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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1967, p. 6

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,~..;,.:-' S T e C nad a,~ Sta su n n, o w m nvf le, N ov 8, 9 0?N i n e B r o w n ie s F Iy U p t o J o in G ir l G u id e s this w ora f er a e n p o l s r m therw tar .T he fM tanial NaeMcLens Classification Talk tan flic netrasre which hd this Lowering of Drug Prices derM BIJRtypeON Sion requested that th ma a rs C* oo e, O no .Very Complicated Question ger oThi esfo rnTudawthr. doubted that thie wr ol wwr uprget b. done this yearasude.fMranMs.AC.Sp- 'Pharmacîst TelIls Rotary eight weeks to dilvr ~e rhmj nM. Mr. Nicholson aedttmailostaBwall. The whole uestlon o f the graduated Im thc Faculty tail pharmacies. This works ers. Ramond Daey spe& IgWering of Md r nces la of Pharmacy t the Univer- out te a litte more than three flotlbe necessary ta eetr ftronda v y C Pl aed and must sity of Toronto w th the De- prescriptions per persn ln for the $25,000.00 < hs ap ndy r i 50 edeait wt hastiy as grec of Bachelor of Science Canada per year. The average Plication was nmade b h u n teeec ndy too much reta on the out- i Pharmacy. He served bis price of a prescription was a amommishesionh endy Ti Sme, Neale McLea ad on one year apprentcesiip t litte over $3 so that the av- Oa n Hyra. e mage Thrday In hi& classification tlic Jury and Lovel Drug erage expenditure was around HubbarioAlen Hubbail al at helic B oW m anv ie Ro- Store here. In January o ! this $10 per pers n for pr scribed stat e tat w th s n e p a - g h r w th S n ey T y o tarY Club luncheon meeting year he becamne manager of druga Iln Canada lni 1965. ta-e oit.wu t the FlYing Dutclman. flua store, and Join d th c l- M ost prescriptions are writ fer t d lc d b nu e a d Sau d y e e i g a d r p r essartAI W th r i y t d o e i s o f r e c sî ntd C u i o Pr s de t Ai W tl eS p cal R otary Club early last ten ln a com b ati n of Eng.inu dont Bill Thiesburger han Mr. Vice also referrd fa Tis t a carryover from the ree ra a Sre hee been ap pinted Vice-C lair- Uic fine record of public ser- days when\ secrcy and mys- fred t ame pubil aifoere un a fro n Zuax Of Dstrict Counil No. vice whcli thc late E. A. tery were an Important part Ihe ruanlsgeawarin 10 of thc Ontario Society for Loveli and is sn, Everett of the treatment. age ta ncto .Reli t Cb vit CrIpped Children. and Stan Lovel, have attain- "The actual procédure ln. Il wil one te t ic o msgn o ad u d y eeig DM n MacGregor ln hie re- d. The -two sons were guests volved in fillmng a prescrip- HilMn. nd Mrs. B. Pohe aion the Inter-Club meet- at the luncheon meeting. Ail tion la simple enough. We i mn ager 0.ta0l0To otw aa e et iitra said that thc "'Meet thc three have been presidents of just give it a number, and Thasagersm frth o M. Cadidates"l meeting sponsor- Uic Oshawa Rotary Club, and type thc nunmber along with supplies home Mn asd ed by the local Service Clubs active in cammunIty affaira. thc patient's namu, doctor'sth aesyem1 10 1 be held t the Tow n B oth s ns have e ved on the nam e, and directions on the t cw t ra s e m H e ai a tJ h A c e . Malon Navember 2th. This Oshawa Board of Education, label. Thcequantity of the îwbe advertised, h. sald. Stan Lovel li as been chair- drug is mixed or counted out 4George Vice, a past pneu!- nman o! the Boy Scouts Asso- and the container is labelled. Mt, ln lntroducing Mr. Me. ciation and is a memben of 0f course accuracy ia a must. ;Mn said that lie was ><. the Board o! Directona o! the "Mloao pr ffiln h tALindsay and neccived hi Oshawa Genenal Hospitala ~ flln h 3ectr n eonaye-M, ie adUccu. 'prescription that la very im wtmucua ad -ecodar edMr.Vic tod te cub. portant la the checking o! the '*a±lon there. "In 1965 ie Mr. McLean said that a dose to sec that it la within peron rép res for a c ree th pr per limts. And ifC c n i e in pharmacy wltli a four year more than one drug in pre - course lnifIe Facuity cf Phan- acribed we must check that macy, University of Toronto, these drugs anc ail iglit ta thu culmldnating infthc reception be given tagethen. This pro.- a! a degree. vides a double check on tIc On Mon., Oct. 3Oth, at Bowmanville High School, Jones, Cathy Patterson ýand Linda Ferrili; Middle row, lO II " l a". This course aima at pro. dose and combination o!a itretng oeremnony took place when nine Brown- Bannie Lou Carlson, Karen Sargin son, Cathy Rivers ý ~I Im TO mwniii cd drugs work in fhe body and "A great many drugs can lsto at "l-p edr »Mlgaknweg ! o rgabfr pra a es t pr in a "l-p ceremany to become part and Linda Whitehead. Back row shows theledr *14 i aZ nd a hes what te o and also cf the be sold onîy an prescription. Of the Girl Guide organization. They were, front row, Mrs. W. Luxtan, Mrs. C. Henning, Mrs. C. Franci.s o@iepeyS cm am basic %emtry and poced- Laws in this regard are lm left to right, Nancy Wright, Cathy Tighe, Christine and Mrs. . Down. Stilfsceso uiscntk i ~~ ~ ~, turess nvolved lu the prépara- portant because only the doc.-f*p 1: bê fiidlïb iemnfcue and dis- ton is ln a position ta know have very logical arguments. bite teiof ()r outhfpaoenttheo thelrur"Thanaedr esablste "Thene are many fields o! in fIe first place, and If he drug houaca reason this way pharmacy. One cf them 1 S sould keep on taking if.. drugs are delicate chemi-O rri yciro n r a eOV manufacturing p h a r m a c y. These regulations prevent un- cals that must be handledne Here a pharmaclst may be supervised self niedication carefully, and made Into tub- leaehi n involved with quality contraI with potentially dagrus lets and liquida with great nels rbe sfrtef ml o chmcas aneo caean uh ultycnR en to $ 2 end product festing on de- cieicls an ad uliquliyco- OTT velopment. "Drugs arc groupcd into frai work and testing o! thecE "Anof len la liaspItal pliar- four m ain categonies. 1. Those product. This w ark is donc n M n a v n n , O t n o ef c , wo l l c h h y r a a e e ot i matterbowny differ. macy whenc Uic pliarmacist that do flot require a pre- by trained expensive staff 2On Mh on y eningOct. on thfe , odpae t Ic Th dr ange rpot e* kin fnc i n ura= o , looksa fter flic supplying o! c iption. 2. S dledule F drugs u ing expensive quipm ent 2 r, t c O o o H d o C m n s o I n p ry a n red fat a balance o! $2000.00by c m t nt S el g Tr ts ro Iaw, o haw mcli, ~druga ta patienta lu the lia- require a prescription, and and methods," le expaind. mission met and upon recom- to collect for hydro use for xisted in the hydro account fsinlcuslcnqikyptyu pîtal. Research, after funther any repeats on Uic prescrip. "This la quite truc because medto rmtcmngr i rle eat.a!tcr paying the Octoben buis. WteteQ e éducation, la also a field fIat tion mnust bu authorizcd. TIc little things make tIc differ- Mn. Mcl Downs, the Commis- Thc manager atated fIat le Some discussion centred on obligain netgt hsvlab c o v e rdwadu doe-m o r e a n dnor ea s s edcisa r e s o l u ti o n l th e u-ho itw o n k in g w h e h en dru tI c s ionlic y aa er e p o rts oo !i gh y d r o t etp ob ey m aep o teo fs e r v ic e b m a dd a y . 1 H'r ovrd agaxit iai arc gong into affer gradua- by markng i tet repeat a cer- or will nt work. For ex- crasing hydro deposifs for fat coafs for repair to water by M . Woodyad. Mr. Wood- ULet us show Yu howoDur fion. tain number o! times wîn ample flic very simple single new rentai musfomers froni heafers dite fa liming-up, et c. yard is to submit is reportPrmtCnieilSevc anr'Cnprhenive "A parmacist, no matten first issuing i," M. MLean oertion o! pressing a tab- $100 to $20.00. This action werc te be borne by fte own- at fe next meeting o! thecr l'sswal ablitpoicye- wlatlii jb i piarac, i aate. e adc fIt loape.Ifilarcsdf0tg- was taken as hydro bills now er and flot work wos fo be Commission. Mn. Simpson I~~!pa prhid fic roecî o bvd lliic pear ac tatcgo Re onains *suhatdrugaleIf witisnt e rked t ih average close to flic $20,00 donc by plumbers. In flic questioned fthcfiming o! giv- ifoiltin and distribution o! drugs. as hormones, aniboics (peu- in the digsfve tract, go t igure for a two monfli period case of elements the Orono ing fis report. Mr. Wood-. 3~ un sd. CaU u xo dct Ia n e ail p a nm acy w c are fleic 1 d mn), tranq u i e s d w ill go lu on c end and out m n rono. ydro w e e accepting flic e- yard sta fd e w as n t point- O F R T NV batsfp u luaditrbuionseafve, u c lic rs o!n the other as a fablet. Haw- At a future meeting the sponsibility. ing o fingen af any one and dhai. prescribcd drugs. ever if pncased too îooseîy t commission is also te con- Mn. Woodyard sfated flth lt fI te main purpose o!fIe légal requlrements necesary fives, and dief préparations. Eacl bafch Must bu festcd. for mutiple dwellings. It was signed betwcen hydro and ciency o! operafion. 32 ta rotie lamay n n-Oneprsni aste "These companies justify poinfcd ouf flot li some lu- wafen licafer customersaond Mn. Woodyard asked whatTO tTA T ario are: successfui compîc- autlonized to buy tlese and fleir pricca by poinfing ta ail stances in Orono there are flot le would submit sudc ould be donc fhIs year fa tin floeou yean aca- lie must ina orderr their rsac and quality numerous mefers for on2 contnacf le the nexf meeting compicte ftle underground deme fainngcouse t Ic hen. . Nrcaic mut lvecornfrol fedliniques wîîcî must building. This plan, if put o!fIe Commission for their systcm on Division street. JAMESa course ouf o!flhc province ecdli ime and if cannot be sons," flic speaker said. B 58ect8uwe 1 Afit at is reeogn z ed b y flic rep ea fed . " T Ic o fler id e rgue fIatCl ge o Pl r a y o O n M n M L a cx oi c fl t p c s co l be l t o w run t a n c y: # ' * . . . ..~ * * » _ k w m l GENEKAL INSYJEANCE faa. This la flic govcrning Sdhedule G drugs mustfhbe 1! ic dunsiner. Thiscnibcd  C r G a yclmca nm. hs oud RA J. DILLING body o!flice profession and enfercd ln a lcdgcn andare leave flic plarmacisf free ta Clanfcned Accounfant L ho0ure0*.X 84 Klg St E. Bwmanilhsissues licensca. TIen anc ycan port sent ln fo flic Norcotica use those o! any company le 9 hrISre _W ». h o re u IIy c u é s w lth 24K"S.Boomnil pprenficesîi u s t f e spent ContraI Division evcny tîreses.9T3s ade opeaflot6r338 t OffceResidenice w a licenscd plarmaciaf. zmonfla. "T h i a departmcnt le will be forccd by a pnice 08861 28543 "In 1965 flere werc aver knows from aur purclasea and WA ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ _ 6,00,00 prsciptons dia soes nd aur oriina stckcon alous publie to use apro- W M, J. EH1. CO1G, 623543 se,00,00yrca tinas 4,60in- salesafnd ourinl o ckndducf flot costa leas. Clartered Accounfant penedby anda' 4600re wa any given tame ond flua "This would free the drug 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmauvlle AN D AaER F N itsfoaan c e ifh adthiscompanies ta compete lu Plane 623-3612 îQ lAA I N P TR FN ha ve on hand," lie said. rewillaaogod W LAMCHALasoning. Howevcr, compe- B.Comm.y SE VI E T TIO Many fimes a day V/e are tition bascd aolely on pnice Clartered Accountant SERVI E" ST TIONasked terccommend a pre- could be dongerous-because t 36% King St. E., Oshawa parafion for many complainfa, mugt edt clarad Teleplone 725-6539 and wc can necommend a lescare!ui Pr dcto mW I-BTRRW, ELY&eu ~ A VA I L B LE Fo L EASE drug thot will îelp or fell ods, and the quality o! tIchefrd conat lxi Bowmanccunillt flua arca if is bofli reWarding "Probably tIc anawer lies Oshawa, Ont aria anddifiui t pacis pan- aomeV/lere in bcfween or In 725-6451 - 728-7554 IT BRN Excelen opprtulty a mart ourown usiess ith mocy. Rewarding because of a very strict régulation o! tIe William .D cbCA & U A )f mfnnumnicapital lnvustment. tesomot.isficiof hligmnf uigprocesa whicl G. Edmond Burrowa, C .. ACOIE 14e soen.Dfiutbecause doca net exiaf now. Anaflen BE Tilt wecannot lto! elpin gcuning te________________ IGA IS ioi9 PID ALNNGCSE lu fIe psition of diagnosing. shorten fheInt ! ie c hi ro i r a c fi c __________________pANS 3N 4 9K'U z~IÎAA - CPA NY INACOUR ASEA L fua fP a tI O ct s j b f cue o le mical.f ome GD I AN I D Ci -Iealx Fr -fra lan Ram m- e !aven got h e a t lc pae t an- 5Chr p aca-.. h. ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o m e e U~ xcellent classi icatlionO ffice H u s " " ~ ~7PRICES EFFECTI E nO v.8 i. 0 1, ilo & N ii15. I VI T1CAM M PSI falk. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily .[Rift_____________ Cioaed Wcdnesday - Satuday ~'ETIAaTO i Sc o l o ran D.STANLEY GERTZ LARGLLDN IP 6KigSt. E., Bowmanville Fresh Ontario Park Sale! OSL 1)Aa .Dt 6 ce Hiaitin b Portion B A N A N A C he sR O A S T- L 9 9 pm.Friday no Cloaed Saturday and Sunday POTRHUEWN The Durham County District Pline 623-7662 n 4OO K Î C±O GiO C Rig Shél Bar hs cam- ORK 49 g ndT-ONE STEAKS TANGLS84 d down on Ie rules and Loin Rost 0' Pork C K 1 p1buildings. TInEROIN 59CmM W H IP P IN G (R E A M Whil sholBand ci ; g-DONALDA . Nra e ?: P RTION >y5 9 3-1b.EAAN DEIb1I99 1bL O anzatindîwil an ganciviiteAuto, Nome vrt PORTION 3-lb.L facilitica free o! charge, com- ÎBUurmOe Famuly Pe 9t lChopa HA LF iercial andisei-com ercial St.W..n o 8 2 3 4 9 uate P r Loin lb. 69cLA M B RO A STS " iFP T TO S L 9 P IN T c the regular r ote o $10 fo n o t 'FokLE G 59c b. t4e.hur.Moria e s Loin CnteCut SOLES49cl.c __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _Charitable, cultur al, recrea- orIATI i. f B tioal ndpoltico rore i g g ý TO OO r C entreb.79cHamb l D Bet 9clb. CS T Y W Ro i 6 3 .5 44F O D L I E R <i t, lat, caretak n g, etc.). in af M orts ag . un s S id e S p o re R ib s lb . 5 9 c uequîpment gunurally ahu Business Pro eries ---- L I E N R A E D A I R Y FrolY= now on applition u p oes0 WA I L K I~t e ppo# T, Jo M h B O W M A N V ILLU u ru u y < 4 4ja f I d y b a u d i ané appli ations m ue a 141 S t . E .. v e M W*~ u v pria, ta date fom - es. -f1. a eoi -jfi252DON MILGAN, P OPRZETOIR 1GS i uw&wocé Aj %]w ââ h a-9 a.m. ta5 p.m. 7-ffW ýM"IMU 1 choo __ mit, burented for r Thurdy eveanng Puât famW*& Maddbat.*8 1 I 10- -mm,

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