lominations Resuit i Electioni For Reeve, ciffl, School Bd.' And Public Utilitiees Commission 'Newcastle:- Nominations Hughes was capably assistcd paît experience on council asj were held in the auditorium by Miss Franoes Rickard. Reeve, 1 promise to do my1 cfthe Community Hall ofl With tht nominations closeci best for progress ln tht fu-j Thunsday evening. Tht crowd at 8:'30 p.m., candidates for turc, and give geod leader-à wasn t as large as was hoped Reeve were called ta speak. ship in Newcastle for the for, but those wbo werc there The tîrst spcaicn was D)ouglas ncxt two years."j fcund the proceedings most Cunninghamn. After thaiiking Reeve Waltan was next tej Iterestiag. They resulted in his naminatons, hie expressed spcak; hie firît thanked al an electian for ail offices. appreciation ta others who those who hiadt voted for hlm1 Nominations were openedj had shown their confidence the previaus year. "tWe'vea nt 7:30 p.m. for one full hour. when they asked him te run had a taugh year, but it'sà The ch ai r ma n Glenholmeiagain this year. "With my ended welI. I would appre-j ciate your support again tir TO THE ELECTORS 0F Fred Couci was sa nomi-à THEVILAGE0F EWC STL fatcd for Reeve, but declineds THE ILLA E OFNEWC STLEtheposition.0 After serving severai years on the Public First candidate for Coun- utiltie Com isson, amagai oferin my cillon was Newcastle's tirstv Utiitis Cmmisio, ar agin ffcingmy lady Councillor, Doreen Nez-1 services as a candidate to that office. I wiII solicit bitt. "I1 have only served one Syour support on election day, December 4th. Council for nine monthU, but dunlng that turne I have gain- S j* Thank You. cd expenience and somen Yous ruyknowIcdge. 1 have dont my s iutmost te heip. I arn for pro- gres and this massw .c H. Stan Graham Thiswindbring roery « ~100 per cent for fater ac- g E ITIZENS O tion for water south of 401 M THE VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE goldin s uhtescta Alter 12 years on the Public Schooi Board, John Adams said hie wasi 1 have this ycar accepted a nomination for the undecided about running for PC 'Public Utilities Commission. 1 trust you wîil put ouclas ewsaprah d for bth it and P.U.C. hi your confidence in mie at the poils on Monday, "However, going down tht 1, December 4th. siate and seeing tht naines Bi Wishing everyone the compliments cf the that appear on it, it secins w san.that tesan bohof eight fi Sinceely, gaslIogan "put water inte le s . , , Newcastle, and bning laniin- th Joh R ck rd dustry"ar ruaning again. BI sessient is 3 per cent lower W than it was before the water OP CITZENS 0F NEWCASTLE: was put in. And tht, samne th crew are running again that wi I belleve that Councillors shauld be honest. wlthout pushtd the waten down our c« semohs motivation, should consider tht wishes of tht throats. It's the same thing i0 people, flot their own, stand up for what they belleve again. fix up tht front street tir la and net aslow any gro,îp ta pressure them atainst and the dcvii with tht rest V. thelr will. et the village. They did't do Thcy should shlow tht citizen. te say yes or no take it ta tht people when afi on suci eostly local proJects as scwers. tht water went in, and I said wl Slncerely, then they should have. I say be now, with ail this talk onca JACK ADAMS sewers, that we take it te tht Re people, let them have a Say ai in it. Let thein vote. As ta ha ETUEN o nA.A a SXT COUNCIL its cost, it's going te cost SÉ - plenty; 1 have donc a great be deal o research on this and sel have facts and figures. lIn the Red Lake district it's cal As a candidate for Council, and bcing in favor $113.00 on sewers alont - hai PLUS gallonage. Our cost in Ser of Sewcrs for Progrcss, 1 ask that you taxes, bascd on the rentai ing pltakenl.tram the Kil- Wo VOTE AND RE-ELECT boum ne r eport, will be frein the $ 3.ot o $140.00. I have w ' cnjoyed serving an Cucl h ME* ~ ~ E. .~. 'vc stepped on ai tew tocs in the Alfred Gray te iocnme 1have been on fl Ceunilandif I amn elected, n next yeair- if- they 'uticetleln où election day, Monday, Dec. 4th. tocs eut' again 1111 step on et titan again." son Wlsin evryne hecompliments of the season. Fd Couci: "Having serv- rn Wlsingeveyon th 14 years on Council I teed an 1 shoubd beable ta quallty REl with Mn. Adanis, if the peo- Yeu ple wnt swers letthem " VOTE voei or t ndgjbve it ta al them. If hwvr they don't tacl waat scwcrs, then M'I be be- th!$ hind thein and net put sewers arc, bine X in. I wil1 run for council I W L I M , a ethis year." stri Office; I have no axe te gnind, and Candidate for Council nmelap ar ge shave d- cided at this tiane net te rua. star 4tih December, 1967 1 will withdraw my naine."1 Alfred Gray: "I will stand ser% ____________for council this year. 1 have Sci gaincd cansiderable experi- veri ence la tht termni1 served and este undoubtedly there 15 more ta anc learn. We aeudrthe bud- toge LE S E get except for prprty. Wc agre L.~ I took ta clearing out the aid thtn Miii. I'd lk tht people te and support me, and I wiil do my Men NMC S L best.?' thne ýW EW C 5TLE Frank Hoar: "II wax nc thix -t--. .'-' - kflow. the goverame--nt should séor'- 1, We should make wider usc of ticisting help us, this is how if should who recreationai facilities. be. I hope the village will mect Put in a strang Council, and alate have them, fight the govern- Mr attntin t th peple ment ail thcy can and get short 3,We should pay more tetoit h pe their bclp. We'll need it." rnade on fixed'icornes. R. Brentan Rickard: 94I ing wasn't thinking et running quest tuis yean, and arn îtlll unde- buil<- cided, but having heard seme mena V 0 ir àspeaking bctore me, I would ion,: ask Yau to thlnk back 10 It ye Years ago. We needed water talk ad we put it la. Tht pro- onU gressie grewth ls the sarne you 1 H Jo naul over, noewcslloe or Pumps and outhouses just ticntd.Wybte e «m bring to a voe, you've torsi vottd la a Council, put ln a other. I trong anc and let them do-.cen,à det." crs. * M% sJean fluth: "I tt aoal O. those names it makes nriy xt Cei gaed. Only once ln tic tiint I -have derved Il tht P.U.C. have I been cted, the remainder I have le in bY acclamation, and li. not good, it's not tiy. I think tuis Namina- is swcll and I'm just Y morneetthteioder anus 1were always af these EtIngs couldn't sec tht etoaight."P Ir, Stephenson gave a rt repart on thé pnogress le by tht P.U.C., repart. aise thaf they had re- sted a new truck and a diai to bouse the equlp- t. nThere's bilan mention ut a différence et epin- yeu hav, to havc that. FOU can't 'Sit down and eut yaur différent !deao this or any other boardi dan't have a hoalt rd. Ive lived la N e a . a O0 years, and at différent es I have dlseuss.d mat- wlth one touncil or an- w. 1 do arcee wlt and 1 Wingnt 1Cor, = - i' m la thon. fgeting forl Iwon't Iak eevaqatie woman's voce on Couacil hs good. I have hlgh respect for ail those upeaklng belon. m, I ar n ni aver ot sewrs, ac- tion on air pollution. more policing, and the young- poo- plc, we need more for them." Mrs. Madeline Williams: '41 have net yet dclded, I w$l go over tic siate and docide later." Candidates for office of Sciiool Board were tien heard frein. Robert Sheartr, while absent from. thc meet- ing, did send la writtea con- sent that he woul4 rua. Frarncombe LeGresley: "Ten yeans -a practisiag teachcr, I CeI I ceuld quallty In tuis office. I have children at- tcadlng the Public Sehool. and amrn itercsted In tht sciool and education. If you sec fit te elcct me, I shall do my best." Mn,. Pauline Storks, abso absent, sent in wnitten con- sent, that sic weuld rua fer office. George Chard: "I have ser- ved an tie School Board for 10 years and arn very inter- ested in education. I' wil stand again and ask Cor your support. I have had aIl of rny cildren attend this ichool, and thcy. have aII, dont Lvdll. Our budget has been consistent for four years. During that 'urne we have had 130 more studenta at- tending tht ucheai. W. have gane from 7 ta 10 teaciers. We have twe portables; ln 1968 w. will tun one into a Librany, tie other pessibly a Science Roam. W. aise' pro- pose a kindergarten." John Rickard: "'On Novem.- ben.3rd, I resigned atter near- ly 12 ycars on tht School Board. I stated then I might iceand e un for another et- fieadwouid have had ta resiga frein tht Board be- tre doing so. I1arn proud that two members of the Board narninated me, but I ill dedline. We have ai- ways had woaderful ca- )peratian among menibers et fie Board that I have werked miti. When fis aew systean mrnes inta effect where enly 100 boards will serve tic ta- - Urc province, I don't know rhat ýwiIl happen. I hope it foesa't rais. taxes, but I'm t!naid it will just double Yhat they aiready are. It will )e great fer the pupils, but :an we afford it? I hope tht teeve, whoeven he migit be titat tinie, will tight ta lave tht Newcastle Public ihool stay as it hs. It will *ont of the meut up-te-date chools there lu. At this time announce that I will be a !andidate for tht P.U.C. I ýave ne axe to grind, I have erved 21 or 22 years work- g ton tht village, and I rould make an attempt ta do- àe job cxpected et me I1 rould hope to. try and run ings sinoother than I hear ley are now, without all the îction I hear about. I have t) acts,,juat ruinons." At tu tue, Cômtssioner rtht P.U.C. Lloyd Stephen- )n rose ta take exception ta !marks made by Mn. Rick. d. Ht dcmanded that Mn. ickard. ex p aini hinascîf. "We ren't children hene, express )ursebf."1 "t'vc aiready said it, it's 1ieansay and I have no Cts. I will say ne more at is tine," eltfered Mn. Rick- Env McCuilough: 1"I have 'ved with teSho or iring threet dditons, I me abways dont my best, id promise ta do se again. vould like ta run again te efinished the job we have Rrted." Mrs. Margaret Brereton: -I 'ved six yeans with the îool lBoard a d nj ye ui Take Ail Three 10 %bu wv afiof Wishing the seasons gre etings te ail, T'Mte tiig noh-of wch-Bardl years, once again I solicit your support on Monday, Dac. 4th. Thank you, GEORGE CHARD ln the interest of our children and the. taxpayers of the village for sound manage- ment and education progresu, VOTE TO RE -ELECI ROBERT M. SHEARER FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE Support your comrunity, be sure te vote Tlrnt... 8 arn. te 6 p.rn. at tht Commrunity Raill VOTE FOR and REELECT Pauline J.. Storks PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE on Monday, December 4th. I Tht Newcastle Intermediates .stablished themacîlveas ai 'ean tÔ > bè reckaned wlth ln tht Lakeshore Initéïniediate League by winning ail three garnes played Itat week. MnlY ifight they travelled ta Woodvilo and defkated the home tearn 8 te 9. In tht, game Newcastle were off to a fast start and led 6 ta 0 midway through the tirât period. ln the last two periods Newcastle quit skating and Vince Van- stone ln goal inanaged ta hold off the fast skating Wondville crew. Pete McCullough had a fine night, scoring three goals and. checking well thraughout tht game. Ht was followed closely . by Robby Robinsen,î playing his tirât gamne *inai long tirne and scoring twa. John Wilson, Larry Pearce and Paul Wakely each scared sin- glet.. In tht home epener an Tuesday the locale &gain de- feated Weedvile, thus time 7 ta 4. Gusty West and Larry Pearce with twO, 1011lawed by Dean West, Pete McCullough and Robby Robinson, with cne each, were the Newcastle goal scorers. Dean West, Junior and Doug Powell were eut for thet irst time and piayed well. Friday night in Keswiek, tht locals fell behind 3 te 1 at the end of the tirst period. Irv McCullough, filling in for coach Ken Rutan got the teani mav ng eanlUyt in' tht second pernd and from then until tht end It was ail Newcastle, Outscoring Keswick 9 ta 1 in the last two periodi. Paul Wakely was fling in this game scoring four goals. Ht had help train Gusty West, -Robby Robinson and Brian Bradley each with two. Brad- ley played a âtrongý gamne on defence, as he has In ail five gaines this season. Terry Wal- ton and Earl Cobbledick, who did not play at home, were a big help in this game. Newcastle home games are on Tuesday ilght, sa came eut and hclp keep Intermediate To the Electors Village of Newcastle 1 will b. a candidate for Reeve ln tii. tomlng election and I would appreclate your support at the poils en December 4th.' If e1.cted I sinctrely promise t. de 'my but en y.ur behaif to bring better leadership, diinitratlon and preorout. the village. Dl.. UNNGf1 ELIZABETH VILLE Church sorvtce,. ee Canton wit an veraeat- tendance. Next Sunday saeAices ton th~e three charges viii be at Elizabcthville. Mns. Ernct Lee, Peterbor- ough, Mn. V. Peacock'sg sister, in spending a tew days wlth Mr. and Mi,,. Peacock.- Prier te coming here, ah. had been la Oshawa with ici' brother, Victor Peaeock. Mn. and Mrs. Peacock, Oshawa, brought her down to Mr. Vernion peacock' on -Friday evtning and they Mt a tinte wlth M~r. snd ga ecock Mrn.sd Unr. Robent West- heuser, BOWavfl, q.nt tht weekend wlth ÏMi. and Mn.. H. Thlckson. Mr. and Mrs. Dekoker, Oshawa, visit- ed a while on Sunday. Mn. Gwen Baty Lcf fr Californie on Wednesda. W- Sharon Tréw, ýott- tgW*,P 4Mthde weckend th r e taMr. and Mir. Ken .-"e fk t hipbdt at lIm t Jack Mdains dcl faie r 0fCoUncil Cornclir Fohay, Il nlag for Counci ti thon asked t. upeak.1 h. wa ,pltassd toece i ot that they wert ai the' seroumusaor' thal hi "Next yearu Coi A ecailed on to, important deelsions,1 the meut important made. Support your settves, attend thie ilgs If t'i.la posail you, and express you Ions, but give theni a W. haven't accomplis] we set eut to do ti but if tht present pi are carred. out Ne wifl expand. We hiedc ments, of doubts, di mînts and agreemeni 'tht pleasure was ail offer my best wlshes candidates, with a coi growth of'succeas. To The Electors: As 1 arn a candý for-Sehool Board ir commng election, 1Ihi Iy auk for your siqi If elected 1 tan p: l1» only to sierve ye 1 have ln the past t< bestt fMy ability, I lng always inm mmd en the board umder, auspices and-on behaif. Sincerely, -Margaret Brerete rfl b ~ T ii. an alan I'It want la v wr.uvoted I~ N a an t h e d t U r iot ru- I ( ' ) f Pus Amgou yea , < f l f J f l n ( 7 * 'j P C f I~ 1 f i l ry tow n. T he 1 ,a ueald Socil and*I. ~eUJersnl tÈpred te1 o rany Wso gve ware Of Newcatle - A adte Brown, George Colins, EIlott paper and a sà imeet- W-as hadb i h teded Harlen, Agnes Palkner, Mrs. PrOgraml' W uniilors the FireansBail on Satur- Grace Gibson, Mns. Margaret soa, part af )make day evenng. There were 36 Shaw and Ma.marfion Sheilda. ver3l enjoyal perhaps pregent. The banquet was held Because of the electloei on spent. tever ini the Sunday Sciiooi of St. Monday, December 4th, there Our next i I!tPi't George's Anglican Church, will be' no Cubs for either the second We emeet- afewarts they were invited Newcastle A or B Packs. Boys ember when ic for to a social hour at the home of Newcastle A Scout Troop elected for th Ir ozin- of Mr. and Mns. Harold Couch. will meet in. the Llon's 11oom We are glad Rhbeail Mr. and Mrn. Erie Foshay that evening.. Tom Wood ho ehdal nd farnily attended the. 79th Monday's blitz held by St. Mr. and Mn sa year, -itdy o i.Fsa' George's Anglican and New- Carol and ELi S ater, ArtUr McKahon on castle United Church was spent the wee our m hti reo- adthtefirat Urne Newcastlecan-ad .James Gray. vassed for donations to the went to Toron ts, b~ut Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hart Bible Socitty, and whiie tic and broughth 1mn.have returned from a visit exact total la yet unknewn, It W. Fowler hoz s toth ýntinued ithM s Jack Hart and fam18i feit that $100 was raised pial and on uoily, and Dr. and Mns. N. A. throughout the village.'Appre- hlm back agl Mwiro, St. Thomas. Mrn. Rare clation la gratefully exprsscc"- reports that there ls lots of to all who donated and to thel anow Up there. . young people of the. churches On Saturday, Dec. 2nd, who did thc canvasaing. Hv members of the Newcastle This Sunday, marks theHa Pire Dept. will be calling at beginning f Advent, and Rev. .~ a your home for their annual Smith of the United Church-1 1fée "th canvass, asklng for donations will light tht first candle, en- lidte for Muscular Dystrophy. Any couraging &II at home to do and willà ttdonation, however large or likewist. His sermon that rth iaal will be appreciated. You mrorning wîli b. "Peace On todoM mmb. con help, please be ready Earth." Everyone is Invted to .om port. when they ol, attend and will be wecom'. Another Christmas dance is Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Osborne brom- just around -the corner. Do cf Bowmanviile, were Sunday iu as you rememiber ail the fun guesta 'at tht home cf Mrs. Sh.eij oyed at last year's Artificlal Marie 1. Gartahore. oteIce Christmas Dance? IfYo The Pioncer Button Club _____ Wtep. don't, then you couldn't have met at tht home cf Mrs. H.- 1 amn been'among those who attend- McPherson, Uxbidge, tn your ed. Sa don't miss thus next Monday afternaon, November your one.* Reserve your tickets now. 27th. Eleven members and one Wou Setht advertisement cisc: visitai were present. Tht upe- where giving the time and cial display cards were Animal fo un date.. Buttons, and there were many frCu Newcastle frienda and neigh- wid and tame animais pic- S brs in hospital this week arc:ured, fairm animas, horse, )n Mný. Hannah Aibin, Mrs. Jan- dog, sheep and pigs. Pets were WisIi ney Bergsma, Mrs. Bridgett dogs,-cats, rabbîts. Others were turtles, alligators, giraffes, cro- and Hap; codiles, lizards, frogs, toads, FOR SCROOL BOARD tigers, lion, fox, wolf, camel, deer, moose, beaver, aquirrel, VOTE bear, rat, mause, money, ape VOTEand even MAN wvho is tht main ROBE Parncomb Le Gresley, B.S.A., one in tht animal kingdom. P.Ag. ITht December meeting was -____ QUALIFICATIONS: planned for early in the month, December Ilth and a special 1. 10 years toachlng experienee button la ta be wrapped for 2. 3 children attending school tht Christmas gift exchange. THE 3. A ctisen and taxpayer Officers for 1968 were elected. Timef President, Mis, O. K. Osborne, rsptfl 4A slacer. Interest lna datation Bowmanville; Secretary, Mvrs. rsetul IMarie Gartihore, Newcastle; December Treasurer, Mrs. F. Dodwell,' on Council O shawa; Vice-President, Mrs. good value *M. Tuck, Oshawa; Prograrn, ~oi th ulcMMrs. B. Reese, Port Perry; pol n ri experience onfhePuli Editor, Mrs. A. Reese, Oshawa. *At the close of the meeting a sk you to vote and rerelect dainty lunch was scrved. nmvme, NOV. 29, 18 Visiton at FovIen on SU ae~ were Mn. and Mn. Yau~ Oshawa, Mi. and Mis, Fevier, Peterbonougb. ay evenlng the eh Weni nter- ladies ±=omSt. can Church, Per. Perrytown ladies prograrn. Mms. V. 'e an excellent krit concluded the re Provided the 1the meeting. A ble evenig was meeting will be rdnesday ln Dec- officers will be te comlng year. d to welcome Mr. =me again. s. Don Whitbred, Uzabeth, Oshawa, eekend wlth Mr. M<uldrew. Mis. E. Fowler rita on Saturday bis brother, Mr. Newcastle Artificial ice hreamatea CHRISTMAS DANCE Saturday, Dec. 9th la. the Community Hall S4*è per ouple Mld appreciate your vote and support- hing everyone a Merry Christmas îy New Vear, TO THE ELECTORS 0F E VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE forbîds personal cauvau, se 1 wSudd ly solicit your support at the poiu oun 4th. 1 have had 15 years experleuce lmi the paît and 1 feel I can give you ie for your tax dollar. 1 arn for thé à what the people want. Seauon's Gîeetings, FOR PROGRES PROSPERITY AND DOWN TO IARTH REPRESENTATION VOT E A.Fo ORNNESBT Re-elect Reeve E, A. WALTON TO TUE ELECTOBS 0F NEWCASTLE Rorne accmpllshmenta et 1967 Conol art 1. Erought la subdivision, control; M. Removed the olI mil on BaldIwli Biet; 3. Hepti te instal ernent floot la Azeisu that It lasnov produclag a good revenue over a longer period. We expect the atificlal le rlnk yul be runang 3 montha longer than luat season: 4. Built new rosi te Arena; 5. Approxlmately $14,000 was turned ever te the Village by the P.U.C. bW mutual agrement; 6. Thteume et parking tickets vas estabfluhed, videRa hu utopped King Street belag usci et a parking lot; 7. New tables have becu purchasti lor Community 8.Appoluti a Municipal Iaw enferceumt O. Trench and Weed inspectr combin a te h Caretakeru Job; 9. Iteamoveo .4Zg polo which vi!be replaul la# week; 10. £«ian renov ln botter coniiona tisai therhave been for rss. ad tRis aflox' a bai urnt; Thse aboe achlevements are part of sut geai rouai as practIcly a nov Ceuneil. Flaaes are la a RtY ml. eawi thesaeu0end ca4 tement yul show tRai expendltures are la balance wtth imo mal bu preilalel ln sur budget fer 1967. I rqepe.ltully solicit reur voie on Ileeemher 411. __________ E. A. WALTON, I~ 1~,. "-'4"-;-- s.- .~.: statemu% Bowm m M" ý :i w, àm 1 ý 1 1 Colassifi.ds ring serv.d seven years on Council, *t 1 qualify to, ask for your support appreciate your vote., 1 promnise only y best. With 12 yea Schoof Board, I a DougIa.g Frank Hbar FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE.