cîinic. wahdcnpee hi oa any YOUug people are now joainlng the ranks ai theregu- The folow ing assisted 1wlth lai donors and the coutinued Uic dlrecting ai douer. and support of the people ai this cicrical work. mm s. C are a i much appreciated by BremlMrs. R. Cr.,lpMm Brani officials.. Clarke Hlgh S. Jamies, Mrs A. Martin Mrs. School are deserving of specWa H. Plckard and Ms V. §nÏÏer Imention ..il . their, cantingent ai the Courtice Girl Guides. cf 28 donors gave theiic a ranch mombers gagusln.g dur. gratstrt ic heaîtemnoon. Ing, the day were Ms.. G Thone assisting at the rest F@rsey, Mrm Laurte, Mms bedu in the afiernoon werc J Living, Mn7. . Ru<Iell, Mrsl Mis. D. AlldreadN, Mn. B. Scot, Mn. R. Sery and Mn. amesS.Sweitzerof Toronto, 21-y ars-old, wlth this one.inin umpo«" condition in Toronto Gen- oe J. i.RN, B n n i.W ali.O udyn t h ag ala hlp ~ h~wf~areoevedwlaeu the =caibv was oral. Two Sweitzer cdr&en, 4 and: two months, belîev- Mn.. R. Bouwmeter. At the Mr. M. Widemau was ofwt 4nsadrealerQ t z M~çent .~W nionig ea Grnt ic- d a av ben sleepipg on 'he back seat, were ual evening session, Miss C. Go- charge oi transportation for n nuiVeernsjAt heen, R.N., Mr.. W. VooysRNiednosTineiigthl'GlnWddr M vray.AmrCQ p P"R hd R obu in sn, 9, toelllas seriously n jured.O ther p otos and deta ls on page 12. M . . C c , R. . . isjisi l i ed W. n a a , l g o e wi ld e' publdi . l e t w e . Mr nSMlC ~ AM'.4«tw Sflad bn. J.CIoch, .N.A.: Mi" E.F*l 71908.be . ld Wu lA in g C t ,Wlt.be odding cee M D-t IctI--- m LFb ,I&â h