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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 5

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Hhors Parents on Su erAnniversary t A appyevent took place the Goodyear Co. ini June after *n October 14th when Miss 25 years service. They are tiaine MePherson, only child members of St. Paul's United O0f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Church. ~berunSrpr ise er parents Previoejs ta the wedding ~ne=r 25th weddmng anfli- celebration, the neighbors of it w~srwith a dinner at Mr. and Mrs. McPherson pre- Plandti Peterborough- As- sented them with varloufi gifts Oembled there were about 40 after which the bride and members of their familles and groom entertained them in friends. their home. On entering the dining room, Mfaine pinned on lier mother -a corsage of white orchids and K D O on hier dad a boutonniere. The tables were tastefully Brw lMs.FakN - decorated wlth yellow table- BrwOwMs.rakN - * cloths, centred with yelîow cl and Tawnie Owl Mrs. roses and yellow chrysanthe- William Rosnak taok the 25th muis and on the head table Brownie Pack for a weekend a three Uier wedding cake atCamp Ademac this week- adoriied with yellow roses and end, iliver accents. On Thursday night there Mrs. Elva Hurren of Osh- wma a Visitation. Workshop at .aw, neceof he rid, atedKedron United Church attend- aswaksnieftbride, acretd ed by visitors from Kedron ans spkanonruinsgget Columbus, Hampton, Zion ana iria ad cngatuatinsfrom Eldad. The Fellowship visi- 'the family, brothers and sis tation at Kedron will be car- ters to thc bride and groom, ried out begining Sunday, and Mrs. Olive Hull brought November l2th. congratulations from their TeDuls lbhl t Bowmavill frinds.first meeting on Saturday Grant Johnston, Richard evening with a court whist Xçeeler, Larry Hurren, James party in the lower hall. The Keeler and Donald Currie, new executive will be: Mr. liePhews of the bride and and Mrs. Bill Snowden, Presi- groom, presented- them with dents; Mr. and Mrs. Russel gifts of a large plate glass Down, Secretaries, and Mr. inirror, pole lamp, an Ikora and Mrs. Elmer Parks, Treas- silver tray and an Ikora bread urers. tray. On Saturday afternoon Ked- Following the dinner the ron Church was the setting for family and guests enjoyed a the wedding of Miss Sharon family reunion. Wilbur and Mr. Donald Arsen- Mr. McPherson retired from ault, and the reception-was 'l o fimer way to pledge your love... J Cooper s 29 King St. E. gfewe I/ery Bowmanville _________________AMoz.d AeCarved J...I.,________ NORTH » END MARKET CENTRE 101 Liberty Street, N. Features Canada Packers Week Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled Cottage Roils IL 53c Maple Leaf Vac Pac Sliced Bacon IL 69c Fresh Picnic Roasts lb. 39c Fresh. Butt Roasts Butt Chops lb. 49c IL 5 9c KA M ............................ 49c tin TENDERFLAKE LARD ......... 2 Ibs. 45c DOMESTIC SHORTENING ........ 37c lb. Uew a, utternut pafchment rMARGARINE .. ...........3 lb,. 75c HEINZ BABY FOODS .............. 99c WIENER BUNS .. ........... 2 pkgs. 4Sc BUTTERMATE SREAD99C VARIETY COOKIES ......... 3 pkgs. 1.00 St. George'ps Rector Inducted - ~The Canadian Stateuman, Bownmnle, Iov. 8, 1901 GREA TA NNUAL1 FA1 & WIN T ER 20% to 33'3% OFF AND MORE! R CRASHERS THURSDAY TrHURSDAY FIA ONLY FIA DOOI NOVEMBER 9-10-11 HANDBAG DEPARTMENT LADIES SUEDE LINED Leather Handbags. j Available In Black or Brown f VALUES TO 15.00 FASH ION DEPARTMENT LADIES FUN-FUR /Length Shaggy Coat with Matching Hat. Assorted Colours - Sizes 8 - 16. REG. VALUE 25.00 $16e99 INFANTS DEPARTMENT FAMOUS MAKER BABY BLANKETS First Quality - Bound Edge. Final Clearance REG. VALUE 3.49 $21l9. CHILDREN'S WEAR FINE QUALIT (ORDUROY SLIMS Fully Lined. Red, Blue, Gold, Brown. Sizes 3 - 6x. REG. VALUE 2.98 FASH ION DEPARTMENT ASSORTMENT 0F LADIES' DRESSES Broken Sizes - Sample Range LIMITED QUANTITY 1/3 OFF IN ILIPhI CLEARANCE OF SUB-STANDARD Rev. and Mrs. Harold Robert Hayne The ninth Rector oi the his- the Revs. Smith and Long of Rev. John Hannant, a formers toric church of St. George's1the United Church. sa mebrwtM.Hyn in Newcastle, founded in 1857, Relatives from Buffalo, N.Y safmebrwihM. an was charged under mandate Simcoe and Port Credit and at St. Clement's, North Tar-1 from the Bishop ta the incum- interested- members fromianto preached, urging' part- bency on Wednesday, Nov. lst, other denominations came tolInership in seeking the wil the Feast Day of AUl Saints, support Mr. Hayne in this of God in cantemporary Soci- In procession were clergy ancient rite of the church. ety. from neîghboring parishes, in- The Ven. R. P. Walker, A receptian lune and sump-1 cluding Toronto, Brighton, Archdeacon of Peterborough tuous buffet fallowed in the Peterborough, Part Hope, Cob- denry took the induction, Parish Hall for ail in attend- ourg and others. It was ourisupported in the admonitions ance. The artistic centrepiece joy ta have the Roman Catho-lby the Rev. Fr. Gerald Moffatt, of rust and yellow mums was lic Church represented in the rural dean of Durham andIgratefully received by the persan of the Rev. Fr. F. K. Northumberland and -Rector ofIRectar's wife, Barbara, from Malane from Bowmanville and St. Mark's Port Hope. Theher ladies' grup. Bank of Montreal Marks l5Oth Bîrthday on Nov. 3rd held in the lower hall. The Kedran Choir on Sun. day sang at the evening Anni. verary Service of Manchestei United Church. The Young Peopils Sunday Schael class were entertained on Friday evening at the home of their teacher, Mrs. R. S. Bisbop. Miss Geraldine Miller of Uruti, New Zealand, who is spending a week in the area as a guest af the Durhpni Junior Farmers, showed pic. tures ai New Zealand and talk- cd ta the pupîls of Kedron and Maxwell Heights Schaols on Tuesday aiternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale rcturned on Sunday from a mater trip ta Shelbeurne, Nova Scotia, where they visit- cd their daughtcr Bannie, wha is a member ai the W.R.N.S. at the naval station there. The Hi-C met at the manse, Sunday evening, te make plans for the year. The new cxecu- tive is: President, Bob Dale: Vice-Pres., Donald Werry; Secretary, Londa Wetherup: Treasurer, Douglas Pascoe; Pregram Cenvenor, Bill Elliott. This past wcek awards were made ta Maxwell Heights stu- dents for their past year's work. Throughout the town- ship the Board is now mak- ing available attractive tabs for perfect attendance, first class honors in acadcmic work, citizcnship, and for participa- tion in sparts - basebail, soc- cer, valicybaîl, and the win- ners in cach agegopi rc and field. egopitrc At a joint meeting af the 2th Guides and Brownies Linda Montgomery and Lynn Pilkington wecr e prcsented with their Galden Manda and their Brownie Wings ta fly up to Guides. Sandra Montgomery, Janet Hayes, Laurie Dcwland, Pam Fice, Nancy Caulter and Jane Clark were enralled in the Brownie Pack. The pupi oaiMaxwell Heights Schoal collected about $73 for U.N.I.C.E.F. on Hal-1 lowe'en. Canadian banking- now an integral part of lufe ln Can- ada as one of the world's "best-banked" nations- marks Its l5Othbibrthday on Friday (Nevember 3). It was on November 3, 1817, that the first office of any bank was opened by the Bank of Montreal in the area of the old walled city of Montreal, with a staff of seven and capital of $150,000. Canada as we know It did flot exist; Confederation was haîf a century in the future; George III still sat on the English throne; and the Bat- tle of Waterloo was just, two ycars past. The anniversary ma rks completion cf the first cen- tury and a bh aio a system which naw embraces every province and territory in *Canada and many countries abroad. First branch cf the B cf M was established in Quebec CitY a few weeks after the opening ai the orî~inal Mon- treal office. It was the forE runner of the present net- Canada and ln the United work af some 6,000 offices cf States, the United Kingdom, the chartered banks, mare France, Germany, Mexico than 1,000 ai them B cf M and Japan. branches. In addition to creating the Equally important ta the brancb-banking system and development cf the country Canada's first native cur- as a whole was the B of M's rency, the Bank cf Montreal's immediate provision of bank- record of "firsts" include fin- notes - Canada's first real ancial backing for the coun- maney. - when it apened for try's first transcontinental business in 1817. In the railway and the first canal months before, engraving af (at Lachine, P.Q.);, establish- the printrng plates had been ment cf the first Canadiais one of the urgent matters banking offices abroad; and arranged for the opening. It application of the first fully- also pravided the first Cana- integrated data processing dian cainage, when it intra- system to banking. duced "bank tokens" in 1836. Early in 1967, the B cf M Home and Abroad intraduced a new series of Today, the Bank cf Mon- "firsts" - reduction af its treal is a national and inter- prime lending rate; increase national arganization, wbich in savings interest; and di- bas 1,030 branches and assets vision cf its capital stock approaching $6 billion. 5-for-I - in antîcipalon of The bank now maintains its Bank Act revisions which be- own offices in every part came effective May 1. TYRONE -IOfficia] Board of Tyroneiguests cf Mr. and Mrs. Henry pastoral charge will be held Stainton. this Sunday evening at 8:15 Best wishes te Mr. Luther -p.m. Ail officiais of the Hooper on bis birthday, -church are requested ta at-! Mr. and Mrs. V'erdun Tbf- rtend. bault and children, Mr. and Adrian Haines, A 1 f r e d Mrs. Willard Clark and yKnowlton, Glen Rundle, Ger- children, Oshawa, were Sun- d aid Taylor and Thomas Dodd day guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. eattended a Boy's Work Com- Clark. mittee meeting at the Manse Mr. and Mrs. W. Park and Sunday evening. The gentle- Deug, Miss Jean Piggott were fmen are creating a "Bay's Sunday visiters of Mr. and sSigma-C" graup in Tyrone Mrs. James Park, Peterbaro. a for boys 12, 13 and 14 years. Friday evening a miscel- IFirst meeting on November laneous bridal shower was - 13th at 8 p.m. in Tyrone Com- held at the home of Mr. - munity Hall. Walter Loveridge in honour Sympathy is extended ,te IOf Miss Lynda Patta. Ca- Mrs. E. Deeley on the recent hostesses were Mrs. David death af ber brother-in-law, Malcolm and Mrs. Arthur Mr. M. McCuish of Cooks- Trewin. town. Nine tables of Progressive A lrgecrad atened heEuchre were enjoyed agan sale on Saturday ai Mr. and Friy eveling ite Com- Mrs. T. Gibbs which was a mnt al rzswr real success.* awarded ta Mrs. F. L. Byam, Mrs. Stanley Hall visited Mr. J. C. Cook, Mr, W. Mal- berparnts M. ad Ms.ley, Mrs. W. Malley, Mrs. Arthur Rahm. Madeline Goff, Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy, Park. 50-50 draw was won Bowanvlle Mr R ~ ~by Mr. Fred Cameron. Hardy. Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George fU.Ii Alldrad. rono Couple Miss Margaret Janczyn, who is employed at Continental Casualty, Toronto, spent theCelebrate 4Otli weekend wîth her parents An informai gathering took Mr. and Mrs. T. Janczyn. place Sunday evening, Oct. 29 Mrs. Grace Bruce, who re- in the Odd Fellows Hall, cently accepted a position at Orono, when friends, rela- Bell Telephene Ce., Toronto, tives and neighbars met with spent the weekend at her Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean ta, home, Mr. and Mrs, R. Gibbs. celebrate their 4tb wedding Mnr. and Mrs. Ken Crowells aniesr. h ogtea adcidren, Bowmanville,tal sdeotd in pink were dinner guests of ber and white, with -pink candies parents on Sunday. Mr. and and a threc-tier weddlng cake Mrs. J. C. Cook, ta honor ber making an attractive centre- caming birtbday. piece. Tables with beautiful Mr. and Mrs. H. Wonnacatt floral bouquets decorated the and son Ross, Miss Vera Carr, hall where many gifta and Mrs. Annie Cale, Toronto, Mr. cards were displayed. and Mrs. Ralph Shaw, Mr. Those pourmng tea were Mrs. and Mrs. Gardon Leslie, Osh- Bessie Dçan. Mrs. Myrtle Pat- awa, Mrs. Annie Rivers were terson, Mrs. Lance Plain and Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bowen. Mrs. E. A. Virtue. Twao grandsons, Dean and Miss Lynne Stainton, Tor. Gary Cox were i charge of onte, spent the weekcnd withîUi gucat book. ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. V. The Heather Rebekah Lodge, Davenport and boys, Rich. .nembers served a delicious mond HX"iwers i5unday lunch. BLANKETS LIMITED QUANTITY Pink Only - Size 72 x 90 If Firsts - 6.98 INFANTS DEPT. ' NAME BRAND REEPERS STRETCH TERRY FABRIC Pink, Blue, Yellow- - 3 Sizes Fin. alueC 25caianc sj 099pr. operMEN'S WEAR q SPECIAL PURCHASE 0F MEN'S NYLON SKI JACKETS First Quality - Choîce of Colours Re 3ale-12.9 $ 19.99 ,SPORTS WEAR DE PT. CLEARANCE OF NAME BRAND (otton Shirts Styled with Bermuda Collars, Solid Colours - Sizes 10 - 18 REG. VALUE TO 7.00 $3.99 w 4 4 i 5 King Street East LINEN DEPARTMENT CLEARANCE 0F FIRST QUALITY and SUB STANDARD BATH TOWELS Assorted Print and Solid Colours REG. VALUE 1.49 EACH 8 9C e ASSORTMENT OF FACE (LOINS size 12" x 1 12"Pttrs Sousa REG. VALUES TO 59c EACH I 9c I SI I A -li iibý . . 1

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