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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 3

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n_.Walsingham anid the surround- ITii.Canadian Statoaman omive o. H an orsages AAmIhJB tyC of yellow 'muni. ~{Il v a ng co:Ç urhMr. nityr. or cm Before leai mg for their ! U,.m I S e i I J M . nd Mr. Ro reM tm honeymoon nt Lake Placid Townastfo n MCartwrit and Expo, the bride donned a90aTwndip frm Mtcelltin L~ flame coatwith fox trim, and busy folk. At present they are brown accessories. A carsage aperating a tobacco farm snd roses complemented her tra. school buses. Since coming o o r an iD heilwnnsandld.ives anc ho Cou Mr.Jeffery are reziding àtý here 17 ycars ag theyhv velling ensemble. Mr.e andos o y avs T e b o n ijo e n th N i k *- R.R. 3, Bowmanville. son Warren la a Grade XIII rPARTsmmdcbyM A cer-tpis a MGrgorstdet i Crtriht ig Tis ee, wul in n Hardware Limited, the bride col ateddOtroSre u-report on ane of thems i lr !T .ln 39 IT L X O h e e a s o i a e I - l e l O ntaria St eet Pub-Congratulations and happi-im portant issues t a c or e b e t A s c a e f ç a p l r o d C u r h d i v i d u a l l y o u t l i n e d w i t h e e d ' H i g h S c h o l . T h e g r o o m , w h o W s eff rr l t n d h p p - f r e n t t e n i , d u r n c h c gi a 1p n o n s d r c m PlGoeUie hrhattended Maple Grave Public tikwI aefrrahn nhanced with, bouquets of pearls, on each side of a S hol, B wnan ilearen d 4H Club t e re teril andeone ar ftr, O c. 2, 1 6, ti i 'm n a n to s myriad point d flower of Courtic e H gh Sc ool, ndthe sithm eetin ! N si- T i i i atr o heh r d lv r d t W h te ' u m n d c r n t o n~ h e a v y c o tto n la c e , in te rs p e r s e p t v i e g r ch u i l u a d thc o u n ci.ha v 3 0i Wit fre an wth guest d with tendrils of sed pears School, is engaged in farm - ton 4-H Centenniai Gourmets the management of the a nsr p r h t hs ane o m Pews marlied by white satin and crystas. Her illusion veil ing. w3r d t on. LiawrNen e r al- s oil ca e und e Uc on aI hi utfe clown, was the setting for the formed a soft* misty cloud Many parties honored the 3r a Mreportc tliioldcoe ilir h niarriage on Saturday alter- abovc her head and fel ta'bride priar ta ber niarriage. The mkigo! abaerails * Uicth P.U.C. falon, October 7, 1967, at 3:30 shoulder length. She carriedM. Mike Veina and Mrs. ca emntabba TerolI ea paen dcock of Miss Susan Karîn an all-w bite cascade bouquet Larry V ina werc hoitessil wal,"Oeo ngatd. Te K rail fit bean te a pr ent o m- I onlso ud lk Luxton and Mr. Gary Stephen a!f Phalaenopsis orchdcr for a miscellaneous sbower About Finland and Swedenvery early in o ur teuro!otnay nerefe o Je!!ery. Tbe bride is the nations and stephanots ac -held at Memanial Park Club h w d t a bo he c l fi e, h t t e stu i daughter o! Mr. and Mns. cd by ivy. House. A similar sbowcr was tries have a high standard of existed between UcPU..tethe.Itl i otac Frederick J. Luxtan, Bow- Miss Betty Ormiston o! given by Mrs. Stephen Doyle living and skiing is the na- and thc town ieft much ab ytmudrwlhw s manville, and the groom is Bowmanvile was maid of and Mrs. Jack Hurrie at the tional sport. dcsired and that sonebs-teepbi prtdmnt the son o! Mr. and Mrs. R. honoir and the bridesmaids formner'î home. Another mis- Mrs. Malcolm dcmonstrated ness pracedures foiloweywrta ed hnig mlanville. Mrs. Larry Vesna both of at the homne o! Miss Betty Rev. John P. Romeril was Bowmanville. L i t tle Mi-ss Ormiston. Mrs. Cccil Mori- Business o h day was dis- made by the P.U.C. jsaid Simn ln nfe~ the officiating clergyman. Janet Luxton, sister o! the son and Mrs. Orland Plummer Cussed and the meeting ad- aur pointing tis out t h ac ihu pcais i The wedding music waî play- bride, was fiower girl. The gave a bathroom shower at journed. commission. aalpatoia ii cd- by Mr. Jim Cryderman senior attendants wcre attired the farmer's home. The bride Ti iuto a and thc soloist was Mr. in floor-length, peppermint was prescnted with a set o! about ave a numbero!yasTswch oe James Pair. green taffeta gowns accented stainlcss steel kitchcnware by Knd for aive-bearerf Gie i arigeb brby an over-dresi of chiffon the staff o! McGregor Hard- and it was aur belle! thal nyuuuldvddvso.'t y father, the bride wore a for and highiighted by a collar ware; and the Junior Farm-Th tte î thorough investigatinoleebe hto rg x maiiegt gwn ! -o!imported English lace. crs Association presented th heo! M.. melt t tfortit whoie matter cou]dccrcp htUcuprprinl Chantilly lace in rose pttrnThey wore matching shaes bride and groom witb a hej oeo Ms .Elit o tup. As a resuit a seilaatdfnsgtlitcar wib ite odc, iy-ont'and headpieces of green vil- sock and cushion.- ' our November meeting with cmitewsapitdt hl h oe sfrvso cd aîceves and full biliowing ing caught by three matching Eiohtt gavesthe evt. in ctigate,in l r o s e s,~~~~m a d t e r c s a e b u l i t g a e t e d v t o a h l a e n d c t b , t e nthia t r skirt an Centenniai styîîng rss adtei acaeb U- ***NSKI***.*'.**part o TCgubda qar quets were of yellow and ofASESI- ONTN* the program. Tefulrpt ocni bronze chrysanthemums. The The marriage o! Miss Sand- nia important, tae aec scalioped necklinc Nen o nSearsi ndRèut fome a tre aaflower girl wore a floor-. ra Dale Johnston, daughtcnaeo twad ponfecut some coracrete recomnda aV-back, and the skiai wa8 length, full gown of yellow Mn. and Mns. Alan Johnston Rinal RaieototicOh he is tcammit te sistdo '~ Wird-caliae tie nwhichchiffon over lace fashioned o! Bowmanvile, and Mn. iondalsoRaleort the Os-This tcmed te cositain fr1 i a o! cntor ro with a lace bodice and chiffon Wayne Douglas Kutasienska, hdatne tOhw n wiesalpd ir hc wa Presbytenial which she mShrinaks Piles th the front o! the gown t a ascvs h ane akt son o! Mn. and Mn. Jhn msuel! a eceay filled with yellow and arneKtses*clos Hchaisnandthliclk centrepon in the back, and hrsKua ienk, Oshawa, was sol- flowed tt a graceful chaplch anthemums. enzdI t alsUie purchase twol artificiai fernaylosHughes adFcadIdhainuau.~,1~- er~ Tebride wore a, M r. Geoffrey Taylor 0of Ciurch, Bowmanviîîe, on Set- apeuforchenized iandSt. Paul's United ing in. Hobbs.Tronto ws bost an and heruiudy alite iroo. thb ordetheeciurchheand th lwa er i twl ufc trni h bst anandth uray ftrnanSeptember .,. . . . . . . .ta be made langer and planted ta u omte okdfudauiu oln.btne Wl1 wreMn. Allen Plum- 3 , 1g67, at 4 o'clock. For the .,t than hnded ulp uls it th xat t .rm biornesiudet chu bws sv otgin noetn ýmer o! Oshawa, cousin o! the ceremony, bouquets o! orange- . .. easpoecxasnwraisy ard! ictu atin ,k .7 SISO 1 roadMn. Doug Luxton ice gledioli enhanced the . .... appraialof heoelat M:steo r wmnvll, rng er of, mrc d whtesainbows Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stephen Jeffery aresMapleiGrthe Unmed hhtoaschey on the othae spbloom.heohrgap h ~~4 Mtic M icma el e snabroth rs ! chin iisign thie register follow ing their m arriage in. a n tGoe Ua ited poto a h ey onrtedtu sar e p n goo h. e tigs conhedP u ctd s d ds o foti.i u S P C) T o tic brideMo! Bowmaville eted nd t- wedîngmusi afternoon, October 7, 1967, at 3:30 o'clock. Formerly Miss Susan Karin CW.aels collectmng a edan direct interiw ucealr ê,Wb !wore a white jacket and was played by Mn. Rosi Mete Luxton, the bride is the daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Luxton,Bo-blo!gousdctinfr with local residents weeelOIg aacalduto B O - O v e r s e a s R e l i e f a n d w c aIl a d e , s o a s t a g a i n a s e n ( h n a e o k p a a wshes te announe black trouses, and carried a calf. Miss Victoria Bell o! manville, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Jeffery, R.R. 3, your cc-oppration. Our nxt o i iutona aMipran fal.~t ARTHUR HUYCK white vele piilow. Wiitby was tic soloist.. Bowmanville. _______ ______ McRobbie Photo. meeting will be at tic home a p!cture ofhtheatthis Tih ecein was hcld in The bride, who was given fo! b CîthWoo and tiene Apssib iayreatlae.tam anajgo willI be at their ila Maple Grave Churci Hatllin manriage by her father, D .~ 4Mns. Ralpi Davis and Mrs. Mill be àaCristmas pragram. given ta council In Oct.16 imn ota where the bride's mother ne- wone a full-length traditional Russell Vice. Tic wannens of Mn. Fred Thompson o! Van- and a final repart onMac wih' tede team permanents. ile in a thre-pice mint gwn o! mportd white Can-R c nly M ridtic "pumpin contest" wre, couver vsited for a fil daya 17, 1967. Tic conclusionrec- i. green wool suit with match- tilly lace styled with Bateau Ist Rab Eakins and 2nd Boyd witi iii motier Mrs. Chas. cdl by thds committee wasta ieLU Ui. sisted in recciving by the sîceves. Tic bouffant ikint arae or csue ee ~swg ytm sai ets oter relatives,.n a r ve i ae n cl.a tm itsga t Phone 668-3679 groom's mothen who chose a featurcd an vikint o! th i in LndJciMBon is Lorraine Therteli a bo dresi a! cinnaman lace avenlace, falling ta tic gown hem i.'ItcSalrIyvaKcu cundhm ri i as î ne cnrio O i-yeuoee cl in re ingot styl, ti fron 'e,~xe-e lai Roy nowde , Da re tal nd omont aIl w hope ito g w u d ruit n tax av n inednot syet iali Trot ad ehoecorporation, and by doingtcmnsdu te as and back cxposing flounces of e KaVae>'TyoNac.iei mpoe n health te eeis lace and pleatcd tle ih'«'*.- Hae.Tcbi opews Mns. R. ElatadMi '~wsfnhrrcmed T H E DRA A C UB 0F butie A eweledsno ~Hoc ada an M ss athei e llSt t a tnd ed cd t h t th obn agi i ve t ga - and ber bri aI bouquet as a! ,. ~' --H-.ebl Th e an enc o able o g No m l naano n a yeliow a d.whitewaertieattsenam rosesE.ccntred witiMisa wiitet a'throug" n Mn. KenandweBsjtht srmo!md a noyb Peterborough Teachers' Col-ci!Ç /uc I Presentsocîd . . Miss Pearl Leach visitcd was opened in 1907 and this Mrs. Knneth ecently with Mn. and Mns. ycar was tic Sîxtieth Yean. Toroto as mtro o!hono -Cam"pbell, Bowman- Tic Reunion was held in Tic and tic bnidesmaidi eeM.*s~""----'~~ vile Lakehead barn near Lk DOS and DONT'S frlne aretlt Colin Knight, Bowmanville,"' e' . "" Th fi meeting of tic Chemong. T ire w rc 540 Osir tad Miss itraularkJoio Sauina Centcnniaa Chefs was attended tic Smorgasbord DO- brush clothes reual;pton1aeof d OsawaMiss Vctraa onero! '" '-onOct. 23rd a :0r.m.dinner et noon. This wsfol angup i and Miss Mona Kutasienski, W. e repeated tic 4-H P]edge. lowed by a pnogram prcpared boh f shsa were juirTemntsnr ead by by tic students o! 1967-1968. DO. dry clean regulai esiain rtm bnidesmaidi and Miss Kelly Dianne Derci. Tic raIl cail In tic cvening a dance was stains rob garme flosadlt T h ii acOhwwsfoe was answcned by wîere my held in thc same building., n I h e v v ugnra. TeOsw aw:s :::: t«, - 'ancestors came fil m.There Tw a ladies rom t ie fi it D O s nd stain cu O -±ug a girl. Tbey ware identicallye 2 present. W e dis uss cd dla s o ! 1907 attended.I e ta y c ta n n yp of t m Thursday, Friday andi Saturday of orange-ice peau de soie ~"plans for Achievement Day. We W xedarmî icr highlighted by bodice-iength made pizza, cuumTh nsu- D. to .and lso pre capesucomfn sympaty ta Mn.nndiMn. R.DONT pes-gr c a e o m p r e d C a n i l y. *y g u r t a n d a a a . T e s b . D M o r to n a n f a mn ily a s I~I ver b r i6- 7- 8 lace. Their beadbands verî,e Mras;ws in icsi n. A. McGill and Heatier set the sa o! matching peau de soie roses ilad h meeting ajundo tic sudden passing a! thein DON'T. use home stanrmvrona aub. flh owing nylon tlevis _____________luncMn SptencMr. ertardo tosne-garment and they carried bouquets o!f ~~~~~lnh aLeM.Abn otn B W N V L E T W H A Ly e ll w a n d w h it e g a d io li. . . ' e ' t u n e d f r o m S a s k a t c h e w a n , D O N 'T - w e a r g o d c o t e w h n u i g a o d Mn. Wesley Kutasienski ofLE O having spent a monti witi solution Cran :0 ..Oshawa waî best man, and N ESTL T NMn. and Mns. Elmer Muniford Cuti :0~ushering were M. Andrew ~ and famly. O T hagkitl Tleet $ 8 - Avllblefranan sudnt Moonehead a! Etobicoke, Mn. .'-er""-- Mr. and Mns. Ho n ald Mrs. John Henderson assist-r Tikt 10 vlal rmaysuet Alan Cook, Oshawa; Mr. Williams and family, Oshawa, cd by Mrri. John Stark ane Wayne Suganic, Toronto, and' were Sunday evening dinner instnucting a dlais in millin- Mn. Don Wragg o! Oshewa. ~.."'"e~ ~ guests with i parents, Mn. ery in Onono. Wc iinderstand receptingwetheied at r. ens lxtic rwn h niand Mn. Clarke Wîllams. tiene is a good attendance. Following cercmony a Mn~~~~M. and M rs.D ns l x nd r B o n h wn M . nd . Loùis Feltz, Miss Joyce Elliott o ! O uh- a-le mLegepion Hal, Bwmanvithe. the above photo, chose Saturday afternoon, October Mn. Onland Roiren, Mitchell, awa spent tic weekcnd et Tie bride's matier received 7, 1967, at 3:30 o'clock for their marriage in Gospel and Mn. and Mns. Morley home. wearing a tirce-quarter cil Hall, Oshawa. The bride is the former Miss Linda Rae Long and !amily, Walsingham, ~P E C I A Ii and dresensemble o! ciem- Fice, daughter of Mr- andi Mrs. R.1W. Ficeo_,B-i tndcd ti e nnivesrU pa n, m ate r nc r- t or n Oie * wth cosae !" oper pandece. ~ - - Robert KSerr (nec Pet Knox) Svra1ro u cm Ms i na ePeniggoe end Mai- j poe rono teneha siei. oomn agie AOTiS. ban- Mns. AHiar dgendnMaPrt- tsfo w hnsic injured her leg. We munity attended tic PaLier lyn, Cacerea, and Mn. and a n Z4membens wiohe hd feeling nd OVM PTStic centenniel meeting at muci better. quet in Hampton on Friday Perny. M R L CANADA Humpton and 12 wîio îud Recent visitons thMs evening. Mr. and Mns. Richard Devi- MP R been ta tic Morrish centennial Roy Lengmaid were Mn. and Miss Marie Fiett and Mn. son attcnded tic turkcy din- E O I L P R 3. F R 8 rty told of very fine meet- Mrs. Herbent Hank (nee Jean Donald Kellett wer ueat at ner sponsored ba' Lie Leask.. L B O S ; Th WI esoutios wre Mn.e Pingle, o! Zion. ding in Kedran United Chunci Friday evcning, Novemben 3nd. iENcLudsSugar aJonrso' $95 1leavead t a ic dieion r.and Mns. Roy Grills,'on Saturday. Sevenal couples 925th Annîversary îneNludsSH»$3 re ed t andciddL Vietiwee atraysu-o!tifcmunity were guesti On Saturdey evening, Nov. 4, ur delegte, M . A. Wade. per guests with Mr. and M . t. tic A senaut - Wibun fiends, relatives and neigi- I Piatter and Vegetablp Dinh 39:ns. R. Farrow, canvenar of Wesley Ycllowlees. weddmng dance in ticCh -breseîîdi i aA-EDE DY O . iSI - C MP ETU ciiz nsîp, wa an ch rg o! Mn a d M . en Kn x ndmuniy Hall on Sa urday t rs Hall; Nestieton, ta honor W Other Patterns Availabi.' tic program. Tic roll cail famiiy visitcd with Mr. and evening. B0Mr. and Mns. Oliver Rainer on WDE DY PRNC CARES* EGN "Why I continue ta be a Mns. Keiti Rowc, Bawman- Mn. John Brome and- !am- th occasion o! thii 25th wed- * RICECHRLS* EGNAW..member". Mn. W. ville. ily,- Tyrone,, Were Saturday ding annîverseny. 16 :0pm Peeden gave a reeding "-Mini. Mn. Grant Down and chid- supper guests with Mn. and Mn. Victor Malcolm, as mas-19783 P. *SILVERDALE * COTTAGE ROSES Skirts". Te mott, "A good en, Sunderland, spent a !w M.. Lloyd Broome and ta- ter a! ceremoni, extended * AHNTNcitizen lu flot content ta sit, days with Mn. and Mns. John ily.cnrtuains, escorted Mn.sre b ýW SIITNRHAPSODY sic finds her place in the dom- Knox and !amily. Sunday cinnen glicats wti nhr.Rbe asuso Ail for m runîty", was prepared by Mr. and Mns. Addison Scott, Mr. and Mrs. HnyKac and Monca r aeete tm ofU Al o $.5Mns. C. Borley, and read by Bethany, Mn. and Mrs.H Harry Kan wn Mr. Hoxna ilntr a , mrnon, shet o!t -~jMiss B. Milligun. Mn.. G. Knox, uDrrell and Jifery, Tink, Mn.. Wm.. Biekeil, Ebe- disies (service for 12), dryerai talk given lait New Year's by Mr. and Mns. Clarence Vice. Russell Vice. a pnieo! oycarad T e G m h a *6 ur late Governo n General, M . and M . Jack Patter- Mr. and M .. R. C. Fraser B th Mn a d Mn. R i e M R RS '~~Mn. G. Vanier, bis luit message son, Bobcaygeon; Mn. and Mns. vi tcd an Sunday witi Mn. and hanked h pres-,RFEH NT IL 81 tCanada. Martin Molloy, Bawmanville, and Mns. John Menneli, Don cnt fôr their kindnessanti JE W ELLER Y & GIFI S H O P the close o the m e t.. were' Sund y visito s with iMli. Oan b e oc ai n TeY u s a ta p y r w i . g * f e a t n ng eniLngnad.Ong wau pieasantiy upen oa apyre tt n MNG T. W.BOWMAVILE a 1contest, Uic wlnner bclng Mns. W. A. Ormiston. Mn. lawe'en party was, hol In tic dancing ta mu sic supplied by S R N G ST W DO M A VI LE M .. M . Jon s. Mrs. Farrow and M .. Alex Blair, Te ry com m un ty hall w it i M .. M r. Emni Bowe s' tape record-! this pu bic nu o nln afhd ber group served lunch mnd Donna, Brookiin; Mn. and Bruce Taylor, Mns..-Robent er. .ad mll enjoyed, the social hgll Mrs. Lorne Tink, Oshawa; Kakins, au convenens. Tic Fnlends were present fram boum,... .....M .and Mr& Doua Fergusn, judges for tii costumas -'were OsiaW&. M&ikbam, Mitchell 4 r' - 4-

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