thIle ÇMadlaState LetrXobinsan- oai Du en ommunitColle, jreepart ai the O01 1 M ± countyaraw ~~~eaer t the Durhai MM Navember meec iuig he ln hBowmanville o Thursday evening. 'A del gton from Ontarl Courty 'eeration were pme Met on Invitation ta hear th g e ,eker. Mr. Robinso. intred by Bruce Tayloi O.P.A. member, is an Aerc mautical' Engineer wlth a va. effeîibnCe . iT e c hni ea WOrke wbio'riginated ln Eng ][and 'ad egme from 011mw where h. had served as in utztictom In Isinîflar course for several years. He explained thefuci (FRO'A PAGE ITJI By.'Law No. 67-37 autior. Ing the subinlsslon of the que thon ai water and sewers ma agement ta, the electorate w, given three readinga and pas id. Rous Stevens,, a Public Uti] lies Cammissioner, appeart before- council and asked question egardig the qual fications afIrT. J. Plunkettà a consultant on municipal an- publie affair.. g-e .recent] ina de the.rtlidy and re ort o thce 1owmanville P.U. lv Ris W'orship, Mayor v Rabbi, calledl on Clerk-Cor traller -Robert L. Byron wh read the -following statemer Intota h. record. "1T. J. Pluni ett ..graduated wlth -a Dcgre ef M.A. li Political Sdlenc from X>cGhII University. Prio ta, the formation- ai tbe firr he, now heads Mr. Plunket wms DIrectair ai Researchi fo the. Canadian Federation o Mayars, and Mîuicipalities, an( lias erved as City Manager a. B ea c n s Ileld, Quebcc. Mr Plunkett Worked as wefl fai federal agencies, provincia gôv>emnments and munlcipafl tiei In Càfiada, and bas under taken assigninents abroad. H( dld :speci4I mwDrk for the Peel. lîaltoin Local, Govermient Rev. lew la Ontario, and also car. imd ot assigninents for the Royal Commission on Govern- ~ient Organizaîlon, (lie Glas. Ca Report), and for the Rayal Commiission on Metropolitar Toronto (the Goldenbemg Re- port). kW. -Plunkett has alsc wrltten textbaoks on munici- pal govermient." Council decided on a motion by Couneillor Nlcks, seconded ey -Comillor Maurice Prout, ;ht -i oider ta -give the elec- torate information ta make'ai- unblased decision at lhe poibs ta, publsh -lxiThe Canadian Statesmnan the entire Plunketi report on tie P.U.C. manage- ment ai Watcr and Sewer Sericesand Its irecommenda- tions. Tie repart will be pub. Iahud - I two hstallnients. The i.fÈnt"wll b. Ithe Nov- embe 22nd isoue and tie sec- «id I the.Navemnber 291h issue i the Statesman. 5- Year Guaranteed livstment, -Cettificates, »oW RATE 1TO 4'1ERS 6% CENTRAL ONTAIo TRUST & SAVINOS CORPORATION 55 Xlag Ut, W., U.waewiII. issus, 15 iluioee Ut. W, - -j Sus. te.7kuvu~ île 8.50 Pet. Ct. ~ - Uit. 0>4 - Wcdaeuiuyu emmm, Eowmanvilhe, Novr. 8, 190 mederation -Hears. y College Speaker je of Community Collees as desires of iis members, those ,ge advaniced education abqve the members have an obligation ve Grade XII level for those to replace them wlth repre- Io who for various remuons sentatives that will. Elected as would flot go ta University. epresentatives have an ob- im As yet, no agricultural cours- lgation ta heed the desires t- es mmeiciuded in the curri- of those who support them, un culum. Mr. IRobinsan deftly not ta dictate a policy ta per- fielded the questions ptuate themselves in office la hlm anid waa thankedbytoô the detrIment ai those en. t- President Dalton Dorrell for gaged In agriculture. epovdn much faciûl1 In- Mm. Bruce Taylor was sei- n, formtion. ected ta attend the Pollution r, From the correspandence a Conference - a prablem aif > 2notice ai possible change ai deep oontern toa amait every- St rates ta affect those land- one. I owners where the Ontario It Was decided ta agin 9- Hydro will be placing iiew provide a trophy and prises 'a towers, pales, etc. forthé Jr. Fariner Car Rally, LDurhamn Caunty Federation a contest that laYs emphasis es has for many years hmd a on salie drlving habits.U5 property c o m m 1 t t e e. that Delegates were nmmed ta 4-'o In works with its provincial attend the 3-day O.P.A. Con- countempart toa amuît local vention In Toronto this week. land-owners who may b. ad- Discussion toak place an pro. versély affected by expra-; viding a scholarshlp ta assist priathan. The new proposais a Junior Farmer i the were tumned over ta Ibis County destraus oi taking committee chmired by Eric advanced education In agri- Pallis for their pemusal and culture. NEW ZEALANI) GIL MAKES MAI comments. Final arrangements weme -The Ontario Federatian ai mmade for the Durham Fed- .Agriculture, at the request eation Annual Banquet ta be O - f its members bas made held on TuesdaY, Nov. 2 lut, ~* aoverturea ta the Ont. Parm-inl Bethany. We are fortun- L ïfe nNwZ ta er nion at provincial level, aIs ta have as guest speaker to or toeter o reae r.Charles Monroe, Pres- ane farm organizaîlon ta e- dent of the Ontario Federa-MUfi present ail farinerahI On- tian of Agriculture. Tcket lanao wllh one strong single are avallable fmom any Pc- e cue w edtecarrespondence Durham C a u n t y Junior i the summer holidays. from the Provincial Secretry Iâ Farmers and ather groupa in Miss Miller says the Islani ai Fammers Union decinirg C.the area are learning about lii. climat. la pemiectly admpted any action I this direction. Sr. Ci""""' in New Zealand this week. dmrying and sheep fmrmiî In the past, governmenî t u m The Junior farmers are hast with a heavy rainfall and boih. v îmck a e utly IWUtt taMiss Geraldine Miller ai temperature that rmeta baes aveofu; ire t of te H*uviUi r tM ee Uruli, New Zealand, who'bas mbove freeezig. No barnsa farm voice as their excuse been travelling ln the United needed; two men. In an e: for flot îrnplementingvrou The firt fa11 meeting ai 1he States since the middle ai dient open-air milkng par: reqest valou Senior izesCu was held April as part ai the Inter- can mîlk 150 cows i an ho prv ch armerlot. lth on Tuesday, Oct. 101h at the national Farm Youth Exchange and a balf. Very littie gra the Mardi on Ottawa and Lions Centre wlth 60 mem- program. and corn are grawn; the do' other occasions, il lias prov- bers present. She tells about a saml pasture all year ln hilly fie] cd that thc rank and fie of Mms. T. Gaîcheil wms in country ai two and a balf mil- that are femtillzed by airpîmi, bath organizations can and charge ai reglîtration and lion people wbich is fimat i armers can go off on ho: are desirous ai worklng ln Mrm. Glenn Hodgson was M.C. world export ai butter and days in ticeIlirce wlnt harmony for a common good. An enjoyable evening wa cheese and second i woal; manths when the cows are] Wben the Executive ai any spent h cards, gaines and a about a country where it neyer milking. organization fails ta beed the gmoup canducted by snaws, except in the moun- "The Maori people are coi Mmi. L. Grahamn. tains, and where Christmas la pletely integrated," Miss Mi] Mn~mnhIan Lunh was semved by mein. Memoos«Jbers ai Club 15 who hav H S ,t welcomed four new membeLirrv ec vs Ibis seaman, namely, Mme. Dun-L br r ec i e can Bradley, Mmm. Bruce Bail,__ 'z. es- Ln. ,d a Li- as id ly an n-t n Lt r )r A id (PROM PAGE ONE) e anc lreated. The bospital inuet L- provide a bigb level af came -before Il can Passibly b. -nc- îcredlted. P rom tic statua now grant-i , ed the hospital, il la evident o Ihat the work ai the medical -staff and ai. tie varions bas- pital deparîments lis ai -a higli a calibre. The council has sent d a lisI af recommandations ta li te hospitaI, autlining lm- Provements. which lhey be- ri lieve sbould be enacted and, sif lhe bospital can make tbe iimprovements whlch have tbeen recommended, 1he bas- -pitl will in ail prababillty rmove ta lie status ai a iully -accredited liospital. This la - tic alm and objective ai qveny *well run bospital in Canada today. The awmrd given ta th. hos- SPital Is- for 12 montis and theV hospital wili be recbecked atà liaI lime. Wben full accredi-E 1 tation la obtained, tic bas- pitail leresumveyed ove7y lire. yeara ta enoume liatI ta keepa up !ts standard af patientn came. S It le,.ofi nterest ta note thatb *accreditatian concerne -ltteil t] only *wltb standards ai c'are and flot in -any wajr wiIh lb. 8 financial affianof -1eh. a pital.. Il la possible that in- n Pnovements which' are sug. I( geoted may coul modest sunis tI of money, but belng accmedted tg does flot ln ituehi affect tie% linancial position ai the bas. TJ pital. The Impetus beiind It acquiing 1h, estatue inut eut i wilh thé haspital board, the C: méedical staff and ail thé de- i partinents oi tbe hospital. ti Tioae ut be anemmest de. ta site ta masure that the people w ulng the haspital. are pravid. ri ed w th th. higsat possible level ai cane. Il liai taken ar mnany yeams 1, prépane the hot.- l lâl for a oumvey and therea ar been wholebearted ca- b opération betwoen houpilai m board#, rdedlcgl staff end ahot- rth deprtments ta achieve bl Il romains naw for the hos- î1 pital ta follow the recoin ' mandations made frain ther ,Canadien Council and nove or on ta full accredlted statue. go Withhi 1h11 area the Osha- ne wa Général Hospital la unly ec accredlted mnd the Ajax and Pickering DGeneral Hospital Io th, p*'oviaonally accridIted as of bo =1 Sn= bithlàyear. roi M vrs. RobDert Byron and Mrs. IHarny Locke, Tic 1967-68 ex-j Iecutive for Club 15 la as fol- lows: Preident, Mns. Glenn Hodg- son; Secretamy, Mme. D. Austin; Treasurer, Mmi. S. McTavisb; Social Canvener, Mmi. A. Har-- ris; Press, Mmm. R. Mcntyre. Next meeting ai tbe Senior1 Citizens will be held on Tues- day, Nov. l4th at the Lions Centre. Quick Response From Two Donors Helps Patients A fine example ai local co- opemation Il-uruan Interest was tbe mecent belp given to a serlously 111 patient wlic needed blood. Ernie Perfect, Ontario Street, and Frank Hoaper, mis af Ontario Street, Baw- mnauville, were quick to ne. spond ta a request £romn lie hospilal for a bioad dona- Lion, when a patient destined for surgery at 10 o'clock aon Sunday, 22nd Octaber, need- ed blood oi a type that was alt readlly avallable. Il was aao laIte ta order blood from the Toronto Red Cross Cen- tre and na blood ai Ibis type was available, lu Oshiawa. Thé hospital li&s avallable ta It the naines ai pensons who have given blood ta tic Red Croos hi the paut and Edward Pekar, Chief Tochuologlst oi the hospital', labonatory, con- tact.d these twa gentlemen, wrho happcned. la be af tie right blood. type. Their mesponie was istant and Ibis local situation points up draniatically the frat- unce ai thc publie uupporting bod donatfon clinies, Nor. ially, blood la collected at th eînias and put hi lie 'laid bank f-or use wlierever eoeded. The bospital normal- [ receivea Its blood main lie Y'arnoblood bank lu a morej autine laphion, but thanks kre certainly due ta these two gentlemen for them wllling- us ta hîlp out ou Ibis oc- Tice ptient Who received ospial m niae agood JUR &LOVELL DILIVERY PREISCRIPTIONS WIUKLY SPECIALS OILIRE FOAMY RMONT GUARD 1.19 ne. 1.39 1.07 IULUNIX LISTIRINI ASPIRIN -1 7c Ei» - 89c 1ne.Ol- "-79c elle HIESUT Ont À Dey Tblets 1l59 A w l 2h09 Lequest otfIBooks The Bowmanvllle Publie Records of the Great Wai Library was forunate ln re- 5 Vols. af storles by J. h ceiving a bequest of books Bri,4Vl.o ly from the llbrary of the -late Bri,4Vl.o ly Mr. S. J. Adams. J. M. Barrie, 3 Shakesperea: The followlng books were books, and several novels ln receîved: 7 Vols. of Source1 cludixg paper backs. Legion Members Holà Two Church P ara des To Mark Armistice Brandi 178 ai the Royal Canadian Legion's a nn ua 1 ,t Armistice Church Parade was held on Sunday mamning wben more- than 100 members and the Bawmanville Ladies Aux- ilimry la the Royal Canadian 0Legian mamched la St. Joseph's rRoman Catliolic Cburch. Te Revcred P. K. Maimne, the parisi pnest, afficlated at the el a'clack Maso and the serm- on was preached by the Rey- erend J. C. Molîoncy, bis assistant. Presîdent Maurice Conway and Deputy Zone Commander Kelti Ferguson hemded the parade, wiicb was led by the »Bowmanvillc Leglon P i p e Band. Sergeanî-al-Armms Emnie Perfect was lie Panade Mar- shal.- The Calor Party was formed by Commade Sethi Hunt, Commade Boss Wright Comrade Georgîna Carter and Comrade Jean Burton. Thc parade feli in aI lie Ontario Street Scioci, and mter cburch mamcbed back ta Ibis point wbere il disbanded. Tic Legion Glee Club sang.i tiche m "O Womsiip The In"before Mass, and atter- wards tie fine Volces cithli Gîce Club members were 1 heard slnging "God oi Our 1 Paliers". Camrade Jack ,Kuigil, tie Assistant Director,1 -t Museum Sets ' New Record e. On Tuegday eveulng et 10:3< Bowmanvillê M4useum, naw GIiEuEUciM a'clock Garnel Goheen, 45 ciosed for the seasan, lied p oS Liberty Strict North, neported 1,915 visitors Ibis ycar, lie ta Bawmanvilllî Police thal i largest atteadance ince lie car hadt been stolen. flawman. Museumn began lu 1961. ville Detachmuent af thé OPF A group oi 68 chuîdnen and PRom PAOR ON£) récovened Mr. Gohecn's car 14 adult leaders tain tie Hughes, secoudcd by Council- Ibis momig aI 6:14 o'ciack On Durhiam Northumberland and lon Prout, moved liaItith 401 Hlghway aI Courtice Road. Oshawa Deaneie, membens Board of Works meeting lie Th.eangiue had been bumut ai lb. Junior Auxiliamies ai ield ou Wednesday, Nov. 29, out. lic Anglican Churci who lnstead ai lic 231h. This in- A car driven by Bric Fox, were attendlug lie annuail ion was carrled. age 61, 314 John Street, Thorn- White GuIf Service, held Inu111 am not going ta mun for bull, weeit ouI ci contrai a Bawmanville Ibis year on re-election ta council lu De- the Junctian oi No. 35 and No. Saturday, Nov. 4, brougit cember " Councillon Hughes 7A Highways ou Tuesday at Museumu attendance aven tie sald. 'lt ban bien my pleas- 0:05 p.m. Thc vhili struck 1,900 mark. Many groupa une ta serve nadir lwo a culvert pontand suatélucd have toured the Museumn liii M a y-o r s. Carmuthers and approximately $150 damage. yeam, lu addition to 573 achool lfobbs, and with ail thc peo- Mn. Fox, Who uufdtdfrac. cildrein tu Ieir classes, Miss ple wlio have been on council tured rlbs, a broken noie, and Isabelle Davis, Museumi at. during my éigbl years ai uer- smaahed teeth, la a patient, in tondant for the pait lmmson vice," he added. the xôs ouMmÔrIul Ioopitgl aeparts. 1"111wauld aingle out ane Lindsay. The pamas nibs Bpeclal diplays Ibis yean ersan as the mail knawledg- car recélved treatinent as out Included weddlng dr essesi able. canipetent, and conici- p llnts for migor Injunriét fmain 1875 to 1964, antique enlious, 1 Iblnk lie la ont- Imene Gldoad utEwiam tays, prisséd gloasand Iran- standing, aur Mayor Ivan Gilwood, bathoai4380Tecuni- slane chine, aid lime kitohen. Hobbs," Councillor Hughes seh Strect, ewamket. Centenninal Conféderation dis. stated. Tien. was a two car cal- play, as weiI as the Victortan Ho laid tiat il lia& bcen- a lision on Tuesday et 4:37 pa. par1or, tols and Iniplezne rbsimvloge for hlm ta lie Chair- et King and Scugog Stréats. Médian diapltai ,bnemazh ci theArtaAmbulance The. driversai fthe vehicleq In- store, child s roniealy Coniaiite ince il was forzn- vaived were Mr#. Rêta Dud- bedroCzn, Victorien bedrooni, id about 1961. "This allowed ley, P.R. 6, Bowtnanville, and handcraftisuad neniwrk e ta work %vrith lhe Reevei Fred Willia, Rit. 5. Bownan- guna cira the 1 W0', docu, and councils of the uurrannd- ville. Damage ta Ibeir cars nnts Cu photos and Instru- Ing munIcipalities and with amounted ta mari Ibm *$100.' menui made by I~Dnijuon our anibulanxoe -qprotor, Dan Constable T. Davis was the Orgam &*Piamo Copanj'. Msvy," hi nid, luvestigating offIcer. 1couducled tie singera In the 1absence ai Director Rosa Col. ton, wbo was uhable la la prelent. On Sunday evening Brandi 178 ai the Royal ôanadian Leglan pamaded ln Orono froni lb. Odd Pellows Hall ta the. Cenatapi whcre Presîdeut Canway and Bowmanville Ladies Auxiliary ta tic Raya] Canadian Legion President laced Branci 178'j wreath. Ti Bowmanvlîe Leglon Pipe Band led tic parade. Prom tic Cenotapli tic parade marched ta Orono United Churci where the members and tic auxiliaries atlendcd lie evcning service conducled by lie Rev. Basil Longtic pastar. Tuis comnlng Saîurday morn- Ing the Legion Parade will fom up ln font ai lie Legion Hall on Qucen Street at 10:30 Led by lie Bawmanvllle Sipe Band Brandi 178 and lie tadiea Auxillary will mqardi to lie Ceriolaplifor lie Re- memibranceDay Service. la take place there et Il a'clock. On Sunday mamning Branci 178 and the Ladies Atîxilamy wlll hold a Churci Parade in Newcastle. The parade will 1911 ln aI 10:30 a.m. la front of the Cenotapli near tie New- castle Commnunlty Hall. Led by lie 3owmnanvile Leglan Pipe Band the parade will proceed1 tO St. George's Anglican1 Church ta attend lie morning1 service. Tic Reverend H. R. -Iaync, the reclor, wili affici- Rte. of modern technology wlU b. provig ihade Area Superntenderat of Pub. lic SchOOla KacLeod told of a study- made by specialista from the Departmezit of Edu-4 calionand ahso mentioned9 dicussions butw.en the Pub.1 lie School Board et the Dur- am Cunty District High1 Scbool Board.1 *'?'acte and figures presented1 to date do flot seem ta favor1 thie conversion of the High Schaol ta a Senior Eiemnentary School," Mr. MacLeod assert- -ed. "The total number of claurooms here le more thanà 33. while a senior elementary school would need only il. It would be Impractical ta heutc and caretake this large school.0 If used for eleuentary pur- poses the U890 and 1929 par-$ tions of the building, with the Passible exception af twoF rooms, shauld be demolished,"1l h.e xtated.b Mr. MacLeod also explain- S ed that while classroamns in r the 1,957 secton af the bulld- P Ing appear fairly satisfactory,1 certain reno*vationa would have ta b. mm8de ta aatisfy the , needa of a new Senior El.- 9 -'" mentary School building. This r wouid Include renavation of tj the agriculture and shop rooma C an-d the rebullding of staff iW roomsanmd office upace, he iBid. ti "The library accommodation ce NY NEW FRIENDS, INCLUDJNG HORSE does flot conform with modern s Ideas re the physical needs af au elementary library," Mr. I acLeod stated. He also said H - tthat indications point ta the be ~ lMrequirement Ofa a pet 0 o~verhaul af the plumbing fa- i ~istorforLoo ing His Worship, Mayor Ivan l 'le ie to r FR0M PAGE ONE) Hobbs, asked Mr. Strike if the plans for the proposed new frdebentures," Board Chair- Composite Secondamy School er said. "There are Maori In man Heyland stated. and playing fields caver the id's aIl businesses and professions. The Ontario Depatment of entire 18 acres east of Liberty ta Tribal dances and native cas- Education, before ganting ap- Street. When Mm. Strike re- ýng, turnes are anly braught out an praval ta bulld aewv Compas- plîed in the affirmative Mayor a ceremonial occasions. ite Secondary Schooi heme on Hobbs inquired if any space Ire "There are no native ani- land east af Liberty Street wauld be left for future ex-1, alsree Zaa adav North, whlch the High School pansion. etc ffli- alsInNewZeaan, ad sv»Board has secured, requîmes a Mr. Strike answered that he etc lom eralaof the birds, 1ke the noc- flmm commltment from the did flot think so as the archi- fel )Mr tnl Kiwi, have remained board regarding the ds tects' ideas include the entire 1 ain fightlss."position ai the present Bow- ares, and the board ls plan- be Ws Elementary and secondary manville High Sch001 building, ning an accommodation for mu de schools have a 13-year course the Board Chairman explain- about 2,000 students there. 85 ne as in Ontario, but ail schools ed. Mayor Hobbs told the meet- she )II. have a pool, and swlmmlng la "Three alternative methods ing that he has been infrmed .9_ er part of the physical education ai dlsposing oi this building that Teachers College is in n't pragram, sald Mise Miller, a have been studied by the need af greater accommodation grade seven teacher when at board. 1. Seîiing it to the for students, and the parents m.. home. Public School Board. The De- af a Teachers College student Il- Photo courtesy Oshawa Times partment has indlcated ciearly had suggested that possibly that it would not recammend the present Hi gh School build. "The most satlsiactory work using the High School for ing here couId be used for such 1 have done for Bawmanviîle elementary purposes. an Institution. "I hope the I think was the period ai "2. Establish it as a speclal board will give thhs same months ai evening and week- Vocational School. Many reas- thought and will let us know end wark heling aur Clerk- ans for such a school can be if this suggestion is featible Controller Bob Byron stream- stated. The costs of transpor- and economical," he said. lîne the tawn office and set tation and the hlgh absence Cotdncillor Glenhoime Hughes up aur present accounting rate because ai the great made some Inquirles ofi-Mr. r, system. distances make this the wrong MacLead. "You 'point toaa W'. "I wlll wark just as hard time ta establish this type of .7 mille as a rate on the pur- >y ta continue ta serve councîl school. chase ai the schooi for a coin- in until December 3lst," Caun- "3. Sei the property Out- paratively short term, 10 cillor Hughes told his fellaw right.- The board bas declded years at the longest " Mm. Smembers. upon tis third alternative. MacLeod said that secondary Mayor Habbs told Cauncli- [t is a wélî pmeserved build- detbentures would be paid i 1r Hughes that he appreciat- ing and as excellent com- 1975. Fed the nîce thinga hie had just mercia and llght industriai "A new schooi mili rate sald about hlm. "lYoii are a possibillîles and lu sitting on would be 1.8 mille for at least sincere- worker and are ai- land that is valuable. A 20 years," Councillor Hughes waye. availàble at any tîme. positive -approach ta seil the contended. Mm. MacLead ex- I know your good work dur- property muet be taken taob- plalned that the figure of .7 ing yaur eight years On coun- tain its full valUe," Mr. Hey- miseIncludes new deetures cil, and I appreciate your land declared. at $100,000 ta underwrite a help and assistance td, me Board Chairman Heyland purchase price ai an aid build- aver this perlod. I regret that Introduced G. A. MacLeod, ing. Councillor Hughes ex- you are hlot running again in Area Superintendent ai pub. prcssed the opinion that the tis election," Mayor Hobbs lic Schools, Durham No. 1, cost to the ratepayert should esaid ta Councillor Hughes. and W. F. Thom, Area Super-' be considemably less. Four By-LaWs were given intendent ai S e c o n d a r y "What if the libramy In this three readings and passed by Schools. building la not centrally la- counchl. By-Law No. 67-.32 A. A. H. Strike, a member cated. Surely students are amenda By-Law No. 1784.,c the Bowmanville Commit- able ta walk a short distance being a By-Law for the ?egu- te,'of aîdonb hecar Between trans ortation and lation of triiic. Ti By- man. Mr. Strike In discussingth requirement ai, a central Law prohibita parking af the need for a new Secondar location we may develop a vehicles on the south sde af School building here (twoeissgnrain" onillr King Street from the bridge portable classmaoms situated Hughes claimed Iaughingly. over Bowmanville Creek Ù) on the parking lot are in use H1e urged that more con- the south-west corner ai King naw) spoke of the inadequacy sideration be given ta the usel tStreet at Scugog Street. ai the present High Schooi à BY-Law No. 67-33 estab- building for thia modern age. Ilshez 13 polng divisions for It bas been unable ta pmoperly .the Municipal Election hem. use audio visual aida, today an Doloitte, Plender, Hatl on December 4th. There wiil important part ai the educa- be four polling divisions intianal pmagmamn, Mm. Strike wltb wbom are now the West Ward, four in the pointed out. North WVmd and five in the South Wam. By-Law N,). He also described the plans Monteith, Rishi, Wat Q17 -34amed yLw 98fthecntutina e of th. prisent 1!1h Schooî building until the debenturssi% on the 1957. addition ta it l Mad off. lie nggeat thet,7. of eight years satIsètion could be expresséd regardlng4 this building. Mayor Hobbs said that it la desirable ta have a five Yemm forecaut ausmon as possible. p M. A. MacLeod, Secrets" f 4 the Durham Caunty lu~ Schoal Board uaid that a t'iveN yemr foreat cornpleted la~ Jenumy indicated that th estimated cost af the addition and altmrations ta Part Hope High School would be about $1,200,000, and the estimateç. cost ai a new Composite Sec- ondary School in Bawmanviîîé- would be appmoxim at ely- $2,500,000. May or Michael Wladyke.-. Part Ho pe, smid that there are.>, limits placed on municipal..- barrowing, and certain basiç, services muat be supplied. He refermed ta the amounts ta be. paid as a share ai the neces- sary debentures. Alex McGregor, Bowmêàn.' ville, said that the concern re- gardlng debentumes la not the-. nunici alities in the amea aS -- the debentures are issued b3r Counties Council. Ma y or Wiadyka said the municlpali. les are moat certainly con- cened as each pays a larj»aý share. Mayor Hobbs agreed.- - - Durham Caunty District- [lgh School Board Chaîrman [eyiand thanked the mem-.. bers ai the municipal councils Rnd others present for attend- àg the meeting. Building (FROM PACE aNS> ,080 square feet and îilr' amrey-and-a-haii o r tw o torey at ieast 1,200 sc"re Na building pemmits shaîl' *issued unless the mini- um frantage ai the lots is 5feet. The are& ai any lots hail nat b. less than 17,000 ýuame feet. -Guide. Corne hear your favorites played by DUSTY SHEPHERD at the argan console FRIDAY 1 & SATURDAY NOV. 10 - 11 9:00 p.rn. Until closing trne in our Upitairs Lounge " Liberty Street, S. at 401 Highway ekint qall r . 2,49, 1 Car Stolen ÀM - au