A Pte-planfifng couuault were convinced of tene 4PépseFederton ~ ï 3..UIege dgrblic U Chuol Teua ,m m k. Fer Ilevdopin mmmmq Sfrs Z someona oter than W.e ognllga new pamt, eariig tô rrlate co- Teeni MembrsipDance and prpoa t foma - ume ofOPerativOly wlth Otiier child. Wb need your asupport Thee A roos! .~ .- umercfpart4cipants lireu, learnng t *Stdic s uar. or the.benefit of eiatli o fOntario'aspMort sot= rgaab rvdn U sapeprte e i f e.aitw.Ti. governing bodies bas -been denonstatins and diPîms 5lten0 lttrasd -acetoller n drsrc annowiced, by Robert E. Se- i areas where there ls no bers. litery&13001 w!! be rulea and at no Urne wlII there cOrd, Aduinhtraàr of Crn- Pricption at thepresent rnucii More thaVia 5UerIêd aflowred anyone under.the MunitY Programs Section of tine".P play,. It làa adfUc.d pru railinluencte of alcohol or havlng the Ontario Departrnent of "Itcan alse Increa the forc ilidren of re-aool as. loili eeaesh hi Education. achlebvrgsi hi Theami oftheFedratonqualitY of leadership trough ii g tliiii1 lxrnixiOir- Posseusion. If he or ah. làaa The fin oftheFedratononce ln au! th.be areas that member, their .card wl!b. were outfined te Mr. T. P. wlil malte Grade.- One ruc destroyèd -and tiiey wl!! fot Fanhig, DIrector, Bowman-.. si-be allowid bak ln. The. teens ville -Recreation Cornrnttee, ~ ~ nFla v~lg1 a-hv lnfe htte ol Corporation cf the Town of enta met an iht havdrnne more thg atlvtiessouwe Bdwnianville, by Mr. Secord ~Wère enr6iled. Since 15 pupilik opem tht atii. tierns orne Who àtateci that, "The Federa- . la tii. Unit Of acconiedation Mothad Purchase the* rn!m- t ion wM! provide a c-pr- --~ under the. present plan there bershlp carda and that the. tive praht h eeo-are Vacanclea for obly savon nlenta wilIl ielP by encourag. meappoaahteutrcsdovelopnmore. Thinfrt seven reglaig. their childt.n te Join. Ontario. tàch port en trations wM lb. acceptèd and There are a num~ber nf Ing body wil! control its own the. li.remider wi g on tie *duits wiio thinkrttwe prog azn but lieW~éhi e en s belon# le mn organ- Win provide a vehiclo where -Tiie flloewlng prions con. to like 5uig to dances, mutual prablems can be aolv- ttt h t g Lomrhi1t- hyaeott aeag cd and long-range plana can * tee wlth iOther. to b.added thmeyare out adteheya good be made". dias need arises: General Chair- limt e rnk hln ae fun;l mn e.William Plercy; sec-.itteusoud' aefn nian, Rev.grms asthey thinir that, ail lIey want ConmuivnithePresogrmasibiitretarY, Mm. William Piercy; o ola g u n rn n bengve h rsosi:îyFinance Chairman. la lgt b toublend thn than by tcOntario Departrnent ..*.Jinto,<tesbb addn ento(gornte t h ea of Education to administer Jnto ak a ohrlngcomnte de);d w. î~I onst c lhe funds under the Federal- maintenance Chairman, 1*0w- ïtics i n to nesadtacet-i Provincial Agreement for; .ard Rowan; Purciang Chair-.nursnr i owns.eaulsot Fitness and Amateur Sport maxi, Gordon Bongard and UM.is îî h elxik w. rndne The province has appropriati.. - ond lSiith. Matéels aPrep. 1iti goo ruesll iielp la ed *200,00 o h-cre aration, la. Allan Johnoton wt odrlswl ept year wliîch cmence on and Mms Gordon Bng et the. ten Out. We would April lot, 1988. wt .]B adalo actinggoayhl ecnetfm tc .;e a ubsdy u a m eant J ck E îbeek eau get frort Jaak Noel Wood, Who ls a cerne ta corne eut ta these expand existing programs prviding nstructonal cnicg qualIfied Nursery School Su- dances. Se core on, kds, j and start new ones,"1 said Mr- and training courses for lead- Pervisor làalais a meniber of ers h e adaaeonsl SecOrci. "Zni order ta provide ers of activities and for ex- thla Stéeinig Ceinutte lnan os u ad r nsl for long range planning and ecutive members of organiza- advlsory capaclty. nw assure that optimum use is lions," hie added. SoMe ef thc ground ruiez Thils la iiow tiese dances being Made of the fuxids, ail Representaîlves ef the vani- drawn u.p follew: AdWinsaon WWei k: requests for assistance will eus sports have been asked te cf a cId tothie urkery 1. Mernbership carda are b. channeiled through tic discuss the propased Sports Sohool wilI b. granted under belng sold t 50epermm prvincial sports gaverning Federation with lie sports thois conditions - (1) Reg,- .whfIh la aecîeaicnb My for that sport. Each body they represent and con- Istratiox fée of $5.00. (2) Ad. 2. Wiexi you have a mcm- sports govcrning body will sider other functions whîch vance payrnent of $2000, due bershlp card the price ef ad- mnaie one submission ta Com- tie Federatioxi cauld assume. on opcning day. (3) ]Regular mission 1a $1.50 - wltheut a muniîy Programs covoing A thrccdyCneoee weekly payrnents cf 85.00 due card tic admission prico wil! nefull year of aperatian, discuss the needs cf sports éach FrldRY for tic felldwîng be $2.00 per persan. from April ist, 1968 ta Marci groups and develop plans ta weok, beginntng tic firat woek 318t, 1969," cxplalncd Mr. meet these necds will be held of achool. (4) Fees must b. 3. 'Fie dances wlll be hcld seeordApi19t2. ai kept four weeks i advanc e very Frlday nigit betweexi jack Eilbeck, Co-Ordinatar governing body will be asked at ail limes, the rebat. to e b 2 of Physical Recreatioxi for le send tWo represenlatives 'nade wîîî froc scîaoling lie 4. Tic graups featured wil! Canimunity Progrma Sec- ta luis Conference. lait four wceka befare gradua- b. top Tarante banda.' lion, said tint over slxty Sparts groups desirlng as-lion. (5) Parents mevixig Your tiraI dance wfil be on sports will be represenled b3r sistance and advice from away wIl! be refunded tic Frlday, Dçcember 15ti, featur- a Sparts Federation. Mr. EUl- Comnmunity Programs Sec- advanc. paymnent, but tiare lng tie Mission' Revue, a 14- bock has tic job af co-ordin- lion are askcd ta contact j.C wIll ho ne refunds for 11drop- piece R. B. band with tire *ating ail of these groups un- Eilbeck, Co..Ordinator Phys uls". (6) Childron betwéen top singera. Si- lie aPes et1 and 6 are eligible. Help us nake tese d nces r e an Ontro po s' yc al Recrt ionP r o gr am s, <(7) Par enta m u t agre th th o P.S. r atIn OtroSot' oiuîyrgaa Sec- rtciat xi1h eprosper and 'shw t a o tin 5 avsStreet,To-arilaeIth scicol pro- want dances cf tlii klnd R. Mr Eilbeck saldl'a Federa- auto 5, Ontario. gramme (asslstlng Supervisor) momber, we need 350 mcmn- lion can hîp icreaso tche_______ or serve on oe eof lhe corn- bers and that Ira aur fun Meim- miIces. (8) Parents are re- bersîîp, se corne on Irids, buy 4-H hiBE HA y ponsîble for transportation aou r carda now and remcmr- -À Ridr. ber Friday, Dec. 151h. Watch Reua lendance ef pupils for more details. A t d 36 hAnglican Church Wernen la requlred, barfing l«O MebrhpcdsMa b Tic Anglican Church Wo. Consistent aboerice wtt Out Mefmbesî ad ny men ai St. Paul's Churci met valld reason w*111resuit bln t ron ( 2at tic home af Mrs. Charles child havlng lo e b.wlhdrawn Maureen Baker 623-2472 (luwlh Mrs. Howard MGiII pre tie, waig list; N child Win Alan Colo 623-2434 One hundred and ftfy-lwo siding. » ho excluded by reasoxi et race Paul Meadows - 623-3561 Sdelegates attending the 36tî Mrs. Nael Wood gave a talk or religion. 'he scîîoo4 *i1n Remember, you and ouly, National 4-H Club Canfcreuce on Mental Healti problems, operatè flvè rnointÉig a weok, you, can mike these dances ended oue of themr busiest w1th apeclal conceru for lie from 9:00 a.m. te 12:00 noan, possible. Let's show lie days Frîday cvcuing in Ottawa usera ai tie 5-cailed pep-up on uchoal days; achool iolldays people lI town liaI these Wlit a liaugit provokiug ad- druga, L.S.D., Spel, Marijuana, wllb bevd FeSpr ., daes are wanted Seyu dress by Dr. H. G. -Dion, Dean, Foe Power, Saif Kits, vison wIll have the rigît to ex. at the $ncFldy4Dcm FacultYai Agriculture, Mac- Spider Webs, Tunes, etc. clude any child for hèalti ber 15th.' donald College, Qebec. Dr "Tiese arc 'the daugeraus reasons. Ail tees siail b. pald Yaur Dance Representatîve, *Dion dlscussed uid rn' ltogli t hla ehut wIicPL________ Themin-mniplatngdrugsa ta ie Fance Chirinan Alan. Cole 4jood Pnoblern" r fd are destroying Young people(Ac ohson) wthceàues step towrds ho eperinen wit the Itte b. made payable te "Mfn relievngl amifor stops low rd s o ho expe ne ut wlt he. ers Nursery Sc oc". a prbes jces to)anle ndhuge s' e drugs aboIish- The next ful meeting et anl OBITtJÀRY Dr. Dion cmpiasized, "We cd." parents and others who May MUSn't Maire a chaice botween Mrs. Mervin Smi had ge Inlerested WIl!!ha held on Mas. GEoRtGE SCOT Population cotrol and in- charge cf the warship service, Prlday, December 8ti at 7:30 "creaued food supply." l pn ndas ea oen"Fi Mi. at tie United Chuci. In failing healli for lire fectlY Possible ladobl our Poppy". Applicationfom for reg- yeans, lie deati occurred at *food Production i tiirty ycars Final plana were made for Istrallon are aval able freini i saaGnrlHsi but ie slated «'xIn iat lime the Senior CtIzeus supper, ta lie Secretàry, Mrs. William on -Monday, Navember 201hl oUi population Wili also dou- be fallowed by bingo and Plercy, Bethany, ont. 1967, ai Mrs. George. Scott, bie. Tierefore Mani must maire cuchre, Nov. 251h lu tie Parisi ------ 1164,i n hon 1 eR.N.Osa , use et bath tiese weapons la Hall. (Orona Io auierc ielteLv mak sretht ie The rail caîl was auswered v umaflSki u ero heMaryJae L- ftewilulh s Iorter y "ow l.ong 1 have been an kna la ay ae , b ru tal or u gly . " ' n glcan ".- h . . . . L u I i a a n J n e 7 , DL 1881cut, a Fyron nt. an Eérller li lie evening mr.l.Carda of tianka for rnmeni-2-Chm Eipiion 1881,arnled A ne On1ta,. SBruce Beer, M.P., Panliamcu b K)rauces were read tramn Mrs. mar dApi 26, 191t lary Secretary la lic Minister DogasSelt and Mn. and Mr. Len Pears cf Orno did George Scott at Tyrone. -She c of Agriculture conveyed off,. Mrs. Edward Hublcy. exceptionaily weil at tihe oa liead lved lu Oshawa since clal greotings le lie galiering TheA ro pnorscnted Ms.Winter Fair recentîy wé.hehrma a0 n aspo * tePrime Minister, fol-rhu llro wîîî lie part- was wre two Bneed Ciiarn- deceased by ion husband Dcc. 0 !owing which ho pnrcsidcd av Een iY of guI a ipary air olpoalafr nnc x i 1 94 MON. DEC 4th IAN SMITH - -valF yionv1ierchant DEPUTry ITOWN RIEE IjCOUNCIL voTgr 8BOB DYKSTRA Roy NKCHOLS Auto Dealier TOW N Qualified people who -con aIV& Voix MONO',. DEC. 4th JOAN- MANN Hos.wif. SCIIOOL .il BEIR VALUE for your TAXa DOLLAR!1 * INSERTED BY Go -Ahead -'68 Comm itee!1 TOWNOF-SOWMAN VILLE An, Election to Fi11 the Offices of Mayor, Reeve, Deputy Reeve., Councillor, Public School'Board Trustee and to r~~~eev h oe fteeetr nBma anat recele t votes of*e ee coroy-and management of the water works and the sewage systems by the Corporation'of the Town of Bowmanvilîe, MONDAY, DEC. 4 The Poilis wiIl be open. from 9 o'clock arn.l and wiII remain open until 6 o'clock p.m. Following 15 *a lis! of the polling subdivisions and the location of the polling places: WEST -WARD POLLING SUBDIVISION No. I Coniprising al that part of the West Ward, west of the centre line cf Scugog Street and Middle Rond te the north limit of the 'Town and north cf the centre lin. of King Street te thé- westerly limit cf Town. Polling place.is located ini the Lord Elgin School Gyninasium PQLLING SUBDIVISION No. 2 CèômpïÏisihg *ail that part of the, West Ward &net' of the contreJine cf Scugog Street and Middle Rond, north cf the centre lin. of Second Street and west cf the centre lino of Hlgh Street exrtended te th, nerth limit cf the Town. Polling place 15 located in the Lord Elgin School Gymnasium POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 3 Comprising. al .that part of the West Ward, east of the contre lino of Seugog Streot, south of the centre lineocf Second Street, west of the centre lin, of High Street, south cf the centre lin. of Concession Street-te Beech Avenue, west cf the centre line cf Beech Avenue, north of the centre lin. cf Lowe Streot, west of the, centre lin, of Tempérance Street to Wellington Stroot and north cf the centre lineocf Wellington Street le Scugog Street. Pollinq'place lu located In the Town Hall POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 4 Comprising al l tat part of the West Ward, south cf King Street frein 1he westerly !init of Town, east cf the 'entre line of Scugog Street, se'uth cf the centre lineocf Welington Street, west of the centre lie cf Tempérance treet extexided south te the centre lin, cf the unopened road llowance cf- Scugog Street and west of the centre lin, cf lie unopened rond allcwance of Scugcg Stroot extended outi te the southerly limit of Town. NORTH WARD POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 5 Comprising thnt part cf the. North Ward, cash cf 1he centre lin, cf High Street extended t thie north linit cf the Town, north cf the centre lin, cf Concession Street between High Street and Liberty Street and east of 1he centre lin* àf Liberty Street to the ncrth limit of th. Town. Polling Place la located ln the LordElqin School Gymnaslum POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 6 Comprising tint: part cf 1he North Ward, east of the centre lino cf Liberty Street from the forth lmit cf the Town to Churclk Street, a'Orth of lie centre linocf Church * ,Street, gut cf lii. centre lino cf St. George Street and north of the. centre lino cf KIng Street to, 1he eaat limit cf 1h. Town. Polling Place la Iocated at 48 Church Street IPOWLNG SUBDIVISION No. 7 ComPrising liat Part of the North Wnrd, south cf the centre lino cf Concession Street, west of 1h. centre Une or Liberty Street, north of th. centre lin. cf Carlisle Avenue, west cf 1h. centre lino cf George Street, north of lhe contre lune of King Street teTemperance Street, east cf th. centre Uin. cf TeMPerance Street, south cf the, centre lin. cf Lowe Street and eist >0f the. centre lino cf Beec Avenu, to Concession Street. Po1lig Placet10 locat.d ln the Town Hail POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 8 Comprising that part cf 1h, Ncrth Ward, onst cf 1h, centre lin, cf George Street te Carlisle Avenue, South cf 1he centre line of Carlile Avenue, west cf the centre lin. cf Liberty Shooet te Church Stroet, south cf the centre line cf Church Street, west cf the contre lin, cf St. George Street, and north cf 1h, centre lin, cf long Street mcm George Street te St. George Street. Polling place 15 located at 48 Church Street SOUTH WARD POLtING SUBDIVISION No. 9 Ccmprising that part of 1h, South Ward, eat of Temperance Street extended scuth te the unopened road aliowance of Scugog Street, euit cf the centre lin, cf 1h. uncpened rend allowance cf Scugog Street, north of the centre lin. cf Durham Street extended te lhe uncpened road aiiowance cf Scugog Street, west cf the centre line cf Brown Street te Queen Street, ncrth cf lie centre lin, cf Queen Stroet te Liberty Street, west cf the, centre lin, cf Liberty Street and aouth cf 1he centre lin, cf King Street te Temperance Street. Pollinq place lu located li the Ontario Street School Gyminasium POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 10 Comprlsing liaI part cf 1he South Ward, west cf the. centre lineocf Liberty Street, seuth cf the centre line cf Queen Street te Brown Street, west cf lthe centre lineocf Brown Street to Durham Streot, south cf the centre lin, cf Durhami Street extended westerly te 1the unopened rend alowance of Scugcg Street, east cf the uncpened road allcwance of Scugog Street and north of the centre line of Park Street extended westerly te the, uncpened rond nllcwance cf Scugcg Street. Polling place Is located li the Ontario Street School Gymnasium POLLING SUBDIVISION No. Il Ccmprising liaI part of 1h, South Ward, east cf 1he centre lin, cf Liberty Street, south cf 1he centre lin, cf King Street, west cf the centre line cf Simipson Avenue and ncrlh of 1he centre lineocf Scuthway Drive. Polling place Io located lI the POLLING SUBDIVISION No.'12 Comprluing tint part cf the. Southx Wnrd, souti cf the centre lin. of King Street to the east limit cf '1he Town, casî of 1h. centre lin. cf Simpson Avenue, south cf the centre lino cf Soutiway Drive, eust cf 1h. centre line cf Liberty Streelt t Park Street, south cf the centre lin, cf Park Street extended to tie unopened rond allcwnnce cf Seugog Street, caut cf the centre lin. cf lhe unopencd rond aliowance cf Scugog Street to thc scut i mut cf the Town and north cf the MacDonald -Carier Freeway. Pollig place lu located i the Memorlal Park Clubhouse POLING SUBDIVSION NO. 13 Comprlsing al cf 1hat part cf lhe South Ward south of the MacDonald - Carier Fr.eway. Polling place lu located ln the L~ I.BYRON# ReturnÜng Offîcer. - 1 1 1 ý Il ý lu .1. , 4 1 ý 'Il Il ý 1967