WhyteSBeat Hoopers Fuels,.Tcuke Coronation In- Town Basketbal "W LEGUR DASKETDALL STATSTICS t As of November 21, 197 Won Lest Tied For Against Pts. 'WhYte's Uphol. 5 1 0 276 211 10 '§t4 en Fuels 4 2 0 235 207 8f' Jewelery- 2 4 0 219 276 4! onRs.-150185 221 21 ot oln i r sey S o e e e LEADING SCORERS Ym oln ilCosySoe ee 'ivàe Tam GmesPts.Aveage JUNIOR GIRLS Name Tea Ganis ts.Aveage Bradley 7. Lewis 0; Mutton .14àn Lowry (S) 5 79 15.8 5. Biggs 2; Bryson 5, Bromeli B Hay (S)- 5 78 15.6 2. Ta tnig When M.&G. Tie Brooks' 7.7 -Jhii Baskerville (C) 5 77 15.4 Bradley 51mStnin PalGoldstein (W) 6 80 13.3 Lewis 42 __ __ Brys2.s omb Fank' 149 Archie Campbell (W) 6 73 11.6 Bryoei 39 B y o " o bF a k 4 . il Miller (H)- _ _. 5 58 1. rsn___-3 Hutc o W -____ 4 4 02 Biggs ____ 3o thsn()4 4 102 Mutton 30 Bryson's Smoke Shop wal- twice for the Supertest, best, scoring three times, the' Rlgh Singe loped Walter Frank Real Es- singles going to Ray Crombie, others going ta ,jiggs" Cowl FOUL SHOOTING PERCENTAGES D. Martyn 249 tate 14-5 te take over sole pos- Fred Cowle and Peter Stacey. ing and Wayne Therteil.WI D. Bromneil 219-205 session of first place ini the Bob Marjerrison registered Ta tnig lime Team Made Attemp. Per. D. Bradley -~ 219 Commercial Hockey League, a hat-trjck for Mutton &TerStnng an Martin (H) 26 36 72 HI. Brunt 207 Sunday morning. Mutton & Gould, the others going to AI> W. L. T. Pts.1 Hith Triple Gould Sheil, who had been Guernsey, Grant Flintoff, Jim Bryson's S. Shop à 2 0 101 yn Lowry (S)- - 19 28 68 D. Bradley 594 tied with Bryson's, slipped to Coyle and Irv Gi. Mutton & Gould 4 2 1 91 ave Grundy (c) . il 23 48 D. Bromel - 589 second, when Brooks' Super- Bill Crossey turned in a Brooks' Super. 2 4 1 5 JUNIOR BOTS test came from behndt ra nepitpromceWFakR.E.2504 FUSC MITDPreston 7, Parker 0; Brunt earn a 7-7 tie. d tegrea fisn po th o Lint pefrac w rn .Ees5 4 FOUIS CMMITTED7, Donoghue 0; Preece 7, Brock In the early encouniter, sided second game win. Cros-Ladn orr ~.ame Team Games Fous Aver. 0. Mutton & Gould and Brooks sey scored seven goals and G. A. Pts.î Team Standing were tied 2-2 after the first, added a pair of assists, while George Sainsbury Il 14 25 en'Martin (H) ------------- 6 24 4.0 Preston ----------- 55 anid 4-4 heading into the final scoring leader George Sains- Steve Burns ---- 14 6 20 ed Dadson (S) ------- -------- 5 19 3.8 Preece ------- ---- --- 52 period. The Shell crew forged bury tallied twice and set up Larry Perris-,-- 12 7 19 iom .Pggrson (W)3.7 Bun --------------6- -----unt - - 49 in front three times in the three others. Bill Crossey -----il 7 18E ~ 5 30 Brock -------------- -------- - 37 third, oniy to have Brooks tic Winston Vanstone picked Bob Hellam ---. 7 Il 18 5S) 15 3.0 Pake 36 it each time, the final with a up a pair or the winners, Bryan Rowe -.691 .ýâryte's Upholstering de- Paul Goldstejn notched seven Donoghue- ---- 2 minute and 45 seconds re- with Brian Bradley, Joe Bai- Bob Marjerrison Il 3 141 ~%~.oPc'sJeeler 3- orth wnnrs wil Kn . ivia Single maining on "Mort" Richards son and Bryan Hughes com- AI Guernsey .5 9 141 't ananatopitBakpce p1 onsi . va - -- ---- 230 second goal of the game. pleting the scoring. Irv GilI ---- 4 10 14 1 aitan to oit rakpike u I pins nT. Brock - - 212 John Miller also counted Steve Burns was the lasers' "Archie" Crossey 4 9 13 lea7 over Stephen Fuels in the losing cause. R. Marchant 209 *Town League Basketball action Stephens led 23-19 at haîf B. Preece- ------- - 203 at the High School gymnasium time, increased the margin te High Triple-Ac last Tuesday night. Stephen's 34-25 after three and exploded T. Brock 522 waloedtal-ndCoronation for 27 points in the final LBrunt--------- i ich o Is V acate C e hlar Cfor6the2big etwesen qate.SEIRMIXED LEAGUE f or ttwhexbtt wee th Joe Burgess was the Fuels' Lewis 4, Bromneli 3; Woods àf BI, toItn edit ee sooin big gun, rapping in 18 points, .5, Cobb 2; Cain 4, Etcher 3; C . r I itn IV Ifn"Arhe ide" Campeli maden while Bill Hay scorcd 16, L.yn Tucker 4, Bradley 3; Selleck 5, K ~en s IUk e 6 - r b iIV i tf'rhe i ifereCne admp Lowry tallied 13 and Bob Mc_ Sellers 2.9 0 the bit fore6 poins Whmtp- Manus hit for 10. Team StandingR Lellwis-------------.---yt58 by Alan Cale goal by Walroff so at the end Penalty Kings After 5 Games F camfe on srnl in the second Three players accounted for Woods On---da--Nv.-2th3heof two periods the score stood half, particularly the final practically all the Coronation Cobb Jn unior H o Lea he aa 52r eio. M 20e quarter, after the Jewellers total, as Dave Grundy, Jim Tucker came-u---t tw9thI- n the third each team trad-Bon-Lgo had trailed by only thrcc points Baskerville and Gary Rivers Etcher- -------- 35 caeotwh otriled goals. The high and mlght Perrault - Nichols 1IR 13-10 at the haf. counted ten points apiece. Bradley -35 Penksd hockey ganet, wlth aylor Legion S les ---33 lots of fast hockey action and e n'as team ere notltbo t'e a s -- ¶i 2 ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ S llrsmany great goa-scorng plays cd aKh ei n cu î ~ M r h e in- 125 Cain 29 fo i em httrlc and time again stoppcd theirBae Kns-- -.1 CO EADEJYBromell ------ ------------ 27 the fans. big guns.. The Leglon team Dickens - Biil's N I Hlgh Single are a tcam that hasn't anc or Roedeli - eNics ----- n- ELCOSR. Good -------- - 344-238-226 In the first game Nichais two stars, they are a club that RlarkLgeon - - -cha---- 10 B. --vil 264-213 vacatcd the cellar by downing play as a team. Clark - Lein--------- G W.Lewis----- 200-217-235 Billes 7-3. In the first period Howard Burgess of the WNsn-Ke' -1 I B. Holroyd 239-281 Nichois came on fast, scoring Legion pîayed mgfcet Ga-ner Average F 'oO0 1 % goal as he stapped Ken's cl J. J.Cowle------- 235 fromn Cobbiedick and Green. îe rim gi, and aiso (Bascd on 4 or more games) R M.Maki 26-3-1BuBi'songea fou d time ta set up the Name -.Team GP F A Av. S. K. Cobb 226-236-207 back with a goal at 8.-1: Leg'o's oî oa f the eizKnr 88 L S.t ntescn perlod Nichols lng the teamn; they are N. Murphy - Nichais 5 14 25 à HMOore ---- - 201-256 cantinued scaring quick goals Bothwell and B. Cale. The B.________ C. Bradle---- 216-226 as they potted anc at the :42 big man for Legion besides H. C R .ýtr26mrsoe yGen rmBreswsM ohelwt Lee a eea 236 Cobblcdick and Woolner. Bill's three goals. along with T. daetB. uev~ ug'R: B'LEse 2cmrkhcoe yÏre fo Bres a . oh ee lth aniRegan . R.tEtcher 260-205 club kept up with NichaIs by Prout with one goal and tree l m W-C. Evans -- __ 254 coming back at 1:38, w1th a assists. Yeu couldn't say that in ng W y G Yes crn ad njy pzz * .tagy M. Bradley 295 goal scored by Hughes from there were any stars for Ken's with tornato and cheese saco ppeoi M. Kilpatrick 226 Leaver and Hcllam. From then cxcept goaltender L. Nemisz. 0. peprn, R. SO.1ec.1259-27 -o .cos er n hrg.f ito-.i te cre'ai mnushrooms, anchovies or green peppers. Make S. Brown 236 the game as they got two Ken's would, have been high- C u aPat ina elxd tmshr ih L. Piper 242 mare goals froin Green and er, as these Legian boys were To iday 31 -* u a p rty n a elax d at n osp ere ithD . S elers . 204-225 B row n, se at the end of tw o e 1 y f y n , a o g w t g od A t r os g t -S. Martyn - -249-203 the acorer 4Atod at -2~ rebodychecing tndng puck con- te osn heir Iast two H( and evergeat --* 'DU1!rle Nco~ rlHt f iUc g<~games, Bowmanville McGre- TER. Good _____ fog In th third Nichols scored club for showing Ken's that grs1DA. midgets faund S Liberty St. S. Bow:anville N--------- 739 three more. goals by Mathers, they are net unbeatabic. the winning touche Monday R.--lek 713 Green and Cabblcdick. The night in Lindsay, by dlaimn- 241 B. Holroyd 669 Billiards club came back with ho-okey - Came on out ing a 3-1 victory. ' B. Colville 665 one by Perris. The big man at Its craet fyuhvn't Ch arie Cattran and Bue2. W. Lewis- -- ---652 for Nichais was Green with been gea ae. you havbn Colville pndtesoigD M. Macklin 708 three goals and one asslst, taoca l ouha in the first period ta give2E K. Cobb 669 along with Woolner witb on missing great oclhckey. Bwavll -Jea.Fr G. Forget 638 goal and three assists. See you Sunday nights be- Beyandoagie a -led or-66 S. itcell641 I the second game Legion we7:0ad1:. the second. 62i MOTOR INN S. Martyn. 624 showed great hockey, ability as Top If) scorers After 5 Cames Grave Bennett ran the1 D. Sellers 623 thcy trimmed the high-flying Name - Team G A Pis. margin ta three goals in the 242 4.Ken's team by a score of 6-3. seodonaps rmBuc19 SThis was tlic first lcague Burns - Ken's-10 10 20sco onapsfrmBue9 game Ken's have lest In two Perris - Bils . 7 5 12 Simpson, before Len Will!s W] Syears. It came at the bands Walroff Ken's à- 4 9 reitee the banc Lindsa'y 1 of a team that showed they Balson- Ken's - 2 6 8 marker. . The third period 557 Home have a great team effort as Rehder Kns 44 8Wascres.9 ' M ~ I* adaethey out-shot, out-played and McIntyre - Bill's --21 57 IlHaI tres mout-scored a team which Cameron - Legion. 2 5 7 à_______el__'NO__EXTRA________ people picked as the bcst in Westiake - Legion 5 271 the -Junior Lau.Wftlne -N.,. 3 7 f'U AD ~ ~ Us ~coveiet ayAwy la fr ilmehos fyur The Legion team camne out Cobbledick-Nichols 2 4 6111b CHARGE 1 Usem cSveient av Awa Plan witailthe will tadir cin-.as .they flarvPnr( nn.n e12016e3673 46 fl~Mitchll tk hghtipeJ5Perfect the en with his 740 triple,17 19 3552 8 I PERFECT followed by Elton Brock 723' 1 193502ox Gord Wilcox 709, Matt Harri OEtche 16 20 34667 38 Ethe 14 22 35110 33 son 707, AI Lobb 705, andi Osborne 14 22 â4313 32I CRIBBAGE Morley Etcher 704. Barb But-~ Nowlan 13 23 349.12 301 UNQE ~ A U Danogbue toak high triple for Lob Il 25 35102 26 UIU! B A Dthe ladies witb ber 717 total Averages for hre Laes;followed by Onie Etcher with 702. Ernie E.Pret1_-25 D XEStores a Perfect (replacement bowl- B. Buttonsbaw 2391 614" with deCk Of COrda er) is still on top i averages AX Osborne 232" for the men with a 245 aver- D. Perfect 2321I~ 107 BRANCHES 16.97 01W tite Pffl agi (0 games); fallowed by M. Etcher ____ 229 ithe bock. AI Osborne with 232 and V.2rou 110 7' wifis Dick Perfect witb 232, both E. Brock__ 227 192 RA CH S 4 . 7 100 after 33 gamnes. Barb Bt .Bo el . ~ .2271 1A 0A u La t:$ "tons aw la leading the ladies L. Piper 227 neset e xoi»*0* ia n average of 239 M. er. :r 224 ,, Bob B.suit.eomie h..'3 games, followed by Oni .h __223 iovel., reeistictHARD Y4509 Etcher with 223 for Se Lames. G. Glanville 222 20Matt Harrison 218Ra HOnoAmW RE ST REX. Nichos 228, J. Brunt j. Tbas 216ý HOM 'H ËIWAÉ TO ES242, 220; E, Brock 228, 285; G. Wilcox ____ 216 4=DE C. Wisemmn 24 5;M Et- A. Lobb -214àh. Rnm-TRY H RE TO SERVI cher 328;* R, Conors222;C. J. Brunt ..2 13* Mutton 224; A. Onmond 229; B. GlanvlU._____211 V. Prout 275; H. Mloore 231; S. Davis _______.207 M.Laman 244; A. Wiseman H. Palmer ______207Ii~ M c RE OR H RD AR0,222; D. Perfect 1;B.J. Nwl ___207 )M S W W»LNVIYLE 2M. 265; A. (»borne 221, H. A. Saman_______202 au~u ~T W.Bennett 221, 231: 0. Mtcher A. Omnond ____-201 285, H. Brorneli 276, L. P iper D. Brwit ____201 M 83, zef; matt Harrison 582U. fBrock 300 l. Goodysar Lge. Bowling This week tbe bowlers were a littie more generous witb each other as the points were more evenly divided.- Only one wbitewash as the Mil Raom continued on- their up- ward drive and defeated thie Fan Beits 7-0. Machine Sbop over the Power House 5-2 and Molded Goods beat Belts by the same score. There were thrce 4-3 games as Crackers beat Combines, Reclaim over Office and Millwrlghts over Banbury. T. Millson showed the way with a lusty 839 triple follaw- cd by Brian Martyn 805, Mike Murphy 747, W. Lxuxton 741 and R. Wcstlake 732. In 300 and over games J Goheen rahled 364, T. Milîson 313, A. Langstaff 308, K. Palm. er 307 and F. Wright 300 even. N. Woods dropped cansider- ably from hast wcek ta a 480 but he had company as T. Prout rolled 456 and W. Mart- indahe 445. Team Standings Power House -------».. 56 Moldcd Goods ----------- 51 Combines ---- - -47 Crackers --- 40 Banbury .....3g M/illwrights 38 Belts ---------35 Machine Shap ----- 35 MIill Room ------ ----34 Office ----------- ------ 32 - Reclaim .11 F'an Blts ---------25 Foundry Averages B. Smith -- ------- 211 N~. Hennung ----211 P. Drinkie ------2o8 G. Woolncr -...-_ 19o N. Cowle --- ------ 191 F.Smith -- 191 JýMcKnight 182 R. Thampson 179 S.McKnight ------ ------- 175 L. Bickle -----175 L. Miller ----- -------_175 K. Mairs ------170 W. Drinklc-- ---170 B. Golder ___ .170 Z.Woolner 168 kKnapp 164 Gilkes 158, E.Wooiner 1.56 Giles----------. 15o Smith -------146 Knapp--------- 143 r. Golder .1,11 Whyte -------124 Team Standings ecadpins ---------47 crewballs ~32 Uley Cats -25 3orcheads ___ .~ 22 H. S. Men- J. McKnight 49-228, B. Smith 245, N. 'cnning 241-204, C. Woolner 35, F. Smith 225-204, F. rinkle 223-211, B. Golder 12, G. Woolner 211-203. H. T. Men* - J. McKnight 63, N. Henning 624, P. Smith 42, C. napp 208, B.9 3 S. McKnigbt 1M lhyte 184. HT. Women - M. iD 57 C. Knapp 538, B. ,rh. Cmnadia n ateman, Eomn»vflh iov. 2»,'lui,~ Nqovembes -si, 1987 Points Pins Maple Grove 23 3846 Ri Cs __ 20 33079 Hampton 19 34038 Tyrone 19 33076 Enniskillen Srs. 18 34877 Salem 12 33181 Enniakilen Int. 12 32905 Solina ---- - -------- 9 32705 High Single - K. McGill 334 High Triple- K. McGilI 857 Averages Over 200 Games Avg. Dave Reynolds .-- 33 242 Cecil Mills -------- - 33 228 K. McGillI---- 33 228 H. McLaughlin 33 227 Sofar this year Bawmanville HihScbool bas hostcd two major dances. The first was the "Back ta School Dance" featuring the Five Shy. The second dance, for Hallowe'cn, featured a top band ln the form of the Christopher Ed-ý ward Campaign. At bath of- these dances the Art Commit- tee supplied excellent decora- tlons. BIg an this ycar's list of events was the play "Inherit the Wind". The play was di- rected by Mrs. Pcase and Mr. Sheridan, bath of the staff. The play was very well attend- cd by bath the students and the public.' Basketball will be starting soon and ail three teams are Practising for what they hope ta be a successful yeaè. This Friday night thc Cynics WI be here and Courtice and Clarke arc lnvited. «ET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES througbh- STATESMAN Samson and Bauer Skates Figure Skaàtes SSWOMEN's 2*5 Sizes 11 o2951.5 Sizsi Hockey .Skates- MEN'S - Sizes 6 to 13 sll.95 m s29.o95 BOYS' - Sizes 1 to 5 s11.95 -ý s18*95 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED ON NEW SKATES SECOND HAND SKATES FOR SALE Com plte Line of . ' * MEN'S - WOMEN'S - CHILDREN'S WINTER FOOTWEAR Lloyd, Ellis Shoets Don Taylor 33 * IDlck Woods _ _383 2» Don Bagneli - 33 ait R. Twist . . 30 1 D. Bailey --- 3 21 T. Pleasance, 30 214 E. Dickey 33 213 P. Westlake __- 30 212 R. Laird --,-- -- 33 208 Bruce Combes -- 27 207 R. McRoberts 21 206' B. Konopacki 9 206 John Combes ..30 205 Ray Davey ---- - 30 201 L. Wcarn ~ 30 201 C. Carswell .. 30 201 gin Delicious, nch, velel omoth old.foshioned Egg Nog was always served by &her at holiday time. Fortu. notely, now you Can Cet the samne delightfui old-time egg nog *xpertly bl.nd.d right in aur dairy. Orcier two quarts ... lodoyl Cm ashioniai Glen Rae Dairy FOR HOME DELIVERY 49 KING ST. W. EOWMANVILLE In recognition cf the Urne and effort spent and the In 'terest taken In the Recreational Activities of tihe Town cf Bowmanville, we the under- siqned support and ask your support K e *.ud~ix 4 AS MAYOR of the4 Town of Bowmanville In the forthcoming election Mondczy, Decomber 4th, 1967 Marjerrdson Ted Fairey Crombie Lloyd Hamilton Past Exocutive Members mille, Hockey and Basebaîl Leagues OF -i